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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Feb 1926, p. 8

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'!s',B, to mm d. ' o'clock “I. Inn 4 ' but. Lunch at noon. a:‘;§§m|oNALLv GOOD noun “:4 “or... - Tenn black Clyde.- irt9YU ”will: " you! old “a brood 55*" in mu to-Parity, "In: noo a; In... Lean buck Clydéadale Inno- jf.,§gnd , years old weight 3100 In. E“, but Clydesdue gelding s yr-. old ip,riNatttt 1650 lbs., bay Clyde-due rl, ‘hio I years old 1500 lbl.. team L in endemic man-osmium; a and l {years old. These teams us all well V “and tad ot choice quality. Ilrgri'te1t, m. In to} . W... 5 'rt."';.'.'.?..?,?!?, - it. ~.ubuovatl' " isriurmmsettratMSa'n" ."_ Yunnan": M 4 I“. "'; a! Non mm“. on tho . Mon _ 2tmsDAv, was 9, 1926, Produce--" ton timothy hay, 700 bus. mixed 5min, 100i) bus. cats, ito bus. cleaned seed/barley. 2 bus. timothy seed. . / - "s lmNemertu---6 no: Waterloo Boy gun engine and Mill]. 9" chopper on track, all in A-l stiape; 1% tcp. Gil- son gas enghter/'troodt M.-H. Tdt. binder; M.-H. hay loader, real good; MAT. side rake and tedder com- bined. M.-H. li' spins tooth cultiva- tor; M.-H. 1s/ spring tooth culglva- tor; F. & w. /16 plate disc; 12 plate . disc; steel land roller; new Fleury Lwtukintr plow; 1 good Cockahutt single plot, Ayr single plow; 2 Ayr Murrow glows; 1 6-seetiom 1 5-yec. and 2 rite, Iron barrows; 2 scutt- Iers; turnip drill new; 3 farm wag- " Had Shout-om eattto--rorae, cow fresh. Ayrshire cow fresh, 8 - Shannon: cows due in March amt April. red tarrow cow, red shot-thorn cow due in June, 8 good butcher cattle. , Sher-thorn your- "tttttr, Bhortttorn bull 2 years old. 2 ttit calves. Pigs and Poultry - Yorkshire brood sow with litter, York Brood cow bred, 8 shouts 10 weeks old, young brood sow bred, , tat hogs, yure bred Yorkshire boar 2 years old, 70 pure bred white Rock pul- leu, 3 cockereis. 2 ducks. This is a choice lot ot poultry. H-r-Bet heavy team harness buss mounted. 2 sets heavy team lumen. set plow harness. 2 sets Jingle harness, odd collars and llamas, horse blankets, etc. orc,', 3 /wazori" boxes with shelving (2 are new); stock rack/wood rack; 2 sets gravel planks,_2 hay racks. 2 good sets heavy bob sleighs; Port- ituur,euttery jumper cutter", 2 top buggies. 1-horse democrat; 2000 lb. truck scales; hay fork and 100 tt.l new rope; tanning mill, manure boat; stone boat; wheelbarrow; root wiper; cedar-posts; 2 rolls woven wire hog fence; 6 turned veranda posts, hag track; bag holder; belt- ing; grain bags; scoop shovel; a good logging chains; 2 4-horge eveners, like new; 4 3-horge even- ers; 4 good doubletrees; 8 neck- yokes: forks; shovels; hoes, 2 cross cut saws; saddler's repair bench; tree primer; scalding trough; 4 pig nuggets: Cyclone grass seeder; new pump 'tack; hay Gite; draw knife} wire, and a host of other success- ful artclles too numerous for detail. Household f,"c','rd',5tt kitchen] range: double box stov " gal. furnace kettle, new; good olde- board; extension table; 2 bedroom sullen complete; dining chairs, vet-l vet upholatered sauce; 5 pieesr plush upholstered parlor suite; good couch: chlld's bed; home-made cur- ttttta; mats llnoleum, 2 am?" tables; wood box; 2 hanging lamps; parlor