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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Feb 1925, p. 5

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NEW "REDO. DEDICATED AT ST. MVIOUR'B CHURCH A benutltul randm. donated by Maura. Salaam. and green altar hundlnu, the gm of the chancel gulld, were recently dedicated at St. Saviour": Church. new Dr. Waller. Princlpnl ot Huron College. London. delivered a splendld sermon on the subject "God's House." PARISH HALL FUND The St. John's Men's Society, at their regular meeting held recently. pledged $1.000 towards the proposed new parish hall for 1925. which is the lame amount which the society raised last year. The membership at present is about 175 and the Society hopes to increase it to 250 during the year. PLEDGED 81,000 FOR CRITICALLY ILL I A large circle ot triends in the, Twin City and throughout thet county will learn with regret of the' illness ot Mr. Josiah Stunner. man- ager of the North Waterloo Farmers'l Mutual Fire Insurance Co., who is in critical condition at his home suffering trom an attack ot pneu- monia. His friends hope for his: ear'ly recovery. I I News of Interest I j Around Town l t m PRICE OF aAsl, The question of increased gnsi consumption and lowering of the) prim of this commodity was disri cussed at length at the regular; meeting of the Waterloo Water and Light Commission. Commissioner C. R. Gies opened the diset1sgion and expressed the opinion that the out- put of the gen plant could he ma- terially increased with little extra cost, He favored a sliding stale FAVORS REDUCTION w “numb“ ”mutual-nun Immu-mu-uh I hmwumrwp. "whereby crmgmmyrtc-TMmrit aartserl quantities ot gas would roceive a) better rate. On the suggestion or vice chairman A. K. Cressmarr who presided. Manager Schiedel was in. structed to secure further inlorma- tlon on the subject and report at the next meeting. Manager Schledol presented his report for the gun. water and light departments tor January, which showed satisfactory progress had been made In these departments. 11 has“ omen co. M by u “all. M - tettt - has THESE BEA UTIFUL NEW CA 125‘ NEWE than ever before. The new Chevrolet embodies q u I I i t y future. such It you would ex- pect to find only on can ot much higher print. The til 1iyiihir CHEVROLET Chi.--wlth larger. NEW longer. Itronger Home; new semi- olllpuc chi-om. vnnldlum the! springs; new and Btrrtrsg.r from "I." now banjo type roar IXIOT new fully uncloud dry all“ dine clutch; on". heavy bake band: on " Inch aruvm; new and out" during mechanism; may Improvomonto on the “when: Chow-oh! motor. Eis0. IhBllltllllt'8 10 PtedaHek St. Ialloon “In no standard ttrretqtBqd modal: and optional " will mom-m out on ”cumulus. Vatue--rtew 'tulty-- . new line at Chevro- let models Now On tar better The largest crowd of lhe season [was in attendance at the big sale of farm. farm stock. implements and lhouselmld effects held at the farm of August Svlumrr near Erhsvllle Ion Thursday, F'ebruary lflth. The bidding W.'lin brisk under the ham- lmer of the well known and popu- lar attciioneer, W. w. F'riekey. and excellent prices wrre realizpd. Mr. Schnarr mm highly pleased with the _ sum-95$ or the sale. tse-ee""'?""-'-'"--?'." autumn-uh! " minim-ain‘t." Mtbq Italians-thank“ ham. ”mg-all mmaymmwhmm-u.ha~ win "and: a 'ttm"htt.. NAIL!- --t.. m an up: ta! boom" at nonr- tro- m annulment-gunman and gm- tro- tho bum. in yum In [and I“! d In.” It. an.” to " "In of no and I!!! - mm. will. In. My la " "or. at no. but in “will Impaired not“. Mr. Hwy In won “on New Wank» ind (ll-Met and tor any you" nub! school. ' *MWMOltho-M tyruncii/courttr Clerk and Trout"- 3r Cia%tiriirReTre6imt5tr6rir Hamburg were appointed to the County Board of Auditors, Deputy ReeveBrlll of Waterloo was " pointed to represent the Council on the K-W. Hospital commiGion, Reeve Graham of Ayr was (-holen rerprmsentatiee on the Gil/ll Hospital Board. Dr. (‘mss was named as the county's trustee on the his}! school hoard trom the Elmira district. M. Latch was also apvolnted trustee tor the same district. Dr. Cromfs term expires in December, 1926 while Mr. Lamb's term expires in December. 