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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Mar 1927, p. 4

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OLDSMOBI LE , _ Runawwmpnu MHMMM“ muIMuvuth-m - mama-manna. OLD SMDBILE. CHECK THE KNOWN FACTORS OF MOTOR CAR MERIT NOW IN Mrs. Georges Llphardt. Young 81., Waterloo, entertained at It Thimble Tea last Wednesday. Mrs. M. S. Hallman has returnid from a visit or seven] due in Brannon]. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lone. The absence of Her Excellency the Viscount“: Williudon, owing to bar recent “a homvemont In the de.tlg of her Biautr, the My lube" Merton, w" the one duh wot ot the otherwise humus: (“G “on and many werenthe exprenlonl of sincere sympathy exprouod for Hot Excellency n III In a blag at an all me that manta-uni!“~ tit no luau m tn Ottawa at an m I m can. “all.“ tr tho an” at a. Banana! Alth- .. played by no Governor-Gaut- ah flotsam Band. hand an boo-11‘ of tho (an on New Point and It!“ ma "ably and dtqtsittmt antranoa ot Wqeoent WB. uagdon, Canada'a ram-alumna ot Hla Majesty the King, “and“ by " Ital. Into tho chamber to boll his (in: Drawing Room since man- In; tho wanton ot Governor-Geno!!! ot Canada. . 'tt)ljoaretheftims Every Bell Telephone (a a Long Diatam Station. Such firms depend upon the telephone, because it enables them to be alert. Those who use the telephone the moat we necessarily the most alert. Many subscribers whg used to think they ha to make Person-to. Person calls now find that they reach the gel-son the? want with 'station- o- Station calls. They are quick- er and cheaper. That is the question every good buyer asks himself before estab- lishing a new connec- tion. Other things being equal, his an- swer is, "The firms that are most alert to solicit business and fill orders." Steering JDrsutrie-6%et, Low. Gravity Frame "utr Shift Tun-mil- non JTwin- Beam Hend- lnghu. Controlled From ttteerln. Wheel {Lustre Nickel Plating JDuco Finish (Benny of line and complete "ple'; menu in "her bodies . . .and many other haunte- of demomtrated worm. ing Contrél - - 130 x 5.25 BalloonTirel I Balloon-Geared Lubricat'imi 7 WV" “Horned C linden 'lliogT.'y"efll'llt'f,r, _HAst- BOBBIN GARAGE & ELECl‘RlQOO. 189-141 King St. t. . . Hum tot D ge‘fltios lmxgisgia‘ J on e- a ve my {Silent Timing (gain JFII" Automatic Spark Control 'rT1rrtsyytrtie. Charr Cleaning J thang" lo“ Filter BreBr. VFour~Wheel Brakes VHarmonic Balancer VTwo-Way Cooling “Tiaras-Wax Pressure JL-Head Six-Cylinder Engine JCrankcue Ventiluiont 3'22. JDual Air oil wnnLoo, out. E. E. RElCl-IHELD mum"; thet. See the New Oldsmobile Six at only 3 to 4 oil chum I Var. ahd. P ; Wimrmdonu Plan Tour l Through Women Province. Their Excellencles the Governor- ‘General and Vincounleu Willingdon "I‘m-e to leave on." on Saturday. , March 19, on An extended tour ot [Western Canada. It Is proposed to :‘pny a similar visit to the Maritime ;Prov1ncea In July next. i In making thls announcement to- iday. officials ot the Governor-Gen- ieral'a Dulce said their Excellencles , would stop on at all the Capitals of _ the Western Provinces and moat ot ‘ tlMLPrineipal clues. It was proposed 1 to return to Ottawa about Mar I. o , Miss Annette Seagull/and Miss [Jameson ot Waterloo _have been, [guests recently with Rev. A. L. 6.: , Clarke and Mrs. Clarke at St. John‘s] , rectory, London. Ont. quality, A lot ot very cheap tea has re- cently been placed on the market. This tea _is mostly very Inferior In we regret to say has been suffering trom a severe attack of pneumonia. Latest accounts are more encourag- ing however and bright hopes are now entertained tor her recovery. Mrs. Doriand of Toronto is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Cunning- ham, Allan St, E., visiting her als- ter, Mrs. Cunningham, senior. who The members