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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Apr 1926, p. 6

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" lib-”'4'“ '", ,“munmh . . [Mt-(wool- (iiitedtt'"tt.,2t'1trggf _ -tIMtsrsBirnratfatoePtsew 9“ wilt. oetae.oetArtmt. "nu-church. “do”. oeneetqd . mumbnmuvmm‘m’ to DOCK)“ and on their return will m“. n '" Mary an“, Vina- Win In..." “'9 Multan. Compound ' Rev. Oliver Snider was a business 'vhnor to Kitchener on Thursday. Mr. and In. L Help“ W out the but him with no. bmr'u pu-ontl, Mr. and In. Jon B. Winner. . Mr. Jacob Schneider has been en- glged to work tor Milton Strome. Intent Child "ettd.--hrtoy friends of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt will deeply sympathize with them in the loss sustained in the death of their intsnt daughter, who passed away on Sunday. April 4th. Sleep on, little darling. 't Take thy rest. God called thee home For He knew best. "In. am “an... - and May an In we»: a, Door- htl Cor-or. Maur people attended the sale hold by Mrs. George Holman In! woek.,_ Good prices were realized. LH. Toman conducted the sale In his usual tine style. Mr. Gideon Hamachér was busily engaged drawing logs last week. Ms and Mrs. Solomon Bowman Tiqited his father, Mr. and MPs. Peter Bowman, who Is on the sick “at. . Mrs. George Holt: list. - .Mr. Harvey Class and R. Fraeser of Toronto University are spending the Easter holidays with the form. er’s parents. Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Chas. h m Mr. Harm-I Wtte'utr, Included I wedding I: Kitchener on hunky. T Mr. Wilfred Schmidt of Known “dad for several wuihrtth Mr. Him! Hummer. Mr. Clayton Zimmerman ot Wat- urloo visited with his broth» Nor. - hero. in. Daniel Z. W-rr ttstlt I gaming-bee Int. Tuesday. People in thls district were great- ed with s severe lee and sleet atom lat, week. whieh caused (Indigo to the telephone lines, vutung the ser- vice out of commission for a few dus. As a result ot the wlntry rather. slashing has been on Bitod the tirttt week in April as It has been in winter. MuquMnn Wane: round from Philip-burg tor I vuk'u holidays. Mr. Carl 'etrhushi, who ha. opened a shoe and names: repair 5110:) In the Bergman Block, It; kept busy. His friend, wish him every uucceu. Mr. gnd Mrs. Wrnrs Gingerlch and family were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Dan M. Bauman. Mr. Ind Mrs. St. G. Pullman vial!- od with Mr. and Mrs. purl Simmer at Galt, on Tuesdny. Item. of Interest Master Earl Bowman? of Elmiré is spending the holidays with his grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman. " Mr, Ezra Maurer was a visitor to North Woolwich on Frlday. Muse Margaret Shelby ot East wood Is spending the holiday here Ill- Evelyn Bricker In spending a lav days In Plutsvllle with her .utor, Mrs. Clarence Shelby. C Mr. Nelson Campbell of Drum ton!” spent the week end vim; Rev an! In. Campbell. "Mr. 00011. Brick‘r of Michlgun mud with rel-"vo- here In: "I. If. Elmer Bicklo of pondon In man; the ham” n In. homo to". . . MI.- M. B. Meuod In spending I I“! at hr homo nou- Puma-ton, Mr. aid-on Salt-boner of Nu! Dildo. bu rented the ho of tho I” Henry Groft “a It; mid. I... “I. lulu-or. tft" Hm. Becker ot New M- II within. with - _ “of. In A. Mod. “ILIT'. 