_ 1 JANSEN OPTICAL CO. |â€" DOBBIN‘S The undersigned herewith anâ€" mounces that he is prepgred to do in St. Jacobs I am also prepared to buy Bass and Maple Logs at Highest Market Prices. 41mo. Peter L. Musselman. all kinds of Custom Sawing Schweitzer Electric 1926 Ford Coupe with ~__ Ruckstell Axle 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 1925 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Chevrolet Sedan, 1925 Jewett Coach 1921 Ford Coupe 1922 Ford Touring 1222 McLaughlin 4 Touring 1921 Dodge Touring 1925 Dodge Sedan 1925 Dodge Roadster 1925 Dodge Coach 1922 Dodge Coupe 1922 Chev. Special Touring 1921 Chevrolet Touring _ , And Many More. Buy now while your choice is better. Battery Service Don‘t wait until spring to look at your Batterly. Bring it in and let us put it in A1 conâ€" dition before the snow goes &way. If you need a new Batâ€" tery ask us about our low prices and liberal guarantee. We seil USL but repair and recharge al makes. Look for the Orange and Blue Battery Sign at 1923 Ford Sedan Pontiac â€" Oldsmobile KING ST. _ WATERLOO USED CAR $ BETTER . Unless you have perfect eyeâ€" #ight you are handicapped in M.udnduem . ‘Our eye examination will reâ€" weal it you need glasses or not. 10 ‘Frederick Bt., Kitchener. Established 1898 â€" Still Leading 84 King St. DOBBIN‘S S‘nohnu give CUSTOM SAWING THE LONG LIFE Car Owners are pretty well dgreed that speed shortens the life of motor car engines tremendously. > » Pontiae has a farge slowâ€"turning motor in contrast to other sixes in its price class,. which use small high !p‘:g motors. s at his old stand USL ; St. â€" Phone 633 WATERLOO Pontiac Six Poawerplant Another cut of ten per cent., m,’ s thirdreduction in the price of gis "** |{ to Watérioo consumers ~within . ye. ||year, was heflwung in < §|ary meeting of Waterico ‘Water . aud Light Commission. Beginning in March the uet priceâ€"will be $2.30 *** Il as compared with the ftormer price *O¢ l of $1.19. Chairman Henderao® stated Slow turning â€" long life HAD LEG BROKEN Roy Ludwig, of Kithener, was the victim of an accident at Devil‘s Hill, near WaterJoo, when tobogganing. He sustained a broken leg. The congregation decided to call for tenders for the election of a new church on the site bought from P. Deering on Erb St., near the park lake. The building will be rushed to completion as soon as the conâ€" tract is let. At present the hall in Letter‘s Block is used as a place of worship. A @ratitying reports were fresented at the annual meeting of the Pres byterian church held at Waterioo recently. The pastor, Rev. W. G. Richardson, reported an increase of forty in church membership and an increase of fortyâ€"five in Sunday School membership. The various departments of the church showed satisfactory balances in the treas Manager _ Schiedel.. reported | ia satisfactory surplus© for the month of December in the water, gas and light departments. 1A TO ERECT NEW ~__CHURCH IN WATERLOO from Kitcheher the reductionâ€" in price was possible. ‘The question of securing an instrument to contfrol gas coming from Kitéhener wasreâ€" férred to chairman.Henderson, who will secure more information. Supt. George Grosz and M ioner C. R. ou;ï¬bwm convention: of the Qutario Hydro Association held at ‘Toronto recentâ€" ly, gave brief reports.. © Presbyterians Will Shortly ~Award Contract for New Edifice. Memâ€" bership increasing. oA SALE every T h Simance Stakeg.* ~Many subscribers who used to think they had to . make Personâ€"toâ€" Person calls now find that they reach the gerson they want with Stationâ€" toâ€" Station calls. They are quickâ€" er and cheaper. "We are training cerâ€" tain of our salesmen to travel by Long Disâ€" known .Ontario merâ€" chant. "It increases sales, and at â€" much less cost for selling." Use the Bell to Sell. The keener competiâ€" tion becomes, the more Long Distance will save you. Without leaving your office you or your salesmen can call on customers anywhere in Canada or the United States. 