ot the Dorcas Soeie ty on Wednesday contributed largely to the pleasure of the students at the Waterloo Seminary by a gener- ous shower of home baking. in London last week. According to RS. Inspector Rogers, this is one ot the finest schools in Ontario, and it is a grim} addition to London's edu. cational plant. The citizens ot On- tario 'etterally will approve ot mum ing a line school in honor ot so dis. Llngnishel a citizen nd so great a nubile new“; " 'iilf'2ld Beck. London's New Collegiate His Honor the Lietttertaitt-Gover. nor opened the “no new Sir Adam Beck Memorial Cirnetriate Institute MANY POOR TEAS NOW SOLD St. Saviour: Ken‘s cio held n meeting II the It. Saviour- Purl-h be" In! Manda: evening. The win- clpel twin of the evening wu Rev. C. w. Foreman who gave a 1111th Interesting talk on the " tiomtlistie Movement In China, Pree- ldent C. Ziegler presided over the meeting. In. Our Run)“ In tho hon- tou of I much enjoyed um: Tea and bridge on Tuna” of In! week. In. lulu. who“ “In I: and Impmnd. I. "it tn on.“ and will mum- to Kitchen an. took. “It. All-lul- ad can not“: at humt II m Hon. W. D. III" mu a “yin: rim to latch-9r In: ward”. In. 1.1 m at Ton-lo at I111. a.w.».uuu.w..u... o! “mum t W m‘ywuyuumu - an ttttttttfret' Mu mummy-mu NNYM'I. WF-‘mwuci-l . , ”I - m I my! 135‘ Il': Ae er: {any}? mm. Fol-condo and otbw "can if CONFIDENCE BUY OLDSMOBILE 07.1". Even the FIRST spoonful ot " "yrihtt "Haven 3“ 1nd often m. movea "10mm“ Amount at on was“ mum from (no ”It... In. m mo! 70:" unit - in hotter. No must what ya IIW tr'" far ”I? name! Ill but, - will arm-0’ m. bur-'1 Drill Ito". "I hid an no bad I had to to! up nmm- on account ot the prelim on my hurt. I mod Adlai-In and hue been entirely rtrttevsd."--At. P. Kruger. Stomach Gas Drives Man From Bed The Hillside Poultry Farm bl! again opeied up their hatchery for the xenon running at full capacity and hare already booked some very In” orders. Primer B.- Erma Dietenbncher. Jean Lain. Grace Tom-n, Mute Hie- bert. Ross Bowman, Ruth Snider‘, Russel Saluberry'. Mildred lamen- sehlturer', Milton Schwlndl’. Gianni: Musselman‘. Alice Spaetzol. _ M. l. Nichol, (Tanner) Primer A.--Erma Lautemreh%rer, Doris Bechtel, Lorne Einwachter, George Struck, Clare Elnwachter‘, Arlean Lautettschlatrer.. mm Class-Total mark sin.-Arl thea Bock 517. Donald Cripps 514.] Hal-0| Leis 433, Ward Becker us.’ Omar Latttensch1atter 447. Hilda Kavelmnn 402, Domud Koehler 384', Gerald Lauttmsehltuter 257'. Lydla Goettlinz Me. . Halters 467 . Jr. H. Part lr-Total mark 900--. Katle {Hebert 754, Delmar Struck 682. Perry Bowman 635, Ross Toman 577'. klvlla Schwass MM, Gladys Sr. ll. - Er'nma Lautenschlager, 73.7; Florence Schmidt, 75.7; Doro- thy Koehler, 65A; Nial Lauten8chla. ger, sih: Elmer Jacob, 60.6; Jacob i"iirer,i"r'i, 58.2; Carl Buck, 56.9; Julia iLautenschlnger. 56.6; Percy Bechtel, 54.6; Margaret Becker', Lealand Spaetzel‘, Gertie Musselman‘. J. C. Wilker, (Teacher) . Junior Room Junior II. Part L--Total mark 900 --Mttriei Path 817, Alta Biol“ 814. Delphine Kavelman 647'. Myrtle Becker 64M, Orville Elnwachter 304’. Sr. IiI.--Jotsiah Baer, 76.6; Irene Sherk, 723; Ruth Bowman, 65.7; David Berger", 48.]; Verona Wit. mer', Arthur Schwindt‘. Jr. Ilu-Ralph Toman. Iii); Elgin Tuman, 54.9; Willard Svhmidl, 48.3; Willard Becker. 51.1; Dalton Spaetzel. 48.9; Prlscll- la (illdner. 46. School Report Report ot New Dundee Public School tor the months ot January and February. Those marked with an asterisk were nbsent tor one or more examinations. Senior Room-sr. lV.-Jnhn Bru- hacher, S3; Edna Goetmng. 72; Ken- neth Lautettst'ttlager, 70.6; Florence Sararas. 68.3; Reta Jacob. 65. Ruby Bechtel, 56.3; Wallace Tommy Jr. iv.---)) Father. 