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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1925, p. 4

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(,% Mr. an! MN. One-r Rum! at "Term Hill," Kitchener. wore amen: the tourists who thoroughly _ enjoyed their holiday: in Europe this Summer. _ Mr. and Ms. C. P. Clark and young son Alan, and MisLGxace Wilson of Pittsburg, .Pa., were vlulou It the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jan. B. Lactic, William street, during the put week. Mn. Thomas O’Donnell 1n: the hostess ot a very enjoyehle, And prattarte meeting Art the hated Aid Society ot St. Paul's gamed Church of Canada, at her home In! Thursday attemooh. The President. Mrs. S. B. Bchker. presided at a short. business session, when it val decided to have a. Tea and an. of work early in November. Tea wee served by the hostess and her daughter, assisted by Miu_Beuie VanEvery, and a plenum local hour was much enjoyed by the Indian ot the congregation and their friends. Rumour is again busy on the sub- Ject or the engagement of Prince Henry, of Windsor, to Lady Mary Scott, youngest daugmer of the Duke and Ducheu ot Buccieuch. She was born in ItiH. The family of the Duke of Duodenal: has form. erly been allied with Royalty. The “Hated Duke ot Monmouth married an heiress ot the Muse ot Scott, and his widow." the direct tMtetNV tress ot the present head ot the family. _ [ ms Eitellenqy the GovomOr General. Lord Byng ot Vinny, Iran 63 years old on Sept. ll, 1925. puma “a mun.” man-nu ii Imam» tart wmih, "at 1 do “In! Mild-,7 ot qovetral yeah mum... enjoying I he run through the White _ Momma, spendin" I when the u “that Mahatma (Mutt-ilk“. noun for, manner-Sen buying. “may was '"t) commuted by Mrs. no“ 8m: um son Peter of Marthred, can. ; In. a. I In)", John‘ m. Ina-rho. In milling I m wool: mai" prank. Me and In. I. I‘ll/Jone! at M0“, _' Is "On-Mun! - m w ", 1.6an 1m: '. had; calm and. Mun-ll: an: he mm; gin t_--ttav. I We: Joan. “mu-gm W. tin" F V I"? , 'E0baa-dqnta. - a. " ly Byte! Walpn Home; will“. and. Aiother Animal»: Marriage Rumound ‘; tuethtmtt-tthNetgt hamwhhthomdu The bout. with the unrivalled t reputation for quality ‘ Hair Goods ,' Hillulte's Monday and "My 3m. 2m and 220d FREE DEMONSTRATION AND mm? his” “LII-nun " IMICW- 1 Mr. sun ' itttr m has 81.. but. Dyna " Vlmy I. " Rav, Mr. Bunnclouh or may the day. Her harm-m hu bun d Itll,,,',',:",,',',"' M m " United ‘Church. The pull baron commemonied in Indy 'r."--. I",',', :m “r: “I?” It: 'e',,,",.'. 1m. the " fund-om of tho hie chief of which being O monument D em or w on u l" It.. Me, Bucket. no the beautiful " Queen-ton Hush“. ' tredt raunomt daughter ot Mr. “d noqreru from hr and “a in. n _ Mm. Ann-i Imam: ot William. avid-non ot tho “tum n d respect Mm rune" Boon. daughter oi was united in mun-it.- to Mr. Ciur. In Viki M ya hold in the Mr. null Mm, D. Alex Bun, Kitch- ion A. Ink, only son of w. and community. “a a. “in." un. not. Ian F' Prldat on s moior trip In. George A, hit of North In» - of . hm circle oe Mond- io Now York City with her “It. hope. The bride vu - In a - out to In. 3mm" “d "I. Mn. W. L. Tsunamis. with when any irinotiu “it with In to bully in a." In" of the will wand some "no prior to much. mu 1|“th hit. mm of . - I ' T rennin. to a...“ Hail. Toronto. the noon! and u Unusual all It. all In V. M. “m n- to run. in India at the Uni- won . wool moo an“. Mr. may lune. a. damn " that: "any of Ton-to. . (awn. held u but on. - WJblpIiu-i. coir. .'otmt'ottttttttrebr_""- Ham Ohm Stttt of Mr. cm“ “hm"- Bott ot Mr. gnu-mu storm. to m tte-ttid a. “a Mr, a.” Btt.tattee.