The marriage ot Miss Mnry Mc- 'oenoetc elder daughter of Mr. and Mm. Robert o. McCuHoch, of Ronnie Norman, Gall. Ontario, to Mr. John Preble Mnelntoah. son of the Ute Mn. MncIntonh, and Mr. Prom; Mlclntosh. ot Belvedere Road,; Werstasount, Quebec, will an puck only tn April. I of this gifted and sincerely pious gentleman. who wss greedy beloved by all who knew him. As a pastor he wu most kindly sud symmthetic, entering fully into the life of the community, where he has always been one ot its leading figures. Be was t thoughtful and toreehali preacher sud an indetatratrh, work. er. it wns a reel inspiration to work with him ttmf his friendship was a very precious thing, and he will be missed and mourned long and deep ly, and the sincere sympathy ot the whole community will be extended to " devoted wife in her sore be. reavement . the etb11tte ot Christ genera“; hu Buttered I gnu loss In the mums The Duke and Duchess ot York were extremely busy Wednesday laying goodbye to their {rlende And maklng he: minute Preparations, for thou- voyege on H. M. B. Renown, to Australia, where the Duke will open the may Australian capitol Cuber". [ Sudden Death the many season with her “renter She'nrrived In Ottawa In time to nuke her debut at the tunee given " their excellencieu. Lord and Lady Williudou ,in honor ot ERR†Prince George. " "in Mary Forks. dnughter of Hon. Robert Forks, minister of im. migration, sud Mrs. B'or%s, is re- turning to the we" In†spending Mm. Wm. Henderson Jr., use him Mann. will "com for the first time since her mango " her home. T Young Street, Waterloo, on Wednoadnr. Jinutry mu, from , to G o'clock. the reminder of the winter In be“: (out. _ Mr. nu! Mrs. Tom Sequin are hull: Wnorloo this rock to spend It. Norm Howie at Toronto cu u .mitor in Wutorloo (or "r Ini Gui Inc we“. In. (an ot Mr. all In. Rom. Hutuâ€. Hit Honor the 1dmruasarttoovese nor at! In. no" alumina " their lint otneut dinner " Gavan» aunt Bonn recently. The - won the Premier M In. Goon-ya Hoard Ferguson and the Cabinet Him-ten and their wives. The IL) not took Dime in the sat: diuiu-\ m W. II - *0.“ no " LIIUY. mung. “130 mo. of u bu m M ' amazing at a. Toronto an: council m who. at Dunno ailâ€! mtnist-a, In “I w. u in. VII pm in " W; mum: at Ontario I- III human chunk» " mug. mt buildings. It. no“ mood- Hanry m. Illa. ttmet-st-mor “no. _'tttet..r-t-tt"e “um'mmuwhnb. In!“ mum-m A In Ill-tn toda: It the print become- lldllthct your an: tteod an “a unen- magmas: boo-o. Mo ,oxunllol 75m are. without Inn any you dariay P. STEELE KW. but" 'trt-tret M sun I It!†" w. ' Death of Rev. w. H. Harvey, BA. United Church ot Can-d: and Do You Enjoy the News ? with“. 'test rams-mum: mum. on... I) - am - no. I‘ll-outlo- Ill mung, but a. T"htotmteotherrit-mr,r nun-mm" m1». hummh-dkhodcuonn tr-tat86eatosttmrteuttr. In there I huh, or you; children in â€whom? tt than in you than not be without I box of Bohr- Own ‘Tnhlotn. Childhood ulna-u com quickly tad no." should any: ho a mm to pron-mt: on: ma. Baby'l om, Tubm- no tho "on! homo "may. Thar â€III-to the how-II. lm the Ito-Itch; tan. iol continuo- and indication: bra-h " cold- nl simple "-- II not they roll." att a. liner m. oi mm on“. Oar-min; no- In. loll. can“. Nah-R. 9.0.. Iwrit“: "inr- 0n hum In no tg THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Mr arnd Mrs. A. Hoimpel upon! Maud†with friend: In Kitchener. Mr. August Maren- mde n buli- nou trip to Kitchener on Monday., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tuck and dimmer riot-once vilitod with Illn- bouiu [hornet on' andâ€. The Union udleu' Aid will hold its hungry meeting at the home ot Mb: Louise Humor on '""T Jun. Mth. Mr. Duh! Donald visited n few days In Kitchener 1nd Preston In: week. Mn. St. John of Brock, Sash. (nee