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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1925, p. 7

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ttpdh2gttgrglt'e 4%. my 'ike,iiililh'st'h?/", mm. gawk-a: 'h'h7ihii' “Inmmhumcm 'rt-r-rt-ttttMV-tahh We"! Winn "21-.“ thy: -_.. f'] '".rper., have my homo to look “to: and td"d,g'ag2tt/,'U'.th 12w theadveeti.etn.nt" In mun“ Lydia E. Phkhun' " Com. pound, and In. tl,, "lill'g told an nboutlhmo. Itvaertiattltah.it,it 'r_rtttfemluttyrqitdryhriioo. orrtmooditpotrfrhrah 1mm. hmlmhmmnkb' about an. 1Yetteef,muerg4i Mkturnnmdmhl. '-Mrip.3. W‘s-m [inhalant-do. The mark a Lydh I. W'- fryrta.tgt.0tsmeEtidiidbtxret b GA ii "dttG.rCibGirikiiiG.rt- ma” ariai irik"ttaiTG W___. 73 tttmtg-t to Inn-x a. gimy thh wall. ".nmtrteaetrte.fatrtN. Doyammhsmsm {our medicine for a numbn- of yam. do not take It ttte ttte (in: but I am - without I I alway- Loop ttkttttettoumt. 1torA1tttrrtfirrpatia ii, iiiauGreii din-ring" -e FaiGisari: [inducing and pytty gate:- the Mail?! Relieved Tr" L dia E. Pink. hun'n Vegetnba Compound PAINS Mlliltt THE BAEK First he sniffed at thie saddle and bridle, rank with the sweat of Peter. He even pawed at them disdalnfully, tumMing them over and over in the sand. Thcn he went to Joan and. swinging around behind her, he looked down over her shoulder at the war she had brought. And, alphough he swung his .head around to watch the proceedings. What would happen when she It tempted to put that saddle on his bark? She was agreeably surprised. He did not stir when she lifted It high to swing " up on his wither. Dragging the trappings with her, she went back to the Captain. Under his head sltdrxrrsped them in a pile and let him investigate? He was not all pleased, it was plain to see. With fingers trembling with he: hastn, she tore the saddle from Peter and then his bridle. Then, with a wave ot her hand, she sent him on his way. When she had the reins ot the gelding again, looking back with snowmen anxiety,-she saw that the Captain had not left the spot where she had stationed him. He was wattrhhttt her with a high head, and Joan knew now that she could never ubnndon hlm. Joan, looking up at the giant ani- mal. laughed joyously. It was more beautiful than a dream to her. He had followed her through the night as a dog might hare followed, and now let her take him by the mane and lead him after the panicky Peter For yonder stood Peter on a swab ot sand. neighing his dread which drew him 0:33 way and his love ot his mistress which aged him in the opposite direction. So she halted Captain. then ran on to Peter. Mitcull,.0ntyto.--"1 In"! um The Captain, after catapultins past, swept around in a short clrc.e. sent after the flying Peter a tri- umphant neigh, and then brought up heme Joan. Gloster is Jailed after getting into a fitrtrt with several men over a. girl. Lee Haiues and Joan Barry, an:th ter of a famous rider ot the old plains, agsist (Boater to break jail and elude a posse. Haines, strucl- down by a bulet, tells Joan mm he dies the story ot her father's hectic career. Now the sheriff plans to kill the "Captain", the huge '"V tamable stallion‘ridden' by Helnes. Joan trees the horse trom his tstall, and he dashes away into the dark- ness. Now the Captain reappears. charging the horse which Joan is riding. NOW GO ON WITH THE 8TORY BEGIN HIRE TODAY Finding the liieiou bodies ot " two partners " their gold-mining cum», Harry Gioner (icon south-" ward, knowing that he will be no; cused at the crime. On die wny Giasler saves the lite at a. stunts!“ Lee Haines, from the murderous‘ Hands of a scoundrel by the tunnel of Joe Macarthur. . deueG "rrijtut-%ié iiaiihU Gitii -da " is ”guy uniqu- tgtitNft.tt, Pure and rich yield!