'lilo.,,.",'-.?')"'.'"".,,'."','.".".'.?,', ., .ylt' a 'ivatieti-roiutNo"tst Y, , w,ttt,rtttti_tsr' tieid in 1917 he up}. i“ , -’tho victor in an Dominion Mo- i'iaet -etLortrr_essiettnayte'tr.oet!P! ’ iiisiatitVrryrtrettrth.eetittP't, Btiit, , " this commend“ WV". at ifgiii?. for the ensuing mummy tum. 'rf, ' . i " 10,400 mu compared with W (haggard!!! the Conservative standard-bearer, F' Md Gross. receivin‘g iabtrtantial Marnie: "r,,riorotrrti1ineam"ud1r increased vote in P5 w. 21: brgci m in the- ‘cabinet during the last session. Now 9: t lie has again been returned, the riding f“ look to him to give the same disinterested. Egg: . ttee, irrespective of party, as he has ren- TiiifaSrsd during his previous parliamentary terms. 't9eeording to his declarations during the cam- 5- Cpriitrn this will be his object. _ _ :,i,).iSiij"t'i','i. Both these antenna]: indicated by r. "ttttrd? that they inunsely desire pace. 1 18U.aty:,t.(ttW. the tonne: French premier, an the fkww - a at Franco. truly uprated the 18 . a "rtttrret when he W: "tt is r. it Igi, 'eiutorsme3htrmmanqirN From l "ltr' ry-tttet-ttminor'"",' ' IBB' ' â€MANN stations. A131 . T The re-eiection by n large majority of Mr. . Euler shows that he continues to enjoy the . _ eettsfydertee of the electorate of North Waterloo) £9 in large degree. He bias/ably represented this y constituency at Ottawa and he has been gen- r, 'erdly looked upon as one of the moat capable r:: wankersjof the House of Commons, where, his '/,11tittt')y', been claiming an inerysaaing mew , ure dt his time. His prominence and standing E3139 pirlinment is reflected in the offer of a posi- “y The unusually large vote "gistrmsiL IthUtt was about four thousand more than in to election of October, 1925. clenly evidenced “metronome†of the contest wwed in this 'ipoatatittsener. Both candidntes were backed try stung organizations and the resulting number 1110 went to the polls showed that no effort 7m been spared to get out the vote. ' . The fact that Mr. Euler’s majorities in Kitchener, Waterloo and Elmira wesie'eomsi4er. ably reduced as compared with the previous general election-in October, 1926, indicated the strength of the Conservative candidate in the' municipalities where he was beat known. In the townships, however, the member-elect re- ceived an increased vote of nearly one thousand monethan was accorded him last fall.' Con- quering the strength of the position of the ,ietarttmtr candidate, Mr. Gross made a highly 'aediteble run. . yt' f: "tmar-ttA". _ Fianna-u i-tner"'""'". . An a result of the "election in South Wat- erloo, the former member, A. M. Edwards, “in becomes the eonstitueney's representa- ‘1.-- "hm, the in the next Dominion Parliament, his ‘mnjority over his' opposing candidate. C. R. Widdifield, being 2216. His election' was‘gen- eritliy conceded although his majority as com- pared‘wlth the previous election in October of at, year when-he received 8946 votes more than his opponent, was considerably reduced. The unexpectedly strong run of the Lib. eral candidate, C. R. Widdifield, who was not as well known throughout the constituency as the Conservative standard-bearer, was a sur- prlee to many electors. He upheld the record if the King government while the member- elect appealed f?rraupport on the protectionist pulley of Premier Meighen which he believed jsiiiV promote stability of government. can». -, Mr. Edwards has made a capable represen- tative and the electors by their votes have in- dicated that they desire him to continue to me their interests at Ottawa. Cir--' Ki. Wu: to note, on the occuton " tho More! Germany into the name 5‘11“!†It Gem. the other day, that the My: mum of both Germany and France â€at; declaration that then must be no THE RESULT IN SOUTH WATERIDO I - Wu"- .3 et-mr-tGerm-into/ue 'ttattrte.tePtyt,1ttetatt.t?, W 'wi-tltr-tfha"-."?.??:'), 'tii.%reiiyrtf"tetttttty1?,l du- il"eLr,ptJt'S,',r2gl2tSl'21'hh' C dri'ri-rma-tmmthtt"ettte mum . iiiiaiiakria, . " "Wm" '/tr.ioit.reiit"iie-iiritaey, . m M’ummwmmu aottsem-ttrfottshtettrttt- 'eiuo-ntiveertytrt?t'1t1tlt 'tA-htrtornteeeandrfn'. The "iiiiiiiiiatteu-tanedreeiat GERMANY ENTERS LEAGUE 3.?335 It-n- "rinG"id'ih.ii-i'atat.oti-Ge,',Piit' w ue obviou‘ Ihtgtirtttttq. nut m: t"lifl'l, cm and. Wu and 'tatamlt, will {time mau.wai-aoitsaa.a+u-P"", 'i,tCilruG,insterittuetietsierCe berm. moat eaaitr mad humour “mm {5,315 It should not be ova-looked, hm. tttattire WT» migrants from other common have IMF]? oritigs themselves toauopo-aallthstmiU of thar. " wtLtuGt'iiuii'bj-iithf,.oeet"' "sr-i-tsatis-tit-feet.".?" lea We: of (and: being “I it“ “0 orbitofunUniNBm ' ».’ - acter that to to nuke good tttttsent, 'saatrtr 1.n4uatrstsrittsndt-nasmtdeaimjor-d. araistts-hoeamestethueotmterr"", ago trom European mm“ hr" chem“: mmst.derrtraNe some". In seeking a solution of the race problem Mt South Africa the authorities of that 'lt,",') try have a difficult and mining task and one that requires the moat careful handling. The present government, in an endeavor to solve the problem, has introduced legislation looking "o the separation of the native blacks and the 'el',:', but the policy has been productive of considerable criticism. . . A well-informed authority, in iftirttrttirttr, mp the effect and character of the legislation mtroduced, says: "The Dutch South African does not con- sciously want to oppress the native nor does he want to 'keep him down’ nor exploit him. H.e says he 'mehns well by him, and wants to a just to him, but he does not want the exist- mg social order to be changed. The existing social order is that the white man rules. . .' that is the reason for the mailed 'setrretratior,t policy' of the present South African govern- ment. F , "By segregation is meant the keeping apart of white and black in South Afrietb--ata far as possible territorially by inducing natives to remain in, or move into, certain areas mark- ed as 'Native Reserves,' where they will have privileges which they will not elsewhere enjoy. Segregation also implierkeepiptr the natives eonfined to certain lines of industrial activity, so that there shall not be unnecessary compe l tition between white and black 1ahor--a compe- tition unfair to the white worker, because his standard of living is higher than that of the) black. Segregation includes political differen- tiation in the sense that it tries to eliminate the possibility of the clash between a white and a black Vote at an election. In effect it will mean that the black man will be debarred from voting directly for members of the legislative RACE PROBLEM m SOUTH AFB-[CA [ asserhbly, which will be composed exclusively of white, while he will be given an opportunity of ruliné himself -within certain boundaries, and with certain limitations. by means of 'tltr- tive Couneila' of his own creation.