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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1925, p. 5

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I See Donnvends Pita-t bum-1m m the can. h‘l'm Immun- up Bantam, j Mr. mtg' MN. Osear .mmpol or "Tore". mil," Kitchener, were smug the tourist- who thoroughly enjoyed their holiday; In Europe this Bummer. Mrs, Thomas O'Donnell m the hostess or a very 'snioratmt and ”Enable meeting of the hdiea' Aid Society of St. Paul'l PP"' Church ot Canada, at her hem In! Thursday afternoon. The President. Mrs. B. B. Bchker. presided it t short business session, when it was decided to have a Ten and Sale of work early in November. Tu was served by the hostess and her daughter, ttittrUttrd by Mlu,Boule VanEmry, and a plenum. local hour was 'much enjoyed try the ladies ot the congregation and their friends. Mr. and Ms. C P. Clark and young son Alan, and MiiucGmce Wilma ot Hamburg. J's., were visitors at the home of Mn and Mrs. Jam B. buckle, William street, during the put week. Rumour is again busy on the sub- Ject of the engagement of Prince Henry, of Windsor, to Lady Mary Scott. youngest daughter ot the Duke" and Duchest of Buccleuch. She was born in 1904. The tnmily or the Duke of Bucdeuch has form. erly been allied With Royalty. The ill-tated Duke ot Monmouth untried an heiress ot the House ot Scott, and his widow." the direct ances- tress of the present head ot the family. I Hits Eicellency the Governor- General, Lord Byng of Vimy, was " years old on .Sept. 11, 1925. Ar"tother Artttlo-Boott1stt Marriage Rumoured “new and ‘Bmk" new tp" Kitchener In! wee}, that t do "tttttst holiday ot govern _ motoring. 9.101111; . In. an: through the Wilts Monty's. spending I short “no at "Ptrrttamt, Unlucknnd soittr,rirtiter south tor “Hula-Sen battttittr. 31'th wen Neal companied by Mrs. has 81¢.an and son Peter ot 3mm, Can. i In. a. l In», Jail “not. Interim, la main; . m rub ma her pronto, Me and In. J. ml‘lonol IIMOIh ' r; , Iain» 9tottnmtr'. In”: I. In“: with». and Christin-1t, an: 3. Claudia; an tF-Rav. I My but. :' “In. Inn: with» cm “Vim an: s. I At liptcl Vulgar Home The house with the unrivnllod . reputation for nullity Hair Goods um immu- m: an; .4 Plilli8te's Monday and 1m SUI. 2igt M22“ FREE DEMOtCmtATmN AND mam? ,'., ".'r. State LW . no has It" - Sync of Vimy It " Vi“ -r" GIN " . ttlii,GCl' " J'tt'f,a- m” m“ Chm-ch bounty-n. , h" i I iirriiri% _ jun-uh; m» 'ttteh- as an. '4 81. it. . . My. _ ”any"? , Chuck mind‘s-ammonia Jaw-Ru. a. T. Hum of Toronto. ttM".'" I. a I... $2.1"... mm, bemu- ”but, to It. Hated mare-co MI». m a! the late It: Home Book-Ollld In. Boom". no MM Kuhn It». a. mu: m qt In”. Ir. and In. Anni m of To may won a. - of It. at In can! mm. " W‘ took place on Sunday durum from his tate residence, I? Wert ‘Ahronl lime, to Mount Hope mom-y. following I talcum ind tttmr-tve, Ionic. conduct“ by the luv. Mr. Rundown of 1'11:in United 'Church. Tho pail bun" won tho nix innuen- at the hie Mr. Brick". no the Mutual 'iio‘m'm mm in an - van a "Manon oi in. when: Bttd - in Viki - VII hold tn no community, uni in. ninth Im- puthy of . Ihrgs circle " ma- - out it In. new In in. may in that? Ion of non-ow. A: one by one our trteirds was from our sigh: into the land ot eternal light, our thought: no often so ' up with sorrow over their departure, tturt we lose sight of the wonderlul