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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Feb 1926, p. 4

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WW)” In our in“ Wr it Cl In mu- m ot F H “In. which. at mm. punk. not to all. _ an ,. i':?;'"'" m uh an n I like you. I: You like In: peottr won." 53m the advent ot Ash 1"ettl ”it is well understood that the in“ revolving wheels at mum: LN - down tor the tony days it wt; which any. man the M the forms] lesson. The post ”It. however, wu s thorouth de- Wit! one, enlivened with severe] att brood old time ponies. one it the- largest and most ouoratrul on which was s cheming 'e.ttt','l R,.etVtr"etl by Mrs. M. S. Hollmnn‘ tirt Friday evening, nseisted ttr', ,’n. Wm. Long ot Brapuord, for some eight tables of tour partici- pants. ,This enteralnment took the bravo! “High Tea," consisting of hi! the dellcecies ot the season. served in the most sttrective mn- ner try the Irresistible hostess. who his long since found the power ot reaching the hearts of her guests. Bridge then became the order oi the evening. when several rounds ot this ever popular game was heart- ily. enjoyed by the guests, revealing the tact that the pretty prize tor the largest score had.been captured by Miss Scott of St. Thomas; the Lucky Number Prize by Mrs. J. Sill Jones, and the."Consolation" by Mrs. J. J. Burwall. The Day of Prayer The Day ot Prayer for Missions, which comes on the first Friday in Lent, February 19th, was observed try a very large attendance of the members and friends ot the various congregations in Waterloo, who met in St. John's Lutheran Church at il p.m. Friday, Mrs. (Rev.) A. tertl presiding. For a number of years this has been the custom during the Lenten season, and these meetings have Batisfied a deep longing in the hearts of 'our women for a combined effort In our prayer lite. A: first the gatherings were in denomina- tional groups, but an increasing number felt the need of a trattled ettort here, as in other departments of work. Out of that consciousness arose the prayer meetings of to- day, where the little sectarian group have disappeared, and we be} come all one in a great dompany of God's children, seeking guidance on the prohlems of the year. Miss Mir, Valentine has returned from a delightful week's visit with Toronto friends. 7 _ 'tttttut-tA-nr. 3.1.qu Mrs. Reinhold Lang, King street South, Waterloo, ls leaving this week for New York, tsa0ititr for Europe next, Saturday, February 27m. Mrs. Lang will be followed by the best wishes of her hosts ot Twin-City friends tor a pleasant trip to the Old and. The Duchess of York is expected to become a mother in April, it Is now definitely known. The Duke and Duchess, after searching tor some time for a permanent London home, have leased " Belgrave Square. The house adjoins that oc- cupied by 'Prince and Princess Arthur of Connaught. Mr. Edward Johnston and his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston ot Guelph, were Lady Eaton’s guests over the week end. no Do You ts,trevf om Headaches 'tjherer--t1tftt-' hum-1mm u n, It will be . mm tire you to u" Ind let F. - give your on. I thorough ox- "Mn-Non to determine when." shay an the ttft.ttdere. Ito-WI [ban will new tho DIG-dune. "nmltt.ttttgt Fm. laconw.dclmlm our - he‘ll! fm‘ nth-lo“ , album-walnut). icon-numb“; F. Steele Heir is Expected 'ttht-e" but!" (momma. Iutht hull-JI- 2ieiieitiiCiit'titjfd nub-.15 ttrise-eat E'iiiEY'ii Mutt-‘0‘”! _ - t-treet.-.ha.Maat- - mm b tho m bl- “album-tunic. I». Dr. m It. “or. Mun! “MHQOWOMIOIIOI swam. [ no not. lb - [an-a. W at aitw, an In. M - VIII mam tn- but tttt II! o'chck on Th-dar m. "but" “CI. in m smur- cu-bon.