", . . , “WHERE r, c, - GOOD CLO1 COME mm ,, - 46 East King St, Kitchener 2‘3 Girls' Gunmetal high shoes, low rubber heels; t0% for ."m..m-r...... Misses' Patent and Gunmetal 1- strap slippers. Sizes 11 to 2. Reg. $3.00. Saturday $1.89 Misses’ high cut lace shoes. black or brown, kid or box kip leather; sizes 11 to 2. Saturday $2.45 Ladies' Fine Quality Patent and Kid leathers. made on EE and BEE last; Latrap slippers and fancy cut out; also Oxtord styles. cushion in. sole and rubber heels; sizes 3 to 7. Reguar 34.50 Saturday Special.-..,..-.. S2.95 Boys' Sweater Coats, in all: shades. Sizes 26 to 32. , Regular $9.50 for ..etsm. SI.69 Boys' Jerseys, pure wool. sizes 22 to " in all color combinations. Values up to 82.00. Saturday.-,, SI.25 Boy's Warm Winter Overcoat: Good stylish Coats, full lined. set In sleeves. warm wool fabrics; sizes 30 to 34, regular tis. Saturday $9.35 All ot these Suits come with two pair of bloomers. in medium and dark mixures of brown and grey. Boys' a - Pant Suits Mr. and Mrs. Summer; of Tor- Sizes 35 to 42 onto accompanied by Miss Camp $25 and $30 Qualities ban of Berlin, Germany, were re- cent Rue-ms of Mr .aud Mrs. Jacob $16 90 . W, Schweitzer, . ' Mr, George Winfield spent par! Made from new Colored fabrics, fancy back for young“! last week with his parents near men, raglan or satine sleeves; Ulsters, Chesterfield, and great tc",',',,,,,','":',,":',',,);,?":,",' tl1,eC,t,e:. Coats. A snappy Overcoat for very little money. in -"-----"-------------------------------, Married at Hamilton Merchandise up to our standard of quality in every re- wind broken in sizes or brought down through brisk sell. ing to odd lots. Saturday we will offer them all at greatly reduced prices to clear up stocks. Many articles greatly re- Saturday Ladlen‘ Silk and Wool Hose In a Inge nioortmem ot colon. Reg, 81.00 3an 3135 'ro.. & no, Special White Bath Towels, with fancy borders. put up in boxes of 1 towel and twt vash cloths for gil m Children's White Flannel- ette Sleepers. Reg, 81.25. Special .., _ .. 98e [Adlai mark (‘uhmere Hone. Special '_.... 79 c Children's Fleece Sleep. era; all sizes " $1 25 . J. Uffelman Block, King Street Waterloo - . that, Friday dik Satgrday Guest Towels in fine em- bossed patterns with color. ed borders. Special Ito., Specials That Have Sold to $15.00 Opportunity Day '. Newman G Co. $10.80 Overcoats Shoe Department 79c ' 98c $1.00 cut lace sizes 8 to $1.98 39c : Men's Shirts. smart patterns. all l, colors and sizes. Get six or a dozen Iat this price ..._rM'rm. S _ 1.39 , Men's Pullover Sweat-rs, all wool jam] heavy weight, in navy and brown; all sizes. Regu- s jsrt:vu)ror-.f... 1.95 Youth's solid leather box kip lace Shoes; sizes 11 to LT, ' regular $2.75. Saturday 2.19 Same quality in sizes 8 to love. Saturday . . . . . . SI.89 Boys' all solid leather Fave shoot-t made on the new last. Size-s 1 to 5; made for dress wear. $2 39 Regular 33.50. Saturday . Men's Work Shoes, spatial made of good quality brown or black pliable leather; plain toe or toe- cap. all sizes. Reg. $4.00, ' Saturday """.rrrrrrr. 2.69 Men's high grade black or brown call leather. Goodyear welt lace shoes All sizes. Regular‘$4 85 8700. Saturday mPrrr.rm . I: Men's Work Mitts, reguiai. up to 81.00. Saturday P'r'".'r..t 50c Combination Underwear. medium weight, in Merino and spring needle. All sizes. Special ' tu..................... 1.98 A few Children's (mam use: 2 to 4 yearn made ot good heavy material, Rem up to "so, to clear .._ vr S2.95 Children's, Dresses, made at good quality navy sent? nicely trimmed with braid and buttons. Regular 85,50. Special .__...rt' at) (I: Men's Pure Wool f'omhin atlons, white. Regular 3350 Special-....., $2.98 B o y n' Brown He‘nlher Swen" Conn, _ 26 to M, Res 81.75. Q1 on Men's heavy weight Shins and Drawers, tleyeee lined, all sizes. Regular 31.25. Saturday .. 00.. Men's Heavy Wool Socks, Ree, 600. Special Tqt 49c Men's Furnishings Shirt: and Drawers. Spock; " WHERE 1118 GOOD 01.071153 can FROM" . Guiana $1.29 $2.95 89c f Surprise Party. -A very pleasant ‘vvent took t/ave at the home of 1.