- and In. hum Valentino. f,'2',It . "rue at -rtr “a to the - Insulin", a. - not“ 'tm.t, "tam" to " Alto" . an a common chi. After no mln-mrmum. att8tttt Mia. 1mtt wool M MIDI, which an m by / m“"“‘”“"‘“m°mccnmmum 'er..-tm.attt-oeeslt.,r.t in. . . . ' l te . sum: _ m - an l-h m in M at w. nu _ l In a”, m‘ a W .quu. an»! I" run. a... t'syr1tttfittrtttettitf iGuiaTmri7Gu; '.P1yrterereinrtyreltf?.rre."yte1tatetey,"ut _ sl8,eem-0Pt-ttrtr-l'rfttPeerrtht-it'rsta_l; In. i!i',idil'i' a. ___ 3%: was”... am: New.“ 'l'p't'tfd t,t,i'tNtl.) my“. V " Tm. 'pee W Pftttef, _ M: , 'tty? _ slit??,')!))')?: rritg'cttta"itttttl't, .wwm.2_ l yuan. I. _e..s,ryi'etityriiasair,r, -WW3WQ¢§. :4 " It. mm _ haunting dawn, helm-o mm, to Mr. Harm Clan-co We. no: at m m- Mr. noma- Soon-In...“ In. autumn, m was him who. no mm In I W. In..." In. mm m at " an won an and. at Mr. - In. One-r 'Met, a W“ took plus. on Sunday “Imam ‘Irom his Int. mid-Inca. 17 Wu! ‘Ahnnl that. to Mmmt Hope cemetery. following a solemn Ind lmpnuln an!“ conducted by the Ru. Mr. human! ot may Unltod 'Church. The pull baron wm'tho It: (undula- of an Inn It. Sinker. and the boa-um 1|on hom In: ad use I". n cull-nee ot the "tqattt and mpact In with m 7-; hold tn the community. “a the Incor- lyn- nmy u tt mm circle at Manda on out to In. anchor ad “I. may h nut to“ of 09m. As one by one our friends pus from our 'tttttt Into the land of stern: light, our thought: no anon so taken up with sorrow over their den-nun, um we lone light of the wonderml lawman n’vmltlu than. u well u the and of all ”In 5nd via-Hue”. Ttm into Mr. Ephraim ’Brlcker bud been In poor halt): tor w number ot you-I. and tor the put two you. Inland I [mt deal. until the and can. on Thursday, the in! not, and the (non! mice J, Cody, rector of St. Paul's Church, Toronto. He gave himself Bo un- sparingiy that the regret that he could not snend a Sunday there was forgotten in the gratitude tor his lift. At the banquet ot the layman's Association he was the speaker. He challenged our fidelity with the vast- ness ot.our task end inspired us afresh with love for our old Church of England, the mother of freedom and the nurse pt faithful men. He extolled our Payer Book and spoke convincingly regarding the contribu- tion 'which the Church had to mite to our West. After his speech, Mr. Maurice Cody spoke ttrtetly on the place and work of laymen in the Church. f Vice-Admiral Eli James A. Fey'- kusson, K.C.M.G.. 'edre Fen-(us. son. arrived in Tom to on Ttturns- day ot last week, and were snout; of honor at ‘3 dinner give- br.His How} the Lfeutertaut4htvernor ot Ontario and Mrs. Cockshutt at Gov. ernment Home, Rosedale, on Pri. day night. " Anglicans in Saskatoon had a great treat and Inspiration In the visit of the Hon. and Rev. Cwon H. 'ttg-P m of Ramon-ode Church more. at. Aurxrsr'trghttuett In: a new”) ot "rout m. Mu. Halon C. Roos, gumm ot Mn. mam: my Church street. Winn-loo, u the nut ot'Bnnllord friends. . The Mines Ethel And Isobel Hench of Montmai' are the - of their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol\ot Waterloo. V Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Germann have returned trom their vac-Non. want in Mulch and other points of In- tel-eat. Miss Em McKellar nu marked to Kltchener “let‘s New! holi- day at Camp Wroomeo,cA1bmquin Park. _ - Mr, Iaettian Melton“ in in St. Winnings. when he will an up his studies at Ridley College. " 'Httterrr"tia1r- pummm kahuna“: and hor‘ daughters, who tare my Molds Its tho Twin: ' "i, are nailing tor ”and Ibout 0 middle of the month. _ strum“ my f;. 