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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Dec 1926, p. 2

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. -0h a... .................... " bmmWn-M . l airman!- “ ‘0- was ml. an a In“ but” than - noon " II Athmer-fold event udonawhkhuhohdl 'oea,ir'iiieaehrqrwithiirtrintetPr "iiiir'tT/iurhi1rutttyteytttt.rey,t' hat and Community Christan: he celebra- - 'norenriti-rilittiueier?!e., Wrath. indindieatietmsamtltnt itwill t,ehitnrerdndbettarrthanrer. Wild Griii""i'ihsiiki-dt-utuooena1A" moraine one. The day will commence with al horse show in the morning at nine o’clock with mbstnntinl pHzets to the winning entries, while it one o’clock there will be on display in festive may at the market building all the various able delicacies with worth-while prizes £113? but showmg of produce. Finally‘the afte n will conclude with that happy Yuletide event, the Community Christmas Tree celebration which this season promises to eclipse sll‘previ- on: atetrrationii. With a matrniBeent Christ- maatreeagainsrracintrthe townsquareanda wide headed by the band and Santa Claus, the day's events will be brought to an appro- priate and fitting tilose., C Citizens of the municipality and residents of the surrounding district as well will find much to interest and entertain them in the day's program. Be one of the many to be present on this suspicious occasion. Plan now to visit Waterloo on Friday, December 24th. The need of providing adequate protection at railway crossings was again evidenced in the fatality which occurred at the Lancaster St. crossing. Kitchener; recently. The item of cost when the expenditur enecessary is not a large one, should not deter the furnishing of the needed protection at this point. It may mean the saving of other lives which will be jeopardized it the needed protection is not pro- vided. The menace of the level 'crossing is brought home to various communities by con- stant fatalities and steps are, in many cases, being taken to eliminate it although in some case; the cost of doing so is large. In a statement dealing with provincial finances made public over the week-end, the provincial treasurer, Hon. Dr. Montieth, an- nounces that Ontario’s deficit for the fiscal year ending Oct. Slat, 1926, is $389,986, as com- Jia- with $4,859,375 in ,1925; $8,325,645 in 1924 and $14,722,925 in 1923, the finttl year of the Drury administration, ‘ He reports that during the yeti the‘pro- Vince collected the sum of $50,884,710, an in- crease of $4,281,000 over the revenue of 1925 and $16,770,000 over that of 1928. The pro- vincial treasurer points to the expanding re- venue as "a moat striking illustration of the efficiency and business methods bf the present government." . V _ i It is interesting to note 3136 hat the gaso- line tax yielded $3,376,000 end the luxury tax 3345.739. _ - 7 _ A It will be a matter of satisfaction to the public that the deficits have been reduced so markedly and that the revenues are expanding which gives evidence of progress. _ m2: y1t.trofgt,g",tt,yp,r,'g1tgatt', 1f2ttJhtt :2 11f'ait'd Ttig'd5 which had it origin in England the Dominion ' ' u e ".o ea an ' ,- . ' 000 bushels of spring wheat. chemist recently made an extensive survey to dbewer whether such danger existed. /rhe re' . qrttt should allay the fears entertained " it is Before the Judicial Committee of the shown that the fruit sprayed was entirely'Prlvy Council in London, England, Nveound; harmless. It was revealed that a person would-land recently asked for an exact definition, of have to eat forty apples to set a quantity airman" as applied to that land. The claim of arsenic’ equal to the minimum dose of arwrsiFitjtwtoymi1ane.1 is for the award of territory in prescribed by doctors in ailments when this Labrador up to the watershed or about 110,000 drug is recommended ‘square miles in area. A large part of this is It is believed in some quarters that the now eovefhd with forest and there is also great repute as to the danger of eating areiiilrie in undeveloped water power. This terri- - may have been spread by competitors wry in earlier years was not looked upon as trt.tttU country foe the fruit trade of iiailri", valuable. The committee of the privy Brttnttt. ttqrtltbe recalled that the live stock'CuIneili-eaerveditsdedlionlnthemhtter. CROSSING PROTECTION NECESSARY l "Imam"! 1 ”WAMOOG WIS-Muha- ,,tllrht'rrttiih'i?r'E.'Ci't'. - MHIMMAL “not.“ soon-hour “alumnae-indium Mammary-mm: cmdmnmvmnnt an“ ,3 i.t-t-or,tt “a , III.ImL~W Ad mil-row “I?” " WAN“. BIC. an: _ .mwupbouum P'. um“ SPRAYED APPLES HARMLESS onus-mm! um PROVINCIAL FINANCES 5|. gm“l~~ ”ulnar-w Fig Fifi ln-t fro-u“ um mum gnu-Mary. " amt-1mm, non bathtub-you. M. will bi aatntitid, the nut-u no o-ketrriiu-t In ro. man-3%" overland from mun-mum“ l . -t-aqt'ih-rmtto'- mmmmumum- R - I T'tefit'y'tee tot-tue-a-tit. ,Ate,'tu'it1"i'r, muuc'hut‘mw ,mmta-iurrtturotemriii,n.tioattte g'gtt,,e,,rtd'tt,eMft","Je'2"r, “Gamaygin 013““!!! aiamttretutt--ttarerattt'r" "in m-utima of also two nation: " .ettaatttatneofGm.ttMtaintrtd3in.- mauled question-of“lawmanwillbolmldlenil1 WWII? djplomatic channels and tho {and it”: __ a, the Brttdatrbitarr in can of ' . an mt. .' t vista-git! _ jinn-man menu vii: - Jan-ly- 1927. and will he tagged into 3mm of League of Mtirty in- t tiomi .by Corpmiusiona unpainted to mine German gamma when prevents are that tho Reich is not fulfilling the eondb Itiona of the Areruaiilits Treaty. I Ahe chial rations concerned :ppur to be "ttWd. Intertilied canto] of German arma- ments, which Germany minded as vexatious and otNesitve to her national westize, will end, while Fume. on the other Midgets continued security whith is the foundation stone of French national policies. - -fiJiiupu; of the conference throws in- creased responsibility on the League of Nistiona as the mechanism guiding the reidtioms of the nations of Europe and, as has been stressed, gives new met and interest to the problem of the general limitation of armaments. The annotmetsrp.ttnt of the agreement which has been arrived at, will be read with general satisfaction since it ensures a continued era of peace among the nations of the world. It is satisfactory to note that a compara- tively small amount is outstanding in tax ar- rears in the municipality of Waterloo and with- in the next few weeks this will no doubt be further reduega. F -' According to the president of dhe cans- dian Bankers' Association, price levels through- out the world are likely to remain constant for some time to come. If commodity prices remain stable present business conditions will be main- tained, says this authority on banking. The affairs of the city of Kitchener will this year be administered by ten aldermen in- stead of fifteen, the ward system of electing representatives having been followed this year. The Mayor-elect, E. E. Ratz, has.had consider- able municipal experience, having for ten years been a meniber of the council. Outstanding among recent events has been' the decision of the British miners to accept the government's terms for a settlement and as a result it is anticipated that' British industrial concerns will experience a revival of business. There will also follow a greater' demand for Canadians products such as lumber, wheat and dairy products. Due In large measure to the partial failure of the root crop and the scarcity of milk, the producers are asking an increased price for this commodity resulting in an advance in the coat of milk in the Twin-City. Although some con- sumers may enter an objection to this increase the fact is oftentimes lost sight of that the farmer its. entitled to a fair return for his pro- duet and should receive it. . A Hui In?! mclmmsm 1 An apprpximate rides. of the final returns from this year’s farming operations is given in the statement issued by the Federal Govern- ment. The new estimate on cereal grains as " Nov. 11th, gives the total yield of wheat as 106,814,000 bushels as compared with 399,000.- 000 bushels last year. This yield is made up of 20,769,000 bushels of fall Jheat and 385,045,- 000 bushels of spring wheat. EDITORIAL NOTES W. an 090va will N can!” a. “I. gertUttr but! - ovorhnd Iron nun. l . , , gunman-tuna“! uu‘.-‘_ 43‘..qu- wort. Winn-mm- oa.a-'rt-teot- 13mm C "., mi NONI or Toll 2'r,,1e,',,r,,'Sf,'."it'trtdt sttv.rttrstrt-,tsrtttit" In an: mm. "etete6t" " M. - at a. Nation! In” that! we. a Ot WI. 01 t). tht In: In" “an; In an; In. or! m wall-.11. In to”!!! its! mu. that Home. In (In all ttt " humus; Now Brunswick " "emsd with "' at! can!” I: h third plan It!“ about 80. - with: mm or pun-brad tox- - Mon-ml with. Dari-s nu unduly our 800 I." placed }on the book. with "" with!“ In m4. Then came I " Jump to, over “.000. In 1926 and when “I. hooks are cloud next month tie- will now run well our 50,009! FINAL COUNT - ' TOME. Lo" 8 OKAY. V Manitoulin he; been conceded to t Funnier, the Promuiye eandl. dste. by hie/Consennuve opponent. u Baron mm”. his leaves the government int): 74' strsi‘ht Cow; senstive supporters, “though my Independent “hotels. Prank (Pres- cott). Beluga (Russell). Pinstd ‘Otuw's But) and began“ (Sturgeon Tulle) sud one Laban member, Keri Home“: (Waterloo. South). wax probsbly also support the govern- ment'. liquor lesislstion. . _ " The sanding of the parties tittts follows: ' Conservatives .....-_...-. " when]: o...-..-..........-;.... " Progrenfives e...........-.."-...... " LtumrPtogrmusivm' ............... 5 . independent Liberal ............. 4 Total o-..."...-...-......,.. 112 The not {can of the elections. In “in; or tttg-ttttttttation ot tmfrdral 1111339 and the corresponding tn- izrense in uran rtsttNtsntptatlort, I: A loss to the government ot three seats over its standing In 1928. _ LEADER OF U. '8. DRVS \ URGES NEW, BATTLE The "wet" victory’ in' Ontario should have the effect of arou'einx' United States due to the realization that they have a powerful and re- sourceful foe, Bishop Thomas Nicholson of the Detroit are: ot the Methodist Episcopal Church, and National President of the Anti- 8aloon Leanna of America, said iw commentins upon the Conservative victory in the provincial electionon December lat. The result ot the election, Bishop Nicholson said, was the sharpest challenge yet received By United Sutes prohibition. “The Ferguson victory." he said, f‘is a clean-gut challenge to our on- ter-cement. especially in Michigan. Por the ttrtrt time. border States in this region will have opportunity to observe both. LS?,',',',',',,'],',' in close Comparison-or "competition" would perhaps be the better" word. We nre’not "raid. In tact we wel- come the opportunity to compare notes with Canada over the next Bve-retrr period OFFICIAL MAJORITV OF HOMUTH INCREASED TO 3,623 Karl Hotmtth'tt ottieitt1 majority In the provinclll election ot Dec. lat in South Waterloo In 3.683, a gain of tgt In the maiorttr 6'" the that count, which pllced " udvunulge over Levi Dimer, “defendant Pro- Itibitioniat " 3.846 vow; The omen! check-up which w" nude recently an Preston by Re turning otrieer C. G. Robertson. re vnlod that than were a num‘or of minutes In the return: the cor- recting ot which resulted In n gain ot " votes tor the 1.wtror member and C lots of 115 tor the defeated cumulus. The huge“ minute win In“. at tho - of Brain: when ttrtrt human Hutu n moi-hi of 115. will. tho allow count than than“ to)». n Morley than ot " .1110 ttmetal In". Hon-nth u gaitt of , loan of 10. In Prawn Hanan“ toul "I tel-cued try on. and tilt 1t,tlt 9. In w-torloo ton-lip math mud " um MI {noun but a Ind In Wl-ot Hal-It. - In and mum'- um he“ try IO. “on in m eon-ct nun-no! the "te, non-III- ............ Arr ................4.. New [Am ' tt. out". " VW mu., yarn-u I. ...... L My W1”... om mo and no“: in - an r . T nma‘iu . =r_UL' .“I4 ' m"..'. l’ "p !tti4!i1'iiifll3r,'t?! "3% .twwt-IJ! _ to!) "re-ct-ttre.'. when!“ p.urflmmmm3mvh Fit, 2t,,d,',r2.ltLTtl 11t"e'a=2lt hummus-hr van-Lu at ( ”wuwmm‘uh V 3 C ... 1Tga'g.Teltfl't=l"; F --e" 'eqr.ti'tt,'0ttttHm"r, norm- A' "tsi-agua-ard-, Pox mourn" who" Mmbnvtmm mud humwdm Um m‘mmmhm. “any. 1- um the {odor and III untold -- I". - mm Acondhl to T. H.leoruxsiverd dim!!! no roe-u. me. tor out I!" of I “a - n new Ind 2068 I" I. “I "I m m 274 I“ “I on M8 ";egl'trdl'2,1 tiiiifiii't?) . In an an! of ti. m Nana-u m with a. mu: nun now 8,): on In”... at two can nor in: to my“: that M. w W In 0' mum...“ Atttte by . If amen-soul. "cumulus h churn." 01 0mm. F _ _ J I In In: “moment. Mr. mm mm on bunny; the nib-y 'uon at the VINO“. mums It: with“!!! thq MOI, Ntthrtgat Luann. It In loud.‘ my“ mt study or the mulling - 02,456“: mm. um B, aim nto ctr-y to: workers ht All ahtrr. throughout the Dominion “mum _ more ”can“. to the an " wall r a to the 00mm. [ ' c. N- I. UM“ . A vivid tatis ot how the plum ci-ew of the stunner Clout mred and revived nun 11500:: norm In the teem: Intern at the Neo- “but chums! not: tho may. " let: bound but- wu comma-19 in ‘meme to, the Boo. ' Moo" ow " LIFE Realising the plight of an (and munch. other Eek! And'llnglnoor Hudm ot th- Clover At out with' a number 9t tbs - 11} a mu boa}; Err-wing ulongslde tho two‘ when grabbed hold ot the moon by the can while the others thew a tow line nrottnd the horns 1nd in this way they drugged him to the shorp of Round “but, _ Chad with 109 "Y Gunmetal! ex» haunt“ from its allott- to boat a channel the moon ant ”hm-ted to the ground. The men spread their coat. over the inland and by means of ”(meal resplntlon brought it but to nonml. Alter a while the moose got up.‘ghook him- self free ot the Icicle: and wondered slowly Into the hush. . Chest, Improvements _ are 'Important . TO KINDLY CIIVI mun .T.TEt' Danae:- BROTHERS MOTOR CARS There are tsiro general clones of motor car improvements. Those made primarily for their effect on the public-ond those made primarily_for their' effect upon the car. You will perceive at once that Dodge Brothers new five-bearing crankshaft, two. unit starting and lighting system, air cleaner and other recent improvements. ere the aort that represent genuine velue. They are sound and substantial ttettermettN, pr 'ducing definite and marked results, and as surety they ere_typicnl of Dodge Brothers 533:3 Childmcggmg methodrnnit prodtiét. DIETRICH’S GARAGE , 2trstinest.wuerhtos ' E'WM‘W The toll ot livel' ute- by We: storm which item the ;'rilii'l) Provincee end Newton“ lol- dey. epreediu amend" “one: smile iron manna»; to In“. lulu: at eight, and 't-e'ttur" crew oi the echooner In: I. Ru. dolph. which we: "aturd to piece- ‘neer Outline. Newfoundhnd, " ittuct"sisttt of the ttate, eel-wing ell the: one of thou-on board to their death. Seven men end en aluminu- EIGHT LIVIO LO" 'tit? ' if . E N Mas Liam. -- mid 'iUiiiiGrCaird $17530 clo- .uln’s Ion. man Bhokmd. nur- vivtng‘tho and. ’ =t.l'fu"2utrih'l8Muhl, 1att,tlAltTe', his -diiiiiG7GiraFait, m‘ .. I _ C. =1: 'riraiiit' to relieve- him in m and- . _ ff? " TMI' Children all ages of Constipa- _ :39? 3??? "tion. FIatuleacy, Wind thtie _ . - e' , '.1: 1ft/, ft; rad Diarrhea; allaying Feverishm arising t.ueetstyti.ttciN, rtgulating the Stomach and was. aids the ttet-tl-i);',.)"!),-,',';)?., Food; giving my“: mum! sleep "', 553.5% Cftc'i3,% . I \ - . w " r 4911‘; "To avoid sm.mutaunmon a; an: ful AN Am HIM-E9289.- Wn- -ttar" , - , .9351?“ Alto a." Bohemia“. "r' Car. Tur-sr..........), t-u.......,.....:..18NK Birch-ulna ....... ?iii.EiFiii'i7i'iiFeiPEir.e2.itS8 IN LAKE ITORM out!!! Min-1'": E m 'attti2n' L"aut2ttttt' {GRIIPPE Ask tor Klan-G's in} {in ftp other. :1." .. vii), t9tr,

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