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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Apr 1926, p. 6

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Fir, . Conference Omnizes rig: After the Inaugural address the guanine organisation wee com- ".lc?,Ftod, w. o. Helm being elected 'ui-sees secretary. The necessary . . ta and committees were also , . inted. ’{1 Caper-ts Missionary Conference ".'rr'iU'r, _ Desired :72" luv. W. B. Weiner of Naperville, i? - - presented the report ot the 1; .tii'ttteo which investigated the Miri i, i to set up the Northwestern " . , of the Canada Conference KA" leper-to missionary conference Iii F the “slice! church. Of the + . one ttelder of the activity ex- st8i#t in the west only one is self- ; g - A "ting. Five of the chases Ire Ite?tmiv61r English, nine excinsive-' ' 430mm end seven are conducted . iguana-gee. it wss requested , .I s Conference memorialize y; y" Gene's] Conference which B, tli some you‘- to set up um Held " s - misnomer! contor- , y, The district In question no? 3"" that "mun action be (than. ’3“ upon “I; referred to sanding ”with” tor action. , ."f A Appreciate. ' Aulmneu f“. B.SL much qute from Win- IM than“ the members ot the il' I , as for the anal-mace rem ' , 'h the reconstruction of Cal- " , qhqtrettttt mucky. "it. ' in. Immu- " Church . ‘ ”not. publisher of Harrie I ' h. unaided tho cantor-once =xr-" . A on manual mite lt' ‘ in... ma II that any " We. Mom‘s to the “lbw-I'leleh'u ‘ 7 j. ‘ In all an in no Bt79t - my... a In $l$,,ku8trt m “that“: UN . In. a; put a! " ltyt't'tet,t.eu,efit I09 E Mille, ~11: "tf k gm? EP, 3:61: 'tlit" . " " ". "' {may on an a: an} - or . I in. In.“ an count!!!“ Ira r “tiled that» that tt " W um 1331 that my con- E)! Pf as name which took it _ p menu-or. In use than": IEt9.ft can to the city,.the con- " - which in- e until one RMr:3, an. meeting in the furni- r 2 than of the In. Jacob Hot!- BI.,, ht 1841 the (in! church was " " on South 9mm an. m- build- ."i _ vigil. "Need in 1866 with In- . I _ _-bqtidtnq. The original church 3:: M if: still standing being 4’, and u g private residence on . m at. The present Zion church Etiq- built in 1893 in 1915 the Sun- 5;” School room: was added at a 1“” or 324,000. He chimed that a church was .the Mother church 43‘" '1‘. gm; Conference being not Ci' . _. the Ingest and most Influenthl ’ in the fooniercnce hut the - EimlNR. I A V 51"qu- . ' " . ' . MBP' ”a"? “Mgr ”“157 All-nu " 'lWeAeH'rm'et'e ' . C Rt3. Wm WM MlWitiiru" mummy, . - at the surf}: Truate . It. church. Alums KW 'rféiy _ w m import-pt tttatttg- Eg a. any um Rev. Mr. um. , i H P the hunk-m history ot ”mun-wan church. 'iriotr, ”Mann mo pn Interest- " tre". ot the Maury at an .5 i (am, hi. bolus the mm Mi, on which the (hind: Con- “; ’ P. . hit me! in no:- church. He 92W M. T..Mue. D.D., ot Hin- 'd),ettrs P., president of the Confer- 'iiiu%as a fitting response on be- w“! ot the conference, expressing _'i9i'tii.rrreution ot the kind worl- c's"i'0tasersvatsir, given expression to. 'AB- that "the - ministry ot the When! church has refused to u oN at . tangent or on a side line no " the same time are not sway- jdd by sentiment without reason.