_ n - I Thu-trike year: an mercury- Treasnrer of the Waterloo Public Library was recently completed when Chuleo Hashim] submitted his is Larger Cylindets tlp-to-date Merch. andise to sell like Bankrupt Stock jut. few of the may bgtpiu "itiieiriii'. '13.85 $33: .1193 4.85 - but no no: 1 than. an m - - “or In Oman- In. - I I.†126 King St. , Kitchener The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company has just completed the best year of its history. The statement as at December 3lst I926 . shows the following figures. . Garage and Electric Company ' KING STREET WATERLOO Exclusive Pontiac Dealer for North Waterloo County C. R. STUCKEY, Sub-dealer, ELMIRA The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company Waterloo chief of the 8itiis a Large Cylindcrcd Mata? ---Wot a light Six _ Out of†Make: and Model: of Motor Cars made in America Only " have Larger Cylinder: Ride in a Pontiac to-day and see the large slow-turningPontiac Six motor carry you along. 7 t"t A . Pan tiiic Six From our savings depositors and . Guaranteed Receipts holders we have ...C.................-."..-..-.-..---J, To make these deposits 100% ode, these funds are invested by law in Trustee securlties as follow“ Dominion an21 Provincial Government, municipal and other bonds m...........................................'.................-...--- 1,507,879.59 First mortgages on improved city and farm properties (These loans ayerage less than 50% of the valuation of the “a“ "E u Cash on hand and in banks m........................ The Waterloo Trust is considered one of the strongest financial insti- tutions of the province. _ . . . We operate under strict Government supervision. A higher rat; allowed on amounts of $100. and over left for one or . more yum. 4% iJidiieriies aneerned) v............-.......-.-..-""""". We also act as Executor, Administrator and Trustee of Estates. Save up to EAPLING’S Total Surplus "o--"""""""""'"""'""'"".", gapital Stock, fully paid o...................-......... Reiserve Fund Steady Grthh i'l.39 f I CAPLING’S Big Alteration SALE -Longer Life mun-“on. It m mud with regret, " that tttne1U in been con- nocted with that institution lines It: Inception In 1810. ADDITIONAL SECURITY H-, wig. 39c 50 'if-- ""t'Ltht2, Pts allowed dh deposits of $1.00 and over, Juterest compounded half-yearly. Kitchener Going Strong FTF" if“ 2’ s "ir',riif,rti,ist,,"itgJ, Ix " '7' """'r'.‘q it tht te" out - in a. GeividetoetUviat nun-umbil- aegtt1ttsta'o1etttut, aletnttamutt.-atestr mun-mum“ dunk“... aim-uh: Madmen: mum-unmm at the mull-nun a the "tr “Worn! mutual-um www.mthuwotln. W M. may “than!†ttttttmt.. - , magma-u In. C. W. '01). m I - tn Tomato to: - an luv-uh with Mr. uni-In. Durant Khan.- um, mm or Tomlin - no nut that In Wtul'loo tin can at '" Kill! Bt. Mr. and In. Ton: Beaten end Mr. end In. cum. PM. an Int nude, tor e halide! M) to Cell- tonh where they will spend the minder at the winter. Mr. when mm, eon of In. ad Mrck3harretrto of Kitchener. In! returned to the Run! Military Cob lese. King-ton, utter spending the teetlve lee-on u hie home tn Km chalet. In. G. Smith of Guelph. use Aw ni. Hogdenon. humor ot ox. mnyor and Mrq. Henderson, m I whiter 1n Wntorloo tor â€an! up that week. W'- All mu ' WI - CI) $750,000. 