'ttutr/r,) out. 3mm. mud-r nm in: f C _ In. w meter, Wen We!” lie-mmngqua‘ Manta-mat In Mamet-lam "In from“ new. daughter of Mr. and In. D. Mu Bun: Kitch- uor. Ian P' FridI{ on u trttttor trip to Now York City with not null. In. W. L. ”wraith. rm: who: It. will ma loan the "In: to returning to Quor- Hall. Tomato. to mini In “It!" " m tmr. nnuy of Ton-Io. , Laura Scoot-d named tame during the War of um by (souvenir. a! the rm: of be! m Mk. t mm.“ at Imus to Colonel Fltulbbon of the enemy‘s lutenuonl and plans in the battle ot Bed":- Dlml. Duo to her heroic elonl the enemy wn mun-Inc ad the (handful [Mud the Ny. Her heroism bu been dotrtmmtsoraterd in nun} 'mr.-- chic! of which being I maximum u Quail-M Hush“. . " Sunday was the 150 nulvorury of the birth ot Linn accord, hero- in ot Buyer Dunn. Mr. Anthea Moyer, CR., who has been attending University at st. hauls, Mitra., ls spending I ten dayl’ vacation with " mother, Mrs. E. Mayer, 180 not Weber street, prior to leaving tor Rome, whore he will complete his statues In theology. Mr. John gum-Icy and Miss Annie Brown of Chub-m were whim" m 'Waterloo last Saturday at the home ot the Misses Bruce, en route to Conutoxo tor I short holiday. on. Hundred and szuh Amhar- ury or Birth Of humus Cant dun Hut-elm. Laura “cord. Mrs. Gerald Hamilton and chllq of Welland are holldaylng with Mrs. Hamilton and Mlu McCallum. Mists, Louisa Twietmeyer, teachelf at Wellesley, spent the week end with Mrs. H. R. M0813. Mr. Wm. Black has purchased a btac1rtstnithing business at Palmero. and will move with " funny to that place um week. The [invinciai highway val open- ed last Saturday trom Baden to Kit- chener. The stretch from New Ham. burg to Baden is still under dan- stmction. The contractors hug reached a point near the Amish Mennonite church at the corner of of the Wellesley road. There is still over a mile ot pavement to be laid b, vomplete the road _to Baden. _Measrs. Harry Grundenberger and Walter Geiger spent a- lew darts in Toronto wet week. _ Mr. Robert Grimmer. who pur- chased the old Methodist parsonage here last spring, has made very ex- tensive improvements and renova- tion. to. the property. Lr'iytetyttt,srtP?ety,,tr. It. My». and I",'.', r. vim " 'ertt'tt'rr. A. lug-u an”. that“ my»; I'm-urban all otitnr align- ll tout " . "" “It“ . ', North mini; and when Mrtr. PM - out n M" Lin. minty. . um: “a has m m mm- macaw-1 may of aovma.,omo. mm (like: m. In. pun.- Wr‘ ‘ovor to spud their nation mad“ Ayr, ' . l 4M town'- nothnf.‘ I}: 011ml Mr. ttmt Mm. w. H. Gunning: loner no otur,mutivea." Ind Mira We“ Roam. or 0009011 Mr. and In. Henry Dyan" In!“ last much and wit; their son It Zurich and um attended tht " than! mm ltr Premier King " Enter on Labor my, T A rink of locai bowlers composed of Messrs. P. Debut. Geo. Cousins, Henry Hahn“; and David my won Quin! who " the Waterloo Tournament Int Saturday. , A truck loin ot yonn‘ Movie of Trinity Lutheran church View! to Hanover on Labor my to take part In the general nonunion ot the Lutheran Young People's league, winch was held in at. Mat- thew's irtusrch. an. ua'xn. Vi. w. Jaw Pd Mr. on; may." "a and mum-- in Toronto. , Inna In. Bet In“: ad mum. and In" sum of Mm: nn_holtd;yln; n. the home of my lormer'n invents. Mr. and M1193. tb, N In may Buck as” I"! aer.9t and. in.» ftP.irPittitsteTfi>reii mamyhm Ion no W13. can. i' " _ l _re,ni" “'LM'W neck on with In. Bad In. . In.“ In. at. “9“" “MIA-51mm DietHettc - - II II I . i h Him gMta, 'r-ttt Mr. Hogan Nut Ite New York pant" by Ir. _ rm in NW te “Mi - C" Citri- 'tstung-ttmatter, ILA. Mt",,10trurtno-tt'-tesar ""eathttt-ttotta'Breuortet rm» here an on» any". 