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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Apr 1925, p. 1

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At a meeting held last Tuesday at the Veidenheimer Hotel, the St. Clements Horse Show Soctety deâ€" cided to hold their annual spring horse show on Tuesday, April 14th. Several new classes have been addâ€" ed and changes made to former classes. t is expected to be a better show than ever Personals. TWO PANTS SUITS, SPECIAL $8.75, $12.50 We are featuring these two prices this week and are offering wonderâ€" ful quality Suits, all with two pair of full lined Bloomers, medium and dark colors, neatly made to fit boys 7 to 18 years. & # Spring Suits For Small Boys AGES 3 TO 10 YEARS AT $5, $7 AND $10 Middy and Junior Norfolk style Middy Suits, in Serge, Junior Norâ€" folk Suits, in Serge and Mixtures. Striotly â€" all Wool Blue Serge. guaranteed fast colors, _ single breasted styles, sizes 6 to 18 years. Spring Horse Show Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Forwell of Kitchener spent Sunday with the former‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Forwell. Warden _ John Reidel, Conncillor Louis Baechler and Jacob Lorentz spent last Saturday in Kitchener where they met a county deputation to discuss the statute labor quesâ€" tion. The very mention of Easter suggests your attention ‘ the Clothes question. Precedent has established the cuawfi of looking your best on EASTER DAY. And in gecognitio of the fact we have made special effort to have here for you a wonderful showing of Suits and Top Coats vou. J "WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM* 46 East King St., Kitchener f VOL. 39, NO. 14 Blue Serge Suits at $12 and $15 Foctwear Specials Select Them Now $3.95 Women who want the most shoe Mr Boys‘ Dept. Easter Specials In Our SATURDAY White Bath Towels with colored ends, size 19 x 40 69 Reg. $1.00. Special pame wl se oas o d ioi . c Ladies Silk, Silk Crepe and Knitted Ties, what is needed for the new blouse. Special ... ... 0 7 $ 50c, 75¢c,. $1.00 nnmummnnmnnmumna â€" Waier/oo nmmmnumminmnin White Bath Towels with colored ends, size 19 x 40 69 Rev $1 0_ Snarial c Ladies‘ Cotton Lisle Hose in groy only, sizes §14 to 10 4 piece White Voile, nice even weave. Special ....... Children‘s Silk and Woo! Hose in White and Sand, sizes From 50cm Men‘s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers in natural color Per garment ... Men‘s Balbriggan Combinations in natural color. s Per @ATMENL >2 50004 roue rove reue boue s sindaalaeaa‘s Heavy Duck for overalls, in Black, Khaki and White Children‘s Plush Hats for early apring wear. Values up to $1.60. To CIERE â€".:.00000scumeusvevevetens Bpecial, PBF YATO . :21 : 0m0snees rrae ranee : Men‘s Cotton Socks. Black, Grey and Brown Men‘s Heavy Grey Wool Socks. Reg. 50c. Special In all our years we‘ve never had a finer or more compreâ€" Waterloo Alex Diebold of Linwood Exceptional Suits for Men Made from good substantial Spring patterns and colors, splendidly tailored, all sizes, all models. THE WATERLOO CHRONIC 8T. CLEMENTS R. Newman & Co. Friday and Saturday SPECIALS wWITH TWO PAIR OF TROUSERS . $18, $20, $24, $32, $38, $45 AT R. Newman O Co. it is appealing in value. We welcome a visit from Formerly A. Bechtel Store Mr. spent here. Miss Barbara Busch of St. Jacobs aad Miss frene Busch of St. Mary‘s Hospital, _ Kitchener â€" were | guests o: their parents on Sunday. Mr. Andrew Boisin and EixgeTbert Neyer were visitors in the Twinâ€" City last Monday. © The stork was it visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Novak. Misses Frieda Helm and O. Benâ€" iuger and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bergâ€" man and amily spent Sunday with the former‘s mother. . Miss Rose Hoffarth was a week end visitor at her home here. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Jno. Reidel. Mr veek The present topic of the day with the farmer is gathering sap. Reports indicate a very abundant flow. value at least cost, should see these low shoes. Satin, Patent Leather, Patent ana Gray Combination, Brown Kid and Brown Calf Oxfords and fancy strap Pumps, flat heels and Cuban heels Men! If you want good Shoes at low prices get in on this. You‘ll buy two or three pair if you really appreciate this value. All the popular shades of Brown Mahogany and> Black. Not a pair made to sell for less than $6.00 and most of them for $7.00 $4 85 SatuPday 2....20.22222. eVR Boys‘ Fine Box Kip Lace Shoes. made on the new popular square toe last, sizes 1 to 5%. Special Saturâ€" (18Y] se meoncum â€"nnermunes $3.48 Sizes 11 to 13, Special $2 35 Saturday 22222222222222. ** Boys‘ all solid leather Shoes. fabrics or School wear, Black or Brown, sizes 1 to 5%, Special to clear Saturday at ....... P O Boys‘ Shoes Jos. O. Schummer was A end visitor with his parents Jno. Boegel, Jr.. of Kitchener a few hours with his parent: $33.50 Ontario to 90c * 25¢ 50¢ ~ T5e $1.50 * Abe 25¢ 39¢ $1.00 4 to 8 $2.95 THIS OR LG ENA | _ Miss Helen Hayes spent the week !«ml in Toronto. i Mr. and Mrs. Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. ) George Voll and Mr. and Mrs. Louis « Spectacular Fire Fire which was discovered shortâ€" it after 7 o‘clock on Thursday mornâ€" ing completely destroyed the large birn ind contents on the 200 acre {irm of Mr. Dilmon Snyder of this ‘ace. The fire had gained considerâ€" avle headway in an adjoining buildâ€" ing when discovered and was im possible to save the structure in syite of the great efforts made by neighbors. They were however, by quick action able to save the horses fot cattle, cows and some pigs from the rapidly spreading flames. Eleven pigs and two young cattle and a niamber of chickens perished. If looked for a time as though the Louse and implement shed would fall prey to the flames but a bucket brigade was organized and the surâ€" rounding buildings were saved. The livestock was saved with great difficulty as ihe sgioke. and, flames made it almost impossible in enter the stable shortly after the The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran church presented Mrs. Reble with a s Iver casserole and Rev. Reble with an nmbrella. Rev. Reble expressed hearty thanks. Lunch concluded the evening‘s program. Rev. and Mrs. Geelhaar of Lisâ€" towel spent the same evening at the parsonage. bive sométimes shown. To show tiat appreciation we ask you to accept this gift, not for its intrinsic vilue but as a slight token of our love and esteem for you. We know we will sorely miss your kind adâ€" vice and example, but feel that our Joss will be someone else‘s gain. Our sincere wish is that you may ling be spared to carry on the good work in your new field of labor, and that at last we may all meet to join our voices in Heaven above. Signed on behalf of the Sunday School. Vera Schluetter, Lawrence Tolzschuh. uze Mrs. Eugere Helm spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stemmler. Harry Schummer and sister, Miss Mary, motored to Kitchener on Monâ€" fire started. The barn was a fine siructure _ with _ modern _ stabling thmukhnut ‘The loss is very heavy and partly covered by insurance. The origin of the fire could not be learned Personals . On _ Sunday, March 29th Rev. Reble gave his farewell sermon and was presented with a gold cross from St. Peter‘s Lutheran Sunday School. _ Master Lawrence â€" Holtz schuh read the address while Miss Voera Schluetter made the presentaâ€" tion. The addregs was as follows: Dear Pastorâ€"It was with deepest regret that we learned of your inâ€" tâ€"ntion of leaving our midst. During the years you have been with us vyou have always shown the keenest ivterest in our moral and spiritual welfare and have always done your vntmost to instil into our hearts a sense of duty to God and our fellow men and we appreciate your untirâ€" ing efforts more perhaps than we Rev. and Mrs. J. Reble and famâ€" hy left on Monday, March 30, for their future home in Hamilton. On March 23rd the congregation pleasantly surprised them .at the home and presented Rev. Reble with a gold watch. An address was read by Mr. Charles Giese, Mr. Clarence Dorscht of Wilmot Centre was the guest over the week end of his brother Allan Dorscht. Mr. and Mra. Abraham Herner, Jr.. of Erbaville and Mr. Noah Herner of Kitchener spent Sunday with their parefits Mr. and Mra. Abraham Herner News Notes. Boruâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DBaessler, a daughter, on March 24. Mrs. Tom Baessler. Miss Camille Meagher spent the veek end in Toronto. Mr. Ephraim Lichti and Miss Emâ€" ma Lichti of Clarence, N.Y., are renewing old acquaintances for a week at present Mr. Daniel Wagner visited wlth‘ The grippe has made its i Kitchener friends for a few days. come appearance in our midet h qh i t 00 s t uk s ui 1nd Mis. Emerson Boyd was the lucky ie to win the $5 in the egg guessâ€" « contest that took place at the ose of Schummer‘s big 13â€"day sale i March 21. Mr. Harry Lenhard of Waterloo ient Sunday with his mother here. _ _ PERSONALS AND OTHER ITEMS AS TOLD BY â€"~~_ ;[WATERLOO CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENTs BERLET‘8 CORNER Latest District News LINWOOD DOCUME NT WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925 Mrs. Chas. Scheffele is undergoâ€" ing treatment at the K.â€"W. hospital trouble: â€"â€" emâ€"<â€"mmmammasices The last of a series of Wednesâ€" day evening Lenten services was held in the Lutheran church on Wednesday â€" evening. _ Next â€" week service will be held on Good Friâ€" day. Woolwich _ Township Cou n cil meets again next Tuesday, April 7. at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. A. Schweitzer and friend of Toronto spent Sunday Mr. Wm. S. Wright, one ot our neighboring farmers, some time ago took under consideration the . deâ€" plorable depletion of the farm woodâ€" lot and finally decided on a plan of reforestration. He has ordered 2000 young trees which will serve as a trial in the undertaking. The undertaking of Mr. Wright 4s a very commendable one and many more of our farmers should follow h‘s footsteps so that future generaâ€" t‘ons will not have to face the seriâ€" ous problem of fuel and building material shortage. Mr. and Mrs. David Lichty and family, also a number of other friends of the late Martin E. Bruâ€" Iicher of near the three bridges, on Sunday â€" afternoon _ attended _ the funeral and burial at Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. A. Schweitzer and friend of Toronto spent Sunday as visitors at the Schweitzer home. Miss Clara Dahmer of Toronto spent over Sunday with her parents in the village. The marriage in Kitchener on Wednesday, March 18th, of ~Miss Emma Wieland to Mr. Waiter Bart. has been of interest to the friends of the bride, who is the daughter of Mr. John Wieland of this village. Mr. and" Mrs. Clayton Esch have also moved on their farm formerly owned by the late Chris. Esch, near klmira, where they will establish a bome for themselves to which they have the good wishes of many friends. Mr. Clayton Knarr of Mannheim called at the home of his parents during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Sol. Kirch spent Thursday in Kitchener. The past ten days has been a time of general moving. Mr. and Mrs. Abs. Frey have moved on the recentâ€" y acquired Louis Brox farm in the Balsam Grove section. Mr. and Mrs. Eizra Stauffer have removed from the village back to the farm they left about Christmas when Mr. and Mrs. Abs. Frey had taken possesâ€" sion. A large crowd of farmers were in attendance at the Geo. Israel sale on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Istael realized very â€" satisfactory â€" prices owing to the good work of the wellâ€" known auctioneer, Geo. G. Class, who had charge. Messrs MacDonald and McCann" of Kitchener, representatives of the' Hydro Power Commission, were lasl' week canvassing the eastern section ‘ farmers in an endeavor to securo' enough subscribers to allow for am] extension ‘of ja line through !hls‘l section to Winterbourne. i Mrs. Edwin Heipel, who has veer. i1 the past few weeks, is ateadily' recovering. ‘ Mr. Péter Scherer left last weel for near Bridgeport where he has been engaged for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lantz of Berlet‘s Corner were the gubsts of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Heipel Miss Verr Eidt, teacher at Shefâ€" field, apent Sunday at her home here. On Monday of last week a baby girl arrived at the home * \Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bauman. The happy parents are quite proud over this litest addition to their family circle Farmers in the neighboring secâ€" tions started plowing Wednesday of last week. This work of course was not general.. Mrs. Noah Gardner and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs John L. Eidt. Miss Minnie Falk received the sad news of the death of her broth er W. A. Falk at Detroit. Misa Millie Doering and Master Stanley Doering are visiting relaâ€" tives in Kitchener. LN VERY POOR CONDITION Miss Roxie Schwartz has returned to Kitchener after spending a short boliday at the home of her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Byrom Schwartz. Mr. Ed. Lantz has engaged Mr. Jacob Koop for the coming season as farm hand. The grippe has made its unwel Notes of interest. PHILIPSBURG. m andaile ind h Mr. Sylvin and Miss Elma Shantz were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Angns Weber and Miss Beulah Snider spent Sunday in Wilmot. Miss Clara Soehner is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sochner in Pilkingâ€" ton eal church held a very successful buzaar in â€" Bergman‘s Block last Saturday. Mr. and family we home of man. . Mr Mr. and < Mrs. David Snider of BRawkesville, â€" Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snider motored to Wilmot on Friâ€" day where they viewed the remains of the barn of Mr. Delman Snider, which was destroved by fire. present. Quite a attended Campbell bacher in Mrs. John Hastings of Elmira was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Nrs._Fred â€"Lasch dast Tresday.â€"â€"â€" Misses Vera and (:?rlrfi:lc Sll;l’l’él‘ spent i« few days in Kitchener last Mr. Louis Schmermund moved his houscehold effects Jast Tuesday into the ‘house which he has purchased from Mr. Addison Stahibaum, who has rented several reoms in the hotel. wee Fersonals. Mr. Chas. Hartleih of Waterloo spent Sunday with his parents. * Miss Hattie Russell, teller of the Bank â€" of Commerce, who underâ€" went an operation in the K.â€"W._hosâ€" pital, is able to return to her duties aguin. Her many friends are glad to see her back. Miss Anna Schneider has returned from a few days visit with friends in Kitchener A number from this place attendâ€" ed the auction sale held by Rev. Mr. keble at Linwood on Friday last. Mr. Silvin Hergott of Waterloo spent Sunday at his home here Miss Annie Kuntz, teacher at Philipsburg spent the weck end at her home here. Master Russell Holwell and Peter Bechtel wheeled to Kitchener on Saturday afternoon and home again. Both say it is ~good exercise and creates a good appetite. Mr. Gideon Bechtel and son Orton made a business trip to Kitchener on Monday afternoon. Mrs. _ Jno. Wm. Struth, . Miss Emma Struth, Reta Hunsberger and Mr. and Mrs. David Steinman, Mrs. Ingle and son Jackie ang Mr. Allen Cline were business visitors in New Hamburg on Sanday. Misses Irene Forbest and Murie Foster spent Saturday afternoon‘ in New Hamburg. spent here Mrs. Noah Gordner and daughters Marjorie and Catrol have returned home after spending a week in Phillipshurg. Misses Ethel and Florence Miller of New Hamburg spent'Snturday evening in Baden Mr. Gordon Lotz of Wilmot Cenâ€" tre spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Ed. Lutz here. h Mr. John W. Struth of near New liamburg spent Sunday at his home here. Mra. Joseph is spending a daughter, Mra ~â€"Missâ€"â€"Nemte"Futher and ~OMiss Florence Plylie of Kitchener spert the week end at the home of the former‘s parents. Notes of interest. Miss Ida Klein of Kitchener spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Florence Martine of Kitchâ€" ener spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Martine. The Mi wdlies‘ Aid of the Evangeli number from this district the funerals of Mrs. Hugh and _ Mr. Martin Bmâ€" Elmira on Sunday. FLORADALE BAMBERG BADEN Dorscht of Waterloc few weeks with he: Robert Moser. Mr. Emil Kienappel and his brothâ€" er _ Leander were Saturday callers in Waterloo. Mrs. Peter Schweitzer and daughâ€" ter Laura visited at the home of her sister Mrs. Joe Schweitzer on Sunday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Fred Kienappel, Sr., were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. John Ditner ot St Agatha, Mrs. Katie Dorscht of St. Agatha. Mr. and Mrs. Abe R. Herner were business callers in Waterloo last week. sn antnat e en e DISTRIBUTORS OF Mr. John Everett accompanied by PLANTING _ . from your local seed / INSTRUCTIONS for _ merchant. ‘.(‘ D) MULTIPLIER four ONIONSETS _ wiinmsx RENNIE ERPRHYS Break theclumpapart before Cor. ADELAIDE and JARVIS Ste. _ planting. A single section TORONTO will producea bunchofearly If you cannot obtain locally. please green onions, or will repro write us, giving your Dealer‘s address. duce a clump in the Fall. Rennic‘s m Asmualâ€"the most complete Canadiam ALABASTINE | S (KITCHENER‘S PROFITâ€"SHARING STORE) PURE LINEN TOWELLING, white with red stripes, also FACTORY COTTON, medium weight, even weave, 36 Just come in and note the quality in these three example specials : PILLOW TUBING, good weight, 40, 42 and 44 inches messosire! "Fomahable quality "nt ~~~ * 1: _ nnbnmman Goudies Limited M. WEICHEL & SON, LIMITED Made in 22 Different Colors. Alabastine Makes the Home Beautiful. SUNFISH LAKE grey with white stripes; remarkable quality at inches; remarkable quality at "The Big Hardware Store" Members of The Associated Department Stores of Canada WATERLOO, QONT. You Can Do A Little Better In Staples At n t nc e e t tage Doooooooooemt CHURCHS nmore coLD WATER YALE Rennie‘s Yellow Multiplier Onion Sets may be procured from your local seed merchant. oc'llentcookm§' ing onions of remarkably fine flavor, NOW is the time to make your walls fresh and attractive with Alabastine. Apply it on any wall surface over plaster, wallâ€"board or soiled painted walls. Mr. and Mrs. Abe R. Herner nd son Kenneth visited at the home of Mrs. Abraham Herner, S® on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Kienappel. â€"Jr.. accomâ€" panied by Mrs. Fred Kienappel, St., were business visitors in Waterloo on Saturday. Mrs. Paul Meirowski made a short call at the home of Mrs.â€"Fred Kienâ€" appel, Sr.. on Friday. o un c ue oo m n in M LOCKS & HARDWARE 19¢ 19¢ 75¢

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