†The Province of Quebec reports a balance in the banks of $2,215,676. During the ttseal year ending June 30th, the sum of 845,418,539 was received by the provinei while _the ex- penditum amounted to 844,861,ti8tk. ' It in interesting to oboe“. that the out- put of coal from Gullah mines for the month of June was 47 pageâ€. - than the aver- "eforthtstrmmthoftto-tmt' - _aeeoritinetithemuttttrmtortdtttteDo. minionBi-rtStati. _ ~13 ThuCaMthwlll formyem termini. has!!! numuuuanchthc 'rp;';";',.',) many by the forum guinea- of the Do- minion Forestry M60. He mm that Cam ada bu about 'igtuttt0.000,000 cable an of landing ttrrtt-ittaittdrtAs. Thaw-unlo- Julia-1: -eyMetatat,r AM6000 â€In feet 'ii-in-ire/sei-sy/tttree, “kahuna-gnaw“ EDITORIAL NOTES of CW)!- Inau- 'Fiir0treit.ttt1iiietr3gt =Tjlll"l',t11 Inn-u ban-IMJ'OIm‘. Mtâ€! twpgus‘mtmmu p; a... ‘ul'p‘oghvaI-y lyhuhwlt ,TriiLuriiiiiterr,tl1titattPtttet?ei',', mrmmuquï¬au-mumm LTiGGiGiitauve-iual'er'1re.tt1te'. â€"0†renun- ot-tttq Amp-mum aai"iT.aaiTrairir-t+ro".rrr2'yce't 'i"iiGGciiGaGuit_-lree""tfy1T5f mm min- being delivered tttto P. O'Connor. x.c.. " tot the lands ot the - - lor- mount: ot the will“! m mammqmw-m‘ ttdaiFiiGilGLs-tl an. m my. Info-anal“ to,ttrorittteemr-taertitrts. P" Maid-bu “MMVW mums-unanim- ‘oullI‘. They “dill I! M Ml. lid smarttaidtoeoorrtmttrar an. tn no manna the Guam vo- tte-tsto-eo-tttk ATTII" I. “ADI -- To ILOVI UP JUDGE no second as of "not to occur within I month startled "yon“- as.» 4awheummeo1m1 Honor Judas Tub: of mun-ma gum. was bombed. A ninth: It- tanpt In: and. on a. homo at Pianos Magistrate um the. week: In. No post dime when Iron the cub-ion and no om VII uri- on-ly Injured. but an Nubia. bl- Iém no clome an: ot tiit mouth. bu MIMI the city. Thad-â€dam. at by home of Jul" Mr eon- ‘Ilmd minty ot shuttered window: Ind broken on»; The bomb In upload It the back of the ions. And do tore the kitchen door from It: Mum A further nun! 1- to be clot-ed tor the Inert of the new mu who trttompted to deltroy the Mcuod home. GAL? CITIZEN CELEBRATIO I 101.1 BIRTHDAY ' Robert N. Jen,“ out in probeth I Ontario's oldest mm. On Angjtrd he we: 101 years of as. Thi- not. able event we: celebrated at Moorewiiie, near Medan. where the centennial: is visiting hie than. tern. Mrs. John McNaughton end Mrs. t. Nelson. Other memberl ot the - went there ior’the occl- Iion, Including Mine- Mnry C. and Matty Jell he Mn Joseph Hell ot Gait. There are two lone end ilve daughters. Mr. Jeil was born " Asmara. near Dover. End-mi. Ind came to Canal: in IMT. m termed for a time in Denna Township. end in .1885 took up reilwny work‘ with the Great Western; "ruining with it for " yearn. " ot which were spent in Eaton and the bei- mce in Claude ye. He retired " [ yenre ego. coming to Gait. Despite his great years he is enjoying very f good health. C.N.l. " EN HONOR HEAD or 8Y0?!" Sir Henry Thornmn. chairmen end presidem of the Cancun Netlmul Rumâ€, we: recently presented with . lllver when bowl by the tttttcert, ot the mtem on the occur Mon ot hle mam-(e. which took piped lest week. Sir Henry Also re- ceived I silver my" from the em- ployees of the runny. meea'ir dent W. D. Robb, In Dreaming the punch bowl, Illnded to the "card In which the heed of the - "e held try m min In the - end ELY; W. H. Kllby. not!“ on but." ot as Candi-n Nubia! nonunion! clubs emphasis“! the mundane. 9t the â€.000 employees ot the Im- tn that chm and.thertr wool-“of of " ,ludenmp. ', mum out? In _ u no?†run. In FUTUII an: arm Gut an: from . ml- “0’ "my in he: found to have n!- ncunc mac-1m - ttt m " mum-obi]. mm. 11. mm mm den-uncut oe', auricular. chum- qrtto â€NEW mu. “some“ that will. an at: m. on not mm In mm. tttiittttttrm run. and! - 'iraal develops! with a. "et to an It} on! any “III- 'he M It" "gloom-m“ "all: M hil- jj,?,], a. -6Mitth. of “in!!! a - ttt In If." m II ‘3 tom of hot.†T _ FALL rm "mun rm "no no “1'“- " nun». who“? than: t uracil. a. " the unn- nun-u. Ms. 1trttl mm. a. no - I Itti “4-. mm u out the -ttr', none In he put I - M ttl “chm-nont- â€mun-I'M!!! {hay-III!†_ m1- 0-3 have sub. to m n' If!“ of! annual [to the el MW†pom m to an tl m [in m - Modal-c Inn - - ",boanittett-ttt-t" suammm-mu -irt.9trrttttrtt't ‘. AM“...de ".-uqtratrreer,t_tr_t MIL-M.K.c..ulv- ..oq5-evrt.tLarttttutt'ttel "rr-tnoe..--"., but tu-r-r-ttr-tut “In: tinny-I “will" â€Aluminum-unbecom- wwwmmnm‘» - ' mull In “at Luau: comic“. noouu 1 'LAN " AW†“Rum 7h but" of Union We“ in m unio- Iut Ink deetded “an“!!! to "We to no 35mm: m can!» Ite-ttmet â€Q“? on will (or Wyatt-M'Myrn -u.btrthe1aatot-ttttNr Wow-won who Inn-- in. and] Ill) amid-d to to- maine“ tho motio- ot than - non-mt: mu. m hula" ph- to abet Spin to a sunburn-an 10.1 tn (I. lean. council " the hummus. numb†can“; and“ who.» than. from the sue-Ina = hope this will Induce the l (iiii'iii'ir, to Abandon “rules ot mils-nil: from the m. TURTLE ON A HIGHWAY I HALTO IOTOR “in“: The nee did not. so uncontested to' 0:. thousand: of I'm entomo- Mutt on e recent Huntley afternoon on the Reading turnpike near Boe- ton, but tether to e lone turtle w'ho ideal“ to emu the road when truth: was heaviest. The not“ rope-elm! “I we? â€I!†do“ leer Nortrttmusttw,' when suddenly ogMrenr stopped and others new“! on the brakes. In a tew wounds done†of cert were ‘helted. Upon inretrtitrathm it was loud that the cam ot the tie-up wee not e tulle ottteer, I aew boule- vard stop experiment or , "blinking dummy." but his royal hlxhneu. Br. Chem-u. perhepe more commonly known as a mud tnrle. who we- tumbling acron- tl leisurely tuhioh. the road It: no“ Bonsa- BROTHERS moron “as etter than Ever, "Follows-g uni: muons! policy of ixmatamt%pr.ovemerntwft1nopmtrtt DIETRiCH'S GARAGE eight months, have My new ttGirmotorcarsinm_tlr-cts 1suu,tt-trasr-rtetnnett FiAofinDoyterttttPtatrtrlet GGGrbruirtarteotattortuinr'tr?d Mama! mm havohoenmnda. tunasnUtn1 mm havohoenmnda. The 5 MW“ Pattit2rt'1fllfedrl'Alh')'l'r' ttgee',',', - motor on Dodges putter,',,',,,',',',',',',',.")',':';';.')',',' of rusirtaiitrait-ieettr mains - motor at Dodge -ekar1tsu,titr-raiettrrr.ort1etyet 'j3P,t,,t,t',tt2t',',t'ttt't,rtgt,t i,'eegiii,'thtt2tteuWt"'" 'r-hear..........)!. 'u- _-__............ ttNL' _lt1t?t) “SPIN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neurfiis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache . Rheumatism ’M'"_ 11.11.51 In... Harbours-uh“ "taa-r-r-ret. t-iiua-t"a-d"f â€do“ v Bai-tsou-tuf. . Ltlttut2'."lll2i1r-'.ll “too-w “I“. It! hula-gawk!- whiiuhtooui WW. hie-RM f .,,sifi1' Ina-g nan-via and 'neithtie a a _ .i ' C 'il'i'.iill who irUh to “by the _ - _:c-ti', magnum . . II. I. V er,':',,',,,?, if Tm “up. - - “vi .,. 19,) I- 1.. I DOES NOT AFFECIZTHE HEART I 79 King St. a... ‘bip'd'h-ILW _ mud'l‘mhm aluminium!!! --, -~ T gm" Imam .........'....iriteirati" 1-7 mum-u Marta Wm â€slant. " NAM..........I.J.Aa-u.lnmet ASPIaiu CAIADA apt-Id).- Accig‘ o_nll “Baler" package .--- - - which contains prover: dircci'xons. End "Bayer" hm. at " mm Also Lar. of II and "e-Pe'? p,