“ all address was one ot faith and gulfldence in the future. the spenk- 3qr pointing out that ot late years i Mussolini church had caught 5‘” vision ot its work, more spec~ Em momma having been carried an In more churches than ever be, be He also emphasized the tact dhat ther-Evangelical church had al- ign heen n missionary and evang- 'titat church. hm not disturbed the Evangel- 'hareamrett In Canada and the Un- M States which he declared was ”tune tor thattkfutneBa. He de- L{ W! Opens Conference fah his opening address Bishop m said that modernism in pres- ‘ut'dxy religious thdught or Its ex- ;ft‘llo opposite radical fundamental- in; Adina.» B.*eered by my “mun-d Q _ Continence. - ttittoets. on Salary Di and Adopted.'- Steady Promo: Made Quin; 1925 TE: “TEX: g? 5-3;. a ff, The treasurers report showed re- ceipts totalling $24,288.93 with ex- penditures ot $23,735.21 leaving a balance ot $633.77 in the treasury. The receipts consist ot 86.99120 raised on the church budgets. tl.- 135.71 raised by Sunday School, $1.- M3.08 raised by Evangelical leagues $375.15 by Women’s Societies and $75.18 raised at prayer meetings. Bequests totalling $1.369.46 were re- ceived together with extras and subscriptions ot 8398.26 and 81.321: to respectively. The appropriations increased the total to the extent of mesons. Under the head of expen- ditures the report shows that $7.- .716.08 was spent in maintaining, tht- tario missions while 815112.03 was paid oat tor the trmiatainattersa ot missions in Western Canada. _ oftlttera Eiected The officers elected were as fol- lows: President, Rev. A. W. Sauer. Sobringville; vice president. Rev. L. H. Becker. Hanover; secretary, Rev. A. R. Fletch. Pembroke; as~ sistant secretary, J. P. Dengis. Stratford; Treasurer, W. J. Zimmer- man, Toronto. increased Missionary Clvings In course ot his address Rev. Mr. Zimmerman said that almost every Held had reported increased mis- sionary givings while Rev. A. W. Seller of Sebringville stressed the need of a more complete fulfilment 01 the missionary program of the church. . Various Apoesisxoisposcd Of At the annual meeting of the Poor and Orphan Fund Committee it was reported by the treasurer. Rev. B. E. Bohr-idem that receipts totalled $304.17 and expenditures of 8801.25. There is a balance of "M." in the treasury. Rev. J, P. Ranch, secret- ary of the fund, noted the various appeals that had been made on the fund during the rear and the man- ner in which they were disposed of. Hold Joint -ttet V The Evangelical League ot Chris- tian Endeavor and the Sunday School last week united in a joint session " which the objects and aims of the two institutions were discussed. Charles R. Cromwell-of Hamilton, president of the confer- ence breach ot_the usages ot am:- tiaa nearer spots on "The Place ottlsC.LC.‘l.‘hIthem of the - and M. W. n. Isl.- ID‘ of - an a 1llattt at... as ms Ill-s _ sell it. cams at his: as Tense} tor. ' t . 7 'v" E On Third” ot ‘lut wk the annual contents. In undo- trt Ib- mm “an. no: I than. up! “all!" ml at In" Wgth'g,tta,'2rgtpt “on“ tour uni-tuna “Ilia VII no - male. a-... In“. may aha-nan Ill 9H - u no - m and}, .e't'eiiigimiqititti.isiit , . Iilml, . " " I I 54.14 g TIII ,4. M, rr lid _ . ' 5. r - -' . 