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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Apr 1926, p. 3

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am -ertetNt'eft.tP,e'e pagmuumwd ies-it-tset-m""' "06qu "' GWOII mu». ‘5. m -te, - II" a - of "oe " at.” at - nu. The ”Will a. new mum alum“. “Tum human. I " w m cm Wt w W' and - on tts, W - an at! 'tmt-tr at tho mm: m.- n.- W an tuners] at " ans-34n- as. ttte nu John w, Davey. WILL ttttfn MATTII l T ATTENTION Till. Yul; _ m "ply to n commie-non tron it. Algonquin Tull .Auocinion lion. Mr. Rom-y. lining:- of High- Ts" in mud! the “mention it“ an widening of the Gui-Pru- m "tinny. in. only completion at the have". bridge sad the ox- ton-ion of the Inn u the top ot the bald“ mu, will be given ntiontion. Ilsht Kitchener young men will appear In police court thln week on the churn ot Ihootlng e pet dott he longing to e former named Got& beck. reeldlng on the Bridgeport Road. The consume dlléovered tr' bottle ot wine on one of the routtK when he found them north ot Brtdttsport, It trnvintr been taken from on empty house In Bridgeport. It we: also- elleged that one of the youth- had pointed a gun at one of the Goldbeck children Itt, the Utter. BOOB. EVANGELIGAL OON- . FERENCE TO BE HELD IN KITCHENER APRIL M Five districts will he represented " the annual conference ot the nuance! church of Canada to be held at Zion Church. Kitchener, April 20 to 26. The conference promises to be' unusinlly interest- ing " the question of union with the United Church ot Canedl w'lu be discus-ed. The emote] delegates will be bilieted at the home ot the members of the Evangelicei Ichurchen at Kitchener and Water- loo. COLLIDED WITH HEARSE: _ SMALL GAR W‘RECKED' Ayunal car' registered in the name! of defence Strome was thrown into the ditch near Woodland cemetery by e collision with' the hear-e n ed in connection with the tuning/of the late Jacob Riehm on Frldéy hit” The necident. It is alleged. was due To the (act that tspatririsr ot the Itrome car attempted to pass bet- ween a. car _btaqrirttr the pail bearers and the boards while the lunerel courtege wee proceeding to,the cem- etery. ind in doing so coffided with the hearse. The force of the colli- elon threw the small car into the ditch where it overturned. it being i. 90mplete wreck. The hearse was 51:0 damatred. Except for minor bruises no one w“ Injured. h " understood " charge of reckless driving will be laid Against the Mar of the Strome ctr. ace-nu? ram-Mini: puma '"P" pygmy TO APPEAR IN COURT oo"-m,r-t-rmratqtr-n-rmmem"tr-"""'""'t""1 The Mayor Trusses are giving good saustagtlon. I - They awed no under nap, and Inn Bott swings rubbér mrds. . F - Swill “will." Do- d‘nd and Built Fey no nttentlon to than t1omtr, and annotated taver- tlnments when you an get I better trons right here end for kl. money. with the privilege of getting it changed or ttxed atuny Elmo. Tool-Tai;, Bu..|PhbnO t 239 "'k"M'iaN" Made Ind titted at ‘55 King st. M.. Kitchener, near the Poutomce. . _ u... a... on “Mathew." 11'ofe':?iil,5.'e?yi'"d' . "Your summation of my on: m - ""'P"e' may my slun- no no uthfmctory." , “l-ult two of my Mandi to you and they a. m u M u I an.” .. T "s ' "set-rms-ttoar-ie-ti-tht-nr' "or 'ed--" yd my sin III. not. mutation." "n'ie-rtstro-eetetse4?rett." WmollmhmmmmM" RUPTURE What the Public Say: -‘ Wnan 31-m- ouuné-Tm um" sou. u tthte a. w. woeifle Bros. Ltd. Kndmm‘u Locum ,W L w. . t can w. am {who ia.ertuuts and Tool-0km But-HIM 1906 F. STEELE o't my on: no - W no nil-factory." , friend. to you and they a. m u "o""-"'""""'"""'"-""? . III-ruwwu nun-upqu “I“.vfldhw'mmmkuu‘b comm 'iiurr"iitlt-i-'..aeyteri i'"iiirTiiuunGTtAii%rtrlaa-.urrrePPt 'iiaiiiTiaaaaiuJ_.euri-trteer" umno-mmob-umfvuwmm tso-ti-to-Otto-ttfat'" at W can not kidiliiG-utra.unt-l-ta.nr-"dt"e, 011mm.’ _ um!.u.A.mMIul -----. t-totetua-ntsra+ ttr-tBet ,IAIKI‘I’ In. lap-u - W n- ”at” - dun: Whyuuhm‘uu‘» anew-wmammmmw m.ocuullnmmtnlnmmmmm “and.