" and 'dttft2tt . n“...- . . , . amt-d a BIB, 'a.i-a"0.rlie.r. "lllll1 ' “In ct - a" a. m m in"! g lil , gun-I, was an. F "if â€was Rollin. m 1-: tool M" u m â€not mm with a); new. Ir. . mm h ER. â€gm. Ion lat Sammy nor-w 23.... In in Anlelel. 0111mm ijiefel'i' I chum-s noun†mat to- ' '-,-t" old Mandala. In the Twin £2.03: In. acme Hodxlnl ot Wind- 'freer. on. ma paid . mu to hei- 3"» More“ Mondrian during the [’7' - moon. I' Pontiac i Landau % Sedan It. ell In. E Meyer and two) ion ot Clevehnd, Ohio. were the â€gum of Mr. and 1m. M. B. run- - for eeverel any: last week. on mm to lontml, when they will tum of an. m in. Harry Cm It their summer home. While in Waterloo Mr. and Mrs. - greet!) enjoyed their mm to their iehuvu Ind hosts of friend- in". Hon. P. C. ban-kin. Canadian High Ctttitmiruriot"sr in London, will all to: Canada on Sept. T. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hall and ttun- lly. use Mr. John Barnes. Mr. Shan- ihll Bovlhy ot Kitchener and Mrs. Blown-t ot Detroit hare returned from their summer change at Smack]. Pen Lake, Muskokn. Mus, Hattie Hendry Is a welcome visitor In the 'rwindhtr, renewlng old acquaintances. at present the - of Miss Emma Anthea at her country home. . ma Honor the Lieutenantir mot Sir James Aikins and Lady Alum entertained luncheon in Win-. him during the week end In bone? ot the Marqula ot Salisbury. Minn Edna Haviland, President, and Miss B.-Mabet Dunham, a past madden! ot the local University Women's Club, will attend the tri- ennial meeting of the Canadian Fedemion ot University Women, to be h Id in Montreal. Wednesday, Thanh: and Friday of this week. lis- Dunham has been for three you: oonvenor ot the library com- ttsRtoe of the taeration. Hrs. Dudley B. March and family no spending a few weeks in Bdttttt. Ilnpton. Mr. March going up for the week and. Mrs. William Carthew " also a. visitor in Southampton tor I short time. Sr. Superior M. Carmel of "The Pines". Unallue Academy at Chat- hull In: been at home duringghe past week with her mother. Mrs. . Ridden. and her sister, Miss Ber ha Ridden, In Waterloo. - Rogers .. Harper Kitchener, Aug. 17th.--A pretty home wedding was solemnized this ntternoon at , o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harper. 28 not Young street, Waterloo. when their hly daughter. Pauline, he-1 ulno the bride of Hugh A. Rogers, eldest son ot Mr. and Mrs. Wil1iamm Donn ot Belleville. Miss Helen Rogers of Believllle was ‘maid of honor, while Dr. Grant A. Harper of Waterloo acted as groomsman. Following a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents the happy couple left tor a trip to Mus- koku. Upon their return they will Midelnthe Twin City. 'im-ttsie Dealer: 5'if FIRST APPEARANCE tit',gtf, 1"“ [a _ “who mum-ulna!“ â€Summer-W! Dobbin’s In St. Waterloo NEW Pontiac of the WI. .. ;"V “1" l , 'ia-et-ut-ttf' luau-um.qu moat-n v‘ - mu my W a In T.W.CA. h INN W WW uhrho-o'hm ' In. vu- w. gre M 'siom-ryirtiimet"r,rt't,q1 a. u- omxl man-Irv. mag-nut WWII.“- mnammmb mummymvmm tuesousvntt-atduar3tteatTtb “a. during their “an 01 men! Any-153mm“. . In. John M\'“ the - no»... at up Puma-h- W Aid society, at the Waterloo Park Int 'hetmdar “team. After the nu! bun-u: sol-Ion. “I!!! W huh-nan we. and. and . " lietrttist loch! but “50nd by the members an ieunas. The memhen ot the degree teem or the amuse! Rebekah [Mina ii') chener. held I miscellaneous shower at the home orun. mm use» , Church Street. in honor of the approaehintt murlue ot Kiss Ruth Schulz who we- medeJhe hsppy Wench! may hunt!!!“ and use- ful gifts. The evening proved a most enhyeble one throughout. with some: and maximum: which dain- ty refreshment: were served by the hostess. Mrs. Mono Dewitt In: returned from a much enjoyed holiday at two weeks will]: her daughter. Mm. (D?) R. H. Wing at Wanna Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Boehm and (sunny no holidaying " their summer home at Bouttttunpton. M5 The second innnal reunion oljhe family ot the lat. August Stolu was held at Silver Leaf Farm. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Becker " Wiiittumrhurtt on Satyrdny. Aug. 14. Members 'ot the family to the number ot about " were present from Kitchenern Waterloo, South Cayuga. Tavistock. Linwood and Mannheim. An address ot welcome was given by Mr. E. J. Stoltz which was responded to by Rev. A, P. Stoltz thouth Cayuga. Rev. Mr. Stolts traced the history of the tam-l iiy from the time his grandparents left Alsace, France, and settled in wdtertbo where he still resides. His address was very much appreci- ated and was an inspiration to all. Mrs. A. F'. Stoltz and Sir. Eh J. smug rendered pleasing vocal solos.‘I -Among others who spoke briefly NFtTre Mr. C. Wlnbold ot Tavlstock, Mr. A. Becker, Mr. E. Huras’and Dr. C. E. Stolt: of Kitchener. The day was spent in games and sports of various kinds which were whole-' heartedly enjoyed by young and old. or other mm! onâ€. Thu at- ‘m may do ---atdratnmr. Pr not m M- an loll by 'm - or te In! " I frntraicbrG%Ui1c'iiiiiiur' i'wwmu T Plank were made for the next re- union. which I: an annual event. and Mr. E. J. Stoltz and Dr. C. M. Stout were re-elected president and secretary respectively ot the re- union committee. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hahn and‘ daughter Irene ot Hespoler‘ visited‘ with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hahn on Bun. day last. V Mr. and Mrs. Melville Veitch and son Bobbie visited with Mr. Ind Mrs. Frank McDonald and Mr. sud Mrs. Leslie McDonald near Bright last Sunday. Miss Edna Grills of Harriston. .Mrs. Ralph Penney and children of Lansing, Mich'., Miss Vera and Mr. Arthur Penney ot Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. a. Rohr on Thursday. son Mrs. M rs. list Messrs. Russel Fried Ind Clue Veltch left Tuesday for ttttt Western harvest fields; - Mr. and Mrs. Huron! Osborne of Galt vlslted with Mr. and Mm, T. Marshall on T'ttetuitt Mrs. L. Fried and children Vllr Med with friends In Hespelor on Sunday. Mm. A. Poll an! mu Myrtle Poll visited with Mr. um In. A. Fritz In KItChener on Sandi]. Cholera Inf-Inna: In one ot the ma diluent- of childhood. n In a trouble that who. on mainly. a- peat-ll! dining the manor noun". Ind “lop prompt action I. an: the mu. on. my not to b.1010 no. Baby's mm Tnblob no a Meal nuclei-o In nub: " M (mu; with the m and iiiii)i' m m “In mum rm an." eon- _ an AIM do Mel-0r but cut“ to m- an “In" m In -. was Marx-rot Manual] spent A few days in out Int we“. STOLTZ FAMILY REUNION {in CHOLERA INFANTUM ROSEVILLE Jaw-’wmw muumw- --r, alum. to". g - -g" VIZ'IFIWI‘I' - _ yer. of on 1; 1- non-9m we *- h b "one it“ w gun. at er In? Ilene he rm “an." any a. _ than hen-8i engin- h HI use! leek! until the Mae " /PPT " in I“ in. h - W of ball not veil. no hit gomttorsatandiMrs.tM- and e In" use but In. ion-l he ted - -tttttr evey. me can. eene " e greet M to the - end tie 'eds. The Meg-e1 loo! plea. hon u. leie residence to the limit-“limit; chm-ch end cemetery tor - and interment. Mr. - we! in his 18rd you end lee». to learn hie be: hie beloved wife and eleven children. Glenna end one». end Angeline " home. linerve of Fulton. Im- me (In. Ed. Snider) end Lime (In. W. Bowmen) of Weierloo,‘ Clemens. Abrele. Emanuel. Mary ‘Ann (lire. Runner!) end Lydian of neer Guernsey, Baahatehowan. One eon Aden preheated him five yeen ego. The sympathy ot the community is extend‘ed to the be reeved temily in their sorrow. at! Mr. Clemens Snider end Hrs. Barth-n of Guernsey. Seeks. re- turned home to attend my: tether- fmrd and will spend I short time here. I many friends ot Mrs. Jorrutitt Mr der who hue been seriously ill mutt- ed from the shock ot the sudden death of her‘huahand will Jvitrtt her a speedy recovery. Her daughter Minerva ot the out! of the Preston Springl Hospital is attending her. Mr. Edam: Shunt: and Mrs. J. Shunt: ot Rochester, .Mlss Evelyn Bowman and Mr. Arthur Richards of Royerstord. Pic, 'and Miss Maud Bowman ot Brooklyn. Mrs. M. Sham: and Mr. Leander Bowman ot Conestoga called on Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bowman last Sunday. In a report ot a presentation of the 3.8. class to their newer In a recent Issue it should have read Mrs. C. D. Bowman guide the pres- entation and not Mr. Bowman. Master Arthur and Miss Marie isrnel had their tonsils removed last week. Both are doing nicely. Presentations [ . The members ot the Bible class‘ of the West Montrose Union San. day School gathered at the home of their teacher Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bowman last Friday evening and spent a few social hours with them. During the evening two presenta- tions were made one to their teach- er Mr. Bowman and one to Mrs. P. Snider a past teacher ot the Sunday School. Mrs. Snider was a teacher in the B. B. for forty years and al- though she has retired from the duty ot teacher her interest is still with the Sunday School. 139 trm 9301 Help"! 'lk ‘V UN dress and Mr. George Shoemaker made the presentation to Mr.‘Bow- man. Dear Mr. Bomnttn- . It is with pleasure that we the members and friends of your Bible class take this opportunity of ex- pressing to you our most hearty .trpltr%riation 'of the very faithful and efficient manner in which you have discharged the duty as teacher. We appreciate the Interest you have always manifested and 4he earnest effort you have always put forth for the welfare of our Sun- day School you have been of in- valuable help to IMP, never waver- ing from the simple Gospel Truths and your implicit faith in the word of God has been en Inspiration to us all. We ask you therefore to accept this clock " I token ot our appre~ clntion for your kindness and faith, tulneu In the put em! may Vol] may be unwed my Wbarty as teach- er of the Welt hummus Bible Clue. Mra. P. auteur: prmnution "a mm by In. Hun! Melltur and Mn. Wesley Hewlett road the " are“. but In. 'htider-- We, the number- of the Union Sula-y School n Welt Monti-one desire to omen our lumen 3nd hurtful â€mention ot5msr may you-- of ““th new!“ " I touch- er no mm you hue retired [will at!" touching we know that your - In null with u and " m an God's richest blou- ln.. - ml upon you tn your d-ttat" you. "Whore you any to bu mud to men with n In yum lot-col Signed on behalf of the put and present member- of the Bible Clans Lydia Lemon. Sec. 1nd In. A. C. Mellon. Pres. Wenet6rmto.eeer,ett1.eht" cannula of your mum- mm. . .mnmocmm m 'th.Nmutmm-dMrs.Cttar. W at on: up MD! vim “mama-amen.†1"Let.' “m, . (pm In! â€Mi-m li' iirTiiaa%Wiqioi., Stgl,t,e.tttrdttt2."l,Pt", trthr'tBlar-rttgt-t6Aef?6e,. -tolu.-ttr,rMht._t't?, ..auutlt'-atrter.+"mmftt1etei, auonmpw.ubww4 /iioarliGrriiriutu-dlatfs ttttrested Ana-mail». Ina-IE!- . Jonah lawn†w you“ In mm- Ace but dale when my ,riu " nruemart" - tf',t?tttJ, _ _ w it. F ' I"!!! it!“ ti. " l: Mun A mm< “I h gamut-y!“ - II Br-ttte dub than no: {in to M u, a but at m. ' Mr. an In. In: W.“ vow-so and n P'-" "e In: weak. - - mu m mun an: - ' may In]: Mom And rob lave: a mum. IuAMWNW and ummwairolm 'Ort-o-ret-tre"?' Wtyuvlutwm- vim. â€Kahuna-bunglin- "rto-a-r-'to" tnotVratnte-. In: my m4“- I. usual. Mr. w. J. Ruby. If. “I In, gohn Km and - and! any! Toronto - an Ink Aa with Mrs. In. Wanton uni In. Kan. l Mr. Ind Ws..tuit lid My and Mr. “a arm. Becker ad - calm on In. Wm. all My: Mrs. J. w. an.) ml Mr. Was- lcy Butter ot lion “no! " Pb:- ‘sant View lot My. - Mr. and In. Alt. Hun-no! all family or Kitchener wore new n the home of It. uni In. Ghana Humml on Sunday. Pretty Alum Weddtmir--A pretty we: solemnlzed on Tue-day utter- noon, Aug. 17. u Bloomingdale United church. when Lem' Belle anel, niece at Mr. and Mn. Ans Skeeter we: united In We to Stanley Earl Hodgkin, young“: eon of Mr. and MIT. Bowl†ot Strat. ford. The ceremony m ognducted try Rev. Mr. Newbofy. The church was beautifully decor- ated tor the occasion. The ceremony took place under a bower of ferns and pink and white asters, Irttiht the guests pews were marked with small boquets of sweet peas and baby’s breath. tied with white set- in ribbon. The bride who wna given away by her [other Mr. Jacob Turei of Chesley, Jacked winsmpe in I. white georgette dress with veil. lief bouquet was of roses. 1in ot ‘Ihe Valley and babr's breath. The bridesmaids were Miss Olive Swelt- zer ot Bloomingdale and Miss Mar. garet Buchanan of Guelph, who were attired in beach toilets and rose georgette with Black picture hats. They carried bouquets ot Oph- elia roses. Little Miss Lois Pratt ot Stratford, cousin ot the groom.‘ flower girl and wore pale green georgette and carried o basket of pink and mauve sweet pegs. Mr. Willard Blakeston ot Toronto was best man. The ushers were Mr. Per- " Pratt'qt Btmttord, Mr. Raymond Snyder and Mr. Edward Newbery. Miss Dorothy Sweiizer played the wedding march from Inhengrin and during the signing of the register she also sang. After the ceremony a reception was held at tho home of the bride’s uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shaefer. where a dainty luncheon was Bert ed. After the reception the happy couple left amid showers of confetti tor s canoe trip to Attroiiqum park. Some Rah-~01: Friday late and early Saturday last about , Inches of rain tell on level. On Sundny night about 2% inches and on Mon. dar afternoon Gout 4 Inches. Tak- ing the mint.“ at 9 lnchea .thele three days, this! tigurto out 1,020 tuna. o 5" 204,000 gallons or 6,480 barrels on every acre. " Ftt_-'rtte, funeral of the late Moses Hallman on Wednenqay utter- noon or last week was hrgoly at- tended. Rev, S. H. Ewart: command service at the house while Rev.,Was- ley J. Wilmer read tb chapter follow- ed by prayer, And Bishop mum preached an spproprlnte lemon In the church. . Mr, and Mrs. Melvin myths-3nd son Bobby ot Kitchener Visited at the home of Mr. and Mn. . J. Devltt. I BARN .TIUCK IV LIQHTNINO The hum of knob Clommor ot, no" Wnteyrrltt, was "not by lum- nlng Mono, Afternoon. Mr. Che mm. who was In tho ban. notlood the tuner Ind hny an In, but through quick work m 016 w ox- thnlsh the blue bolero it [at bo- yond control‘ Min N. Backert of Kitchener Sn- dayed with her friend, Ruth Devin. Sprains. Avoid tanner uh Bttd .tHrtttm. by rubbing with mum It uneven huh-nun, who. "td hull. ’ _ MANNHEIM LIBERALS , HOLD RALLY, W. D. Euler, i. w. L mm ttpd other: Addrao Well Attended (Until! " Klmf- ( Thor. m I good {anon " the lulu any will; hold,“ Kitch- ener on Sunday evening. Ad. dresses were deritered by manhunt Dr.'W. L. Hilliard ot Waterloo, Ak dermn Bum. W. D. Euler and when. The undidete. W. D. .xler. stated there were six issues which he deelred to deal wnh-crthts con-w tntionxl question. the custom probe, the trmnttrrattotrpottum, Gunmen National Railweye, the Robb budget and the term. Little interest. he sold. we: taken in the tint question while on regards .emuullnx It was always to be dealt with no nutter what government we: in power. A: reset-do Immigration the speaker seid that people brought here were required to work on terms end any who toiled to do Bo, it reported, could be deported. , In speaking ot the Con-dial: thv tlonal Railways he declared, they were not as are under Memhen an under mug. Mr. Euler stated he believed in a. moderate mm that will allow te. gltlmnte lndustriee to prosper. He also gave reasons why he voted tor th'e budget, reductlon ot postage stamp tax, wiping' out receipt tax and reduction in Income tax. In conclusion he declared in use Mist Pure Silk ma, double .010 und lapel. \ colon Blush. ‘Hocnr, Pal-chum, Atmosphere. Yorrmdor Ind May Chocks. B.eoudr-nrorth ram" use ml $1.73. on n]. a! .......t.... 'Ne um..- Pnn Othello... full mhloned,' In good than, nanny "all Illol. reg. $8.00. on Pml I. ALL urn. [gnaw 1risrratzir' (tyhtiiiii 300 Pair Hosiery) at Bargain Prices New Autumn Goats Six luau Made Esiseciauy For T hit Stove Prices: $19.50, $22.50, $30.00 and $35.00 In no At Moat Interesting Prices 2 Pantrii!i,tll?)lllr a. no. I or “other gead3oeh after the nut swam Infamy: cooperate {ma Orin, Tom. or Pronouns: In order tp 31".. Mattie (gunmen. Dr. w, L. miliard, -aidrmt ot tin succumb. m -dueearsasikt IL. new“ of Kitchens: an address“! the meeting. arly Showing of iriaoitaue Edvard B. Dnin I: In Quill Luke Salk" 3nd George Amman In Winni- peg where they win spend u few weeks. _ The teal-lance ot Fred Musselmtn was sold to Charles Koren Yatton by public auctlon on Saturday. Mr. 1111:501an will move to Kitchener lbortly. Best of all Fly 1riiiers-10e and 2Se per packet at all Druggists. Grocers and Gereml Stores. in Ladies’ and Misses New Fall Coats. Made in mannish effects and straight line styles with and without collars. Exclusive and Individual Styles Materials are Novelty Tweeds and Overchecks in attractive pat- terns and colorings, _ Some fur trimmed with Cooh, vapossllm, Mandel and Thibatine FG. collars. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Arnold are Reanant sales" , A M~m and a norm-a3- -.iaiiirtciNf, vacuum up up ""tf? mum at “it a; alum- In "have†Jun no on 14va mum oLovu. was!" â€was "d on?!" an all. In!“ In w: MI ‘ iiajr"i9'h;. ft. Over Fifty Distinctive ' Styles KITCHEN“ ONT. REMNANT SALE 99e ELMIRA memmmllnmumnmmmml Con In on Saturday Sure! Ladle:v Pure Silk Home. plum And fancy stripes and clox mm... Colors Black. Navy, Brown. Cinnamon. Mode. all alien. Rog. 31.00 to 81.75 a pair, for ',.m..r.rr.mw.....wrt_'._r_rrm.F.r...".'r"m.'. Me Ladies' 1'1er Silk How, doubld sofa and Incl. plain and bl rlhhad Hale top. Color! noun. Atmosphere. Firm-Mun. [in do Roe, Tina. Pnrchmnt. Black, Brown. Navy. Blue I“. ’, us. 10. Reg. $1.25 a "in for ..t.......q.t... RR:- We Aid [kW-t I polidaxlnx -in' loam-l and In York Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Lat-oh - a woek with Rocha!" Mauls. Mrs mm Werner and but“. Jon ot tto-t in â€has!" “at: it the Mama "te - - Mn A. Werner. \ - - Will hold its annual aghibldon on Wednesday, Thursday and 5-way of (hie weak in the Rink. This show will be away beyond anything attempted I before. (Three puree: " $149 each are being oflored for floral and plant dleplayl. and m addi- tional for other exhibits. Music will be pronded each evening by the Kitchener Regimental. Junior Boyl’ and Ladies’ Banda. Unique bade uhlblte. loun- taine, porches, per-gone and other garden efteeU will be on display. Admission fee only " cents. "uGruR'"""""" President J. A. GOOD. tbeesretary- Horticultural Society KITCHENER FIOIP‘I’ .IIVICI 65e " 85 it