1 BMS. RgNralN r. 30-: - " r,- 'W, I F"" ililltiilM' rut/ttl ‘i " r, .: l Gl " E Eil f Trv it w ”v” zfim ’ a . hie-t 'i6e'iu3riidi'f - the m “U be WW “0 $ll8tilt opening 001‘le - the: I m out. of the tot-J oetethMbttHo"w mix ”new _ .. With reference to the wait It we. now out that it we“ adopted II "" ml Illa on “I. had been Mttsmd hr - new gee In the claret Mother with prudently every chum. " was urged that more prompt return be made to conference Bqegqtarur. The Duper-am Page . A letter received from Bishop Bnyfoul. the senior bishop-of the museum church. on the inner» enmtfon fund question noted thar all ministers on cam; the‘ntn- later“! “money must enter lulu, the fund and future to do no tor. fefta their itirysmnt imam. The worhintm ot the fund were outlined in detail. The letter we: referred to a standing committee for notion. Annual Meeting of Mlulonnry hoclety. At the first session of the tunnel conference ot the Canada Confer. ence on Wednesday of lost week the annual meeting of the Missionary Society and Orphan Fund we: hem. Practically every congregation‘re- ported Increased missionary giving: tor the year, more than $23,000 hnv- Ing been raised and expended In mitssiomsry worth: Ca.nada by the Canada Conference. Inmate tum-III- SE The question otorrtrtdty amn- monts. Incl-ding dancin- nnd and playing. a; discussed at . ml! of 3 "solution bom but In count-In that. man. no and.” was "ttt but for to - and mu. 1» no that m amm~w I’ the calls! an win. i m - mqhthq M an to to In. ftor'.f"0- h .p9ettqMtt. .- l- ”I _ my... a p or M. Y. Inc, Molt (£1116 our format. In churn-I. The continue 'leth to bundle this unborn!“ autumn con- mu of a". J. P. Ranch, Watsrttro, Rev. M. L. Wins. “In. a". W. J, Zita-0mm. Toronto, R". W. I. Boo-o. Inn-mom Cour-d Int. Chunky. M. a. any“. yin-rho. M. P. Bartrua, hum III WI. Dorm". rumba-'2. with m- The fact that the chief executive names of the Evengeliul church are located In the United Stetee was also pointed out. Though the Mendel. industriel. economic and civic interests of the We Gon- ierence are centred in Cured.- "ell the church inetitutione of learning and publishing houeee._ without ex- ception. ere loceted in the United Stetee under purely American”.- thterteqt, with the melt that Gene- dhn Fir-mulled studente end your; people ere not being inetrncted end inspired in the [Inner _ in the history. tradition end unit-time of the Britteh Invite trd the the minion ot We. _ I am.-:% 5 aha-I. on - no gay uti- mun-I911; Int-Eh In the ttrout" “In! " - " u motion at an all ”at m MCI um wu "attttt-d u " rum to an Dover-nan and II who unopened it tn “that." all " hold don-no. at tho eHetatm " “you“ tn the phhbcltqof "N", rlt wushouhlllnpuqh- non mt “autonomy-F um. mumolhiw P"etttrtt.r.ptrottr0er'tttietott'- "tes.-mtrii.r'eaersrt- br/re-ttttoi-trt)-.. ammmamtnuum onto an.“ will) Belt - tit “any put ni’ghgh‘ and liquor um”!!! MM W. angle-nth:- Wig.“ ati6i,H! spin.» the no de was. “Q* "gtdttat mini pa “Mail a; uho’ullu} “on to count tho qett of dam amount, it bolus ttttb mitod‘that it I!» been!“ n rob. lea ml; college A“ tutu-Ry sunk-u M, both Iona. Thaw, no. the '6reoeat" I: go - nun urn the mm: mm bun mule on Sunday ind .tho ten- dency tan"! Sum!” "ttrt. Inte- contomcy approved the work “In; done by the provincfu and Dumb- ttrn ouch! mice council; - Dominion Gaol-l service council: At Frills! morning'e nee-Ion oi the Eugenia] continence the pet. itlon of cm numbers of Zion Evennlicu church's-ted that the Cumin Conference Ierioully cen- elder proposing omnie union with the United Church or mm was referred to n epoch) committee at nine men tor diecueeion mil ec- tion. If we: pointed out in the pots. tion that the United church Ind he- come en ennui-lied iect eince In! year when e. mun resolution In! submitted by Zion congregation which wee tuned tar one you. The petitioners mad that Hartline had been given that n worn we}; come awaited the 1ltrtutgtrtiea church should It see fit to enter into organic union with “the United church. Immediate action I u so that come rennin he sent to the General uterence which meets in Penn‘eylvnnin this. is not represented. Thought]: ot dollars are spent-nanny in " at- tempt to “stain church” which are gradually growling weaker. An- other .clause dealing with the min. iatry read- u follows: "Because of the unfavorable prospect- offered by the, Evangelical church, my at its most promising young ministers have left the church for wider or portunlties and {Invencemmt in other denominations mule other: are not coming found in tmttteunt numbers to take their piece." _ Coupled with the petition m the resolution which was submitted to last your; ennui-once. It pointed out that many Evangelical comm gamma In (launch no making no advance but are losing mud Ind that many Evangelical you; people become lost lo the church by to- nova] to centres where the church I a F19"rA© 11:: width- ot-tMg anc- m “alum mm; which mu m- mmnnommuncnma moma‘ua‘mmcmu. m In. In "My “.m-mwmmmd yo. m M a; pool we. muon- and up! “a "MM-to-a.'---" '-teraeh6srqeeoeet't-o m‘ yAmlhcnu-hmmmu - an a. -tesnt m 'r-r-a-bt-ttst In Ant-tmeteor-ttrs-tat. un; "I tntertted Into the contu- one. by Rev.3.i.tr-stt,natt ex- muted . board which (and put of the am. um: and lot Bran. ullc union In no on“: my wusmmwohlm. H: m an no haul be M tn we - " II]!- mime-1m Grunt; ot 850 were voted to both a. Bod-l Borneo Council. and the Prohibition Fedonuol ot Cumin by the conference. The uniting cl my” [and And Hud- mic-logo ll autumn-m wu uni-oval "In to the My od mum-l m .ndtustutrueeoteettr+toetrt on no ml . . a" t MNlta2llt ',' 1t"t'"ltii'fl'.l BNI. ”I. “I!“ Ch ' ', #1 ti- -a'"yiftr4itkitiet6_' do. to It - ” my" and M Did vi. N that of m d a. w. 1mm ttrhtet.et 3.. J. P. m Traid an...» to an In. “who dying I In“ "toHrmt m of u- long In! at“ “J! (I. may. But» I}. In... an. pro-Md; ot w, Men, whoa m unu- m 'tep-Hera tn tho be mum tin-hot by two of In mm. In. Bum “A. In. ”Item Mgnudktlo mam typo of m Trom.n, in mud. woman who down” and: It": to Ki mm at only on who om w. IE tr. Dean. ot Ilmin. In tWe balloting for By dsitetttrttm, J. C. Brownian, John Zimmefnnn and Com-m Km; m about! on the Brttt vote, M. P. 2ttrtrrltrg touowea on the second and J. T. on on the The alternate. chm to repre- sent the commence In use my de- buts. no inn-hie -t6 attend, ‘ue Rev. E. H. Bun, Elmira, Rev. K. Burn, tram-int, Rev. J.