“ "-iua-ttmluerftyeertfr,h.5rt abusive-um “new“. not. W.u/mm "sat-ttma,-.-'"' No.1.mdl‘ouun to '8.00agntttterttr.Ne nun-n. mot'Io-owdmirnm and chick-mucu‘uclmnd. 'gstsimoetueetrru'ttndetrrt" Pontoon-oldu8mwuumvm {cu-Ind an: “mini otatiavatit-rooastl"rest"-e. will“ 11mm 311 to u: n load. mm ot no than“ comm. INOIPIINT ILAZI A In“ blue In the My Boo confectionery store, Kitchener, ,','l) quickly extinguished recently with: chemicals by the In deetat-t,, which nude e quick new“ to e phone cell. The blue m fortun- ntely discovered-13 the woman wu prenatal to clone ail no" tor the night. was dun-[e resulted. KITCHEN!!! LIIRARIAN . About.“ AOOOCIATION Mm MIMI Bantam, will!“ lb bnrian " the Kitchen: library, sue the opening .1!an- " tho ml:-I and Hosting pe the Otttario Library? Ansocuuon in Toronto of mm Manny. her come both; her look “The Trail oi the Conestou." Other well known guitars ‘who woke "to Arthur _ Homing out! Augusto- Bridle. TO INVESTIGATE BILL; t GRANTS MADE BY OITV At a meeting ot the Finance Com. mittee at the Kitchener City Cots cil it was decided to recommend that the city pluiniug commiuio investigate the hilt before the On: uric Legislnture in which it in pro- 1weed to omit certain chosen. it'd} tested that it the proposed chnngee‘ are improved the city's zoning or. dinance will be nuUtited to e lorge extent as It would not be possible in future to" " building line: on streets other then reeldeutiel more”; . . Granttrot $50 each to the Kitch- ener Poultry Associstion and'the Waterloo County Historical Society were approved, the great to the tanner body being in audition tol the $100 voted some weeks ago. At the West of the committee, chairman Hegedorn nursed e snail committee to he mount " the cor;- ierence ot represent-tires of Kitete ener and Waterloo with reference to the proposal tor s Joint isolation Hospital, the committee acting on the request otthe poarrt'ot Bulth. DAVID FORSYTH. VETERAN FOOTBALLER. PREttENTEtt WITH TROPHY FROM whit. Mid Forexth. the veal-in toot- belie: end tormtr" principel ot the K. & W.Colle¢hte. wee eightlly hon- ored at the up: mun ~meeting of the Weetern' Poona]! Aimlation recently when he wee vaunted with e beautiful trophy. the'meetin. being held in the Kitchener Ct , ‘Hail on Fruity Int. The presenta- 'tion took piece " e luncheon, held tn the cryetel bell room of the We!“ per House. Kerry Brown en old associate at Mr. Foreyth {humus and soccer. on hehelt at the W.P.A., making the prmntetion of the new trophy which I: to take the piece of the tormen- enp. Th» trophy has been united the "David iii'i'i) Trophy ot the W.F.A. of Guido tor compumon unions Denier clubs". Tru- Icuon was “In ' a View to eoIpmelnontlnx the n a ot Mr. Pony": “no“ tho toottraB. 0|" of the upchtlon ot which he was the founder pm! to which to, has given miny yarn of alluring Ind 1tttteugtt ”who. . - * IXTINOUIIHID Cyndi! loan-am "and. Plan, It.“ Bu. muvmwM-pw 'g.tsimoetueabetatrtndotrrt" "rtmmty-andtutrestqtai" dirt-(thunk! an!!!“ -tr-ottHK-eortustttt" of tho "Y" an a. mo, and would mu. m director.“ to - a: min: chug-Mu. WANT JOINT 1 ISOLATION HOSPITAL Twin-City Boards of End Pam Ba-tion.--'" hr. spect Dairy nerds. 'A committee at the Kitchener city council to meet e committee - pointed try the Weterloo town coun- cil yes the recommendstion made in a resolution passed by the Kitch- ener Bond of Heelth. iILorder that the question of securing an isola- tion hospitsl which may serve both mui1ietptuitiett my be discussed. The members of the K.