225,000. $975,000. is 4,416,936.39 t3,416,9r6.pt 2,781 565.56 127,491.24 Km to Lyric That" 49c l .59 Gait "het , ©tttettqt', - we! e M - - Mt'" “t " tutr, hone! in NM cw. In. he! Cello no wee m to! ere mm -. m “be, Me “In the he†of Mr. Chen. M. We. new It. In. now-r 'ueetsrtteNratHtto In needing e 'tet.ntBttt with her '.uue, In. W um tn New ' on: and broom. . l In. wann- Bandeau: in. [am air like him lulu. received Wedneedey Annex.“ her hope, 7 You; “not. lube. for the that time since tiyi"indrruar. In. Kennel-eon woreAierfwe“lnx gown ot trrieot "oracle: She were I come ot tone but! sweet page in peek! Mel. Her mother, In. Win-Will“ “*wa-mm ou,mmmm _. "truth. u N. but h.'lmrlno teeteMr.atHihatrB-, whim-Malian mas-aw- ot It.“ In. ceived with her; In: Minn won I gown of biog. an - with can] an of pink "not pun. It". Hen- demon was sttireL in I gown of mu â€organs And come of sweet pen. Mm, G. Smith of Guelph nad In. N. Vattor oxicinted It the to: tibia which wu tutomily done with.me butterfly rose- and pink endle- on a "eut work cloth, mu ‘Holen out ot Godarich “tinted in ‘tho living room in looking “tar The “out: while Mrs. H. Human. Min Lamina Count] and Mia Rose Lottie “and in the ten room. Mr. “a Mn. M. Lionel: and daughter: tht mun liner and Tao. be] Lunch, were wool and viliion with It; Marlow-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol.‘ Waterloo, o‘n route to the South, whore they will spent the reminder ot the winter. Wnterloo mtttttifettl Society, Kit. chenor: A cordial Invitation In ex; loaded to n public meeting ot the wanton Humid: Society on Thursday evening; the 27th Inst, at 8.16 Iran., in themnseum tn the public library to near an “dress on "The Jubilee oCCotimderatiott"" by Prolmor rrttt.1Latym.n,, M.A., Locum- In HIWM you“ Unl- venity. London, tiflt., %itren,saent of the Ontario Hillel-ion} Society, Professor Landon In an mummy on Candi-n 'Mptorr.-uAmmr your- Belt and bring i trundp--D." It Pnn- shaker. president, P.'F‘lsher, aec'y. A In“ number of members)“ Mond- ot the Women's Immune on- tor" a vary plough! sock] unor- Inoun It the "mint-dry To." Ga, but funny 'tts [In Libnry [Hm In an “an. of both mu- idents, tho â€mun Mrs. Ala “an! " opt!“ the looting. slur which rr III. II. Bald". "lion! of thy. H "110'. w. I. took the char and m , bllowlu prom-Irv“ (Inn ttr il the any-nu. mm which m In- "trtrgq and 03110701! by “I want Punt. "Pun-w Duty to a. cum. and Child'- Dlty “no and": m - In. Oun- Juan-M by In. Vim. MI... "In. on- - “plumâ€: M In P. W090 In. Iona. "(an OMâ€; by one. “an. an. “mum at an m; " III- My Wm. (Continued trom Page 1) course of aorrowtnz reintivee and friends. The funeral service we: conducted by the pester Rev. H. R. Mauls. Old schoolmates ot the de ceased noted no gunmanâ€. namely, John Hartman, Wm. Sparrer. George Hum, Fred Paine, John Ran and Dttatet_Rits. The bereaved family have the sympathy ot the whole community in their sad bereeve ment. An exceptionally my; array ot beautiful non] tribute. sent by Iymmthixtng friend- bore mute tel» timony of the high esteem in which the (leaned we: held by her lor- rowing friends. Mm. Lona Kept who had been seriously ill for men! weeks I: able to be out min. Mn. News Reuben and Much- tor 01M!" and mu Lem Hohlneler want . wool with friend: In Kit. clamor. Mr. end In. (my hue moved Into Mn. D. Becker’s house tor the winter. Mn Becker Intends to leave this week tor an extended visit to point. In