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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1925, p. 5

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e " ”was.” “Imam-dunn- "rstgrvt.itm.ttnrttti-tt" _ Humbugml-nulla. There was another large crowd ot farmers and townspeople at the Wat. orloo afternoon market held casu- urday. An 'abundance ot green gar- den Mutt was offered and disposed of in short order. There was an ad- vance in the price g eggs to 30 cents per dozen while butter sold at 35 cents and 37 cents an advance over fast week.Little fowl was offered. FROST DOES DAMAGE Farmers and truck gardeners in the Twin-City district report some damage done by frost to crops during the week end, Strawberry plants, beans, tomatoes and other crops were slightly nipped by the frost but the damage is not serious. Farmers are hopeful that with the warm weather and rains which are bound to come soon the crops will show a more rapid growth and make up tor the backward spring. CLASS OF FOURTEEN ADULT! CONFIRM") At the St. John‘s Lutheran church on Sunday fourteen, adults were con- firmed which brimrttttteroumber con- firmed since Duster to 56. Rev. C. S Roberts preached able sermons at both services. MR8. FOERSTER The Ladies' Aid of the St. Johnfs Lutheran church recently presented Mrs. C. Foerster. Cedar St., with a beautiful set of linens In apprecll- tion of the excellent and faithful work she has done in behalf of the society the past seventeen years.The gathering, which was held in the 'lurch9amrmeau, took the tom ot a birthday social A program of read- ings and music was much appreci- ated. i PRESENTATION TO REV. W. H. HARVEY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF METHODIST CONFERENCE At the annual Hamilton Comer- ence of the Methodist church held at the o.A.C., Guelph, recently, Rev. W. H. Harvey, pastor of St. James' Methodist Church, Waterloo. was signaliy honored when the confer- tleiogites by a standing vote unani- mously elected him president of the conference for 1925. Rev. W. E. Pescott of Trinity Church, Kitch- ener. was the president for 1924. I News of Interest l Around Town THREE SQHOLARSHIPS FOR WATERLOO COLLEGE OF ARTS The people or the Twin City and district will he interested In the an. nouncement made by the Waterloo College of Arts or the donation of three scholarships and two medals tor competition among the students of the Waterloo College ot Arts which is attiliated with the Univer- sity ot Western Ontario. One of the scholanhips donated in the Augustine scholarship, with I value ot $50 to be applied to tuition in the sophomore year of the college, donated by A. W. Augustine“. of kit. chener in memory of his father, the late A, n. Augustine. WA. Thla in freshman plttsts of the college of at" who is. in the opinion ot the (acuity. to be awarded to tho student of the most worthy of the honor. MARKET LARGELY ATTENDED The second donated in the Kaur nun scholarship which in of the “me value an the previou- one, out! inlet. is to he Aoiied to union in the Junior yen. It II donated by A. R. Kaufman of Kitchener in memory of his father, the lite chdb Knut- man. It Is to be torttrded to the student of the sophomore clu- who Is deemed to be most worthy by the (acuity. The third 301101le ht" M donned by Dean Alex. Potter of the College of Arts no In at the an! "In. " the two previous I'INI, an ulna of the whet-r359 to be "piled to the tuition In the mm your of the madam at the Junior duo doomed to he no“ "My by "on number- of the lucky. In IS"': to than minut- two m- one of gold and no at “Ivor in" m domed by the xw - um WuQrbo Mun an 'rr and "tte ups-Inn on“ JANSEN OPTICAL M. mm lul- "I“! no " PM St. _'l'cleplnu 868 1010'“ MIMI“ " Cm TI. "and who. the my In": - an “DIM It“ Dam-t mm In In. atrie other contu- mm were Lloyd Denna. who “on on ”that: Another Wu to Wm,” Arthur Icing. on "law." and mu; m lei-II on “emanation of LUTHERANS MOLD ANNUAL S. SCHOOL CONVENTION There was 'a representative gathering from the Western District at the annual convantlon ot the Lutheran Sunday School held at Waterloo on Monday. A gloom was cut over the convention when word was received of the tragic death ot Louis Peine ot New