1. km on . mu my“ . Mint took an». it viz-r. North atrrttroie “a mama. Mn. Prod mm ”in; a - W 4- Wound”. ' all“ tttttb" In; If. I. Homer and ear. Ilth her mm. "_Abemattutd Vina-Bu. A. sr. “MO! ttntt" II mum: of tehtvghuo, mm mm...- and he: man, up. 1-in-1. an“... man-u“ "than that And Illa noun.“ N _ m'm‘ in... tunn- an mil-Imam " m LN Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Wennl and daughter Betty left on Edda tor their new home In an“ Barbary Cnlitornln. Both hm!!!” luv. boon residents of New numbing since‘ the trtttablisMtttsrtt of the ttttti Furniture Co. here with which tMrl van .eonnectod but lutely dt-tdl .0! their Intern: mm. Their may friend- regnt the remain] of then 4ttrtirttttMe ramme- from our man, but all wish than continued proc- perity um hippineu In their now home. Happily - _ Mr. Jamel Corrie has gone to Tnviswck for I few dun to sum Mes-n. J. th Field ma poll In re- placing the machinery In their wool~ Ian mill, which wu badly damag.d by tire. _ . Mr. and In. Thou. Weuel moved to Kitchener mt Tuesday when yr. Wanna] has accepted I sirsiuon In the 'Klmmel Furniture new". Mr. Henry WlIliamn,ls spending his holidays at " home here. Mr. and Mrs. P. A, Hchtcheon of London, Mr. M. W. Hawk of Detrouyod Mia‘s Ens-both Rennie ot Zurich a ulster ot Mn. B. R. Knecblel viiited It the Evangelical parsonage over. Labor Day. Several Iprlgs of ripe mayhem; were brought to town by Mr. J. Brodrocht ot Wilmot which were plated In " bull: this week. The raspberrlel were nlce and large and fl!” rlpened, whlch In annual in September, especially in a. dry len- son is has been the one am- year. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murray of lnnerklp spent Saturday with the latter: mother, Mrs. Mary Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Thlel spent the week and with their son, Mr Milton Ttthet " London. Two mung men from Trinity Lutheran congregation. Alvin Pauli and Erna} Schroeder, left I“! Tues- day, for Waterloo to register in the Lutheran Seminary College Depart- me'nt which reopanod tor the winter come. Rlpo 'taqrtt.rri" "rapt-ml," " , My. Iutd In. w. 2!. than!" “a In. Nod. '39!“ or you visited at my Man at Mr. m am. Id. “I: our “horn-y. . F my. [Aimee mini-“rt bent 'tee-tot-tmee magma __"' _,_s . k, [ Mr. and Mm., George new!» 1tt't'imto. 3nd Mr. an Mme. draw eat-chute and - of mm. Mm. Joseph Ram-eye}; hue lot! tor thaws-Ion Field at South mafia- They a.iled from New York 'or Busnon Ayn: when they will be located. - The local pnbllc schooLreopened last weekly/uh an enrollment of 227 pnpllo. . ' ford spent the week ant-1th their motion In. _A- Schultl. _' Mr. Chu. Ntblo ug Dunk-led the property "ttt Mr. Ileana Stein- man consisting of sweet 1cm st the noun end of the village. as. Ion. Oscar, will move onto the piaee this tall. _ - Mr. and In. Nelson Lttgrlller who spent the put three month with the Intel-'3 porch“, Mr. and olur. Your now-n: In even. You Had Narrow "etape.-Pirttiett be. tGathe My. No more harm; or new: a large buttermilk tank which mulling. Head cold. and mm tell on him when " wagon turned View like mute. Don't - kai/il over In I ditch, Herbert, son or Mrs up. choked and minerals. mum “I Welgel ot near Elmira, had a nar- euu. row escape trom death on Wednes- cream Into your nonfu- “(I tet tt ”accrue (Imam - " pup- - ot your hand ind manta-non. (mun! rater. - . How goodtt feels. Your ' I. your head “mu been” at an"): or I cold. prur- cruln Bd- " my drug “on. Apply A little of an. Air T "l 1hteo-NorrtHhi Gag”: i bound cup.