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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Jan 1927, p. 2

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WWII?“ ”TI. The excellent attendance at the course which concludes this week evidences We: tion of the opportunities .3on for qainiattt much useful informetion which can be later sailed in the conduct of the fax-mind lino in the home on the farm. The coune is being held under the auspices of the Webrloo County ttranehisftuthturtoD-nmtota_ tem. and than attending enjoy the Imteftt of the instruction of Mt and Mel ex- port in the Deperhnent of Agriculture. Thou 'Nrttrmeseriamttet-ftstartd 'mettetatmtnt-ndamtotsehuhtrr-. t-t66datrseeth-tthegtmmrtorr-t Mrttrrttttarttaarrdtetfamttatmgt.ttsatret, This year a winter course in agriculture: and household science is again available to the farmers of Waterloo County and the youngr peoples, residing on the farms in the community. The course embraces such subjects as live stock, dairying. feeds and feeding, soils and cultivation, fertilizers and mauures, Beld crops,‘ fruit and vegetables, poultry, bee keeping/ weeds, insects, fungus diseases, etc., indicating that it is a most comprehensive one. In the domestic science department instruction in given in millinery and sewing, useful accom- plishments in a, home. The retirement of Charles A. Haehnel as secretary-treasurer of the Waterloo Public Library Board closes a long record of faithful and efficient service to that institution.Purimr the unusually long period of thirty-five years in which he has been a valued member of the Board he has had the satisfaction of seeing it grow to be one of the best equipped libraries to tie found within the province which is serving an ever widening circle of patrons. His friends and fellow citizens, it is hardly necesn sary to say, appreciate the fidelity with which he has discharged the duties of the position throughout the years' in which he has been identified as an official with the institution. WmMumuu-umuslh . t _ Wm“ M These and other matters will engage the attention of the council this year and will give scope for activity on the part of the newly elécted councillors. The municipality also properly took action towards tittingly celebrating the 60th anniver- sary of confederation which promises to be an event of outstanding importance. Another suggestion worthy of considers tion is that of the chairman of the market committee, Deputy Reeve Bohlender, who favors utilizing the rear of the market building for an open air market if needed. The rapid growth of the Waterloo Market has shown the desirability of establishing the present aiter- noon market. The holding of markets in the mien air, which are being successfully operated in other communities, would be another for- ward step and one which may in the future materialize. ol A USEFUL AGRICULTURAL COURSE I The establishment of new industries. men- tion of which (was made by Mayor Brill, is to be encouraged. The growth of the town will depend to a material extent on adding to the number of industrial concerns now located here who have contributed in such a large degree to the progress of the municipality. One of the matters which will likely conic up for serious consideration this year will be the motorizing of the fire department. An ef- iieient tire department is 'tt decided asset to a town and mar be the means of saving many thousands of dollars if effectively equipped to fight fires. A large expenditure would be in- volved in motorizing the department and it is is not surprising that there should be hesitancy in taking action which will involve the expendi- ture of a large amount. Whether the present equipment is inadequate to efficiently meet the needs of the municipality is a matter which necessarily will have to be carefully gone into. _0t. murmur” mun...” F F .7 u? _ ieiitiitrd,..taoth'ear.tic'ti' \ warm “monument-bud: Of“ new can aunt "qtt on -,etiiiuaktuiiuiiiiGiki'iuii'ifiiii “distributions-motel...