I. p; sink"; 2 older Barrels; tubs; Dian“ 'cronm separator. No. 12; “when able; Cellar tables; shel- vu; crooks; oil heater: kitchen clock; 2 churns; butter worker; hrd an; 5 gal oil can; our, some wood; milk pails; Interns; men! to): mull lamps; skates; than; Mttrr; pool, and other useful nuclei. Not-77M! II I grind ofNrOrtt throughout. lncludlng I ftrte lot of emu-w. "on”. and will no told whom - The farm I. told. Alto i vory good "no of Implomomo. Att "no "no" artIqtl" and houoehold mm mm In cold Info" dinnor. “not: It noon. I‘m to "do In". u|Ho Mn MI». tor owrybody. -- _ T---Btrtetor cum. produce. it to”, that... poultry Ind nil in of 315 nod under. an; out N that!!! " mot-um credit will in m by tumbling unmoved - - or " discount for all on 'gb-ttrents "tttted to erTOit. MW?!“- iudrto-iHMB_ Mo- u‘ouno. rumour, t. M. TOM". mam. In not“. "an .11. . . uALumom at SALE ”in has Stack. but “mun-nu. “I!“ eqteqd II. MllltIlmll ”wanting-mulls!"- situated , who south of _ bthA-lhlmthotxovbun- den.ossttt-s'srtttadsot. ' THURIDAY. ”new 4th, 1m ago to - n "alt o’clock my. --B" cowl "all: " m. old, - puma we 11 was old. cattts--urPhtrq cow tregh the. July " um bred, Janey cow fr.“ since October and bred. Shonhorn cow from]: since Nov. and bred, ' an ethics. 'i-4 In! hon weighing 240 lbs each. "ar-Bet double mm har- menu, ' good work collars. at - single lumen with lumen, not ot single harness. Mme blankets. I robes. hp rug, lap duster, team bells. _ Produear--t tons timothy har, 2 tons clover buy” 400 bus. Improved Banner oats, 5 bags potatoes, some apples. Implements --Deeritttr 7-it. binder in good running order. McCormick bait. mower, Deering hay rake, hayl tedder. Masserhaarriss combination broadcast hoe drill, M.-H. spring tooth cultivator. 3-sectlon iron har- rows, Hamilton single plow. 2-furrow ‘gang Now, 2 single acumen, tang ning mill, (arm‘wagon with box,) wagon box and gravel planks, stock rack, not heavy bob sieighe, Port-' [and cutter. 2-seated. democrat, steel tire top buggy like new with extra set of rubber tire wheels, top buggy, 1.rLtt-n.amt'itteqestr"r. 2 collapsible third person buggy} seats, speed jack, trrindtstone, emery stone, Eureka hand sprayer. gram‘ cradle. scythe, bag truck, holder“ hay knife, grain bags. broad-axe. 2 steel oil drums. 3 ttve-gallon on cans (1 with pump), cross cat saw, logging chains, doubiettees, neck- yohes, forks, shovels, hoes, post-hole auger, chains, and numerous other thlcles. . Household Emtets-Kitetten cooki stove tor wood or coal, Clare heater, wood or coal.' New Perfection oil stove with oven, 1 oil heater. large bureau, 2 [all leaf tables, round par- lor table 2 large leather upholstered lockers (new), 4 dining chairs. hed- springs and mattress like new, 2 mattresses, 1 set springs. bedding, kitchen chairs, wood box, sine,' ehiironier and wash stand.,12 yds." home-made carpet, mats and rugs, water sink, nour chest, trunk, suit-cases, 2 lounges, Prairie State incubator like new,‘ can. 150 eggs, Alladin lamp, hanging lamp, parlor lamp, kitchen lamps, lantern, set ot dishes, odd dishes, kitchen and cook- ing utensils, meat grinder, sausage press, tubs, wash boilers, Daisy churn. iron kettle, lawn chair, gar- den hand cultivator. benches, etc Positively no reserve, the farm is sold. PUBLIC