_ jtpma January clearance]! Boy's Overcoats $9.50 Va PRICE SALE ON BOVS' SPLENDIQ SUITS 200 tine two-bloomer Suits by one of the best makers of Bors' Cloth- lng. They are wool fabrics. splen- didly tailored in good colors. Sizes run trom 10 to 18 years. Suits that sold at $12.50, $15.00, $18.50, 82000 new ..t...m. $6.25, tr.60, $9.25, $10.00 1000 Beautiful Ties Regular $1.00, $1.25 to $1.50, choice at """'""m'.r"mr_m_r.rrrw......... 69 e HATS AND CAPS Greatly Reduced Hats, rough and smooth tinistt felts, light and dark colors, popular styles and shapes, odd Hats from the season's best sellers. Quality to $5.00 at mr_.mmrr.rr. S3S5 Caps, Men's Winter Caps with Mr Polo inbands. choice materials, in all sizes, reduced to .... --- $1.29 , Formerly $16.00 Late double breasted modeu-- Blue, Grey and Brown fancy weaves. some wool lined. Pine Overconts well tailored. Sizes M) to 16 years. - The style. you wartte the fabrlca you seek, and the workmanship you demand are an represented in {hit vnn selection. Ono and two trouser cult: of a high order satisfy your present need: and anticipate: your future want. to advantage right hero now; materials and colors tunable for year around wear, one. to in men of all builds. A Selling Event We" Worth Your Time And Attention-. A Surprisingly Choice Selection of High Grade Garments at n...-n.. I _-_-----, , n '77 Greatfy LrGied Pais." If Glasses Are Not Needed, You Will be Told So Where glasses are needed, the wearing ot these brings I. degree of comfort that you will npvreclate. GEO. w. GORDON, 0.0. Optometrist Phone 2777w - " Ontario Itt, Klkchener Men’s and Young Men’s Suits Sample Photos on display at this Office Your Photo Free MEN! - LOOK! A SALE SUPREME _ lo every new or renewal subscription to the Chronicle for I927 we will give away absolutely FREE a certi- ficate on the Clifford Studio in Kitchener, which entitles bearer to a Beautiful Silvertone Portrait! Each Sub- scriber turning in a new subscription is entitled to a free photograph as described above. I Iltot Ihpt. Specials ‘ 89er- for new and no“ anon. Here are straighMlnc models, Ul- Bters, half ballad “was. ati the but Overcoat fabrics. tailored In a su- ‘perior manner. They are great values at the regal-r prices-Ahoy are wonderful values at this marked " reduction. Value ' 5.00 Completeqn Easel Mount 7 x 11 inches . $16-50 an lncrelse ot 1,234,418 pounds over the record for the corresponding period of 1925. Unfavorable weenie!- in September and October caused l reduction In output In those months compared with the Mttrett for the same month in 1925. """"’ I The value ot Mrs. Main‘s work in 240 pair Women's Patent, Kid and the Sunday School cannot be 31]- Tan thut Strap Pumps, low Cuban mated. Who can tell except God the and Louis heels. Sizes 2% to 7. work that may he abcompughod in Regular “D to $450. $1 95 future years because e devoted Sale Price "'.'..m'r'rwrmr.r.....errr. . , teacher has instilled in the hearts ot Misses' BOX Kip Lace Shoes,, Bait. ', young, tender lives the love and fear able for school or beat Wear. Sizes 3 of God. Your reward is that which 11 to 2. Regular 8275- $1 89 comes to every faithful Christian Sale Price .."'m"rr'rrm.m...mt..rr.......m.. . /worktsr--thts blessing ot God. Girls' Dongola Lace Shoes, suit-J On the other hand we desire that able for stehool wear, sizes 8, 9, IO,' you recall the turtrottintiottts during Sale Price ..9F.et.