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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Mar 1927, p. 3

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__, Suits and Overcoats ,b tuiGeiaar the Last Day of the ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE .htt.theotqtortaenitrlasu. $25 end 828 Quality $30 and 885 Quality With quality in every thread those Suit! And Overcoat: presented in two group- oler pore nine then you probably expect to obtain. Authentic nylon. likable and wound. “brie: And superior workmamship, you get the- . in then Ipechl ale garments. Fabrics of thse texture and of the hunt ”Items. They If! expertly tailored to keep their line upmar- uoo “(I lulu that will appeal to the taste of disscNtnimultttt men and young lea. Weights, color: and patterns suitable for all you wear. Blue to In men of all builds, regular. afoul. long and short. An unusually line lot ot suite at this price. nines most ir':';)';',).) were selected for their extra veering, qualities. excellently tailored Andi late urine, extra service In every, unit. size: 10 to 17 years. priced reawnebly tow tor tutttrday. I LONGI! QUIT: $13.50 Suns with tingle and double Mounted styles, coal, vest, a pair and: long pants and bloomers. tub weave- in Hue. grey and tan. luau ' to 15 years, exceptlonal qual- ity at this price. For little boys' mlddy and Balkan styles ot Btttt quality In blue, tan and brown neatly trimmed, sizes , to g years. two specill groups Saturday $4.50 and $535 novo- amuse: In to tt.06 Stripejl Ind checks in attractive colon, also plan: while, sizes 6 to 10 years. Shirt: with separate collars. new colors In checked and striped pat- terns, sizes " to H neckbantl. __ IOVO' CAP& 98: and $1.50 Sprung marl-.13 and colors in new shapes, extensive variety. Advance opening ot new hats tor" _ those who meet spring halt way, a FOR Mi8SES, CFHLDREN a BOYSl vast array embracing every imagin: Misses' Gunmetal Oxfords, solid able tstyles. tho best spring shapes in l leather. new lasts. sizes ll to 2 52.25 the correct colors, plain and taney, Chihiren's Black Calt Lace Os- hands. wonderful values at (hes! _ tords. sizes b' m ttt T.r.____r'tt-V__ ___-. $2.351 sperm prices. Boy's Black and Brawn nut Highi $3.50 and Muro Shoes. sizes 1 to a __. ....rrt ...r__ 33ml Glasses atHalf Price 2 BLOOMER SUITS $7.95 No-but we cut: give acoura‘w and careful service at reason- able prices, Gordon's Goal Glasses Satisfy GEO. w. GORDON, 0.0. Optometrist Pinon. 2777w _ so Ontario as. s. Kitchener IOYS' SHIRTS $1 Ahead 'm(tjfitiiiii,is1tgig,1e As in S 0th e mance M by this Dru-tic Clearance of Menu Quality Apparel JUVENILE SUITS SPRING HATS $15.90 m TWO SPEGAL VALUE GROUPS See the Hupmobile Eight today, if you would know the renter value made possible by the worfd’s Ingest straight- eight production. Augmented in beauty and luxurious up- El'lh'l2e', refined mechanically, this ight alone explains the new and grow- ing interest in multiple cylinder cars. Especially to those accustomed to paying more for purely individual 1f'J,',1l,2'i'feei the striking lines of l upmobile Eight closed models will have instant upped. Wheels are smeller end the roomy bodies lower; graceful, compact lines hive been attained without "critice of younger comfort; equipment tea. at HUPMOBILE E I GHT hull-381.. to tt.50 collars, new striped pat- Buddell Garage - King St. N. THE DISTINGUISHED Fourteen Distinguished Body Types - priced "on 32715 " $5795 '.o.b. Windmr. Cultom loci" damned and built by Dietrich. Mgr) wlto are particular about the appearance or their feet will be glad to get stylish thte quality shoes rm- a good deal less than they are really worth. Black and tan shoes or Oxfords in new lasts and leathers 1s,t special values 'NF.. .. $5.95 to $6.95 MEN'S OXFORDS $4.95 Bal have Oxfords in new shades of tan, also black spring lasts having style and comfort. Saturday wlll be a day of Wonder- lul Values in Ladies' Footwear. For work and dress wear, exten. give showing In all the favored weave: and tnhrlcs. Women's Black Kid Lace Oxfords. rubber heels _""""'.""