“ 'rratttti; M. - thditrd.F3ttrrtr" . ---u---.---..-----.-a- . Toronto. who not only only am an era- IDIAUGURALIII‘I'INGOFOWNCILJ poem in -tmtsttttgtt-tt1arttathtath. "--------------------"li-otusnairgui, Ali-Blood over At the inaugural meeting-of the Waterloo twenty mike. but who in competition with tmme.ouneitgeneml "sNmtteestnadetolmartroei.tnmdmdotth.tsuts--ot the desirability of economical administration the United States, was the onlyonetoounploto of the main; of the municipality. on object to the d-outs and ending com-Io. He won be commended. Ratepayers ore naturally in. the William Wrigiey Jr. mice of 825.000 and tented in keeping theirtueedowntoeret theappi-ofbttthAmeeieantsandCanadiapt. uonnblc level consistent with good service. who hove since vied with one another in doing 'There are from time to time projecu him honor. Premier King. on behalf of Can- which while involving 1 large initial expendi- ada, he: sent him eoettrratulatioetts while hi ture, prove economical in the long run. Under native province has also rent it: (elicitation: this head may he classed paved roadways. In and his home city of Toronto has prmnised him pursuing a definite policy looking to the estab- a royal reception on his return home. lishment of a comprehensive system of good The notable victory of this young Cant. roads on the main thoroughfares and ap- dinn lad has brought high honor to his native preaches to the town, a wise and economical country and demonatrated unmistakably that policy is being followed. the qualities of sturdinesa, self reliance, cour- A LONG RECORD OF SERVICE In ”that“ "In. .. It bu recentlybeen pointed out that the vutnm of our territory would be of nut Annmarie. to aviation. ths the old continent atsm-tusatttethmti-so-ther "tdtheatrahitrt_reottteaintoeoettnet with cum: mnmuuumm Ttt2attd,t""tSy2gu?",td't.t at'dtmtt-tWttt_ b country. hem, 'rr-tg-tttte-tFi-tttttnth. trP.r"Ptt"trm""te"e9-r The reeomrmmdntiong are worthy of can- tul eonaideration and a meeting will be en ranged with the Ontario cabinet with a View to anon-him the proposals made by the Hunt- cipd Aseodntion. ' Among the suggested amendments to municipal legislation proposed by the Ontario Municipal Association last week are the stan- dardization of safety signals at railway cross- ings, exemption from distress for debt for non- payment of taxes and abolition of the muse- ment tax on all social events held by churches. fraternal orders, ete., where the receipts do not exceed 8200. . For instance, the latest government mar- ket reports, specially prepared for the farmers of Waterloo County, a full report of hog grad- ing for the week and talks on agricultural sub jects are broadcasted every week. These re. ports are no doubt proving of oonsiderablead- vantage to the farmer who is equipped to re ceive them and add further to the facilities en- joyed by the agriculturist. The radio, which is being installed by a growing number not only in the urban centres but in the rural districts, is not only proving a means of entertainment but is being utilized to convey information both instructive and useful. Although cases of ill treatment of animals are not of frequent occurrence in this Commun- ity, the organization should eitert a wholesome influence on owners of animals who are in- clined to let beasts fend for themselves and neglect to properly care for them. The know- ledge that thete is an organization charged with protecting animals generally and in seeing that they are humanely treated will discourage any tendency to ill-treat animals. Owners and lovers of dumb animals will accord active support to the newly organized Twin-City Humane Society in its declared ob. ject to furnish mire protection and humane treatment to animals. The net work of excellent made being