- G. Lin, Cut-pun, P. H. Ronni“, Crediton, M. B. smash Waterloo, who. H, Cornwall. Htmiiton. - The dhcnuion regarding the eel- ary-qneation did not come until Just hetero the adjournment and the point was raised while tttef%r1egates were awaiting the result of the hai- loting. One delegate voiced hie opinion that the - Beale needed revision. Bishop Male arm-w hlmaelt " being oppoaed to any aahry scale whatever. claiming that a Axqd ealary list decree-ed the emciency or the minimal} in aome cease, and eneouaud. congrega- tiona to pay only the minimum.” ary. He (“and the complete oli- mlnation of the scale and recom- mended that payment of aalniea be ttmit with regard to the eliciency ot the mlniatera. The delegates voiced opiniona both for and mien In propoeala and the queetlon wee l': ally alerted to a ioeeiat commit e for investigation. Rev. Id H. Wuhan Roan. trt HOV. M. L. Wing, Mubarak J. '.' Brennan. Kitchanor. Jun. Elmer- nun. 1'an. Conrad Krns, Che.- Icy. ti. P. sun-nu. Ltrtoqmt, and J. T. on. mud-u. terMrisetttttar-ufitttre. mm'l'hnt“ “crumb. xiSdtertsetrmrie-tttsatitttn than "(no It: . mu m In; mucuhthbuhovm. 'Aee'mrtsttrordiyeBuetottte Murat-Quantum» mm- ah,ti,io, tag can» W in on. Inuit-u tool use. an mgr- nb ntt through tho mmm- lu- uoa with Int and”. taken Nat More m noon recon The. Candi mum h entitled to an "planted-I “(an by dolo- nte- and than abated M's-u tot. lowI: In". J. P. Ranch. Wtrtrrtoo, Rev. E J. Zimmerman Toronto. an. voting, Rev. J, P. much, Rev. W. J. at-rattan, “a Rev. H. A. Rollers-n were elected on the nut unnatural dolomite hum. Rev. Whine? taunted on the third Gun while 1m. Wine am not win [I phee until the sixth Tote had ')t,' “In ml M ht wu “new “mam Among the Immortal visual-I at thin session were Rev. W. H. Barra- clouxh end Rev. G. B. Mohannun of the Trinity United Church, Kitch- ener. Ind Rev. W. H. - ot at. James "United church, Waterloo. Rev. Envoy. u proudent of the Hnmllton district at" the mum Church “a ulod to “an“ m contentio- brleny. no euro-m human " hem grimy mun-ed with the work ot the Whit. IThe oven tenor ot mm. In your '.noirttnatttm Ind the bet that g'ou no not carried m by my theo. loticnl alum-non- and ”when“ clout of but modem" Ind mdb eat mmmwam'm lam me ”only? Mgttad an. m. a. “smashed“ the are-thu- ol the United Chm uid eon-ended the Eve-anal church on ttt Mud sand on male: mu. ft " nmity M with you: um- mklu. mu made on the nod-l W a aw in. nmahrly "are!“ A» Imm- tulle. tt In bleed mm a and net 'aetae'rta-t to map at this an.” “M the - loo in”. " and!“ II. a} , In-_tho‘ now Ichodule of alum nowuéuwi‘iich no 'innate%1tr this no natured to my their min- ister I minimum of 81000 was“, maximize: @th minimum of 31400.. Other congregations are to pay . usury of $1400 intend od n mdnated-acnle has}! on your: ot senioe.Troviding their ministri- in an elder, Probationary mini-tin no hit to the injunction od the molding}!- ders bat probationers who no col- lege and tHtrstittnr, man-to- m to be paid um. alumnus of $200 "or. tho‘ schedule now in tarot. Deacons are to be paid $1,000 In!- der the new lode indent! ot "oo u previonm. it w” in this chin of minister that the report was doom- ed incomplete by the deitsgate. u no aim-y for n 6011433ch osmium grain-ted deacon m and. The committoe ot nine discussing the chqrch alloy question Ill- nounoed that their report was ready but requested tint it be m on the order ot the any for It Im- medhtoly "ter the noon rec-u owing to the gm: xenon! mum; tn this subject. This we“ vu- gnntod. . , was not adopted but m mt MOP tor spam alteration or am Sac,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, = . K _,,,,,,,,,,,-,,','., .. Fl wsm mung». - hummuaduoh '$'mtttr-.Mllter" II. Am n. I.” m- m L. Inn. 5.1mm. MUSIC _ Windsor Estate”, Kitghengr Percy' Budéll, Waterloo 2'taek'aéar tue Durant Mntors of "Canada, _ ' ' ..xJ {LeavidQONTARlO t: d , ’a.