the United sum. Jill: Evelyn Laaetiter spent t week with her mother_here on her return from Port Wttitdm where he spent two month. nursing her broth. OFIl-ll'. Dr. N. o. Themes whmn lea-lonely In. m. (we Moll h In. Tn. that. "how'- - â€I"? "Mrs.1B.htderaqAMmA.ts "iNet.? Ito. Dialog-o. “In. M’s Tut. mlâ€; it In “an In. _ NEW HAMBURG ten table which was visry pretty with rat-nations and candles in red and white color "ttond. "rm.rteat--Holmpet . Rlehl- A quiet but pretty wedding we: Iol~ amine on Saturday afternoon st 3.30 o'clock tyt the st. mtthew’e Lutheran personuge. Kitchener. by Rev. J. Schneider, when mu Boe- trice Riehl, youngest daughter of Mr. John E. Riehl ot New numbing. becamelhe bride of Mr. Alex Helm- pel. youngeet eon of Mn. Jeoob Jacob Heimpel ot Petenbum. The bride looked chaining in e new blue tailored suit with hat and blouse to match. She wore " Au- ka fox choker, the (It: ot the (room. Her-tlo-tt were I shower“ tee men. Show" attended by mu Elnuie Heimnel Meter ot the groom, who was sowed in e navy blue tmortrottsMrmsss with hat end cool to match. She carried a bouquet ot pink and white carnelian. Mr. tttnmtttimttutntiuMMMntttiuttul Mttuttttmuttntttttttttttl Vow-pad Dram h on. at Nam-.1. a but. Raq..60ca “a mum... “as; do. a: lot d...., alum at ......;... We I". “out. Us!“ In“ ........"..... I only, stun, an! nun. In... "In. $10.00 at! mu w.......................-.. you, as: 'yd. tar - In Back and and; wide rib and 69e plum Meg. Met & 900 (or --.r......e..-.... Bricker, Germann Co. Limited ' WATERLOO _ REMNANTS 8 bu. lnlaid Linoleum, 81.50 Ind 31.85. tor w...................----".".. andâ€. J, pea. Linoleum, " 31.00 tpr .q.prm....B..... “olq.yl. 4 pen. Llnoloum 164, 31.10 for ..p.....p....... â€anal. Remnants or mud no! Unoloum ....T... â€atâ€. a pm. of Oileiottt H. We for ......rrrr...... 'Nsq.rd. $10,000 Worth of Housefurnishings at I Sweeping Reductions 2 only 6x74, Reg. "" tor .. 1 only 6x9, Reg. “.75 tor ...... 3 only 76:104. Rex. 87.00 tor BAROUE RUGS I only - 2'ltlt "o." for ...... t any lam! 'HO, "t." for ........ t on†Cutout 03104, It... .110... tot ........ CHILDREN’S WOOL GAUNhmB Tanned Simple- Ind odd lots, m PMI - ALL om CHILDREN'S WOOL um m Cut-I. MM. Oro, all Black. " use. ....-..rr.-..r-..e....-.-"... y. "tel LADIES’ DARK GREY 3mm SEEING " in. Grey Fmehtm Shooting. only me ha. Rex. 81.75 for .t..t...... only also 741:9, Reg, 89.75 tor ......' only one 019. Box. 011.50 for .....tm.. only Illa "MM, Rag. 813.50 tor , only Illa 9x12, Reg. $15.50 tore..., only use "tbd, RAM. 317.50 for ....' only also "IS, Reg. $10.50 for ....... only Ilse 12:12. Rog. 830.50 tor ....' only Runnen, a'xt’, Ru. â€.00 for only Brut-ol- Hx’l-C. M. “5.00 tor ally 8mm]. "IO, an. sum tar only Brunch "arMFO, M. "0.00 tor only BIC-uh 939. Ree. “8.00 for ...... only Btu-I011 on“. m m.†not only qtr-t., MN, I... "0.00 tor only Brnuoll 011M 803.1“... for CEILDIIN'S UNDNtWBMt CHILDREN’S CASH ml LINOLEUM RUGS To CLEAR LINOLEUM AND OILCLOTHS A Good Time to Buy Housefurnishings. This Big Sale Means a Tremendous Saving to those who make Choices now. OILCLO’I‘H RUG TO CLEAR LADIES’ WOOL. HOSE PULIDVERS BRUSSELS BUGS 1ht-Ntardaratttt-hte T S The bi est any of Ramadan dferedin Wateribo in ' i/'i,1l','El'gld2', etc, at Clearing Price. 