pro- vided in the county indicates the progressive- ness and enterprise of the various municipali- ties who properly appreciate the value of good roads in the carrying on of the business of agriculturist as well as that of the city dweller. The Department of Highways has been de- voting increased attention this winter to keep ing the main highways of traffic open. The Kitchener-Preston highway has so far this sea- son been very passable. When there is a heavy fall of snow it is promptly clemd offso as not 'to impede traffic. County officials have also been diligent in keeping the main roads open to traffic, all of which has been pleasing to motorists who utilize them 1in connection with the carrying on of their businesses. Those who do not require their motors for business pur- poses have, of course. put them away until the warmer weather again makes its appearance. , RADIO ASSISTING AGRICULTURIST The notable victory of this young Cens- dian lad hes brought high honor to his native country and demonstrated unmistakably that the qualities of sardine“. self reliance, cour- age and perseverance sre possessed in the high- est degree by the youth of our land. hush-bend“. theadrrd-itmeltWai'rt. ttrdmmtft-rtheartte*rbditsatat.- atetarextt_ittarrtr,virittdstagdrr- magnum-gouty. t j, TO PROTECT DUMB ANIMALS I SUGGEST AMENDMENTS KEEPING ROADS OPEN “wanna-Immu- Ilia. haul-Inuktitut $60M0& _ 0am- m in ”up! In on "thott-ma-ttoo-r. "ber't,'00nrrtetAoegtoeEStt" Itv*qdi0tMr-A-to t-t9ttiittm,t- out“ at... n in. In.” “7.000 In thund- from a. Port! Iota: Gong-y. n4 win " was mucus-u In ms at. foo-Nod “0.000 tn 'tmA. no at that “0.- 000 m or and now to m n. [it] who that“! In Mother In '0' In Ito-eta Jr. Hans. The brother In mum sum m: In“ Own-I. In the tatt you" an follow-d In. Run - 'ttttt OF FORD 8706K new: "no $1,000,000 While an the tale In the 880,- 000,000 tax tmit In prom-s " Hotel Butler before tho Unltod Court of Tu About: no been ot millions. tho gunmen dropped let, Mun! to $100 “may old Hod . "or, whlch probably will and no can] In Bit of the court re- am“ of on world. tt won t tolo of n (III who In no: loomed - hmthev 3100 “(Now an Inn-Mom brought to? o nun of 51mm $1.. Ontario led the Dominion in 1936 in quality on well u quantity. the production in thin ravine. being placed at 1.805.000 boxes. of which no per cont. received the top grades. x There he- heen n runnrhble in- crease in both production 1nd quel- lty from the Northern Ontario dia. triet. Although only In cheese- making business for . few yeerl, this district heeded the 1m for On- urio In the matter ot and“! lest your. or the 6,800 boxes mded. 93,! per cent. went in the epoch] and Brat list, en met-sue ot " over beads. with 116,450 boxes, v” the Ingest producer. and had 1 percent- age of 90 metal and tirttt grade. Next in order of production came Prescott, with 98,800 bores; must. ings, 97,1761 Dada. 95,434. MAKE DEBT CHIIUI _ IN PRINCE EDWARD 00. Prince Edvard Ind :11 Ontario counties in guilty of chaste Ittat you. According to the/hunt mm: from the Duty and Cold Storage Branch at Ottawa. Out of the tots) production ot almost 48,500 boxes. 95.9 per cent. cum; in the special and Brat grade. Carleton made Beth ond place. with uncut ’- good a record and w“ followed, by Hut- mor, Nlplulng, Leno]. Frontenac Ind mark. . The prancing! cannula: whlph would be given an hem-ed quote would be Greet Britain and Nortti. em Ireland, the tote]: tor which were given In the report " 73,039 must 34,007 It preeent. There would be a total reduction for all countries of 11,120, which the new total placed " approximately 154,000. The Irish Free sun's “not! quot: would be reduced from 28,676 _to 13.802 and than ot the other countrie- mentloned in similar or greater proportion. QUOTA. To " GUT Impetus m [Ivan io the no": mm In Congra- tor and ot tho muons} origin provulon ot the un- migration restriction I" by the rs. celpt from President Coolidge ot 1 upon showing that they would be a muted reduction that next. July 1 In the quota snowed Gummy. the Irish Free State. ttatr ind the Scandinavian countries, MIN). mutanwhlchuotm nun typo. _deveitq" “I hono- povor and nap! ttttt - without any main! or mach-Mal hum shoving. the “Cyclone." It In III tor my hour: and» the Invention of H. L. Barber. mum my: Innocent at no bureau of tMr-tttea, Ind duh In; in tut in been unfunny nud- od from outside oboe-"luau. - U. . IMMIGRATION 1Pfd'i9eB9sttt-tre.l-t'tir.tipivarink.aiiik t90rtrgrqAa_00qt.90e wuwmgumm “dint-ohm”)..- sum-bulb“... I. muumcuouu-mmuum ummmamm "aenrtotrrtrttt"te.au-a, Ptxt.t.d.tarreu.t-eeaa- -deihti_r-n-tr Mum-“n.13mumn. Harm PM . . mu "Vito” . I. mum" A at - mfm not PttqNeettt Mr coal“ m: h tho m. m and may a ngmbyvumm-anu- -tom at tho um 01 an thm mmmmnumm uncut-rm "erBetag.st$ehe.trr-e.Mtr _ fmunmummw Numb-Mm mun-magma” 251*}?- a an n . mm»). wumuww-wn 'tf'"""0N""-t-tea ma measu- m' WOOL 30-pin! my. Tomato, wool-din: to ch m "NADA " wlll which will ho album“! for Finn! alumna- for the wool clip WONG qhttrttr. Dr. tnt-tttont of the Dominion tor tho your jut died on Dee. 0. closed plum the tout st close to --- 11,500,000 pounds. compared with COMPARE WHIAT 0011’. 10,000,000 pounds In 1986. Of thin; The not out at product“ a ten unoum ground 5,000,000 pounds of what In Humor:- In In! wn were lined locally, tho bulk of the 810118. u cultured With 810.70 In clip In Quebec and cam". now l the State. or North Dakota and Min. c-nudnn mnemon- In the wgu‘nuou, um the Hannah mm I!» - running comma-cu! chm-luau! IS.' bushels ot what. whil- nah. ct the nmlndor, Ibo!!! 501th» new» the border yfoldod only not oth. of 8.804.000 mm. to trc10.00 Moll. muons! por bun-ho] can. In: Inn-hm on I (Mod of "Q“ been. 8t tmtta ll limitat- bull through the mall!- of the and 31.” tn North mm and Mitt. Defendant tn " enmlnetlon 'mtea his bees were of the "three- ‘handed naiina" variety. whlch tor ‘many centnres has enjoyed a repu- _ tation for gentleness and other Mttns of good breeding. He denies that it was " been that undo the attach on the Peter. brothers. saying " honey-meters were any: well- behaved, well looked met, and that more was no reason whatever why they would leave their 'iiii2',uiC'/ and Sunny home to so chum; hone-1 netrtt. on September 6, end u 1 result the home died and Flank m hid up torpome time nursing hie injuries. These [note Ire alleged in I eute- ment ot claim flied in Winnipeg county court against Fred A. Chiv- ere, Cmadinn National engine driver, who lives in Winnipeg. Frank Peters chime 8875 tor pun end dem- ngee uttered, while lune. who lost the horses. nets 8239. . More than halt tt million busy bees attacked Funk l. Paton um two horses owned by " brother, lune. KILLS TWO FARMERO Two rel-men, e (ether and eon, were killed‘by a Mannie, Mina., high school troy on Dec. 27, when the farmers ordeled the boy end n my ot equine] hunters from their lend. Funk Jacobs, " died ill-tant- ly from three bullet woundl. end Henry Jecohs. the tether, died inter in the hospital from one bullet wand. Harry Fleming. 17, admitted the shooting, chiming it no in ult- deiense. He is held by the police. HORSES on: As new“ or ATTACK av BEES: ’ cums DAMAGE. Donut! M. Nahum, KC., of lung-ton. Ont, who wa- etuttrmatt ot the oatario nilwny ttttd mankind board for a number ot nun, ro- slgned trom the etttsirtnnuahiry In! week. . c. R. McKEOWN BIA!) au‘rMuo RAILWAY 00AM) Chll'lel n. lcheown/ WC., ax- M.L.A. for Granville. he: been up pointed chelnnen ot the cam runny and municlpnl board, Be. cordln: to en announcement try Premier G. H. Fem-on. Mr. KaKeown, who " a well known Comrutlve, succeed!- Don- na M. McIntyre. KC. . HIGH SCHOOL BOY The Crown. ummudT'i' Mo. Gngor Young. we, ot Toronto, nub muted virtually the nu "Mac. n In: orerod lulu! lav-rd Mit. lor, who'd-n was wanted of tho nae charge. I mdrt.arartti-dat%tr-tG -tu-desarmstart,trrt atrJaa.gttsttdtq,arat-ae mmmmmua-mcm. who. tn am to but; ou'o! 1'stt'-tertts-,tioie- o--tratiesetattm. MOUNTED IN POROU- - on. LIQUOR can any} Bimini. use“ oe I W ot nun“ Monoun- M will dam troll inboun- llcm at cumu- lut July. in mutt“ " if -___ . ___ Monday, January at, 1927 , at three o'clock in the nftemoon. for the reception of the Annual Raped. tt,e',,iggfP"o"t'tdth""""ctio'""'""i"'-rao"t"ihr' w W"? ' . . s. c. Twat). Notice is Hereby Given that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of The Ontario Equitable Life& Accident Insurance 90111.0th will be held at the Head Oilke of the Company, Waterloo, Jug-q 15. 1927. Notice of Annual Meeting COMPAII VII-(KAT 0001’. The not cost at producing u .m of what In Manitoba In "" v“ 810,08. " command with 810.70 In the sun. or North Dakota and Min. nuou, um the Mullah. we I!» dtttted 18.8 bungl- ot that. will! the new» the border 'reid only LAME IBTATI An ”at. of ”at.“ was In“ by £11.}!th Dr. Gideon Silva-thorn. chi turmoil of the at. Inch-01’: Hospital lug, Tannin. “wording to " will which will ho album“! for pronto shortly. Dr. Bilvorthom died on Dec. 0. SURGEON LEAVE. . are. This ll_a substantial Increase over a year ago. when 3.178.000 poundl were Ihlpped to the co- operative. " cup In West. Southern Alberta and Southern Saskatchewan. where sheep are tensed over 'the prairie: in lane band- ue the moat concentrated sheep-raking areas tn Canada, and consequently 1,600,000 pounds o; wool. handled cooperatively. came} to Weston from those two actions alone. Every Province. except thel three In the Harman. reported an Canndlul Ctr.opertuive Wool Grow- __ """e'"-'"-"-""""""""'""""eF*e8P+e.9B. "'"e""i'sirt-ee-mtrrsti.-da.ima. "'"rb"e'rtm.,a-rem.eetru-etsero.. Auron-rs-o...'---- wanna. .. . MIMI-visa. . 1 wmmn&_ “in.“ ”how's-Oahu at 1.30 o’clock In an afternoon, for the mention of the Annual Report, election of Director}, and the trlnuctlon of such busi- nm as may come before the manna. Waterloo, 0mm. . E. F. aernAM. January IO, 1027. _ 9...“--. Merchants Casualty Insurance tanirany wlll be held at the Had one: of the Company. Bank a Building. Wnurloo, on, on Node. I. hereby elven “if the of the uni-chow". of North Waterloo Famm’luul Fire llama. btt. it one o’clock pan. In an In. otGrv Hall: Waterloo, 'tr purpou of receiving the Company's Annual Report and election at four (Ill-nun. Saturday, January 29th, 1927 The 58rd Annual luau. of the "or”: Wain-lee Puma-t Mutual Fire Imam Company will be hold on numu1unwm at an Company's "I“, w-cs.. an m " would" mountain! "paw-muonummnomum """'-rt-th-'ottter-ttlrirrr- so brought not.) an mu. _ TH! wnmoo MUTUAL "I! IWM'WAW m sixty-ma. ai- Month. at no Wm Ftmt-'mmtirr.ateriittt-aq Monday, a 1 'rt,pGuarsr, 1 927 " order of the Board. ANNUAL MEETING Tgegday, February 8th, 1927 Annual Meeting - I; NOTICE OF JOSEPH H. WOODS, - Int-agar. ARTHUR FOOTII. TH: Dillard's Llnlment ro"r mm hands. mrsota, according to Profeuor' B. 0. emu. of the Mommies Dom- .ment ot the Manitob- Agriculture] College. "These colt- do not in- ,clude the rent of and.” he added. "It interent tor money invested in lend were considered the Multan farmer would be still better " than his neighbor across the border, tor the curse: In this donnection (to About not! per em lower than in the State. to the south." Notice In horoby (in: that the mum canon! mood-g of the than “and Comm! will be held It Rankin!“ Hall. New Dundee, January " 1.7 n tatt pm. tor tho purpose at melting the upon of no Conn mars omen-I and on" an; on] tmat-m. A week] ”can will address this muting. " tronl ». awfully Inuit-d. btt. NEW DUNDEE FARIIRU COOPERATIVE CREAMII‘IY COMPANY, LTD. Annual amoral Mum». Annual General Meeting E. F. SEAGRAM, Pr-te. I. I. Mydor, Toronto Ejic.,)-'f?,l,i!,, aux-3Q. Cis'.,),',

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