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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 May 1926, p. 6

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" ”IWJ.” a _,',i'i"iiigri'!ii5 “I“ uni-7 . may: claim Luann-“hutch mun-“harmonic“. ’I 3- iFigiti. -" at :5" Ihi. -i'e.'tt., In“ ”unit!” on! a W - Our can. In - in: In: not I! III In” tn WW In tho por- ti- o! Mr. lulu] Blunt. Doomed “I I ooh of the In. Mr. Bad In. Igloph lunar and let! this - “out“ you- no. The deported 101va the nude of piano tuner Ill had been lotnlly blind for I bu tom ot you. Local ”on Not“ an} Du wu nttinqiy abut-v.4 in the Public School last Friday. l Scoutmlter’Appelby with o troop of his Kitchener Boy Scouu'will give B concert in Schweltur'n Hall on Thursdny evening. May 13th, to domonatrnte the principle and otr ject of boy scout work. Mr. Appel- try would be pleased to see a great many attend and so get inmilinr with the work they are doing. Farmers have been unking lair- ty good headway with their spring needing during the last week. Mrs. P. s. Challoner and daugh- ter Miss Catharine and friend ot Toronto spent Saturday in the Til. latte. " Mr. Hagan! Km." ot Kitchener spent a few days last week end with his cousin Mr. Roy Lederman. Mr. and Mrs. Val Gies and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gies and funny were Sunday visitors in Floradale. Mr. Wm. Schmidt and family ot Kitchener were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Kirch on Sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Nerllch and par- ty of Toronto were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W, Schweitzer over Sunday. Many ot the" autolsts passing through here on Sunday stopped to fake a hurried call among near friends and relatives. The examination of this year's cathetical class in N. Matthews Lutheran church will take place next Sunday torénoon. The Confirmation takes place on the following Sunday. The admlnis- nation of the Holy Supper also takes place after confirmation. The class is composed ot the following boys and girls. _ Harold Stroh, Eldon Schmidt, before her departure for nitcnenem Harvey Wieland, Dorothy Ebel, Hil- where she has accepted I position} do Boss. Mabel Boss, Frieda Kirch. After spending a few sock] hours, olgo Gaede. Frieda Gaede, and, refreshments were served .nnd an Catharine Koch. appropriate little gift wee presented A very interesting event whieh to her. _. concerned one of our young people Married. - The marriage took in particular took place in St. James place at Kitchener last Saturday of Lutheran church. Elmira, on Wed- Miss Mabel Rlehl. daughter ot Mr. nesday and of which more will sp- John Riehl, ot this town, to Mr. pear next week. {Frank Moore of, Kitchener. After Mr. and Mrs. 'o. G. Scheiiele of the Ceremony 3 wedding reception Kitchener spent Sunday at the was held at the home of the bride’s home of the formers mother, Mrs.father here. The young couple will Lucinda Schelfele. {take up their residenee in Kitch- Mr. Addison B. Snyder and sis- ener. Their many friends wish them can: of Bloomingdale were sundayfa happy wedded life. Mr. Addison B. Snyder and sis- ters ot Bloomingdale were Sunday visitors at the home or Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. David Scheiteie with Mr. Aaron Scheifele attended the funeral of Mrs. Samuel Meyer in Kitchener on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sibley and granddaughter ot Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. Robert Por- ter ot Guelph and Miss Elsie Good of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home ot the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Good. Mr. Ellis McGlaughlin. now of Wellesley. who has drilled many wells in this district in past years, is " present drilling for The Union Star Cheese and Butter Co. Limit _d, so that the company mar be sssu d ot a plentiful supply ot wat when the dry season arrives. Friends of Mr, mm: Wagner who by: been sick “at tor two weeks. will glad to learn that be In: Qcovered. Mr. Edward Hammer, Miss Gertie “all: Ind Mr. Louis Home were Sand-y guests with Mr, and Mrs. David Hummer. Wallaby. Mr. And Mrs. J. B. Wagner of Kit. cllonor were callers hero on Satur- n” afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. sunny but.» sell-(or and Mr. and Mrs. Menard “all”! of Wlkorloo Halted In‘ghln district on Sand”. “In: Ian at last commenced. be” (on? weeks later than Mat you Mit there In no need for elem In: the tel-men u mm - c In new here. BERLET'S CORNER CONCWOOO '"sdothortt-aaato" Eldon Schmidt Us. page -.ee m -og.trtsr-tsatWWb' -r.naat-ath.t-tre, woman?!“ Immanu- 'tam-ters-it-et....- uzmuwm.ur.bq| Mhhvhlalwb” ill-III”.- Mr. w. C. W. [Andcho‘ Batudgtm D-tar-t .etumb Malibu-lurk.“ "idsvutttot-tu-' ”Tim. ' wonro-ertot-thatWu. gohaortrts-rdtobMqrtth" um! ot MID“. (out. It. 'rtanr-Nrst.mrttrr-dr recovery. 3.va Inn-n In the neighbor hood have mad man: but. - mon- no by no Ill-III canon! yet.i Hhoo- Gertrude Ind Inuk- my menu- at amour no Wong-Icy. and R01. Prof. Huh] at anrloo Seminary visited, with luv. And Mrs. Monk om In! week and. Mr. and In. Hurry and] Ind son. 19mm” and dmtgttter Joan. of Kitchener want (he took and " the home ot Mr. S. D. Peacock. Min Anni. sum ot Static“ ‘epeut sum-any n ,her home here. .Miu Florence Bradley of Conu- togo spent the week and with but punts. - Mr. and Mrs. o. H. Becker and son. Bobbie, and dtutqhter, Bettie, spent Sunday at meter. . . Mr. and Mrs. P. Cook-on spent Sunday with triendl In Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Home ot Strattord spent the week and with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dahmer. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Weber. Mr. Earl Weber and Min: Ruth Weber; ot Kitchener spent Bumur at the! home ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hock. ' Miss Marcella Berger. daughter |ot Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Berger, of this 'town. carried " Dr. teitvertttorn"s prize tor efficiency in surgicsl nun. 'ins and operating room technique tin the graduation of nurses at St. ‘Michael's Hospital. Toronto. She Iwss also one ot seven] who merited l, prize of 825.00 for strengthening Iand promoting the spirit ot loyolty in the training school. The prize was drawn for end unrded to on- other. Mr. J. J. Berger And Miss Mabel Berger sttendod the grains- [ tion exercises in Columbus Hull. Toronto, last Tuesdsy night, " ', which one of the Ingest chosen in the history ot St. Michsel's Hoepltsl _ received their diplomss. Miss Ber- '|ger's many friends here consum- , late her on her splendid success. Mrs. Rehberg and Mr. victor Beh- berg spent Saturday with relatives in Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buck left Int Wednesday for their new home In Kitchener where they will reside at 177 Queen St. South. Mr. Buck In: closed his tailor shop here and in: taken a position with the Robe and Cothing Co., at Kitchener. Their many local friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Back my years ot health and success in their new home. Last Thursday evening the Sun- day School classmates and teacher of Miss Pearl Rush met at the home of Mrs. Dorsch to bid her farewell before her departure for Kitchener, where she has accepted a position. After spending a few social hours, refreshments were served and an appropriate little gift was presented to her. ,. Mr. Alma “In: of Detroit went I week here with " puma. M-yor Wm. Brill Ind wire, ml the formats ”mu, ot Wntarloo, went last and” with Mr. mud Mrs. Md. Grundenberur. Mr. and Mm. Levi Slum of New Dundee, Ind Mr, and In. Eldon Appel and Harold and Dorothy Appel ot Kitchener worn vulton " the home at Mr. Ind In. (nu. Appel Int Band”. A very plume ml at." took pines In the tom of" uncut uh the Library Hall. (“on by the “blunder" group at an and!“ OIrls In Trunks. and" the - [My ot III- W. “Pb-or of their mothers. The (out to "Our IMHO?!" by In lulu! m: n- mpondod no In In. I. 8. MM. nu fonovod. I vary um mu. at by Dr. ”(than of " chlor. _ Over no delete. Bttattded do Spring B.Y.P.U. In!!! It m a» not Church In: M “(It Tts-res-et-tet.)- mmNowmmm ”tum-mammal mind.“ tare. In. ',ttehn'1'Ar,','l'ta"1t principal speaker. The next nil! In to be held In New Dundee in the month ot September. Mr. Fred Elchler, who was meri- only Ill with pneumonia. is able to be out again. On Mondny evening the members ot the New Dominion Lodge, A. P. and .A. M., entertnined Rt. Wot. Bro. E. Y. Bmaciough. D.D.G.M., of Glen Williams, and District Secre- tary Wot. Bro. George Ford of Georgetown, on their oiliciai visit to their lodge room. Vbiiing broth- ren were present from Baden, Tttei. stock, Pinttnviile, Kitchener, Weier- loo and Georgetown. Had Narrow Ea--Dr. J. Marty had tr narrow escape from serious injury inst Mondny night when he ran his car Into a passing freight ‘trnin " the Weterioo Street cross- ‘Ing. He wee on hi. my to Mr. ‘Waiter Hostetler’s and upon arriv- Ing at the track I slow moving freight was passing. He stopped It the crossing to snow tthe train to pass, but in the semi-dnrkness did not notice some list can at the rest 'ot the train. He ten Into these be. fore the train had entirely cloned the crossing. The doctor received . bad sheila; up. The Young People'l Society ot Trinity bath.“ Church here were entertelned " I lock] evenlng by the Young PeopIe'l Society of Trinity Luthenn Church et Cebu- topol Int Nd” evening. During the evening . thete we held on the toNe: "Reeolved thut the chi- lento ot the Church to youth In grater the]: the enthuse to the World." The elm-mauve wen 7Lii) by the Summon! teem end the neg-the by the New Huber: teem. lathe Kslhneleeh. Helen Forrest uni Chm Mortar. The deal-Ion ve- zlven in tneor of the immune. A Inn-Ice] man. no “no rendered. after which ‘Iunch we. served by the Sehutopol Etna. C - Death " "our! -tt.-The than look pm In. on and", - ha. of Mr. Hoary Brodncln. a-roettevt-darr"at who took . ”about In! In the but-on thin ot no val-co for - nun. no - hall tn lo- cum-c an for - not“. om to the mm at all In. and - - " (1,,de u.o¢uyun.1uiuun up. hobbanm a nun of _ my. all ”won't-3mm.“- alumna-anon" mammal-unu- mummy-minimu- “an“ Iona-00.0 21 0 King St. look! and Read” 1 lion'- Fino Cotton Box in ati lemmas Mu. I ml "up nyochl for Opening 8.10 9 Men's Blue Cttanthray um Klan Worth: shirts, B good " nuke. and mule of - shining. Spock! for Opening sue ........ 