00M" FLORADALE ROBEVILLE PIN! HILL is op the. sick- -r_steMrt-tst' Insulin-p. at up In.) alum-unnatubvun-Iu “0mm. u.mmgtmm mum-gz‘muum “It; , _ . that m s a: mt mmummm. '"t"?t-ootm"eo tn In" Mm In. and “11.390 Ila Unto but: of limit. will aHnrkrsqritttMr.andheru.Harrr Linn. not“. - - MeterutBr-tttmteh- ie which. It In; loin. hon. Illn- Butrieo and 00m.- “In! - a tow any: will - " Km. Mr. mm man at Kitch- en” Count“ .pnt but Ind» tho would not. lulu- C. Hound: ud 8 Hana are spouting an luster honors " their respective- homu, Dublin and Mr. will RAVI. u unending the holidays " jib ham It Newton. Mrs. Joe Cum], Br., spent a few days with her dnuxhter at Elmira. Mrs. Allan but: ot Elmira [I visit- ing with her son, Furry. Miss Ermine Schnmmer Iss, spend- ing the Enter holidays at St. Cyan» ems. Rainer Bron. ot Weilesiey were visitors here on Friday. Mr. Ed. Weiier of Pickering: spent Easter with hil mother. Miss Vern lid! vkited at Mrs. J. Hahn recently. Mr.'tHm Roth has mugged t he iatpic. _ '-- an. W. W. Markham of 31mm spent a tow dun u the home of John Schnnrr. Miss Victoria" rGaineI of Elmira spent a few days under "trr"" roof. _ 7 . Miss Lila Zimmerman upon?) 19' days with (fiend- " New Germany. Miss Ruby Onto: of Toronto is visiting Miss M. Schnurr. Miss Leona Kuehner is visiting at the home Schnurr. The annual Home Show will be held on Monday, April 12th. Item; of mun-eat. Mr. John R. Livingston of Wat. erloo spent 'FYitiar with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston. Dr. Berkeley of Guelph occupied the pulpit In the Présbyterlan church on Supdar. . . Mr. Rxhidwell of the Dominion Bank spent the week end at his home. The annual spring show mem held on April 14. See the prize mi» and make us many entries at you can. l The local telephone ”Item his been demorallzed sinée the "r"eeent sleet storm. 'A gang ot men are at work repairing the damage done by the storm. Mrs. Eugene Helm ind family ot Henson spent Easter with the torm- er's parents. Mr. and Mm. Michael Stemmlér. Mina Irene Forbes went a few days with friends at Hamilton. Mr. Allan Kline left on Thursday for Toronto., Mr. Kline will be en- gaged in commercial telegram”. Minn Alice Bechtel ot the tir. hospital was spent 'Mondq It home. ' In; Tom ot Barrie' u 6mm; with Mm. Han-let Begun. Mr. Dave Gibbon. ot Guelph in visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Farrel _ " For the itrrrt time in forty you! there was excellent alelghlng'for Easter. Mr. Ind Mm. “cob Llchd and - ot Crouhlll upon! Fruity 11%. md In. Chukka Eel . Born-ro Mr. and Hill. March 30th. (Dorothrlusabeth). In. ‘on Hun-mom! had the ' forum. to an Inc may. Inju her thunder “a "In. Hot Mandi with - . - recovery. Mr. Will You rammed teat week that small“ the put month with Mom In Now may". In. B. liar-mi ti imam an. - nation "ir Don. trt mm. Mr. And In. In. HM - but My with Most tn Pool. _ c,t'a2"t.ut.t',tT,,t",t. mu 't.-rqetth8tr. "lumen-Dawn. tmat-rt-r-g-thr-l"'""'"""'."'""'"'""""". uwo'ummmamw -_.e--.--.- (ii,?,?::',?,?):,?.,')?:,':',"',?) - _ In my -temarst8e-&, - - KINOWOOD ”~00. BADEN Mrs. Forfeit I dnuehter. of Waterloo ot Mr. John _ TIU'.'.: 'd1l'tt"dl Olivia... in“. “It: .n'ramt'q+t.tBrerqtter _. “mama-arm 'trt.eiiite8et-it'r "nuartestt'tqhrtt-iass 80. “PM. - t/lN'ltSNdttu,c' “will“ by. h-_uulu -h.orerh-artstAitrtttgM ”I“, Wmmhummm "tu_m"ttrotoemt..