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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Jan 1927, p. 7

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'ul?,!,:',)" E'bli' 'itll {27$ V/ h. Itha- eonnlt . tool. rolhblo P '*"'0eatartmus.oreettorstrm" 'tsei-t won: four men of gum; mnmmlhlha 3*. at nm won mum tot 'r, M an all you ”any. any lk".', ‘ at no. This haul um I. . an. no - at mph- ad Y. _ moo. comm-a m min. Ei' no but - for ”m to in!) k'g ' In mm «an no Ei » Ii. tt "tttmit" - II III - l III! In his. his“. r,t.51 " A-htrediteeDrstrsmhmtt- j. than only!“ for “IV. ot an”. ".1 It“ a. no“. com the crow 'l bmhacmumtitvuluu- no Mable to that don to: . Int. Donald turned to can. u be "t In tho whole an of “Nd-hm." t uh unanimously on the min. I A. free from dust as to. can“ t When you wake up with hechche end dull misery in the kidney re- gion it lull! menu you hue been eatttnq food- which create ecide. -se" e when“ “thorny. An ex- eeee of eucll acids overwork. the kidneys m their exert to mm it tron the blood and they become non of unlined end louy. When your kidney- on ~eluuleh end clog you met relleve them, like you relieve your bowele. removing ell the bodr's Irlnoue mete. else you have beck- eche, nick heedeclle, dizzy epelle; yen! "ogggnett more. tome ll cou- " end when the weether in bed ~min he" rheumetic “tinsel. The ttetgte I. cloudy. Ml ot Mimi. “no” often get lore. inter: ‘50.": end you ere obliged to not 2m two or three ill-en during irc, 3“ mi‘tor Lgbonr Dar." - _ “v." likely.” 7 7 flu), do you thigh we could to» . than hero If we hold some sort. of colebntlon n the like?” Buckle forced a laugh. "Goln' to " then: next time, Jack," he con- tinued, moving closer to his his boss; “any. Jack. you know tint l um! twenty dollars to my mother Que: out ev'ry month. I-T-" If Kidneys Act BadTake Salts Says Backache Often Means You Have Not Been Drink- ing Enough Water. Donald and Guns walked down; the hill to inspect the logs in the boom, and an they walked Gillie in- dulged in some pointed 'l't'Ur'v"lt"i'd'0 "You know, Donnie, that these tog-', sets are some guys to come back} After spendin’ all their money end: say: "We had a good time, no we! our: worryin'. The mu: ain't tur" nun that won't worry otter spendin' in B few deys the money it's taken _him six months to earn ewingin' an no en' drasgin' a new. sun. they hide their remorse under I grin end tell of what a good time they've ttad. Bo many people think thnt toners spend all their money tor, booze. ’Tnin't so. Tint an: ot' nine give “my about but their “How anon do the an quit like an?" no and mm: Imam. “Ivory balmy," ”piled 01ml. ‘-_D0lllld pondered . moment. . "Thanks. Jack, you’re a troot pal." commended Buckle in I relieved 'tone. 'y "All right, Buckle.” and anus gently. 'Wil advance It to you." “B'pose‘ou bought them new boots.'" inquired Gillis. "Me um Hoopla spent About two hundred bucks, but we h-d three hundred donut worth o' tun. We Ain't got enouih money to buy I. hummlnblrd n pair o' legm'a. but we sure had a helluva good limo, no we ain't “mint" _ “I believe we could," responded Gin!- warmly. - "We'U do it then," dochnd mi. au. "We've no any order- ghoul that this hy-ol my force us to run a night crow." "Wd you mend MI your dough, Nickle?" asked Giiiia, when the "mdahirtr" arrived buck from town. MRI-Mano: ”guru-ulna!“ CRIMSON WEST GteAPt'Mt$rgV - mm" '. - no Chocks-m mu. robin“ of - you m. t ”I!" trrttatr, Isl-now. m [and m - your um. t M“ - cum-won At mun-n um work You mum I 'kSl',1l1SQXte,t2t M'Qt-ttae'tte t1erfertlsttmtammetaiGG" an“ ton-n JOHN“ tho-urban.“ lb iiiltct,iieiii .eh'etetteeitliisiiaFGii"iki'c ~~h¢dl ', ..= ' frttieg"eiriiFiiE"'iaTiGi'Ui"i"d dank.) 'ac/tSL/ir-at.?' tssNssrLhu,r:',-',, . lo. wit-{.3 -.‘ Aux. “mu THE , The ctr-1km moved up the trgck and mule amp on A point at had on the Ilka-llama. Thu. night the, deer of the comminury m prised [froth It: ningu and a quantity ot load stolen. and the night-wuchmnn but out a tire of Incendiary origin. Donald M but. up the - M of m mm. no u mum - noun I. mt to In ah!- - 'rsurttht. " an door closed "hind Mn. conic. um " rm. Mill h the hollow of but "I. no. - In. behind a mo I. no "rua-' at it. mum on mom um on ml.“ (at In. .tetgttr to m, Uno- Iho man no may or Dal-WI an. M no In! to m [fund an a. on. - m o! u - "It an Donia dUtrttmted ammu- who“ " Ion] an, and ago-hall an ant patrol!“ the plant will. no other: Mere. Donald New. "Summit Mm. "You are promoted to position n- ested by Ronwlck. new» Itrlken' domnndn. Ship at Savannah Grunt- nl order white pine. Utmost import. we. lumber landed within week. Ulo every noun tn power to to.» plant owl-nuns. ELM the mango to (mm. The " Inn turned and craved Donna'- band In mmmlnun. "Will got thud-r out on than or but." Gael-M onu- grimly. Ronwick, while returning from the powerhouse. us shot at “no. trom ambit-h. Ho wired his roll:- union to Robert Ronnie. “a In terrrMed hues - " belong- into and left on the In; tum. An hour Inter the “out brought Donald tt calcium. ' on the part ot the men they Mp- roaented. Renwlck promptly tofu-9d. In fifteen minutes every mm In the mill except the clerical um, the mechanics 1nd ttia .rttrinmrr,orniked out. In the VIde only Glllla'a "red. mm rammed At work. Donald became I'm-e ot a clung- ed bearing on the put ot may of the men. Sullenneu had hllen up- on them; discontent manifested it- self, " well u inaubordinntion. That niternoon spikes driven tii" the logs wreaked havoc with the new: and forced a pnrtini shutdown. A committee of four men waited on Renwlck and protected an um- inetum. They demanded tb heavy in. creaeo in wegel, or they would all tor an immediate eon-(Ion ot work Hoop-la bequ Inccoutnlly tur Ionian“ coward " 'srring mst. “You know how booze ttthreta Buckle. Jack." he plowed. of the 'r"tn--inetuding Hand trnd Buekie--4tte not enven- when the Whiltlo blew. Gilli: found them tn Buckle'u cebln in e hut-drunken condition. That uternoon Renwick ordered the two "reuse" " the premises and dischmed Bend. Two “Into" arrived at the Sum- mit Milt, amt the next day seven] Midsummer brouht in epidemic of labour diltnrbencee throughout the Province. A redial lebonr or- unlution seized on a time when qtirrt "I plentiful end labour mrce to spread their luidloul wo. paganda through the can". run. road construction in the 'l'tt' had been eeriouuly interfered th, end in may one: there bed been vio: lance and bloodshed. . 1 0min dodged but u a boot 'Mulnx put " bud. are... the door. mien. - " 'rP1i.nthtuahot-ts-teu on] nit ot mu boots. minn- m wind Nov gummy not“ the trattla. h “Bu. Show, do you new that that wind I. lulu? ' like“. mad I neg-avg "Hero’l what it's . am.” all! emu as he puchrod In: “in: "thr oth.' W-h-o-M-o-o he 'our can» was“ - O-o-o-h! W-h-o-r-o-o has! "Inn-amino“. In”. "et ”all. [In .w- trettty Managua?- - “MD-lulu. littl- “Ruhr! Realm." ifd Doc-'1 hurt on Nu Drutlmh M” on a but. can. In- mmemuh-mu.m yearn-m l 'tmr6rrmguts4sttirbottt. 't'_e'etestmr-,mtr human-"Mm wan-yawning“ _ baud-I‘m... Counlo'l taco hon tumour of woulnou and 'rhtspler-. For three mm- rln had no!“ softly any from her csbln on the hill-Id. to lie hidden ouuido that of Don- no. By night the had up! up n wary vigil, out on tho “on; In the turnout: lb. had hm behind a lump on the hill with on. on “Good have"! Connie. you shouldn't be here!" In “chimed. Donald's nerves were on edge. At any moment there mint be 1 pitched battle with loss ot lives. He studied the (nee: or the Milken to see how mnny were from his crew. sad we- enrprised to revenue fully forty of hie men. He saw “Buckle" in the rent ot the crowd of strike“. When his eyes met Donald's he turn- ed nwny shnlneincediy. All the men from hie camp refused to meet his use squarely. “Thou men are rend)! to come buck right now." he said to Gillie. "Hand hu bullied them into this. Dno't you think no?" "i don't know," mlwered Gillie. "t - thought Buckie would to back on me. I‘ll wring " d----d neck when I Catch him in town'." he Idded bitterly. Donna hand a slight movement behind him. tad turned to no Con. nie standing with her “no In the crook of her Im. _ Lift Off-No Pain! The bonus crowd did not " nnce; new»: aid they lava Scattered In groupl, they by or u! on the hillllde to about oeeaMonalir words of derision " Donlld'l faith. ful crew, Por any. on”. but been without sleep. 'He turned bloodahot eyes on Donna. "By G-.' I would like to take I cyck n and." In and In a voice mick with use“ Corns to the butt ot the bevy Com that hung at " side. “Keep tsoot, Jack," he begged; "don't start anything." But the mob did not obey thelr Index": nth cohmnd. Donald's pale (Ice Ind burning bhck eye: were; "melon! evidence tint he made no ‘ldlo threat. Donut! In! the his hand of " (crown Itonllnt Donald climbed quickly to ill. top ot : [use stump. m " un hand he hold a stick ot dynamite with in" studied; tn his ritht ho held a mtrteh close to the annulus tune. "Men," he cried in n dour- mined tone, "it yarn no" human! one atop I will throw this." "To hell mit him!" shouted Hand. "He don't dare do It. Rush him." no Invaders am down an that in u loud body. and with cant-doc “also. Flex-1m and clnhl. no ”than: tor hams. At Don-M's quell mm of With“! his ma drotmod their mob and can. on tho mm to form In I compact body bo. und tum. P "Dmt't no your ml lulu: you Inn to," he warned, u hit'notieed BetTeral ot them nah their revol- vers. _ - On tho mm min; mu, " no Molnnohoftmy in...