-W. hospital commission 'will also be present at the proposed meeting. it is proposed to hare s Joint isolation hospital to he 'under the supervision ot the bonds ot health and the hospital commission To Tu! " To TM " Herd: of Gown. The new meet and dairy inspec- tor, Dr. P. G. Hrrrverp<nformed the members thet 25 herds ot cows sup- plying‘Kitchener poonle with milk will be tested. Bo in,“ applia- tiona tor licensee htve been given: dht. Dr. Hervey rated that he wu pleased with the way the runners are oo:operretinx. The only obierr tion head in where the farmer bed mid I [loom to the township {authorities and lilo to the city. In order to remedy this orerlapittrur the township authorities will be oommnniceted with. 2 Cor-tubu- Dluuee. [ The -tittiry "intmeetar reported of being elit', to take retuxo in' “Ninth“ “50““ tot month ‘9 an institution of that hind. That tollowu: nmllpox 28, chlckenpox 6, top'rehemsiott we should walleye. it Btattrtert {ever M, and mumps I. seems to me, It " ls poulhle to do ------------" so. We should allow the aged people PLOW'NG'MATCR FOR 3927 to remain in their own hompwwhere wnttrrlott County and Twin-City they may live self-respecting lives Interests m eooperating to bring until such times as they come to the lntemtlonll ‘plowlns match to the endiot the road. ", PLOWINGJAATCH FOR 1927 Waterloo County and Tim-(My interests are cooperating to bring the international "ptorrittg match to this county “11911. The” interest- ed will conning. their 'rttoru to get the " plowing much unit year in spite ot the feet that they were un- successful in their "orttt this your. BIO MOREAOE IN ' PASSENGER TRAFFIC} Owing to the stormy wanker during Much. the K.-W. Street Rub" sad the Bridgeport railway curled more Dispensers than In my month In the history or either line. The tirist mined any” curled 304.910 managers Ind ‘lhe Inner 28.9“ mongol-I. WESTERN ONTARIO . VINTED " ICE .mRM [All Wednesday ind mired” Kitchener. Weterioo, end uncanny the whole of Ive-tern Outerio we: in the " of en ice storm which crippled telephone and telembh urviéét en! all can" to fruit in“. it in estimated the don- to the teldhone enfmelegnph lines will exceed hilt . millioh' doling“ The "om we. -ttnttied by lieu Ind nhr The electric eervice we: ”not“ only for brief ‘periods ma lulu-6d um. um... Lou di.taneet leiephone service Wu completely ”ruined. end it we. ont, on Need” of this week that the uni BqtrTteqt we: restored in this district. At I moonlit MM Int mi‘the‘ Kitchuor Bond of Work- ”9th mum- tor Manl- on no you I“. at Pine an. In to Mottttt K- It. All all in .Wobor tet., rtttetA up, fro- hm. Aniline Lap ti. um um. Guam In! the brill: of I nix-Incl water uh " tho ho um “minim-loin: no). tttot no our at a. Public mum»: oai-.tas-tsi'ort.turei - ungua- now- mam o.makt.g.atmst 7111*: a “In In. ,'hetlg'd', 90 ”mum.vm 0"”. . _ ”"0ng PETITION. “It! ast- The three chief objections have tret been these: tirtat, that the old age 'in pension scheme makes tor harm» un- vidence on the part oi the public; Mrr. secondly, the matter ot expense, and thirdly, that lo those pmvinces which do noi" choose to avail them- FIG selves there‘co'mes the harden ot Aer 'supporting people who do not live m reet (the provincial jurisdiction. In so tar gnu-s. I. n ”In I!" use fltttr" III b In“ as hi iii-d, is so“ I on. some“ to than 'tth- l P has oils so is. M i an} is" Isl was as In. It. 1 - dd b you In ”Us: l t on {an that i use - on thing " who to in W. hat _ I out” to an MW the "roetnrsttr.to m I! "I”! with the principle at the "solution. T have MI felt “it. whom-n end women who hove spent s lib time ot lsbor. porhsss’ rest-h: is!» iliss end sidins in the Motion "tt in country. no: adding the " ‘uonsl prosperity. reach old on. end by resson oi misfortune or other'lee come to s condition ot west, the notion so , whole'owes something. not merely u B matter ot cherity but es s utter ot rim. b' there is one tsctor that listen or the worries which beset us, sll it is the test of the ttttttit. l be. lieve. Sir, that is s very reel tiling. The thought. l believe. that estate in the mind at every hum being. even though that person my be in s position ot sinnence sud prov perky. is that mesibly he my not be able to provide for himself when he ranches old age. It s provision such so this can help to relieve that thttmtiort, can help to dispel that thought in the minds ot people. it will so a great deal more good than l is accomplished merely by the ' monetary payments thst ere made; _ it