77.8; Elgin Itrulrar'her, 77.4; Ruby Koehler.;70.5 Skating Party-They Rusevllle Jun. ior Farmers held a skating party at the New Dundee rink on Monday night. Everyone enjoyed a good time. Mr. P. L. Becker spent the week “ml at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Smeuel and daughter of Vineland spent the week end at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spaetzel. The Men's Club held their banquet at the New Dundee Hotel, where all enjoyed a splendld time. Mr. and Mrs. Shiry and mmlly of Kitchener spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Leia. Mr. Gordon Hellman took a bush ness trip to Drayton on Monday. (Too late tar last week) Miss Mary Hilborn and Mr. Ivan Hilborn motored to Toronto on Tue:- day. lay at "t-M10---mmry Rata's nu: mm here In I buy place not. an”. With the wood. so My thinned out In "all put at tho au. try one wonder: when nu the [on can. from an no plied up In the nuns. The veal-u navy", Loni: Bummer, who hrhnndlod an lov- an tor may winters use, U'on the job as usuAL One veteran wood-nan Joshua B. Baum“ also did his bit again in the bush; He In- aho boon on the job tor many years put. Condition "et-d-Bar. I. W. her who In continuum.” nth I severe lunch at New In. ttiq friend: will be (ltd tir, learn. Ibis to be around um. _ .1thahuttttotttro.toeet- my": " well " m (Nut-L m I um. um wan-uh I. Input on a. an ill "cit. My“! "_-tttation “out Johnson In: on hunky”. vook'l hon-1|”. . Wanna-now m an - uni: mun Wnorloo chm - _ adiiiGiiiiii' - _.,..,. WALLINOTIIN NEW DUNDEE The MI " In. Both-h - m VI“ "not to Inn no in has an". m, in ion for Mr and] “than. i In! fro- an - m tMM.sstetetdbrNtneB.tetrtt. but Wotan. River Wm "er-TM not! up." mule (ho “an in a. Ooh-loco they rt.. ”It. hit I!" has! in put all In . will 00-0!th min. Much -tre-otsr school In: been closed during the we two or three ween " more of the chlldron were down with maul.- or cold; School work w“ remind min on Mona". nominal-0d lleIIOlI of the children I. quite A cot-hack, how- soever. with an hurl] mutation of the (union. - uld man“. the lost “me an be and. n mm. The In! “and par-om all do qrtitar, I Mt to - chlldm In mm stud- lu. ( an! Winn- Weather-Br the w" this winter hae had In buck broken, so to sunk. quit. 3 number ot times. but It than com” up mulling. This In a lesson tor none ot nu, II It not, Should we not try to come buck smiling :1th to! lunch? Wench" Cout-Pretty cold "ttitt, was It not? Down Maw zero the othgr My. But - mind, spring la only a Mule 70 on. Special Service. - The Women's Auxiliary are lining their annual thank altering panics in the United Church on Thursday evening, Mar. 17th. and are premring a. very in- teresting program. Among other In- , (creating number; a pageant entitled "The Challenge ot the Cross" will be given. Mrs. Crow, ot Guelph. also will be there to give I tshort.4tddreas' There will be no admin-ion toe and everybody is invited to come Ind en- Joy the proxy-Imus. l Mr. and Mrs. John Burnt: and son Reginald of C1sntresvittes spent the other day at Pleasant View. Miss Katie Schwum ot Kitchener _spent the week-end " the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Keheth McAlllsler. Mr. Dom. Geek: ot Owen Sound is, spendlng this week with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hema- man. Mr. Henry Garth of Kitchener Sun- dayed with his friend, Mr. Jerome Helntxman. Mrs. lrwln Shepherd at Kltchenor spent last Tuscan the guest or Miss Maggie Mayer. Mn. Nawhew about some time w th her daughter, was Boyle New- ber tit srraeis)tititis': Pturiihur home the latter wthtist' 'wade. Mrs. Goeu'nnd hon, Mr. Alfred Goetz ot Owen Bound returned home last Monday due} spending a week at the home ot her sister, Mrs. Joe Helntzman. _ Mr. Wm. smug-nu ot Frauen spent a few days last. week with his sister. Mn. {Emu Snyder. who ho been seriously " - Miss Lottie Ballard ot Mtsorertuld, principal of the Public School at Alma. spent the other week-end