‘ The mum “Ill-m ladr--Do you keep an." Curh-a'd - hop you vault: . minute. b A attmiU- trot ever decide to., war "ttutr-tot-ot-' ". The and” School Bond'- {to- port "tttrod: granny lacuna In- term in this department at the church work during the your. In- creuu' In curtailment ad Md- uloo were reported tn my gChoohr. A totat “nuance of 848,1M "I reported during the your, an in- creue of over 20.000 our the but mu- yecr. TV ' Tho requests 011.110 cumm- " Duhwood, 14th ounces-Ion of lily and Zurich rennin; "an ab- posmon of the property of the nth an convention which haa but dimlvod_ were um“ by u: Amo- manc for conference between the motors nnd the pudding old". " Ind Old People's Home donning of ttre minute". the hymen all ttre women. The sum: committee summed the mutilation of I dull-r comma on mi) mull. GM sum-inc the dengue. that h vegan welcome united then The committee on Gr. 333 mm! recommended the melat- mnt of I committee on Orphan": M0110“ ursariitritt'thr. Thi NEVSTARhu-l-owdhw' “Mfmhw‘mz mils-nhouio fsguis-eoods. mull '.r'.ttMmtl+tMm"0tmit+tmttMmtqt walululllulllnimlmmnmrutmrltll W. H. JACKSON .ruNEwsrAR-rsu-srARrrR-, siacwsr'rARu"aAm"rtuiowatat Au,oursraiRaweaootrcortire Red Sod Mater. ugly-marina hoeted aiLiL an m ma an em erunmrmmmnxmmum Ott-ttr-ted-rt-tde-i-rt.""-"' m-ttmo-ter-ret-d-rn'."'"'"" 'ttremote-tBatt-t_-ta'--. TM. t.mteeetrte-tertt-tttqttt-t-tttirtmt'o" auhmmmm t-s-.eedtoavsr-'ttetea't-'t- "tr-ttro-tri-mr-bet-ttms. um Red Uriel: ' mm mo a on». ma with - teq" and Mtr+err. A turn we win and moral he“; also mm for M an» " . The Home I. m with etqqtr% Huh“, fuIly only.“ huh- mm. m! mul- Ming. ma: m "In. [mm In nut dun “New ' - This may would make nn Ida! not hr market pu- mr or i dink-n urn. REM on the lmhu and Pm tttgh-r, 1m mluutu' walk mm m. Pro-Ion ”do... an: Krul um - m min-nu from MI. Rush-nor. can and “out!” run-I nu. The Real Estate and Business Brtittr PRESTON . [I otrerlnee " Finest Country Home: For Sale W. J. Schlyéter 55m W. J. SCHLUETER m. Real Estste and Business Stoker Jim MSW “chm For I‘m W6 mat) this MINI- Ca., no. 598 “no. Av... I" then-nut to Nun-nu mnmsaeat Cork, NJ. Nothing In: inch menu-3M“ penetntint but 9: you m: Imttant must. “at u span- hit' apply and mour Rub you M a, mum; heat. In ttrrmt mm It warms the pro In)! through in! through. Frees and blood drab- tron, bra-h up the conga-(M‘énl- the old 11”!!th torture II to... Rowing Rad Pom! nub. “do from red INDIE". emanate " m. drug-binoctahruonecthc' It for lumbIco, noun-1th. M stiff neck. more Inn-elem chili h chesttt./attnost mm: all“ - you. Be sure to (at. the (en-hp, with the nun. low!“ on one. When you are mark; with rheumatism iso m an m1, '" around just try lied rum Rub ind you will have the calcium. tong! kno'wn. Kin-M's Unlment [or 00111:. Red, Peppers End Rheumatic Pain Berg, Baden ummtmmwmlu'ml 325% A "ie,'iacftr mnmnvlnumwlum-‘MQ a, -_ . "riteas'.': ly 5:67

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