numb... twat!” than. u well u the 0nd of III' pain Ind wett'r'irsi. TN lute Mr. mhnlm Ericka: had been In poor health tor 9 number ot you-.1110 for the past two yank Inlet-6d. a nut. deal, mil the and came on 'l'h'undny, the 8rd ttmt., sad the tuneful Icr’vlce J. Cody, rector ot St. Paul's Church. Toronto. He gave himself no un- sparingly that the regret that he could not “bend a Sunday there was forgotten in the gratitude for his lift. At the banquet ot the laymen'e Association he was the wanker. He challenged our fidelity with the vast- ness ot,our tank and inspired n! afresh with love for our old Church of England, the mother of freedom and the nurse pt ftlthlul men, He extolled our Prayer Book and spoke convincingly regarding the contribu- tion which the Church had to mine to our Welt. Alter hi: speech. Mr. Maurice Cody spoke brietlr on the place and work of hymen in the Church. F Vice-Admiral Sir James A. Fey- mason. K.C.I.G.. lydy Fen-squ- aon, arrived in To to on Thurs- dmy ot last week, and were guests ot honor at 'a dinner given by_Hls “one? the Lutatemutt42ovemor of Ontario and Mrs. Cocknhutt at Gov. eminent House, Roseanne. on Fri- day night. _ Anglicans in Saskatoon had a great treat and inspiration in the visit of the Hon. and Rev. Canon H. Chm-ch more. " Aadmw'cdmueh in I scuba-nun of thong no. [mil Ramon Ind In! dmsattiorr. who hue my Mandi in the Twin: st..', are sailing tor ”and mm o manila or the month. \ was Helen c. Boon, shutter ot Mm. [mun Boos, Church street. Waterloo, is the guest ot-Brtutttoed friends. . Mr. and In. C. H. Gel-mam: hare returned from their vac-non, upon! In Mulch and other points ot itt, tore-L Mina In McKellar has rebuked to Kitchener utters plenum hon- day at Camp Wsmeo,~Algonqnln Park. - The Misse- Ethel no Isobel Liersch ot Mammal" are the guests ot their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol\ ot Waterloo. Mr. anhhn McKellu' h In St. Catharina, when he will take up his studies at Bldley College. " 3-3;?“me , s"itr"t"'"'ut'""r,'-aNM ' ' ,uuvutu’mm.w~wm mt,'xnch¢mr. lot: (or Tom M WAI? " a P"". 'rr,.st-tr-retuws+et"trtsr.rir_'- Btmettaatu8oNtgtt ': c1trkvinttt-att-r.x.P"N,-atr.iee.pat- ' r', J 'ae rt-ru-r-ti-Ped-et-ri.. -. Kl can. _ T I . It'""", -_- 11Trr'lrt" wan -ttrit1td My»! __ .11.?! M“? w ' fPt rkt-attstilu,u.iLe, “mematu‘ lawn!" Peart.ysaiitr, 1“ pe, , ”Wig“- 1M” tis Mr. no In V. 1(3qu un- met (I. Gun-cm Vt thou- Iii?!“ Gamma-mi ’m "tmg-tsoil-is-ttt m Memoriam ai, .teemeshatg.etlaadPtttti..- m.mmmoflr.lmu I“... In. - to Um III We“,w.um Mr, Cam- Vacuum. an " Mr. nu In. a... Valentino. cueut mu. Mild to w, Auto"- In 'rutrhts Laura Sword gamed tune during the War of "" by conveying. u up rm: ot her own Illa. I new: at warning to Colonel 171th ot the enemy's Shannon: nd plums at the but“. of Baker Dunn. Due to her new“: allott- the ""mr was hum-nod ad the (hummus place the any. in: habitat bu bun commemorated in many 'mrr- an: of which being I monument " Quantum Kola“. . _' um has» new, “In!" of Mr. ant In. D. Mu Bun: Ititeh. mer. My?» mm; on a moor trip to New York on, with he: um. Mm. W. L. Pomlth. with when "can!