-Ano¢her cup in bun donated I, an Poultry Ano- chllon It the M’ Show. mung three can: In In. . , . Mr. Levi M. Bowman balcon- Inoncod the erection of u I!" new» on Snider Me. - . , ttodPt-iaittottismsthortn Leg. of :1me ”133., $.17}; 25mm. In mum and “strict - a Healing Cream Mrs. Imprisonm- or m)»- vn It uniting Mr. at! In. Wm. Mr. New Autumn Fashions Will Iatemst Every mm... in Kit'cuener and Waterloo and District. PERFECTION comm "--Sitttiiar to the popular Madame Irene Ltrytahananr when". .A wrap around made up in Itgrt Flesh, (tt 1',t.'thyusrctta with but quality Kerr Eltetic._tii 24 to 36. m AM]. I - - - "_'--'. ...-_‘._ - up Pink Brocade, fittermeted with but quality Kerr Elam VerySpecm at - . . . . - . a Handsome New Black Satin Drum. Cut Velvet Brews, Crepe Flannel and Balbriggan Drapes, mum trimmed and in good choice of styles. Prices Jirapa 1rtsprasettttyua, ‘l ? nn, tna, $15.00. $25.00 tlhiiij)if Ladies' New' Fall Dresses Stops Catarrh Our Big-Corset Department , Stteckit" rm Ladies' and Misses' New Coats made in fine soft Fabric Cloths, many beautifully trimmed with Fur also Fur Collars and Cuffs, new designs-strikingly pretty flare styles, slender lines, short lengths, made in iina Suedine, Velours, Broadcloths and Marvella, Shades -Cinttarnon, Cranberry, Peacock, Purple, Navy Rust and Black. ' $19.75, 523.50, SBS) to $65.00 Ladies' Beautiful New Fall Coats Fees M every type, unitary ;;ticlu in' all kinds. is? sumo-$3; sum-n; hue - and to Wynn I. 'T "Wynn“; li. i T h In. Join T new; ik'itrsts" Lhordnuhtotttgamn. I', ", M oturs In. 'satte--5he an 't Int-Ilium my mind ”film a J. B. Water announcing thy 'ttdes. Prominent in Our .Spaciods Read y: to ~Wear Depts I mue- Alice and Idl suma- have returned from I trip to Bun and other,usotrttr. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ishm- hn. m. turned from a visit with Clevelalid relatives. "nu-u won I; um with” Cleveland I you rofssepsora. oom- [has at my relatives. drug more. Get I in at once. nu ma Narrow "etape.-Pirttimt be-‘lt ttir lumhaso. new-1m, WM, math a large buttermilk tank which I at!!! neck. sore muscle; colds tn (all ".. id... ...l.,. Ll- _ 7 . - ' wun tthet M! from tho"thln‘I story window at the Mick House. The little girl Intel-ed no Nolan bodes and in now Ibout as am]. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Winger attended the funeral or Mrs. Enoch Pannier whim! wan held at Heidelberg but Thursday. Mtrtthqr GM has erlculouo " an M ""th.-4httttertms. the mm modul- old daughter of Mr. iisd In. Floyd Bell, had I miracu- Mr. William Ktittet Ind family hnve moved to trstet"sder where they will reside. . can or. he: nut, in: GiiiGi goon. " Train, Ont. ' .. 4 In. A. - Arid son’Kcnnelb hive returned In. , ”Ion-[WNW grip to Whining Antone: weltem chsé mom . -itiiiiiiijiii, mm and Mrs. M. L. Weber have re- Prices Very Special ----59cboi chm Almost. instant “not - you. so we to (at the main. *'ththertamesrtotr1e-est- age. . ltarstyyta had oiiiur ngdak no can ttrt: not come to " We unlined up but which in“ 1iiUfl but to mo'mmd is 108mm Iourld have been Ido- [eat'od tttautumn" which 'rir, a". "tttovert hip head. “adieu aid wu um you will hue the quick” po. .- C. ttet known. - 'e Nothing han 4nd: mm”. __' penal-nun; ttoat a. red pom "." Imam relief. Just an noon to you" . , _.', “My Red Pepper Bub you tool that - _ angling Rent. In' three alums n T I wanna the so"; not than): and M; through. From fho Mood circula- . -' Hon, bran up the common-find - tho old rheumatism with” I. (one. End Rheumatism _ e With Red Pepper mm and It was (and um the “formula ”may. _ tailored I broken tone of my fight at and severe hum. f “WW on you mi may"; pinned Minx-Iver “donut! the (fly ills-noon. Wino drill. Into ttttAmt an the “In um 3:11, _ we. 'iariiraiii.' 83.50 to SS." Iqqtqrqtqtq-qnq E332:

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