__.rtqrret..tr.r..r. $1 2910‘" lite tMttotttrttt UB “d In order . [ that you may keep these memories 200 Pair Meh'ts Tan Box Kip Lace ‘ fresh we tMrk you to accept this gift Shoes. made on the new tttr-to-date which is a slight token of our es- lnn! qisrrts, q on 11 aver-- ,nn-ni-! noiteem' . lii3 Pair of Women's Felt uni Boudoir Slippers - some leather soles. some Bott padded soles. All colors. I 120 pair Ladimf beautiful Patent: Dresh Slippers. made on the new! up-to-date last, fancy stitched vamp' and 1001 Cuban and Louis heels, all sizes. Regular $5, Special to clear I too Pair Men‘s Tan Box Kip Lace Shoes, made on the new tttr-to-date last, sizes 6 to 11, extra-special at this price ....wtt.mr........rr.wr..... Q6) no Creamery butter production In Saskatchewan trom Jan. 1 to Oct. 31, 1926. totalled 15,730,501 pounds, Womb-dbchrWh- tarsus. Yawn“!!! trtHetttt-rFt-to pun-In ttet-tmtg-ee.. anus] first a It"ttt '.tytuitrwirirrtrtiyttrr-fie the rim mine} In?" all in this ab. $30 A '" Managua a on Quality Menu add Young Mnn’s Overcoat: overitpats $22.45 In Four Special Groups GROUP I. t GROUP III. a: quality GROUP u. and one and two-m MAKING MORE BUTTER Suits $3.95 95e DAVID BEAN & SONS, Limited m a 831 Quality GROUP IV. __ mwmm . 70'!in . VATmm.0nt $27.25 $32.50 $2.98 iy. your intended departure' from among us. As friends we regret Iva-y much your leaving our midst. as brethren we shsll miss you Bil I from the church services. We recall fyour consistent Christian lives and your willingness to serve a all rtlmes. Mr. Main has held various 1,GrTiii, and alien I keen interest in ,ttuintr them ottieientV. Mar God prosper you and yours and keep you under the shadow' of His protecting wing. Mr. and Mrs. William Main und Family: . Dear Prienda-. We, your friends and Brethrgn. are gathered here tonight menus! Flu-ewe" Sorrel...-"" Sunni-y evening member: and friends ot the United Brethren church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Spaniel tor a farewell surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Help and family prior to their luvins our villus to “he up their residence in Kitchener. They were presented with e library table. The following uddreu we: read by Mr. E. B. Hellman. Signed on being" of your brethren In Christ. Clyde W. Memo“, pu- tor; Gordon B. Hellman, U.B.C.E. President; A. Hilborn. Chas Leader, And I. M. Hilborn. s. S, Superintend- All enjoyed the social time spent together. Suffers Painful Injury. -- While sawing wood It the home of George Jacobs on Mortar, Hubert Gruelich had the misfortune of uniforms o bad cm to his leg. - Rev. Mr. M, B. Schmidt ot Guam- soy. an!" In new!†a not! the visiting "have. nnd friends in m. community. T . _ V‘"‘"‘""‘“l' ‘ t _ Mr. And "ka. Clarence Fonts ot Sudhury upon: a law any. of last week at the home of Dr. cud Mrs. W. s. Facts. Rev. And In. cm. W. '"Mown, And chum-r Una Joye. no spend- Ing . few wont: at ammonium Ohio. Rev. Hutton In conducting In "atoll-tic m. “Nix {In Jlko Michal of rum In spending a tow walk- at the home " Mr. And In. Will'llin. mutton-aunt!†ttattA..mrtote-ehtetets. ummmmuvu’: usWMJHsum thattu-oetArereta.t-ttrxrttt hue u opportunity m the winter ttt “WNW shipottvoorthmhnmuvm "opeoroo.deob.heMttatMtaM. neck-n {anyhow-llama. own-Ion. “monument will - ml with ntuonco to this but on. For-onl- “Inuktitut-oral mmmamu» -e%tMattetutraaMe-'tggit. iratertoo Messrs. Herbert Muller and Mr. Gideon Hmcher attended the Bale held ttMr. Wm. Mnln ot New Dun- dee on a'huraday. Mr. Jacob ‘Holu Is busy humus logs than dun. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schneider no family and Mr. and Mm. David Otto spent and" with Mr. Sam Hofstetter. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schwartzen- truber and family and Mr. Dan setoenrtueattrutrer spent Sunday with Mr. md Mrs. Dan Lichtl at New "Hunhurg. Meson. Errln and Ezra Schneider spent Smithy evening with Mr. Lorne Otto. Mr. and Mm. Eli Holt: called on Mr. sad the. George Holt: on Fri- day. -t..Naftqtgth.8tr,Wttt-.' Mr. 11mm Blunt: made 1 busi- ness trip to Baden and Kitchener on Saturday. _ Mr and In. Duh! Ynnu. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Behwtrruentruber and daughter Vega spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Yuan. Church "ttti-Rev. J. W. Wilmer preached a helpful and inspiring sermon In the “(char church‘rm Sunday from Matt. 27: M. "Pilate spun unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which Is called Christ. mmt.-rrtynrr Beer, one of the early ploneers end one of the most respected reeldente ot Wilmot Totem ship, south of Mannheim. passed peacefully “my on'Snlurdny morn. 1ntt..ot In! week. Mr. Beer win In " 84th year. The funenl took pllce in the Mennonite church. ot which the deceuod was 1. member far my yen-n. Further notice next week. Mr. and Mn. Joe K Swaruem truhor went Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs Henry Bowmn. Mr. Gordon 8111mm: In cutting down the bush beside the Pine Hill school this week. unduly '"ettrt.--'rtte quarterly meeting ot the U, B. Church will be held on sand" next. Sund‘y School ht " mm. and church oervlca " 11 am. Rev. C. W. Backus ot Paris wlll hue churn. ' l Mr. and Mrs. J. Brick†spent the week-end with Mr. um Mrs. cur ence Shelby " Plum")..- lmperlal "urt.--rmperu1 hunts are costly drum. The mrtignatmg glve the can: of the trip by the Pre- mier, Mini-tor ot Justice end I few scenario- " manly-nu thousand dollars. The uneven foot the bill. Mr. and In. . G. Phil-u visu- id with Mr. and In. hr! sun!" at WW1: on Tao-day. Baby’s Own Tabb“ Are Etree. tive and Easy to Give. Mr. Chance Wang:- ot Stu-burg visited with Chute: Bohr on Sun- You do not have to con um mum to set the liiilo on†to take any: Own Tablets. The «so will which they no (inn. " com- ).er with liquid medicine. will up ml to "or! mother. None in will“! or mail: you know gun to. " 3 do†[in lynched the mu. atom-eh. " I rel-oar for the ill- pf childhood arising from de w of a. stomach ma bes9t. 007 m not! “amazon. ttrn. In. Vow. Willimuc. cam. ---"t nod any. On “New In the mum North's" m fund than . mm] mm- Mttq fur children mnblos uptem- ly “kth In cal-upturn. t Mu Ibo m (In. to mrAhttgrert M nm but a! on mun-nun mm m and my " nn an "an. t can not“! mm on 15bit: I. att loo-n" - on hum-m - by - can at " - at I [In Lilly gull-n; of Toronto upon: the we won at the hon. of Mr. and In. B. Bohr. Mr. Vol-non Hahn bu teamed . with-‘m Pro-ton. _ li- W "ttr-gs at my: “aluminum-1.10.