“ roe hundred cups to the pound. DAN BAkRvs DAUGHTER by MAX BRAND A slug of load which can: A My chats mm In“. corn. lucky In“: the pom-or of I mall Emma. to my noting O u "nation which might - land lilo office " In"!!! of some “up: can”. Cruel not. new!“ "on - in! not». moan, "and out by an an. M an no can no on Any rancher who numbered his rank; by the thou-uni could nfiord to bring him name to attention by aiding a tegr banana to In re- ward. It mod in than.“ doi- larli 1‘0 entire action of hurt nd maulnl wont wild with the man-hut in". ms career Ind caught the nubile eye. He had been near to datum tlon so many times that men heun to feel that he enjoyed : churned life. And, all In the mace of I com. n'urnllvoly few hours, the reward which was offered for " apprehen‘ Htrn dead or all" new by Iowa cud by bonndl ' Por one thing. it would have been a feather in any man‘s cap to but: taken him. His record included a double killing; the nuggeslon. which was believed far and wide, that he was a member of the old Hume: gang. and a jail break at the expense of so iamous n custodian ot the law as Slim Huge”. But fame was not all that would be gained by his cap lure. The thought ot Buck Daniels grew dim in her mind. Still watching the stars above her. she became aware that the stallion was in motion again, that he was turning. that he was heading north again at a trot and then at a canker and then at the mile devouring gallop. But she had no power to resist. ' Three times the puruuers came again upon the trail ot Harry Gimp ter. And then they lost it, but not until the sheriffs of {our counties, with their posses, had taken their Hing at hint, Iingiy and united. A tinkling dissonance began to tall toward her trom the sky. She raised her head and looked up. There was nothing to be seen. but now the crying grew stronger and stronger flowed north through the upper dark. aa some unseen wedge ot wild geese Reita. Bo, with her heart hammering in her throat, she began to consider what.she could do. She must leave, him where he was it she hoped to get back to the ranch before the morning, and if she did not arrive there. poor Buck Daniels would go halt mad with anxiety. There was an instant change in the manner ot the stallion. He felt at once to a jerky, high headed trot. and when she strove to urge him ahead faster, he shook his head In a very human deniaLand cut down his gait still further. Presently he was walking, She struck him with the flat of her hand on the flank, but at that he came to a halt. and twist. ing halfway around. he turned his head toward those western moun- tains which were his goal. Instantly he returned to his former pace, rocking along as before with.. out effort, and with no wheezing or laboring for breath in spite of all hits work. She TFung him about and headed tor the ranch. She made no attempt to guide him. But when they came to a stretch where the footing was firm, she sent him away at full speed with a cry. And the speed increased steadily to such 'a point that she began to gasp tor breath and then drew back on the reins. t It wan the cruclnl'test. But the Captain made not the slightest ttow hie about it. Me only twisted his hand around until he had sniffed at hertoot in the stirrup. Then, as she loosed the reins, he straightened away at a flying gallop. It was done, at lust, and the heid strap ot the bridle having been lengthened. It WIS fitted to the head ot the lulllon. And so, “allay, her toot was in the stirrup and shé drew herself up to herihcp. V he did not object when the draw " the cinch”. The had to be least]:- enod. of coum. tor tsaving been no! tor the dead!“ body of Peter. they could not “comp." the maple girth of the Captain. "You CRAFT-R XXII All” No Killer!" Jud an“ " "anemia; make. I dollllnful gunmen! mm. m drink when everybody should m. not mad that to he!) leap mu “the" clan. ' A 'eellattetmt {and - any: he no". Ion of no In]. to toll- wlo hello" ll trrtrte to correct ml" habit will. It In - (to-bk. Br all loan I». m plum- Ola-ll. "It - at You simply mun. keep your Rid- neys active end duh and the mo ment you feel an echo of vein in the kidney region bean drinkln; lots ot water. Also get tour ounce. ot Jed Salts trom any good drug store here, hire a tablespoonrnl in e glen ot valet before bmkmt for a law days end your kidneys wlli then not line. Thin “no“ out? ii made from the acid of grape: end lemon juice. combined‘ with “this. and B intended to Utah clogged kidneys end help ellmnlnlo‘ them to nativity. It nleo helm Inn" troll“ the ecldl in the urine no they no longer Innate. “III help‘ in; to relieve Modeler Glennie". Most lollu forget that tho kidneys, like the bowels. oomellmal so! sluggish and clogged and need I llushlng oeeasiomM1y, also we have hacklche and dull misery In the kidney region, severe hunches. rheumatic mint”. torpld liver. Add alommh. sleepleuneu Ind ttll new of bladder disorders. I Salts Fine For aching Kidneys When the Back Hurts Flux] Your Kidneys, as You Clean Your Bowels In two hours ot the slow journey. he saw Daniels change his direction to north and west and start riding with increased vigor. He himself soon came to the spot; although he wns not an expert trailsman, yet It was easy enough to read the sign here. Yonder the marks of the gel- ding's boots crossed the sign ot a much large horse,' as was shown by the size of the prints and the depths to which they had Bunk. Here, too, was a place where the sand was raked, as it the saddle had been brushed across it. What had happened, Gloster could ‘mt dream, unless at this palm Joan had caught a (rash horse which Tight have been wandering loose. And master remembered the oat. line ot the horse which he had seen Joan riding the night or the jail break. He could not recognize it, of course. having only seen It by star- light, but there was enough aiml- larity t make him tiset reasonably surev Joan's horse had‘oome back to. the ranch without saddle or bridle, and now the rancher was following the back trail to tind what had be- come of his girl. Bo cluster returned to the cotton. woods and took up the pursuit. It was at once appamsnCthat Dan- iels was {allowing the back tun ot a horse, and it was not hard to put two and two together. Yonder was the gelding with the saddle mark still showing on his back, and Dart. iels had left with such haste that he had not even turned the beautiful animal Into the corral. After that the ranchér acted like a man possessed with (and In All- other moment he had thrown t Bad. die and bridle on a horse and was riding north and east. leaning tar trom the saddle and studying I tnli. He dipped into a male, and an won as he had disappeared cluster came from his hiding and ran to examine the marks in the sand. None of thin wu‘known to Gin-tar himself. tor he cam shortly “to: how. installed bin hone no" tho the dawn in eight of the little unch- cotton-woods, and stalked the ham itself. He had hardly ' covert ia' a shed when Buck Daniels " named. Ind uttered a ahout ot lur- prise at the night ot I trim built gelding standing near the ttata ortho, corral and touching noafa with the) horses within. ' ' l For. n aim-n, lt "I build that the bitt buck mum had In... tubal mit of his wright at. “I“ (hither-tau unbound, an! n In the opinion of atl um lama lumbar at tho Hamel nu had come down to chill: the trmat bolls. - a. an In.