15% Discount on all Underwear Adam Hildebrand Attended the groom. Followlu the We eel-e. many a reception we. held M. the home ot the bride) mm. when n eumptnoue dinner wee served. The newly wedded couple will with in New Humbug end have the but wishes ot their may trun" tor e happy wedded lite. - Mr. - Kitten, recently of the Mar Theatre, Aylmer, in rent- ed the Great! Theatre how end will take nonunion on Jen. Met. Kr. Kngonr has had wide experience and I: e viounlet end oometm of much merit. The when: of the Grand my mat eluted ot the very best entertainment possible. Died-The dun: took one. In! Wednesday at Arthur Tllchloob, tho 3-year-old you ot Mr. an! In. Abram Telchloob, (allowing " at- tack ot {ammo mun“ whlch the little boy unlisted about two week- ago. He loon- " narrowing m IN _ “I.†_.. 'ta' "m 'ttatt "3.50 "a.†"I.†In. sub in. a ........... an}. is.» an an r....-..-..--;..--'.. a: I": t Me " " ...........;............ a In. mm " no. to - no: In. 81c and he . ya; hr ...m........ un- " " " BOB. linen“, am In“ also. Worth "tt In! .._.--.-..-..-. on. " only Axmlnnter Mata, 17:54, Rog. 84.00 for .....tr.......r...Btr............rq.r... a.“ a only AmlnItor Mata, 30x68. Rag. 87.00 for Malt I only unintu- “:14. Reg. 818.041 tor 018.50 a only min-tor "x90, Reg. $14.00 tor 'tNttt 4 only Axmlnltor 6039-0. Reg. $30.00 tor m i only minder '.9xtW6, It“. 339.00 for m I only Alma-tor m. an. “8.00 tor ........ moo a only Amman "MM, Rea. $47.00 tor man 4 only Annular kn, lug. “4.00 for ....._.. mm I only Wilton H20. R... "4.00 for ...w........ 1 only Wilton “:14. it... "0.00 tor ...q...... ' only Wllmn "IO, Reg. - tor ........ I only Wilton "I‘M. an. â€0.00 for ........ I only ~Wilton “29-0. at.“ 885.00 for ......_. 4 only Wilton Hzâ€. I... “3.00 for ....e... ' only Wilton ton-o. m. â€5.00 tor ...r.... 1 only Wilton "oi", Ry. “0.50 for 'p.... I only Wilton 0-011â€. nu. 000.00 tor .r.rr. , only Wilton m. m. “I.†tor m........ I only Wilion on. Roz. “0.00 tor ..t...... 4 only Wlllon M. lint. W.†for ....._... C only Wilton .11“, Rahal†for F...' 4 only Wilton "I“. it... $".0t) (or ..... ' only Wilton "tbo, Rog. "o." for ...., 1 only Wilton out, 3.1. “0.05 for ..t....F. I only Wilton an. R... m.» to: .q......l 4 only Willon an. m. "8.00 tor ........' a only Wilton an. Rig. 81.... for ...... I only Milan mu. not. mm tor ....' I only Wilton 03184. I... not.» for .... com-mum â€would. Mucu- Sinatra-mum"; Woot Shim um Duvet-I, M3" es MYS’ FLEECE!) UNDERWEAR Clam: u ..r TURKBH TOWELS AXMINS’I‘ER BUGS WILTON BUGS out: and one brother who have tho. â€tummy of " In their all " mvomnt. The funeral took me. on Sum!†momma a ' o‘clock {from the mutt homo in the Indi- poldenc Black to Rheum. alm- ittses' Bounce Moder â€out In“. took and with Hand: tn Kitchener; Among thou who “tended the tuneul of the late Mrs, Grundenbolk [or In: T'ttomu, were Mr. “(I Mn. Chris, Hamel, Station], Mr. Duals! Brill. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. {rod Bucholu. Milford. luck. in. D. McClutchey. Detroit. Mum WI. Br!!! and Mrs. Brut, and Pour krill. Wutorloo. Mr. And Mn. John Brill. Mr. and In. A. VonMIJ“'Mton. Mr, and In. A. Morrison. Kitch- ener. Mr. Ind In P. Gardner um Mr. C. Schellenhotgor, Indian. Mn. an"! Welle_ot mutton! spent an week and my!» “that. Mr. Henna Wuhan. 'tttttttttttttttttttttAnn-tttttmt 6 tor $1.00 um.- i a. 37Me f $1.39 lik $1 I.†.1 m "I.†"rat, a“! gi2rrtfWe.f) 9 .81 if: