T, Joy-nu ww.........u A 'tr . 'd'=%l: mais. k, t (1".- -atHos "sie?"'" on out out In Chr, .0- M “kw. my. , - of New} Jratrrtttet, in W, of Can“. will haw tho m f "-adhttttr o! selecting it: m-rttw 'e, , uttoe1ttw-uaiarW.D.Eu1_ 4, eontitmq'l mauve in the Do: . Houpfor the past nine ye-Iwho hatl pica Wanted "att the tsandidate of an mama-t we“: Won, and David the“, I prominent and well known manufac- tirerof the city of Kitchener. jinn lacuna m not!!! '""tutol 'inir.rruuiiptueti.tuetioCit oitntserotiaatiar-retumed by. Maniac! his supporters no. urging his teNe9to on his record'dm'ing the years in :uagstiehasisiexiiietted thisrldingat Atttatm. It in genenlly cogeeded that Mr. Euler in Me An able tepreaentative and "tsogni- ionofhhabilityintowaeeninthefact that he has on several occasions been promin- ently mentioned as a prospective cabinet Mr. Gross, the Conservative eandidated .following his acceptance of the nomination as the Conservative standard bearer, has been waging an umssive campaign throughout the riding and members of his party and other tnrpporters are exerting their best efforts to elect him as the constituency’s next represen- tetive " Ottawa. minister. In this contest Mr. Euler has deemed the ' gone Nations] Railways and the Tariff to be the-am chief issues. He has, emphasized the trreathite." national Quiet which Canada possesses irthe' f NM Railways and the need of iiUiuiir/uo,, against plots to destroy them white in respect'm to the tariff hefavon reasonable oroteeiioiriii': and the mummy: of the tariff board ,urwliiiiii; functioning. to pmtect industry and to pre-‘evim vent extortion. Fifi --. Mr. Grosa, in his own business, hate shown either party is evident. Doubtful voters who himself to he capable and energetic, while in are undecided as to how to cast their ballots the public positions in which he has served the will naturally be' influenced during the ageing municipality of Kitchener, including the office ' days of the mm by any inmtion Which of Mayor, he has given efficient service. He iirl shows that one or the other of the parties is presenting himself as a candidate in the forth-'Iikely to receive the decisive support of the coming election because he believes tlntf the electors. It has been emphasized that anqn- riding should Bend to Ottawa a tsupporter of a definite result would favor the Liberals who sound tariff 'policy. He is of the opinion that could again associate themselves with the pm. the King Covernment'trpoliey in respect to the gressives and' carry on the government. 0b- tariff has had an injurious effect on working- jection to the fact that) small group can men's wages. employment and the general wel- decisively turn the scale in legislation coming‘ hue of the Dominion, and is convinced that before the House of Commons has, however, under a Conservative Government a stable been voiced and there is no doubLthat it puttsets tagftt policy would be ensured and that all a good deal of pdWer in the hands of a few cluses in the country would prosper.- members. 1 During the past few weeks the electors On the other hand if the Conservative; are of North Waterloo have had considerable op- to win they must get at them minimum 'portunity to hear the issues of the campaign 128 seats, a gain of seven seats, so that they discussed by the candidates and other speakers have a formidable task were them. During the past few weeks the electors} of North Waterloo have had considerable ow, portunity to hear the issues of the campaign discussed by the candidates and other speakers and to" weigh the merits of the policies sup- ported by each candidate and' party. The ulti- mate decision now rests with them as to which candidate they desire to represent them at Ottawa. It is the duty of all those qualified to vote to exercise their franchise on Tuesday and indicate by their choiqe the policies ‘which they desire to see supported in the next ParlU. ment of Canada. -- / One publication, the Canadian Forum. de- sirlhes the Mt election as s duel between Mr. King and Mr. Heighen with each one Bght. Ing to hold the lesdership of his party. It pro- mpts the foM%ntt interesting forecast to its readers: t " ' "If tht Conservatives mare . M mai- "In W lcquuw W “-7: “IV "In“: Aswan-awn- T'"" . . _ the members of thettiitmsoftyrmmons de. . I! v throu th us S,,Su'2,',,1l"I',"li2S; ',,t,t'gelr,',l' etsmde1eeted.0asithataretteirtg made mmmgmmumw’"mmh"mw' . Arooaoatraftaetiortortueote.orrhtdtuh- C'""""'"'"", l l -htrtetarsadargstmtlte.mertttmd "ran' 'No#eetKntrhtortereirh-ptrFaam- In!“ of the m {m on . solid aiderattteatratnontttineitltmeherrsofhottt -eatnttesh-dfori shun-1y. ittuuslrnrtierbutthe-eatestttbettoekoffuttdtr lm'byhoflnthdruldbbchmndWd‘hufldeubï¬lmfltrzgfflbmfl- wmmmmdu,nu¢-Monthdrmm The mania- , mnmgofuthtolrJldchmtbn-msmudupoyflmumpund mme_C-attve Wu who in I ,ettbttte1-tt-taimtht-idenaeesdtrr Wampum; "a-tr-ut-lf-tRet.'"'""!""""'"'.' L.iu.,.sttt,ituutatntargu.aaq-in.it-qtaiH. _ _ 1 a: can: Conservative chief“: who has a w the Inert canard MOD. " MGM by tlt, of â€pain, .1)me to m. the and“ Ilka-um: being Issued, have not wiguinataliedinht-.A_t, Mam-M- ummdmlmpmtu ', .--..-" ,mmd. both Vinnie" will trg"el',2g mane! the Government adieu that ttrea-fr-tttsires-tah-d tb. 'stehtttrmriyFtbetr" to. in --" when 'te_ttrarb-Mhteidrurtrituetareuetht -..qtrie.., “I d tre" . MmWW‘hmmmm _ managing-imaging 7 , 1ttu'gltgtttlattt Léiwwnoéuu-mmm -tuttrvaia' - A LEADERS DUEL w.mnhlon oftwbik-tt1-qtri) i'iii'iriiii'riGritifiiF, an. was a: . e it an M -Ut'tA6) â€ï¬gmobutmmwdfly CiiirGtkarenotttsinetrr-9tieortP, iiiiautuirtitAatu-rt.-te inhalantâ€. . , .. ", - itiauisetttit1ttitrem1ltes.tt ,siatiiiiiiitikG'urtiPietAttfttfhtff,t mud: iiAtir,'atpottef9te1t?f: a. bitisutcakrii-ttiratqh- the "iiLsiiraiiiue.i-tkxr!iiiry"itrttt i"aGiisiiGGtaoeeumsitteeet't, (the tmilden of Canada. He paid tribute to GL in the. following words: -r"' “Fir-told] they won drrtr MI!“ Munitio- in our! muting-"W lather- had on!“ -rmttiori all m for ie Their Iceland" on _ out!!! um um a the no. ttttStates',',', fd9.tuts. ii"iVrraiiuttehetthiithirwoiksy- -euGiiuuaeetairdasirtotntienrhtmfrr ii,itiiji%u-ttodt'tatr.tefanerfle.r. Macadamia“. qherewnathtgr â€the“ thrift. They believed intend preo- tisod'tho gospel of hard work and no people ever st-duh-Ive. better Ml cl th, ,Seienoe of Agriculture. Fourth. win their love) toftreatt “Jordan They hated the law court! and seldom did they have differences that could snot besettledby petstraNesntsth,odtr. Suchwere gthese ear1rationeer'r, and it do for us, their itineal descendeuts, to muddle their mph, Isa that we may be wortbyof those who have gone before. In these days of _ stress and /elamor,Het us not forget the simple things of tion is to be minnonded on initiating and carrying through so successfully the project to honor the memory of the early settlers of Brag. erloo County. The _ wtusto.hearted interest evinced in the undertaking by citizens of the County generally demonstrated Quit they gin- cerely welcomed the opportunity to honor and perpetuate their memory. As election' day draws nearer ilttermrt is becoming keener in the probable result of; the polling but so far no prpnottneed swing to either malty is evident. Doubtful voters who r- Following the" general elections on Sept. .1dth Purllagnent will be called in session before the end of the year.’Ahout six or seven weeks will be required to hove the write returned tlttd the members of the We of Commons de. eiamde3eeed.0eAnttutambeinq made ed! for the as“ h November. A nut-worm The last weett, will undoubtedly see both parties bending all their energies towards Be- 'curing a decisive result which i: much to be desired. - Supporters of the Meizhen- government ere counting on the desire of the people ai, Lwhole to restore stability of government to influence a sufficiently large number of the voters to cast their ballot: for the Conservative party as to immune their‘return to pom. The Waterloo County Historical Await: KEEN INTEREST IN CAMPAIGN l, EDITORIAL NOTES muwvm‘mmt-Wï¬' -iiireet-wetree"y'i*aa-iiNtAi-'i, turn-W 'wbond.“WtymmehrMIC-L (sg,-,'.'?,',.",",".',':-.".'":. 1tg'dttt'g'x,'it$'lih"i= _ ". -- w" my†unite-nu- m..tiiiitiifirliMi,rrttet?ty/ett . - .5 â€M'mgy l it)! Q“ VIM " 'd'Sfttlt?ltld ' in Jbt tttgeftttet51', ert',i1eai lug-no ' ' as“ I†"ft. uur‘h tri1'2e ml he _ " nun-o o! my!!! in Mm t+ierttitPpse'?ter.?e2?h' lutcphnwtmmomuu -tteoaqi0'i'rrtrthrtr"""'. a... a“ mmmna by 1...qu _ of 0"," tha bam. 'pier::':;;;::::;:-'""""" be a. and“ at m can. " _ _ _. imam to a mug mun-at and. tMak Wan-lo may. cum-m 113er Conn.‘ Hah, Wash tut _ an “mu“ 1 pr 't - ymnoum. i wF "n. Ila-nu. Col-l “all“ To Promo!" m _ - by muddy 'ere. AI. 't, M M meted» the tou‘hgo in“ yr,ttut'i-sarsCA.u"i- Arias, guru-Progressive. It! rot turned by “station to ram! *1†mum of "not“ If an no: mm am »_ l noun-rm 'tttMo' 1t,u, ' W, ' -ttormH6tc, ' nu. , aa6tttrtrsm-t “I am of s I mt-tttemit been.“ at I. 'm ot _ mwdenbly In ,cxouu of $100,000, to an Wooa.toek Guarding“! T In “A. will of an jute â€Comm J. I Gluing. who died recently in Tar. onto. Mr. Glam m I former rul- dut of WopdBtoeh, being the foun- ‘der “the Woodstock Review. winch tieame mum-ted in 1373 with the Somme! to form the Somme!- Roviev. HM estate hm been Inven-A tnrhd for probate st 8244.000. . Boott GRAIN - A real shortage ot his?! .de- vow-g. Micularly tri '8 alchev van. with smokers asking " and " Petr day. - _ _ . When} in the immediate neighbor- hood of Bhutown. Sun. In expected to'u‘ongo " bushels. with I good (In! sol}; to 36 and_ 40. For some " miles north and loath and our 1 [an width the “on“ 19 around ~13 gnu/3.59% s.'"; -, 4 'itii.ir'rti+tstsrutrasrmtrrt he mm was sent to Halifax on Sept. In by Islam ot the mum Dime: Mite Assochtlon tonovmg tr decision reached " a mass meet- Ing of 300 members ot the mock.- tion culled to consider the order issued try the Ham-x Baird of Hath! to the effect that til mm coming to Human: on and after Bert, 1 must be " sealed tins. . It was Arseibsd, tturt'trorrs October to June "the price»: but will be t cents a quart when the can: in Iuwllod by the producer. Ind 7% cents when no can: an manned by the dollar. Ttsis mum mines are 6% and C Nserntrrxsoetiretr. "wrung sumac Four I _ “DEATH OF BEAUDRY Henri R. Bertrand. secretary of Ja Revmr"ttoderam . local weekly Ermine, and former nocremry ot other businesses whammy the late J. A. Randi-y, editor and pub linker of be Prix Content, I weekly review, was Tinned-y held crimin- uily responsible by a coroner'l jury fol: "trs'rm the death ot Maury on August " " manual. The crowning evidcnco that brought that this verdict w“ than by Dr. wulrod A. non-om. the mea- iwmn inert latched to the morgue. who produced the two but let: taken from the body ot Bonn- dry. and nut.“ positively that they were area from a revolver that Burma In aid to hue bonny prcvlonl to the mm!" from rhllml1 merchant ulna Himmn. m wV poncho In " Mantle-nun of the unmanned with“ Mo vole». Tuning mot him-ml! than provi- woully. _ FAINIRO WILL GIT 0mm» Iron wan? Darwin-t mung told from but you‘- crop, and omitting hom the eahtetNttoh "in robbed tor and. cm. the fun-on of Wake": Cum have mind. or will neat". not but than “00.000300. Mu! payment by an wing: Matte cont orbs: yarn (all In gtttt yet but WM) hi- you) what ml my not - - tuttsttaat-aerettitme" up: in.†to. an- u' an. blown"! to! tM6 u to WI. M‘ OI no Asp, Mid, all. ,httbbq a It!!! 'iiil no“ " an at hm an. a] - a. may.†" tid, to: no." ml to ulna-u. and at In “no. that. - N ii) - .d qetg- II - d to “(tailgating _ a Inch-y _ EXPECTED "t WEST M‘mhlw imi. pin-:m my!“ to mill! ' P',.iettettP:te'?'eee?et'1' at. mwmmww hmthb- _ ...a"T___--.--...--.-..------ [iikii'i; Waternd ___ l IU), Wu!) Ont , Kidney Poison virgin-d: swam _ Bum YOU-M - m &ttta. a When your kidney- honvo-I not host can note don't qt - all proud to loud you We» Int M mu!th t' - “fin-mo at. who - M tri-rare .htetter' I'"" - â€I hop your ttemit oh“. by that†than wit I and. innue- in. which heist!» route the WI who“ - an: qunuum. lion: to their norm! aettrttr. The tune- IM .o' the kidney- II to (my “I. Mood. In " hour: they strain tron it 500 ("In at no!!! and We, no .vo an reumi tmasratambthe um importmco of keeping the kidneys scum. ' _ Drink lots of M WIMP-WI can't drink too much: tho â€Show my..qu About tour one» or an sun; m‘lubw In A than of “her We treqaANat out min: tte n (at an and your “an.†may then net the. nu un'mu all: kind. Arms the sold of mm no lemon juice. com- mm with “this. gm! In: but: used tor your: tto hettt clean And Illum- inte clogs“ Hanan; ulna to mt. muse the..ch in the mum to they are nit bunt [mum at te and“. an otua "new Nul- dor woman. -, pinnacle- I aempttttsiumsre “ cent Jittt.teter drin%-srhtett cur one ihould ~the not and than any help keg) (half lungn‘él‘gan and active. Try tttia;" IIIO keep up the water drinking. Bid no doubt 'oat win wonder Mtat Mama ot your kidney trouble Ind backache. m mu ts new; mW’ PONTL . cANAmAiibiiih- iafiir few PRICES NO EXCISE TAX my mun-kn of , 7 duingvished appearance and . n “Ahudthï¬h...Anm‘wkthudiX¢m-tbnmnms Betrbrruhit.,..ihrkhel' 'ttttttttelle,' 1epe,iry,r..C.t', c: maestnndittg ch-rise/e Bmtrbrrither_,fkhedhe2ive colon. t' .Thteeeurr.e.".r, mini; iriatieka , an m’ indu- eritetriht.tfttt"rt '?r'.hltg,'t.' tgb"'.',':',','.'."',',',',",':":,;:)'."."';?. 'Linda-dak-th-sth."-'.. . Dom Garage & Electric ce bridal; Sedan PONTIAC SIDS, CHI]! . OP ANNOUNCING “BANK“TORONTO the Stanford Arroaoch Slut». Kaila: “hunk. -Gir-iatettntruerttes-o"sri"t"re ".u,.-=aiuirtieettr1Ateet --atrooeere-b-rvat'm. Ynujlqmmm “m -, _ II 1BraaitroraA'qf TTI ital-dish“ afned -otttirtirmuri-tresrteities on which up“ in head. The Bank of Toronto make. close friend- ofaiu dicta"; “he: a ne-sure-mal Emmi-duh- reoue-ddebet-aetritof -feiend1i-dgoodoviitthat'" otreatvake. -, I Reitul's Em, tttFe-dr-tteh" " â€menu 'tsteal-r,.....:......)?'-., " [W m WIN .J. B. Curt. " "r-Nt.'........... J. (has. muss! Stock Cunlod. lnfoém-tion Furnished Ind Sonic. on hauled Roofing undated by :...I'. lied“ - - - Wlterloo Con†- a a - $1035 2 Door Sedan - 10.35 Landau Sedan " - 1125 'ooveitmattsetuanarsiasd IBlrori'CTl$liiem' FOR YOUR BARN ROOF "ottil'ePtrntsueshs.- ' ee2eaf.P,','ghd1' 5- Mred 9- any?! I'f2'f 3‘25““ '.t.l.'.?':il':r, 'ar.: "m'msuu" ai SEES Fm" __ on ttG h June. be airasUa Exetsk Tax- TtiiuGraii7iukililiir-utu-" dimly-unwil- lhlnin: _ 5.th dim ta"gituT,'du'1' - TH! . BULBS It.“ Stanford, Olin!“ "23° It:, Itt!