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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Apr 1926, p. 4

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ttteta"".'.'"?,','.':'.".':,",':'.', I‘m-Ii [aha-hound t" _'m-ldubulhhou.u ., It. n. new, Mat . Mt-sa,-", 10M. aunt's-ow on 'mummumu __ admit-09‘5“- 'mtnte.efptf"e "l.t-thvu_dtotruerut was-mainline humus '-rhieAattohnamatainod. "mmmuxoa.n. My, In. conduct“ by the Bee. Taylor Hum. knot of at. - Church, mun". m -ttts were taken to Aylmor, M ”was In hold " the m.. - Church. at!» which Interment I'll nulé In the t"tttston came Ite' Comm on May 18th and 14th laden, Arru16.-lt in officially announced that the King and Queen will hold court. at Buckingham Phi. m in May 13m and 14th. _ Kr. and Mrs. Charles N. Pine ot Klaus? are at present travelling In Switserlud, when; they no - enjoying the perfect. climate all "Impacted prolualou of lovely Hos-om and ttowerg. Mr. and Mrs. PM. expect to return home about the and ot Mar. In. W, D. Lee, wife of Rev. W. D. Lee of Toronto, formerly Pastor of trt.. Pnul's Presbyterian Church. witerloo. is I visitor at "Blink Bon- nie”. the home ot Mr. and Mrs. June: Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hedging have returned to their home. in Troy, N.Y., after a delightful week's visit with their Twin City friends, guests " the home ot Mr. and, Mrs. Alfred H. Snyder. George street, Waterloo. Edward Devin, Jr., local represen- tative in the Ontario Older Boys' Pariiament, left last Saturday for Toronto, where the Cabinet is hold- ing its first session since the gen- era sessions prorogued several months ago. All members ot the Guild in Lon- don wiii be interested to know that Her Majesty the Queen and H. R. H. Princess Mary Viscountess Las- celleu received the Presidents of the Queen Mary London Needlework Guild at a tea given by Lady Mount- Itephen on March 8. Mrs. G. A. Beecher, of Kitchener, Ontario, was among the Presidents who attend- ed. , r, London-0mten Mary has now been cited by an expert of the per- tect figure as a model ot feminine grime. Mrs. Kathleen M. Bennett, speaking on the rules ot health for the busy woman who wanted to keep healthy and beautiful, gave them} hints: Sit well. stand well, walk well ,and breathe well. "Few people knew how to stand correctly." she said. "It they did they would save themselves much pain, energy and nérves. Queen Mary gave them a perfect example of how a woman should stand and lit. Her ngesty had the secret of grace, dignity, and elegance, and never allowed her shoulders‘ to droop". gymmdlfu a”. Pe oeh-t.-rt-Ht «I... V Mr. Fred Stunn of Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston. has arrived home' tor his summer vacation. Hearty congratulations are being extended to Rev. and Mrs. s. E. Schrader ,28 Weber Bt., W.. Kitch- ener, on the arrival ot a young son last Saturday, April 24th. Mrs. J. H. Webb had as her guests Int Sunday, Mr. Douglas Hall and party from Toronto, with whom Mm. Webb returned to the city for, 5 visit of several days at the home ot her daughter Mrs. T. H. Hall. King Shoot Used Car ” Prices LoWer if!’ F", I'?, You-1': mutt mu McLaughlin Master Six Tourimi--, 1924Chev.Tour'mg----. l92|FordTouring.....,.. ....' .... l923FordRoadster m.rqtr_rrt_"_V. 1920rordRoadster. .tNew.t..____._q 19220verltmdRoadttter..... '_...... 1923FordCoupe...,.... ...t..Tr..., 1920FordCoupe.... "".t"""'""' 1920Ford8edan....,...........,.,. New 1925 Ford Fordot with Rune" axle i92Scttev.thupe---- And we have more of these Bargains DOBBIN’S "ii-e-r-rt" mun o.tui6at.t. was. "e_tr6tir.,0bai"tetm"e""" urn-um ,uwuotth Vim bettrhuMtBatPtb hyovu-a. mm: this )urvlhlldp-g.M‘ o.-'.-"""""-'. t-ae-ert...eqP..V w.LuWI.M-ul J. loll It.“ tn than) will " may W to about wimmnhnuqthontnum u now “and. me my autumn- vlo haunt/gunman with any otthloalotpnlndou. M Bonn-'0!