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoeser on Saturday evening. Nov. 29, when 'about alxty relatives and friends A;atl1ercsLat, th?iru"?.yyt to celebrate lhe twentyllfth anniversary of their wedding, An address was read by Miss Antonht Stoeser. followed My n presentation of a case of all- ver by Mrs. George Volsin. The address was as follows: After Mr. and Mn Stopper had "pressed thanks for their lovely am the evening VII spent In “In†Ind thinning. tttter which a thinly lunch was starved, The oveninl did not 019M nut" "be dying hour: of (ha momlnu.'nnd a“ "turned to their human reporting n man hnwv no joyful smug. We. your relatives and rriemh, aswmhle here this evening on the nronsion ot your twenty-Mm annr wrsnry to wish you muny more years or wedded hauplnesu. ft in with much pimsure that we pre- seni you with this use of niiver as a irtitth when of our high NI- 1orttrt, Wp all join in hoping that Dame Forums may rontlmw to hp snow her many Messing: upon you thronqhout the ret of your wedded "in, Signed on hohalf ot the Swear relatives and friends. Miss Florence Wright spent the furoparl of the week with relatives in Kitchener. . With Christmas hut three weeks uhvml the various Sunday Schools ure arranging the dates for their "ntertainntents. The United church, foerrly Methrutist, Sunday School will hold theirs on Monday eveninm Der. M. More particulars later. \Miss Addie Lemon tirhourne spent last hum» of Mr, and , 1aetson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. A, Schweitzer and Mr. and Mrs, Schimmel ot Toronto and Mrs. Nqah Cress of Lilvhenor were Sunday visitors at the Srhwoitzer home. Rev. A. (:nmwald has installed a radio rin the Parsonage while Mr. W, J. Snider has also added mm to his home during tho past week. Atfew of our northern farmers are preparing to have their MINES tunnel-toll with the Hydro line “hid! is helm: extended out In that vlirm-tinn. Mr. and Mrs) Byron _eichwartz and $0an Willard and 'HarFe}; were Sunday visitors in Kitchener. . Mr. Charles Scherer who has been employed near Hespeler dul- ina the past season has returned home Mr. Charles Selle-item accompan-' ied by Mr. and Mrs. William Hem-l, ruerich and Mr. John Hemmericll m the Victoria school section and Mr, and Mrs. mm Woods of West Montrose motored to Hamilton on! Saturday where they attended the Hemmerich - Organ wedding. t ma] An event ot particular interest took place in Hamilton on Saturday evening when Mr. George Hemmer. ich. youngest son of Mrs. Susan Hemmerich and tie late Wm. Hem- merich ot this village, was married to Miss Algevn Organ of Hamilton. inun- ot Int-rut Mrs. Moore Hill returned home during the (crap-rt of In! week Ialter taking treatment in Mt. Clemens. Mich., tor several week. Mr. mud Mrs. Wm. B. Wright spent Tuegdny ulternoon In Eimira. Mrs. Miller of Kitchener has been stayin" at the hotel recently. The home ot Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Martin has been enllvoned by the arrival ot a baby boy on Tues- day ot last week, no. A t autumn.me Latest District News. JOSEPHSBU RG GO H "Yotho Letson of near Wltt. n last week at the and Mrs. Byron A. PMCNALS AND OTHER ITEMS " TOLD BY WATERLOO CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENTS I spent Dart parents near he has been blood-poison. manna, ole-run. mm he. a, 1924 _ Mint, Beatrice Schummer ot How non want the week and under the panned roof. Tho young girls†sewing course. umgrvlnd by Minn Kata Beip Ind Mrs, J. Rut-stealer. member: ot the Women‘s Immune held on Scum My Rtteritoogt It the home of Mn. Wm. Cargtoettutt, “a wall Intend- Mr, M, H. Bean ot Kitchener call, ed on friends In town Inst Than dny, C Mlau Dolly McKay is apendlng 0 week with friends " Llatowel. Miss Jenn Benton returned to To- mum on Hominy utter havirtit a mnnm's vacation at her home here. Mrs. Barney Rick returned to her home at Trout Creek after spend ing a few days with her sister. Mrs. T, Zimmerman. Mrs. Ted Zimmerman and son George spent one day lust week a! Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Kittel and family spent a day last week at Kitchener. . Mrs. Frank Schummer and duugh. ter, Gertrude. spent Thursday with friends at Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. George Voialn went the week end with the latter’s pur- ~nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sloeser at Jonephahurg, Mr, and Mrs. Billy Koenig and family of Hawkesvme spent Bum 1ny with the tormerh parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Koemx. Mr. Alban Knehel spent Saturday " Kitchener. Mr. Louis Heimler and Miss Katie spent Thursday with friends It New Hamburg. A pretty wedding took place on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hinschherger on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. A solemn High Mass was held at 9.30 on Thurs- day morning; The wedding was quietly celebrated when all their rhildren and grandchildren Ram Prod for the occasion. The evening was enjoyably spent in games while all the young folks held a delightful dance at the hall here. Heartiest congratulations were ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Hinschtrur. Ker. Mrs, Eugene Helm and family or Hestwn spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mirhael '3temmler. Mr. Bert Meyer spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Kit- rhener, A Goiden Wedding Miss Monica Koebel spent one lay last Week with friends at Kit- 'hener. Miss Martha Hammond of Kit. chentrr spent Sunday under the pan vntal root. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Esbaugh and daughter Edna ot numbers spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Loreritz. Mr. Jack Schummer ot Detroit' spent the week end, with hls pal» ems Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schummer Mr. Herbert Kroetsch of Waters loo spent Sunday under the par- ental root. Miss Rona Henna ot Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs William Harms. I Mr. Raymoni Hartmond ot Wat. erloo spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. John made i trip' to Kitchener this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred KIennppel and family of Josephsburg spent Bum day with Mrs. John Merowaki. Miss Irene and Tulle Bunch of the St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener, spent Sunday evening at' their home here, I Miss Eva Meyer has returned home after spending some time in Kitchener and Wtsterioo. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinacturdr. Ber enjoyed a motor trip to Kit. chener on Sand-y. Miss Katie. Mercy-kl at Kitch- 'ener spent Sunday at her home here. Local Mm Mom Sunny vulture " the home ot Mr. and Mn. Goons Meyer Vere: Mr. end Mrs. Alex Ktoellch. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Meyer ot WOIOF- Inc. Mr. end Mn. Andrew Hunch- loo. ar. CLIIINT. LINWOOD Ch "In Dorothy S's-inn motored to Hamilton on oval!!!" In! want with friends to wand the evening “an“. Mr. Jerome Holnumnn up!!!" Saturday Ind Sunday at mutton}. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Pros-man ot Prentnn Sundnyod In our mid-L Mrs. Joe Holnumnn In unending a week at Syltford. the guests of Mr, and Mrs, "00119. MI“ Marjorie MvAlllslor ot Lott. drm went the week and at her home hero, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Mnssolman ot Waterloo, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Kraft. Miss Watts Sham: of Kitch. oner and Mr. Elmer Gerber all were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Sham: on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Srhipdol and family Sundayed with Mr and Mrs, RH“ Shaun. . MIMI (have Randal 1nd Miss Orb nay Martin called on friends m munmiA on Saturday. Miss [Alum Bell Turel of Humil- ton Sundayed " her home here, The Floratlale Literary Society held their November meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stone. A splendid program was rendered after which the election of officers was held. The following were elected: President Mr. Wellington Weber; Vice Pres.. Amos Wilkinson: Sen- Treas.. Miss Gladys Stone: Choi/ Mer. Mr. Walter Maurer: Ushers. Mr. Sylvan Shantz and Mr. George Bohlender. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spies and Mr. Emerson Spies and Miss Irene Spies were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Aaron Shider. Pernonaln. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Musselman, Mr. Fred Musselman and Mrs. David Koch of Kitchener were Sun. day visitors with Mrs. Aaron Sni- der. - About _thirty members of the Junior Farmers' Club pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eix on Wednesday evening at their home and presented them with a gift and an address. The evening was spent In music and games. af- ter which a dainty lunch M'lp5 served by the ladies. Miss Gertrude Ott spent Monday in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Philip West of Kit- cheater spent a few days with Mr and Mrs. Jacob Spies last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snider of Preston spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Oliver Snider. News Note. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rauman and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bauman visited friends in Elmira one day list week. Ur J, Rudy, local garageman. has erected a garage on hls premises “here he expects to do business for the winter. Mr. P. M. Middleton. (INK. agent here. and his friend, Herman Cox- on, visited at the former’s home In Gr:st mu on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schiedel and family visited at the latter-"s home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schnaeringer visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ober- hgltzer at Preston-over the week end. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Levi Cresamanr und family of Kohsuth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob crewman on Sum day. Rev. Stevanus ot Bloomingdale occupied the pulpit at the East End Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. 'Mr. Abner Rudy of Peternl visited friends here on Sunday Miss Llunle Creasman visited with Mr. and Mr, Orville Clemen' at Heavenâ€; on Sunday. Miss Pearl Heckendorn has [on tor Kitchener where she has se- cured a Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. P. From and thar Hy ot Heapeler Hailed at the lab ter's pnrenls, Mr. and Mrs. J. Break on Sundny. Mr. Minor Clemens ot Visited with Cecil Madel- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Break a, fanny visitoq friends In Kitchener on Sunday. lilo Bechtel And Mr. Snuggle ot Guelph “than! u the home or Mr. and Mrs. hoot: Zauer on Sunday. item. of hum-cut. BLOOMINODALE FLORADALE IRIILAU Petersburg Kossuth here on DISTRIBUTORS OF n... a lllvvIfllHIuIIIIHIIblHlAwInI'1llflnlNINIIIInIIIllbllllllfllvllulâ€lulu!“lululwlumw’YIHINIHIHMIlmlnlrrlu'ulfllulu‘ I The doctor in attendance onl ‘Joseph Roth, who had his head and} body seriously injured when a will that Cart Von is recovering trom his accident when he was struck by the Elmira battery car at the St. Jacobs crossing, suffering severe (uls to his head and body. " The Big Hardware Store" Phone a l B WAT ERLOO, ONT. ‘5, - _ Here is a Real Snap! A No.9 's: Flat-bottom Copper Wash Boiler, tinned (g: on inside and planished on outside, Special at . . $2.75 No. 9 Copper Wash Boilers, same as above, but Heavy Copper, at . . . . . . . $3-25 SPECIAL SATURDAY BARGANH Friends wilt be pleased M. WEICHEL & SON. LIMITED The Cut - Rate Idea. in Gifts “new: Ulster Com u! ' Thou without tur "Imam toned from men'l has“) "wtmt-brmaerer." 1"1mu'u'n"ntunmmttnntmtintutnnmuutmunnnnnumnnuumui', " you'ro trying to bran hull warm enough, this" in mo Warm Coats in Special Sale Group. At $15.75. 'Ir.00, â€9-50. 33-50. $29.50. £33.75. $37.50 --ertd other price: In tho upward male. In every group, a genaroun saving. All alu- rcpreunted. _ --4n . "mama-m In“. than“ to one: a than.“ have" the up... the eon- oooupy I. malt“ for curlin- dbnployu. and the nuances“. the“ “In. any uko’ an, no and“ In the popular am Dourmum , All the Good Goats Kitehener's New GOUDIES 1.lliilTtJ1 IFT SHOP You are invited to come in at any time and.look around. Is supplying a long felt want in the Twin-City, as the crowds m mgr store testify. All our Goods are'marked at RIXON’ ILMIRA Lowest Prices and One Price to An _ BI King w. Royal Bank Block . Ki Heavy weight and well made. Zinc Wash Boards, Special at Class " " " Enamclled High and Low Lantern Globes. Special for Saturday, . . . . . 3 for Soc Popular Price WITH COSY FUR TRIIMINOI Good Wash Boards Marked at Saving. YALE Cold Blast Lantern Globes tit, head andf Minard's Liniment for at“! when a colt I muscles. CopperWash Boilers "Daytight" Store - El King and Queen streets. At $14. so to learn Hum‘ sud Small Woman's _ II, but ltrlgtly tailored and hair . 11m Dcccmbcr winds m I. can not good a chance to In go by. _ Almon Snider of near Mondale was unfortunate to lose a valulble tour year old purebred Shorthorn bull recently. kicked him at the tarm ort Wm. Becker, states that the young than will not lose the sight ot the eye as was first thought. which always prove good Kitchener LOCKS ' HARDWARE Evin-Inc" on both 450 67c 87c