“ to H N “a . inch with II. - thing. Ther and In t “In 'ireurtiettrttjt-tr. vul- It. on!" at a. club In the an: at In- lhruu at a. tBit bunk That can: In osut. out no" it, town-d the an“ of But Dumas. can. an onus-.7 The town nun Ill bun-In; this morning with I In" exalt-Int of which Clo-tar could know mm. nmmmmmuu 2.raTa, . nub-nu! , yeetikiiiriLier-ts. "reouta.ttt-ta.rrtt-lNttr0-e--"att- ttu-tist-au-tian-it-itil-T- " (To Be Continued) new”). -Copyrigh1 "rrTmt0mrttarqttream "on the Met" on um "mb-tu can. wu Iot “In In till mum " no" on of Ivan“. modern m m u “or" on m on (to m - a A Pom: Tnnip Tramp-iron me, air, but have you seen a policeman round here?" Polite Pedtystritut-- "No, I am sorry." 'rramtr--"Thtutk you. Now will you kindly hand over your watch and purse?" Johnnr--"Yes, Mother, but my arm's longer." Keep Minard'l Llnirnent In the Home. "Well," sum the witness. slowly. " reckon now I did give her a kiss or two; but there wartt't much sut- ferin‘ about it as I could see -she rather liked 'em!" Arm Wu Longer Mother (at diuytsrl-- "Johnny, I wish you'd stop reaching for things. Haven't you a tongue?" ' Even the Judge Smiled It was In a breach at promise case and the rustic defendant was under cross-examination. "Now tell me. please," said the counsel. sternly. "on the evening ot the 16th when you bade her good-bye did she suffer you to kiss her!” A young lawyer tried hard to give himsell the appearance at being ex- ceedingly busy. During his absence- lmux the office he always left a card on the door, marked: "Will be back In an hour.'.' On his return one day he found that a rival had inscribed "What for?" Daughter-Father, our domestic science professor is teaching us how to spend money. Father-He mlght as well mach ducks how to swim. "But you'ye got a tongue itt' your hyd," was the landlndy’s curt rtyrlr. "Yea," was the quick respénée. 'but Pm not a cat.". Not A Cat "Look here," he said, 'Wat going to leave. I‘ve never seen Bach dirty towels In my life, and I can never tind Any soap." lDwod-dt'p no any to us, too. You shyly dampen I comb or not: brush and draw " through your hair, am; on. “and I: 1 tune, Br mom-I the my hair dilap- two, it is tailored to M's-tun] color and [ooh [logy not: lull and emu Coupe-n now has. It dorm-rm mutually and "my "A" m M in. Br nun}! m in. not. he "wr- ME- M an *ttght-gr cup-u.“ you will in a hm ot' m- ‘oM-u-O‘MM hm " (I. a. mum of - hm“. All My to no. at "a Ind. out This all» we mum an be depended and to "do” Mud ottgttr sud beauty] Phone Booths on Street Corners A won-known downtown Quite Unnecessary What Fort Inpucguou or toirer, 'ix' thrift: ( a tPgittS: .. i 'th1itii',itilit,tl,ll) vol mo of an Indian town. The Willa country but. on. ot thq mod than!” (cl-pm. ar- vlcoI m an world. nu from m Into II the will“ u m -"Wh n thi 8 t' 7ii'ltilt.phtt smoothly. ’n ' warm yin]: smiliertilerh'e Says- ARMSTRONG, FLORIST 25 King St. East Phone " Kitchener Artistic Floral Designs, Wadd- ing Boquetu. Gut Powers Store: 173) King at. E., Kltch- ener, Phone 1410. Greenhouse: " Caroline 8t. Phone 939. We excel In the art ot nova arrangement from the “nylon tribute to the man! “that.” creation. ' Say it with Flowers In: ttEttttitttrit,r', an: Immune: f Artistic “on! Design I Speoiuty. A. B ON D Florin Kitettemsr-17 Inn at. Piano 1697P. Waterloo-tet King St. Phone 663. . CUT FLOWERO AND PLANT‘ IIICOBPOI "u, m. urns “a HYDE]. I." ll In- “. Wat-Ibo Gout: Lou 'trtoertbqd “can...” -m... - r..- a. ---- Am........mo.m Airman marinas-w. All pom.- (W a, W- ' tho undo. and ut-Mr. C"-"-"--------:------- IaaumnroCmiacittttk. A.uBeR,tr.A,.ttrmtmtttsort cum! of 850.260.00.