1927. APPOINTMINTI MADE BY COUNTY COUNCIL The equalization committee will be composed of the reeves ot the various municipalities accnrdlng to a by-law passed Just berorrraruourtt- ment. Reeve Klnsle was appointed to the Sanitarium board as the repre- sematlve or the county. SALE HELD " A. SCHNARR LARGEST OF THE SEASON SAM BOTH SERIOUSLY INJURED A well known Waterloo teamster. Sam Both. had it narrow escape from death on Saturday. While at. tending the horses one ot them kick- ed him knocking Mr. Both “neon scions and causing him tu'lull be- neath the hprses' feet. Several hours afterwards ha was found after he had been trampled upon by the horse. Eleven stitches were required tn 11mm thv’wmmds. V V _ _ PRINCIPAL PLAYFORD LEAVE OF ABSENCE Principal It. B. P1ayrord of the Aloxnmlm Svhnol owing to illness has been granted four months Fave or absence The entrance (1:12:93 at the Aloxuntlru school will he trans- ferred tn (hp Central sthonl where they will receive Joint instruction from Prinicipal MrGregor and Miss Cuswoll. Miss Wtttsou's Mass at the Central school was transferred to the Alexandra school. Display Bodies - of even NEW greater beauty and comfort. Open bodies are longer and more comfort. Ihle. All made" have cowl IigMI and new Instrument board. The new radiator is of more bewtllul design. All clon- ed modeln have new Funer- bodie; with one-piece clear vlllon VV windehleld and auto. matic windshield wiper. f8rtieh-au model: He now f8nittted in Duco. AL- .__-t- l-L-L au-. -'-" the new ftrti.tt that mom-nun Inch hard any. and "um. lb color and lulu-c al- mom "tdMtrtltetr. Open models and conch If. Hui-nod In rich dark ttie-the "dart In mum mun-Inc blue on lower - and dark bun on - parte-te - In Mammal groaning, on low-r - and duh him on - ”no". Waldo. W m In: In! an: tt Ila pal-c Ill - no “a. mm by In W and. at that.“ m “an! not in“ ban a: In. mldouo on alien on an M by “tom Pt-ine, an and um - and“ by 00mm frhttttU nnd "In“... A - W Impulsive service In and“ " the ham by luv. D. A. “or when Interment In and. In loan! Hope cemetery. Tho an»! - banked with Mutual (lo-en com- 1prhing ,-tlto and - to“ by trtend- ot the decelud. The late Str. wasn't-rent a funny of twelve children ot the lute Mr. and In. Jacob Brick-r and was born in wdtortoo. He took a keen interest in boning being a member of the vetenn rink ot In" bowlers comprlllng. Levi Brloker, Wm. Hogs. June- Thompeon and Dr. Sterling the latter alone Inrvlw lug, When a young man. he, with his brother Jacob, took over the business ot their lather enduran- tinued the manufacture ot farm int. plements. Later his brother wlth- drew and the late E. W. B. Snidel became a partner of the firm which‘ was known for some years as L. Drinker and Co. In the year 1888 a company was formed heeded by the late K. W. B. Snider. exM.P.P.. under the name of the Waterloo Manutacturing Co. Mr. Bricker re- tained his interest in the new ttrm ‘and was an active member until a ltew years ago. For some years he was a member ot the sales Matt and widely known throughout the county. " He was an active member of the St. Paul's Presbyterian Church slnce the church was hum 30 years ago being a member of the Board of Management. A family ot four children survive namely. Stella (Mrs. Lincoln Goldie). wito of Hon. L. Goldie. M.P.P., wot incial secretary of. Ontario, Irene (Mrs. R. F'. Ogilvie) of Hamilton. Albert E. llrirker of Rochester and Irvin Bricker' of Vancouver. B.C. His wife predeceased him some years ago and a sister Mrs. Magdalena Clemens of Kitchener passed awxy only twelve hours prior ,to Mr Brivkvr. He is also survived by two skiers. Mrs. J. P. Seybold.. Mont- real, and Miss Angelina Bricker and two Mothers, Oliver Bricker of