†mulch-hr. Mr.Ptat'h.amtaoaMrtatsMtt-, tn. allâ€. will â€at In the Inn- an“: - have My ovu- m. hm m. it. nus. will hoMt1tr1ritt8-r-veqort the an. cit-Ru. Aluminum of m and radius will by mum’ - ItalluLOVtu‘ctm-lu tAotts-tett.tBtoarmArat. Mr. can. rum In "uttdiBg the CHILDREN LIKE THEM MANNHEIM PINE HILL svlid I A number at our Ion! hockey Inna attended the Prawn at Kitch- 'ener senior 0.H.A. cm on Friday might, the latter winning by ' to 8. I Mr. Anthony Lorentz ot Blake- spears spent the week-end under Cttte parental root. ' Mr. Reuber of Linwood annulled a Crosley & DeFox-eat radio for Mr. Dan Gerber at the home ot All: brother. Mr. Christ. Gerber on Sutur- day. Mm Clara Wagner is ensued u housemaid for Mn. Peter Dietrich. The W. M. s. held their. Jenner! meeting at the home of Mrs. Adorn Bingham last Thursday. After the programme Mrs. Binghnm served , dainty lunch. Little Miss Adena Cloister spent a few days with her aunt. Mine Ad- die Hanan, near Millbank. Members ot Boyd Church congre- gation met at the home ot Mr. end Mrs. George Glaieter lost Fridny evening and spent a social evening. A short programme wee given after which they played progressive Lost Heir, followed by lunch. At the clooe of the meeting a community club was organized, with Mrs. George Giaister president, Mrs. George Rea. nie vice president, and Mr. Firmn Ward secretary-treasurer. News Notes. Mr. and Mrts. Fred KIenanpel Br, spent Monday in Waterloo. Miss Margnet Rennie ot Kitete ener spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. t Rennie. Mr. John Event! and Mr. Ab. Hertter made a business trip to Baden on Fridtsr. Mr. und " -Joe Schweitzer visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Ouch on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dietrich spent Pridtrr in Waterloo. “Misses Elven and Salem Event! and Mr. Sydney Event! visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drunk on Sud-y. _rureeorosaat-eto.uot "R"" 1mm the lot-pond all goo-pond prod-cm now that, " lmductlon lam-cod. m MI I. in...“ "" MI no but Mn may now In“. con Mo- lnammuhwmlanm I“. I. M no. no. .. The funeral of the In. In. Loo. Wilhelm, ban in Waterloo on Wed- nesday, was attended hr a lugs number ot Mend: and relatives from here. Mr. Alex. and Miss Lorena Holmes of Newton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ghigter on Fri- day. Messrs, Will and Clemens Run“; paid a short visit at the home of Mr. Anthony Rumig on Sunni». Mr..Paul Malrovnkl nnd Jo. Lor- entz are busy chopping wood tor Mr. Henry Kmehllng. PROFITS FROM $17 How -mucts an n farmer "tord to pay for a tttttd dairy cow. or what valuation abodld he plum on In: good producers? A study of the summary nttd “an†ot all of the cows (7.654) which completed I year's record In 40 [on Cow Tut- lng Association! In: your thaw: that the profits trom dithmntt cow: after paying all food emu. "the from $17 to 8191 per cow. , The con, thlch produced " "an†of only 100 pound- new fat In I your, required only â€I.†‘Ofth ot food, while thou producing an "on" of 509 math but!“ tht had I food hill ot $08.tt. - (In higher teed cont. tho see-mud producer- hue I prom our food out of mus, whlla m’xoowna emu round only um am my“: the food bill. Mm PM. Iv! Ion m ' Mr. Alex Krootrctt Ind Mr. Clan-l on: Meyer att Wutorloo want saw a†with Mud: and riiiiiki in our burs. . I Mr. Jerome Merrrr.and It. bar- etta layer of mm» paid a Madly all " the hon. or their mum: on Sunday. Mrs. Andrew kiln-panel- In 3 vhltor In Kitchener during the put week. Illa no†Wk, who in - mm "In In Know", In visual; with hat “that. Mr. Nat Ham . . w ILMMCIM "' '“"'. 