with her friend. Miss Myrtle Waite] at Pleasant View. Local New: Not“. Rev. A. Grunwlld and Moan-I. Henry W. EbeL ‘M. C. Schweitzer, Vat Glen and W. ti. Rommel-10h were on an inspection will! to Kitchener on Saturday afternodn, representing a committee of Bt. Matthews’ Luth. eran congregation. ' Mr. "eott W. Barrett“: hu been laid up for Joint-l can. Jake's friends hope that he my noon be able to be up sud about nun. Mr. Wm. Dalian of lirmo upon: Saturdny afternoon lumen: relatives and friends herb; Hund- hero and In the vicinity. Mr. and In. Jonah Schultz Ind family of 'tly.tira wore visiting " the 'mo or'lfr. um In. Win. Kurt over Shim. spud n "eit.ihno with iL%ili pm” In} _ ptUr mum. sud tripttO here and In the vicinity. VIII-co. no!” uni-d at the at. John'u but” m. Wat. 01100.0. In“: um rat. in. C. s. Rob-m may. Local and w? - ‘ Mr. Peter B. Maul-An. MI“. in making his mu] round " "os.) out. lil- Humr'ot‘Iboi is small; I short time visiting with her mm In Tnviltock. T Mr. Henry _ttirets or Kinney. Mich., huxgrri’yod Int week to Mmchm no u-Att-ttma.,-.- '“MMmhhu rock’s I... than no no” fill " we: Ila-II have)... a in “Hiram!“ l olph Run or m”? LU" Into “It. “may at '.e.atrma..t.tt.tsttee MIMI-nu Mid-madman; et"ietttut.tseser.arsi. - It WWII“. RIC- HAWKE.VILLI BLOOMINGDALE 'r"tmtnmmtuttrmmunmont"uttt:uuuttnnttmtttmtutttnnunntm 'tuttmttnttttttttttttttttttttutirmmmnnmmm Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herner visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch on Sunday. Mr. Joe Schweitzer made a bum ness trip to Waterloo on Saturday Miss Loretta and Dorothy Kien. F Mr. and Mrs. George Lorentz and Mrs. Louis Stemer and son Leander spent Saturday with Mr. and Mum Anthony Rumig. News Notes. Mr. Arthur Lee ot Kitchener spent th_e week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jan, usturdotf. Mrs. Richard Cornell and sun Jack of Toronto are visiting relatives, here. Mrs. Forbes of St. Jacobs spent the week-end with Miss Reta Hem. merich. Enjoy loam Afternoon. - The Lamar Ald ot the Pfesbyterlan Church held its meeting " the home at Mrs. Goo. P. Macho last \Vednes~ day afternoon with a large attend- ance, The ulternoon was spent. In qujltlng. utter whieh lunch was nerv- ed and a social hour spent. Person-II. T I Funeral Lindy Attended. - The 1funeral of the late Wm. Ari". who mused “my In! Tuesday at the home at his eon. Wm. Arias, It Kit. chener. was held Int Thursday nttornoon to the Methodist cemetery here. The peliheerere were Wm. Aria, and Peter Aries, John Mickie of Kitchener. Wm. Befoggle of Guelph.~Johu Millard end Benjamin Millard ot Winterbourne. Much sympathy in extended to the bereav- ed rettuiettts. I mae'. M has. In about II an! O: Idiom indication, annulm- nu colic. M M “an“; m n cold- amd cun- plo hm: Ito-‘00.. haul-(MI! do» and a'"e a. dreaded tooth- ln: not!“ out. he Inm- my» one medicin- (but a not!" an I". he! mm on“ with pence: at,” u any are manhood to " (no no. mutton: an”. M we sold by Bit modicum dealer: or by lull st " can" I box tron The Dr. Wil- lhm Medicine Co. Brockvillo. Ont, “' lili- " an an red, ‘W’Ovnhhloumlblhd mummmnmn unwed at and: hat-ml an. ”ma-mm'ommm "ti+tastseNrtnaarsi-r.tmi. ”hm-am "tu-riot-mt-trs t""t'tattroie,mrutuetart.snts English mum for Home Dunn". Chlldren‘n wear, Uniforms. em, in mm and White llrfDOl. In! column. regular Me tor 'ver-rr.'