“ to Quor- Hull. Tomato. to mm. In unac- " an Ull- - of won-to. " mind" It: the 160 waiver-pan ot the birth of Laura accord. tiero- lne ot Beaver Dunn. Mr. when Mayer, on, who ha been attending University at St. mm, Mint, in spending I ten dayl’ variation with " mother, Mrs. M. Mayer, 180 East Weber street, prior to leaving tor Rome, whore he will complete his studies in theology. Mr. John glorley and mu Annie Brown of Chub-m were minor- in Waterloo last Saturday at the home ot the Misses Bruce, en route to Conestoga tor a short holiday. Ono Hundred and FiftUtft Annlvor‘ wry at Birth Of Fauna- Cana- dian Herolne, Lur- “cord. Mrs. Gerald Hnmllton and child ’of Welland are holidaying with Mrs. mmmon and mu McCallum. Mr." Wm. Black has purchased a “submitting bush“! " Fillmore. and will move with his tawny to that place this week. The piovirteiat hlxhwny was open- ed lapt Saturday trom Baden to Kit. chener. The stretch from New Ham- burg to Baden " tstill under don- struction. The contractors Invg reached a point near the Amish Mennonite church at the corner trt of the Wellealey road. There I: still over a mile of pavement to he tkid to complete the road _to Baden. mm, Louisa Twletmeyer, teacher at Wellesley, spent the Week end with MN. H. R. Morals. Mr. Robert Grimmer. who our- chased the old Methodist parsonage here last spring. has made very ex- tannin ftmrroretmsuts tsad, renou- tlonl to. the property, . Messrs. Harry GruttdertberTrer and Walter Geiger 311th a tew days In Toronto last week. _ Mr. 3nd In. Henry Dgtqn’lpnt last week and wit; their son It Zurich 1nd alto “and“ m M: when! nlly My Premier Kink " Exem- on LIMI- Day. A rink of local bowlers composed of Mosul. P. Detnm, Geo. cousin, Henry Nun-gnu; and David My wgn gird who at the Wattrmo Tournament [Int Suturdny. A truck laid of you; people of Trinity Lutheran church ,ient to Hanover on Labor Day to take part In the general convention of the Lutheran . Young People's League, which wan tteidUtt st. Mat- thew'l church. In am an; tr. n laid-r ttltr rm to: may man-um - at -d..Ohitt, um ml he: dun. In. pun- new "or to Inna their nation oGtiidt Ayr, . th? longer- May. In Chm Mr. Iurd In I. m Mn Mom: and otArr:mutires." nad Mia. m Homo ot W: Mr. of In. W. W. Hit pd mm at tty home at Mr. and In. Mr. On! Hawaiian we: end M tMsn any human». ' mm:- In Toronto. 't Mir km Ltrtnttet but chndrcn no! It“ SCI“ of Molt armband-gin. at the home of the tomor- pus-u. Mr. Ind In“): - Vim -". ,,.__ w ._V._.., . "M"Te" â€"â€"â€"w ray. gamma. 1'luttt.tfd'Mtt H at! him In. may mgw‘muzlqulh. In“ Detgott-rtmtetgqd Ion on who “ll ,' .' 1 _ nook cm! with Mr. All In. . Mr. “I In. - My lbw Gia" m rum-Pg"! "it Funath mum-1mm. A quiet wedding took [has It New Hamburl on the an: day of "and?" September when Ill-I haul-e Mil- Balbrigg bmdt young-It daughter of Ir. and uni. August 'tttbra-tt of Wilmt. $7 nu united In mm... to Mr. cur. ton A. talk, only non ot Ir. And In. (born A. l'llk of North Int. have. Tho bride was around In a any ”mm. mm with in to match. Mutt manna rm, Mater at Will the groom who u Union-nil and won a wool crepe drool. Mr. mm ml: can"); Beted u but mu. " iriiid iii; mum’- [m to the bride In: a - mum: choker, to m BqK.rrtatd Very.» I may M mm nd " no but ‘hn I pk! yuan chill. “to? a. "e ‘con-ony which n- -ftreated by ke iii"ir'ii'.ii'Hii,iiiirii.E "MW0tt0ttqtqtqg Batu church.