SALE Terma-Produce, pigs, 815.00 and under. cash; over that. amount 12 months credit will be given " tum- ishlng approved security or 5% dis- count tor cash on all credit amounts. There will be offered for pale bf public motion the property belong. ing to the tagtatq ot the In. Charla Zlnknn, limited It " Hanna street. In this town ot Waterloo. on A SATURDAY: III. erth, 1923 It the hour ot , o’clock Pan, The property mum at a can“! block house of nun moms. All modern commune”. manly lo. cum, on a Mo. lot having a tron- ucc of 41 foot. The house In In good up“? and will be ofNred sub- teet to n "to". Md. T---Ttm per out. ot the pur- chase - on do ot uh. balance In so an. vial and I“ pom- no. will to than. rurertrsdHAtattsBrrtte- W. Ammlm. all; “was. ;m1.w.-mmnua.m m.mn1l~_ "t. _ _ .. .-r' u“ DANIEL GEIGER, Proprietor, I. " TOMAN, Auctioneer, New Dundee, Phone 28-12. E. B, HALLMAN, Clerk. VALINTINI OTTIRIIIN, HINIY I'CHTHOLD, [MINOR of WHO. "ttttin "ti, w. W. WOKIV, Audion". PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE of valuable FOR “LI 7-2t min-MW.- vi'i?i'h'h"iy'itiil'i'i-' I)!!! iliroyeMr. Ht. "tsu-it-tttstir-th" van " Want» "d8gsiien" “MAI! mammalian»! Ath, "" .3“. will Burt u " g'clock noon. sharp on "no, the mum: I it-tterr.---- (Neutron) can a and ' you: old - 3100 lb... hay tum (Prince of Avon“), 4 you! old weight 1500 lb... light My we (Prince ot Avon) 8 you] old Ind wolgln 1550 lb... an: my mm ' your: old_‘(oxtn/ good driver), tray horse a yes“ old. hymn. , you: old. sorrel none , year- old (both well broke and good drlvm). " Cattle---" good Duty Comr.-- Holstein cow has]: 2 month. It tune or sale. buck cow due by time ot sale, Holstein heifer due by time ot sale. red heifer due March T, H01- steln cow due Much 13. roan cow due March M, row cow due Mar 10, White cow due Mar tet red cow due May 16, roan cow due May M, bhck heifer due Aug. 14, 6 yearling mrttie. Pig: and Poultrr-uBow due March 9. sow due March 28, 2 tom duo March 31 ' 2 African Swan sanders. 4 laying geese. 1 drake, 1 duck, and a collie dug. Please Not..-" extra good stock throughout. 1mNementq-2 Massey-Hunk T-ft. cut binders (I nearly new): Massey- Harrle 6-tt. ‘mower; Mmey~Harris hay loader, Massey-Harris side de- livery rake. Ma-Harris dump rake, M.-H. corn cultivator. M.-H. disc, M.-H. 13 disc drill, 3 Massey. ‘Harris No. 21 single plows, 2 Im- l, perial 2-turrow plows, 3-iurrow gang >plows, 2-drum steel roller, ”action iron barrow. 3-sectlon iron narrow. Iscumer. 2 Massey-Harris spring 'tooth eultivtttorB, straw-cutter, mn- 'ning mill, corn rack, , an hay no}; 'wood rack, manure sleigh, 1800 lbs. eh, truck scales, hay fork and pul- Ileys, crossocut sow. scalding trough, 2 pig hangers, 5 doubletrees, neck- yokes, 2 logging chains, log-litter, tile spades, scoop. 2 wheelbarrow., root pulper, emery stone. grain bags, shovels. hoes, scythes, cant hook, some carpenter tools, and many other articles too numerous In mention. (implements are all in T good order). mum-mum's» Ito! _ "iiiluGrii"iaiimiiiiii End-0. M and Bantam PUBLIC SALE The.hing Outfit and vehleties-l Waterloo 14 horsepower portable steam engine, New Hamburg grain separator size " x 42 with straw and chat! blowers (both machines in good running order), Elmira roller chopper on truck (nearly new), Maple Leaf 10-inch plate chopper, 1% horsepower International gas en- gine, water tank, 160 feet (single) 6-in. 4-ply canvas belt. 70 feet 6411. 4-ply canvas belt, new 70 It. 6-inch rubber belt. 3 wagons, 2 wagon bones, set bob sleigbs. Portland cut. ter, Zaeated carriage, open buggy. Hart---) team hut-nos: near- ly new, 4 sets team harness, single harness, set carriage harness. 2 Imli tptinn buffalo robes, blankets. col. lars and other harnes- parts. Grain, Potting. Apttti-60 bun. buckwheat. some mixed grain. 10 bags (Hussler) need potatoes. I ID. KAUFMAN. Chi-k. Household Eftetru--D_1 cream sepantor No. ls, Peninsula cook stove, parlor stove, New Perfection Tburner' coal oil stove (good as new, comer cupboard, side kitchen cupboard, bureau, extension table, leaf table. sink. trom, wood box, flour chest. large cheese we”. churn. butter worker. 150 Btrtt Wisconsin lncuhotor sad brood“. extension ladder, , iron “also, 2 bench”. some chairs, milk cons Ind mils. Stewart horse clipper, crooks, Hemmes a Co. rot trap, and numer- ous other ”ticks. lar-met-sr-d Plum " on tlme " the “I. wlll "art - " " o'clock. No rum-v. as Mr. MAI-tin n h- tlrlng from farming. Term- of "te-orain, poultry. po- unoos, “who. nnd all mm " 016.00 and under. ettatt; over that Imam! " month' credit will be [Inn by human: owl-ova! joint noun or Mb discount for out was!“ on all credit 3mm . PAUL M. MARTIN, Pnprlctor w. w. PIIOKIV. AMloooor. "on. m. Want-Coo. not; I. murrm FOR “LI rsmaigtaa,hrrr#ayr.rty,eu, “AMI!“ MW“ - _ In. mam t W 4 touubynluucuolo-mhm mun-d at“! I In" lunar-OOH” Holden-n. . nun noun-can’t! trtraiilia, in s - mm ot -rttu, all _ - TUWV. when M. at 1 o'clock. p... ' My an. "an; , you. bill (good In all when). Muld- tttq (BOW) mm ' nun old. by we thin; " you-I old (toad In Ill lineal), .whlto In.“ " year- old. My mate min I you- old. or.Astrit, row cow an middle at June. , Holltaln can due middle ot Aretk " nuns came rulrur 1 at: years old. trttead " ttttttio-O Good wry teowttr-Ro" cow duo beginning ot any. I Holstein cown duo haunting old - Pigs ind ---Yoruu,r low due with nrgt liner. 2 ow“ supposed to be With lamb. , ewe lamb: 1.rear Implumonu - McCormick 5 ft. mower tn good shape. Frost and Wood due barrow. set bob sleigh, single Now, carriage, open buggy. wturonrtiar rack, root ptflper, wheel- barrow, Rentrew cream separator slightly used. and numerous other articles. .15. W 9WD." " Grain 'and 'q-tei-too bushels of Banner seed oats. 75 bushels ot seed barley. set of plow harness. cariture, harness. single harness. Household EH9“. - 1 Solld oak table. sap pan. 68 sap buckets and taps and other articles not listed. Term: of tgate-Grain and all sums of 813.00 and under, cash; over that amount " months' credit will be givei: by furnishing approved joint motes or 5% discount tor cash-pay- ments on all credit amounts. Everything listed wil be sold without reserve as Mr. Koebel his sold one.ot his farm. of Farm of 77 acres, Farm Stock, Implements and House- . hold Efteeta. There wlll he sold by public auc- tion on the farm of the undersigned alluded 2 miles east of Bamberg and 2mlles West of Erbsvllle, known as the Kercher Farm. on WEDNESDAY, MARCH tttth, 1926, PUBLIC SALE Hor-Bar mare 15 years old black horse 15 years old. Cattle--" Good Dairy Cows-lite stein cow due by time ot sale. roan cow due June 16, roan cow due Aug. M, Hereford heifer due July 6, roan cow supposed to be in can, 2 yearl- ing heifer calves. Holstein heifer supposed to naive in June. 'i-Yorkshire boar 1 months old. tmp-tte-Brantford hinder In mod order, Frost and Wood mower. Frost and Wood hay rake (nearly new), Noxon seed drill. Noxon Culti- vator, acumen 4-section iron hats row. Frost and Wood plow, straw cutter, 1000 lbs capacity scale, 100 "etst hay rope and . fork, good wagon. top buggy. 2-seaied carriage, Frost Ind Wood disc, grain cradle. scythe and chains. bob sleigh. he! rack, wood rack, gravel punks. stone boat, double. trees, neckyokel. forks, hoes, Bhow els. chsins. standard cream Bepartv tor, extension table, 2 iron kettles. benches and numerous other ttrft. cies. _ "ttmt-Nt of double harness. 2 sets or slush; lumen. collars Scotch tops. no.1 "tate-At the same time 3nd place there will also be offered for silo the turn of " mm. more or lens. of which then in about " urea at good bush and swamp. s 1cm of fall when. " acres of gain. Uni-nee in high state of Au. tivulian. good fume hon-e summer kitchen um woodghed attached, bank hurl: with unw that! and cabling undenidth. I never tailing hurt! wnter well, ttnd “will creek running through the (Arm. WM. Z. KOEBEL, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, If you mm I good'nm come Ind buy this one. Mo We. Ill nodal moon for "ttmg. Tom on fun! M known on any of an, ' Tm of Oak-All Inn of "0.00 and mu. out; over that tumult I ”or Credit ,eftt good security. PUBLIC SALE Phone Mew, Waterloo. ..gdt wan. MANDY. warm-h w. w. "can". Wm M m. Wand-o. " MUN“ M at 1 o'clock. pm a" .51] mummywsw mamwmam .uxmlomotmmu‘ 'llDAV. amen A, an ”annulus " a "clock mm WEI: cm. um " - on I'm "e In: 'rer'eer-s, ma. hogan/by “W. - you: ou' ”I'M-t noun; a." Pqreheeon not“ by “WI (our youl on, mm t600 It“; bu mhmuvnyunoldud "him; 1300 lb... In to“: dust-III! couch are nine yes:- on, vaulting “60 lbw. In mat, (this ls good Quiet team " around); by driettr In yegn old. good slut. and double. - tttd. good Mnqt. “a mum; " came - , good Inch ,Cowl. Guy!!!” cow due an "tmet'.""' (re-h by time ot uh and Durham cow due in like!» Jersey Other! due in April and HIV, , hell- cow one in Fem-nun. Durham cow he" rising , years old In all. a year- due in May, Kenton: cow due In ling calves, 8 head ot tht cattle March, eight held ot young ecytirfttie.,? from 800 to 1.000 ttm. each three noun, tMret ”1191-9,"th cow (it not previously sold)" Durham and tour baby been: (if not pre- ttull H5108 2 yenara Old. _ “on!” Bold). 3 Hogs Ind Poultry--' sows. 1 bred Scotch collie, good cattle and watch dog. T Pig: and Poultry - Registered- Yorkshire now with litter. brood so: due time ot sale. tleer shout: at: months old, seventeen shouts tour monttucotd," 65 Leghorn pulieta and yearllugs. "npiemertu--rrotrt" & Wood bin- 1 der 6-ft. cut with truck; unwell hay loader, Matsser-H.arrit' side rake and hay tedder combined, Frost & Wood mower, tr-rt. cut, leohoe seed drill, McCormick corn binder, land roller, Massey-Harris dump rake, Cotter.geott spring-tooth cultivator, Planet Jr. two-row corn cultivator, disk, manure spreader, top buggy, open buggy, 3 aood watrtrsissprittt 2% and 3-inch tires, btarrow plow, 2 Frost & Wood walking plows, 18.tt. bh sgon box with stock rack, pig ruck. wagon box with spring seat, bob sleigh with flat rack, set ot harrows, International 5-section barrows new, grain cradle, one share in corn cut- ting outfit, Massey-Harris turnip pulper, 2 root tamttnerm bugs? pole with neckyoke, democrat with stock rack; seat and shuts complete, tanning mill with full set ot sieves, gravel box, stone Boat, two grain rack/s (one nat), two chicken coops with wire netting tor each, 2 lad- ders, 25ft. extension ladder, post hole auger, 3 logging chains. other chains, fencing. machine, " grain bags, quantity matched lumber (maple, oak, basswood and elm), 25 iron posts, cedar posts and corner posts, railroad ties, 35 rods ot mor! "able field and hog fence, two pieces woven fence, wheelbarrow, watering troughs, teed truck, bushel measure, hop sell feeder. 2 poultry sell teed- , ers, chop box, two colony houses, Mock and tackle, tree pruners, fence . stretcher, 1-inch piping. 3 sets of ' rloubletrees, 3'neckyokes, 3 horse F owners. crowbar, forks, shovels, t hoes, quantity carpenter tools and . yrenches, , barrels. and hundreds PUBLIC SALE i \PUBLIC‘ SALE of other articles too numerous to- mention. Gram-400 bus. 0.A.C. oats No. 72, 100 bus, Manchuria barley Np. M, 200 bus. mixed grain, % bushel timothy seed. quantity of turnlps. Har-Iwo sets ot breaching tcam harness. set single harness, my nets, odd collars, tive blankets, rug and robe, two chime )belh. string ot bells. Furniture-Bedroom suite. 4 bed- Meade. 4 washltnnds, child‘s bed, in. cubator and broader. 4 milk coolers, 4 milk cans, milk pails, sink , milk boxes, 2 meat tubs. l-ieai’ table, up pun. spouts and pails, washing ma- (hine. churn, parlor lamp. hanging lamp, wood box, il-xal. coal oil unk. 100*“. galvanized tank with tap, lawn mower, ' benches, , tables, cupboard, rocking chair, couch, new- lng maehlne, brass kettle, 46-3-1. kettle. wardrobe, and many other articles. Torm~Piga. chickens. tat cattle, gain, roots and all “to: ot 815 and under, cash; out that ”mount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint nous with bmn-lldo property owner! as security or . discount of 4 pct cam. will be “loved for can: on " malt amounts. Auettontter't, decision tirga1 in we 2atrt, Atmohtttttr no reserve the {an is sold. R.. member the data and can. only. _ L007 Non mm. I trtte. ““9 m - at Ratliff our». Hold- - - "t. HIRIIRT OCHULTZ. ProprMor M. R. ROTH. Auction-r, "on. 8the, funk“. HAIRY HOITITTLIR. Glut. _ tat “A ad, ... L. I i" _ ',ii'siiiiiiiiii, Flt-S ' Ptar.trae.Btoeh _ Yr, ('t'i1tiitiliitittii'i'.2l'1 ""ee.t't.1 ""T,'t'd' V TURDAV. HANK M - loonnemlns, at " o'clock noon. ”any on than, tho (ohm GK. ttrtrt. tproTqrtr. coma luminou- H- tt T uu. JOHN W.'HAIMII tosotttrrrmasst"tio.qstM"m' tseuaurt-,sson.Htr o? Wont-10!. "ioitMt_ II. - at numbers. on _ _ ssMtty---B" bone 6 "In old. was!“ our 1700 lbs. of” color“ horse , - old was!“ two 1131.. bay hone rising " yon-I old (good driver). axed hone. , Hog. Ind Poultry--' sows. 1 bred three weeks, 1 due shortly after sale and 1 due the and ot March. " store hogs weighing from 90 to 150 lbs. Bach, 4 plan 7 weeks old It time ot sale, ' geese. l gander. 