“ un Connor Gem-l and My 3m mold PM m an but on their are. toll Wanna tour. Unprtmtbly lib won-ur- Mkpodtlon m ‘vantod MI tail-3 put in the m ion- Ichodulod ammonia unaud- m on " mu, but [My But. at tended by the Aida. non - tuiiy and efficiently acted tor Hin colloncy. _ Mrs. C. W. Well: han tangled tron I run of seven] (Inn In Tor. onto, the nut of Mr. and Mrs. Ihtrs wont Kincan. q Mrs. W. M .Relde is spending I fortnight In Toronto, the guest of her Slater, Min Conmnce Ashe. Prlnaeu Mary Denice That Her l Hair I. Dubbed ‘ London, April 26.-PrineeBs Mary ins not bobbed or trhiutg%d her hair, and is very anger that the 'English public be notified ot this tact. Re ports that the Princess had had her locks clipped arose from the latest published portraits. These showed a full-taco View ot the King's daugh- ter. and trom the appearanc of the hair it was quite ttemerailrtakets tor granted throughout the country that Princess Mary had at last succum- bed to the fashion ot the bob. In honor of his new colleagues: Hon. C. A. Dunning and Hon. J. C. Elliott, , dinner was given at the Country Club, Ottawa. Wednesday evening by the PostmaBterinerai, Hon. Charles Murphy. Covers were laid for no. In addition to the Prime Minister and members ot the Cabinet there were also present representatives ot all the Parlia- mentary groups, as well as guests from Ottawa. Montreal, Toronto and other places. A special program of vocal and instrumental music feat- ured the evening. Lord and Lady Allenby were guests of the city of St. John, at the hi"Viral Realty Hotel, during their recent stay before embarking on the " Montrose on Saturday on their return to England; While here Lord Allenhy was the guest of honor at several functions. and while Lord Allenby was thus engaged Lady Al- lenby was being entertained by the Women’s Canadian Club and the muncipal and local chapters ot the Daughters of the Empire. As it was 'Holy Week the festivities were nec- essarily curtailed. The only private entertainment given to the distin- ‘guished guests was Va small lun- ‘cheon. at which' Sir Douglas Hazen' and Lady Hagen were the host and hostess. and principally members ot their family were present. The Wo- men's Canadian Club luncheon was presided ovenby the president. Mrs. Allen Fitzitandolph, and was held in' the Georgian ball room of the Ad- miral Beatty, and an address was presented to her by the first vice- president, Mrs. Gordon MacDonald. Miss Grace Leavltt presented a lovely bouquet of roses to Lady Al. lenby. An orchestra was present [during the luncheon. ‘ Veteran Organ!“ Ho ored On kae ol Guelph, April 2 c-Ott the occa- sion of her jubilagon Saturday, Mrs. Gardiner Harvey, who after half a century‘s service as organist ot St. George's Church has relin- - WAT ERLOO $395.00 1 75.00 250.00 1 75.00 226.00 260.00 795.00 Se of Service “mi” H _ 'es-Cer-tere, waIIIWCKt.III lithHM R'ikw-4itsaorttNy"rr.a" ,em,m-tt.,txrtrtasttrratin W. t Tumult-IUMMW 1.3””,qu mud. . Mr. and [it - I!” all ”a but! all If. an! In. 'l.. "rd mountin- We! a. tu- en! Itsff, m In. AIM smu- it. “an . It; One-r In”: ttt m ll mum his Ill mm. Mr. can. Meyer. my. Jenni sin» or unnum- is which. Mond- ud town: tn tho vicinity. _ Mr. hulk Run-ted!" uni-38hr tel-1W ot Kitchener “dud Mi. sud In. any“ amen-n- er on Sunny “Dorm. Mr. 1nd In. Herbert Sella-rt spent Suds! with the _ turnof- brother In WWII». _ Mr.' And In. Joseph Way all family um Mr. Herbert “and: at Waterloo mud Mr. .4 In. Otto Meyer on Thursday evening. Mr. Frank noose! ot Kitchen" spent the week and with his tuber Mr. John Bessel in the 1111-30. Miss Marie Booze! ll caused an housemald at the home ot Mr. end Mrs. H. B. Ratt In Waterloo Menu. Jerbme Meyer, Joseph Hottarth. Edward Lounger ot In. Jerome's College, Kitchener, spent Sunday at their respective home: here. M r. spent root. Mr. and Mrs. John Bchnarr and family of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Frelburgor. Mr. Barney Boegel, our local but- cher is on the sick list. His my friends wish him I speedy recovery Mr. Robert and Charles Koebel made a business trip to Hamilton on Thursday. Peruonaln. Miss Clara Dietrich of Kitehyrer spent the week and at her home. Miss M. Worden spent the week end In Mitchell. Miss Vera Kraehliug visited with friends in Kitchener on Hominy. Funeral Largely Attended.