:1 m I: m and“! mu, hummhumoduntm “cornice-emu», All import. to Ian nu - J “Wotanlh-ve madam . v.09!" That mun hue blérééd'ydd'r' ion‘ as Mont, But l, who loved you but ot nu, Did hurt you more than all the rest." One Ion-on let us hour In mind: To hold our homo-folk close and fun. Since by“ heart: are bud to tind, And lite and love so won are past. --geatt Eleven. Mrs, Lander Rehde. of Toronto, VI!) A welcome visitor in the Twin- City tor several due last week. the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rum- pel ot “Forest Hm", Kitchener. when she met many ot her old friends. Mr. lander Reade was transferred a short time ago trom Lindsay to one ot the largest branch- es ot the Dominion Bank in Tor. onto, where they are very comfort. nhly settled. “QM Mur- olloo. 0nd no... ttiteheaer, on. Feb. 10th, 't Mrs. w. G. Welchol, wife ot ttl W. G. Watchel, M.P.P., member for North Waterloo, has returned to Town, after a tortaight's visit in Toronto, where she attended the luncheon given by Mrs. Cockshutt at Government House on February 12th., and the luncheon given by Mrs. Howard Ferguson. wife ot the Premier, on Tuesday. Mrs. \Velchel also attended the reception given by Mrs. George Henry and Mrs. J. S. Martin in the Speaker's Chamber on Wednesday. Miss Minota Weichel also attended'the opening of the ses- sion at Toronto. One ot the prettiest Bridal recap} tions ot the season took place Iastl Friday afternoon when Mrs. Ken-l mans. mm held her post-nuptial} reception at her pretty new. home.‘ 122 tAiibert Street. from ' to 6 owner. 1:: term wedding gown} ot ivory Georgette, beaded with crst tal, with lovely boquet ot Kiilarnei" roses and lilies ot the valley, thel pretty young bride cordially wel-; corned the hosts ot callers who came to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Babb to Waterloo. The bride was ably assist- ed in receiving by her mother, Mrs, Mrs. Hebert A. Moyer, John St.. Waterloo, entertained at a charming. ly arranged bridge party last Thurs, day afternoon. in honor of Mrs. Bur- well's mother and sister, Mrs. Scott and Miss Scott, who are making an extended sisit In Waterloo. Name Divlgion' No.1 Ann, Joseph.....-,......, Boll, David "m"""'""","" McIntyre. Wm. F_...__'..F.." Re!d.John .t._$qtrrrw'.m'm_t' Rohr, Manuel .rrrr._m.rm..r.. Sum. Brock .,....,,,...i1 & Slult. W. E. ..ig, M, 22, 23, 33, warkner, lune ,F.rr_.rm..r.. Brnndon Estate .rtrt.w...r-__ Dlvhlon No. a While. Mary .-.12,1t, Mr, " Ham. David .............9 t 10 Trev. Theodore w.............." Johnson. Alex-mm: .. l, z, 3, 4. 5. c. 7, 8, I, 10, tl, it, 18, M, 16, " Schweitzer, Bdrm! ..........1-8 1-4 Lament. Louis .............11-18 birth-in ....,......AM, m museum. A. c. .11, In, " n. " Dbl-ton No.6 By virtue ot a warrant issued hy the Warden of the County ot Waterloo. and authenticated by the seal of the said County. hearing date the 3rd day of February. 1925. and to me directed. for the collection of the arrears of taxes. due for three years upon the lands hereinafter montloned and described, being in the County of Waterloo, all of which land: are patented; ' ' I hereby gâ€; notice, put%sant to the Assessment Act. that unless the said taxen, together with all costs, be sonnvr paid. I shall on Saturday, the 6th dar of June, 1925, at the hour of 2 o'rlock in the afternoon, at the Court Home, in the City of Kitchener, in the said County, proceed to Belt by public auction the said lands. or so much thereof. as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears or taxes and costs incurred In and about such aale and authorized by the said Act, Carpet Mfg. Co. Schulu. Louiga Loner", Louis Wink» (buy on“ Steer M Ott, COUNTY 'rllliMlllllill's SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. wan-mum: "gala-alum; 01mm No. 4 mn. Otto ' ' . . Division No, Mil-unlock.“ “mutt-disable; TOWNSHIP OF' WATERLOO " 17-18 .w'eeee_ t 21m.» ti." 174.11 “awn. 0mm. mum, Tron-um. 114 108 Lot Deuriptlon Acre; Am't Costs Ttttat due 12 12 28 " " 12 34 89 WE"; stteettetPt'fftttl7G; -ese--tt-ure"ia"'r"iGe', "" out I all“ - b“ h an an; to... nun who anh- " " m a. hour an In. I In an: at vim-1’0. all In. In lint: oe Kitchen". no em buomuuundmlumvm‘ ‘ln. Mn aunbun and tem. v) H. mm- raided " an putty “I: am, tum.“ by the taller†you: lull“. lisp“ un name. manual Will-on, Marjorie stumpf, Write Cullen Mid NM G. Chlmn. who were moat. vitamin 1tt"tttothte tttttrr we mt- ot the auntits, yhlle Master My Hall- man was a bright little deaf-atten- dant. _ "deusa,irsttrtseeeiarruatrols-i-tetr-t.ts.'-ln"a"t_'c.