3 ducks. 1 drake, about so chickens. Har-a--' sets team harness " nearly new, 2 sets of single Lap ness, horse blankets. 2 robes. tie straps. collars. etc. _ (mplements and vehuruss--Masstreri' Harris 7-tt. binder new Ideal Deer-l lug mower. International hay load-', er, 10-h. steel hay rake. McCormick' disk drill, Masurey-Htsrr1s spring: tooth cultivator, 3-drum steel landl' roller. , 4-sectlon Iron barrows, tur- nip 'seeder. 2-furrow plow, riding! plow. 2 single plows, Bonnier. Blaze], disc barrow, hay rack, 2 stock racks', 3 good lumber wagons, wagon lioX‘ with shelvings, good bob sleigh win: iox, 3-seated carriage, 2 top buggies.1 cart. 2 cutters, 2 sets gravel plank». ‘manure planks, new lumber tor hay rack, 1200 lb. scales, carriage pole witty neckyokes. wheelbarrow. 8 heavy logging chains. 2 light chains, grain bags, fanning mill. root pulper. putting box, wagon Hack, forks. 4 pacts of doubletrees, 3 neckyokes. crowbara, shovels. and many other articles too numerom to mention. Household Eftecu-41ood P'tst"t) Peninsular range, Sharpie: cream separator, glass cupboard, dining room table and 6 chairs. 6 kitchen chairs, sideboard, parlor suite. arm‘ chair, 2 rocking (thairs, 4 parlor‘ chairs. new plush covered couch, , bedroom suites, 3 small tables, writ- ing desk, 2 benches, hall rack, sink, butcher table, churn, 2 wash tubs. .oal oil stove. Milton milk can, iron’kettle, washing machine, 25- ml. hoat oil container and numer- nus other articles. Hay and gain-W3 tons of timothy hf)" 400 bus. mixed grain. 225 bus. of seed oats. 200 bus. teed oats, 100 bus. seed barley, 100 bus. feed bar. ley. some cedar comer posts, num- ber of llne posts. W: w. m. Audio-our. u- Also 1 ion; ot land SQ mile west at Josephsburg. being timbered with cedar, (amerack, and other umber. Salkto commence at " o'clock charp. Decision of aucuoneer " be final. No reurvo as (he farm In new nd Mr. Hartlclb In nth-lug. Term. of ale-Hay, grain, poul- try, fat cattle, and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months' credit will be given on turnMmttt approved Rim notes or a dine't of 5'71 on alfrrodlt tgntounttt. 2 months credit on store lungs. or 155% oft for can. FOR BALE ‘ Single buggy ham!” 88.60; any Percheron mare rising 5 years old, “Gun 1300 Ibtr., heavy, in mat, $100.00; light single delivery sleigh $18.00; Jersey heifer one year old, $20.00; Roan Durtiam rising 1 you old, $15.00; Jersey cow seven you- old. “000. Apply P. K. Weber‘- snes Stnblea, Ititetterter, om. FARM FOR CALI " age fem preciioeily ell under cultivation. tht the term there in .1 good rough cut houee. batth but with lien house eiteched. cement nilo. driving shed. end ell other " penny outbuildings; never (ailing luring mater st both houee end hem. Silenced about ' naile- out oi Kitchener. than! 8% mile- we“ M PNqtoq end elm-195 mile from school. Well mum between the pm: when a! the coup. Anly to mama mm. I. I. t, m. Me ”I,“ "e'. 'f J. w. HARTLEiB, Proprietor, j "1 w. w. FRICKEY. Aucuoneer. 3 Household Effects, Garden . Phone 592w. Wnterloo ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. 'tat ttUtu'gt'.'uuttNtMlllli. mrttmettusmttom""y"',PtllEr', In.” _ , _ tF a}: 7 wanna“. with“ Commend-q " " 0%“ up} tur----..'