Beatrice Proudloved) In renew in: old Acquaintances in and near our burg. Mr. Levi meacher spent In! Saturday In Kitchener. returning with his son, who was In the hos- pital for a any lulerlng from . lone throat. was Ellie Snyder ot the Twin: City in spending some time th her home. Messrs. Gavin and Earl Tuck visited in Elmira on Tuesday. Sacrament of the Lord'a Supper was observed in the Union Church on Sunday morning. Colonel Henry Cockslmtt and Mrs. Cockahuu, with their two daughters, Ilsa Muscat Ctrehahutt, leave on the twenty-second at Jun"! tor South America. Miss Leone Zinger ia, n week-end visitor In Elmira, the guest ot M1" lube! Tract _ Mr. E. Woeuer sailed from New York In: Samurai; on the s. 8., "Aquitapiu" tor Eurbpe on an Pe tended business trip. He will have! through Rance. Belgian). Holland Gemny, asF well as several other} countries. . Miss Bernice Fischer has resumed her studies at St Joseph's College, Toronto, after spending the Christ, In“ holldnys It the home of her mother on Willow Street. Miss Hedwig Johnson of Waterloo has returned from a vial: to Mr. and Mrs. John Lamp, T-vlstock. Miss Maude O’Donnel of water. loo was a Vlsllor tn Batttuo tor a few days. the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. H. Zick. Hon. Peter C. Larkin, the High Commissioner tor Cunt]. In London and Mrs. and mm Larkin left tor Egypt early in the New Year. The bunting not!“ will he at h- are“ to (other Kim: Mendez O'Gndy-Devle Christ Church. Deer Perk. wee the we!» ot . pretty wedding, when ‘Ceuurine Double Haley, hunter ‘pt In. Y. G. Moan-non or Bolton. ‘uul ot are hie Colonel W. lemon Devil. In. married to Geom Weller de Conrcy O’Ondy. Ion of In. o'. Grady and the hie Colonel J. W. de Conroy O'Grady of Winnipeg. Owing to the menace ot the bride’s brother, Mr. Donald Devil oi Boston, Mr. Herold a. Tyler save not any. 'e Cenon do Pencier ot Oshawa - the calcining clergyman. Dr. A. H. Veiich acted a snowman. After the ceremony e reception wee held " Mn. Herold E, Tylor’l reeidence. st. Jenna's Court, at. Chit Avenue West. but; rth"rttrto-utrtet,o editor-h. ._ / "rho'ttttnB"uttafur- loud-outloIo-oothw-ou- at, In. T. O’Dollollu Wm [Innulnmlluum a a. â€VOW - “Mina-Immanu- Mr, IMIEMMMM vacuum-mung, HAWKESVILLE In. - nann- mnd' mwmnmhww' “.mhmwmca» nhuhum.' At,"oetutttmterortmtust. mummmmwm In. Jon. Dttmett or Wntorloo Imtthohnunofhuwookh It. no In. Wu. R up. but... mm In Hahn“ on Me. a». tuner I. min - hum: loo hr H. IL mu In. Herbert Gallium no " an: of Incl m Muhammad making Ion and cordwood In his but): an: Humbert. ' It“ Am town“. who had boon employed In mama durum the holmn. Mal-nod to the home, of her par-nu hm. Mr. land sch-arr at nth-um In. a - vhltoi will m broth. or. Mlu Lulu- mint In wading some time with her mother, In. M. Helm. "In Hurt. Alumni: of Elmira spent the wool and at the home of her "any: hero. The curl-tum: of the sixth child of Mr. and In. Alf, layer took aim on Sand-y. Mr. mug Meyer VII (bu-mu! visitor in Kitchener dining the week Mr. John Bowel, who n. has; on the sick tint for a few weeks, I: improving npldly. 1 A comedy drum entitled “The Pstli new" the am" In three tots will be given in St. Andrew'l Hull here on Wedneodgy evening. Jun. Mth, by the You; mom ot Heidelberg, It eight o'clock. Music will be given between acts. Mr. Irvine Shun-ill: ot Waterloo spent the weekend at his home here. The"th Mrs. Snyder we: in her, cm: yen. She leave; to mourn he? lose her bereeved hulband. threif sons end ttro daughters, namely: Joeeph ma Wm. ot A%sat Month)â€, ‘John of Detroit, [mo (Mn. Sheldon... \Memser) ot Winterbourne, Amy (Mrs. Jeck Threw") and Mabel ot Detroit, Bugle (Mn. George may In) ot Regine and Susie at twine.I The tuners] we: held on Wednel- ddr Inemoon " the house and in- terment took place In the Presby~ terlan cemetery here. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to the bereaved. Local and Femoral. Ina min entered our community And chimed one ot our moat highly respected random: in the person ot Mrs. Henna Snyder. Deemed had been suing for song time And pill- ed “my on 3mm!†night " her home here. Rev. end Mm. C. anke ot Pem- broke, who came to Kitchener to attend the tuners] ot the tunnel": tether on Wednesday ot Int week. were spending I few days here " the home of Mn. Zamke'l father, Mr. Henry Scheltele. prior to re- turning to their home only this week. ' Mr. Mar Schum- ot near Creek- bank In- returned to his home near this viitage. _ Mr. Byron Schwerts handed the funeral of the late Geo. Laden-nun In Baden but Ptidar. _ .tntumd 'trotto--Mr. Welter Stroh visited " uncle In Kitchener tart Wednesday. The hum had. been In t critical elite owing to I stroke. Personals. normal. Ita. um Anon!“ "atqmL---agr. Wm. B. Leda-man luau In! week In Mon when be “than! at the mum. of his lick “that. who and on Wed- nuday morning. The tuner“ took place on Friday nttesntoort. â€and“ an: maul. hu “may. W VIM "r.-The In! of Kuhn Bron. In: hon hen-nod In t tttether min:- by tho "mu at I bub: no: u the homo ot Mr. ma Mrs. 00a! Ruth: on Timmy will tooth- It“ a. mull-humour)â€: Webs-lulu†mm Dyan-Isn'tâ€. micro! "luv-mm Adan-or vmmmmnmmu 'tqr.meaameen,ngtorwutatG - run “In to [mt-'1 looau flout all ft0metor, tor “match-milk;- Iu-hn. honing-tubu- Miamlnmw.†I Rupeetcd Ruldont Dead.--Dmtti IT. GLEN INTO WINTEBIOUHN! In. Saul Weber Me. and In ll. Galvan-no min of “I... who took up our to“. I this 'd0ttr6et n- B.m--'ttt Mr. and In he» M. n mum lanai at no you“ mph ot m- "tget - (ho awn], at WM on may eemtttte. Mr. ad Mrs. Home K. Roth 3nd dug-m PM“). ot Jouphsbnrx van loud-y mum vim Mr. and In. no. B. Wm". The Directors of the U. 8, Cheese ml Bum 00.. Limited, will - next Tue-day. Ir. and In. Duh! Wagner n- undoa m flu-n! but Fm!†of the Inte In Prod her-(or In Held» hon. Th†11-1th on Suturdly with Mr. nu “rt. Alb"! the; Noun. Hoary amour nnd Manna K. Both ot Josepha“: visited with Mr. 090m Mm“: Int Wednesday. The Store with the Stock This Great Sale Will Continue Through January Ladies' and Misses' Dresses in fine quality Crepes and Satins, some Georgettes, very good styles and pretty shades. . . '. _ -' Jeadies' and Misses' Dresses in good quality Canton's; Flat Crepes and Wool Balbriggans, in ont_and two piece styles, Light and Dark shades. l Reg. Values $10.00 to $20.00 for $3 w BERLIT'S CORNER Lot 1 Lot? 1-01: 3‘? Log is Lot i) Lot 6 Ladies’ and Misses' Winter Coats in plail Phids, good style-sand well Mfed, worth from Rich Black Silks, worth Ladies' and , Misses' 82.75 Black Redford Cord $1.59 1 pc. onlyBlack Bedlérd Cord, line all wool qugllty tor Drama or Skirts, 42 In. wider." Ragnar 82.76 per yd. 59 January Sale $1.t . no yards Colorsd ‘Jemy Cloths, Includ- Inx Ito-3,1133. Light Blue and Bath Blue. GrssmtptW,Purrtrs, 60 in. wide tor‘l‘dlu’ Dmseo or Suits. Rogular $2.50 ulna. January Sale .........'r.rmr.rmq....r.... 79e January tlitipiiii"c Lot No. l "In! DRESS Goons and SILKS Reg. Value $15100 to $25.00 , for qu TX Remarkable Valqes in Ladies' Dresses $2.50 Jersey Cloth 79c LAREG. TREAGY M. ltd. The Greatest Value In Coats and Mire' w.! poatsrjnylain and fur and Cuffs, good styles © o..........:.-...].. . Ladies' and Misses†Coats, Fur Collars and Cuffs, Plaids and Checks _ Eadies’ Coats with Fur Collars o' Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats, good cloths and well lined " ."""--.........., l l Ladies' and sriLs aiu, Fur’ " Collars, Plaids and Cheeks (ii) ...........u... l Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Colored Cloths tii) 'o"""'.""---....................... $5,00 _,' Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats, ood / cloths and well liriéd at - g $7.50 Ladies' Coats, Plain Trimmed Col.. cred Cloths at "o"-.........-................- ,eerntlr, will be cord“!!! welcomed FULL VINchA‘l’ION :by their Mandi. I OP " ally. The can"! laid ttt m "It In than!“ tttteV no “undue. m MI that not“! to “and. “an hautluoqbunoopulnu about Clo-II. cuuu- in v. in nu- n. teat my the - The Ice hat-nu will - to ttttS. mcncod. _ Our you“ pooplqlnd no Iclohn of out who! no [I'll] I mean on Thurman all may at thte wool. loud looked for by the DI)- lie. $4.75, $5.75 to $7.75 A number of our clum- attend-d mvlulon Court u Linwood hi! ptr any. Min L. Twlolmoyor of 3min spent a tow dun hero mm“ friendu. $1.50 for 9&4200 for for 51.3% for Less Than Half Price WILLIILIV COATS zoo yards sum Back Crop... in: (item In I“ beautiful colon-mu do In. with. Worth $3.00 to $3.60 per yard, on uh 'F'-.'.-.-..-.-.............. $1.98 $3.00 to 33.50 Satin Crepes _, - - ttad Flat Crepes 81.98 " vim: Mutual and“ at human. Saun- for Evening Dram Harmon Drawn, as a; wide. nos. "as , per yard. Jmury Sale ............... $L59 $2.25 Burnett» Satin $1.59 will: $15.00 tgars $2030 x and fur trimmed styles, plain and funny cloths. Velours, Aarvess, $10.00 to $35.00. Sale Price $3.00 to $20.00. [maul-at of any d-trtettttw-th. "oet+atreaa.aet-vtndiesaMoa. (GGLiuiii,%aaiiriiri. " " the “no lone! tht, Con- ubiour Lulu I'll-d. “I“ m thtNtrttttgttH-rlhtr (â€WINDOW MM dh'mmh I The chm-go at two Mum! out. It'e"--cur1" when") - ,und Arnold ("Chick") 1Matdit--tttat ‘tho Chm-lo Willi. Box ot 1911 mount four‘umu from an Dacron The", so that the White Box would‘ but out Bolton In u tight not for In. Auntie“ We mun. m wiped " unbur- "cord book an Inn. no. with we“! n bio-uh ,m: to now tmet- of It. luau: Hanni- was. but MIT! “honor." Col-mot. In u gonna 'eetMen, Oil-M noun!“ " sound 'u" of no put I“ m1. not. win Io Ladies' and Misses' Dresses in Silks, Crepes, Sums, Wool Crepes and Twins, Kuhn; andrvelty cheeks, new- est styles, and shadeS. Ladies’ and Misses’ Dresses in best quality Cubans, Satin Faced Crepes, Georgette, and Wool Kashas and Trenella Flannels, pretty colors and styles. Dru: Goods. includu Ban To". Crepes. Silk And “In?! Mixing. and guide 1mm. Regular value. HI].- $1.50 to $2.00. On an: Lot No. 2 "W i Reg. value $20.00 to $3100 Reg. Value $18.00 to 330.00 made in fine Suedine and Mmella Cloths; good styles, fur collars and cuffs. $29 00 Worth $37.50 to $40.00 tiit M................... f “0128’ FINE COATS. " - in Newest Needlepoint, Colors Navy, Collar and Cuffs. Worth $45.00 LADIES’ FINEST QUALITY aum in 1Jg".iJetf'totg m6 Collar and Cuffs, worth . to . . n sale (ii).............................:...........,, $47.50 In good styles, made in Fine Needlepoint and Duvetyne Cloths, good colors. Worth 32400 $35.00 to $33.00, on sale di) .................... . LADIES’ FINE COATS. LAD1WY AND MISSES’ COATS. OF BALL PLAYIR. """""""----..-............... 'o""""-'---...-.............. KITCHENER h s At Sweeping Reductions for This Season 5i K $2.25 to $2.75 Flat Silks 81.19 800 ydn. Put am: tn may ot good _ “In. ,rtdo.tahmsruttt otttotottr on stock. Raul-r $2.85 to ma tor ."""--...-...-....... $1.19 " SIJIS W“ 25c _ " pa. Comm mm In and. Tun». Pink. Hon.) Dov. Orchid. Rom Brown, any. M. " In. wide. Worth Bonk: 81.75. Imam Bus, '7:- """."-.-.....-....... for $10.50 and $12.50 the peanut, tn An Important nodes, and not " I brlbo to the Tints for "slanting“ A tour-nu. ttert" to the White Box. "tannin: “Ammo-n. Many Children a: Adult: Keep Strong On for $8.50 T' $9.50 . Mo, To Talc Cod-liver Oil SCOTTS EMULSION It's no Pleasant FaTsr% Wack and $32.50 l 75e t'5t/c1 il L1tt,'jitit I}