“- l "in due“! on «he laboring ope-than. It his!” have but no can! It Donald m not W ”with: at this unit and at mm "at: “UN-t Militia-q.» td,htt,'lt.T'fe't.'it.t “I! I. gu- n ,m ,tkiar.artrmiG-iiuikiilii wwumuum “a! have. Us and. d It. mums-nu , Thu-lunchboutkmw- mo! on: _ min-bur "tmrottttedttir-rttamtt smut moon; on. ttf the"; an N M manna with; man-m ”not!“ In In. ot inc-mam on Mn, AM Illa that u "teaqt to drill/lit. tto Dower-hum had but m If. It I“! " with Conlc'n he. gated Quickly. no a. an“ from the at“... [for 't.rtder_bodp troubled u in touch. Old " - at man-m Mount u - rut of can to hum; 'MtaMa.dettotrttseettt [an the so... MIIC that to out)! not that. Ounlo’u "tmtttnnttttqt to my. Dol- nld Mun“ to no value you! or 9. may “not." I. and, an!“ ton-Mam ”launch moo-immunQQ-n. Illnmhmuhnuum .mgmummwgann “mamm‘m u no tutu m Mun h- In it.“ n lull." Donna looked down " the war]! mu. ttiiire. a. 'teprrud down from an, stump. hoopla: a M on on tho bolllnoxont union. and can. to her um. "Caulk." no Add 'ttttir, "you An I can, bun um. um. rm you nut not may from un- when. u not. uni N "no" trauma. Plum, Conic." hi new“. mo). in: on c hand to .tgqth. In Ilium; hair. m In em“ 3.0 5.3;“ t% I. 'i-tmet I "Why do you will to buy!" he aahed. an. new! tho nook ot not um "r--I It“! to help you," Conn]. low-ml her on- to her accounted mot, that wn weaving natural in the dry Io“. Ind “took her small head obstinauly. "Got any from here u once. Cow nie!" cud Donut], Itrtntr, but tinn- ir. Donna’s tall Murtt 'hanour he came tn light. her rma ready tor In, “In! action. Hind did not know that dent]: Ind - chimed him when " stopped (ox-wad to um MI an to charge. At that each] moment Connlc’l rim, w“ “and It hit heart. "’Cuuu." 'tart" the prompt 'uttrx. poctod reply. "Gauge I In: u bad on." Len Oportunlty A school teacher relates that she we: giving her smell pupil. e lee- son on birds, end utter mun; ebout the latching of the one, the cere of the mother bird end the ant lessons In ttrittg, she said: "Now, children. I en: the mother bird end you era the little hlrdl nestled la Four only his}. I went you ell to epreed your wings and fly “my.” Inch child. Vining arms to the male she be“, tshipped to the dreUs. ing room, with the exception ot one little fellow who remuned in " sent. Turning to him she uid': "Donald, why didn't you fly May with ell the other little birds?“ A has): I. Just Ilka music It freshen: up the any. It tips the pen. of m. m. light And drive. the cloud- May. The soul you glad that has" it And (all In court.” strong. A hulk in Just like nun-lune For cheering mun along. , Vexeturlen'l XII-bend "imidlyr-- "Do you know, my dear, t really think we ought to have a bit of meet once In I while. Three than Int night I caught lay-ell 'rttinrtrtrtgt." Ho runny Mend Smith " once. “Elliot. Smith.“ he “id. "Hue you "Stt the “nonhuman ot my ttttattt In the piper?" "Yes," replied Smith. “What. IPA you sneaking Iron t" Long blot-nu c." Mr. Jone! wu sitting down to mum: on. morning when be In. utoundod to no. tn tho - " monument ot his own ole-1h. “IQ-op tumult. that,” all! loin. “Thom "t I“... Titan'- huctlhot. . Two - KantKartm, who had h" Mic-d at. Dominion tn . tumor: to. non: Inn mm; . sot-any. . "Laws, “on.” mm 8A3. “why 10" I'm. them mu (allow. a. lo clout” , aon'c myr- Cur*--"res, ht W.h." 10"" a ruler tall I“)! ‘ m (of a m a: an mar 4Wrb-uragmtt um "ttsm." than on up a: A; Ear; on»: utmost fl.