y Cholce finished ‘butalér _ steers â€" steady to firm, $6.75 to $7.25. e 3. _‘ .. Recelipte~.=‘_>~. ;. _ | Bhion Stock‘ Yargs â€" Receipth, â€" _ W16Gcattle, 778 calves, 1374 hogs; * £.957 sheep andâ€"lambs, .. . & + @xport steers, choice....$7 25 to $7 50 \ â€" .do., heifers ... 6 75 700 & * . d0., bulls ............... 4 50 _ 5 25 _ Choice store, dehorned 6 50 7 00 ‘ i Butchers, choice ... 6 75 â€" 7 25 * ‘/do., helfers.............: 6 50°â€" 7 00 \ _ ~< Go.. mediim .........._. 5 50 _ 6 25 _ _ do., common ........... 4 50 5 00 |,~ Baby beeves ............. 8 50 11 00 . Cows, fat, choice ....... 4 50. 5 50 . «/do., helfers ...............: 6 50‘ _ ~‘ Go., mediim ........... 5 50 i 5 do., common ............. 4 50 .~ Baby beeves ............... 8 50 ‘_ Cows, fat, choice ... 4 50 ‘~â€".do,, medium ... 3 50 :},’V."“ cannéers and cutters.. 2 00 . Bulls, butcher, choice.. 5 00 /. ‘do., mediam ... 4 25 .. Bolognas ... 3 25 ; Reeders and shortâ€"keep 6 50 «. DRESSED MEATSâ€"WHOLESALE +Beef, forequarters .......$9 00to$10 00 >‘ do., hindquarters .....16 00 â€" 17 00 â€" Carcasses, choice .....13 00 15 00 ‘ €0,, medium ...........11 00 â€" 13 00 _ @0 common ... 8 00 _ 10 00 w.Bheep, light .............. 6 .00 \<Hogs, off :cars ...........12 .75 SiHegs, £.0.b. ........_11 75 . Hogs, select, off cars, ~. â€" Premium, per head ... There was a heayy sun of over 1000 cattle in the market Monday , / An addition ‘to. several hunâ€" ied on through billing. Good active helfers, baby beeves, and fat cows. :Cho Â¥eal calves steady to frm mad Sheary grasser calves ~lower. Lambs steady. Hogs lower. Buyers § 6 $11.50 fL.ob. VA uts 9‘ buyers were in "the marâ€" ket_ tor about 700°cattle, mostly finâ€" ed wte Several hundred more ‘Steers "On through â€" billing. Export â€"zmod lowerâ€" this week. f loads of extra :choice quality well Anished cattle shipped in from the ‘Termmiskaming ~district sold ai $115 to $8. General run of export & ers, choice â€chu- lambs . Buck lambg ..... Stockers, good CalÂ¥es, choice ~Ocean 8 jdeal general purâ€" se flour for both thing". The result is the seale in which value is weighed. It is in results that Daniel O‘Connell, wise judge of human kind, speeth is a good thing. But the verdict is the Seven, Lilies _ »"~ ALWAYS ‘_ DEPENDABRLE ‘~ OF CATMTLE ALWAYS ORDER BY NAME THE WISE JUDCE steers, choice 6 00 , â€"choice FEFlour Excels (Fancy Pastry) EFlou‘r Roa 4 15 12 00 85 00 75 00 11 00 13 00 100 00 85 00 11 75 10 00 6 25 5 00 11 00 5 50 4A 25 2 50 5 25 4 15 4 00 $ To 2 42 7 50 Calves, cholce, veal .15 00 d40... medium .~.......12 00 Absttoir hous .....=~.21 06e Hoary: hogs > ./â€"............ 14 60 Fatted honsâ€" _ ‘ 5 to 6 lbs. each .............. *4 to 5 lbs. each ........~â€". 3% to 4 lbs. each............ under 3% ibs. each ........ do., under 5 1bs. ... Roosters,â€"old, 5 lbs. up ... Spring ducklings, ‘white, ° _QOVOF â€" 5 JDB. . .sn do., under 5 Ibs. .......... Use Minard‘s Liniment in the stables. , Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 northern, ‘1.51%, nominal; ‘No. % northern, L47%, nominal;~ No. 3, $1.43%, »ainal,, Lt bay ports."*~> Atierican "corn (kily drtéd)â€"No. 4 dic; No.3, nd., 89c, Toronto; naâ€" tural, No. 2, 93¢c; No. 8, 9%c. > Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 8°C.W., §2%¢, track, baÂ¥y ports; No. 1 feed, nomiâ€" Millfeed â€" Brag, $29 ‘per ton; shorts, $31; middlings, $38 per ton; feed â€" flour, $2.35. Barleyâ€"Malting, 57¢ to 60c. Ryeâ€"85c. * Manitoba flour â€" First patent, $2.25, Toramto; do., second patent, $7.15, Torento. Special No. 1, 31c to 32¢; No. 1, 30c to 31¢c, and No. 2, 27¢ to 28¢ per Ib. fat. £ Butter and cream prices nominal owing to the unsettled condition df the market. Quotations to retail trade: y Butterâ€" RC Creamery, No. 1 ................ 35 to 36 10., No. 2 .=â€"sâ€"ssqromms: %8 _‘ B4 . Ontario . grains ~Lo.b.. coufitry points® e es ® F5 B« Wheatâ€"â€"Good milling, $1.20 to $1.22, new crop. * (Wholesate, f.0.b., Toronto) Creamery, No. 1 .............. 33 to 33% d0., No. 2 ... B1 31% Dairy, lb., prints ... 22 23 Churning creamâ€" Approximate quotations of churnâ€" ing cream, f.0.b. shipping point, are: Degiers at present are paying the following prices at country points for cleaned seed, «The quotations given are nominal and subject to the unsettled condition of the marâ€" ket: & (Wholesale, f.0.b., Toronto) Fresh, OXIFRS ....s=mmsmsnce. 44 to do., firsts revvrvermmmmenmmencnences, 88 f10., Seconds ................ 29 Prices to retail trade: . Extras, fresh, in cartons.... 53 d0., 1008@ .......................... 50 Storage extras, in cartons.. ‘45 do., 1008@ ..................... 48 10., BFSH8 .. osmecmrsmmime BB : Frosh AIPStS "....<...i............. :. 42 do., second# ... 34 Flourâ€"Ontario, 90 per : pat« ent, bags, Toronto, $5:70, M‘W Montreal, for export, $6.60. \ k Hayâ€"Local dealers, are quoting the following prices for hay and straw: Good No.~41 (old) timothy, $22 to $23 per ton; new hay, No. 2, $16 to‘$17; No. 3, $13, $14 and $15; Straw, per ton, $9 to $9.50, delfvered, Toronto, in car lots. M Alfalfa seedâ€" No. 1, per bushel No. 2, per bushel Alsikeâ€" No No No GRAIN DEALERS‘ quoTaTiOns 40. 3% to 4 The. ... do., 3 to 3% Ibs. ...« do., 2% to 3 Ibs. .; Oatseâ€"Ontario No: 2 white, 40c to (Wholesale, L.o.b., per from 1%. to 3% bushel bushel bushel POVULTRY BUTTER EGGS $13 00 to $13 50 12 00 12 50 $13 00 to $13. 50 12 00 12 50 *X 9 50 10 00 Alive Dress. o KID is 20 18 18 12 18 11 45 42 39 42 34 wÂ¥ t yer, 0 16 ML i 21 C# f ce 0t 4 Te Te ie Aek. 19 50 â€"a : / m ** e * 1| Awarded $30,000 Contract by|suycs City of Buffale for Willew :: |â€" oct. FOOTBALL N¢ 24| be created in‘ many parts. of this .. | country for a certain specie of Wilâ€" 1g} low tree, known locally as the White 15| or Green Willow, ~which grows to 15| lerge sive, and propagates from cutâ€" ... |tings. This tree is not native to this cbuntry, artd bas never been introâ€" *|duced into‘s lirge ‘part of our DBoâ€" 53 51 46 44 40 43 45 39 30 X~| Mr. Schicfele attained his big obâ€" jective last week, when a delega tion of about twenty men consisting With favorable results attained to date on nearly all solations, the enâ€" gineeringâ€" world and profession will soon be in a postion to openly and through the press O.K. this new engineering proposition. Many readers .of the ~Chronicle have viewed andâ€"gdmired the beauâ€" tiful landscape, the. ‘many Willows that ~weére phinted and are growâ€" ing in the Conestoga River Valley on the Schicfele farms. Many of the middle ~aged residents will remem: ber the annual damage caused to ‘The project was to build a numâ€" ber of earthen levees, and to" reâ€" inforceand make these levees imâ€" mune â€" to erosion. Willows were planted_extensively, and for a