59e One 3900111 lot of Men's Fine Manama Box In any. Buck ind Bromt; it'o real value. Opening Sale Price 18e or 2 pr. tor 35e -iidks Rubber Bolts, nude of good lasting rubber with (lacy buckles. Opening Sula NOTICE. A OPECIAL We nude I upechl buy ot " dozen, n clan-In: line of Men's Fine Box with the Intent Pple Jikn. Rex. 45c. ODE-In: Sale Price. per pair . .4. Eon THURSDAY, FRIDAY Mil) SATURDAY Gentif Furnishings and Clothing 19e tinsmithing trade in the workshop at the late Senator Samuel Homer. and later in life carried on a store and tinware business tor himself. Later he also entered into the gen- eral hardware business with Mr. J. R. Feick, He subsequently went: into the manufacturing business in .the New Hamburg Foundry, now known as the Dominion Thresher Co. Ltd. For the past Bttemt years he lived retired. The late Mr. Brod- recht was a councillor of the vil- lage and member ot the Ynstriic School Board tor several years, and ‘later tor many years treasurer of the municipality. Deceased was mauled in 1863 to Elisabeth Schmidt of New Dundee, and three years ago they celebrated their dia- mond wedding. He leaves his widow, two daughters and one son. Mrs. Oscar Memer, ot Kitchener, Mrs. A. McNaily, of Brantford, and Wil- fred of Detroit. besides ten grand- children and sixteen great grand- children. He is also survived by one brother, Mr. Werner Brodrecht. of Spokane, Wash., and two sisters. Mrs. Ziegler ot Waterloo and Mrs. Niergarth ot Preston. Another sis- ter,“urs. Zimmerman. of Waterloo, passed away last Wednesday morn- ing, the day ot Mr. Brodrecht's tun. eral. The funeral was held on Wed- nesday afternoon to Trinity Luther- an Church and Riverside Cemetery. and was conducted " Rev. Mr. Mosig. A large concourse ot rela- tives and friends were in attend~ Annual you" of the Vienna'- mqtltuu.-1aMa1 Brunch Doe- Good Work During Put Year.--' tttth maul muting of the New Hom- bun Womn'l lutltnto VII held In the Uhrory Hail on It,',':,",,, even- In. with o good ottondonco o men- horo. Report: of the you": work were given by the actuary and troouror and shunt! o hoot onc- coootnl your. 11m brunch bu had o menthol-ohm of " Ind hos hold twolvo Minn. Total receipt! tor) tho you m ”11.54, on oxpondl- tum M $50.18. loom o trar olco of $88t.4t. The no“: work of ‘tho mouth“ dam: tho not you has boon to nloo ma to poy tho oohry of tho - "W of who who“; .t.tstetetd,httt" 1M It tho P9-ort Snow-In. ‘onm 'mtat-dt" vol-h don- in boot tlo deqqtttrq c as coll Mom tothohoyoldurlmtndhlchoot om " a. onto-co on.» ttttV -" tho to" for on- Iouulo to tho “In: no .Mtoo not.” - Mot bol- " m I... no. not not an .. mm - " Bo A "new lot of Tie- In the In»: pattern. Reg. Tge. Open. Insane Bon' Fox Serge Grey Tweed Knickers. lined and well made. Reg. 81.00. All In“. tor Opening Isle Price . . . . 59e Men’s White Lawn Handker- chletl. Inge Mu, hemstltched border. Special tor 5 Opening Sale. each . . . . . . e Men's Heavy Oven“: .Un Bleak. Blue & Blue stripe. made of good heavy denim, swan- teed to give glue best of wear: one of the best nukes. Special for Opening Sale Price. Reg. 81.85. .. $1.35 _ Men's English Brondcloth Shirts in ell shades, vim cor lar to match. . Reg. $2.36. Opening Sale Price .w............ $1,11l Ihvebeeneerviuthepuwedthleeltyforthcluttenyeanh tsetreiriuiuratriiitnudrarthatr-etiN.ypfetrtf1or- triitirit1trduarautmtonerv--rtrrtah1B.te. mama- nitration will be to absolutely satiety the customer. - cheerfully refunded on any purchase not satisfactory In every way, and “do not onlyfor our opening, but (oral! time. Onrulverthing policy will be one of strict adherence tothe truth. Everything listed in this and our futureadswill befound in our more “represented to your tsuit-turs. 1M 5m o"tt-srexretotrgestero '.. weasto-et-esfttteuatueA0eirtr antiquity "eeeGa-uattur-tr-ahr'em. i s' The 1 now Shoo” m" can??? . .Fumishihgs Stdre I. .. ' 210 King St. West, Kitohonor, out. - REMEMBER THE PLACE “Small Profus, Quick Turnover [ and Quality