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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Sep 1926, p. 7

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I; Ottawa 'lat. tt Sim; hr l ", Tnkilg Pith-’0 j', ' Vents“. Cup-l Te " Upo- " "rival st In that Don-Id found his m. destroy- " the put he Ind been In tho mm ot um. " mi may as out: ot the “who“ “In. ind wt I tick". to m. notch“): Razor. he chose In: expo-sin cum" than m MI custom. mun; u the Paula-cot. " new“ Street. m no mood (or shop. he decided to “to . stroll. mums III than“! natural! In , In" "ring at can. and from Vinita cums the sound of happy laughter. . A {callus of loneliness. coupled m n “In: hunger. Induced him to enter. A big men than: " thi) counter, enacted vliomully n T.l bone sleek, me the centre or In- tereet. " evidenced by the clutter ot (nu-drivers and other night- lnnchere About him. He gate . wide brlmmed hat, high lentber boots. corduroy trousers, a. blue tunnel nhlrt, nud a red-macklnev coat hung on the val behind him. Blond. eun- wnhed hair etood up from bl: bend aggressively. and " Iteely blue eyes were let in n (we mulled a brick red.' _ "Yea. slr." spoke the blond "tl betweeli mouthfuls. “she's n tteel, men’s country, she ls. None of your hum chow that I used to get here 1n these Eaten loggln’ camps. Iow- belly and beans three times t any, and workln' for forty dollars a month trom draught until duh. No, slree! Me for the Coast. with It: four bucks A day. And talk about grub! Bar, there ain't my hotel that puts up better Beottimg then we git In the loggln’ can»: in good old B.C." He looked around " his audience. and eongineed that they were in- terested, he continued: "Yes. sir! British Columbia tor mine. Say! What'd you~ think of three ttr logs that nukes a carload? Ot cedars ten feet through? Of elders that you can't get your arms round? Some different than them toothpicks you got out there." jerking his thumb contemptuously toward the Penobscot River. "And minerals,” he went om "the mountolns are tilled with 'em-miles and miles that ain’t never bin promoted. Prospectors comin' in every day with new strikes. And an: shout ihrh! I seen the fish so thick they choked the rivers;, you could den: near walk on their walks. Thet's the country, tellers. That's the place; tor men with gitcutrautd-gft." He ttrushed his repeat with I guly of brown paper from " pocket, sud coffee. titrtted a sack at tobacco sud rolled a cigsrette. "A brand new country," he run on. his eyes shining with enthusiasm. “that Ain't halt ex- plored yet. and richer 'n . poll of _ cream. How much do I owe you. boy?" he asked as he drew out a wad ot bank-notes, peeled a bill from We “It you to to“ this your-elf. ililli-lBlllli AFTER BIRTH ilf BABY Oct-vs. thttari-"1 - mm t'gtt,dh'g'21tgt'tt, Meth " "pa- . aw 'lt'l'a'l “rig tlmttt'lp4td, GUiGTra itrritrG'aWbid no -.tite. -..i1t.1relt1ytfttty upped”. I MBtqrAgb-i.WtB8etI ili'ii"ipi,liiii','iiiiriiiii'i; pound - who nonhuman-y tE In” iife,te'lt,eftkrdl'Pt ttgttluttinttfr'4Urt4 FaTiiriii,ii.ur-rtd_0. hit. . Teefetet ,at.','htstt,aittgal iii'etrg,i'tt'Jtt'al'l'."ptd an lr/tKittie,:?; itrl'itti'iiti'g'ili'i'i ha autumn-mt!- mun. Ct'.ig2tttrl.r.",,'.t admin-‘1“ it!" ikTiu'ariTiiituy%qCigy1e but. GGTu bg . ”his”. his WI. 1P2lh?,,'dttttt Mutt-ilk - a In I 'iiiiitfetf2AttLttt CRIMSON WEST ALEX. PBILIP THE u; VIII ll. with“. ot the oblig-’ a In Itth. who mum-a inu- N m an campus-w, my pum- IL' on the mm a no mum-ma m 'm. /' t - no - m 'V ROI H I to up“. of tho-ht ml] and threw unit-l! on the counter. “Koo, the chance," to aid with I hardly art, then numeral! through the door. Suez-1| ot the lul- drherq tollovnd. loudly Important“ him to ride. Don-Id brutgod trig, lunch sud In. for a um smiths. "That turn- 1 nut to than his not: In front of that nus," oblon- od the tutor. "Gnu he's big enough to his can of him-alt." he added. A: Donald stepped out of the re- staurant he a! the’blg mu across the Itreet with tour at his' tlirmer nuance. From the shadow ot a doorway he sat the party enter a rem-hackle building, sitar hearing one at them promise to get the Wenbrner . drink in spite ot pro. hibitlon. Don-id decided to walk by the place. end we: startled by the sound bf crashing glue and indica- tiong of a struggle. With I bound Donald was at the I door. He found the Westerner badly aattered. but holding three men at bay. The fourth lay In a crumpled heap In the corner. "You will, will you?" he heard the trttmitttaktOte voice of the big West. enter. Only one ot the men noticed Don- nid's entrance. He won I big. burly brute, with the worthy features of the Southern European. and he came Atnisht for the intruder. crouching low. Donald's left hand caught him on the eye. and n his head flew back Dongld crossed viciously with " right.-'l'he blow landed with an impact that sounded like a cleaver sinking into tt" meat block. and the men dropped as though shot. A rat-heed man, standing near a side door with a bottle in his hand, shouted s warning as Donald sprang to the Westerner's assistance. Both men turned their heads. The ham- l’ike an of the trig blond giant struck the larger ot the two men such a territte blow on the side of the head that the reciplent whirled com- pletely around and sank dazedly to the floor. "Duckl," yelled Donald, as he saw} the little man“: am so back. The Westerner dropped, 'and not a sec- ond too won. The bottle whiued over his head, bringing a. shower ot plutor from the wall where it struck. With $t-Amrtre the big man turned. but the bottle-thrower had 'diuppeared through the side door. The remaining thug. a tall, cadaver- qu looking youth, took one wild look around, then bolted through the not: door. The Westerner, gasping and rather pate, melted Douuld'a hand In " huge put. "Pardner. you saved me from a tum of a liehin't 'Bout two minutes more and. . . ." "an your coat and hat and we'll get out of here baton the police coma," Interrupted Donnld. They went through the alley to minnow! Street, then down Ex- change Street. - . “Fetal-(eon. up to my room and In" those cuts “tended to," sus- nnaa Donald. no Wanda" touched gingerly} the "p$dty swelling lump over his on. "You know," he obwrved.‘ thou fallen - intended to start I rough-hone. The little dip w“ pretty slick. but I caught him with " bum! in my pocket, um! whenl “or II. that they laid a Mttt Ott' their will. my tried to lay IG‘ out with u billy. should have any the fully - on that little nt'l‘ he. when to knurled me with the‘ W luck and t didn’t go do". and. thin OH to“ of mine must run nutty bony to bong." he hipllol with u cinema. It. looked It Donn cutie-ply. "You nun land. auumwammem How "qhoratnet.ttetoqrartr. m1" Dal-ll ue " Nu h the lunch- m- than no in mam MI In”. Di " ho vuw- III-o- mt M. "ll-l!” mm the M. In an- WH'IIOIIMIW.” w lov n- in Withstlfnlu" " - tuna to Budd. “I! nun-'- Jut\ out; - ”In?” "Do-Alli “emu." "D-ood-tr," be -d, molt-1 Dom!!! o‘er maul”. “I in may ‘my old hone 1- Non Been..." be m on. “Oahu 4tt"rat hero to visit my Inter. I’ll gnun' homulck tor the Relic Slope. “a I'm (our to " tor no. tomorrow mornln'.” _ "rp on my '1! tit voseoarerr." said Bound. - The elect of this unionism. on Gulls In electric. "Do you belong In BAY..'" he questioned excitedly. Donald told him how in- (loving description of that had ot promise had induced him to so Went, and that this would he " ttrqt vielt to the Count. "Well." observed 011113. "tt I’ve been the means or addin’ u man like you to the bumtation ot B.C. than Jack Gulls has done some good." _ “That’s a real compliment." smiled Donlld. “I'm goln' on the morning train." remarked Glllls. “I'd like to luv you travel with we." Donald nodded. ( Glllls rose with an embarrassed‘ air. "Here r am talkin' 'bout you and I travellln' together. I sue“ youve one of them tourist tellers. and I don't suppose you want to go along with a rough-neck like me." "irttt"apeit-"" HmuL-mhuum* Donald liked thls big, bluff We» erner. with his honest face and simpta maneret. He reached in his pocket and took on the money the sherift had glven him. bog-obit,” tuottn,'mr-aahMtxt- “You see tlt", Well, before this money is g e I'll have todlnd 3 job. And it's borrowed money, too." “m In fig“ - span-Hum” “Multan." . “Non. You rm- both with n Glllis studied him carefully. "Well you got my goat in a way. but there is one thing I do know, and that itt that you ain't no slicker. I'm 'boat twice your age. and I knows a good face when I sees it. I'll meet you ttrmorroi mornin' at the nation. I'm going to start calltn' you rdmsy "Win-nth ad use!" a". lwl.” , right now. And what's more, Gillis Is your friend from now hell freezes over. Good-night, aid." Two days later Donald ind the We‘sterner boarded a C.P.R. train in Montreal for the West. They were no sooner comfortably netted in their section ot a tourist sleeper than they began rushing westward through the winter evening. _ The days that followed were full of interest to Donald. The train roared west, running on time life n clock. They tore through towns md farming settlements and plunged into forests and hills in the northern part of Ontario. The hills dwindled when they reached Manitoba, and In Alberta Donald felt as it he were sailing over a vast sea. ot land. "We'll see them old Rocky Moun- Cns pretty soon.” said Gillie happily. l, "You" like 8.0.. Donald. And utter you bin there awhile I“ hell won't rry you loose. I know, 'cauee I broke away from her twice, bull] always drift back. " Ain’t got the eddication to tell you the funny feelin' I have when i'n comin' heck to her. When I see them " moun- tains ioomin’ up I feel lort of scrumptious inside, like I vented to i',??.?," It everybody. and T the e herd time. to keep from lettin‘ out . Tiii."" Cook's Regulating Compound "You're power of exprouion needs no apology." laughed Bound. "Forgot to tell you that t ttitt't go- in' rtttht through to the Cont. The (ommny I work for Inn I mill n Revelntoke that need: my up. Tit job'll probably Int 'till 'rpritstr. You better stay " Tith an. 'uusc you'll. fittd things on the Com many ttttiot this winter." _ all": htd played the part ot to" (mm the aunt. and Donn“ know. that it Know!“ the Invlmion to stop " the Interior town. om:- would mm on truth: hhtt an In: ml. Ho “It that his In“ MUM could not “on! to male. m- h7- ‘III "new. Donald shook his head “gummy. "t think I'll go 0.th to Vu- cunt." m, b. conch-d) CHAPTER Ir, Jack mum 'Gll.' Now-dun we simply at u "t a ttU dng “or. for "Wyoth'l an and) Hand Sulphur Compound." You will to! I . “W hm. bottipot m- old-um new. Improved by the Mdittttn of on“ :fnlly. human. a wry link can. Far. Everybody no. on. mumb- m, - no on can ”only tell that you d.rherted your halt, a. ttft-tOtt-ttrece. - J,'dittTtgtt't'l,t'k"g,t, tt at lav an. til-mi you and En. m on .11 an“ n a an; by - 00 W In: db Ui m ad a. um - p, an at "I. it. In: It... un- M 'gf"o,'l'f,t1t" Inning-alpha! M“. M“ t'tntN'ttg=ltl1rfgleto.Eitt.jtey “W '",,Mtu'i'tNttffrif't “tulle-Isiah»... " "iuiri_t,erytttstprld-."_"t"t"t' m w, I. M lite 'i'dtttttfltW't . “mung-mm“ 'lt.-""!""""""" [Mutual-8001““ ”human-unman- kmumMomwc. v. out. which I. “In“ " “I... Bylaw undammw by P. [Acting that Pr]... {In-bar ....... 6 - oetheta" ls: “A mmmmum‘ Wyotwm.brm°u~ "gttraar,b-doratotdrere" ttme.---. _ Flynn-t MW loud by P. A. WW. M1! by L. Min-tilt can b. tr and in union at the blurb; mounts. dull-tow: fl 7 J. T. name. an t, ”.0: Funk Bunch. uni-mp. It) W. R. was“. tn. and“! ur- vteu. 450:, Non-w nun. “I. road, 5.00: C. W. WM. up. _ [in ad - 9.75: 100 In. tun- lug eqarMrrst, 8.00: Ruben Bund- tor, can!“ count. "O'. [on]. Mahler. ma (night ottt.. 1.50; I. J. Bowel. rand work. 11.01; can. Lou]. mains ad on!!!“ - 30.45; mmrr- schluotor. mull; plank all earth, 1150; “not. In.- born. drains ml tuning and. 211.75; Anth. Hump]. teaming zrevel. "SO; Herbert Doheny. Bab nry, to. 74; he. Balaton. teeming (revel. 194.25; Md. Benoit, rend work. 208.35; Her-an Neon, reed work. 139.50: Peter Horton. road work. $88.93: W. B. Freeway Tree. urer Huntington telephone Account, 1925. 434.01; The Provincial Tren- urer tor trooper! We. $00.60;. Peter P. Schummer. Ienlmnel‘ ulnry. 800.00; Peter P. Schumann} office supplies. 31.42; Thou. Melen- on. refund R. R. bonul. 5.10: Ed. M. Brenner, filling in culvert. 8.00; W. Howler. rep. culvert .19.. 10.01; J. K. Forwell. teeming cruel ea... "72.44; Noel: Willem. rep. oulvert Itrte., It.76i. John Miller. (Mm. 9.25; Koebel Bros.. tor tile. 88.40: Alex Maser. rep. bridge, 4.90; Alex Schlueter. road work. 'SM; J. J. Gllllllnd. road work. 350.25: Moll Lienhardt, rep. bridge. 193.05; An- cum-ad. road work, 350.25: Moll Lienhardt, rep. bridge. 193.05; Am draw Diebold, ryrd work, 361.27; Henry Yams. work on steam roller. 117.00; Carlson Bitter. gnu! to count. 12.00; Peter Buckner, grov- e] aecodht, 100.00; D. W. Chums", grovel account, 27.25. Total 8976.84. --Carried. Chanel] now formed into commu- tee or the whole on By-lAw number 900. Mr. Knight being chum“. To appoint coloctorl ot taxtttc-- John A1393” appointed tor the north-halt ot the west-section at 1 salary of $50.00; Albert Smith tor the south halt ot the weutaaoclion at a salary of 340,00; Jacob A. Run. stedler for the whole ot the eastern- section at a salary of 8105.00. " Committee In Open Council After mung In and Brtaw it we- moved by P. A. Wagner, we'd by L. Buochler that Br-raor number 900 L, iiiild in, be red a third time and pasmsd.-carrted. =, "iiGisd by P. A. Wagner, sac‘d by W. Freeman that the Municipal Treasurer In hereby Instructed to pay the sum ot $300.00 In myment ot the Freemt bridge, which wu purchilad by {his Council In the month of August. this year. said cheque to be Issued in hvor of the Department ot Public Highwgys. Toronto.--Ctrrried. Math. Hahn, Assessed In the Hahn drain, stated am the tttling hon said drain was causing much dun- nge to his crops Ind naked the Council to remit ouch tnWur in on part of lot 4, concession 12, out loc- non. Flnanclal Gunmen! Munlclml Trensurer's munch] monthly trttttemertt:-- . Cr. July 3m. 1920, bnhnce In cash book o......................" 41.90 Receipts during the month ot August. 1926 ........rr_r6. 15,916.14 Tom cash Dr. Tom payments during the month of August, 1926 .... 12,325.78 Amount in cash book mm": 3,632.28 Moved try L. Baechlor. sec’d by P. A. Wagner, that this council now adjourn to meet oath! n the Town- ship Hall, Crouhlll. Monday. Oct. the 4th, 1986. 10 o'clock in the tore noort.---Carrlod. St. Clements, Sept. 15th. 1916. An Old Recipe To Darken Hair Common - a... Ind tulphur Make- urum, Faded or any _ Half Dark in! YomMul " on“. Almoet‘ everyone kno'e that Sue Tee end Sulphur. properly com. pounded. Minn heck the mere] color end III-tn to the heir when ruled. “reeled or my. Yeen ego the only we! to [a tile Intel-e ,rsato-ttstttom.,s'hiestths many end Imbleeone. iiii; F. ioiuamer, T939311. 316,958,“ we our use '- as 2 “is“ t In” ' b I! it aAhtt u I to. - tab oth en- at is: es he. an. to m be b - M ehle t'r.amtit" -- 3 these - he" 5 - hell. - m heels and m. e7. he an reel. Ill. girl. as “he at this. - h - et at the Is atqim " the atatq-t e! In. Why!!!“ m. 'hrtmt etreet iet. lie-JIM OIL. the "r.'.-. "Met two me In I! elleet [M an Into You - health. t tech - to e doctor the advise hem - tonsils removed, am the wee the seet o! the trouble. We hed the. uneven. but It m not help her. and she lee-ed to have “sorbet: much poison from the trouble she did not pick up " nit. She could neither ee't not New. and whet tood she did me am not diet. Then ehe developed s cough that kept her nuke It night. end went down itt' Ieuht to " pounds. A neighbor all} to me, 'You hue tried so my things why not try Dr. Wlquns' Pink Pills? I got some out! before the finished the second box she bean to show 1m- provenent. she eonttnued the use of the pills for some time end Is now in the plnh ot condition, one to work end phy. end eet end sleep wlth ell her old-tine vigor. These statements can be "rirted Multin- bors who wstched her restored from iU heelth to perfect health.” it your medicine dealer doe: not keep these pill: you can get them by man at 50c e bpx from The Dr. Willieml' Medicine Co., Bmckvjlle, Ont. _ HUOBAND DECLARE!) LEGALLY DEAD REAPPEARS l AFTER WIFE’COLLEOTED I ' INSURANCE HOMER Two you: one: he Ind been de- clnred legelly dead Ind two years after his wife hnd collected 38,894.11 lulunnce money, 3 nun chiming to be Adelnrd when has returned to Port Huron And the mam-thee com- pany Is now endeavorlnx to get the money back on the grounds that the policy holder la gull alive. Four you‘- ngo Adela"! Lebert was divorced from his wife and left the city to go to Seattle: two years ago an unknown mu: committed suicide by looping into a hlning turnece at the Imperial Oil plant just north of Bernie. Mrs. Lehert immediately went to Sarnia, identitUd the body as that of her husband Ind supposedly had Adelnrt hurled. The insurance com- peny, not doubting that the body buried in that of Lehert, promptly mid over the insurance money to " wife. Nothing further was done about the matter. Mrs. Lebert was tnttrried Icahn and Ipmrently every- thing wtta' running smoothly until on the night of April 27 a min chim- lnx to be Adehrd ' walked in to surprise his former wife. Sm. Label-t In: not only surprised but " tirgt wu qulte convinced that her nocturnal visitor won not her late husband. RECORD ATTENDANCE AT NATIONAL EXHIBITIW Eutthlinhing a record Attendancé of 858,000. or 18,000 More than the previous high ot 230,000 on Chu, dren'l DV In 1921, Labor my at the Can-dun Nntionul Exhibition wiped out the deficit of “,000. caused by the downpour of nin all any on the previous annuity. ce== DALI: aim Bechtel & Dreisingcr no“ but am... Hm III W3- . ”may. Add Ion no]: u you In. mam by um; your m man - In” hooks. -'--'". an} moon-No. - and he a! can": mum no King " W. PM». a mutton", on. "%2T" " (bee-St. s. 2308 Kitchener F LI N E R A L DIRECTORS -tiiiirtiu" an Inn, Olin J. c. Lehman: o-Ott-tFi."."' vinyl": L. w. shun ..............rrawtt) W. a.' Wulchel .... ..V|oo-Pm|dom‘ J. Howard summon A. Inner Richard Rmhmln J. M. no” Jot. Maui!" _ P. I. Chant: ARTHUR FOSTER ...... Manager B. E. IECHTEL Ind W. R. IRICKER .. .. . . . u-tore G. A. IOEHN INOURANCI AGENCIKO, LIMITED Edibllnhad 1m ASSET! OVER “All!” GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT Mm - um. 'Nt---t" I!“ It. It... mzumumwm tantamount; MO! A. loan Flu-In 'rtt_-at0MerBt. but Pronpuy um - “no...“ action (unnamed. cm now". AMO mm B. M. WILHELI " Klng St. N. Wan , THE tttitttuttrlt.tt l FIRE 1N8IIBAIBE Waterloo Mutual Fife Insurance Company Agent In" of Peasant! Block. hol- ‘lcl ttt., Kitchen". M1131 The Mayer Tran-u no giving good satllhgtlon. . Farm Implements man... with; head no under It"). and, hum not! upon“ 1'“le pads. Made 3nd mud n " Kin at. In. Kltchoner. III? no Poirtiee. Pu no attention to thou nonrery And amt-mud tde. (laments when you an [at but" truss right In" ad [on money. with the whim of “tun: It chimed or M " may “no. I I P A I It I N G Boo" AND nun-an. xmvu OHAIPINID EDWIN HOUSE I 311: St. - - Gordon Peterson Mum-Hurri- minimum. 5 r, In". lawman: mm [Ind Inn-A J.I.Joulll°l‘ tf-tst-rot"- ”when“ moo-mum "" m cm ".0. Harness and Shoes BROMHNG. O'Hara and Dir-euro Wfmlllli Dlu‘trlct Agent- Royall-la. _"lS'Lt',t'e'figh"l2'lt tumult-numb.“ alumnus-awn. hvmwuulnml‘ D. . Iowan " LL). h m. mm. new: VI” I“ 081m out - 1 In“ Bunk Building. ”no“ Mr, m, m. DI. J. I. am. SPECIALTY. m. - at the In. Thus: an “a. In. St. “I. nun-u. 'tgtt--hMrqtitt. Mum.“ MG.“ ll HARPER. DENTIST can» In Oddrellows Bloch.‘ " In; m. B., Waterloo. Phone 30. \ ”than than.“ In.umhhlu.ou.l~|o Palmer Graduate Chlroprnmr V t94 Klan Itt. Want. Klwhomr Pt-.. OHIO. 11”.], Home“. DR. P. G. HUGHES. Dena-t. Hm lor- Block. King St. a., Wash». P---4Ntie" 89”. noun-u. on. a a. mum. 0mm one. tn Hello-I Baal. Bratar%rts “on. IN. N DR. J. W. HAGEY. Dentist. Room no Weber Cinnamon, King Bt. W Kitchener. Tainan)“ com Kitchener. l DR. M. M. mmmunmn. Dal tut, onto. " King at. W. Incl on". Phom 805W. DR. L DOERING. Doll-t. Inocu- nr to Dr. J. Schmidt.“ King It. But. our Dominion Bunk. tn door. h-om Polwmco. Kitchener. phonon: Olin. “A: "atq-," 'I Helm Apartments. Young " Phonon, Mic. tdeag. Mann. on. A. c. BROWN, Hiram WIOI' to Dr. U. B. - Oman-to of Della". noun-l. Now York. Epoch! “undo: - to “traction and chlldnn'n alums. one. " King SEW“ Enchant Ollie. " mum at. Woun- Ioo. Piano “m.- INOOIE TAX WW8!) on wan Mn. m " WALT!!! D. [Nan a co. mum and Nikon. Am Ind Tr“ Anion-n. ob. ... IPRAV. PA! NTI " AND wmnwnmm . all u . ml WATIILOO vuuamxnn we“. - - M King a. K.rett . wm Am & ASSIGNBES ILICTROTH KRAPEUYt" EWIUGWIAVINO uncmvmmoltb puma“! 333*“ -' - "ete CHIROPRACTIC F. WAECHTER A. nods. CHIHOPNTOI “DION AL . DENTAL Chiropractor

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