- Putt-nt minding. Queer. Ptfk. mu. lady mm. of “wold. Toronto. will have on March 8th tor lump. In. Wev‘r and In. Von ot Elm:- wen "Gill n In. Carlo nodular: "At Homer" Int week. will. whiting In Kitchener. Mrs. Wuhan Long ot Brantford wu theknest ot Mr. and In. M. B. Hath woek. Mrs. C. W. Schtedol. " AIM". Street. Im the hosts:- ot three very ensoynble (auctions but. watt. On Mondny evening u party ot ladies and gentlemen were molt holplmbly entertained; on Tuesday ladlu, and on Wednesday "High To." and Bridge. The report ot the ennui meeting of Tommy Atkins Chlpter, LO.D.E., held in the Y.W.C.A. on February Ith, “moved I good year's work ec- compliehed in the interests ot their worthy work. The Treasurer's re- port shows total receipts $418.00, total disbursements, $323.38. leaving a balance on hand ot wise. The many friends of Mrs. H. C. Hilborn, Church street. Kitchener, will be glad to hear ot the improve- ment in her health, and in the ap- proaching spring will hope to see this lady enjoying her many activi- ties as usual. The House Girls of the Y.W.C.A. have begun their annual series of Lenten services. The tirgt service was on Wednesday ot last week. trom T to 8 p.m., Rev. Schrader of Zion Church being the speaker. The services are open to the public. Mrs. J. H. Webb and Mrs. William Hogs ot Waterloo and Mrs. T. H. Hall of Toronto are comfortably settled at The "Kenwood," St. Petersburg, Florida, where they are enjoying the balmy breezes of this delightful climate. The Speaker at the Legisiatfrii' Assembly of Ontario will entertaii at dinner on Wednesday evening. the 24th, " 7.45 o'clock, at the Par- liament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, when the Lieatemurt-Gow emor of Ontario will be the guest ot honor. V The Opening Ceremonies at the Legislature were followed by a re- ception and tea in the Speaker's Chambers. where the Hon. Joseph Thompson and Mrs. Thompson re- ceived their numerous guests at the entrance to the reception room, which was attractively decorated with palms, ferns and flowers. The engagement ot Prince Henry, third son of King George, to Lady Mary Scott, daughter ot the Duke of Buccleuch. it is understood, will be annouhced shortly after the period of court mourning tor Dow. ager Queen Alexandra, which ended recently. Prince Henry will celebrate his twenty-sixth birthday on Marbh 31. Lady Mary scat, the fourth dauglr ter ot the Earl ot Buccleuch, is 20. ‘3he is an especlal favorite of Queen Mary and is reputed to be beauti- ful. Prince Henry has been a frequent visltor_ " Bow Hill, Selkirk. the home of the Buccleuchl, whose title dates back to 1663. Mrs. James Valentine has return. ed from n much 0111on week-end Halt with Toronto friends. Mrs. Reade, George street, It! the hostel: of a delightful "Bridge" party at three tables at her home last Monday evening. when her meats enjoyed the game it ".3 best. A dainty supper w“ served n the close. Mr. Stunt Snyder. George street. was the host of a jolly "itnq [guy ot [our school Mend: from Toronto [Inner-Hy our .tho wool and. Mr. Tom Watt, old'ost non of Rev. J. 0. and In. Watt bu “rived In Wutorloo from Raiurtmry. _ rennin of the mill to". mull. recently by Dr. c. T. Nook". M. B. o., no a follows: A. I. In". 8.1; c. Kurt. 8.4; I Clo-nor 13: I. R. mg. to; J. ls as... 8.0; A. Baylor. 1.3; C. ?It. Er. no» m 0mm. I. ; - ad Hm. " ’ mun-I'- Lil-It an by Von» tor a short visit Int ”Ill TI" “and!“ “museum-him! mmum-amm. ter.a-'otsoaotem_tr, oiet.tnena.ontuttstaat-. In I”. I b- l”. with In “our, In but. -. 7' 'gr..gotmA.c-tttteStmb ttrdtsvtstt-trtth.ttort-MhEr. mama. mm at» A punt-t - m "an iv tho people cl til-Vicinity u no home at Mr. Albert land.” In! Mun L. Crux want the who“ with in fund. It. In name. on the 11th “no. Mr. and In. Doom Beulah nt- tendod the Man! A the his In. Rom. Kelly. who died " an homo on her dually, In. Anderson, In Wnlkervmo, and VI: buried on the 3rd Line Int annuity. _'Iu,r-tu “Witmutold by The W.M.8. held their lebmry meeting " the home of Mrs. A. Blush-i. yin. acorn Rennie. President of the Society. presiiLod over the meeting which consisted) ot a reading. "The New Canadian"; by Mrs. Albert Minnie“; payer for China by Mrs. C. Barbour; I paper by Mrs. George Rennie, “T170 Mar- tyr Missionaries”, the Gordon Brothers; a duet by Mrs. George Glaister and Mrs. Lorne. Rennie "Bring Someone to Jesus Every Day"; Prayer tor missionaries by Mrs. W. Knight, which was follow- ed by tbe'Roll Call. hymn and pray. er, after which the hostess served a very dainty lunch. Mrs. George Rennie and Cecil Bab boar attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Rennie at Shake- speare on Monday. Mr. David Gibson left on/Monday tor " home In the West after spending some time here with his mother and anger, Mrs. Albert Mun- dell. News Nola. Mr. and Mrs. George Lichti and family ot Poole' and Mr. Elmer Roupp of Woodstpcir visited at the home otl Mr. and Mrs. John Oeich on Tuesday. Miss oriliity Kienappel. who spent two weeks with her sister Mrs. Fred Meirowski at Waterloo, has retur" ed home again. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schweitzer visit- ed with friends In Baden on Wed. nesday. ' Quite a number of people Jrom here and St. Agatha attended the sale held by Addison Weber at Hel- delberg on Tursday, which was well attended. _ \ Mr. sand Mrs. John Oesch and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Erb " Berlet's Cor- ner‘on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kienappel Sn were visitors to Waterloo on Thurs (lay. Mr. Irvin Wagler and Misses and Sarah Wagler attended Lichtl-Lles wedding on Henson Celebrated Birthdays. A number ot friends and relatives gathered at the home ot,Mr. end Mrs. John Lorentz and celebrated the birthdays ot Mrs. John Lorentz end Hubert Rumlg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rumig of this place. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meirowski and family, Mr. and: Mrs. Anthany Rumig and igmily. Mr. and Mrs. Suierlor Dimer and sons John and Edwin, and Mr. Peter Wachter. The evening was spent in card playing \and gnmes. They pre- sented Mrs. Lorentz with a nice birthday cake with " candles, in- dicating that her use is 74 Years. The candles being all lighted made the, cake look very pretty. Mrs. Lorentz is enjoying the .best of ‘health and we all wish Mrs. Lorentz [ many more happy birthdays and the name to little Hubert Rumig. To All Mothers Having Young Children in the Home. BABYS OWN TABLETS ARE or' GREAT VALUE No other mediclrz in of such Bid, to mothers of you children an in Baby”: On Tnblota. The Tubletl are the vary best medicine 3 mother an give her little ones during the draw teething lime beau” they "all“. the stomach and bowel: and null drive out continuum: and indigestion; prevent colic Ind diur- hoen and break up colds Ind simple (oven. Co-ttttt Bthy’l Own Tnbletn, Mrs. John A. rum-on. Scotch vu- luo. Lt 'says:--"' in. II: chil- dren. d an the medicine way our m It Baby'- on Tum-tn. t would no nothing the tor than And an "'rmgtr moo-meld the hum to an mu m." mir- on Tabla. an - by mom-human nuns 1tt,t.tfT,,21t,'lP","' mammo- T OWILL SUNFISH LAKE Ida the Rd. o» In. [an a. min- pm a. pn- a a. use: ttl, no In! In W BetAigmd, co Mt. at In. - ' ”P oe ml win-n " I)“. mt U as 1"- nov- ot this - "out lag Jul! I)... We known all Mr. “born h 1 buy man not!“ tho my commutin- o! In! friends. Uri. auburn m boon mm" st her parental ions throw since only In! tall. . - ”gaunt”: Houl hm I!” for soertrtt-t-ttyrt"r-te-r city “out!” unio- who have but taking pleasure drive- out a. and buoyed the upland” "pan tor wing]: Jan's noun here In so is“ known. Mr. Hoary lurch of Kintnly. mm m “rived here on . vial! to his and urem- Mr. Ind Mrs. Peter Kite): also other ramm- uni friends In and around this village. Mr. Henry Hemmerlch ot neat Elwin In; ensued with Mr. Ch“. Schelfele and entered upon ht: dut- les last week. Mr. Oliver Schelfele returned on Saturday after an extended bul- Incas trip to various United States points. Woolwich Township coun;ll meets next Tuesday, Mar. 2nd. _ Sundry mornlng's early rittertg were greeted with a surprise, 22 and more below zero. Rev.' Mr. Klaassen of Waterloo preached in the 'M.B.C. church Inst Sunday atternoon. Arrangements have heen completed to hold month- 1y services in the German language, which are to