perâ€" manent protection all erey is due to the Willows. Z4 & For. fifteen years Mr. lehldo{t shipped annually from five hundred thousand to.two million Willow cutâ€" tings to the Canadian Northâ€"West, to be planted as wihdbreaks on the a big part of their three. hundred acre fTarmi from anhual fHoed damâ€" In the year 1922, Mr. Schiefele designed a novel system . to .stop erosion on River and Lake banks. The chief material used is live Wilâ€" low poles, plantedâ€"in a Rovel way Mr. Schiefele, in the few years of operation, has over ascore of conâ€" structions in Canada and the United States under observation by himselft and his patron companies, which in glude the Dominion Public Works, Ontario Highways, Ontario Hydro Rlectric, Canadian Pacific, Canadian National and Grapd River Railways in Canada, the Erie Railroad, New York State Highway, Barge Canal and several private Lake shore fronâ€" tage protections in the States. Sevâ€" eral of said corporations have fayâ€" ored the originator with a second and third contract, which speaks volume for the success attained on the various formations. The City of Buffalo alone has awarded Mr. Bchiefele two contracts for this Fall planting and construction amountâ€" ing to over thirty thousand dollars. . ‘Mr. Schiefele thenâ€"made applicaâ€" tion for Patent and was granted same in both Canada and the United States, and since has been more than buBy soliciting contracts and supervising construction on same, improving and perfecting a system which proves to be a big national asset. to attain a jointed tree growth, create a natural solution w,wa/::z homes, bridges, roads; etc,, from losing their foundations along water courses. â€" To attempt to put this system on the market, Mr. Schiefele interviewâ€" ed Mr. E. J. Zavitz, Superintendent ofâ€" our Provincial Forests, and now also Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests, to getâ€" his approval, and with the endorsements of Mr. Zavâ€" itz and the Exâ€"minister of Lands and Forests, Mr. Benish Bowman, M.P.P., the Provincial Government granted Five thousand dollars to have the system applied as an exâ€" periment on lake shore erosion. Mr. 4e or *3 To meet the requirements of this growing ‘business, Mr. Schiefele is associating himself with a number ‘ot prominent business . men, engtâ€" neers, and practical men on ‘conâ€" . struction, into an American Comâ€" { pany under the name of "Natural Process _ Engineering _ Company" ‘‘with office at 309 Crosby Bldg., Bufâ€" falo, N.Y., but will for the presen retain his home and office at 24:1 King St., N. Waterloo __ Nov."30~â€"â€"(If ‘not prevjously ‘wpld), Real Rstate ‘consisting ot a choice 100 acre farm with good improveâ€" Jlonging â€" to the: Anson Brubacher Mst.. % milé ‘west of 3t; Jacobs. â€" I also have #everal good farms tor private kale, ‘among© them one priced at $7,200; See this one if inâ€" Sarniture, tools, etc., of â€"Joseph .R. Reist at"Elmira: ~ t .Deto. 18 ) â€"~ Valughle househoid M: ‘B. <A. Piatch ford; on the Kitchener market, > Oct. 12thâ€"Real Nstate, of a Bood.150 acre tarm with good buildibigs, and a 100 acre grass farm and <also . horse, vehicies, harness, etc:, of the S.â€"J. Wismer Estate at Qet: 2â€"Household effects and garâ€" dey tools, btc., of David Zleglor, 31 Bo axceedingly rare is a first class adveiture with a touch of mystery and an honestly interesting love store that it is recommended most heartily to you. * Â¥Eillice, 4 miles northâ€"west of Strat< > Chattelsâ€"Ford to fard, for W. B. Metcalfe. __in good running o1 Oct." 14,‘ (Thursday) â€" Clearing horse 10 years old suction of 108 acres andâ€"reg. dual single harngss, robé purpose‘ Shorthorn cattle, â€"{farm 1b. scale, grain bags .. ‘C. Wr CRAWLEY, Auctionéer _ _ Oct. 12th (Tuesday)â€",â€"Farm. stock, implements, hay, grain and houseâ€" hold effects of the late Cathkarte Kal,‘4 miles south of Guelph, oppoâ€" site Vimy Ridge. "io‘" f _ Oct. 15th (Friday)â€"Farin stock, implements, hay, grain and house effecs, of Rdward Goetz, 4 miles morth of Guelph, adjoining Marden, 3% miles east of New Germany. L. Packard‘s néw novel, "The Red Ledger", to be thoroughly convinced that he is supreme in his field. There is a gnaturaily developed love story involving Stranway and a beautiful, illusive girl known only as "the Orchid". Oct. 12, (Tuésday)â€"Clearing &heâ€""miont water tank and cemontâ€"trough. tion sale of farm stock, implemént®®> The farms will be offered for saie and feed. at Lot 9, concession ~4, subject to a reserve bid. * MTNC Oe LAMDRILJT ~~~ CIGRAIE AOrSE i years old ; puggy, cutter; suction of 108 acres andâ€"reg. dual single harnges, robé, blankets, 2,000â€" rpose ‘ . Shorthorn . cattle, â€"{farm Ib. scale, grain. bags, and other numâ€" f.'uumm, and feed at Lot forous articles. . ~~> ts (*8 T concession 4 Sâ€"RCH., 4 miles eastâ€" Termsâ€"For . the ~chattels, cash; of ‘Favistock. This is a grand offerâ€" forâ€"the farms, tem per cent. of the ing of Shorthorns, @or H. J. Manssz. purchase price on the day of sale. "THE RED LEDGER" If any doubt exists in your mind as to who is Canada‘s greatest writer of adventure thrillers, you need only pick up a copy of Frank Oct.©19, . (Tuesday)â€"Clearing awcâ€" tion Bate. of 50_ scre farmwith good bnlldtnq., farm stock, Implements and feed ‘&t Lot 4, concesston 1%, Blandford, 3~miles north of Ratho, of Federal, State, City and Railroad engingers met him at the Chateau l{uflor. Ottawa, to make a tour of 4nspection, with the result That he is now assured extensive work in the Central States, where millions of dollars are spent annually on riverâ€"control. For courtesy and assoâ€" clation a number of Dominion, Proâ€" vincial and _ Railroad â€" engineers, along with Forestry officials, joined the Americans at a dinner party given in Hull, Quebec, by the originâ€" ator, and to view two local construcâ€" tions on the Gatineau river for the Dominion Government. GEO. C. CLABS, Auctionser. Post No mu‘ M. R.ROTH, Auctioneer 4Cs house and ‘at 38 >wn ~of + Termsâ€"For . the chattels, cash; forâ€"the farms, tem per cent. of the purchase price on the day â€"of sale, and the balgnce in thirty days thereâ€" after. 3 3 * . TUKESDAY, OCT. 12th, at 2 pm. sh&rp. |_»= .0. _ The westerly part of Lot Rumber Right in the Wieventh ‘Concession, m ud terns Wellesley, and the AHowa One hundred and twenty aores of the farm are under cultivation, the balsnce :being bush and pasture land. On‘ the farm is a brick house, with for $5 ~Soid by all jJoining:~large baunk barn with good stabling â€" underneath; ~and ~ #traw shed, pig pen, driving shed and garâ€" age, all in good state . of repair, There afe also on the farm a good well with windmill <inâ€" connection and a cement water tank "at the barn, â€" supplied _ directly from the well;and & good cistern. at "the house.. The farm is well fenced and in a goodstate of cultivation. 2X : Farm No. 2 x Theâ€" west half. of Lot . Number Eight In the Ninth Concession, wost ern section, "of the. ‘Township : of Wellesiey, . Containthg. about ‘one hundred and four ‘acres, all being good pagturé land. There is upon this property a drilled â€"well one hunâ€" fl;}, and . sixtyâ€"five .feeat in.depth, with windmill connected; and .a ceâ€" Chattelsâ€"Ford touring car, 1923, in good running order; 1 driving Every section of the country is Tepresented in the favorable reports on the antiâ€"glare efficiency of the new double filament headlights, facâ€" tory officials report. The reports inâ€" dicate that the driving public is keenly appreciative of the improved mechanical safety devices on the better automobiles, * holding them fully as fmportant in accident prevention as safe driving. Appreciation ofâ€" the nfumerous stfety features incorporated in the latest Oldsmobileâ€"and particularly the antiâ€"glare headlightsâ€"is being voiced by motorists throughout the eountry,; #ccording to reports being received from Oldsmobile dealers by officials of the Old8 Motor Works. > +There ‘will be sold by public auc tion on belonging to Charles Steiss. This valuable farm is situated at Helde}â€" berg, on the highway; on it there is a dwelling house, barn and all neâ€" cessary outbuildings. 38â€"3t. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Safety Razor Blades aharpened. Satisfaction: guaranteed or. money refunded. Single edge 3¢ each or 25c per dozen. Double edge 4c. Gil lett blades per dozen, 35¢c. A. R. Anderson, Druggist. 89â€"4t. na i n IRVIN WISMER,~ MARS. 8. J. WISMER, IDA, WISMER,> ~ > GEO. G. CLASS8, Auctioneet.â€"38â€"3t on receipt of price . New ANTIGLARE HEADLIGHTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd PUBLIC SALE the valuable 10 ACRE MARKET FARM ; â€" NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, piitsuant to the_ Statutes of Ontario, | that all creditors and others having claims again the Estate of Magdaâ€" ‘lena Sararas, late of the Village of New Dundee, in the county .of Watâ€" erloo, spinster, hen‘:;. who ‘died .m or aboutâ€"the 21st of August, 1926, are required to send by post _ prepaid, or deliver to Sam Schwase: |R. R. No. 1, New Dundee, or,. A. _ Gimbel, Preston R. R. No. 1, Ontario, Executors of the estate of the said deceased, their .names ‘ in full,. with their ~addresses,> and . descriptions and full partisulara.of their clatm#, ! 200 acres, sitnated on the 8th of | Peel, 5% miles < from Floradale. 'Lnto twoâ€"storey brick house; large | bank barn and straw shed; cement ! silo, driving shed. Water pumped to barn with windmill; neverâ€"failing lmflnc. School at gate. This farm ! is all clear excepting about 20 acres ‘ of bush land and can be bought at and stgtements of the security, if any, held )!'meï¬s-’i_?& before the First day ‘of November, 192%, The said: Exgcntors willâ€"procéed to dis tribute‘ the . agsots of" the ‘said "deâ€" ceased among ‘the parties ‘6htitled claims of which they shall then hatve received notice, and â€"will "not be liable for the assets to any person of whose claim they shall not then have â€"received notice. L §# £3 . Dated the 27th dayâ€"of Séptember, 1988 «.. * ::.7; > SAM SCHWASS,. .e R. R. No. 1, New Dundee, Ont. A. GIMBEL, 1 Renfrewâ€"cream sepdgrator, 650 lbs. cap., almost new, owner bought larger size. _ 1 ; ;1 Standard gream separdtory{360_~ lbs. M’u-’t â€" ? , '4. 3 1 Renfrew eream separator, $00~, lbs. cap., almostâ€"new, owner boughit ~â€" eléctrig machine. 2 April White Leghorn cockerels, Delamere strain, well‘ developed, fine birds for breeding. Come and pick your bird. $2.00 if bought now. Also _ pedigreed Persish . kiftens, blacks and solid reds. Pets a specialty. $5 and $10 and up accordâ€" ing to age and quality; fine disposiâ€" tion and houseâ€"broken.. C. 8. BEAN, Kitchener highway, one mile from Preston Springs Hotel. Phone 604r22 Preston. 87â€"4t a reasonable price. For further parâ€" ticulars apply on premises to Herâ€" bert Norris, R. R. No. 2, Drayton. ‘The undersighed has for gale sevâ€" oral Yorkshire sows which their grand daim and sire are imported, improved, to be in pig; the right type. . Price right. Apply> Simon Huber, R. R, No. 1, Bamberg. â€" 384t. 1â€"Jarge double Emery Stand with ° stones, new. * ; stones, new. , l ts 1 small double Emer; stand with 1 Corn Sheller, hand or power. ui 6 h.p. Canuck gasoline and h(b- sene engine. * $ 1% l.p; Staâ€"Rite gasoline engine. Will deliver any Cream Separator on trial. a ' Apply M. C. HOWLING, 4 New Dundee, Ont. â€" 37â€"4t <~II twb 1. R. R. No. 1, Preston, Ont., _ Executors of Magdalens Saratas FARM ~FOR SALE â€" FOR SALE FOR SALE» FOR SALE {* 38â€"2t Apply â€" 73â€"â€"Norma t. 8., "Waterlo0, dn tds m-w-um<“-n’-.n%~â€"v. mol a se s & +5 yougs;:}rknk"‘; brood : Sow#, between‘5 and 6 months old. Abply H. B.Duering, Waterloo, Phong 136. w en tm ogh ~â€"â€" ~kitchener Cider Mill Extra Money This Fall Will ‘be open for pressing only Thursdays, Beptember 2nd and Thereafter every Wednesday and Thursday for pressing and cooking ‘throughout the season. Mr." Heldinan â€"will .q- have charge â€"of cooking this season. in spare or full time taking orâ€" ders for "Imperial Art" Xmas Greeting .. Cards, â€"â€" $100.â€" easily earned in a month. Liberal comâ€" mission. Sample book free. A. K. CRESSMAN BRITISH â€"CANADIAN 53 Wellington 8t. West, Toronto . This is a real snap. See me about It. . REAL ESTATE, IN8SURANCE, MONEY TO LOAN 3%4 miles from Waterloo, with splendid "brick house,; smail barn and chicken stable. A snap on eas® payments. ¢ ~ 100 °ACRE FARM Here is your chance to get a farm cheap. Situated 3%, miles from town. and railway, on the farm is a large 2 storey brick house, 8 rooms and kitchen, large bank barn with strawâ€" shed, good stabling, all cementâ€" ed, metal roof on barn, Jarge cemented silo, a dandy spring creek running through the farm, Wice sized orchard, a good well with lots of good water. Owner bound to sell offers the farm for $1800 cash, balance on mortâ€" $300 cash,. balance on terms $25 per month buys a comfortâ€" able home near King Edward School, one block from car line. House has 6 rooms and bathâ€" room . complete, all conveniâ€" ences, nice large lot on a good street..Price $3600, a real good buy for the mongy. \ Market garden on Waterlooâ€" Eimira Righway; frame house, barn, good land, all ‘kinds ‘of "omfortab‘eHome 4o: Little M« ney 10 Acres i# â€"E, A. STAHL E J. SHANTZ Real Estate and Auctionéer 50 Fredâ€"rick St., along side of the Market Building. KITCH ENE R 3 Acres Waterloo Fange, FOR SALE FOR SALE * â€"*® Watertoo 756 r? condition 118 King Cl 39â€"1t. «# ts C#