."-'-"'......---. $3.95 Women's mack Satin Strap Pumps French heels .'_'_er.'._"...r_._r_.rrr..r.t. $3.95 Women's Patent One Strap Pumps military heels .'_,___.'..tt..., 'tre-t__.,, $3.95 Women's Patent Lave Oxfords. low heels ."r"_.'_'F'_'r"r'__-_w-__r.rr.etNet.. $3.95 Women's Brown Calt Lace Ox. tords. Ctthatt heels "'_"_'m_"srr-r_-'me $3.95 Death of J. w. Btthierholtz-Thp death took place on Sunday. Fell. 27th of John W. Schierholtr. at his home two miles east or Elmira. Thrs funeral was held on Wednesday. he- reased was born in New Hamburg November 25. 1851. He married Ella:- abeth Obliger in 1892 who sttyvires with one son and one daughtor. OXFORDS AND STRAP PUMPS, Qualifies to $6.00 Cloth” Cm MEN’S TROUSERS $23.25 Phone 580 FOUI‘WEA R $3.” to 87.00 ELMIRA $3.95 at me: inside and out reflect the highest sand-Ids of custom-built cars. To distinguished beauty is added new ease and perfection of control. All dials are grouped on a single late under glass an indirectly lighted? An improved heat control is operated from the dash. Headlight switch is located at top of steering wheel. When you examine the many new features of the latest series Hupmohile Eight, when on add to them the superiority 'ol'llV/lfol,'i'd smooth. ness. performance and low maintc. nance cost, you will renlize why thousands Ire turning to thiscar as the tianl expression of motoring luxury. 'll'i'.echi' Latest Di: o 1 In. curl“ Bcrnun ”on: u law any. vim to ' hunter, Mn. Pimp Romluer at Eunln. - In. Autos Etrg ”out A tear dun with In: Caught», In. Edvard Gumball u imam. Miss Benn: Gingerfets, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Glnurlch. un- derwent an operation [or append!- cm: and in doing as nicely as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. w. Reinhardt attend, ed the funeral at the late Mr. I Schierhollz at Elmira on Wednes day. Rev. and Mn. Oliver Snider u- lended the lunar“ of the In. Mr. Wendell Hunt: at WUmot on smur- day. Mite Beatrice Ziegler spent Satur- day with the Mlsses Barbara and Helen Reinhardt. Mr, Arthur Eby is spending some time with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Amos Eby. F Misses Evelyn and Margaret Bow- man and Mr. Edmund Bowman spent Sunday with friends at West Mom Mr. and Mrs. Ea l Miller of North “(outwith and Mr and MTR. J. t. Ott were the guest q of Mr and Mrs. I. " Snyder on siuuiay. Mr, Sam Umbach spent a low any: with Mr. and In. J. B. Bunyan. and other American they will spend some tives. Miss Olive Sinner returned home after slaying two weeks with her sister at Linwood, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dieholl and Mr. and Mrs, Otto Stoeser of Ram- Perg spent lasl Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Strauss. - Mr, Metrno-ltotlt spun! Friday at: ternmm with Mr. and Mrs. Emil K ion‘i me Mrs. Axum Sterner and family Mr. Joe Slouser tert lurk Frieburger for spent a day last week mm Mrs Simon Wagner. Messrs. Prank 'Dvntirurer and Jer- ome Lunt spent Sunday with friends in our burg. Mr. J. K. Schmim the assessor paid his annual visit in our burg last week. Mr. Henry Slower visited with M r. John Rimlnl ot S.t Clements who i still "onfitttrd in his bed. Mrs, Theresa Schneider bought a valuable farm from Mr. Noah Stein- man who will hold a sale Mar. M. Mr. John Ellert has returned home after spending some time with rela- vin-s in Waterloo. Watcrloo . PERSONALS AND 01m ITEMS " TOLD BY WATERLOO CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENT! , FLOMDALI Axum steft1et' and family day last week with Mrs JOSEPHSBURG points wherre lime with rela- with his nude Shaver. Mich.. r' anu. n. Livingston cl Kitch- aor upon a law any: luv. rock with In mother, In. Henry Hot- stutor. 