- " ”#1 In tau; m_horh , 'eif on; back Pom no. tttlr, an; black an. a and $sz horse 4 you- old; black mm mm 1 you old; my PM can. - IBM Mo. 31:“ can: Cow broth. , can 'tir, mm of me. 09' natal. I“. out due May 6th. now (In. 1-13.88, cow due July " on: an Bert. st. 2 honor. 1 ya! on.) mun m yam old, I In!” can“. 4 on” 1 you old. _ u Pigs um Potmrr--11 pm obm' week old, tsiood now due min on; brood sow duo-May l9, " m hens and pallets, , English “all“ roosters. A tmsrmmato--D.O" can ulnar. Peter Hamilton l'Hooth mm. Peter Hamilton [Mouth cultivator. Deering binder 6 tt. cm; . “to“. ‘corn tscatter, (In; [my rink. ,pig rack, (new) 8110 colony m. mower, McCormick' manure smash fer. Massey-Harris root pulp”. 191t 'section iron barrows. 1(Fhoq, drill. [land rollnr, Purl- sulky plow. 8 No. !13 walking plows, 'reuttur, 2 Wu- ' ner wagons with 2 and 2564116: lures, open has”. arch nxle bum. ) ban sleigh with box like new. Jump- 'er cutter, Jolllene chopper ie-er, "plates on wheels, two set. can! I planks. Keystone and. 1uttornetr, 1 molasses pan with polls and spouts, logging chains, chimes, sleigh bells. luackyokes. doubietreea, forks, shov- /eiirtsoes, bicycles and many other ‘anicles too numerous to mention. Terms-Grain. roots, poultry. ous, grass seed and all sums otAt6 sad under. ctustt:, oVer that amount " months‘ credit will be given on inr- [Making appioved join! now. with I,t.'t,my,.1t' property owners In "cur ity. or a discount ot 5 per cont. will ‘he allowed tor cash on nil credit Inmounts. Auctianeera decision and in case of dispute. Absolutely no ro- . serve as the farm is sold. HarneBlet heavy bran mum'- pd team harness, set ot plow Bar. ness, Goldene single harness, "my horse blanket, other bunkets, mp harness. V Dairy Ute-Renfrew cream separator (new); Loader churn like new, McCartney Junior hand milks: new, 2 3thgat. milk can: (one new), milk pails, other good pails. Houuhold EtNttts--Dohertr range like new, eook stove, washing my chine. lounge, bench, New Raymond sewing marine. 1|:th lamp. other lamps, parlor lamp.' sink. meat barrel, cider barrel, other bar- rels, lantern, single bod, Hardin“ square piano. . ", Grain and Root-so bus. turnips (more or less), 175 bushels barley o. A. C. No. 21, 320 bus. Ibrlr Kin; oats, 120 bushels White Wave one, 290 bushels teed oats, one bushel mixed timothy and clover seed. about 100 bushels "New Industrial” seed oats, about 7 feet good corn silage. PUBLIC At M. Jacobs, on SATURDAY. FEB. 27th, 102. at 1.30 pm. I cook Move, 1 better out! cook stove comblnod, stove MP“. on: tor 2-burner coal oil stove. but on! small writing ables. nun-ll klfchou table. 9 churn. arm char. ' rocks”. kitchen enamel, corner cupboord. amnll home-made cupbotrd. ' M. slaadn with spring. 2. mun-n. lounxe, ,rtststtintt Imelda. and - er, wuh tub and bond. Inna. ult- In; desk, 8 ammo. commode. M. In deal. t ttands, combo“. drew. dllhol. kitchen utomlll, - comm! mm. on}. halter. an wagon, , some: rota. In. with and moth. back our. hm ht. nlnglo MHQII. good brldlo. .3! 11M PM: good, hone bum-u. no. nhovoll, Ind humorous - " clot LEONARD W. HEIPEL. Prop., M. R. ROTH. Auctioneer, Phone Mtw, Tavlctock ED. KAUFMAN. Clark. Term.--" IL. IIUIAGNII. PM. no a. on“. mum at. PUBLIC SALE Tools, ete. of Tat,

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