I Steady - Negro“? Smilfn'Chgl’E Say: Personality In Print The filler who knows thong? Beepbga: tt' rt s a have: tgilt?' The Waterloo Trust and iii., Savings Company 'il Waterloo "M ADVERTISEMENT IS M IlmThTnlt' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllillllllllllll' tttttttttttttttttttttttIt-tmum-tnet-nn-tttnt-tttttttttll uArst,1sts,swureho'rtuutarsdsv'r-oeoHrm'e' itaeurtireA.tuo-ruG--oqe--dPt-- WdehrboOqlggy. m'r'r-trere".tu?-ryrte -t,edilt-etsti.uigq.atartvverresrtmttrKe_trtrtaYet"" annuity. Out "and. lbw that a [up number“ the but 'ttra- of the county transact their avian but“ with In. otetotastu-mtu-e."-riettwn-o-itiss-r f $3,062,904.13 _ E. S. Playfdrd. Manager. 7 Thiss-tei-the-a-Ad-tsie) mmmm In the “Waterloo Trait" as a we and sound institution. 4% INC: lie. The "personality in print" is the greatest. builder ot eontldence there is. It teaches the whole community to ----tMRieve in you and your goods. ---to think they have a need tor your goods. ----and to buy at 'your store. Moreover. people expect to be asked to shop st your store. A message in “The Waterloo Chron- icle" carries conviction right Into the home. Let us show you what happens when .iiictibmm Thom“ Him-rd, President E F. Seaman. lst Vice-President J. M. Scully, RC. Henry Knoll F. S. Kumpt H. J. Sims. K. C Louis L. Lang Issued by Canadian Weekly Newspaper. Aaaoeitttioet wd Operate urtd.er strict Government Supervision LET us SERVE YOU. .EOPLE prefer to buy known goods from merchants whom they know. .ADVERTl% makes you acquainted with the buying puts Head Oftiee: Tommi). Cauld- F.C.A., 2nd Vice-President idem. Oscar H. Vast s-Pmident . Fred Halstead ad Vice-President W. L. Hilliard, M. D. George D. Forbes George A. Dabble J. H. Gundy Thomas w. Seam-am P. V. Wilson, Managing-Director allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards Kitchener DIRECTORS P. V. Wilson, Managing Director ‘very esrtegtthe III-in. In this can: A pretty April wedding took place on Tuesnay. April M, at the home of Mr. and Mr; Henry Becker at Dashwood. when their eident daugh- ter, Miss Christine, was united in marriage to Mr. Erviu' Brandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brandt ot Bamberg. Miss Barbara Becker fully» ed the wedding march and Rev. E. Quiet iiiéd' thlruipfrtiT9iidt. The' bridesmaid was Miss Martha Becker the sister’s bride, while Mr. Nelson Brandt suppiifted the Broom. Little Miss mtrleda Becker, the bride's sister, made a pretty nomrr girl. The newly wedded couple wt11 re. side In Kitchener. The marriage ot Mia Elbe] Hil. denbrand ot Waterloo and Mr. Charles Knivptel of Petersburg was solemnizea at the parsonage ot St. Paul's Lutheran church, Wedneoduy April 16. Ree. Albert Orton, ttotor ot the church. performed the core- mony. Miss Marguerite Hildenhnnd of Windsor. niece of the bride, wen bridesmaid, and Mr. Adam Hilden- brand ot Petersburg supported the groom. The groom's gift to the bride-mud was a string ot purl! mud to the he“ man a tounuin pen. Mr. on! Mrs. Knipi'ei left on the aft-moon train on a honeymoon trip to Ne- braska. After their return they will reside at Petersburg for a shop time. ttr-H-mary-Aer" li, Alvin L. Dneger of Detroit. 'ttrmerlr of Kitchener. to Don Hnmmnry, ot Guano, Mich. Chas. McKenzie, Manager. KrtipNi-Hmunttrttrtd Gait WEDDINGS Brandt . Becker I a Mrs P. Height of Waterloo sue a an interesting address on the sub- 5 ject “Dinicuities and Achievements i-il ot Missionary Enterprise." She re ferred to the dittieulties emountsmd in carrying on mission work and the success attained by 2,500 mission. aries in the tuid. minimum, t,'.',',ta,titittp"I,r4'tiiiil't a tho day-(ht and calm ucnmmnm lull ct m a Thursday, "e Mth. Bmwtdamlbuit mozmmwa- mulc- at a. an. M w-it-ttsth-tht- on» puma: moon-arm extreme Wall“ who all-In mmomtuotmnw.u.md u - at“ to mm mm can» sunny being "vealed. . Inning union Tho evening union a! the can- ton-co In taken up with mm in connntion' with the and†school “thin“. Rev. A. T. Null, at mum. gave interesting " ures showing the trteadr growth of in Band" wheel and lanolin]! i lasagna ot elm-tin Enduvor. He annulled the need of giving more time to religious instruction both at home and in the Ichool. A timoly nddresl was given by Rev. M. G. Gail ot Kitchener mi "Our latent Renourcelâ€. He Bugs-tad that both the above mania-tinny couldrbe bundled better it brought mg'emer under one hand. Bishop Sprung In honored during the evening by being presented with a beautiful bouquet ot roses in honor of the 60th anniversary of his con. nection with the Evangelical church. Rev. M. L. Wing read I suitable etiology on the lite and work ot the vetenn bishop. Mr. C. Hangar, representing the, 'TY""""" - W publishing interests at Cleveland. _ chose as his subject “What Heat .. Thou in Thy Hand" and urged " honor: to a more Initiate] applica- -=======-r-- tion of the gospel ot Jesus Christ. VWILL PLANT FOUR-ACRE Prof. E. E. nomm, M.A., B.D., head AREA WW“ PINE TREES at the Department of Religious Edui AT SEWER FARM cation ot Northwestern College! - ---.