'ur mother planned ‘10: her to Kitchens tor a I"! an; NM MOI- It and In. June. hung" tad lumlly of Kitchener "but ”15‘qu- end at the'holna of thn‘tormer'l pur- ento, Mr. lad Mn. Wm. Ssundorl. Infant Child but-The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Snyder pans- ed peacefully away last Thursday at the age of seven days. This little (lower to them was given. To bud nu ekrth and bloom In heaven. _ ‘SeVenl of. the Baden people " tended tht lunar-l of the late Won den B, Sham: on Sntnrdny afternoon Henry Lippert of Breslau spent! last Thursday “dividends in Iowa! David Shunt: of Waterloo was ul business visitor in town last week? Mrs. Samuel Nluman and nnn ii/i) waster visited with friends in Kitctr oner last Thursday. t Concert by Fireman'. r All roads} head In Baden on Tuesday evening." March 15. when the Baden \‘olun-l 'eer fire department is giving a Con cert and dance. At the same tlme the drawings will be made for 1h: 25 different when that are given (‘nmergyou'ny Win one or ths prizes. ' Miss Regina Srhjumm was a busi- "was visitor,in Kitchener on Friday last. Mrs. Mary Schllmm and Margaret 55mm Saturday In Slratl’nrll. Mrs. Chr. Hatrel sponf last Thurs, day in kitehener. Special trervires---t'ommencirtg an Sunday, March 13. Rev. C. F. Der- .ninq of the Sterling Mennonite Church. Kitchener, will hold a series of meetings in the Baden mission. continuing every pvening until Sun- day. March 20. Rev. newline is a noted speaker and well worm hear ing Mrs. Otto Reina. Mrs Reiha and Mrs. Th90. Hnohn I any m va Hamburg last TN 'tttttbr-Gerber Nuptials. Mr, David Janzi. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jantzi of this place. was married last Thursday to Annie. daughter or str. and Mrs. f"hrist. Gerber. of Wellesley Town. ship. in the Presence of the familins nt' the contracting parties and a number of intimate friends, The newly married couple will reside on the ltomestead Ahere. The best wishes for a happy married life an- extended to thom by their many friends. Personals. Mr. Eli Albrecht. Dora and Mario Albrecht of Milvermn visited frivnds here on Sunday. On Sunday Mr. and MN. Stanley Lautoyschlasrer of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. lmnnard Heipel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagrtor, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Durst!“ and family Wt".'p the guests of “In and Mrs. John Z. “3221191: Mr, Theodore States renewed here for a week Mr. and Mrs. Alttert Wagner \ishml Mr. Henry Cook at Amnlrrm who m:trertrd painful injuries when hp was thrown from his sleigh when " turned over owing to the bad mall-z. Mr. Henry Hammer or Mihhttay is spending several weeks" holidays with his relativea here. A large nnmher of [wuplr- attended the funeral. on Saturday of the late Wendel Shanta on Erhs road. Mrs. c. L. Jaani amen! several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ahrah-nn C,ingericit near Baden. Pp Item: " Interest. Mr. Colin Camphell of Slralford I: visiting ttl the hnnw/ul Mr. M Sham; Mlss Dorothy Knight spent a few days with her friend. Miss Edith Morrow, at Mlllhnnk. Miss Rachel “an! of Waterloo he mending a week at her home hero, Mr, M, Sham: attended the fum oral of hln "net?. Mr, ShantzV near Paden on Shut-day. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Hlemnimus t-nlonalnptl a number of [Honda to a dance) last Monday evening, We!