.,..,.),.,.),. All- 150 pieces New Spring Ginghnmn. In tncy plaids, checks, stripes and plain. every piece In smut-teed; fast colors. " to 40 In. wide. Prlco per yard and [ 20c, 25c, 30c 45e NEW IHIRTINGS A big range of English Shlrtlngs. in nurrow und medium stripes. used for Men's and Bore' Shirts. Ladies' Dresses. ohm. fast colors, 32" wide, Price per yard 'Pr, (rNF .F_WrN.t,r, 'rt _ 50e See our new Broadcloth in a wide nugget colors. fine weave, trood.qtutlity. guaranteed but colors, M" wide, Price per yard and 45c, 75c $1.00 The latest New York styles, no two alike and prices so low you cannot afford to miss them.. $2.98 $3.98 $4.50 to $5.50 PHONI IN ALL DDTO. New Spring Fabrics that embodyithe newest . materials in a beautiful array of" colors. /buere fhmrornr an; Spring Fabrics Inningméo SUNFIBH LAKE WINTERIOURNI PLAIN COLORED BROADCLOTH for Home Sewing Week NUROEO' OALATEA' SPRING GINOHAMS Many more besides a Many more beaides a few mentioned below. Our New Millinery Department I Pleasantly Emu-ulna. - The ‘Young People were entertained at (t'h"e' home ot Mr. and Mrs. Harvey {Melluer last Prlitur evening. Pro. (1tl'1'f croklnolo was played. :130 Pther games and slnglng. Lunch was {served and all had 1 pleasant social : evening. . Miss l. Buttrum upon: this week- end wlth her parent- ln Hunllwn. Send Glowing to Afrtea.--Ttu, Wo. men's Auxittiary held “I monthly meeting Inst Thursday " the home ot Mrs. A. E. Rickart. A lilo was packed for Africa. Lunch was lerved azdhe close ot the meeting. Mr. Abraham Behott mid . short can with Mr. John Ouch on Mon. day. and spent and” “Th their trud- parents. Mr. and In. Fred Klu- Ippel. - Mr. Alb." RurrrU of Waterloo spent Monday with In: brother, yr. Anthony Ruling. KITCHEN“ ONT. Suggestions C, . BRICKER - GERMAN, CO. LTD. ART Bar6ttB--tr.s . In. my to clone tron. M" use. I Rahn ty Co. to a. In! am no. w....-....'..-............ a. a a. a uu'"B-""-uesw-etrteutmriattti.. " In. HEAVY PM)!" In Mitt “I O "_...-...-.. .0 a COTTON BATTING Alumnus m at": h I We '"ror't'---s-iom..ot-aot t'aar't-iet_ruiasee-.sa-,.siug/ -"'tt'-re-'t.tmer "'"e"mtet't.ttt-rth,-' '-t.h.vultttrtr-- . W EST MONTIOII New “until-nu. See our new Spring shipment of Bed Spreads in Silk and Cotton, Linen Towels, Bath Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Linen Towelling, Embroidery Linens. Oxford 1rit.'tiJyrsa.r'1tnneuttes etc. All on display for Thi, Week. NEW PMNT! We are selling a lot ot Printn this Henson, ”lung be I yard cheaper than last xenon. in Huh! and dark colors. lncludlng Creams, Price Mr yard NFr'F_'FPw_PNFr_trtr "e, an- ma np _ fPrtrremYarwDrmrPatrricts, sun proof and tut, proof colon, new goods free if colors run or (ads. This in the guarantee tttat goes yrith this cloth. Ask to see It. All colors. strip”, 55 checks Ind plain. M" wide. _ Price per yd. c ILEACHID COTTON We carry I Inge rinse of Bleached Cotton, and Long Clown. snowy White.,nne ttttish, M" to M" wide. Price pdt FBrd, PLAIN COLORED cmDERELLA Plum Cinderella, In shades of Pink, 81 Conan. Tan, Band, etc., last colors, 32" wide, Price F'"""""'.'..'-...-...,..........,....,.,. p...- r, 18c, 20p Me " to 35c Tx'r'i'; y A'; DEVONOHIRE FABRICS Waterloo “8. “a. "A. In _ A compound fracture or the ankle was sustained try Mrs. Les Shelley. Kitehener, when she fell on the lee The church, which will cost about $30,000. will have a sealing cabacliy of about 260 ,rttile, the basement will sent about 150. st. sad It I: expected that the ene- tlon of the church will ho can» mowed about April lat. " I: anticl- p-ted that it will be may for occu- pancy shout Noe. lat. The dimen- sions ot the lot on which It I: to be built m " by "tpet. The church In giving the town . strip of land eight feet In width on the west side ot the property um In return itt get- ting . strip on the northeast corner. This was done In order to squqrs " the lot. 25c, 30e ttnd Me uni-warm cannon " than NEW £0"ch The convention ot tho wartqrioo Pmbyterhn Clutch In: conga-tad plan. tor the in: qrditiee G ho erected on the property Inn-chum when: to the town lull on Brtr "'a1kr"'ifll"iGrieoossaoe -e6.a.ttr heet6iuuutse pm" “moi It's great to be young-ond to wear FRACTURED ANKLE tutu-u a! “longs. Waterloo ' Sky Blue AY' 45c " it Wrt

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