will relieve during the whole . course ot a lifetime some of the mar r tn which I have just referred. ,,7. .7. As.dT'tqhThtnMs"h Now, Mr, it the principle is right that the nation owes smoothing to those who are no longer able to help themselves in their old eye. it becomes then merely a question as to how this relief shall be given. We have at the present time in most of our large municipalities. in the towns ma cities, institutions known as poorhouees: houses ot refuse, or homes (or old people, to take care of aged and indigent per- sons. We have such an institution ‘in the irity trpm which I come; in met, I believe it was one ot the ttrat established in the province. That institutiOn- has been improved troml time to time imitt I believe it is today one of the best and most " fieiettt ot the hind But ii spite ot, such provision as this there still exists in the mind of almost every- body, and-especially in the minds of those who feel thst they my hare to go there, a horror and dread as the tirgt ls concernedethat this letrisiation' will foster lmprovldence --r would say that I do not believe that the character of the Cenedlen people is such that they will 'lie llberately tor e Illetlme bonduot themselves, be so wasteful end BO, {all to apply themselves to their work and to save sunning Minuet old age. es to Induce them. tor the who ot some $20 wmonth. to be- come ptxratbitetrupon the not otthe community after they reech the use of seventy years. . _ I hove 'Iomotlmu‘heard laugh Hon ot this Ind deacrlbod u Ioc’lol- utie. I am not I socialist. but I would any that so long on v9 oper- ate under our present economic Dyl- term, Ind pal-lup- it In hos}. mwhlch every mun mm- for humor and I who attrtotrt going to m. that “w devil. an ttti-hind-rt-tmt no long " opportunities no animal nod the relative “111m. of non no unequal-ttstd they will than bq--tnd in long " misfortune to]. low- on m on not W. jut no qus’vm “no of our manly-All to m "If. and when my much old no they will III! M they malt rely on “mine. m- thetr hllowmon In who of their but . ttru. . Led-hum: of null nor! I. so” all“ "are“ " lanthanum. but It noun to no that In as"; when no claim I mule an vi are now coming more And not. to I. who tho may!“ ol an n I" all the Marl?“ of In.‘ and tt more ll mine-thy In our Notion of hub-Ky. to " an on: Gummy. It a... eon-Mgpuhl -eand-et 'umh-mmmuq mud-unlm-UI‘ £3 [r;',?,!'!.! f! if VITAL OTATIOTICS . Jn the city ot Kitchens; the vial autistic: for the month of Much show. 51 births, tt deaths nd 9 marriages Birth: ind marries decreased ‘u (manned with Int you for the um months. while deaths incrouod by two. Mutants Weir untamed Leo .Leppek to six months In in“ after he had bladed guilty to an 'lnde- cent act in B public place, and also with attempted criminnl new" on a small boy. _ PAIQ FINES "ss A number of drunks appeared in Klzchener police court on Saturday. Three paid 810 Ind costs while two others were tale-sea $20 And coats having previously appeared In court. ‘ RAID HOUSE The police recently Inlded the .home ot Tony Kormomlck, who was arrested on ‘Frlday .where they found a qpantitr of liquor. He Is chimed with B.O.T.A. He was al. Iowed out on bail ot $500. "can own“ DAMAGE l m‘Wednosduy nooi. the anpw storm onset! the chImney of Gotta & thrtuur, mount-mt to cash through the skylight Into the kit. ‘chen: The chef nun-rowdy escaped being' struck by the ttring mortu- and bricks. Little dunno was done. WELCOME VIOITORQ 1 Welcome visitor: to Knaener "T Mr.’ .nd In. o. P. Tuner-Ind non. non rot Mr. and, Mrs. E. Hf Turner, who motored hm trom Chilton“; ehnintt at Florida. They will rennin hero for some weeks baton nun-ya: to their home tttrough Chicago, Porthutd and oihotvmrim cities; . ALOOHQUIN TRAIL AMA- TION UNI OOMPLITION OF Fllml‘l’ IIIDGI. At an noon lineup; of the AI. gunman Ttatt “mention. hold It Kitchen-r. u Minion w - to b. (mud to the Dopamine ot Kuhn” "that p. only can} plenum of the fro-port m. the mm: of an neon-d -ret bot- tom mm u out. and the one- ‘uonot the and an! mum-n M the d-ttm tun wont ottlet Dana:- mu. Mr! A. A. Mtrr) town.