“ the - - m " 4.5: w. " mum um; pm; on their nah no will that a in you! (in In [Noni 'htsa0ea" it" {h .hlt . ' I... d a“! I“ - , _ ". Man was In ' . . Mr. and Mrs. o. C. Won't] 3nd daughter Bony left on hid” tor their new home in Sun: Earhart, California. Both familial hue boon residents ol'Now lumbar: mice the ttrtabltBhrrtrrtgt ot the 'retttdrhoru, Furniture thy. here with which ttttr were connected but lutely Wed .0! their interact mm; Thou- may friend: rum! tho union] of then alum-hie “milieu from our stout, but all wish than continued pro-- verity uni humping“ In their mw home. "ttppltr - " Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McCutchoon of London, Mr. M. W. Heynock of Detroit and Mist ENstttreth Ronnie of Zurich a sister of Mrs. B. R. Knechtel visited at the Bunsen“! parsonage over. Labor My. Mr. James Corrie bu gone to Tavinwck tor a low dun to lulu lieu". J. th Field and Son In re- placing the machinery In their wool- ten mill, which WI! may damned by tire. " Mr. and In. Thou. Weasel moved to Kitchener Int Tuesday when Mr. Wanna! has accepted I "Sutton In the Kimmel Furniture new”. Two young men from Trinity Lutheran congrentlon. Alvin Penn and Erna} Schroeder, left Mat Tue-- (in, for Waterloo to register in the Lutheran Seminary College Depart. mint which reopened ior the winter come. Ripe nuptmrm In Ieptomr ol, Several sprigs of ripe raspberrlen‘ were brought to town by, Mr. I" Brodrecht of Wilma: which wen‘ picked in his huh this week. The rturtttrerries were nice and large end tgllr ripened, which is nuns“! in September, esneclally in a. dry new. son as he: been the one this your. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel spent the week end with their In, Mr Milton Thiel at London. Mr. and Mm. Andrew Manny ot label-kip spent Saturday with the Itttteru mother, Mrs. Mary Bean. Mr. Henry Williams, Is spending his holidays it MI home here. her "muo- a . hi. to a. iku. Ind Ituno gr _f . 5is T. nd mam Rankin: and“. 'std Mr. on lull- drow Gut-3‘". And - of Stut- lord wont the week only-1th that motion In. A. Schultz. Mr. Gnu. Nah) In! purchased the PM”! "ttt Mr. In” Bull!- msn consisting of “than um It the norm and ot the Vinny. m. Ion. Oscar, will move onto the place "Ill an. _ Mr. and Mm. New ”timer who spent the put three month! with the latter: Danna, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph mmloyer, luvs loll tor t1"uh't"'on Field ot South At'ttrien- They lulled from New York tor Bruno: Ayn: where they wlll be located. -' The local publlc 'rettoorrrroemted last. week‘wnh an enrollment at 227 pupils. . can: Into Four mum. osd lot It" panama; through "on u: nua- an at your hood and menu-non. [haunt Islet. . , How good it took. Your head ll slur. Your noted]- or. upon. You hiatus freely. No more hawking or loaning. Haul cold. and cutout yield like magic. Don't - umd‘ up, choked and mllenblo. Rollo: “I " your nostril. m chm! and your head muted bum at am or a cold. got‘lly’l Ore-n Bd- at my drug “are. Apply a mu. of thin taitr'tedeto-tMttartttatrtoturt. mew“. 0m. . In. museum: or tHahneV VIII In mum Mr. All In. Win. I.” of minim; iG., Giiii friend- ln lain ad district Gr a Hr. Lev! M. Benign nu kms. manned the erection pt n my hope on Snider Me. _ Clogged Air PM at 1hsee-NoatHhs (have? In theat-ttear-tmu" ~100Mb“! plots. nub-m MHyNamd. - tN. La-At-Mt-ttat..