“ 29m Miss Anzalenn Ran of near St, Clements bg employed at the homr, a! Mr. R, "may. . The Sunday Schnnl ot Boyd Chttrrh is preparing a play "The New mum" Arrives." which will he put an in the Towmhip Hall on Fddny "mini. March mn. Mr, and Mrs. George erhnrdmn wen! a day Int week at the home or Mr, Omar Hum-ms. North Morm mum. Ind Included the "I. hold by Mme Stun, A numb" trom hee attend“! mp Mr Wosloy Splat!“ of Ton- vu. hmornl of the um Mundane! Km Ited In 1hr ham of Mr. at In. on ma uh "no but 3mm)". Wm. Spud”! on Saturday. ------------_ Owing to not: "an: "In. n- Hlurd’n LitMt-t-ier mush“. no carnival held Inn on sunny BERLET‘S CORNER CROSSHILL CABIN Wagner of United old atwtaintauveq Cha span M“ .rt-t.rqtqgt0tot-qt, ' The meeting at the Y. P. B. Wtbtt ‘held Friday evening. The tonic told Hy Mr, Philip Dodds was on Cant. Iwiiun wrlterm Religious and devo- ltional. and was very interesting. Appoint“ Wit.'. J.M. can. " - in! hf. I). pol-M the "much. " It. United Bond Co. at. a. mod: In the Can-duk- In: more.” bold new, tor the township o! 3W. . portion of Int lam nu tor tho northern and of Blenhei- Ton-bl}. Mu Ltld extending to New Ill-burl. Mr. Glare. is on. of sunr- Boot highly respected chino-l. Mu n member ot the vllluo Donnell. "ere luryqreasnrer ot (In curling club and superintendent ot the Band” School, a pocltlon he has lulu for elghtaen yen". He has also been In the xenon] store bustneu (or the put. aven- ue" years. along with John Bristow, the firm operating under the null. " Bristow and Glare; Willfam Ferguson ot Detroit spent last week at Ma home here. Young People‘s “any. Auction Sale. -- The auction sale held by Mr. J. Ferguson vu- well attended on Tuesday. Bidding was brisk and good prices were realized. Mr. Ferguson will now devote all " time to his hardware business in Prattseiile. Mr. Russel Peters) who spent the wlnmr near Maynooth returned Tuesday to work tor Mr. Jerry Good. Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Ferguson have taken up their residence on Mill 5mm! in Plaitsvilie. Mr. Levi Master ls having an anc- lion sale on March Mth. Mr. Abner Brubaclier has purchased the farm. Mr. Joe Ruttan is working for Mr. Edmund ('ressmau. Mr. Howard Cressman is seriously ili with pneumonia. Miss Jean Baird spent Thursday Mm 1iiss Jean Waldle. There is an epidemic ot measles in ilts, vicinity at present. consequent- .ly this attendance at thty schools in much smaller than usual. A number from here attended the warnivat at Plansville on Friday owning. It was a'great success. Master Robbie Baird ls eonitned Mrs. Robert Baird visited Mrs. A. McMillan on Friday. Auc1ioueer Prirkey held a very mu-cnssrul auction sale tor Mrs. Moore last week. owning. It was a'great success. Master Robbie Baird ls eonhtted m his home with the measles. Tom Scott played hockey with the P,vieht boys at Tavistock on Friday twp-nine. Mrs. Ervin Hesse is reported somewhat better. Presentation. -- The friends and miuhlmrs of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Per- rtusor7"presented them with an ad- dress and a lovely clock and electric inhlo lamp before leaving tor their _ home in Platlsvllle. There were :ihmlt “My present and an enjoyable evening was spent. An excellent pro- sun’nnmp wax given and a sorial half hour enjoyed. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Rhoda Snyder at I'iatlsvile last week. Mr. Jacolt Harlan has engaged a Salvation Army youth to work for him this year. . Moved, -Mr. and Mrs. Snyder ot I's-tershurg highway are moving to \famllwim where they will live with treir stm-in-lnw. Ephraim Knechlel. Married m March.