be conducted by min- teters of the Russian‘ Mennonites and it Is expected that these people from around this section will avail themselves ot the opportunity to worship with their own people. as they had been accustomed to before coming to this country. . Rev. Mr. Friesen of Kitchener wlll conduct the next service in tot" weeks. The home circle ot Mr. and Mrs. Abner Musselman has been Increas- ed over the week end by the arrival of a baby boy. This accounts for the broad smile on Atmer's taee these days. Mrs. Noah Cress of Kitchener spent over Sunday at the Schweitzer home. Miss Ethel Good is spending a week with'her sisters In Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin who have a few weeks ago returned trom their honeymoon trip to the West, intend to move to their future home the Peter Ziegler farm near West Montrose. this week. Born-on Dec. 28, 1925, in Fraser. burgh, Sc9tiand, to .Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Hachhorn ot Conestogo. a son, Ernest George. house. P"P--Near Conestoga 16 Mr. and Mrs." Abner Musselman. a son. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, put-1 suant to Section " ot the Trustees‘ Act, R.S.0. 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate'oi' the said Paulina Hannaberg, who died on or about the 18th day of August. 1925, at the Township of Elma. are required on or before the 20th day ot March. 1928. to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to A. K. Cressman, 102 King St., South. Waterloo, Ont., one of the Executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased. their christian names and stir-names, addresses and dos. criptions, the full particulars, in writing, ot their claims, a statement at their accounts and the nature oi their security. it any. held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after Inch lest mentioned due the execu- tom will proceed to diatrlbnte the uncle of the said decayed among ttttt mules entitled thereto. hull; regard anly to the clelml of which they shell than have notlce. and life and Executor. will noebe lleble for the ultl use“ or any pen tiered to my person or perm-I ot whole chlm notice shall not hue been ncelved by then at the nine ot not: dletrllmuon. M It WW“ an: mu h! at Mn. All. an 748 Keep Minard's Eminent In the the matter" of the estate of Paulina Hannaberg, late of the Town of waarioo, in the County of Waterloo, Married Woman, 00- cened. NOTICE Ti) CREDITORS Wm. Weir. Wharton; Cllmon mm. , K. cram-n. van»- loo. Ont. [not-Mn. Paulina Hun-hon " nu. COMIITOOO A can“ a tiirrtMittt H but: i Luluâ€"h In.” - .. -- W“ “I in tbo up! at In“ -rtmet" " uni Baum-b garb" " was!» t ll. you I. " be in“ b In To": lull. wank». on lulu. Mth Incl. u no o'cba In an -titts, " which an. all phat 'ot-ta ymwut who!” We; at - cuucy ot may. minimums, or any other complilnu witch por- wnu interested any “In to out. and try Liv countable by the Court. will be 'heard. NOTICE TO bit Duel " Wugorloo. Mth hm 1928. ln the manor of the Estate at Tllmsn B. Martin. In. " tins Township of Waterloo, In the County of Waterloo, Round Farmer, Must]. NOTICE ls HEREBY" GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act, 1t.KO., 1914, Chap In, that " creditors and othsrs having chime or (ism-lads “that the os- 'arte of Tttman B. Martin, who died December 10th, 1926. are rsqulrod an or before March 25th. 192% to send by post, prepaid. or deliver to Annnnlas Martin. Waterloo R. R. a. one of the Administrators of the will ot said Deceased. their hill nsmes, addresses sud descriptions, with full particulars of their claims or 30- counts and the nature of tho so- entitles, It verified. NOTICE is FURTHER GIVEN that after said March 25th, 1926, said Administrators will distribute assets of said Deceased, htving re- gard only to those claims ot which notice shall then have been receiv- ed, and they will not be liable tor said assets or any part thereof to any \pemon ot whose claim notice has not then been received. ANNANIAS MARTIN, _ Waterloo, R. R. 3, SIMON w. MARTIN, Elmira R. R. 4 Administrators, Tllman B. Martin Estate. . ‘DATED at Waterldo. this inn day of February, 1926. 