-1 has. it“: it“ " the ttrdio pow-r Old-“hm com 9rtar-trttirentur-or- tttsd-trs. his; Mona.” no In" In an storm. the wont "M"otormtteth.qrbtarhndanatt any but; on “may, blocking countrymanhpuyphou. The song service 1n the ttet,') church on Sunday evening was well Fatntud. The choir furnished/the program and upheld their good re- uutian ot former occasions by so Richly [rendering the cum: "tiaiitiiF Victory” wherein wen de- picted in word and long the in- tense sorrow of the Crgeifuion tq the happiness and Joy of in: Resur- rection Morn. The vurloul mm of the cantata eonutritmdsirolo, duet. trio, quenette or full choir and were exceptionally well rendered through- eluted by on. ol,tho’i1ydm‘ Pom huh tan-Ion wires which he” who" it -. tho was. has “can! Just " I. In. driving out 'rr.ttoe.-,8rttn.etotswn, mmmuzuryqruuu. ooh. on “turd” Wu. Md u 1'r"u'"r"'rtvsotaooooet. 'm.neroqrtre-Hbetneet.etr> it! As It ya " luckily “and while the hon. he m drum saluted Iona tom Ihock. Mr. w. J. Snider in speBdlng Eu- ler in Toronto. On his trip'to the city be we: WWI“ by-‘the little Minn Helen Daimler and Cassie Bauman, who will the guests ot their friends, Ute: Misses Lenora and Jean Beckmui of the Queen City for several days. Mr. Nelson Shelley' ot Toronto was a holiday visitor at hie home Min Elsie Good ot Kitchener win visiting at the home of her par ents over Easter. . Hum. John all 090110 Bert. nun or up Gown-town were week-end visitors " the' home ot and former: daughter. Mm. Min Dunner. Mr. 1nd Mu. Loui- Dnlunor and “may, of Kitchener and Min Chm Miner ot Toronto spent “In Enter holiday- u their pram home. Mr. and Mn, Hurry Fiddler and dnughtsr ot Kitchener were week- 'snd visitors at the farmer’s Durant- al home with Mr. and Mr... he. W. gchweltur. " . Mr. and Mm. m A. union‘s:- and 'uutrhter or Toronto, Mrs. Noah Craig and daughter, Min Marion, we” spending t Easter " the' Schweitzer home. Mm Gertrude Sober" of near Kevin": was spending the Enter holidays at .lhe home of her pur- enta. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich Scherer. _ Mr. Nelson Shelley was a holiday visitor here. _ , Mr. and Mrs. Gust. Dahmor and son ot Rosebud: were Easter vill- tqrs among their relatives hero. Mr. Henry Klrch, who has spent the out tow months here with his parents and brother, Ion. recently tdr his Jmme In xatosr', Mich. Mr. indium. Samuel Locum: and daughter, M!" Addie, ot West Mon. tron. were viMUtstr u the home of Mr. Ind Mry. Byron A. Leuon on Sunday.\ / Mr. AIM Scholhh at Toronto wu Hum " the home of " mother, Mn. Lucind- neutrals, our Data. ' Mr. and Mn. Harold True-let and mu Luella Shelley of Kitchener were Enter 7151er at the home of their parentl. Mr. and Mm. airmen Shelley. . . Mme. Julius Koch and Lloyd Dahmer ot Kirchner were "5|er here over the holidays. Dylluu’ MIII Mom ot Bari", Na. I: spending her hater vacation ht the parental hams. _ Mr. John atmck o8,Branttord and Min: Anita, Bunch of Toronto mm the Enter hand"- with than nor- an“. Mr. um my Chats. Strixck. Rn. A. tgrutomtd In attending the Kitchener Confusion of the 1mm mu on“. Brno , which in " nnhlod thin In! In tn. Judu' Luchonn church. at. Jacobi. “our! W. Ibo! I. Ibo attondlni pie not ttttgt. u donut. from h. church mm " _ Pt%rwdsqetTmIrsttouamttftAe de.thotteeB.ugrtettBBrtatt-d “mania-chunk. Mnadnmyammn mmmunumm ILMIM 1 Mrs. Ralph Gribble received a Into, mamas In". week announc- lng the death of her mother, Ars. Fred Smith. at Nottingham, Kttty land. The deceased was know’n to many people In New Hamburg u .ehe was here on an extended Tttsit to her dAughter about five years ago. Mrs. Gribble'u runny friend. sympathize: with her in her be- reavement: 5' Oath of John Ban-pp ( vu‘lan. Mr.