---') funeral of the late Mrs. Anthony Strauss, held on Saturday morning at the R. C. church was largely at- tended by relatives, friends and ac- quaintances, who came to pay a last tribute to the de'parted. The fol- lowing were those who attended the funeral from a distance: Mr. and Mrs. George Straus, Mrs. Waechter, Mrs. John Lang, Mr. Peter Fischer and Mr. John Straws. all ot Chem stow; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartman of Dashwood; Mrs. Krug of Hanover; Mrs. Grover, of Butttslo, N.Y.; Mr. Will Fischer and iamlly. Mt. and Mrs. Albert Fischer, Mrs. Chas. Fischer and son Reinhold, all ot Kitchener. and Mr. George Fischer ot Preston. ACCOMPANIED DELEGATION Mayor Brill ot Waterloo was a member of the deputation that went to Ottawa to protest against the re- iivnt tariff reduction in automobiles. He represented the Waterloo coun- cl]. quished her duties. was presented by Dr. F. C. Grenside. on hens“ ot the congregation with a purse ot gold, and by the choir of St. George's and the congregstion of St. Patrick's Church with hush bou- quets of roses. Mrs. Hsrvey played the organ in Christ Church Cather dral on May I, 1875, st the conse- onion ot thd Ilrst Bishop of NV. gnrs. Besides m unmanned record of service in her church, Hrs. Hur- vey is the composer of my hymn tunes and s masterly counts. ' rater." Contrrtrtuutory ware-m were delivered by Bishop Oven of Nb- glru. Archdeacon DIVMIOII of " gina, Rev. R. Subaru, ot tn. cr prlnn'n Chm-5:11. Tormtto. 'earor Robson nnd omen. Today pl] music played tn st. Georges Church m of Mn. Envoy's compo-Mon. Dean of Chum» Moderator- Mark. Annm- Annlvomr‘y In his ninetyalxth you, Rev. Dr. w. Y. Mclullon, Clllldl'l all“! surviving Moderator of the masry tOriBrt Gourd Mummy. may Bol- obntod the tiny-slut unlurury‘ of In Ind-gun " gtt%Mt of Knox Maintain Charon. Scum Dr. Mammal: can. to Wool-took m an mm M mun-I. m County. on All"! to, It“. I“ m the mm In“ of not an. an: mum I. m m D m cl your can... If I. a m -.- _." m- and - Waterloo Chronicle :23 Alex Hotmrth ot Kitchener Sunday under the menu! " WW. ST. AGATHA -.qr.g.-r"i-sbmtt- mum-Myu “tint-audmhh mamas-mu mug-dww.lr.ldur m . manna-mun- omnwmhouwnr any huh; mm m Daron to In. A. Gull-Ill ”an“ tttl vb. In It. and “than any): at. Jack. on My "0-1-8. [ my: much now In the coun- try uni and tho 3h. weather ot the M took an - tn n- Grand and (Zone-toga than I- am blah. loo-ll! that P"' "that In: arm on m In“ no that some armr- have boon Moving an. other. ' in. comment! wading. The ruin of Saturday In any“ our-non on the had for seven) _ Woolwich Township council will meet an! homily. I.” (an. Thq"Nttf' I: beginning to make gt- Iolt known hm. 1t in hwnodg am Mr. Henry G. Whoa: In making preparations for building I new house on his property‘ during the lumber. Ree. C. Cole, pastor of the United church. could not tttl " trppoint- ment the put two Suntan owing to Illneu. _ Mr. Adam Doerr spent I few days over the veal and In Kitchener. Mr. Henry Rollo m a business vii-tor In Elmir- lut Thursday. put you office it, having a gen- enl overhauling and a few changes are home mule use. _ Mr. and In. Allan Good were Tity ltors to Kitchener on Sunday after- noon. Death summoned one of our well- known business men in the person‘ of H. W. Snyder. Deceesed, In com- pany with his son, William. conduct- ed a. con] end wood business. There survive_his wife. and one eon, wir' lism, two daughters. Mrs. E. Knob- lobh ot Bowen. and Mrs. Jacob Hoffner of near Mondale. Many friends attended the funeral which wss held on Wednesday. Buys Farm _ A. s. Gingrich has exchsnéedhiq block on Arthur St. and his resi- dence on Mill St. tor n 1404112119 tarm