5 %" _ The Waterloo Horticultural Sociâ€" ety at its annual meeting reâ€"elected Arthur Bond as president for the ensuing year. A committee was apâ€" pointed to prepare for the next show, comprising A. Bond, E. Foersâ€" ter, Mrs. Skelton, C. Scheifele, J. Hilker and E. Moogk. The delegates appointed to attend the Ontario Horticultural Convention in Toronto next month were Misses E. Moogk and E. Wegenast and Mrs. Skeiton, The treasurer reported a balance of $152. the company bad materially strengâ€" thened its position as a result of the year‘s operations. There was a subâ€" stantial increase in the gross and net premiums written.~ The assets now total $458,086.83. Investments in bonds, debentures and mortgages stand at $357,363.98, while the preâ€" mium reserves were increased ‘to $211,184.01. § 1 Directors Comment on Report > Exâ€"Mayor William Henderson paid tribute to manager R. E. Patterson and those associated with him for their excellent work during the year. The speaker stated that ‘the comâ€" pany with its loyal and able head office staff and field force would conâ€" tinue to make further substantial progress during 1927. |‘ HORTICULTURISTSâ€" ELECT PRESIDENT Arthur Bond Given Second Term by Acclamation. Satisfactory _ Reports Presented. ‘The following officers were electâ€" ed: Hon. présidents, Hon. W. D. Euler, M.P., W. G. Weichel, M.P.P., and Mayor W. D. Brill; ist vice president, Chris. Scheifele; 2nd vice president, Mrs. G. Skelton; sec‘y< treasurer, P. Fromm; _ directors elected last year and who have one more year to serve, K. Foerster, E. Timm, Mrs. E. Wegenast, Mrs, L. M. Sehl; directors elected for two years, Dr. J. H. Rugel, J. Herchenâ€" rader, C. Hilker, C. Schondelmaier; J. McCorkindale and Miss E. Moogk; auditors, H. Hass and Dt F. G. Hughes. _ 4 . Wncouraging and satistactory ‘ré ports were presented at the second annual meeting of the Merchants Casualty ~Insurance Company held at its head mq% Mr. mnï¬&t&. Martip, noon. .In ‘the absence of t E. M. Arnold, and o $y * * a Eâ€"F, Seagram, viceâ€"president C. A.| |â€"â€" _ Directers Elected â€" + Bochm presided. » | The â€" followingâ€" ‘directors wore ‘The statements prosented by manâ€"} elected* E. F. Seagram, C, A. Boohm, ager R. E. Patteraop indicated that ‘J. C. Haight, KC. ‘F. W. Seagram, Substantial Inctease Noted Bolh in Written, Assets Now® Total $4 (;1 E. F. SEAGRAM ; Prominent Insurance and Business Man, Reâ€"clected ~President of ~the Merchants Casuaity Insurance Company. I w pha n 1 & 0 0 e | _ _T SLEIGHING PARTY â€" _ | _A delightful house warming was Twentyâ€"six entrance pupils of the |held last week at the home of Mr. Waterloo Public Schools, accomâ€" and Mrs. Stanley Brubacher, cornerâ€" panied by N. A. MacEachern and {or Victoria And Weaver streets, Watâ€" M. D. McLennan, principal and At a meeting of the directors held immediately following the annual meeting the following officers were elected : President, "E. ‘F. Seagram, viceâ€"president, C. A..Boéhm, general manager. and secretary, R. E. Patterâ€" A hearty vote of thanks was tenâ€" dered the manager and office staff and the agency force of the comâ€" pany in appreciation of their excelâ€" lent work during the year. = James Valentine, Wm.. Henderson, J. A. Martin, W. G." Weichel, M.P.P., and E. M. Arnold. by Manager Patterson, viceâ€"president C. A. Boohm, W G.. Welthel, M.P.P., Mr. Wight of Belleriile, J. A. Martip, E. M. Arnold, amd ‘others. To the President, Directors and Sharcholders of the MercHants Casuvaity Insurance Company:â€" * Gentlemen: We beg to report thatâ€"we have audited the books of account and vouchers of your Company for the year ending 31st December, 1928, and that we have found the same correct. We submit herewith an abstract statement of the business of the Company for guch term Aand a Balance Sheet whowing the Assots and LiaMilities ar the Above named date. We have sxamined in detail the securities Neld by your Company for its inveatments. They are satisfactory and correctly set forth in such Balance Sheet. & : * Respectfully submitted, * e \ .. seiiuk . 1 *" J. SCULALY, . Waterloo, Ontario, January 28th, 1997. > T. 1. SOULLY, 6.4.