'et"'-- H... “w: "'I'N'M'." ttttyet/ttttee"-..')",""'"- Ir.n.w.mu..w Mammoth-mm "nttortgt m‘nm-cm-mm nu A "AMO, no out autumn an no In 'It "T ._ n ' "- an: new AT nu "mm. 0' nun. In. JacuI~Bnulr at In. cit-cu undumdnus 'ho"trtnt"tthoem.eieart.arq Into“ MIMIC'OIM. in. lab. Inn-I at m in I w at Oh. to. " It W.llr.lu.umuw Hill who We! w :94 h loo-uh: can. the it In: mambo-thus. Mru.ttun.B1--turormt6 in a Mu 71mm with hit dattatttrr.hera.M.rt-. _ din. Pour Valli! out no wat- md with trund- In “hurlâ€. o SUNFISH LAKE CROSSHILL TO 8191 PER COW g for the next so days. All a†'i'. our Trusses have a Comporg" 'dl. Pad without understmp. E; ii We have a complete line of ti.') ar. . = ’ '1 In ma ten" .1st 10" m1 g Ofnee _ . 12 Mansion St. Tg) f9kSiii'lles"2ty.%'io an: em. - “ = Wcuw._ (an of Drag: Mum E KITCHENER S the New. Faun; Memory. Rte " bot.) = = let P old by “launch“. or '2,% in Fa, = E '/1te.y,.cz.i " of Mr: "or pay-ohm mild 1ttmttttttmeummtmmumnmtttt ( ".3“ ‘iv' mcrutsrtE “Juneau-t. The“ records show that in non. lumen we Per not be enough fttrnqoodgradatutrrta"r,lrtttttrat "on 850 might be too much tor alt- other. The good 00' my return "we on much tor every dollar of food she at: a will the poor eow. When the whole Illa-ulna production of I cow im considered one good covi we!) ted may be warty: whole herd of interior producers. LttttatttatetetttittttMtuttttMttte thteSttg only zoo pound- nun-pod but '" prom. / WRITERS or Rupture EXAMINATION FREE January Bargain List A Good Horn Brush Ind Curry Comb. Maul-r who Grated - Shell: tor not hem. Epoch] tor enemy. Bu ._rtq___..q.m_....t_. 'tF _t..t,.._r...wrr.st..r.r...tr..r...q....t..r.e 4 qt, use Enterprise Sinner, 6 itSue Enterprise Shutter, 8 qt. size Emerprlse smiley, No. " Rod Inn-mulled Moat Chopper, res. $5.50 now No. tt Red linunelled Moat Chopper, res. $8.76 now [Am 3m Heuy Tin Dairy Pally. Regular Our complete stock of; Trusses ' to be sold out at LESS THAN COST A pen to: any woman .Aeme-.q. an is on; -'.-4rq-MnttPeuq--N.arHete-ta..i* mn-ummmmmummmm STEELE’S or,ros,Amsrs ARE GOVERNMENT QUALIFIED I _ MEN, USING THE MOST ADVANCED METHODS OF EVE EXAMINATION PHONI " I WIICHEL & SON. UNITED " _ 60ehrr1latortat$3Ss GOHDIES mama KMOMI‘I tMrttettt 'tor-htm AM Mn M Member of PM _ A few more Enterprise Sausage Stuffers and Meat Choppers left. for totiitsrt'i'-'i-,i.:i.'r_ PA "The " Hardware 'tere" Office: 2 Door: W. Capitol Theatre. Here in our Ian CURRY COMB a BRUSH YALE OYSTER CHILL. DAIRY FAILS res .XQ'BA'C u n,- . 1 ~wsh PvTrJlulm ' F Q5. â€,4" 4m: "oitrase' the and. Mel «an system makes the. Btqof _ in old Venn Jsed for - . iJebdity, Mama amt Bruin-l: ttmrortdaacy, an: of Eng mm the Hem. Fail"; Memory. a: Etg but.) m r old by atidruMiBts. or a... tia out. pkgm was“? of "it; "err qu-pam no“ 312.00 now $13.50 now $14.16 now call for “no. Counterphase Radio set WRAY'S {harem be Bedtime starter and tenure: tor the kiddies _ - music“. educational and new†features tor the grown-ups. Alt coming In as "clear as n bell" - - 3 lot ta listen to by the hour! tt you want to add con- Bidsratstr to the moment. in your homo-a new!“ that will continue for " any: of the you . - you'll “hue P decide on I [In all the funny can enjoy! And that gift is the For the Family f Kitchener New Book and Stationery more. Sold on Easy Payment. if dulredl W " "Loo, ONT. 116 KING BT. WEST LOCKS IIHARDWMK 2 tor $1.49 $1.39 rr-" of,UNtG 43e “.37 10.37 1 1.†'i't