“ ubbmuuroohr' "weetrtttrmaie-,oets-, r," replied smith. "Where are ra, Much Hay - '01.! I." to " MM I'm 00-0 at)“: m. 's"tmFuhttp6m,gt-,mtt “M‘ T Common uracil an braved into . be.” to. with sulphur “dad, will turn my. streaked um (and but buntllully duh and luxurhllt. Jul . low npplicnionl will pron a re nutlon at your .er I. “dill. Inc-ha or my. mum tho M Tu and Sulphur new. " to... though. In mum-o. An “or w u to at A bottle of Wyatt’s an. ad annular col-pond " my dmgetom.1tmMrttterm.. hill- the old-un- not). thrown! by the "dttittgt of mo? limo. mu. win”. my. Mod In: In not mm. '0 " out" ttt mun our youthful Amt-no. had 'tttmt an”... "tr auto-In; "it but with Wyoth'l In. and mu Oar-pound. no on. an all. In“ It do" It no lam-uh. so - You In: «an. n - a an Ind. with tt ad - m- w mt hit. 'At" on tangent it s (m: I! an " m huh I.” m.“ m can; If a” a (VI. - It It To Darken Hair Apply Sage Tea Look You“! Irina lack It. Natural Color, Glen. and At‘radlvonou. AUTOS KILL moo IN NEW YORK Automobile death. In New York city In use will tout npproximtely 1,000, tunic exports alum-ted. According to Hon. Dr. J. D. Mon- teith. Provincial Tmlurer, thin “in la In line with the unnamed policy ist the qorerrtrtttrrtt--to provide de- finitely tor the retirement ot the bonded indebtednul ofthe, Province --attd is in Accordence with the general principles hid down by the Debt Retirement Committee. Thin lune In in the Inatslment form tad In tho ttrat long~term luue placed by Ontario trimil9emrtttNtr, 182F-more than 3 you no. The sum ot $800,000 ot principal In re- plyuble each year. The nut par. ment in to be made on Jan. 15. I928. The term ot the loam ll 80 you”. The Province of Onurio ts oHttr. using for sale 324,000,000 4% per cent. Instnlinent beriat bonds, the proceeds at which will be manly used for phyla; " maturity 101m. On the that! Mrs. Woodororth ri. told her story. detuttirtg the chute- that Burns!) ttttaid her and that other young 5er inmate. were almi- larly treated. _ MYEAR BOND ISSUE . IN INSTALMENT FORM OFFERED BY ONTARIO Benjamin was carried into 13mm room on a Itretchor to face I chute ot criminnl “unit. The Vanni. was sworn to by Mrs. Woodworth, who led the state police to Ben]:- min's hiding piles in the colony but November. _ Allegatlom that Benjamin Parnell, "King" of the Home of David eot. any. crlmlnuly unulted Mrs. Bel- sie Woodworth', A former member ot the colony. when the was " yen" ot nae. under the who ot "blood puritylnx" rite-ttre cited bolero Mr. Justice Weldon when the “in; lender ot the cult we: trained at Benton turtror; Mich” on Dee. 22. Pmn. lull In“ ulnply warm m- an. I took In. pm- mama, to: . oomph ot mm tr which an. every symptom ot the with]. al.- nppund. “(than in not the. beta the mam ”mum of stomach trouble. No “and" I pull. Dr. William' PttkPttt.." You can so: than pub through my ago-twin. dealer or by run It so out: A box from The Dr. WB. - Mullen. Oo.. Brockvmo, Ont. mm: or noun m!