-- Naperville, m.. addressed the con- Lait 1:99" A. H. Richardson ot the iorence on Sunday in the interests Ontario 'Ttrreatry Branch visited of the institutions which he repre- Waterloo and in V WNW“? with sented, Mr. J. C. Breithaupt. of Kit- chairman Wm. Toietzki. and mom- rhener. a trustee of the college, bers of the commission and town "Hiro made a brief address on the engineer Claude Necker visited the iedueational institutions. sewer farm. It was decided to plant - .1 ,,,,AAA 1..) .-.' Rev. o. W. Hehn ot Milvertor. spoke on "Prohibition, What ot the Max:113 said the 7199311571315- lation put through by the leglslature was a direct blow to the 0. T. A, MEMORIAL CONTRACT AWARDED TO GALT FIRM The executive ot the Waterloo County Pioneers‘ Memorial Associa- tion on Saturday awarded the con- tract for the erection of a tower memorial on the memorial plot near Doon to John A. Fox of Gait. The cost will he about $3,600 and the amount will be raised by public sub- scription. - Biir8reerttrt'teertt . HILDEBRANDT _ SPINNERS {ma-"Nu J. J. _Hi1det?raryii: Co. Hundreds to choose from at all Ethnic tackle counters. Send for new catalogue. Logansport, Indiana .ll Which mum it a Wm; Visitor _ E in so Hang; Home: Lait ‘week A. H. Richardson ot the ontario"Ttrreatry Branch visited Waterloo and in _ company with chairman Wm. Toletzkl, and mem- bers ot the commission and i'i'ii? englneer Claude Meeker visited the) sewer farm. It was decided to alum three acres on the wnate ltnd and ,also an acre on “joining land ot @A. E. Quickfall. The oommlulon ' will mm Varm,_m shade trees.on one corner ot the - farm to provide trees tor town sprinting 6000 trees' comm-{ling . Scotch and jack pine! wiirttertrttippetd ':to Waterloo shortly. It is expected (ss per centre! the trees will grow. The tender for the erection of u new school house lm the Broil-u road has been gken to (313. mm of Baden, who will do the with (or 310.600. which will Include laying of swam. CONTRACT AWARDED atttifu.te tteine my. In Human-â€mm adamant-WWW†and». hamlmhmmld noun-Mn! Kitchener and Walnloons A comm am of KW I“ Want-loo out. - -ter6 only wool: In In column. in! Include. a â€all!" wrltun Twin {my - "I PM Current Events and World News “than. Regular Editorial Column Hon um: the reader h km "than“ u to Canadian and World [was of un- â€Rance which is also IMhOI' nod-bl. Comlnlng comm-M on mutton of local and cumm Int-rod. Equitable Life Block SUBSCRIPTION PRICE '-82.00 per year nailed to my poll! in Cunt. $2.50 per year to any phce in the United Staten. The' 1lFaterloo Chronicle ml.“ PLIADID GUILTY In Kitchen" pollen court on Mon- day, R. W Hum-n whim - ot "terrtptittg to rob A. J. Mar on sNe"rStdE, Your crop cost will be low Tfrougetabigvie1dperacreand per man. The way to produce largest yields of best quality is to supply the crops with plenty of available plant Swift's Red Steer Fatima! do this. They are made from carefully selected materials. They are evenly mixed and thoroughly candy TheRedSteeronthebagioa guarantee of highest quality. 1000. but“. “I any n a In! In. ,,muu-mmauun 7 _- ulgbohoumuhuw. _ WMaudHum ‘9‘“ Including an... on "we - gala and no“... Thou Malt a a- count and. to m - In in. My... And can» Auction Sales, an Exclusive The chm-Mo I. mag-glad as W notably the lull». Indium for -tiggt um and k - the announce-om " 'rrmrtie=tly only “I. be“ In w. “an. In wick circulation In ttte IN.“ rural districts nun-rounding Kmhonor and WM loo can!“ a pic-unduly menu"! - lay u um {armory with Wading vault- to the adv-nil". Parkman-III! Inmbmmmnummw no tat "tqt In emula- and - bio-Dab Afaraed Refer“ KITCHEN“ NURSERIES 18 Benton St. Kitchener Phones: 476 and 1213 . Order by Mail or Phone Authorized Swift Agent Waterloo, Ontario his rum no" Bro-Ian on April te. Nu amok Ilium-n Ind uncured him unconncloul Ind then turned him over to the police. hiTrt