Essex and Jacob Bricker of Roch. ostér. NY. Levi “lawman . A well known resident ot this dis. trict in the person of Levi Scheuer» man was. Loundnead in, {Is-(1,99, Jilrb, day morning at his home on the Sengmm farm. Two sisters and one brother surviep. Rupert J. Kuhl Word has been received In Wat, erlm ot the death ot Rupert J. Kuhl which ovcurred at the Detroit hospital on February nth, follow lug an extended illness. Deceased at Detroit tor two years. Deceased since his return from overseas where he was gassed in the great war has been in in health. His parents. one brother and one sister survlve. The remains were brought to Waterloo tor interment which took place at the Mount Hope cemetery. was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Kuhl of Waterloo, and was an em- ployee of the F'ord Motor Car Co.. Mrs. Magdalena Clement l A respected and aged resident ot Kitchener In the person of Mrs.) Magdalena (Bricker) Clemens and wife ot the late Jacob Clemens, passed away on Monday following a week's illness, aged 84 years. One daughter, Alla, sunlves. A brother. Levi Bricker of Waterloo followed hls ulster In death twelve hem later. Deceased Is survived by one daughter Ada at home and two brothers and two ulster-o. The fun- orhl took place on Wedneodly after- noon. _ A Sweet Breath __--"-" Va _ _ 'gept.g'.1,Mlllu't'.t H'm" __ "WES; h" a. In“. on 090904.“)! ...t' all "tN WATERLOO MARKET The Waterloo market held on Sat- urady afternoon was again well at- tended by farmers and townspeople including a goodly number trom Kit- chener. Chairman Bohlender states that the farmers are Well pleased with the mtsrket, they having diss posed ot practically all ot their pro- duce. Butter sold at SEC to 38c and eggs at 40c per dozen and other biodnoe illtmllsual' irieiis. V - A -- fl The veteran secretary of the Lite rary Board. Chas. A. Haehnel, was! re-elected at the regular meeting‘ held Monday evening. Mr. Haehnel‘ in accepting the position stated that he had been a member of the board " years and held the secretaryship 32 years. Mr. B. W. N. Grigg and secretary Haehnel were delegated to wait on the town council and request full grant allowed the library tor 1925. As the library building is in good Nate of repairs tthe board will hare ample funds to purchase new books, PLOWMEN‘S ASS'N ELECTS OFFICERS AT" MEETING Excellent reports were presented and otticers elected at the annu'll meeting of the Waterloo Township Branch of the Ontario l’lowmen's Association held recently. J, J, Strong was elected areal dent; vice president, Chnrlés Wil. helm; secretary-treasurer. Mgrahttl Bingeman; directors, J. Zeller. Ab. Gimbei, Howard Snyder, Aaron Haney, J. Wood, Walter Bruabcher. Wilfrid Snyder. Bert Lee and Fred Snyder, Wilfred Snyder and the secretary. M. Bingeman were ap- pointed dolegltea to the annual meeting oi the Ontario association held in Toronto on Feb. 6th. The question at holding the next Provincial moinnen's Competition In Kitchener next November was dlecu-eed but u the city councll would be expected to make u grunt ot Ibout $2.000 it was thought but not to conelder the matter turther this your Quick Relief for ;. Rheumatism Formulae for Waterloo County Soils 4-8-4 dr' 3-8-6 (tyay Loam) 2-8-10 or t8-t6-iLight Sandy Loam) A. HAEHNEL RE-ELECTED SECRETARY LIBRARY BOARD ”and! Unlmont I " could not turn out In bed " night. t who doom" and will on for modicum which dld Mrs. Bert Young of Inch Bar,' om., write- " follows: no no good. you: “to? “In; mm mm of Hindu my mum-um lon‘m “may. Alva” in, am. may. _ “a I I". um Mt tt also." Wheat, 30 bushels per acre .. Corn, 75 bushels per acre . . ' . Oats, 60 bushels per acre .... Potatoes, 260 bushels per acre Onions, 600 bushels per acre . . Timothy, 2."i tons per acre . . . . Clover. '.?.% tons per acre . . . . . A.lfalfa, 4 tons per acre ...... Sugar Beets, 12 tons per acre Cabbage, 12 tons per acre . . . . Mangels, 40 tons per acre . . . . Swift's Red Steer Fertilizers put the Vigor and Strength back into the soil iii} Swift’s Red Steer Fertilizers. 'KITCHENER NURSERIES SWIFT’S RED STEER FERTILIZERS (bag or ton) You cannot produce crops without sapping the strength of the soil. _.. You cannot make profit from a soil that lacks the vigor to produce capacity crops. I Care Put Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash back into the soil in the same 're4rortion a: the . Crops Exhaust them. F WELL ATTENDED Each Crop Takes from the Soil as Follows: Nitrogen Phosphorus peracre............,. 43lbs. l5lbs. racre............,... 'l3lbs. 291bs. t'aet'e.....,.....-.." 461bs. 161bs. lsperacre...,4....... 64lbsf 18lbs. peracre.....‘........ 751bs. 27lbs. 3rael'e..............-. 601bs. 161bs. ‘acre.................1251bs. 201bs. acre..................23llbs. 43lbs. is per acre _....:...... 76 lbs. 19 lbs. n~acre.......4........lOZlbs. _ 17lbs. mam-p _ -......213lbs. 321bs. Kuht--At Kitchener. Feb. 20, Peter Kuhl, aged 81 years. Rietz--At Kitchener. Feb, 17, Mrs. Julius Rietz, im her 58th year. ctarke---At K.~W. Hospital, F'eb. 18. John Francis Clarke. in his 17th year. Nierttarth-At Kitchener, Feb. Mth. Elmer P. W. Nlergarth. aged ttine Boehmer--At Kitchener, Feb. 4, Mrs. Aug. Boehmer, nee Catharine Kalblleisr-h. in her 73rd year. Pttuard-.ht K.-W. Hospital, Feb. 20. Dorothy Pollard of Kitchener. ‘ Bointrski--At Kitchener, Feb. 19th/ John H. Boinoski, aged 47 years. i Arnotd--At Melville, Bask., yrs." Edward Arnold. nee Josephine Wey, aged 46 years. Shoemaker-At Kitchener, Feb. 6, Mrs. Henry W. Shoemaker. Koehler-At Waterloo, Feb. 4, Miss Mary Koehler. in her 68th year. "ft Pays to Use Them" are Sold in Waterloo County by bzATHs Extract to Galt, Guelph, Elmira, Baden, Wellesley, Ayr, New Hamburg, New Dundee, Preston, Linwood On and after March lst, to telephone any number at the Blues mentioned above, you need not ask for long istance. , . First obtain from your Directory the 'distant number. If it is not listed, ask "tntormation". Give the number wanted to your own operator just as on a local call. Do not hang up the receiver; hold the line while connection is being established. The new service is available only on Mation-to-Station calls, that is, where you ask for a number instead of a New Direct Service The rate is 10 cents for a five-minute talk to Galt, Elmira, Baden, Ayr, New Hamburg, New Dundee and Preston --trnd 15 cents for a three-minute talk to Wellesley, Gdelph and Linwood. from American Magazine February 25, 1922, PM“ make can of the mvnue-- Cmul! the Directory ttrat. Rorakel-At Waterloo, Feb, 6th, Mrs.) Henry Rocket, nee Wilhelmina Renter, in her 66th year. Funeoek-At K.-W. Hospital, Feb. 21, Joseph Hancock. ot Waterloo. aged 28 years. Thomart-At Kitchener, Feb. ii, Mrs. A. C. Thoman, nee Nancy Stautter in her 68th rear. atautrer--At Gall. Feb. 9, Mrs. Joseph Btautter, nee Magdalena Clemens, in her 70th Fear, Gatsehene-M St, 1er'r_Wnspi91l, Kitchener, Feb. 9. Mrs. Jacob Gatschene or Waterloo, in her 62nd year. tgehmermund--At Elimira, Feb. 4, Caroline Weber, wife of Louis Schmermund. in her "i1st year. Chief of Police Resigns. The Elmira Town Council at a recent "meeting decided to accept the resignation ot Chief ot Police Stiles and will advertise for apoli- rants for the position. Requisitions were made ot 81.000 for public r. B. ROUTLEY. Potash 9 lbs. 17 lbs. 11 lbs. 80 lbs. 66 lbs. 68 lbs. 62 lbs. 178 lbs. 77 lbs. 77 lbs. 176 lbs. school board. $1.100 for High School board and $950 for the Library board. They mean more to comfort, success and health than a - many people realize. Do not subject them to strain, dust or close application under artlllclal light for long periods of time. "Yo.“ Ihyrt he Qatjmipsis Gordon Optician 50 Ontario St. Phone 2777w Kitchener YourEyes Order Now 18 Benton St. Kitchener by Mail or Phone Consider with M isty Optlcu" 476 1213

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