Goods" . Our Motto Will Be: for the Canadian' National Institute! Great War Veterans. sending flow- ers to the sick and bereaved mem- bers. The work tor human Senn- torium hss been done by I commit. tee. with Mrs. Feick as convenor. Treats have been given every live weeks. Blankets valued at 820 have been given the Sanitarium. Christ- mas boxes were given to six pa- tients at Christmas. The election ot officers tor the ensuing year result- ed as follows: Preudent, Miss C. M. Grail; lat vice-pres. Mrs. James Wiederhold; 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. C. o. Krnspe; secretary. Mrs. Alex. Kuhn; tressurer, Mrs. Elk Chapin; directors, Headlines Cornell, E. D. Luekhardt, Kalbileisch, Walker and Zurbrigx; district director, Mrs. L. H'shn; pianist. Miss F. Kattmeuets; Issinstnnt, Mrs. C. D. Kent; press reporter, Miss H. Emilee; Fréeport committee. Mrs. J. R, Feick. Hrs. L Hahn, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson; fer) mittee in are ot piano end dishes. Mrs. J. Iautterrtsehintrttr, Mrs. Ed.‘ Finn; auditors, Mrs. P. Cookwn.‘ Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson.' At the close of the meeting a presentation was made to their worthy secretnry.‘ Mrs. Alex Hahn, whose services: have been mus Ind trraumntrl appreciated ever since the insti- 'tute's organisation. . One lot or Men's Dress Bhirta, nude from Zephyr shirt- ln; with comm “tacked and "I: "buttons at side ot callus" th very latest tor Opening SaloPrice . $1310 u mast, Men's Dress 3mm in perceie cloth in nent pat- terns. guaranteed not to fade. Reg. $2.00. Wil give but ot velar. Opening Bale DON'T OVERLOOK THls OFFER A man! Men‘s Suit that will nbeoiutely give alienation. these unit: are made ot good wearing materiel, neat patterns. Special tor _ Opening Sale .... $12.45 One rack of " Men‘s Snmple Suits. we bought nt a very tow price; they are Jn the newest Tweed: and very neat “ripen. Reg. $30.00, tor Opening Sale Price $15.75 GIVE CONFIDENCE TO YOUNG MOPHERS By Always was BOW- Own Tablets in the Home.) A simple and um remedy tor the common In. ot bubyhood um chm!- hood should he kept In our, homo when more in either a not” or . young child. otten it in nocuury to (in in. lime something to broil up I cold, all“ (over, come! my stomach and mm: the irriubiliiy that ”nonunio- tno mtttrig ot but. . _ moorland when “in” loop Baby'l on TIM-u In the hon. u I “but"! mint the trouble- am “In their mu. on.- Io lud- donly and the mu not)": can tool with at. with I box of my. mm n ma tad - (or motel? any. an 1mm m n .m but howl luau" that m with- out mm no they no animal! non-tool (no In- or'"" " our hot-III m M In In“ ”manhunt-null Quantum-monm Imam-mamas by'MAX ME}. Ken's also; sud Brownie-u Oxfords. Reg: $6.50; medium toes, rubber heels. and.“ [or Oberlin! Men's Black and Brown out Oxfords. more] style. med- ium toe, ruliheer heel. Goodyear we"... Reg. $6.00, tor Oponintr Spool-l sue . $4 45 Price;............. . Men's Light Ttut Celt Oxfords, the very latest, Goodyear welt. Res. “.50. Sele Price tor Opening q....... $4.75 Boys’ Buck Cal! and Brown Oxiords. medium toe, rubber heel; will she good wen; Reg. $4.50. Opening Special Price ...... $2.75 Ladim’ Patent Slippers. one- strsp, medium on low heels; No. 1 patent leather. Specie] Open- Ing Ssle q $2 75 A very new model in Intent pumps. medium heels in the very Inst designs. very neat tor dress wear for Opening Specie! Price $4.75 Personals. Mrs. Ed. Snyder spent 3 few days In North Ensthope with Her daugh- ter, Mn. Clayton Mohr. Mrs. A. Grog: ot Preston has re. turned after spending I week In the vicinity. _ . Mr. Ind Mrs. Edward Russia were visitors to Toronto [at Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cherry sham: and family of Wilmot spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snyder. . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. on 1nd daugh- ter Gertrude spent Sunday at Bam- berg. Mr. and Mrs. Duvld Snider ot Hawkesville were Sundny visitors with Mr. and Mn. Oliver smder. Congratulations are extended to Mr. end Mrs. Peter Bowman on the Irrival ot I baby girl. Mr. and Mre. Amos Shoemaker ot Kitchener were Sande! visitors with the farmer‘s mute, Mr. Ind Mrs. Noel: shoemaker. _ Mrs. Mina Bowman ot Kitchener spent a few (Inn with her son, Mr. mun Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Elam Gingrich at Pool and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mur- tin of Yatton were Sunny Hilton with Mr. And Mrs. Inn Martin. Mn. Mull admits, um laura FLORADALE Footwear “ICHBL a SON; M'D., WW . OIL Coven-your bumwlthCOUNClL ITANDARDCorrugntodlron chalk-do Leettdsdeqmte protection ranked in Maya" '-idbrorttsHofarmerB. Autumna- tierttMtheseht-eoeM_gtite-tedb, 'h-Me-tat-ig-ian-thet'-. GGT. iaaEa,ri%%Gua -i.iirtui ' mom-a 'y""" I :07. II. my od “an Mary tutll1 mwb-W-WrM'mlL-m ”Numismatics-Ida” An I. can” “In.“ to on. In an at mint-tel. we will an. a.“ nu nun sun. on a m of W Luther my “PM m 01.15. In! III. or solo: Mind W]: In. to "or! - who purchase. 810 or not. worth of march-din hm. sum- as the very latest In .010. worth ".26. Color- ne Mm". In", White and Blue. with calls: ducked. 210 King St. w. or a pair of Comfy Slippers FREE A Dress Shirt Children’s Slipper- tn patent 1 “up. good wearing slipper. Spock] tor Opening. the: from a to 10%. $1.49 lines' Pnteln Leather Pump; 1 strap, sizes from 11 to 2. Spochl tor Opening Sale Price.. $1.59 Children's Potent 1 Strip ttti-trt', made at good quality patent leather, size: , to 7%. Special tor Opening ........... $1.19 Men's “my eVerydny Work- ing Shoes. plain toe, in tan or bitch. in good gnu: leather; will give beat wear. Reg. $4.00. Special Price .............. $2.75 Meir: medium weight Shoe in dork Brown and Black; plain toe, rubber heel; _ good tor everyday or general wear. Reg. 84.50. Our Price, Special ............ $2.95 Men's Blue Striped Overalls. good weight, Reg. $1.25. thtqCial............... 79e Special Cook's Regulating Compound, Schentz and Mr. Etmom Scheutz were Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. Levi Bowman when the tortm er's mother, Mrs. Hy. Neurt, is un- der the care of n nurse. Mr. Carl Lebutskl spent the wqek and with his parents at St. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Val. Glen and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Glen of Conestoga spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lurch. - Mr. Chm-lea Bergman accompanied by Mr. (nuance Schweitzer were business visitors to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meat and family ot Kitchener were Sunday visitor: with Mrs. Gems Rleat. Mr. Chrence Schweitzer of Htwkesvme spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Shams. Mr. and Mrs. August Ptatt of ki. mira were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Mask. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Mirth: and funny of Elmira were. Sunday visi- torn with Mr. and Mrs. David Frey. Tn: coon umucmtco. tun-nan. iRTiiGTvtd'ia A eqfe, "liable "pulling Tdttt Gold in 2,'."t tt an truettgth-- o. . gm 2. .3: No. s. " rrr but 80H b nil I'ggi,"tP, In. 0- my! - E"iEi'i,i'ie. Admins: a"; m"

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