-qMrsq-tr.-dae meuon‘mup o8Mr.aa0Wts.ttB%'W.Brth awn-nay, wmuwwn‘amm muumlmhlm~ 1mm m Isn’t-u Bab" morn-mu: 0.".LTro'hy.nm _ no Joh an: nonfu- a», 6M oe Am o. a. A. man- no!” mm. m . tomt to. the mun-'- m 'ttmeurai.att_r.Threm- Illa-Who. EW- mum. store te-doe with I my with “In” ,rttuter. ud I number 'ot phob- ot but dammit-Mp hock” mm ot oth- ordiyl. I _ The death occurred at his home here on and». March M, ot Mr. John 9mm). after I brief Pye with pneumonis " the age of " yes}; Deemed was born in Erie County, N. Y., and in 1875 wss nur- Fied to Csthsrine Honderich of Wat- erloo County and settled on n term near New Dundee. Later he bought a ttsrm on Blenm's Road, where he lived for thirty-nine years. three years ago the family moved to New Hamburg. He leaves his wife, two so“ and one daughter and one {grandchild to .mourn his demise. The children are Harvey of Wilmot 'nnd Norman Ind Emma at home. lie is also survived by one sister and two brothers. The funeral was held to Hoetettler's church and cem- etery Iain Wednesday afternoon the service berm; conducted by Rev. Wilmer R. Steele of Humberstope. Mr. Harry F’s-cock of Kitchener spent Enter at " home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest of Bridgeport were visitors with their friends in town last Sunday. w. and Mrs. waiter Nahrlmnx and dunghter. Mildred. spent 'Sun- day with the farmer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nam-gun“ The Misses 'Handstein of Toronto spent the Enter holiday: nt their home here. Mr. mm. Woick'ar u. ioie MI fashioned on Wilma “not to trt.., Fred summer a: North lumen. Mr. Atc Lauder. who count“ the mm on R. a Nb. 1. to', Mr. Dribble during the pet June: du. continual the Job Int Wednudtyl nd Mr. Gribble took over the wotk nub Thur-any. Mr.‘Oeorgo Grtmdenberrttttr of Do- detroit went the holidays pm: hi: put-ants. Mr. and Mrs.' Ed. Grandeu- homer. ot m. brother Pater. who died nt Bad Axe, Mich. " the use ot " years. The Inner!!! wna held " Bad Axe last -Wednesday. " . It was decided by the School Board in! year that there be only one time of admission into the Prim- ary nude, that In in September. In- ltend of Easter. _ Mr. William Erb of Wltford upon! the Enter holldnys at his home here. The school closed on Thursday for the Easter hand-n and wlll to- \open on Mondirr, April 18. “The teacher. hue left to spend the holl- dart at their relpgctlve homes. Mr, new This] Jr um town. t celvod the and 11qu ot the death Mm get. Banquet ot (money spent the wool and It the home of Mr. um Mm. H. N. Culbert. In. Boll Ind Hm Ev. Bell ot flown spent the - holiday] nt the home of Mr. sad In. Huron! Attrterl, Mr. “coins ot Bnnttord about the holidays at the home ot Mr. nnd Mn. L. Handler. . PREVENTION _ Sam's Emulsion "tai-.,-,,; - “In Bum: haiku-wot Helical science ac- knowledge. that cod-liver oil in imam“. to prevail rich“. weAk-bonqo or 'sturhti-hraim'tritheet. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Molson and’ ammun- Huel and son Jack ot Kitchener spent the holidays at the ‘home of Mr. and Mrs: J. Bowman. I Mr. Neal Garlond of Stratum spent the holidlys at his home herd. Mr. James Forrest spent Easter Sunday with relatives in Bridgeport. l Mr. Patton ot Toronto spent Ens- ‘ter Sunday with friends irt.towm i Mr. and’ Mrs. Hilton Schuler spent “he Easter holidays with relatives in Goderich. . ' l _ Mr. Thomas Corrie ot Kitchener spent Good Frldq It the home of his brottttrm Mr. Jamel Corrie. [ Miss Anna May Berdux ot the Mutual LIN Allurnuce_ Colo amt. Waterloo, spent lher mite? holl- dnya at home with her parents. Mm Elsie Miller. ot Elmira spent the Easter hollduya u her home here among her parents and Head's. 7 Ming Erma Pannier ot Kitchener spent the week-end lnd Sunday with her parents. and returned home to resume her duties again. Enter Holiday Walton. 1tttmtttstnniutttttmtmmmmutmttuuteimm"tm""ui"u"'mt"rmr "umnmtummtmntmttttmttmit" The Waterloo Chronicle . - WELLEBLEY "ea"e-t"etr-aa-"-t"'e"""t""fe' "ts-tsets-nh-rue-u-utr-r-ir--' lam-yon. my.“ in Ami... Sales or anms for Sale in this mm lawfully turn- to the Chronicle became . I The Chroniclejs indisputably the Leddlng Auction Sale Medium in this territory as the hundreds of announcements it carries from year " fear convincingly demonstrate. .' F -' Use The W literioo Chrénicle and Get Safe Results . ft Carries Practically Every Sale Held in the District -- - Equitable Life Block f - MW _ Sale a ReaISudcegiitt All ot our Public School teachers are spending the Easter holidays at their respective homes. - Don't forget the Bauer next Fri- day In the town hall. to be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Missouri Luthepn Clinton. . a Mr. C. F. Ottmnn Is spending a few days this week in Torontovon business. _ ' Mr. and Mrs. Lai‘lnmme and hi- fan! child of Kitchener spent the week-end tnd Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter gchmidt and among relatives and friends. Die?! Suddenly-Many friends will regret- to learn of thy sudden death at Mr. gopry Pommer. of Linwood, who did In: Wednesday torenoon at any home ot Mrs. C. Pommer. The remains were ' to Linwood on Saturday lust .where intesrriientrtook place. Rev. G. Pranachke conducted the aervlcu. Mimi Sybllla Diet-alt ot Brenlau spent Easter at her home, Mr. Ed. Kaufman was a hustnesé visitor In Kltchaner last Thursday. 33$ is! Do You Want to BAMBEtttt nu trtf&u' Waterloo, Ontario if Mr. Walter Dietrich of Wtttsrh?o spent the Enter holiday: It tlt hu'me here. . Maura. Harold and Philip Eligibl- berger visited friend: in Waterloo on Thurtsday.' Mr. Alvin Doreen has thinned home alter spending the winger I; Sudbury. v T . rice: were held trom the late‘hom or deceased here on Tue-dry Mr. and Mrs. Cyril chain; of Wat: erloo apenbEalkr with the Intel“. mother, Mrs. Mary Htntsetttmrprr. Mr. Albert Rural; ot Whterloo visited friends here on Bundny. Stephen A. Schamber. brother of My. Katherine Kreuler ot Wur- ioo: Ont. died Saturday night fol-_ lowing brief illness at hil home. at 1721 Arnhem street. Butane. Ttfe into Mr. Schamber is survived by his wife‘ Harriet A. Schallbot mid tour sisters. Mrs. Len- Ptohl of Cin- cinnali. Ohio. Mris, Sarah Zlnk ot Ovid. NY... Mrs. a. J. Brown ot Geneva. N.Y., um! Mrs. L. Bear; ot ruin. Oklahoma. The funeral ur- DEATH OF FORMER Mr. Wgn. Merlot igudtnir, ”out l few days with friends here. WATERLOO 'CITIZEN

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