Hamburg while on his way to the convention. Rev. Mr. Moaig. president of the conven- tion was called home to New Ham- burg, end Rev. C. B. Roberts, vice- prealdent, presided over the meet ins. mm In: in- by 19 which I“ much orutrred. In the morning ‘liuslness was dis- cussed and disposed ot and otrictyra elected. Rev. Meals was again chosen president, Rev. C. S. Roberta, vice pesident. and Rev. Laumach ot Heidelberg and Erbsvllle. secretary- treasurer. The sumo! $78T was Butiscribed tor missions, of which $400 was from St. John's Sunday school. Excellent papers were given at the afternoon session by J. H. Eldt of Kitchener, _Rev. J. Reble ot Hamilton. and Rev. C. B. Roberts ot Waterloo. The convention de. cided to be otticitslir represented, at the funeral ot the late Mr. Pelne. Many Ropmntnivu tram Wanna Distr) Print.--; Conven- tion at Elmira. The visiting delegates were serw ed with dinner and supper at the market building by the local Sunday School teachers and ettieers. There were 200 delegates and over 100 visitors present, representing 27 Sunday schools. The next annual convention will be herd Trwsiirfir. -__-- - W” News of the death of Mrs. J. D. Barnes which occured quite sudden- ly at Providence, Rd., Thursday afternoon, was received by her large circle of friends in the Twin-(111v with deep regret. She had been in ill health tor some months but word at her death came quite unexpected- 1y to her family. The remains were brought to Kitchener and the tune. ral took place at 2.30 o'diock Satur- day afternoon. an impressive service being conducted in St. John's Angli- can church. Kitchener. try .Rev. Mr. Langford. Interment was made in Mount Hope cemetery. MR8. J. D. BARNES DIES AT PROVIDENCE. R. I. Daughter of the Late Ila-c Hoffman and Siner of Mrs. C. W. Schiedel or Waterloo. Deceased, whose maiden name was Caroline Magdalena Holman, was I daughter ot the late Isaac Hoffman. owner ot the Holman Furniture Co. at the corner ot King and Ontario Ste, and was also in member ot the firm or Hoffman. Wegennnt & Co. " the corner of King 1nd Allen Ste. Waterloo. The late Mrs. Burns. was born in Kltch- ener 61 years "o. A few weeks .30 she returned to her home in Provi- dence after unendind tour months with her denxhter, Mrs. D. Shannon Bowiby, Ind had intended to return to Kitchener shortly to make her home here. There survive her dunner, Mrs. D. Shunnon Bowlby. three Intern. Mrs. C. W. Schiedel of Wllorioo. Mn. " C. Hull ot Kitchener. Mn. I R. mewlrt ot Detroit, two brottterts, Dr. J. W. Hothrtnm ot De lron And A. P. Holmnn of Windsor; also In unit. Mrs I. tr, Anthem, and two qrandehitdren, Kn. Norman M. Davina and Shut-non Bowlby Jr,, III ot Kitchener. nun-on. _ The upon vaunted ct the run. n month; of the Kitchener no wumoo mum com-alum? hold new“, and! that “IV. were tthy patient- In the Immune]: at the and od the ma. During an In“ " In" dunno:- won jur- mu W. C. M m mud to Inn" at the m- m the Nun.- m was to be Durlng the .rstttttg muted solac- MANY VATIINT. AY HOOPITAL turn-utmmI-l rid-lym- thumb”.- tr,w_ttnatnattrMtie6arth hum-,lnhhonulhlann wnwwmmm/ Shortly an» III. o'clock loam morning Mr. Pain III "I. no In, to attend the and - School manual d tho lanthan- chnrch. It WWII». Al my at. tomptod to cm: the can track: " New, “than“ ttto our In M an! nu. M!!! I!!!" hr ' tNigtrt train coming " a haunt. _ Thu at. n and», VII are" ttgBtrttt the switch I tow loot from the will. (once on the north “do at the Links pinning Mr. Pain. have“: the much and the car. He was removed to " home who" he and wtthht In]! " hour. Ho tutored - in Juries to " back and I!