-- Donated Ct-Amir cup in been donned ly the Poultry Amo. chtlon It the "ti' Show. linking three cup: In Bti. 7 _ who-lav. A. Radium-Inn“ In Healing Cream Mr. lewAutumn Fashions Will Interest Every Woman in Kitehener and Waterloo and District. PERFECTION _CfMttKmr-aitniur to the popular Madame Irene o1tttlahrmanr respects better. A wrgp round made up in beautiful Flesh, Pink Brocade, interacted with but gummy Kerr Elastic Sizes 24 to 36. IrerrSpeciat at . . . . . . . a In on (I: 9. oyy1inottiitiiiiicii 2tTiiii7." Rink 'ilf,'glu, interacted w Handsome New Bitch Satin Dresses, Cut Velvet Dretaes, Crepe Flannel and Balbriggan Dresses. manly trimmed and in good choice of styles. Prices JI)nara 1rhopuettttyhta, _' t730, $1000, tlui), $25.00 to$3500 - Stops Calarrh y $1975, $23.50, SIMi) to $65.00 Ladies" New Fall Dresses Our Big _ Corset Department IatatS--.Brsietee of every type, unitary "a/ti-Cie'; in' Giiiii. J'tbeciaiat. - -/- 7- - - -59¢box Ladies' and Misses' New Coats made in fine soft Fabric Cloths, runny beautifully trimmed with Fur also Fur Collars and Cuffs, new t)esigns---sstrikingiy pretty flare styles, slender lines, short lengths, made in lint Satsdine, Velours, Brorlcloths and Marvella, Shades -Cinttarnon, Cranberry, Peacock, Purple, Navy Rust and Black. Ladies’ Beautiful New Fall Coats 7" PM Prominent in Our Spacious Ready-to-Wear ' _ Depts Had Narrow Eseattre.-ptmtett be- neath a large buttermilk tank which tell on him when " wagon turned over In , ditch, Herbert, son of Mrs Welgol of near Elmira, 1nd I nar- row escape from death on Wednes- mue- Alice and Id: Snider have returned (tom I trip to Bull and ottterrpotttta. Mr. and/Mn. M. L. weber have re- turned from a vlslt with Cleveland relatives. In. an a. - ik ' her Glut!» " we; ": E an out». n. 'eott.-mte an hallo-e- - W tr-is., J. B. _ We“; the .4“! can of In: um, um” niche! goon. u man, on. ’ - ,¢lmln am in. Illrlculouc " up: w 't"ttu--Csttsesrtnrs, the that, month old humor of at. {M In. Floyd Boll, bu! I mucu- who: the M] from ttto"ttriAt awry window at the Stoddlck Hood. The “me girl tailored no broken’ [mics and Is now about n ma]. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Winger named the fallen] ot Mrs. Enoch Happier which w“ held at ReidNNrrrJast Thur-any. ' Mr. Wilma: Kitrtek and family have moved to KitetsetGr where they will reside. _ Mr. (Mi-m a. any hue noted In 'Ttevetot. when to " . In. A. tour And m'meth hue mm from ' lever-[wear trip to Winning and ottor venom f "m 'yf'vf.‘ (r" Din: --t--, JI), to45qfcryard .. _ f. Prices Very Special sity .3 can: {may '"'m'-r-e--r-mm.rtm- c:.itiiiiitjii w" il “ jr1tiiA'iii' I in!“ by buttermilk which a. now. hx'onf my head. lulu! Aid wu Hon, hreaks, up the "rn-tion-rand tho old rheumatism torture in who. Rowe-‘Red Popper an and. mom red pepper-.mtalt sunny drug “are. Get a Jar at once. mo tt Gr lumhuo. neuritis, buck-chm an! neck, core muscle; cold. In can!“ Manon instant rule! - m Bomocogetthomm 'rtthttutsamsrttowimsorteas4 penetrating but a red pom tartan! relief. Just an Icon u m’ will! Red Pepper nub you fool the mum; East. In three minutes tt day '.aestsrta. Wino GdirrJ', Msbmhunnm-Wul. union miaum “than“ no any“: had oPear an no In mulls not come to his mm not "moved the but which mam you,“ hunt to the m be End 1lhemtttttjstrt ' _ _ With Reg Pepper rheumatism a? you cit “all: a; ground jut _try and Power Bub QM you will hue the quick.“ to mm and it was hand tint the unfortunate ‘man _ Ballot-ed . woken tone of ttm right ea; and men brain». f tue known. "(my . _ V ' . /' r t 've'PF'" T 1% 'tii' “"5 ii'iirt y . a L much (amount-d.

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