belonging to Eddie Reinhart of Erosion, tormeiy '0! Waterloo and Kitchener. Both took Immediate possession, Mr. Gingrich moving his household'etiecte to the term last week. Many Attend Funerat Death of H. W. Snyder Maur friend: attended the funeral ot the late H. w. Schneider which took place Inat week. council Meeting _ At t meeting ot the council on April tSth Roy Dunn was appointed a member ot the Fire Bridgade in the place ot Cyril Sham: who re- signed and it was decided to pro- vide a snlmhle shed to house the tire wagon during the winter. The Elmira Musical Society was granted the sum of 8700 for 1926 and the sum of $20 was also voted to the Waterloo County Historical Society. Clean D.ftertt A: a remit ot a benefit concert recently held the hockey club has been Ible to wipe oat It: detieit. . Become. Solo Owner Fred Weber of the firm of Isms and Weber has purchased the share of his partner Mr. Inna and be- confes the sole proprietor of the business. Fractures ms- " 1 result of slipping on the term ot the mill ot Mum: and Mar- tin Mr. AM. Martin had tt4tretttU ribl fractured which will by him up for none time. mamanwpmm _ All! pm a. mo! qttfektr8---re.. Manon mum ro- ller from was. “Hanan, lame not and pain follows I mile rutr trtrtq Trtttt "St. Jncobc OIL" RID this nothing. -tratttttgr on an: on your "hm hack. mm mm mule. rolls! eon-I. "at. hook. on" I: I unmiss- bunch, Inm- M and with: "med, which - alum-u an! dour! burn the Attt. gunman a)! an". eomvhtnhl! Stop than mm. "Imchou." tn . “at you I“! MM ML”! m m u vat not. been.“ tt '0“ In! out. - or Inn. m1 nan-Hon . and mu mu. at oil - Nt. and. oI"ttqm pdm In an out m- ttat. " m - _ Ah! Bathaehe Gone Rub Lumbago Away Rub Paltt from back wtth um" mm mm. " old “It. Jnnb'l OIN' ”IMO” ELMIRA mt.d-tttes-'tF manna-é; .t i ) Irina ters). Drum and ttst-teta-ttttsri-tm Manhunt-.1.” In. it uh. an: a. not ogtd vul‘nbuvauw. mummmum‘ "iatr.Bsttra'heeis'thtb, ion. on M -triq to" gm mqrge-tatbsrrrsqretuttert. Mhnthirhnm m till mum. ' Arr. u an» - the not was! with It.-.“ In. It“. Hon-I. - / Mr. - hm In W: tho position at W of ti” Fang!- woman Ora-nary a. New Moo. " i Sun] In. an. vicinity attend" the Mailed Column. hold " mum Mat vat. It. lunch Baum mm with It: - Iby st Kitchener on Sunday. . The - of the late Nah nuclei- of Kitchener “I made on Friday afternoon at the Rheevme cemetery. ‘A leniee we conducted " the 9mm by Rev. Mr. Dentin. Mr. Irvin Perm In: when! the tum of Mr. Robb. Mr. Clayton Swat: will reside there And work the [Inn this summer. _ The Litesrarr" Society will meet in the school noun Hominy evenlng, May 3rd. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bock ot St. Catherine! spent the weak and t the home ot Dr. and Mrs. A, R. Bock. . Newt Notes. Mr. M. B. Snyder of Resume In: commenced duties at the New Dun- dee Cooperative Creamery when he has been engaged as noel-atla- treasurer. Mr. I. E. Schledel spent the week end " Magma“; in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowl] of Kitch- ener spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Gruellch. _ Mr. Roy Spaetzel_ ot Hamilton spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Edith Emery of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Goidbeck. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Queue] “Cook’s Regulating Compound Kitchener spent Sunday at the home A “I, "mm "a" ot Mr. and Mrtt. Wm. Enamel .m ,eii1tiifUfsii,ifiiLi.i,tra, tf: The annual band concert by the New Dundee M. B. Band was held in Knvelman'a Hall on Friday night and was greatly enjoygd by all. “was.” Wu! ”0|th ”chum Remember the store in the very centre of Kitchener, which for nearly a quarter .of a centurv has furnished hundregs of) homes with the most reliable and the most satisfactory Rugs, Linoleums, ,/Wz'ndow Hangings and Wall Papers. _ Floor Coverings When You Think of New Horne Furnishings At no time yer. we better pnparnd than now-Our stock of Rug. In most “knell“ both in dulgm and qualities. ' Curl-m M-torlal- and Hummus nro here ln all an new"! styles. and labrlco. And our prlcu an at low " wlll be lound anywlun. "tter..tlrNt choice of New Curt-Inn and Cumin Maurin- " Popular PHetq.