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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Apr 1925, p. 6

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Mr. tind Mm. John Bursa: of Centrevllle spent Sunday at Pleas- ant View. Miss Florence Shepherd was the guest of friends at Toronto last week end. .Mr.or6Nm..rteamrderand IMWMIIM mummmtwvnhm In. - m all IM‘ "whammy. “damn".uputn I." 'er..ndtem.rtarerrtntir-hrne2ttr.ht-other..ndi; Goeettesoer--rttttter.."-?et. l mrutratitrtagsmrqr-far., l..rnoctnuucnunuwma} Mrs. J. Dunn visited with tab- the Baptist Church vim hold an Mr. m In. Wale] Brian, I auditor. _ I!“ Mars-rot Install - ”by II can with liar-bur. In. Mr. S. Rohr, who In: been In tor an nut month. ts Improving. In. A. Y. Null no Mn. Gold, ring "on; A low dam in Toronto In! Ink. News Nous. Mr. Clyde Bowman of Waterloo was a guest of Mr. Howard Snyder at Oxbow Farm not week. _ Mm Joan Chris spent the week end with the Mayer: at Plenént View. Miss Laura Bell Turel ot the Geneial Hospital, Hamilton, spent a short time at her home here on Thursday last. Mr. Claude Beatty and Mr. Michael Helntzman ot Ktlchener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heintmgm on Sunday. 's-C-"-"-""""""""-'"'--'-'-" v" _-T- "1“ "lP"T'l'rffH.eePf'er."tb" It.“ {Ln-comm C mun-ducmmm Dunn-burnout”: lhl'tlhm In ”mums-tum.“ 'r.t-artthe-ttr-inPHtt-trtmedt-"tqr a tteq ,ir-1rmeKttttr'Blt.-trM0qrttbttr. Mr. Georgi Hope has boon con- tttted to " bod with I swore cold. Mn. N. Brickor, tttother of Mm. M. Fried Ind Austin sticker. In vary at at her home tn lineman". Mrs. Banning" its spending a few days with friends It Kitchener. Mr. Carl McAlllster of Guelph spent Sunday " the home or Mr. and Mrs. Alex MeAdiitrter. Hm Mil-hm Honolulu and Min Lorena Snyder spent the week end the guest at Miss Mada Snyder. a: Ocean 80Ven Lilies After all! There is no substitute for quality and superiority. There's Dempsey, Nurmi, Munn, Babe Ruth The _ Final Argue- ment . 8.0de for Gun! Purpo- If You Want Onto: true, Pantry) Made to Make Good In Run-int Always ILOOIINODALI Flour Flour to and. - up ”on on lot-thy, I Am nth. at Mr. D. W tuni- ‘tun no". _ llr. ', The only "The mama" aw ‘tha "unico- of the Women's lud- unto. will be than In (In "a In: 'fnturo. The Purl CotrttttUgitttt hold their, lunar! mom; in the “bury Hull P" Wedneadny evening. Plans were mud: to hold a My ot spam on My Nttt nnd communal were unpainted to look Into everything nun-try to make it 1 big at). Amuomenis were and. with the Hortieutttttat Society to nuke " arch or rambler moses over the fountain aim and also for the planting ot nowerit In the park. Much other bushes: wan also done. mini-mm“. A-tttBree-M-th- Manhunt-yd“ “It In.» moat-ro- ndjwnuuwmm ”Ma-0.0mm homunculus-lam"! alo- " I,“ the “only“ “lanthanum-03M“ '"tuttrr-tht1Ntrtr, a plat-m on... In! tooth. Ind heal lib m h Imam or broth on mu m; that h M with my “alumnusorhm‘um. Nana; IIMI. m m- Ono- uan I. many, an n not“ all! biannual,“ .1 can A very planing event took pile! on Sunduy. March and, u the home at Mr. and Mm. Noah Weber, 50 Pnndon Ave.. Kitchener. when Mr. Mr. Hoynd N. Canon In n bull- nou Humor to Kitchener on "tttr. any. Gotcha“ Oliver Wedding. Fiery, Itchy Skin Quickly Soothed With Sulphur Mines Dolly and Emit Loom spent Sunday with their grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Miller, at H-ysvme. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Dd. Loth of Kitch- ener spam the weak end with the huer'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con- rad Llpl. a Little Jimmy Hartman, the toar year old son ot Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry Hartman, was struck by s or on East and West streets In! Wednes- day snemoon. but fortunately es- caped serious injury. The lad was attempting to cross the street when the csr csme along It a slow rats of speed and struck him. The little (elbow. hgvsver. hung onto the ssh and VII dragged along until the can" came to s stop. thus new; the'; wheelslfmm Dillllll over his body.‘ He was removed to " home and ul reported to be getting “on; 1"2/r") or ‘Eou'Fe'Ebld elécts tii? 'st/ Louis Wagner lust Saturday. Mrs. George Porter returned home from a week's visit at the home ot her gtautrttter, Mrs. Milton accuser at Monckton. Mn. Clayton Ankenmen and little daughter‘ Jean of Gowanmown are spending a week with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. H. has}. Mr. an In. Clarence Brigham! ot Cit-mun won Mum " he home ot " pron“. Mr. and In. H. C. Brutttrut. Miss Mans Boos attended tho Inneral of her mother, the late Mrs. Valentine Warm. at Preston on Wednesday. Mr. Ed. r. Scherer. our new luc- uoneer. conducted a successful" gain Mnrrled.~A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fawkes, when the mun sister, Miss Catharine lube was united in marriage to Mr. Henry Walter, of Non-tum. The cqremony was performed by Rev. H. R. Koala. pastor ot Trinity Luthmn church, and the attendants were Mr. Ind Mrs. John Haunt, of Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter will reside at New stadt and have the best wishes ot their many friends. The many friends of Mrs. H. C. Brtghtral will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from her re- cent serious illness. ..t..... Mr. Kenneth Marty let! on Satur- day for Schumacher, New Ontario. where he has taken a position In MacPherson's Drug Store. The death occurred :5. her home in Non-“gt on Sunday last ot In. Johann. Wan. widow ot the late valertthte Wain, formerly ot Pru- ton. The deemed was In her 96th l year. She Is whim by two (laugh Item. Mrs. Mom Boos or New. Ham. burg and Min Mary Wuhn of Hun- over, also our Ion. Mr. (Thule: murm 6t Gretna. Man. There no mo (vulva "madman: and no not! madchlldnn. The (non: In hold in! Wednolduy to the Proud: country. _ Thor! no quite I number k - In town valuing with m; “Tip” It mt. l Mr. Von-an [bl-rut ot, Wacbrloo ”at the vat and with MI up can. Mr. and In. Rom Formal. Mr. and In. Hilton but» and - of Icnckton "on: may [with Ir. and In. Otto Bonner VI}. 'toadt at a (for Robert Helm. - " _ the m Sr'.'; 'dt',',',,',".",,,":",'. n former nude“ ot -r, m Ind In. L. o. Pug-nun. "~th by a qttqqt on " When: T on Manny. Inch :3. at «a n1 -l--r-r-ti--trrrim t law hour! but In the ”I. _ “Mimi-cw In. Ann m an In new -rrs -540” gal-Inf" mom: an M an...” and Mrs. Weber lived over again lay-gone days. this date ending the 25th year ot their wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Weber were united in marriage in the year 1900 by the Rev. Mr. Meyers. They marred onto the groom's term two, miles south- east ot New Hamburg. where they resided until Ill years ago when they moved to New Hamburg. They lived here until about a month ago when they moved into their new home in. Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Weber received many costly gifts ‘which ehowe the esteemed position in which they are held among their ‘iriende. Among those who sat down to the sumptnone wedding dinner‘ were Rev. end Mrs. P. G. Buck and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. D. C Msin. Mr. and In. B. Gentle and son Bobble. and Mrs. E. Schneier ot Toronto. Mr. end Mrs. J. Weber and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sehaetereot Kich- ener end Mr, and Mrs. Harry Koch ot New Humbug. We wish Mr. end Mrs. Weber many more years ot happy wedded" lite. Death of Mn. Johann- Wehn. mama-Imam an)“. In cal out my. not M tho Dun ms; clock I“ att. hull. wt! in. n - m which can!“ that m at». '" vol- cano Mr. Dana to our gummy. L'. tr enn. have. counted a tu- Mn and tho-chm! ell-couri- lon In. it: I “W as my have” no higher than my unit, no no my van higher on: your II”. and my than“ than your thoughtn.” Tho what not. mb-the Lord'- perfect. pm of luv-lion. Mduu and Pros-nation “ Mr. nnd In. [.0le Rib, who are removing this rock to Brldxopon. mowed . banana! hearth rug iron s but of “than and friends. Mrs. Willi“: Woods read the (allowing addrou white Mr. E. J. Devin ttre- untod the my. To Mr. Ind Mrs. Leslie Kile 1nd While we know we have no fixed place of abode, no continuing city here below, yet We all wish you as father. mother and children, a long happy and prosperous voyage on the ocean of lite, -Dated March 30th, 182ti, w _ . e-re V We. our friends and neighbors. he" usemhled here thla evening for the purpose ot spending n loch] evening with you as well as show- in; our mpecu to you in some tangible form. on the eve ot your departure from our vicinity. Leslie will be greatly mlued trom a large circle ot friend... especially from the sporting trateinily You are a true we". yourself. The boys loved to "Play hall Len". because he played the game fairly and squarely whether on the wlnnlns or losing side he can? naught. Mm. Klie'aikindly disposnlon and tatttttiar lmce In the W. M. A. will be much mined by the women of the United Brethern church. We ask you to accept this hearth rug as a slight trift which may help you to remember the many happy year: you have spent In the vicinity of Mannheim. (Inky: Dear Friends“ The boyl' seats in the public and Sunday school: shall be vacant here, matey shall continue the good work iy Bridgeport. Wm: in; IT', l. “loin-in. Local and Par-anal. Mr. an up. a ”Well at Protan. Mr. and Mn Hymn Locum and Mr. Dunner uul Ion ”Lot Conestoga um Mr. Ludwlg of Kitch- :enor spent Sunny with Mr. ind (sms. Samuel Lawn. mu Grace Stein. a toma- rul- dent ot mm for tmty your; [tilled “my " tnmtdttrd Ito-vital tolhwln: " operation. Mr. lav! Stall. her lather. vu We"! u than with the C.N.% um the battery cu um III-tailed. The sad death took ghee Thur:- diry but of Martin E. meocher. I ‘well known Ind hlshly esteemed (armor of Woolwlch Township, toi. lowlnx a short lllneu. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon to the 5!. Jame: Lutheran church for war- vke thence to M. Jlmeu' Camden tor itt4ermqynt. The In. Mr. Brw bncher wan born In Woolwlch town- ship, May M, 1867. A mmwln. wife Ind ttix children aunt", name- ly Mrs. Henry Ziegler. of notable. Claire ot1lltmlra, Mabel, Drum. William and Florence at home; the his aged mother, Mn. Mudllou Brubacher, or at. Jacobo, two listen Mrs. Reuhen Btty and In. 01:th Schellolo of at. new», and one brother. W. H. Snub-char, of Rod. hey. Forum Rodd-m and. I The death took place quite and- denly early Friday morning in the [person ot Caroline Leech, wile ct “high Campbell, alter on extended 1tIiness. Deceased was born near [Flex-name, Jan. M, 1874. and was married to Hugh Campbell, Mar 16. 11895. For a number ot you: they (resided on a term at Woolwich and Wee], moving to Elmira severni 3m age. There' survive yhnsband 1am! one son. Edward. amt: daugh- ter. F'iorene. Also a. brother, Paul Lunch, of Peel, and two sisters, Mrs, Daryl Axt ot Linwood and Mrs. John Bilkina ot Waliace. The tunn- rat took place mtmurusteraoon, with services at at. PM!“ Latheratr, church and to Union cemetery tor interment.. ‘ Local New: Name. Caspar Stumpt, who Ind been suffering from blood whammy in leis hand, found it necessary to un- putate a - to am]; "motion. . Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Renter have been t:orhf1tted to their home owing to Illness. Rounded Farmer Dead. to but In In... . ’ _ mm. 'ttttNm, 1‘0.th an '1. - Wanton-nu. Immmhmm alumna-1.1g. an Me My - a no SerQb--AtWauehtrr,9dar, mint-unm- “In. Nun- not In. Ano- lllbon an anam- W.ttaiet-at wan-loo. I Noll“ have mm In. a - It. "a Mm. Hanan but: loud” than; at T... All are volume. It'. dam will be tor minibus. 1» tor the Individual an an”. l 1Utrghtrtr. A number from he" enjoyed I very plenum evening at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lune! but Wednesdny. Ttys evening was spent In dancing. Miss Gladys Marriott ot Kitch- ener is visiting with rel-the: here. Mr. Samuel Letson In: engaged Mr. Wm. Knnrr tar the summcr. Mr. George Mlller‘i attended the luneral of ttteir uncle, Mr. Mum: Brnbacher ot near Dunn last Sun- day. He was well known In this locality and will be greatly missed by his host ot friends. _ Several farmers hare been bu” boiling sap this past week. Died Suddenw. Friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Bert Millard ls improving. Manhattan-arrow Th load angina in mum VIII? MONTH“! NCOKLII ILIIM ---at WWI”. nu; a. in Mr. View“ wuss-Ia. In» It. to It. and In. W Would]. I 're-to' Wag-loo, Inch M. can. 5 Guam. _ Mttb-At Wuuloo on Mann " to Mr. and In. hard mu Loan. _ 't--.-ai wanna on Inch 80, to Mr. all Mrg, d. Y. came, I "ae.rt--At latch-I". on Much _ to Mr. and In. chm:- Hutu. arott_narr--At Preston. Mar. " By Rev. Mann. Viol- Mar New. man to Alvin “and own, son of Mr. Ind In, Albert Grab of Kit, choner. SEEK To FORM BRANCH OF THE KU KLUX KLAN An attempt was made in Kiwh- ener last week to establish a branch ot the invisible empire, the Ku Klux Klan. A stranger who visited the city rented the Masonic hall on the pretext of holding a patriotic meet- ing on Thursday evening. A letter addressed to one Kitchener citilen fell into the hands of a member ot the lodge, who had the lease ot the hall cancelled. It is understood that a vacant house has been securec where the Klan hope to hold an organization meeting on April 2nd. Bo-rs-lite/er, Man): 31, Bor omon Bowman. at the Old Peonlea' Home, aged " years. steInke~At Kitchener. Mar. 26, John Stelnke. in his son. year. MeLeatt--At Branttord, Elisabeth McLean, widow of John B. Kerr, tttrd sister ot Mrs. Amman ot Kit- chener. used 70 years. 1922 Touring (Maxwell) in good condition. A Snap. Phone 167F or apply 21 Church St.. irttrrt ' ,-i "W d1fi'ieLrTilii; Poeomoke. 0.A.C.. " per 100: Wilkins. Preajdent. 75cts. per 100; Senator Dunlap, so cu. per 100, " per 1000. Delivered any- where in Wuerloo Co. Order only as supply In limited. Good conditions or bad, DOMINION STORES continue to grow. New not" are being added weekly. Sales continue to grow. consistent low prices far alum}: groceries the reason for our succeu. There it} money-“Vin: DOHINION STO E near you. TOY PM]. Mac Onen- Burttholderp Brad-u 13It PINEAPPLE "heal," 2 “NS 35c Strawberry Plants Mjt'ii'i'i'ii"ji'iCitbii: frlrl/ Strc CAR FOR SALE IAIRIAOII DEATH. 48 King St._§. LARGE PACKET " min: QUAKER OATS Iglhngrsmg'ir',i'r: "Wi; NothhtttSueesoeuUhethtees- t9ggty,e,hc.,,,.trdo 3.1355 so he“ at Guano ttttei. Apply P. K. WON: 8110' about. Kitch- slur. . Fol CALI _ Pro-h Jomy cow [in Isle; can» any tltler need oats; only huh potatoes. Apply M. Belicia-hunch Breslul Road. "It. SAMUEL CASSE. County Trauma. County Treasurer's Ottiee, Court Home, Kitchener, Ont., Feb. 16th, 1035. By virtue of a wan-ant Issued by the Warden of the County at Waterloo, and atttttmtticated by the ml of the said county. honing am the 3rd day of February, 1926, and to me directed. for the collection of the arrears of taxes. due for “not! your: upon the buds ham” mentioned and detseribed, being In the County of Waterfoo, III ot which lands are patented: . I hereby give notice, pursuant to the Assessment Act, that - the said taxes, together With ell costs, be sooner paid, l mu on Security. the em day of June, 1926, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon. a the Court House, In the City ot Kitchener, In the aid County. Wood to eell by public euctlon the said bade. or so much thereof. as many he summon! to discharge such arm" ot texee end cone Incurred tn All. about such sale end authorized by the Mid Act. . riri',4h, Wm 11flfiy am REE-gym SOAP iiiiiiiii/ DATES 25c 4roe2h 25c 2su23c WATERLOO _ Division No, 4 Foruyth. Otto .... Clark, Ralph ..... Qaiekblt, A. C. ..1 Division No. 5 Snider, John ..... Geiger, Merino ... Waterloo County Name Division No. 1 Arm, Joseph . . .. Roll, David ...... McIntyre. Wm. ... Raid, John . . .'. . . . Bohr, Manuel .... Sum. Bmck ..... Sank, W. E. ..19, ', Warkner. hale .. Brandon Ema .. Meter, David ...... Trew, Theodore .r. Johnson, Alexandria Division No. , Carpet Mtg. Co. .. Schultz, Loni“ .. Leanna, Louis . It, Schweitzer, Edward , cutou- a! Vic-ton not... COUNTY 'r2fihliGltlilt'8 SALE OF . LAND M TAXES. FOR CALI OR “CHANCE Divhlon No. 3 Grand “Her Park Co. . . . . . .Bechtel‘u Tract Lyfd TOWNSHIP OF WATERLOO 27, M, EVERY WEEK. ' 12, ......." .150, 157 N, " " 13, ...........Bl.lr 1-4 . . 17-18 " ts, " 1748 Phone 6 l a 79in .85 m .12 Lot Ducrlptlon Acru Ain't Coda Total - duo Queen’l Pk. 1/; Plan 254 due to qsatt In April. Dun! Thy-ht, Telemann 20-9. WeMloy. "at Twin City Lansdown Twin City unsdown Landon: Landown U.B.Con. U.B.Ctn. We buy poultry. It” or M. We my am who. tr. "dh-tta., so cum tt. Hum m4. It“. No. POULTRY WANTID CROGSED FISH jiii,iiiiiis 2 m Me G lk 37.27 C " 113.85 FOR 27 161.95 lk 856.06 i. 14.7! 48.82 22.17 56.10 18.20 136.43 29.61 43.03 m.“ 71.00 233.73 112.73 11.68 In.” 60.21 11.75 71.93 98,46 19.45 40.51 14,54 16.28 bull- #Ite III. 8.77 It.88 11.33 174.27 10.19 128.94 ig.tt 110.87 9.73 69.18 7.81 8.82 54.81 48.77

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