“ from no“ m Brtrrrttttttq I It. has “no... not: now and belching. , can not on nut or pontoon. at! t an It“ And ”no”. No mm nomad to holy M until I I“ per- um um. um I. n Mt a “WWII proof. [Inn by In. cm. an.» Bti-tte. mu. m "N-tr-toe-tte. mun-humumm 'trtutrmtmtt-ttMeatgrm. tattd. “Com-nthuubto OF DAVID IN JAIL CRIPPLED Prio- m-oublo. f Goods called for and "lirttred. ' "o""'""".""""'"-'"----. ARTHUR Point: ...... pun-pr B. . "t5HTEL um _ W. R. IBIGKIR ...e..r Inspector- c. A. IOIHM INBUBANOI Autumn. Linn-lo _ I’m-m Mom q"-qrr."tatt-tra,tmreoigirrqtmtr. lg with rheumnuun? Munr- will out tho poll. an." the Butt. - A0017. OVIR 01,400,000 GOVERNMENT new.” 'ttttun' “on I“ ”new" _ L. W. that ..............Pmldom W. a. Wolchol ......Vlco-Pruldcm J. Howard “my.” A. labor lichen nonhum- J. H. Roo- 'o% Ohm - P. I. that: l "a" IINNWIM - "LI-m sd"',",',"',','::.,),-.?,';';;;)',';,',,-;,,,,] In. huh - Day at nah! Phone on... ad mhm. Hymn and Pnyorbooh I a npoohlty. t Add not. book- to your hon. é 2:10 by having your (north . who bound " books. hull-Ill. Club Bags, Balt- " King " N. J. c. Lehman-m mamma- no King St. w. PMM 2m Kluhomr, Ont. Bechtel & Dreisinger “I“ c. A. IOIHM lNaURANCE Autumn. LIMITED . blur!“ Anna. Naom- no and 701 Vina-In, OHQLI'IQ. Harness and. Shoes _ I’M-ml: Ind may to...” Waterloo Mlitual Fire Insurance Company; = IOKIM‘ Mun-ya; ll.- 'ree-u' In.“ 2308 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ow mmm um. IDWINKGUII 'tPruitt...-.- BOOT. AND IUIIIIO KNIVII “AMINID 311.an Roblnduu book- lmblllhod "" 3:!“an 38 (been St. S. Kitchener woas1ne Brat. Ltd. Mum and Tool-hm in...“ araCii'iiii; ‘ 1 Hydwm'dr --. We no "peru m Vulvlnlllna TIP... ‘Irlng your work to In. TH! WATIRLOO VULCANIZIN. WORK. M King at., mm. . WIQMOO Ind Truck... Mono... " ... INCOME TAX 000N837 an Won-r quantum Fun. 10.. Kitchen». DR. A. c. BROWN, DIN?!" auccmér to Dr. U, B, Shut: (Induce ot My“. Bound. New York. 890cm “nation in“ to oxtnctlon 1nd chlldm‘l chm one. as King " W.. than was? HORNAOIB " do “I tarm Property. ROAIOMDIO tttur "t. I'm Inaunnco. Demonic-l and North Wntorwo Mal-r Mutunl. It the lowest premium to the any. o. P. “other. An. no Queen Bt. N., Phono 1tWW, Kitchener. " Account-Mo Ind Midtown. AM on. a. M. “minim Dn- tlst, alter“ an. at. w., m on". Phone um. on L. 901mm. Damn. "can". nor to Dr. J. SchrnML " Kin: It. lint. over Dominion Dunk. I" DR. J. W. HAGIY. DOM N no Wobor‘ chub-rs. In; it". Kitchener. “who“ m Kitchc‘lor. . "I" v. n. "I I, "mTI’, u. . , -etbegtsr,rtur-_ _ on P, a. Human Dew-v. EMI- ul’l Block. King M. 8.. “hurl... P_-4Wtese IOU. Wen. mu Ann R. In. my. [mm L. In». IRAN. Tonia: of “no. ”I” am. Petmte and clu- . uncuol. India! or!” " M. ttttte, “an". WALTER D. INRIG l co. AUDITORS & ASSIGNEIB one. u Oddtellowo Block. 8 King at, 8.. Wutorloo. not. no. in Bank of Home“ Building; Waterloo. Phone IN. '"J. "mmtormutar.uriA l I New 33mm "on. " Phones. no “I”. ttite. an. OIL nu envoy-wt. an entitle ton-r; om - My. www.mui 'P-rr-tore-a. "tti-trr-ks “Mam MUSIC 6!“er one. M wan-n IL. Wm MONEY IO MAN CHIROPRACHC cunnormron b “DIGITAL one. . m; DENTAL thtlod" no“... "o, lie l

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