“ uncon- scloua when picked up, In: Penn and Miss Wilker were thrown through the top ot may" to tho road. They Buttered pattttul but not serlims injurtea. , Active in Church and Municipal Affairs The late Mr. Pelne Ins horn in New Hamburg. Jan. Nth, 1866, end was a son ot the late Henry end Caroline Peine, a member ot n tam. ily of tourtden children. all but three of whom have passed any. He re- ceived " education in the while school and later at the Dr. Tulle school, at Golt where many promin- ent citizens ot the county were educated. Mr. Peine inter tonght school at Philipsburg and New Prus- sia, near Weilesley. Some years later he retired from the telehing profession and went into the insur- ance business and also acted as agent for the Canadian Pneillc Rail.. way and operated a book store. He had as a business associate his son Fred. For a number ot years he was a member of the public school board and later was elected to the village council. He was reeve for six years and also a member of the county council. in religious life Mr. Peine took a deep and active interest, be ing a member at the Sunderscho'oi stat! of Trinity Lutheran church for tttty years the last number of which he was superintendent. He eleo Berr ed the church as choir lender and or- ganist for a number of years, Mr.l Peine‘s advice was frequently sought! in connection with church and} municipal work. When the new Lutheran church was built some years ago,Mr. Peinelwns one ot the prime movers and was treasurer ot the building committee. He was silo one of the ‘most outstanding and valued laymen ot the Lutheran church ot Canada and his opinions expressed at the meetings of the ‘Synod were always sought and valued. He was one of the group of Lutherans who Mtttett years ego saw the need at an educational in- stitution for the training ot the young men ot the church tor the ministry and since the lounding of the Waterloo Seminary and College he has been member of the Bond of Governors. He was nlso a mem' l her of the executive of the Canads , Synod. The late Mr. Paine was an naive member of the LibertOCon-tlre Association. . The inneral will take piles thi- (Thundny) afternoon " two o’clock to Trinity Lutheran church for up vice and thence to the Riverside cemetery tor bum]. There sun!" to mourn his loss I wife, Mum Deichert, and two long and two daughten. Fred, New Hun- burg. Theodore, burnout. Toronto, Charlotte 1nd Honrhul at home. Also three listen. Mm. J. Rulul. Miss Ema-tine Paine. both of Akron, Ohio. and Mm. Adam Berlct. Port Huron. Mich. One brother. Charles C.. commission merchant of Chicago. produce-sod him about two "on. The Wnterloo Lint. Commlulon recently erected electric light pole: on the new ureet opened up ott Erb street beyond We Zach hm. The people who hue qrmttqd no home: on um street helm]. A. K. Cream-n, real out». Mal Inuit-let Agent. Min luau, and N. D. Sch“! will now be INC to have obstru- light In their hill... 1‘. m. on which thou hom- Irq built In an I no. “out!“ and I Dawn} - at an tm of WhtHooed [ID ml!“ ameni- Wo a am will. Tim M. I III-Mr d muumtlnuwmm It nrttt only I. n that the Man other but. will I. mu “a. “all “not. n Is “not; a. not an!“ VIII te etmaat'ataseatther-trtteett" 'tttMt-ts-tedt,-'-- EXTEND ELECTNIC LINE ON NEW .TREIT thwu-‘unun jiii2'iit?/idiiYgigt mtgbt wuuunvmmmmuw q...'.' --- ' ,r-$tebe0'e.'hioe%.lrmsrr'enhm_rera-tut.- oeamta1miiqmrlu-tet-in-r.eear-Md.rtar-ttqro-ttt.t-e mud-manna; It. my. -lte"rmttta-tat+t t 'tr"oeN-tua-lthnto-tt-tettielNt-l.tbmtudqttser. ' ummmmmmmhmmu’v ummm.mu hmtmm-muflmmmlgudllmnuaxhudu "tatttér mm with “In I!- 9.10 (but a. Kit. “our. in re: no. 'hBtgtap m a.“ d a. 1m c.- ..” - all no I. Wn‘uho u .1.“ n no. - In: I. on.- nnod to 't.80 pal by KIM annual. At "an! w-urloo common my 31.“. tt v- ll” mud on! that " qNtaettto hm all m 31!:er the hen-M paid-acm- will mm the lam: or Donut-churn tonne u sun mm at within twain months. The report of [mar Iclnlyn will be considered by the Int-rho Count-shun mar-tho Rheum: Light Commit-IonJu npprovod ot “no. F2C' The management of this paper claims that a large portion of Kitchener business comes from the outlying districts surrounding Kitchener, and that we should inform those who live in the suburbs of the values we have to-offer. We have therefore prepared this, a Test Advertisement and have Reduced Prices to such a low level that there will be no ex- cuse for being able to say that we did not make A Fair Test. A "nliidr"ll1 come Prepared to thrr8artrains You’ll Not be Disappointed Pure Silk Hose in sub- standards of the Dollar quality pohrrs,_Nude, Flesh, htmoiohere, Grey, Brown, Black, White and Main Jong Another lot of Gloves for a final clearing. Tbat price 25 dozen Children':, Sox in all colors, made of fine comm and lisle mixture. Test price 'h""""" 25 dog. ladies' Bioomei's, in Pink, Blue and White, made of cotton and silk knitted mixture. While they last 5 dozen Dimity Crepe Bloomers in all the latest shades, full slug, double elastic bands. Reg. $1.00.. Test price ............ Another lucky purchase of Satinette Slips, excep- tionally good teatinette in all latest éolors. Regular $2.00.Tetrt price ........ Black Rayalitc, 54 inches wide, extra heavy weight. The best value ever offered at $2.00.th ...... Heavy Sent. Diagonal. Man, ete., for Costa and heavy what div-us. 54 niche- In width, regularly 81.75 to 38.75. per yard. Test prlee '..r........ may and Voila, all the we“ - ln - colon. for Summer we". 40 belle- h width. Regular 69: to Tlie. While they last. that will bring hundreds of eager Shoppers every day V Hose Font“! lulu In plain colon. " anarchism ll. clavir ti Go Fig 'Nstprieepr., ..... Test Specials Dress Goods amen-"cm my. _ from. Regular ll o. Me. to 31.00 per lavir ti Go. 2'2r,iti'iie'y',iiii,rc'n' 15 King E, KITCHENER (Old Metropolitan Store) Gt 43C, , “than bu "an“ to unlu- nna . In an vim In 1m They won scoot-ml“ Hy In. sum“ Bm"e an I!- Purl Brian. who In! - a [at in tut city. Thai won ghee-amid boil by their than“! dorm who will ”and he: nation " hr hm Mr. George larch" of DOM Old In. Arthur Dom ot PontHe, m, spent I luv any: at the hon. of Mr. and In. In Snyder u Wat-rt loo. T Tmt-tour-teta- norms. 1.39 It. and In, mm Cttggead have 39c. Mo. 39c. 69c. Suitable for white-wear English Flannelettes, and of all descriptions, yard Females, all reg. up to T5e wide. Really a Me quality] m yd., your Choice at the Test 23c 6eeialTesrtsrriee,6rthr.. . priceof................ - Dozens of other useful items not advertised will be displayed on tables, _ priced in plain figures, showing their low price. FREE PANTS WITH SUITS _ AT 19.95 . Test Price of - - -- These suits are pure wool, navy herring-bone and also a few made in Young MmN or Standard modelsgnd well worth $30.00. Flannelette Blankets, suitable for double bed,”- itively first qualify and of real heavy and soft down texture. Grey and white with Pink and Blue borders. I Hats! Hats! Hats! And More Hats! Men's Underwear Boys' Bloomers Balbriggan Shirts and This hardly covers the Drawers of very finest ”is!“ ',lh'e2,1f, but we quality, sizes 32 to 44. Reg. Alc. W to m e t e test 33:" 75e. Test price . . . . . . . . . . tttste:. 11.,?1.fe.f2:y. 98 Ready-To-Wear for Women and Children also join in the Test. The very {but of PM Twill and Tricotine Coats, Crepe and Sstirtette lined. fur trimmed collars and cuffs. sizes 16 to 44. Colors: Navy, Sand, Grey, Fawn, Brick and Black. Come pick your choice. Com,} Lid imii, ahe- 4 to T. Reg. to 88.00. /0ne not cl Children's Test price , trmytnqeehti, fueling Bleached Cotton REEL TEST PRICES (Ill HOME NEEDS It Shaw's '.tiiii.irj.iij.c.1% ............ . '."f.fff13.29thtt ll‘ Mention This Paper ifYou Come. 1.l.1lrhlll IT All. DEPENDS labial-mulhvunu nkummulr.nd Knuth-Mum pm. The compute ”Mule I: u “lows: Tho Wit-rho Intent Society pun - up]. uranium In the have": but! comm this tumor. The on: man wttt In In“ It ttte anloo part on Jun. Tttt when the Bunion! and will give the mmwuun-m MIthmNow York so Conn, Value. to $35.00 "(HOLD MY mm You Are the Proof. OneIMof Sakai-ht- ‘1049 ' 1 4.95 Pure Irish Linen Huck Towels with colored hem. stitched border, nice size and good weight but very fine linen thread. Test price Small dies only, going at. . Heavy Flowered Cret, onnes, Chintz, Ducks, Prints, Gahteas, Cambries, English Titannelettes, and Females, all reg. up to 75e yd., your Choice at the Test Broadcloth Dream In all new bright stripes in com. munion: of Sand and and 'dti2,tt,1, bi1'IT.4S5 31.98 One Eart of 85.00 Hats Group Sale out; and“ " wgtterttttt. _ .1me at Quill: Ill 1 Quirk u m. III} '--wat+ at WW :- ---_- July tr-itt " Waterloo. July "-omiptt " Brunt“!!! Ill _ 00k; KIM a oh... I... F-B-tted n Wanda. Juno-“~01." " Knew. _ Jun; 8t--Wuthe- " Bra-mud All July "-Kttetmutr It Wnurloo. malt '--oait " and». Au. 1mm " Brawn“; Wator. Mar 't-N_to a III-(w - t loo It Gilblph. C Au. tF-Btanuord at Kitchener and One Iart of 87.00 Hats at $2.49 ' if 98c 49C fweeds,

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