} Auattors. For the year ending December 31st, 1926, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders, held at the Company‘s Head Office, a Waterloo, Monday, January 31st, 1927. Merchants Casualty Insurance ToX Company _ ~ HOUSE WARMING Officers Elected ~ 1925 Gross ‘Preminms Written .............. $674418.28 Net Promtams Written «............. 604,1244.87 Olaime Pald. Nat ........««.......~ 26748004 NBERHE .1s,.rive. c cne ivimerscoentirentommsitnenrivints Real Estate Acquired ........................ Office Equipment ‘(less Reserve for Depréciation ~$28,898.82) ............. Accounts Receivable, Agents 42,495.04 Bills Recefvable ............. 211237 Cash on Hand and in Banks Bonds & Debentures .........$351,045.86 MOTGREGS "...+â€"ssswsumsins â€" 2,640.00 Interest Due and Accrued _ 3,678.12 Market Value of RBonds Over Book Vote of Thanks Other Deposited with the Receiver m Departmant at Ottawa for gecurity of Policyholders $240,373.33 3 +E. F. SEAGRAM, President., R. E. PATTERSON, Manager. â€"â€"=I Grocery Bargains Head Office . erloo. About 30 friends gathered to ; manual training instructor, respecâ€" celebrate the occasion md\they | tively, enjoyed a sleighing party to spept an enjoyable flogi_n! in En)nes ; Bloomingdale ~And Lexington last and music, after which Mr. Alvin, week. Later all were gnmests of Miss Snider, following a short address,_Helen Hawke, Bridgeport road, presented Mr. and Mrs. Brubacher . where refreshments were served. with a beautiful landscape PAIMMUNG ==â€"==m==â€"remammmmmzs by a well known Canadian artist. â€" ook‘s Reculatine COamnaund | SOAP 52z «. 10 o« 47| PICKLES T ze 2 in« RASPBERRY JAM MARMALADE * ~Btuart‘s or Ayimer, $b, jar PEANUT BUTTER Full 141b. Pail y Gilassco‘s or Hunt‘s, 3â€"4b. jar LOBSTER PASTE $357,363.98 PUMPKIN Choice Quality, 2%‘s Ready Launch Brand 2 tins 33c THE §ECOND ANNUAL STATEMENT OF CANNED PEAS ~ SALMON Victory Red Conoe 18c * 30¢ 44,807,41 39,123.13 10,000.00 Excelsior Brand â€" 240,46 6.151.85 For Sandwiches 2 tins 21c 3 "" 35¢ 2 "25¢ ~21¢ COMPARATIVE SUMMARY $468,086.83 1928 $835,386.97 789,283.00 312,050 32 % BALANCE SHEET AUDITORS‘ REPORT â€" * «. Cook‘s Regulating Compound Table Figs Pastry Flour 24â€"1b, bag ...... Japan Rice Finest, 3 Ib3. Wheat Flakes Shelled Walnuts /Cwiul St?ek Surplus .......... 34¢ "WT 21bs. 25¢ 45¢ || LIMA BEANS 3 p14 25¢ $â€"minute, pkg. Large package Aunt Jemima, pkg. Best Seedless, 2 lbs Finest Patras, Ib. ... Fancy Smyrnas, Ib. . Good Halves, Ib. ... Quaker, 3â€"1b. pkg. ...... Bulk, 5 lbs. .. CarroHs Own, pkg. . Premium Reserves ... Reserve for Claims Reportâ€" ed and Pending ... Reserve for Contingent Commission ... Reserve for Return Preâ€" mium H. & A. ... 2,973.40 Taxesâ€"Due and "Accrued,..... 10,656.80 Accounts Payable ... 1,014.00 Investments, Bonds, Debenâ€" tures and <Mortgages..................... $814,398.42 Premium Regerves ..................... 161,989.19 FOUAl ABBOUS @1,.0»...ssewsmsmcocasi MBITHIA No. 2. §3; No. 3. $5 [â€"3 box. Bold \lx all drugrists, sent maid on reccipt of price, g'r:'e pamphiet. _ Address; THE 2OOK MEDICINE CO., YORONTA O®T (ForvevWindaor» _A safe, reliable requlatin médicine. Sold in thrce dc! grees of strengthâ€"No. 1, $1: Waterkbo, Ont. 10c¢c, 25¢ i.*~." Ike mprmer ‘ 17¢ . 95¢ . 25¢ ~@71€ 14c LIABILITIES cesc c..... $211,184.01 49¢ 16¢ 19¢ 146,153.57 1,352.68 84,453.37 300.00 The Bank of Toronto at Kftcï¬mr bas moved into its new building, East King street, just completed.â€" It is an attractive structure and modâ€" ern in evéry respect. WANTED A live man to represent Canaâ€" dian Life Insurance Company in your District. Assistance and inâ€" structions to right man. Opporâ€" tunity to build income for the future. . $310,580.58 ‘MAYONNAISE Primrose, reg. 19¢ jar 2 20¢ SWEET PRUNES GOLDENâ€"DATES â€" SODA ‘BISCUITTsS Telfer‘s Duplex H. F. LOWMAN, 707 Excelsior Life Bldg., ‘Toronto, Ont. «# 147,506.25 1925 CORN SYRUP 5~lb. tin 32 c Bechive Brand COFFEE Golden Rio +361 .. ib. 16c lb i Bucdm t i t ouke lbs. $458,086.83 $357,363.98 +211,184.01 .468,086.83 tender wA