“ that the ”owl-tic. Ind not mus-ma m " an annual ,ttarteiherard' a 1”. mm mumm- nl God- win. "not. boliu continua. do". n nu W to - 15.000 40-". mm and ml) to [fun me distribution In NOV York and at)!" m w The Waterloo Trust & SavingS/Go. M’- I‘ll-.5 m - _ _ Whhsmm “gig-”mum but autumn-Hm“ mom [ GIVEN JAIL IENTENCE mvraouroaooimaurW""o"" 4jif To mu,ue. ”agony gale. my (and: (to invested .""'"iiFia7d'i'iGiGdait "rttiuauhBtnr- s (The mat: Mrrteed ”regent Ian than 50% (The tn advanced ’ " In“ an =2led'&ff'talS, ', Dominion and Ptovineiit.Gommmmt and "inartcial s'iiaiuLioii) N You Can mutertiLus f ‘ msrur-thirg1t_tL1gt, 1926 , Cuhonhandlndinbsnkn .......... Additimta1aseettdtr to our Dayle-Mu:- Capital Stock Paid up.--.. Reserve and Contingent Funds ... W atorloo [at ”an Doped 7 ti-trat 'teedgt We Operake uadtt strict Governrngitt supervision.. omao""o"e'""""""""""y'""""'"e"" Inmnlnlnm m eueméee ANNIVERSARY Thur-day. April let. marked the sixtieth buelueee miverury of Herman Shueter. an: dealer. of .Kit- chener, who commenced bin-men in the city in 1866. In the only day- he_ueed to buy wttitetUtt It two centre pound and trout tor three cents a pound. Mr. Shunter Lilo acted as cook tor the 29th mrtgMrMbnt to? " years, the regiment being etetioned " London. He received the long Iervice model from Queen Victoria in recognition ot his eer- l vices. - The death. occurred u the Free- portl Sanitarium on Wednelduy morning, March 28, ot Non: Brick- er. at the use ot 64 yarn. Deceuud (was born In this vicinity and spent uncut ot his 3' here, moving to -Kltchoner n to N you: ago. (Too late tor he! week) Miss Elizabeth Schrolber is spend. Ing a. low weeks It her home here. was Myrtle Poll spent the week- end wlth Miss Ghdys Rohr neu- Kitchener. Mrs. Will Beams " Preston In visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Hone. The Rosevllle Literary Society will poet in the School Home on Monday evening, April 5th. A good programme I: being prepared. allowed oh depobits of $1.00 and upwards, interest com- pounded half-yearly. . Minard'l Llnlment tor Colds ' Kitchener Total... “Business is as good as we make it" is the answer of business leaders. And it is worth while to note that most Irie' businesses owe much of their success and prestige to the steady use of Advertising. _ ADVERTISING in The Waterloo Chronicle would help you irrornote your business. It would attract new customers, retain the goodwill of old ones and increue public eonBdenee In your Mom and service. . e ADVERTISING is simply. woman]: in the mm. It is an efficient, low-priced salon-n. Investigate Its merits. l . ROSEVILLE Progresgive Merchant. Aches-tine mumwmmw l How’s Business? Municipal all .1155.) L7. .Ww ........ W19.“ 7,777,135.52“: ....... 103,130.71 . no“ omen DAMAGI . ( The telephone And tolemph cop-r panles suffered severe “not“ week when the "reight of Ice an; lieu mapped ott hundred. ot out”; and put telephone 9nd tow services out of communion [or - "" oral den ln‘mo outlying am Mnny rMio earl“: also suffered. CRIME PAID CHAPMAN . MILLION: YET cum, " PENNILm AT BMW Twenty mu ot crime m - to hive brought Gould Chm“. super-handrmoro than 61.000300. When he wu lunged " Wattre field, Conn.. eerly Tuna-{m he left but two mid-yum can buttom. His coun-el. Mel-tel J. Groehl. ma Chepmn mun WI! to pay legal exam md anvil: tuneral cosh were paid by relatives. III-vulnmuI-mm-nm “Ilium-lulu: IIIIIIIIuI: - -tmtmmmtqqtml+"' V IWIIIIIHIIM Reblndlng books Bibles, Hymn‘ And Mel-boon a _ spechlty. _ _ Add moro boon to your hm library by having your favorit- mnguine bound Into books. '760,000.00 $216,000.00 - _ Prlcu reason-Mo. Goods called tor 3nd doth-rod. Thinning cm Bags, Suit- cues. etc. __ $965,000.06 Bookbinder no King St. W. Phone an Kitchoncr, Ont. J. 'C. Lehmann - $8,905,075.10 auosooiau-toao-tomodic Gait alumina"!

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