Waterloo Public Library Digital Collections

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Jul 1925, p. 3

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“WOW Attt. It and when out at an 0- mh nod-um Co., can " W, on wan-u, m did “on mm to - m N. no ”(no not“ a u ojclock and tt m an. an! " ton (to tirbmmt mug-um “O1 KITCHENII 'H'OTIL LOCI. Hall.” The American Hotol " Khan-o! hm it: noon-e concollod by; tho license board at r,otonto"hu droo- tie ocnon was token “tor tho hotel had been found guilty ot all!“ out urennh liquor on the day at tho Onngemeu'. celebration and “not! ".000. John Haymkor and Cecilia Davey found guilty at keeping I disorderly house in Kitchener were on Sutur- day sentenced, the former to six months in the Ontario Rsiormtory and the latter in the Mercer Reform. Aiory. . MAN AND WOMAN OENTENCED BOYS ENJOY KIWANIS - ‘ll'lcl. qu “In “1&thqu "my -. The 125 boys who enjoyed aevenl, root crop and assure a more plenti- week' outing at the camp 'rtnaAt- tut supply ot raspberries and when awn at Paradise Lake made possible i 3:15:11 fruits, Owingvto little Lain h(or try, the Kiwanis club have returned t 9 past geveral months t e " home. A number ot boys who hnd‘cmp is only about .hatt the average never had the privilege "ot campiy‘eld- ' life before and who were sent to; _----------------- l the camp for a two weeks' outing 1. -"-------------------" o, were especially pleased and after) I OBITUARY , l i .returning to their homes lost 110%" ------" _------------- o. F _i 1 time in expressing their warm an; SOPHIA ZINKANN I preciation ot, the kindness ot) i the Kiwanians and Mr. may There passed away at her home. Smith who was responsible for‘ w Menno St., Waterloo. on Tuesday, th ir tin . This week the girls? July Mth, Sophia Bechthold, widow gee to oth in“) tor a two weeks' l of the late Carl Zinkann. in her Mith outing. The Kiwanis club have l, year. Deceased had been in failing leased the camping ground at Para"; health tor some years and death dise lake for the boys" camp andlmme not unexpectedly" furnished all the camping equipment‘ She leaves to mourn her loss one tree ot charge. l son. Cari. at home, and three daugh- -aa=====z-=t=r--.=a=-====== term Mary (Mrs. Albert diackharti if???“ - lot Gienallen, Frieda 1Mrs. H. V. tliiil-Fi"ita 3313' ate _ _ Hottnteyer) ot Stratiord, and Hilda 55;," 25‘3““, ' h' , :(Mrs. E. J. Hohner) of Waterloo. . l T, .39” 1;" .3 'iN ‘ iAlso her aged mother/Mrs. John c, t.V _ fs- l. t.N' -: r _ " _'sri'd,,ir,'::Cu,rsCfs;tulE , Bechihold ot Petersburg, five broth- " ' "i,t/f,frjjrrfzl,"17 y?, _ . " ers. one sister and seven grand- p63 £5, '.. r 4 l Vt 2 tar r“? Children. Her husband and thrive A L. ral,, _i' c. x.' J...“ V . sons predeceased her. _ /"v-i--3. * '., .s' AM 'k'cirsrr/idcr, , . l anxfdw',» c, -g ‘1'- "s ‘k !‘ $.23, P. tty, - U "V , " i :. ':tpt F w . phi if '.. .K‘, l A 1 as: mul' r". sr,f'itfvslr, a“ 'st)'kiJ?iii',1,'".'Cv, u ' 16yeckc :V_“(' -¢< T ' r8 ‘9‘": Sui“: _ Ctct: _ i: 5."r.rtT, 'et?s' fit/tcity 1“", "s', ‘51:?" 51%;”: 3‘? 4:51? , is 'z‘vi“i"‘,';'§.:a ii Far 'Crit, a: 'sr-u?, _i.'siJ'i" ms}?! 3;; rer Packet 3.!er "-s-i-'r, Grocers and (119mm! Strres Hum I‘IHI”I I n I LI I I I "ral/grail;'""" ALLOWED on deposits of $1.00 and over. Our rc- cords show that a large number of the best farmers of this County transact their business with us. The Waterloo Trust and Savings Coirrpany 4% We also act as Executor, Administrator or Trus- tee of Estates. KITCHEN“ l‘.\1\\“|lson. Managing Um)» WATRRJOO LET US SERVE YOU ”47.1%?! __ 4,..- - » rat-” gwm. N _" " . a?" 7 ", . ICrc . "z, 4:,-=3,s,‘_“4‘; a.» - /"rrsr'v' f-tJ,- i?iitcry, , J1: -,L‘.‘ZA.'.. s/rr;; :4 " *7<>\"“"(:6 J 4 'iv' N _ Q I -‘ w tp' “‘9‘. 'li: 1er '5‘" ..;~:; 4 a in 4 ta, - G.tat "o'U ' t "42*, .~ '-...s, L /r, :yilgicsfPPe m:- a _ 1tyiti'r?de 93"-“ _ Ir.' vrs,)1r,ijo'ii.'t'f/, -::-'-.*:*~' r..' w.e'y.'AHNr; ut' f0 d th "este--""" ", rt, "w w; _ q." in“ ”ms "atrareirztnti',dt H -iiiihar,'" 0- n, Jun-unnu- 'S".",':')",,' ”nib-mm ',"2."fa'A'hSttJuU2'lRt Pet"; . #h-ID-‘M - ttll'Ct12u",1tG'Ii'2'2t'tCCi1tt'.,.'yal'hT,,,N", - - - .. m 1l111',titt-t-uV M M JK “was L: in; OALT o Ulnar I- - . o AT omuujo "pull . ooooooo‘oooooo o Jt . am an thon'wlu t . he; :0. nut- " the compil- . . may" - up be “mud . a m. Hon. " nun-m King. . . will this!» " Cum. to hi . . (old It " o'clock noon. M- . q Mr, Aw all. The blunt . ' null. held under the lumen . . ot the Candi-n, Khan- ad . than club: In coolant!” . . with the Old BOYI"ROIIIIIOI . ’0 Amsoeiatioa. Prelnlu Kin: wtil . . Add“ the amount which . . who: to be tho most hrgo- . . I, attended butane! over hold . lo In the Twin City) . _ o of OOOOOOOOK’OOOO The recent heavy rains were wel- comed by the'tarmers of this (My trict and will materially help the root crop and assure a more plenti- tut tsupply ot raspberries and other small fruits. Owinguto little raih tor the past Several months the hay crop is only about half the average yield. HEAVY RAIN WELCOMED BY FARHERS OF COUNTY The funeral will take place from the residence Friday, July (list. at 2 o'clock. thence to the Heidelbecg Lutheran church and cemetery for service" and interment. The death loin: place on Thurs- By, July23 of George G. Swan at his home in Kitchener where he practiced Mechano-Therapy for many years. He was born 72 years ago in Germany.. A wife, two sons and three daughters survive. The funeral took place Saturday' unwr- noon Answer to Last Week’s Puzzle Dr. George G. Swan [ii'iiif2'i'ii. y:lfllait-sci.-ss-ifa'.t ' . _ v.--'.."'"-'"-)""" __.._,___“ V - _ - - . M'W"W“W'{uuommuumo. T . _ “I I 'P-f'""?..'. ,4 . . ‘3, ----n-iei--e-liTraiLiau-trrtts- ' .- _ .' . _ . ' . _ . tery tor “I. . !'. 'MtkiBq. - - w o', t l - .. .' I . ‘. _ 3, "o'00tl, "_,.--......'. Firirrriiiriiiifilrii.iiit .. L...' ' - . _. .3! . . " «mm a. pu- . _ . 'l' unto o "t" w"? it tt “In: yum-m M _ _ - (a To rum" . new. round a now!“ not . ”m m m. mu a the ., T - . f . (In: ot Kaela-pr on and” in a. . rook h IMO. tho, u. lot- o, N but more will . porlol ot Jul“.- Warm In [All Fhtt . wad-d. , A the compll. . yam mug-1n; u: eat-ded maul}. We would at the kill 00- . _ . - A o be tendered . A wile, tour was Ind no hunts". . autumn otpt1r corrowondcnu " A "GUST 1 " to Sth _ “Imam King. . survive. The lunon} I!“ held on}. In the mutter n u g. y", dt O . THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT had-r A numb" at "In“ [mu lumi- enor unwind the ttat-tnt ot the bio In. Ban-ban Lab-Inc" rho _ "my " the holp|ul_ It Walk-non on July 80th, In In hit, put. an- vey'nd Joseph with." of Kn- chener are was ot dew. Burial wan made In the R. C. country " Mlldmy. _ i IL " 1 l " in; IIT Els‘ 20, 2:1. "M, 32. " " Thus I Large Asiatic carnivore .ot the cat family. . To soak up T A particle of matter A sort ot head covering Part ot the neck An evil spirit Newer Human beings l Wooden pin , Large covered wagon Monarch Cut of meat Near or by Aboundlng Sixth note of scale Yell . l Cushion l Dry Within _ Speaker 3.1416 One who employs Horny scale on linger or toe Any of three species of black Dry . 26. The lowest Within _ 28 Two thousa Speaker .. . 3.1416 30. Ill (French) One who employs 31. Part of the Horny scale on tinger or toe 37. Regarding Any of three species of bleak 38. A conunem birds ot the cuckoo mmiiy 40. Join To urge on Grain 42. In the tutu Friendship _ 4.1. Same as “2 AS far as [ 45. The tinal I Sympathy 47. Weary Tab Withered 48. Mock Before " Guided Tint 52. Toward A color iss. Move The mum: to thin Paul. will - in nah Copyright, 1925, by o-i-i-e Int-M _ -\ '4‘. HORIZONTAL Cr on Word-puzzle the Bonn et-Brown Corpérauon, Chicago) Glyer dim mm In con- “.duoud by Rqr. Mr. cou n 'ttre “than: clutch and the Union cemetery. . i Kohl who did It Union! '1: hold lat langu- tmme on an- OWOIJIIWO‘ oumwmuuamyuo ommwmmmcth. Ouowmovuutnwuro . In the w tool's lune on. och-ammo. w' . . 