- ' to Gonna ill-t. Wt. Sque- o. A. MINI. our. Air. tttep: 'ltlrtr, f?lPt W. C. MEAD, Florist L. w. shun .w_...rw, w. G. Watcher ..... J. Howard Simpson Richard Rolehmln Jon. 3mm» ARTHUR FOSTER . B. E. BECHTEL Ind W. R. BRICKER ..., c. A. BOEHM 'Fw.q. GUARANTEED repairs ot broken metal parts and auto radiators. Broken frames of cars, broken outings, etc., welded, straighten- ASSETS OVER 81.400000 GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT $100,000 oftleer. and Directors In of Pen-int Block. hod- 'Heh It. mm. but!” It trill pay producers to get in touch with us. Write, phone or call. Phone 2060 Highest Prices Pam For churning Cream I. L. 311m 3A.. succuson _ J)' to cam Bit-t. 3mm", Bene DR; fi, 3914'. 0.0. _ "st, "tetltirtarrroitesatsa--to __ 555191 w] i) lou- \00nun not... one. and 1: Mm! Mtetesh, not: w 1mm. """oronANurtrr _ Merlot Bt., “when". a no... Aug-0.....- v-..__ - q ed and made good as new. Wreck- ed radiators a specialty Twin City Welding and Auto Radiator Repair Co.. 245 King St. E., Kit- chener. Phone 1658. Harm Implements Bring your vulcanlzlng and welding work to us. Lawn mow-rs and knives Iharpgned, rubbers repaired. and general repalrlng. Gordon Peterson Piomptly and neatly doneSau» faction unnamed. H. M. WILHELM " Kirtit u N., I- will at] Calumet: one. Inch- ut'l Bank Building. Tolephono m. Kit-clout. on. . now. on low to to”, on“, w Ink Bttttdi9 Wnurloo. hour-Hun- Implemenu. . ' In“. mammal! my Mhtd Hm. WU. Mn. Md “In. “In. which the lull “lawman". -' Waterloo Mutual Fir Insurance Company R E P A I R I N G noon, anon and RUBBER! karma“: Kmvu 8HARPENED E. NIERGARTH ' Ed: St. - Waterloo WATERLOO YULCANIIING WORKS . Harry Marks, Prop. 01 King St. N. Shumuhcr'. Dairy B. BOWLBY. ILA. LLB" Bar W.‘ solicitor. Noun Public AUTO RADIATORS Harness and Shoes SHOEMAKING. Established 1863 Repairing 98 ChurchSt Kitchener .,. Inspectors Dlutrlct Agent .....President Vice-President A. Bauer J. H. Roos P. E. Sham: . , . . Munager Waterloo. A Leave your order- n " MI IL. Wuouoo. Prim mason"; mammal?) Mtssse.vHarris New Good Service- nhle farm wagon. Price '" Massey-Harris New Cream Bourn- tor. 500 Mm capacity (50 (lllonl) Price tM. 206 Weber Chambers, Pinon. 100i. Kltchlner. Accountant: and Auditors, Authoh 122d Trustees. Antique". do. _... U. B. SHANTZ DD.S,, D.M D., has. M.D.8.. Sperm] attention paid to Orthodon- tia (straightening teeth) and win- leis extraction with early In. pressions tor plates. Phones: Office “I, Ran. 2029M.‘ " King St. West, Kitchener. DR. L. DOERING, Dentist, moon. set to Dr. J. Schmidt, 69 King St East. over Dominion Bank. two doors trom Postomce, Kitchener. phones: Otticts 454; rrmidenea, 2092W. DR. H. M. KATZENMEtgm, Don- tist, (since 93 King St. W., Kitch- etter. Phone 305W. DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, Room 110 Webcsr Chambers, Kirftr St. W. Kitchener, Telephone connection, Kitchener. DR. F'. G. HUGHES, Dentist. Huh- nel's Block; King st. 8., Waterloo. Phonti-ottice 3M3, Residence, 259.1. AUDITOKS & ASSIGNEES WALTER D. lNRIG 81 co. Palmer Gruduau Chin-outmo- 104 King 8t. West, Kitohoner Phonu: ottltro 1123.5, New “In. INCOME TAX COUNSEL DR G. E. HARPER, DENTIST. tome-e in Oddtellows Block, " Kipg St, s., Waterloo, Phone 349. Don't throw Away your old In- gram, Tape-try or Bruno! lar. povs. Brink them to " We mmkn them into beautiful new ro-vemihle Flu! Rugs tor you. Art. Craft Rag Worn. 83. Mary St \"nerloo. Phone 4811. 27 Krtt. St., Want. Waterloo, In Molsons Bank, Waterloo, Pinon. IN. FLUFF RUG WEAVING “Wear-cur ' Olive u Witliam m., WM loo. Phone um. _ """oronANurtrr I Helm Aura...“ y"... " Phonon. om» mu. mm. 98 KING ST., w., Br. E. I. Hanselmnn his office and residence from 29 Ahrens St. W. M to nzm:ui.mg_ “mu-unnu- “KI-0&1. l _ PHOISTERING Over the Bank of Nova Scotia. Chiropractor, Has MOVED H. ECKEL, Dentist. GENO , tttrNOPANtgtt e N J. 8. OHMI camomcuc DR. E. G. FRY C. R. (HES F. wagon“, 0.0., a i FOR SALE DENTAL UPHOLSTERING ah, C.

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