w en 00000 ce mm you to get lowest prices. *"We bought all the mateâ€" rial for a $75,000 buildâ€" ii% lt’!{ st way" e ~_â€" writes _am in a mediumâ€"sized town.‘ "We use Long Distance to get prices on materials before making estimates or contracts"â€"writes anâ€" other. The leaders in every branch of industry know. They‘ve proved it, as you Are you Shall you be building this year? If so, profit by the experience of those who save money when buildâ€" ing. Even on a small job you‘ll probably be surâ€" prised to find how using . The Moyer Trusses are giving good satisfaction. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD _ Pay no attention to those flowery and exaggerated adverâ€" tisements when you can get a better truss right here and for less money, with the privilege of getting it changed or fixed at any time. + . â€" They need no under strap, and have soft sponge: rubber pads. â€" Agency for Kitchener, Waterloo and surrounding Cities and Towns at Made and fitted at 55 King St., E., Kitchener, near the Postoffice. : Rebinding books H Bibles, Hymn and Prayerbooks! a specialty. & Add more books to your home & library by having your favorite & magazine bound into books. § _‘ 67 King St. East KITCHENER, ONT. Prices reasonable. Goods called for and delivered Initialing Club Bags, Suit cases, etc. and I will Arrange Everything To Your Satisfaction Keep Minard‘s I.lu’iamn in the House. Bookbinder 570 King St. W. . Phone 2686 Kitchener, Ont. _ â€"â€" Just Call Agent Office at the Lutheran Book Room 2 doors West of Post Office Teachers of Plano, Singing, Theory. Private and class in struction. Studios 48 Roy t Phone 1171M, Kitchener. tmi:*t«@ | Woelfle Bros. Ltd. | S# " Cne) ing Machinists und Toolmakers® \~ | . °0. Buile _ _ f[._ _ Prublished 1996 | _ / ©> 14 (diss, Riggs ‘Tools, Dies, Ete Miss Anna R. Bean Miss Emma L. Bean, F.T®.M. J C. Lehmann W. KLEMANN RUPTURE MUSIC building? w uns it o en comn t oo w mt n Een Phone 1 229 Lichty Bros. of Wellesiey Seâ€" eure Large Part of Paving ‘The road and bridge committee of the county council on Friday made the awards for the various contracts on county roads subject to the ap proval of the department of highâ€" ways. The contracts are for pave ments in Preston, Blair, New Hamâ€" burg, © Waterloo _ and . Conestogo. Lichty® Brothers of Wellesley reâ€" ceived the greater part of the work as their Agures were the lowest. ‘Tenders of Contractor Fach of Pres: ton and the Standard Paving Comâ€" pany were also accepted. These are for concrete and asphalt pavements respectively. _\ Preston, concrete, Fach, Preston, $1.74% per square yard; Clarke of ‘Toronto,$1.87; Lichty Bros. of Welâ€" lesley, $1.89. 1 Theâ€"various tenders were as folâ€" lows: Blair, Clarke of Toronto, $1.87; Lichty Bros. $1.64. New Hamburg, Clark of ‘Toronto, $2.00; Lubby, of Dublin, $2.22; Lichâ€" ty Bros., of Wellesley, $1.87; Fraser ot New Hamburg, $2.23. Waterloo, Clark of Toronto $1.87; Martin of Elmira $2.08; Lichty Bros. $1.69; Fraser of New Hamburg $2.15. Preston, asphalt, Standard Paving Company, government specifications asphalt top $1.60, concrete base, $1.00, curb and gutter, 80 cents, driveways, 28 cents; company‘s speâ€" cifications, asphalt top, $1.50, conâ€" crete base, $1.00, curb and gutter 80 cents, driveways, 30 cents. Y. M. C. A. ENJOYS M EXCELLENT YEAR The annual meeting of the Kitchâ€" enerâ€"Waterloo Y. M. C. A. was held on ‘Thursday last at which reports indicated a successful year. A. R. Kaufman was reâ€"elected president of the club for the sixth time. Other officers elected are:â€" vice president, Dr. J. F. Honsberger, secretary, J. M. Newton, treasurer, R. D. Boughner; chairman of the finance committee, Dr. W. L Hilâ€" liard; chairman of the religious committee, J. E. Bilger; chairman of the boys‘ work division, ‘Gordon Hamblin; chairman of the house committee, J. M. Newton; chairman of the physical department, Dr. Horsberger; chairman of the eduâ€" cational and social committee, Otto Following the reports, addresses were. made by Dr. Honsberger, Dr. Wm. Hilliard, Rev. G. B. McLennan, Rev. S. F. Seiple, Mr. Thomas Hilâ€" liard, Harold Vaughan ‘and Keith Staebler. Rev. J. P. Hauch led prayâ€" er and gave spiritual readings. Folâ€" lowing the annual meeting the board of directors elected the officers for the ensuing year. KITCHENER MARKET At the market on Saturday mornâ€" ing considerable spring produce such as green onions, new rhubarb and new lettuce were offered. Butter sold at from 38 to 43 cents per lb., and eggs at 28¢ to 30c per dozem Potatoes brought $3.50 to $3.75 per bag and small quantities of maple syrup were offered at $2.50 per galâ€" lon.â€" Baby pigs sold at from $6 to $8. Hay was $20.00 a ton. _ THOUSANDS OF _ . s THANKFUL MOTHERS Strongly Recommend Baby‘s Own Tablets to Their Once a mother has used Baby‘s ‘ Own Tablets for her little ones she| would use nothing else‘ The Tablets| give such results that the mother has nothing but words of praise for ‘ them. Among the th@isands . of mothers throughout Canada who praise the Tablets is Mrs. David A. Anderson, New Glasgow, N.S.,, who writes:â€""I have used Baby‘s Own Tablets for my children, and from my experience I would not be withâ€"| out them. I would urge every other‘ mother of young children to keep‘ n*‘bok of the Tablets in the house." Baby‘s Own Tablets are a‘ mild but thorough laxative which reguâ€" late the bowels and sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teothing eady. ‘They are sold by medicine dealers or. by. mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. % NTRACTS __ GRADUATING _ AWARDED _ _ EXERCISES ing the Lowest. ed, to Nine Nurses at _ K.â€"W. Hospital On Woednesday of last week the graduation »exarcises of the Kitchâ€" enerâ€"Waterloo Hospital were hold in the : Collegiate auditoriim when nine nurses were giten medals: and diplomas. Mr. M. 8. Hallman of the Hospital® .Commission w:: as chairman. Dr. Sperling the speaker of the everling. Vocal and instrumental numbers were contributed by Miss â€"Woelfle and Mrs. Halstead. The graduating nurses who reâ€" ceived diplomas were Miss Myrtle Rogers, Miss Hilda Pollock, Miss Jessie Kitchen, Miss Violet Lang, Miss Emma Schaub, Miss Duella Welzer, Miss Anna Polfus,â€" Miss Miss Emma Filsinger and Miss Dorothy Witzel, The diplomas were presented by Dr. Wm. Gillespie, a% sisted by Miss Hall, superintendent of nurses. Miss Emma Filsinger was awardâ€" ed the gold medal for general proâ€" ficiency, while the gold medal for theory was won by Miss Emma Schaab. The club bag and ivory set donated by Dr. Harry M. Lackner was presented to Miss Myrtle Rogers by Dr. H. H. Huehnergard, for the highest efficiency in surgical and operating room technique. | was practicallyy decided to erect a _new parish hall on Weber St. There | will be a Wwo storey front extendâ€" ‘ing for sixty feet along Weber St. Iwith a large gymnasium at the rear [ which will also be utilized for enâ€" tertainments under parish auspices. The present St. Mary‘s Hall, built ver seventy years ago, will be torn | down. â€" & Prizes for the highest standing in the study of infectious diseases doâ€" noted: by Geo. C. Hodgkins, Gordon Schafer, Henry Shoemaker and J. H. Schmidt were presented by Dr. P. D. Spohn, Kitchener medical officer of health. Ties for first and second necessitated four prizes beâ€" ing given. First prizes were awardâ€" ed to Miss Luella Weber and Miss Burnett of the 192 group, while Miss Pollock and Miss Lang received secâ€" ond prizes. The Florence Nightingâ€" ale pledge was taken by the graduâ€" ating nurses, Rev. S. E. Schrader directing the ceremony. proksed for the trate # serious pathy ? in t wl as Gifts were presented to each nurse by Mrs. D. S. Bowlby of the Kitchener Ladies‘ Hospital Auxiliary and Mrs. A. Foster of the Waterloo Ladies‘ Hospital auxiliary. Drs. J. M. Livingstone and J. J. Walters, hospital superintendent, were among the honorary guests. Following the exercises a reception and dance was given by the Ladies‘ Auxiliaries of Kitchener and Waterâ€" loo for the graduating class at the Nurses‘ Home. WILL ERECT NEW “A't & meeting of the church counâ€" cil of St. Mary‘s church recently it St. Anne‘s School, corner of Weber and Ontario §ts., will be vacâ€" ated by the Notre Dame nuns néxt year as soon as their new mother house now being erected near Watâ€" erdown is completed and the {mfld- ing will be converted into quarters for a Catholic Women‘s Club under the auspices of the Catholic Woâ€" men‘s Leagme and in addition the large building at the rear will be used as a lodging house for girls, similar to the Y.W.C.A. WILL ERECT TEACHERS‘ M RESIDENCE BY CHURCH The purchase of the ‘interest of the Separate School Board in the former Erb property at the corner of Weber and Ontario Sts., by the church council at a price of $9,000 was decided at a joint meeting of the Board and the church council of St. Mary‘s Church last week. The funds will be utilized by the Sepâ€" arate School Board towards the érection of a Teachers‘ residence at the Sacred Heart School and the installation of a central heating llntcm for the school and new resiâ€" ‘deneo‘ The Board also decided to contribute $100 towards defraying the expenses of supervision of the public school playgrounds during the summer months. SENTENCED TO JAIL * In_police court on Monday G‘r‘o!‘ Hodgins, South Queen 8t., Kitchener pleaded guilty to being intoxicated in a public place and to ‘driving a car while intoxicated, and was senâ€" tenced to seven‘days in jail and fined $0 and costs. A third charge of damaging the property of the (Oanadian National Railway was not preksed when he promised to pay for the damage dong. ‘The magls trate said that the offence was a werlous one and he had no syimâ€" pathy for a man driving a car while intoxicated. PARISH â€" HALL 22L 00. MAJOR CRONYN ADDRESSES REMAINS OF LATE â€" : CANADIAN CLUB ON | BERT LUDWIG FOUND ' MARITIME PI?OILEMB P NEAR S8T. JACOBS Major Hume Cronyn' of London On Saturday ‘Menno Horst of St. was the rpeu.ker at the meeting of Jacobs found the remains of the hte‘ the Waterloo County Canadian Club Bert Ludwig, who was drowned in last week and his address on the November when his boat went over proposals to develop Nova Scoth's:the Hawkesville dam. Mr. Hont! leading indusrty and solve Central, Was fishing about a mile and a hllt‘ Canada‘s fuel problem was a most below St. Jacobs in the Conestogo informing and instructive one. {"VG" when H emad the discovery of He said that the solution of Nova the body. The body was found in Scotia‘s economic problems "und of, a mangled condition and was decomâ€" Central Canada‘s fuel problem conldipoud- identification being made be found by the establishing of cokâ€" from the clothes and the fact that ing plants in the large centres of, both boots were missing. Mr. Horst population in Ontario and Quebec sent for a physician and the underâ€" and the granting of a subsidy on|taker, Mr. Dreisinger, of Elmira, wavs Gaatia enal shinned to Mon.|shortly after he found the body. He said that the solution of Nova the body. JNO NDUY 72" 790°° "°j~ Scotia‘s economic problems "und of, a mangled condition and was decomâ€"; s Central Canada‘s fuel problem could t posed, identification being mldel c be found by the establishing of cokâ€" from the clothes and the fact that | t ing plants in the large centres 0 both boots were missing. Mr. Horst | l population in Ontario and Quebec sent for a physician and the nndor-' C and the granting of a subsidy on|taker, Mr. Dreisinger, of Elmira,! I Nova Scotia coal shipped to ‘Monâ€"| shortly after he found the body. |t treal and points west of that city.| The late Mr. Ludwig was a son ofl Major Cronyn, who was a member| Mr. Albert Ludwig of Kitchener and ‘ , of the Royal Commission which inâ€"| O the day of his death attended the! vestigated the strike in the Mariâ€"|Colebration of the 80th birthday of , time provinces, warned his hearers| M# grandfather, Mr. A. Ludwig of of the seriousness of the economic Hawkesville. . 1 situation in Nova Scotia and also of s * the fact that the coal fields of the| FAREWELL DINNER 8 Central States will be exhausted in To LT. coL. OCRUTON|l ‘35 years, consequently they should A farewell dinner was given at : look elsewhere for a future supplyjthe Grand River Country Club on‘ of coal. Wednesday of last week in honor'; S of Lt. Col. H. W. Scruton, officer RADIAL CAR KILLS RUSSIAN |commanding of the North Waterloo! Struck by a Grand River radial Regiment, who has been pmmol«l! car near Raddats Lane, Matwij to an important position in the ‘-ll' Dolmy, a Russlan, aged 59, of Kiteyâ€"]Office of the Interwoven Stooking, ener was instantly killed on Sunday Co,, New Brunswick, N.J. Major . evening at 10.30. He received severe McIntosh, who presided, presented fractures of the skull and a broken | ‘"* Colonel with a suitable engraved leg. An inquest was ‘held Tuesday silver platter on behalf of the ot-. evening. The man was unmarried.| %°"" of the Regiment. m““"‘| According to the motorman of the General King of London paid a trl-‘ car, the man was lying face down bute to Col. Scruton‘s ability as ll‘ on the tracks just past the curye|Officer. D. K. Vipond, on behalf of near Raddatz Lane, and had it not|bis friends outside the Mmt.‘ been for the curve he might have presented Col. Scruton with a humiâ€", been able to stop the car in time.| dor while H. M; Cook, president of , | uemermnnmgmmnmenemmnrmemegrm ces the Rotary Club, expressed the reâ€", : gret of that organization at losing "T17"‘ &A ANDNDENS Col Bcraton. | RADIAL CAR KILLS RUSSIAN Struck by a Grand River radial car near Raddatz Lane, Matwij Dolmy, a Russian, aged 50, of Kitchâ€" ener was instantly killed on Sunday evening at 10.30. He received severe fractures of the skull and a broken leg. An inquest was held Tuesday evening. The man was unmarried. According to the motorman of the car, the man was lying face down on the tracks just past the curve near Raddatz Lane, and had fF not ’been for the curve he might have been able to stop the car in time. "TIZ‘‘ GLADDENS SORE, TIRED FEET *Tis"makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and nln;élo corns, callouses, blisters and Jons. "Tiz" draws out the acids‘ and poisons that puff up your feet. No matter how hard you work, how long you dance, how far you work, or how long you remain on your feet, "Tiz" brings restful foot comâ€" fort, "Tis" is wonderful for tired, aching, swollen ,smarting feet. Your feet just tingle for Joy; ahoes never hurt or s#etm tight. punipld"'l'll"l.'m-‘a‘ drug or department store. Rnd foot torture foreverâ€"wear smaller shoes, Keep you fest fresh, sweet and hap £ m +V / Ciilkh C ui it ~ i 4 ied ol e t t o oo o We og 0 te 1 h o2 > " . â€" + AAoaiile on LOWEST in Waterloo County. Economical shoppers read our > clal OBly, & PMIF .......===â€"=»,.~. it 50 dozen Men‘s Fancy Check Sox, neat patterns and shades, quality and service will be found in this sox. Worth m T5¢. SpeCial, PBIF ... 85 dozen Men‘s Knit Ties, sbe 5c Clal 40 CIGBFT, @ACBâ€" ...==»=â€"=â€"umms Men‘s Silk and Wool Hose, made in all the newest shades, just the Sox for present wear, extra value; Speâ€" 250 Men‘s B.V.D.‘s, made from good quality Naincheck, elastic insert in back, 590 all sizes. Worth $1.00. Special 35 dozen Men‘s Work Shirts, large roomy‘ make, double stitch, all 49e sizes. Special, only .................. Men‘s_Underwear in a cool,: light and very comfortable weight for spring and summer wear, one that will be sure to please you. Shawood Brand, sizes 85c 34 to 44. Special only, suit ........ Boysâ€"Just received 200 pair of Boys‘ Khaki Long Trousers made from good quality material, neatly made, just the Pant you are looking for; all 85 sizes. Worth $1.75. Special, only C 200 Boys‘ Suits coming in neat Brown and Grey shades, a dressy serviceable Suit specially designed. Two pair of Bloomers. Governor Fastener. A splenâ€" did suit for summer wear. Worth up to $10.75. Special 36095 Fawn Gabardine is an old favorite to thousands of men, with good reason. ‘There are very few materials that will stand the wear as this English Gabardâ€" ine. Worth $14.50, Special, only ......... 75 Men‘s Medium Dark Grey Serge Suits. These Suits are well tailored, French coat lining, neatly made. In this Suit you will find fit and perfect satie faction which the Dv‘V"r.th Economic Store stands back of. 0 $22.50, Special ... 512085 Gents Furnishing Dept. 49 We made a Clothing Department â€" BOYS‘ KHAKI PANTS MEN‘8 B.V.D.‘s Weekâ€"End Specials MEN‘s SUITS TIESs of 100 dozen The late Mr. Ludwig was a son of Mr. Albert Ludwig of Kitchener and on the day of his death attended the celebration of the 80th birthday of his grandfather, Mr. A. Ludwig of MR. AND MRS. KABEL CELEâ€" ‘ BRATE GOLDEN WEDDING On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kabel of Kitchener celebrated their golden wedding iq. company . with their children. About )@ relatives were in attendance, a number atâ€" tending from a distance. Mrs. Kabel was pyesented with a bridal boquet of daftodils and roses. Mr. and Mrs. Kabel were married May 15th, 1876, in Litile Germany, hear Niagara Falls, Mrs. Kabel be ing a daughter of the late Mr. "und Mrs. Peter Biersohbach of 8t. Clemâ€" wmmm St. Olements for seven $7.45 years after Which they came to Kitâ€" chener. They had &A family of thir teen children, thur of whom died at «h early age. k wide, in a nice heavry weight. l“e Worth 20c a yd.; special for, y4. 80 ‘bolts fine quality Chambray, 32 inches wide, in all the desirable shades. ©pecial fOr .....~......= 20¢ 50 bolts Ollcioth Squares made of a good quality mlddh./m neatly deâ€" signed in contrasting ‘shades, 54 inches at, 10 bolts Pure Silk Crepe de Chene in all the.leading shades, 38 inches wide. Because of its soft texture and easy draping qualities it can be made up in any _style .desired. ‘Worth 5159 $3.00 a yard. Special for ....... & caded, made of a heayy pink coutil Worth 40 cents a yard: Special 190 15 dozen Corsets made of a heavy pink coutil, medium or low bust. 69 Bpecial for, a pair ... C Children‘s Gingham, Chambray and Crepe Dresses, made in Yery nice styles, -omewlet:.p‘:uutomueh.flmolwo years. c to jpn. «@‘ _ _â€"__â€"1A0c " 70c Ladies‘® House Dresses, made of fine quality Ginghams â€" and other suitable materials. Worth $2.00. Special †for, Ladies‘ Pure Silk Hose, reâ€"inforced with Art Silk, in all the leading shades, also black. This is a Hose that will please you both in appearance 79 and wear. Worth $1.75, Special C Ladies‘ Lisle Gloves in Black and White. Special to clear at, a 5 c REAL COAT VALUES 75 Ladies‘ Coats, made of a Wool Poiret, fully lined with Silk, in a good fitting straight line style, very neatly trimmed; collars are edged with fur. Shades u:ool‘::v. Black, Cocoa, Sand and Rose ; sizes 16 to 44. Worth $22.50. Spesial ... $13-50 20 dozen 4 i4 igl Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Dept. * €1.00 * $1.25 ‘ According to the manager‘s reâ€" port a gross profit of $1,143 was earned by the Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo St. Railway in April. This repreâ€" sents an increase of over $1,200 as |compuod with the previous year. The operating revenue was $10,â€" +462.16 last month as compared with _ $9,154.39 last year. ‘The directors of the Roffman Rim Corporation of Cleveland, Ohio, ‘ have decided to locate their Canaâ€" dian plant in the city of Kitchener after a thorough survey of the Canaâ€" dian field. The concern manufacâ€" tures a collapsible rim for all motor tires. A warehouse and distributing station will shortly be opened and manufacturing will commence as soon as the production pJans of the company permit. The location of :fln company in Kitchener is due in large part to the efforts of D. A. }Gulowuy, chairman of the Board of Health, and the C. E. Jacques Furniâ€" lturo Company. NEW INDUSTRY STREET RAILWAY HAD GROSS PROFIT OF $1,143 On Sunday Charles Zacks, Courtâ€" land Ave., received painful head inâ€" juries when the bicycle he was ridâ€" ing was struck by an automobile at the corner of Strange and Wilmot streets. ‘The motor car was driven by David Knorr of Waterloo, who was allowed to go after explaining the accident. The young man‘s conâ€" ditions are not serious. | SALT 18 ES8ENTIAL * ‘ FOR ALL LIVE STOCK \ Common salt, while not a food itself, is essential for the good health and thrift of farm live stock. It is an appetizer, and makes feed more palatable; It is a sttmulant and tonic, ‘when taken in smail amounts, and it is a source of hydroâ€" chloric acid, an essential constituâ€" | T apounps in vitamins ent of the gastric juice. Its use therefore leads to a larger consumpâ€" tion of food, and further , by stimkâ€" lating digestion, permits the animal to make a larger and more profitâ€" whie return in flesh or milk producâ€" SCOTT‘$ EMULSION SUSTAINS SCALP WOUNDS or purg copamvitr oi FOR KITCHENER No Bpring in All Wool fl“i.’ ‘the ‘shades are Nayy:and Band. sure is an outstanding bargain; the Worth ;.to nun,m o k BDOCIRE ....3.â€"â€",,â€"mcammortiniznithonts 54-% 92 Ladies‘ Dresses, made of: Flat Crepes, Crepe Satins and Cantons, in & variety of styles and Colors. Now that the warmer weather is approaching you should ‘take advantage of our special offering. Worth to $20. £#9 AZ A special buy enables us to offer you Girls‘ Coats at a bargain, consisting of Velours, Tweeds, etc., in all colors; sizes 6 to 14. Worth $9.50. Spe @4A AF clal We have gathered together 115 pair of Ladies‘ Patent Kid and Calf Strap Slipâ€" pers and Oxfords, low, medium and high heels. This is an outstanding offer which you cannot afford to miss; some of these shoes were selling as high as 49 $4.25. SQchl. your choice ........ ¢ Ladies‘ Patent Leather Pumps with fancy beaded buckle (covering the gore), low and medium heels. Worth $4.75. Special ... $3o45 Ladies‘ 1 strap Slippers in the new twoâ€"tone effect, Patent with old gold trimming, spike and high heels; a neat Shoe for smart dressers. Worth $4.95 Special ................ $3069 Children‘s, Girls‘ and Misses‘ Patent Leather 1 strap Slippers, wide fitters. Special. Sizes 4.to T!% ... %c Boys‘ extra strong Black Calf Leathâ€" er Blucher Shoes, with leather soles and heels, wide fittings. Worth $8.75. Special ... $2069 ‘Men‘s "W. Slater" Oxfords; Brown Calf Leather. Blucher last, Goodyear welt soles and rubber heels. Worth $7.50. Special............... $3069 LADIES! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY LADIES SUITS, $4.95 Sizes 8 to 10% Sizes 11 to 2 GIRLS‘ COATS Colmanâ€"Keen (Canada) Limited, Debt. 1000 Amberst St., Montreal. ' a Book of . Recipes for i Delicious Salads, °> Sandwiches, _ .=â€"~=~ 3 Egg Dishes, ina Cheese Dishes, Picklies and a Relishes. $3 Write for a copyâ€" _ mailéd Free. 6 eC $3.95 $1.59 $1.69 183