6-3t. 1mtmmmmtmtntmttntmmttmmtutMuutnmmtmnmmiutumumnmitn tttttttttttMt-tut-ttMOON. ADMDWrrRATOR'g More Wall Paper g.S‘hz'pmenIf.S"‘â€"-=“‘-"‘-t 75 Room Lots, going at a Special Price-For Bedrooms. Halls and Living Rooott--Much under price: -- \ Don't Delay. NORMAN A. ZIOK, We, Irisnussttrtr (Oils;;, any, held try them duly CREDITORS 1000 Rolls Pallychrome Papers, 30 in. worth 50c a Roll, for - - - " . - To Interest Ihar Patrons The New Papers are here and represent the JUtest Showing ever brought to Kitchener. A nvone think- ing of Spring Decorating will do well to. see our Wonderful Stock ofHandsome Papers. The ParteutigrttSidewaus is the prevailing style and is recommended " the best decorators and master makers of Maximur Wall Papers. F 8c,' 10c, 150, 20c and 25c lay. See Our Papers Now Only a Few Days to March lot _ tperk Maximur, Papers Special . This Week Ill Special rtmtttnttmtnmmmttttmmtutttmttmttttmtstttt-ttmttttttttttttttttttttt-tt MitlmRi' l NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE In gereby given that m1 venom having chime gain» the‘ estate of Joeeph F. Btumpf, Lune ot the Village ot St. Clement: In the County ot Waterloo, who died on or about the "rtsntr'stmmttr,d" ot July 1925. 'are required to form their claims, duly woven, to either of the undersigned executors on or before the First day ot March, 1926. AND NOTICE is further given that utter the said date, the sald' executors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to such claims of which they shall then hare 'notice. - Dated at Elmira, Ontario. this 30th day ot January, 1926. There are several cases of con- tagious diseases reported in Water- loo, inciudlng diphtheria and scarlet fever. The quarantine has been lifted on a home where one ot the inmates was suffering from small- John F. stumpf. so College tto PetevOF. Stumpf, Elmira, Ont. - Kitchener, Ont. William pink, Elmira, Ont. " Solicitor for the Exocuton. nuuuumum'umumgubm m Manama, ”0001...! - "my Bt.exanart.rtttrer,Nniitaatd new” " h. 'ride-NI. tl." Black. to: e...........-.-..-. B9e c " "ra8qt..wt6r-tto.u.e,u-"ere, Malik: GERMANN C0. LTD. Jan: to. Ikgha a “lulllo' and rum you b If“. any. Scarlet. White at Royal Ella. _ I Wondortul ulna. Special o,.-..-...-..-.-" 8te - £3531 Few Contagious Diseases Kr'rCRBNBR, ONT. err; Spacial 8an of Yarn _ eruuuklérmam 3% i Execution. Waterloo n.. worth_ 300 NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ker-chute Cnsuelty money. I Company irusorporattrd r the luv: ot the Province ot Jun loll. having_ltn Head Qlllce nt the Town 'tpr Waterloo. Ontario, ceased to .cnrry on bullpen on the thlrtleth _dey ot December. 1925. The said ‘Compnny he: Insured all Its ont- standing Accldent. Henlth and Auto- .moblle risks with Merchants Cun- salty Insurance Company, 3 Com. ‘lpnny ineoroorat4rd under the lure ‘of the Domlnlon ot Canal... having its Head once " the said Town ot "LGU, Ontario. which Commy [' has also become reeponllble tor the " settlement of all outstanding claims "arising from the pollcles ot Met- l'chants Casualty Company, and all llebllltlee ot nny kind wheteoever ‘to policyholders and creators at f Merchants Cnlnnlty Company out- istamtinron the and date. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the nah! Manhunt: Casualty Company has applied to the Minis. ter of Finance ot the Doniinlon ot Colman for a range on the tenth day of April, 1926, ot the securities it has on deposit with the said Min- ister ltr Phgttaeqy end that all Its policyholders irho oppose such re- lease shall tue their opposition thereto with the Minister of Fir.- ance at Ottawa on or before the said tenth day ot April, 1926. A DATED at Waterloo. Ontario, thh second day of January, 1926. Merchant; Casualty Company, I-ret, MERCHANTS CASUALTY COMPANY R. J. McGowan, Secret-w. tePrt,f,.iy, 596‘”

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