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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Apr 1925, p. 5

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T Buy Made-In-Cana‘da Goods-- " Patronize Home Town Merchants' vigited at the home of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Harry Hahn, London, tor a few days. Last week another of Waterloo', old landmarks was removed when workmen tore down the frame dwelling occupied until recently by Wm. Goetz at 190 South King Let. g K. Master, ot Kitchener, stated he had assisted in the building of the house when it was built by Mar- tin B. Wegenasrt about 1862. Mr. Mastér sawed the lumber after it was drawn to the Wagons: saw mill at New Dundee. PARK BOARD MAY IMPROVE BATHING BEACH The Waterloo park board at Its regular meeting held recently, de- cided to recommend to the town council that the park lake be clean- ed and part of the north end near the boat house be made suitable for a bathing beach. The' C. N. R. will be reauivsted to remove logs and stumps near the railway bridge. Dr F'. G. Hughes reported that $215 was realized trom the sale of trees cut down at the cemetery. " was de. cided to place more Insurance on park buildings. A party of Twin-City people who will leave' shortly tor the Holy Land will include Mrs. J. Kaufman. Mrs. A Augustine ot Kitchener and Miss Emma Kaufman ot Japan. Mr. Elias B, Kalb. of Heiherti Bask.. who recently attended the tuner-a] of his brother at Eikhardt, Indiana, returned home on Monday after visiting relatives in Kitch.' oner and vicinity. I LARGER THAN U. s. In February Canada‘s newsprint production for the tirst time exceed- ed that of the United States. Pro- duction 'from the Canadian mills was 115.625 tttttR, United States production, 113.83i. tons. tMtttititMttttittMMttttittitittttnttttt LADIES' AUXILIARY MEET The Waterloo Ladies' Auxiliary of the K.-W. Bosnia! met on Monday with tn unendam of " members. it was decided to hold an afternoon bridge ard tive hundred card party this month with a View ot raising funds for lumpital nevessilies. NEWSPRINT OUTPUT I Newaoflntereat l JANSEN OPTICAL M. " PNdedeh St. Telephou 353 _" “mills.” ummumm 'ermrvt_.ttarttt-tt" the mmwhmm Don’t take Pills; If you are subject to head. aehes-have your eyes ex- amined. Medicine may tdse partial relief. Properly fitted glasses will give per- manent relief and also pre- vent further trouble. Call today for free test. 2 icon Won of Cum! Theatre Kinsman“. Loading Gunmet- HUI REMOVE OLD DWELLING F. STEELE "Tee PERSONALS. by ; There survive one son and two daughters, Norman Inner and Mrs. Edward Llphardt of Waterloo and (Mrs. (Rev.) R. B. Geelhamr of Lis- Itowel; also three sister. Mrs. John iBehrteider, Mrs. George Schmidt of lWaterloo, and Mrs. John Schaat ot Kitchener, and three grandchildren, 'His wife predebeased him nine The late Mr. Letter was a son of the late Christian Letter of Water- loo. For many years he carried od a successful general contracting business and erected many houses and factories in Waterloo. He took a keen interest in municipal attain and was a member of the gonna] tor a number of years. In politics he was a staunch Conservative. He 'x'tEg-TitaTettemretntriayeSt.--Sohrttar Lutheran Church. being on the Prard of management until taken m. He was also a member ot the Gemania Lodge I.0.0.F., 0.U.W.. Canadian Order of Foresters, KI). T.M. and Royal Arcau‘mm. He was also a director ot the Globe Furnl- tare Company, Death summoned one ot Water. 100‘s best known and highly respect- ed citizens in the person ot Mr. John Letter, which occurred at his home on Friday alternoon, March mu. He was in his 65th year. Seventeen. years ago deceased was obliged, to retire from business owing to ill health and tor many years has been an invalid. DEATH OF JOHN LETTER Well Known Contractor and Builder of Waterloo, Passes Away. ' Mpuy people In the bommnniti {have worn their sympathy In a lprncticul way and the liberal contri- butions received towuds the support of the orphanage hare been much appreciated. The work being dons at Georgetown in behalf ot the Ar- ln-eniau orphans is a commendable one and deserving ot - support. Mr. B. W. N, Gris; of Waterloo is the president ot then-cue! organi- zation formed in this district tor the purposs of assisting this very worthy undertaking. yearn at the funeral which took place trom the" residence, Duke St, Waterloo. on Monday afternoon Business as- sociates and fellow citizens attended in large numbers lo Show a last tribute of respect to a public spirited and honored citizen. The service at the home was conducted by Rev. G. B. Roberts, pastor of the St. John's Lutheran church. He paid high tribute to the late Mr. Letter who he said prior to his forced re- tirement trom active business owing to ill health eighteen years ago, had occupied a prominent position in the community. Funeral Largely Attended The high esteem in which the late Mr, Letter was held was evidenced {om-HAN sows can) you; Rout-nu In: made to the Inkl- d!d work both; done at 000110va in caring tor Amonhn 031)qu brought to Claus. They m was "and Ag laconic mod Canadian mum: Ind In making aeolian! Drones: In connection with their work, - -e A -' ca-cc-u-----" The choir of the church sang an appmp‘rlue anthem during the ser- vice. Interment ‘wns made in Mount Hope cemetery. st Gout-bu. no #- m In the I'm I’m an?“ .. limb: or“. m. - " lb aim-cu In the undo-try Idl- of Amelia was on at “IN-J mum! and showed tho .tsnertngs nnd deprivation which thou um‘ and pool. in. undergo... "extmieA-amsmrgs,rt-tae, Mind‘s Liniment for Colds. LIPPERT’S Home Furnishings WI CELL FOR LI“ " Km. Ct. W., HITCH“!!! BUY AT attairs Paul Gunther 0,00110‘1' A former well known resident ot 110mm. Waterloo in the person or Paul v9. He', Guenther. passed away at the home gohn'-sl-at- Wtrrr-frehwartt-tte W, on f The Kitchener-Waterloo Philhar- it',',',':," Choir, of whlch .Mr. J. L. Yule is the conductor. scored an. (other triumph in the two concerts {given on Tuesday and Wednesday ieveningir in the Collegiate Andi- itorium. ’The choir tuequitted. use" in a manner which reflected the ’highest of credit upon both the director and the members ot the idioms. Anthony Martin The death took place March M, ot Anthony Martin at his home in Wat- erloo, in his 63rd year. A wife, six sons and two daughters survive: also tive brothers. Louis of Seattle. Wash, Edward and Joseph. ot New Germany. George of British Colum- hla, Ignatz of Toronto. and one sis- ter, Mrs. Jos. Murphy. Toronto‘ The funeral was held on Saturday morn- ing to the R. C. church tor service. Thursday. For 45 years deceased carried on his" trade as painter and decorator at Watérloo. He had been in ill health for several months. Two brothem survive. Rudolph ot Waterloo and Richard ot Kiel, Ger- many. The funeral was held on Sun- day wlth interment. being made in Mount nge cemetery, Waterloo. John 3. Grant Many friends will deeply sym~ pathize with Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Waterloo, in the untimely death ot their fourteen year old son, John, who passed away at the K.-W. hos- pital on Prldny following an open- tion tor appendlcltls. The lad, who attended school upyto Monday, was taken suddenly Ill. He is survived by his parents who recently moved here from Barrie. [our sisters and and one brother. PHILHARMONIC CHOIR . SCORES ANOTHER TRIUMPH a"t'rst.tt. :.',-'-‘=0I.III’II- rF an. up " - I 0.. "'t ' ' - 'i _ In. at “-3., Id d " T T . ' ' In, but 'tre-qe60t.rt.s “Wanna-unu- "otee.,ettte.dtitrr+t" _ W‘W m W. at tutu In. all 'eW6oerMt. b M well an.“ h Wm»! and eaeehtt. (I. who. a! cum A daun- our-3th“. manta. a-li-ia-tn-v-kts" mummamwummmwmum‘ magnum- Wold-t tttdtittty and uni-cu in! Marqrtt,MarodhrMiNmtsCe-l-t" with on noun " Uan. It“ Ant-u trrt'ftt " who" at o in. buying ml.- ' at a. an». . mun-m, a. "s6sttonrorartrhqteMagtr-dmr n. uunmuo- u not” on! crepe-droning, and _ phi at! taed to coupon non nee-uh”! nations. Mr. Ward Cohan. broth" with In” Anette“ chain store- or or the groom. in but lull. Rae. mail order houn- hrtnstn; to the, I. Brublchn ot New Dumbo por- community In which it event”: totaled the ham“. After the our. opponunlu.‘ will or oven bethrl no!!! I wedding (“mm was "nod than n s. Ito-um. to [at In the to It!!! welt-'5'”. trroom'ts qtft to larger control when out-head ”-1 1itthtteyytitt Jtsf ”It!" Mrth- mm no continuously mere-dug. day ring, to the plum "erriIrarhi'ii' -trti m that» may: Ind to the but mu I Inch chum. "mm.“ will trrottattir be known The bride was the roetpheett oe In“! as the Aucchted/ Donrtmout Stores beautiful 31m. Mr. and In. Cole- ot Ctnada. Already there are he- man let! on a motor trip to Toronto tween tony and any department and points out. the bride (“veiling tstorms, tome exceptionally large in navy blue trtoatitMt ttuit “d hat oaea, In the province ot Ontario. to match. The ttest wishes ot tk host that are associated In the then of friends so with the happy couple protect, to their home at 82 Stimson Stunt] This promises to tde an ttxclattive Kitchener. where they will tttire no Canadian venture and the ttrat of their retyldetsce. "a kind lnnlndlnlr dnmrtmnnt 11¢an The assisting artists on Tuesday evening were Florence Fenton Box. contralw. Ind Perm-ad Fulton. viollnlst, and on Wednesday new in; Albert David. tenor. Brahm Band, 'ce11ist, and Clement Ham- bourg. Pianist. all ot whom were heard to splendid adunuxe. A more detailed "(cranes to the concerts will nape-r In next week’s lane. ELECTION CROOKED l AND JUDGE ADVIIEI 1 COUNCIL To “SCION That you Irregulerltlee In the way of Impersonation, meklng up of ballots by Deputy Returning or. tleertr, and eddlng crown on other eldermenIc ballots took p%ee In connectlnn with the city electlone m St. Catherine on Dee. l, end e rtxsotturtettdatiott that all the mem- ber: ot the City OonncIl realm forthwith end um I new electIon be held, were the mttrtattdirttt Item- In the report mule on larch so to the City CouncIl by JudceJ. tr. Cant bell on Me eleclIon Inveltlnt‘lon. The report tool " typewritten pages. Cert-In ollIcIele and election worktn had, he believed, laid them-elven open to momentum tor .electlon 'tmM.. OBITUARY. .It'm I Apparently \Beare had slain his run. fatally wounded hlmselt. and put the razor on the shelf before ‘he sank, dying, to the noor, but lchiet of Police Cruse Mid that he A" been unable to [Ind any motive for the deed, unless Bears had brood- ed over the long connnued Ill health of the boy. The father, while he that! been unemployed for seven] 'months ll not thought to have been ,In needy clrcumntnnces. Mr. Amirew_Browtt and daughter Miss Annie are wishing relatives in Guelph. Miss Emma Mackie ot Guelph NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- spent last Wednesday evening at snant to Chapter IN, Revised Stat- her home here. lutes ol Ontario, 1914, Section 56 that Mr. and Mrs. Edward 1tt,it1t:C1t,i,ters and others having claims of Kitchener spent the week endlagainst the estate Irt the above with relatives here. manned, Levi' Schenermsn, who died The Women's Institute held theirlat the Town ot Waterloo, 20th or monthly meétlng at the home ot)Pebuar.v. 1925, are hereby required Mrs. Milton Weber last Thursdaytto tile with the undersigned execu- afternoon. There was a good at-ltors of said deceased partlcluars ot‘ tendance. Lunch was served at thei,their claiman or before the First close. . iday ot May, 1925, other which date A Terr enjoyable time was spentithe said executors will distribute last Wednesday evening at the) the assets of the estate among the home ot Mr, and Mrs. George Israeu parties entitled thereto hnvlng re- when they entertained the people of, gard only to the claims of whom "triCNurtriiiiitTiy-titmiisrr- mTrrtriyrmrrisatrt 'exmeatortrslt) their emanates} evening was spent in dancing and a , and that the said exeeutors will not dainty lunch was served at miti-i, be liable in respect ot any claim of night. _ 'which they shall then not have 'e A Terr enjoyable time was spent last Wednesday evening at the home ot Mr, and Mrs. George Israel when they entertained the people ot Miss Emma Mackie ot Guelph spent last Wednesday evening at her home here. The Women‘s Institute held their monthly meétlng at Pe home of Mrs. Milton Weber last Thursday afternoon There was a good at- tendance. Lunch was served at the clone. . T The Sunday School will r>oren,eerred notice on Sunday. Apr. 5th. alter having‘ DATED at' heel: closed tor the winter. i25th day ot I Misses Blanche Millard and Bertha Hilton of Kitchener spent Sunday at the farmer‘s home hem. This promises to he an exclusive Canadian venture and the ttrst of It: kind Including doputment scores handling every line of merchandise and without limit. as to selling price range. as in the one ot 10 and 15c storel. Don't forget the play “Valley Farm" to he given in St. AndreW‘s Hall, Winterbourne. on Friday eve- ning. Apr. 3rd, at 8 o'clock, by the young "people ot Wiaterttoartte. mammary on March 30th of the bodies of William Beare, a laborer. aged about M years; and ot his BOD, Henry. aged 12, in a room In an unoccupied house on the northern outskirts of Cobourg brought to light one of the most shocking tragedies in the history of the town. The throats of both had been cut and on a nheli lay a Noodsmned "not which had belonged to the father. Their charttr will be sumclently broad to make It possible to operate factories and warehouses at com Personals. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN UNOCOUPIED HOUSE ruminant will probably be known " the undated] Don-much! Storm: ot Canada. Alrudy than are be- twmrd forty and my deputmont stores. some exceptionally large on". In the province of Ontario, that are undated tn the above protect. no -ttta.ttem is betna can tred In -" non will" with but Anetta- chh uom or mail - mm mm” to the community in which n open-Mos ”panama MtttU or oven better than it is We to n! In the In": control when ovorhud ox- pouog up contlnmly new. Little I: known about the move- ments of the two “not; they left their home on Perry street about ' o'clock on March 30th. The boy had been puny from birth and had link! opportunity to go to school. Bare told his wife that he would take the boy to I chiropractor In Cobonrg. They did not return tor the midday meal. _ £53K WINTIRIOURNI IN THE MATTER ot the estate to Levi Schenerman, late of the Town of Waterloo, in the County ot Waterloo, gentleman deceased. Executor: of {aid Levi trettenerman, one»: ed, Waterloo, Ontario. 14-4t There are only two deportmalul stores In Waterloo county in this' huge buying organisation, one ot which Is Goudles Limited, Kitch- ener. and the other a " large an.“ More. The stores an: have joined the organlzatlon represent In In- vested capital or several million: ot dollars. Among the stores are me very large leading mercantile retail houses situated in various cities and towns of the province. DATED at Waterloo. Ontario, this 25th day of March, 1925 LILLY VIOLA NIXDORF and HARRY J. NIXDORF, in "ruiFG"riAiiiTii" h _ again an to str miles an - be served and a: the volume no" and mom au- trlcts In eorporatsd In the units.- meut, priees shQuld become much lower. THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSUhANCE COMPANY OF CANADA NOTICE Is hereby given that nppli cation will be made to the Porno-i ment ot Canada. at the next session} thereof, by The Mutual Lite Assur-’ anoe Company ot Canada. tor the'; passing of an Act to amend their) Act of Incorporation In the follow? mg respects: I Th. "mantt my ie let not. economical di.trttmtiqn ot HI can” of 1:1thqu nach- um um. at undue!- and this emu-luau nu In View tho reduction at (in. com to the bayou for m the - Cxmuttttt1itigg aod tttair Inna-Mu tttrritorieq. With tin lav-n! ot ml '..!.t.tte.ft.18?t1tutt, 9,- mm. mm- 8. (1) To empower the hoard of directors by by-law passed end ap proved of by the members to im crease or decreaae the number ot directors of the company no that the tuna! number shall not at any time exceed tWenty-one, nor be less than twelve. and to provide (or the 'ttec- tion and retirement ot such directors. he "not: In an.” M trim at W m; Thar are 3mm“ cu- m we can": of a. (lot. to th'“{ out - Ild m m I” or much- throat: which that (2) Providing tor notice tor tut. nual special general meeting: ot the members of the company. (3) Providing for the date ot “no annual meeting or the company. RUPTURE RELIEF DATED at Waterloo. Ontario, this twenty-ninth day ot January, 1925. Sims, Brag, McIntosh & BehoM10. 77 King St. W., Kitchener. Ont. lim. Solicitors for Applicants. "an: pu- ttra-est as do - My! which that m in» no emu. You no“ not nun-r trom mama. “I'm-nu, no nyu Mr. GtrttFtotrq, Met m In gun-1M” that when our Tran“ an correctly mad I cure I. poi-Mo. A Two. with a Gaul-par Pad I. I and mm to Inna. who I- upland. Now 'tmated at " Man- Iton Ct., KMcMnor. We. Moon: 10 u». re , pm Mend” malno- unul ' pm. muslin-rum has. NOTICE TO CREDITORS to Under the present law a mile track pays $7.500 a day. .and a hall- miie track pays a tax ot $2,500 a day. In future all mead tracks will pay a tax of $7,500 a day, but on any one of them, where the betting tor a race meet ot seven days falls below the sum of $1,100,000. the ('rFtraBTIrer may rebate {5.500 may. ‘hringing the daily' tax rate down to 135,000. ALL RACE TRACKS TO PAY TAX OF $7,500 A DAY First reading was given on Mon- day in the Legislature to amend. ments to the Corporation Tax Act, whereby daily taxes on race courses are based on amounts of wagers. rather than a fixed per diem rate. Manama “In short 54H tracks will pay a King St. Red Clover, Aleike, Timothy, Peel County Alfalfa, White Blossom Sweet Clover and Yellow Blot-om This is the week to purchase your require- ments. Our stocks are of the best available. Quality at Low Cost cut: was? BANK ACCOUNT - CLOVER SEEDS Mum-mandmmm 'mhueyonuibm . You will "all. that Chunk: In... quality future. a! mu- that " In found on the - priced an. _ The “to... deep fry-e; the dry-plate be clutch reuniting no lubrication; the new hair type real axle, with he may strengthened tre'usttatdseexaremmmti-third-ber; the Improved worn-gear sill-m m- in: mechanism; the my lam; on the cunning-uh; akmdrditsmmts for mm. endurance and economy; the closed bodies tr Fisher with the new my” VV W: the new wonderful Dim) "itrtt in beautiful These but exemplify the fact. that Chevro- let is truly a car of the timt quality and that it isonly pomsibietotreiitruehaeartstm_ price ’ because of the tremendous production facilities of Chevrolet and unlimited resounes of General Motors. Newman-31mm tugmhrwllhtluuumdy-udn- no: tint Cbevrlt I'M Mile A" v tft iT',. Onwad a Mlltmllllll'8 sun astonishment!” Ride and Realize All Northern Grown l At Dufferin course mist year the {betting was more than 84.000300 “or two weeks, the Treasurer “Id, ‘and there were tire or " other 1mile tracks where the betting ms Wily a-littleappre. ttyy? $3,000d)00. ‘The Woodbine course 1otaiiiiiCiiiiiF P' betting tor two weeks m" 35.- (275.000, Mr. Price said. Mr. Price explained that now there was an amusement m of 25 cents a head tor every one who ell- tered a race course during the met. In addition there was the parl-mutuel tax on the betting, and also the daily tax. _ tax of $7,500 a day, except when the betting goes below $1,100,000 tor a seven-day period, which 1| a meet." said the Provincial Tm:- urer. 'i?2F-,ruira-,-7A4 Ki', 7 'ifis:'-: -1", 'Su,' 'tps/y'.', %_r:f _ii)'iri'?iiii'ei; Waterloo ONTAIM ir,

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