- Mawwumwarummuqummuï¬w ruamuirsuutraamaauAtdtut_-ttro.torutrtk-tal- I' “all“ - ...... __.... _N.'""e'-'". - â€my mom-d -__-. with one-I In. jab! up W‘ It, an "if in _ -=- _ an: In ‘3'M' - nun. No. No. No. No, No, No. Pun 206 Queen‘s Pl Plan an Bechtel'l Tran Twin City Lunsdown Twin City Lansdown Lansdown Lansdnwn No. noon Fond R 10.61 will 's It“ U.B.Con. 6 li 37 â€Bron. 6 3% 113 No. Mrs. Orvln E. Schneider (nee Elva Carmichael) will receive for the ttrat time since her marriage. on Thursday, February 26th., at 27 Chapel Street, from ' to 6. Her mother, Mrs. J. P. Carmichael, will receive with hen The ladies ot St. Louis R. C. Church held a very successful bak- lng sate ot home-made dalntles last Saturday afternoon, in the baseman of the church, which was very largely attended, Tea was served and the demand for the good things provided by lhese ladies soon " hausLed the almost unlimited sun- ply. Canon Frederick George Scott and Charles G. D. Roberts, two of Can. ada's most distinguished poets, who had not seen each other tor many years, met this week at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph where both were lecturing. Major Roberts coming on to Kitohener. where he lectured mast acceptably under the auspices of the K.-W. Women's Canadian Club. on Friday evening at the Collegiate Auditor- ium, to a very appreciative audience. The attention of all Waterloo lad, ies is called to the Annual Day of Prayer for Missions. by women pr all denominations throughout the United States and Canada. The meeting this year will be observed on the firs; Friday in Lent, Felt ruary 27th.. at tour o'clock, in St. Paul's Presbytetlian Church, to which all ladies interested are very cordially itts'ited. .. Mrs. Charles Ruby was thexhort- ess ot a particularly jolly and much én'Joyeil schist m m Tuesday " ternoon. the 17th inst. at Glick's mulch mas gm1s:lrpttty_t1rittt for the occasion with artistierdee. _orations of Spring flowers and lighted Candles. Bridge was played at 17 tables. the winners being Mrs. J. M. Livingston, Mrs. Percy Pearce and Mrs. Cranston Snider. Several additional guests dropped in at the tea hour. when Mrs. C. M. Bowman, Miss Margaret Henderson. who 'ts attending the University in Toronto, was'a week end visitor at “Ben Accord" with/her parents, Mayor and Mrs. Henderson. 11 yit,56 244 18.20 13613 29.61 43.03 " 60 46 99 Art t6 28 " " 06 82 17 10 to " 85 18 21 71 " M', ll " '2C60 268 11.56 124 11.76 71 8.18 " 10.19 128 12 9.11 8.42 7.80 8.37 8.45 tC41 8.00 8,82 " M 65 " 110 " " " " tun 83.82 5524 29.97 6447 264;: 150.84 38.61 51.85 23.93 3519 54.51 48.77 M.06 " " " " 89 " M Within-1mm“ “ID-“w. Mr. amd In. - a. can" an tho - “I. " c had! you; Guam. who "that In“. Hid-y. tho Nth Ind. Consumin- of her '1hrirt-tNty New. The lovely homo at Mr. and In. H. M. Cook. a luau“. Ann". was the who a! . very hwy nth- enn; In: MM “new from 3.30 to t. o'clock, when In. Cook was "At War: {an m my" Honorable Lincoln Bowls. Mrs. Goldie and hmuy ot Guelph. Mr. and Mn. R. Porest Ogiiviet and family ot Hamllton and Mr. Albert Bricker ot Rochester. N.V., ttrt, FitF itors at the home of the late Mr. L. Bricker. Allan St, this week. Mrs. George Lang. Jr., was the hostess ot a charming little dinner party at her home last Thursday. in honor of Mrs. George Kelly of New York, who is visiting her daughter Waterloo. By the passing away ot two such prominent and highly esteemed cm was, as were Mrs. Clemens of Kit- chener and her brother. Mr. Levi Bricker of Watettoo, within a few hours ot each other,Ahe Twin-Gav has been made the poorer. and the relatives and friends at the deceas- ed lady and gentleman have much heartfelt sympathy m their double bereavement. In Memoriam _ By the death ot Mr. Levi Bricker, IS Allan Street, w, which occurred at his home about 2 am. last Mons those omiowenls, which character- ize true mauyod. He was a kindly neighbor. a consistent christian, and for the greater part ot his littetirne. an active mémher of St. Paurs Pres- byterian Church and Sabbath School in the work of which'he took such a deep and faithful interest. and will be sorely missed by both old and young in the congregation. His pass- ing away has not only deprived Wat. erloo of one ot its most honored citizens, but many of an esteemed friend, and his family, to whom much sympathy is extended. have lost a kind and affectionate father, whose memory they wm,ever cher- "SiriintrTrviiriry ------e--- ."re-e Mr, M. t. Melanghm Agricultural meanuuve [or Waterloo Conn- tr, an In w“ ttartiettlarV welt piqued with the harem m- tarm. on too! In the round. and Mood boron in: to no the at. