tPi if: " _ ""iiiiiiiiiiiiii"ciiiiii"ii- a.,,' ======a=====z'====s==,=====i' On the night ttttore Janet's depar- . . ’ture a dance was arranged to which Clean Kithteys 'ee chi-feel Matt ot the Chennai" . . Mill in: lnvltod. Gilli: promised I. By Dtlnkllg lspeclal feature on the prognmme in the tom ot an tthbtatthiotttsd gunne- Lots of Waterl,2',Lf, with his “red-shirts" as the ---- 1pertormrs. [ . mae Salts to Fhmtt Kidneys it All that dly the me. drlulod [onuutely for Janet's - of and. none at her Mend: had re- cognised In the Photograph of the new cinnamon ot Cum!- the land- Iome you; an! they had met " in home. They were puzzled by her duel-lea to went I Bond-y tn the will]: until Ike many mentlonod an new WIS my!“ for their entertainment, end one accepted with e tulle the sly teasing that (allowed. _ That Afternoon Connie cnme rid- ing down the hill holding in her land an enormous bouquet ot Alpine no-tr. She lespod trom her horse and m blithely around the corner of the his building. Andy, dressed in white out and hat, came smilingly forward to meet her. "Andy, here are none rare f%were Dad lent tor----" She eased spank- ing abruptly at Donald, leading June! and her ftiegtdts from a tour of the “when, came through the door. “a “than." 8. "tom Connie " no - llama the mu. lull undying the The mm Irrirmt by special mm a any earlier than originally planned and " June! “owed to the platform Donald In tor a moment discon- eanul by the warmth of her greet- ing and the softness in her eyes In they rental on him. _ Donald'l ace lighted with a glad smile as he an Connie. “But 'mr the 'ell an I ’elp 'ttnet" no pondered deeply tor e moment, but, new Ineble to than! the question. ehook his heed ndly end turned to " dunno. "an“ Ronnie. I want you to meet Min Wainwritrht." “In“. In new!" new Age C u to up“ in Now. “In and: to Into a man an Connie's taco burned with em- lnmument u all eyes turned to- urd her, and the Inns of wild nowertt held crushed toNter Drone quiverod u though shaken by a breeze. She ghnced about her quickly, strongly tempted to tlee the For A moment the society hells sad the girl of the mountain: eyed each other silently. but stared at Connie as it rho were some strange cmturo uncluslned by science. Connie for the Brat time was gain; on n stylishly-clad member ot her on sex. “net's are“ ot white silk Ihlmmered in the sunlight. and her ttroad-ttrimmed white hat, with lin- ing of pile rote. [no to her . boun- tiful no: I ruddy glow. nun; too much rich food my vroduoe kldney trouble tn some tom. In†I welyknovn authority, been“ the midi meted excite the kidneys. Then they become over- worked. get dust-h. _ehte up end - " nort- or dhtreu. particu- hrly beam!“ end when In the kidney region. rheunntlc twinm. an" hunches. acid munch. constipation. torpld “var. sleepines- nu. hum end when Irritation. The now: your buck him: or â€can "or: tteunq right. or tt use“: both." 'me, m drinking lot- of cool water and “no not about (our on“. of 1nd sun from asrrereMtamrmer;tiatatB- would an I that o! nut Mon tr_athrr.fttwVarsdrtnrr - lay an not (In. his m Betta In undo from u. Add at an). and '.gttttgt lulu. oom- “mm-alumnae Arr-toft-het-dh- and mum (ho- to mums; tho column- the maul-mm '-rttutmermrtttertreftate, “Mull-m Mullah mammlolmml- m My“! .llluu at madman-numb. t.%t.hee.tHMe-am0er%. Ito this} a cup in . revel-non. Try it. human-alumina. “moutdm:nb CRIMSON WEST Bladder Bother: or . Back Hurts. ALEX. PHILIP THE I During the evenings she spent with Donald. Janet was assailed bv ,lleetlns emotions in which she tried to dtytigtt, her attitude toward him. ism ielt the time was not tar dis- C tant when some ttefinitiott would be 1tll,td,'ll,". in a number of artful l ways she had tried. but without suc- cess, to lend him to all! ot himself. 1 When she put s direct question she é saw the lines thou: his mouth tight- ’en. and his reply carried a tone of 'such unmistakable rebuke that her ‘fece reddened and the subject we: {Instantly dropped. Juno! scrutinised Connie’s tuned avenue and course cotton shirt. which, even though loose and ill- itung, could not conceal the gnoc- tttt line: ot the cuidieh tltrure. Con- mm by the cold reception. her eyes “this sad misty with s hint of pain. Connie turned quickly any. Moving with the any grece and freedom that an empress might en- vy. Connie walked to the side of her cayuee. and with a 'rharactsrrisye bird-Ilka mhtion wrong to' " back. Her moccnslned (eel struck " sides. and with ears thinned Pes- nsue- leaned forward with I speed That sent Connie's heir atreuniniL. His spanning hoots sent a cloud of dust In their faces. then horse Ind rider went tearing up the hill. Count- an. mod n ndtMrtnq nu no. the In! W!" “on to the unm be. - “in. I“ th"tot"nt"mmdue_tmtt.mrttrr on ttttWatt-ttatb-trate., Thom vu a eaetatri den M- am, I at!" Innuen- about the girl or the wood. that and. has: when mind-l. Their eyes not at! Connie's lip. varied in a timid all. rustling two to“ of name! milk- whito tooth and tanning two any dimplu in her brown check. as: lonely heâ€: longed tor the friend- ship of thin/wonderful girl. but the units quickly (vied when Ilia a" that Janet's on. remained cold uni appraising. , Connie's visits to the mill ceased. but from the highest point on the Mutt she watched the merry-makers with keen interest As, dressed in natty riding costumes. they rode their stylish horses, dieported them- selves in bathing suits on the sandy beach, paddled the like in light, graceful canoes. or chugged about in the shiny white motor-boat. For two efenlnss she set with I feeling of dreary lonesomeneee while Donald Ind Jenet (lasted on the placid lake in one of the tiny cenoea. Their subdued voice and gentle laughter coming up - trom below. _ Janet stood staring utter the fly- ing rider with a look ot blank u- toniahment on her face. All that any the hie: drinlod continuously; lake and mountain were hidden under I heavy mist. The Inclement weather did not alm- pon the “dour of the many crowd, who, in suckers no ousting ot "or! detreription, subarea fl-rt, And tree. to decor-ta the his dinlng- mm tint m to be used In I one: bill. Thu mun, light: shamed from every Winde ot ttte trig room which had undertone l sudden transform» Mon. The “I! were one was ot wild thtqretrtr, ad on m henna over- head null and.“ um ham“ Mood upright in row. main. u Duncan! odour to the ur, Already burdonod will! the "not small of wild flowers. The music of the phenom» ntrwed out of the â€on door to what. so!!!) throat): the Grim: mu. Connie lurid or in diam. ad at" dark sin “in“ quietly do" Into the anâ€. no crouch“ by th- om window, hull.- o! no mitt dripping from the "ttq, in - glued upon me “chums mo within. an. In! Donal all mwmm norm m noor, and no mud n m use. of tBetr m 11. In at at. no man H"!- at 10-min. lunar. a. nun. or an... m m ull m to than». I). Mt . Mal of In†all - W. In r M I I - but. u in: unk...- u “can _ Mwmmmm LtPettett1retrem "hm't it beautiful?" he indicated with a sweep ot his arm the his. the wooded hills and the glittering gluciers lifting their had: high to the sparkling tlrmarntnt, He turned to and his companion standing with downcast eyes. Gum - and mu on auto. My with I ma- non Itylo. mu. more utyh, "all. ma. non Ityle." At an nun: the girls loudly " vhudod an 'tttorttt of this picture.- que crew. use! “to: t mm mm- m; spell they ml. took the noor and danced mull shut “Mutton forced them to quit. Hopping their dripping has. qrtih bl: rod bur (hum, they "coped traatarotsatr outside. Near mlanlsht tha rain ceased. and u Donald Inked with Just. to he: cabin the moon came undon- Ir trom belting! u dirk In.“ ot clouds to not the lake Imrkunx under it: not! light. “Too wonderful {night to “up," said June! softly. “Shell we walk to the like?" est- ed Donsld. she nodded essent. They stood near the edge ot the into in the light or the moon end looked across at the towering snow- iields etched xix-inst the eter- spengled shy. There were lights still shining from the his room they had just vacated. and the night watchv men's intern bobbed jerkily n he made his rounds. Across the hie the light trom the trapper" cabin shone on the celm surhce ot the enter. The mint. weird call of n icon waited to their eers wee echoed and re-echoed in suit cadences from the surrounding hills. A hint breath of vind came out of the rein-washed forest, laden with the sweet perfume or earth end ti-tr, and caressed their faces like loving fingers. Don. aid took a deep breath that seemed more like I sight. . .rit6rBrtta.rt-tsr Whom-unlru hmbmnuhuduu mmmum-c th.-6teaetturtHsttrgtet. m “I -_ M manhunt-chm. truebeettta-tutrseseaat- "atedthrort.t9trttrta.trat- of the Quinn. and no†gum he“. in.» out and um mm. . All {In no: kn: be! to WI; All Braad mm and loft. Claude. mm at! â€but " loot your psi-dun “a All slur an. â€I'm“ an was. "6'edMth."yytt.'oe"t8ttttst_ " a. Mom vole. an, MA- not In the colourful if†" “cunt at." " _ "Don't lou like It?†he asked. tt trifle resentfulâ€. ' Janet raised her head slawiy. The Humid depths ot the big brown eye- were not: and languorone in the half- light; the mu red lips were dewy and tremulous; the peaceful litrht of the moon shone upon her redlnnt upturned face, giving It en ethereal glow. N "It Is wonderful," she brelthed. . Tttvoluntarily he moved closer. What was the Inner urge? Iam)--. tmstitue-einotion, gr, It might be. 'passion? Laughter and voices sumo from the trail above. Dowsing with sov- eral of the visiting party emerged into the white tight of the moon. Douglas called his sister’s mine and has! um Donald moved up the am to join them. After the sound of their footsteps died In the dietence there was I rustle In the bushes near the path as e slender. childish Btarrr, cled in blue were": end cotton shirt. gllded into the no" moonlight. She etood lemme iorwerd with the grace of some wild thing, her heavy heir nowirttt shout her ehouldere. The big blue eyes that nun-11y were ttlied with light end heppineee were now out with pee-ion. end two smell brown lieu were wee-ed mint e wildly-heed“ hreut. Teen‘well- ed from the blue eyes end rolled elowly down her cheeke. Her bmth ceme in my. “I but. you! Oh, how I late you!" She, lumped her tiny mettte.Mrtqd toot minimum. then turned “a m blindly “on: an art for“! mu. " An owl now like I ghostly was to . thick no"): of In. no mn- led cheap ot a (â€mammal “M to a cry ot terror, quickly anon“ by tin “with! but trt the owl n It mu. m in]. A Ions-â€Anon with In (on! hood cuddled to " am that. Ian! a. death- m, and not on. - m“ with A mm 'tteh, new!“ new: on the mo. mm“ . can“ miultwdnn Donna. autismA-o-oltiuormm "Wucmmm at“, m m I to may out and new in.) d WATERlOO TP. COUNCIL MEETS The quick "Nop" ot u untied mount wounded manly on the ‘night Mr n the Breed rose slowly from a not not in from when Connie had bin in hiding. He stood with om: folded, the stand look of the Indian on his face, mid lat-red toward the not when Connie ind disappeared. A look of iuecabie M nee: woe in his samba eyes. Thu he stood as immonlrle u n statue tor m interval. Then I toaedrawn sigh escaped him. "She loves him," he aid in a dead voice. widening Implo- toward the land. He walked to the shore. his dim tortod limb causing him to any grotesquely in the moonlight. He drew s Ikllfully concealed dugout trom the baskets“ hunched it gently. His paddle spurned the voter noiseless“, and in I moment he was lost in n bright patch of pr tttset" moonlight. The First Session of the Water- loo_Tp._Coung_il for A.D, 1937.†__- This Council met at; the Tip; Hail on Monday, 111111.17 10th, pursuant to statue. - m’ - ' Vt"rmitu-iives'"taVira,iia Sign today. 25: and $0: a box, every- The following. named persons subscribed to e necessary De- clarations of Omee: “ Reeve--Ailen Shoemaker. Deputy Reeve-Fin C. Hall- "casdhhs1ttterisatttngtexart-rt lo was: nun-duh. M. tt 'hargtyfq aha-madam it 'dhttNggrat Imwlzu: s'htuttlrg'2gt iiiititiiii,i7iii. hauls! (do: my maple. They would - get the WIN! a“ I dw'-.. In. One-inc Godin, Wm. NB. I, toning up the atom. kidney: wt but. "rhdt-a-tives" is a rat hip to 'ertyteAttbistrritiet,s tife."rndt,"irasenestiedkhte. 11min: -l-tre-ittsrnoktrfitttemt.. In! treyh an". Hcs- mum m man-. The Reeve took the chair and the minutes of the previous session wage read gnd_approved. _ A Wm. W. Tilt. Moved by C. T. Grok. seconded by F. A. Klein, that Bruw No. 208A to provide for the appoint- ment of auditors for 1927 A.D. be read a that And second time.- Carried. Moved by W. W. Tilt, seconded by P. A. Klein that By-Law No. 209A to nppoint for the Tttt ment of a Loon] Bound of ellth tor A.D. 1927 be red I Brat end second time.-Carried. CommunieatioG were read nnd considered. Moved by I. c. Banana. â€cond- ed by C. T. Grok. that Bruw No. 208A u ,sowsBlttd in with the muse: of J. B. Pomeroy nnd M. B. Snyder be read a third time and -. _ _ _ ' Moved by C. T. Grok, seconded by W. W. Tilt, that By-Law No. 209A " new Mud in with the name. of Been A. Shoemaker, R. J. Vane): and Dr. J. Scott Hogs. to. ther with Dr. A. tr. Henhoe or a: guitar! Inspector and the Town- apjp_c_lark u_ucntgry._bo red I ihiht ttht-U-et...':-'." lowed by C. T. Grok. 'raw. by W. W. Tilt. that 'tW, lb. 210A to nuthoriu the " and the Tron-um to borrow the mom of "0.000 from the Bonk of Toronto to nut comm. expense. in the Tp. of Wourloo for the your 1927 be mad . Bert, second mad third tlme.--durdef, A __-_, _ - Moved by P. A. Klein, ucondod by C. T. Grok. that the Clerk um It,'gnt,'n', to the 'ettttietpat World or an Town-up ofBeuu.-- Cnrlod. - -- - _ 7 7 Kovd by W. W. M mended? at). 110ml! the have be than - to lamina. . Iy-hw It the next union of Cl. can“ to provide tat,', Incl-hunt of Ana-on. co on, ",s'rgd,,tt,tt, inspector-l under the Ind v, Madam-I. mun-m. School Attettdarte.. - "" Tm- loved by C. T. (kph mended by P. A. Klein that I m of as. be made to the Sick 0:51.115 Bet.. r“! "Aoreea-fettu. . . â€ml Luna-nu M. "Im- tt PHI-m and w. may for " [bee-nod. Ind , I. C. “In, - " by O. . Grok but Om. mm bteidd. . -. - mtii macaw Printing or.,) pink ballot. 010.00; M? Ptettttg c... we. own-mg "Mitt M-beet In». an“ 'reeds, 8.00; 0. I. M - W 2nd Deputy Reeve-Ah-T. Groh. CounetTiors--hank A. Klein and (To be continued) mom 5:: ‘on Tp. line, 71.88; Henry Neel), grading and unveiling, 59.42; “Walter Bimchea, lumber for mow fence, 27.47; rant to Sick Chil- dren’s Rotpihl. Toronto, 25.00; ,Election Expenses, 215.00; Wm. 'Carey, caretaking " Pr.ovipeiy1 ‘Election and Sundry account, 6.00; G. M. Shirk, wood for Tp. Ball, 14.50; P. A. Snyder, registering fl1t" Marriage and Deaths, ' . 5. .n‘auniu-rdm 'tti-e-Ye.,-?- manna-001W.“ _ "an. " _ l “Who In my" ' - "tttr," nt-ted tho bl] M. “I In many." ESTABLISHED A RECORO Pulhment magnum I noon! in speed tor the "auction of blui- ness when the debate In nply to the speech from the throne In noon!- ly adopted by both houses. mar n brief two an dittettaattrtt, and I supply mu tor some 864,000,000 ro- oolved wound rattling in the com- mons. _ WEI-0- “It. â€It“ It†'.ft.. It; l'vo lu- - mumu- Iowa.†NN mm. you duel-rad In "ttret" into a. - " h ci- a“. “Wall, Bobtrr boy, did you in. . good than" uh Haunt. "Uh. huh," Inna." lobby. "Agtd now an In“: and nor Mona: who. am you do It the My?" “Proved up}! menu-MW oMeMseettrttraeseetArMttt --Tt"'-set-mMro. "m: " mu not “on; " rich. Pomona out." We.“ The Bobby had in! returned (to. It um emu-u my, AM Inn-3, who In: l mum, in m’mnd. The maim- for the um mm a: may you: In carried without " vision. no armaments ot any kind being altered by any mambo“ of he various opposition youâ€. TREATY or Aratfy SIGNED _ BY GERMANY AND ITALY, Premier Mussolini end Boron you: Neunth. the dental: Ambuudor to Italr, recently ligated " the Foreign Dulce. Rome. n truly of unity and “nitration, whereby Italy and Ger- mny moo to settle peaceably die- vutee which my arise between the two nations in the next decade. The treaty, which was drawn up in the course ot conversations " Geneva. contains " “Helen binding the two nations to submit to eon- cilletory procedure my controver- sies which cannot be solved through ordinary diplomatic channels. Dr. Gustav Stresemnn. the Foreign Minister, and Dr. Gone represented Germany and Signor Scum:- and Signor Grandl, Under-Secretory tor Foreign Altai". were spokesmen for Italy when the treaty was negoti- ated. . charity in Bridgeport, 16.00; A. Grub, groceries for Ms. T. Smith, 3.62; H. Boehmer & Co., coal for Chappel Family. 1.22; Arnold’s Grocery, groceries for Chappell family, 2.63; Chas. Waumsiey, re- fund of Taxes Lot 11 b 12, San". Survey, 3.38; Albert Memmctakirttt puuper to Home of Refuge, 5.00; Tregsurer Woglwich Tgy, half_co_at Moved by C. march, seconded by P. A. Klein, that this Council now adjourn to meet train on Sut- urday, January 29th, 1927. at an Tp. Hall at 10.30 a.m.. and that the Court of Revision on the Wil- mot Sent cement walk be held on the "oresaid dnte and phce at 1.80 o'etock pan. [ Sage Tea Dandy To Darken Hair You can turn (11!.th hut handful]! dark and human that our Mam. K you'll at n with of "mm an: and Sulphur Con pound†It my drug Btorq. Damon: of boule- or this old hm: Bang Tea Room. Improved a, the add!- uan of other lundhau. an no)! “nanny, an a well-known dru- m: m, been» It - 0. but no unruly an! "only that no o-emttetTttuaheertttpNud. “none was hair in turning m or Incoming haul hue n am â€with; thorn. _ gun on at two â€pile-than an my halt vu- hhu and your loch been. " Irhntly M an halal-l. This II the in " ma. Our mm. mum to!» an“ mud will. In at m ,rtit Wynn lice and - our in" mum and m hm ,d qttt you " In“ it If. Grattdmetthtr'. and» ttt Urine lack Color and Luau to Hair. "ot-gt-tAte-r-arte. HOW.“ "I a. â€have.“ all the other. P. A. Snyder. Tr. Clark “I â€an! - and â€not". L. W. that ..............Pnoldom w. . Woldâ€! . . . . . .Vloo-Pmldom J. Hm" limp." A. - Mom Henchman J. H. Root ARTHUR FOCTIR ...... â€can... t. B. IIONTIL and N. R. BRICK" ....... Inspectors c. A. â€CHM INSURANGI “mun. LlulTlD . ASSET. OVII Ohm MVIRNHINT DINOIT I!“ I‘m uni-.0941. Wm Dny_gr night A ION. M mull-1.. has. -o--u8trtqm, a... Pmmirttrand â€I...†Prun- rumble. - o-llol In an dOMVIM. lam-III. book- Ilblu. 'rrttrt at Pnnrbooh a "canâ€. Add non been to your boat. - by lulu you (“who mum. hon-l Into hooks. OUT PM“... A“. m Bechtel & Dreisinger Waterloo Mutual Fire luminance Company MUM" m King " W. PM». at: Matcher, om. . I 3 P A I I 1 N 6 .007. AND IUIIII. KNIVI. MARPINID EDWIN 110113: w It " - um 50;? " Ma. s. 2308 Kitchener a A. â€IN“ lNiulANCI AOINCIIC. LIMITED F U N E R A L DIRECTORS VWW lr-T-LT-V...-..-,,..-.--)...., w...“ m.cxummmm De. W. d. â€I- new): but am. Vault. mum“... Tran-u â€1-3!er- J'AltMUN'ltrtt guano-mum Harness and Show tthtrUt Am MOI no and htt PM“... td Waning Bree. Ltd. "" ."IM'MII:1 Club 't.etttarts and Tool-aha W I†thrit. DI. I. . m. IPIOIALTV DI. C. I. HARPER, DENT‘S'I Ottteq In Oddtellom mock 7 In. " 5.. Wuterloo. Phnm- “-- Dl. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist. Raw, no Weber Chambers, King St W “man, Mamas common“:- DR. B. M. KATZENMEIER 0-! tut. one. " King at, w.. Inch out. Phone 806W. DR. P. G. HUGHES. Denim. Han) nor- Hock. King Bt, 8., Waterloo Ph--olkt. 39â€. Banking:- DR. L. DOERINO. Dentin. new: no: to Dr. J. Schmidt. a King St Int. our Dominion Bank. we door. from Formula, Knohenar. M: Olin. on: nuance. OR. A. C. BROWN, DENTIST lacuna: to Dr. U. B, Slant: annual. at Bellevue Hoaplul. Nov York. Spock] “tendon we to utnctIon And children's disenc- Olloo It Km: tyt. w.. Kitchen WALTER D. INle a co. Amunhm and Amman. Author In“ Truth... Auden-m. m. - INCOME TAX COURSE! In. Web» amnion. "an. I“. We In export- In Vulv-nlxlng Tim Irina your work to no. TH! wnenLoo VULc'Amzma WORK! .1 ttmg 38.. North . Wanda ’hOBII: Office 1128.1, How-006v. unalienable-mm '6ntrhettgertttmdtmttitt.sqr.r uninitialurmagldb bald-"Pullsmluuvw I. a. I. urn. IPIOIALTV 2):.- - d a. he. Throat no "u-. ‘hl I. M Kitchener _ I. â€my, u LLI.. De _ mm. Not-n Pub“: and Con-yuan, Ind Cm“ ar term-. 08100. County mun. Queen at. N. Phone 130, Kitch- AUDITORS & ASSIGNEES mum-v.03; " - BL! nmm,ou, I. B. H. m. Dentin om" in Bank of Montreal Building, Waterloo.. Phone 174. M se., KITCHINBI ' Hum Ann-Imam Vows. in "an... on“ um. Ham»: Palmer (induct. Chimp-um: 1.4 KM. Bt. Won, t0tttttetser - of Plano. Slum - Print. and else. In: Motion. audio- " Roy M. Mo ttttM, Knot-In. Mm Ann R. Inn MI. Emma L. Inn. F., clan-apnea" one. " William 81., WBaes ILICTROTH IRAPIUTIS‘I MUSIC CHIROPRACTIC F. WAECHTER OH "nor IAGTOI MEDICINAL DENTAL Cylindot IerMH "than pus, Rh“ If. . I000“. Pitt“.