--lrt the Cars Pit Dept. New dually“. FRILLID CURTAIN. TUOKIN PANEL. Frillod Curtah" l“ “I0" In Bm, dots, A has new "as; m ‘fugut: detsitrrt, .nd I check- uld plain Hamilton. and Silk aloe“. aplendld waning Curtain, " with Me back. " 81.00, $1.60, 82.00, 83.00 to $5.00 81.00. 81.50, 32.50 Ind 85.00 pr. per panel. . I COLORED " LLID CURTAIN. OILK PANILO The" Cumul- are shown in 3 wide page of colorlnn and It?!” In MINI colon “a an): Finals Are In stock In narrow Ind colored Frill- Ind Vulcnciu, " moderate wide with!" to much " lower prices and new Primm ntrua, ' _ 1.0m and mum on any "new? Decor-“om Fm. of Charge - Mancunian!“ taken for Window an... in be-tlon look hr Hangman ran. PM" Cami Dow. moo. 1pae Wmccv (0tzici, NEW DUNDEE $1.00, $1.50, 32.50. ".lurto $7.00 pr. New Spring Curtains and Draperies Moderate Cost Never Better Than Now 'Ait at Mr. Broth slant: or Wallaby has moved into the house tormorly own. mm by wan-an new. / A large consignment a no Boned Rock holly chick. tron! I poultry ttrm In the Centnl Sate- nrrlved hero on Thunder In! tor n poultrymn RBI! Wellesley. ttnr Men Spring show was well attended. It Gras very unfonnmte‘ that the weather 'proved so tur) favor-hie In the ottoman. There‘ wu I good turnout of horse! In the Tarioutg classes. The exhibit of gum: end potatoes run one very ‘good. Mr.‘Kerr of New Hamburg lcted u secretary in the absence ot Mr. A. R. G. Sunth who in tour- in; Northern Ontario with the government exhibit ot seed grain, etc. Mr. Harry Kant: left tor the West. a week "o. . f . Make This War" . '--'u,'. _ Hosiery Store Mr. Edwin Batter and MIDI Louise Weller were apletly married " New Hamburg on April IT. After the ceremony theQuppy couple left for Detroit where they agent n short honeymoon. Their my friends ex- tend to Mr. and Mn. Butter hurtl- est eortgratattrttomr. Many of our villagers are sauer- ing trom the Influenza. f3? My.“ and: te' Irttt,vtitrs “m ,rst,c'e,ie' "iriiiiiark EM: 311! Como hi on ganged-y '2ltrTa,,iltl!?,!l? co. no. Wm The Best WM . big an!” d 'W, . T Cadiei, Genes and Chihheny ' _ Summer Hosiery . WINE. ONT. a out Ctaheh from 2lk . pi q) " " Ladies'liron25c terto9titlarseir M, " Gent's So: from IN up BADEN as ot momrath-No. t, Ti.. El'. 2. " No. 3. " per box. Sold“ all Wish. at In. "t _ on trump! of price. (g' pamphlu. Axum: THE COOK "EtttetrtEtNk 'Tlhit'lGTrTiTa"sii%2fi, 81.00, 81.50, 82.00, 83.00 to $5.00 per panel. . SILK PANILO Silk Finals Are In stock In narrow Ind wide with!“ to match It lower prices and new lulu, ' _ 83.00, 83.25. $4.00 to 87.00 per panel. iiTiriiiiG HOSIERY DAY ion BALE e .r., One Icelmey twoult all“; whine complete with pump. (all and Myths. Good region to! " " HIV. Ono No. 17 De LIV“ cream unr- ator with power stimulant, In. new; reasonable price; Would cam cider smiler'mchme u part far. meut. _ , Seven] and cum: summon In good repair. Apply ROBBED WINNIPEG HOMES "rt pays to advertise" proved poor business tor uveni Winnipeg homholden whose home: were viniced by Carl Kim-Inn. "the pinn- tim burglar," who “may In: pleaded guilty to “moon charges ot housebraking. obi-[Hing loot val- ued " $4,000. Birth notice: in local papers gave Kiel-nan the "tips," am; aided in bi: daylight robbberiea, carried oat while his young wife believed he was working In a. downtown ottlee. I Saleslady Wanted One moo lb. mist mm. you ,y,.re.e.!Le!!thteNgtt, Young lady or married woman,' to (like orders for ladies’ guar- anteed 1ndderproot silk hosiery. Will replace any pair in runs from gnrtertop down Sincere women desiring to enrn extra money will be given every op- portunity and assistance. N Albert at, Toronto. Ont. Write - Mr. Porter BOWLING’S GARAGE . New Dundu

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