- John Fennel 'UNK married to Gertrude Hebron Irtl Wrotortoo on \V'edneyday of [all wook. The young couple will go to Essex Co to live in lutnre, All wish them well in their southern borne. shave Brokem--chrjs. Rohr had a pow shaft at buggy broken on Mott. day last. A couple ot loose horses WNW on the mad which caused his own horse in rear up. Those loose l‘nl‘sns or rolls on the road are I big dancer for other horses or ve- hiclvs that are being driven. Mr. and Mrs. Manual: Hallman and family called on the luter’n mother on Sunday lasl. who lives nmr Erhsvllle. T Miss Vloln Chambers and Mr. Roy Romano] of Knchener spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mn. Wm. Svnottol, . Manna, Bartlett and Arthur Sane!- NI ot Vinolnml wen! Saharan! It the home of Mr. ttnd Mrs, Wm. Spun“. A number from the village attend. od the rarnlul held n Phllnllle on Frfdny night. Mr, and Mrs. Tito Blngemun. Mr. and Mrs. Josh. Shunt. Mn. but! Rmonhnxer. Mm Mule WIMP.- " And Mr, Emory Rounbergor ll- fended the {moral ot the late Won- doll sham: of Baden on sum". OH 1.118"an NEW DUNDEE MANNHIIM {one 0 .w PM. 00 “In! Mold-m In “any ”can When I M Halt An In Tho with. Messrs. Joe anner. Walter Ott. mu. Julius and Herman anmer were buslnesa visitors in Tavistock on Monday. News Noun of [MCI-cu. Messrs Levi Llehtl and A, Better fele of Kitchener were businets visL tors here Monday. Mr. C. F. Oltman was a business visitor to Kitchener on Saturday where he asthttded the County Edu- cational Association meeting at the Suddaby School. - Suddaby School. .. l Death of Mine Janet kyte.--Death Miss Elsie Miller of Elmira 'spent; summoned Miss Janet Kyle on Wed. lhe week-end and Sunday at 1riiiiiir,estiay of last week after an illness with her parents. (or several months. The funeral was Mr. Clarence Miller ot London held on'ssaturtiayami was conducted patent the weekend and Sunday here by the Rev. A. Hamilton. ptstetor ot with relatives and "lends. (Zion Church. of which deceased was Mr. Willard Miller is on the Hlizk a devoted member and willing list. lworker. Her kind and loving an Mrs. Merino o. Erb has been con-l, position will he much missed in the ttned to her house for some time.lcommunity. The Borrowing relatives We hope for her early recovery. lhave the sincere sympathy of all in Mrs. J. Hamel is selling by auction their sad bereavement. Mr. Clarence Miller ot London gpent the weekend and Sunday here with relatives and friettds. Mr. Wlimrd Miller ls on the suck "wear-Ehreiiyr" Low Prices / I on Cottons otf.-mtNetmtGeretdsneour..rthu-rtt.nrt all! hon-u mm In. tutr Me.- a um. 10'" hr It]. I'm-but the - our John but" I'm My- “ Btorq. in new“ um ("not discount: tor nu, and tor our mu. . _ Lending Library WRAY'S BOOKSTORE 116 King St. West NADA“ PILLOW COTTON. Ar8eysr--aood weight, dill" 1N. texture, 40. " Ind " Inches wide. ' STEELE’S I ' For Glasses FACTORY COTTON AY “yaw he weave. elem and hard. wmlng. " Inches. ILIACHID -ltttt-AT 40c -UN.LEACHED, 30/3: - Both 2 yuan wido. , _ 5 Qt. Tea Kettle 0 "" Aluminum Ware Salsa Join our New Lending Library and have the privilege of reading all the new books-No waiting-Any one can join-The cost is very reasonable. , m, 00"th Boiler " $1.59 M. lilllilalil, & SON. LIMITED GOUDIES LIMITED Kltehonor'u Daylight 'tor.---' And Queen “no“. "m " Hardware Store" man no WATIILOO, ONT. WELLEOLEY NEWEST FICTION AT SMALL COST 't$htM8tttnttittitttttttt"tuuttuttttMtttttmtttttmtttttttut t In: a Brighten Up the Kitchen Inquire no w “no Inn-plo- To Note This Week Only New for he: tGTiiuiGid7trisTG "Gid'tiraituG and will give up housekeeping. Mr. Albert Hamel spent a few days of lust week at home with his mother. _ _ Messrs. Alex Hammond and Dun- can Dewar attended the Presbytery meeting in Preston on Tuesday of last week. Local News Notes. full particulars No 62 new Sauce aqua. 0 vr.vr_ ., .‘ (rt Lipped Sauce Pan No. " " Qt. Size Potato Pot KITCHEN ER KINGWOOD at 69c fl Qt. Rite at $1.49 P: an Ivan 1‘.

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