00000600010000 IN VERY POOR CONDITION 10. l2. 14. 18, 19, 21 " Sorrowful _ Newspaper paragraph Heavenly body- with a tail Pronoun Stare Pririter's measure Prince ot darkness . Not closed Through or try A monster Acts of sailing Get ready Sliding T The French capital Aged tabbreviation), Upon The lowest point Two thousand pounds [ll (French) Part of the mouth Regarding (abbreviation) A continent (abbreviation) Join In the future Same as "ameer" The final purpose . Weary Mock VERTICAL I37 woek'a ilsno. fer NOT GUILTY OF NEGLIGENCE Evidence produced at the trial of Wnt. Connelly in Kitchener police mun who was charged with negli- gonce when his car struck Edward, the two year old son of E. Wall. Saturday, August Lt Reception Ihr _ Sunday. Dear-kio- thr t Nemay, Civic Holiday. Toronto-M69 Day 'ruesthry, Canal: Dar, Recqiion to Premier Monday," Tuesday and Wednesday Nights. 500 Performers. Handsome Costumes Thursday ' Friday Evenings Big Outdoor Entertainment Vaudeville, Music, Fireworks, etc. Don't miss this. . Band Concert on the City Square Every Morning. Dancing in the Pavilion. Victoria. Park N _ Every Night. . All Roads Lead?) Kitchener During Old Home Week Good Clean Fun. Come Join the Merry Throng. Every Day Full of Good Things for You. GEO. DEKLEINHANS, M. 0. leach Ba_seboll Games - Balloon Ascension: Daily . Football _ ---' Softball Royal Canadian Dragoons Complete News Service of County It: big "att at compeunt continent!- enu emurel a partIcularly thorough cover- inn of the Happenings In evcry d|nrlct aid keeps its readers w""." n " what I. going Which Make if a Kitchener a not Waterloo News A complete summary of Kitchen-r and Waterloo new: lppolrl regularly Ivory weak m In column: and lncludu i lp0c|llly written Twln Olly Ioclll and P.rsrrnal column. Current Events and World News Here again the radar I- kopt Internet] as to Canadian and World luau of Im. portart" whlch in alto ttrtoth.r rudable feature. Regular Editorial Column A Week of Entertainment, Shirts and Good Fellowshz} ' ConuInlnl comm-m local and cumm lam-out. Eins‘tablc Life SUBSCRIPTION PRICE :42.oo per your mailed to'my point In Canadn. 82.50 per year to my place in the United States. Wdterloo Chronicle BIG PAGEANT The Waterloo Chronicle Every Day, Secretary. Special Features of the at Kitchener, showed that he wasl, [ travelling only ten miles an hour.) The case was adjourned. Accusedi offered to pay damages. The child), N suffered a broken ankle and bruises l at?! io his body. 1tt.t he it d Welcome Visitor so Many Homes on mutton of DR. L. A. KOEPPEL, General Chairman “any lottridge_ Carnival Company Meet Me at The Hofbrau. Queen St. South, every Dayffor Eats, Drinks. Dancing. Vaudeville. Operated by the Reunion Committee Serial Story and Humor Column . For the entertainment of in readers there Is run each week an lbsorblngly interesting serial nary by a well known author and also a humor column whlch will help to chins: the blues way. 2 flying Machines here Daily UP In UH: column will be found the latest price. In eftect in Canadian and ttther markets including those on live stock, graln and produce, The“ 'urnlsh an ax- “Hen! guide to the farmer In M- buylng and telling. Auélion Sales, opt Exclusive Feature The Chroniclé is recognized as Indu- punbly the lending medium for .uetlert ale: and it carries the announcement of annually every sale held In thin distrust. In wide circuIIlion m the Immediate rural district. wrroundintt KMcMn-r and Wauh loo walrus a partlcullrjy thorough cover» 'mg of (M: urrRory with corrommlln. rum!- to the advent-or. Thursday, Ancient Day l "Friday, Waterloo Conny thr -to-Dute Market Reports Wednesday, Waterloo Day Saturday, Carnival Day . 12 Bands Big Parade Each Day Waterloo, Ontario ", _ i' ,.,w __ T't': CARL KRANZ, President.

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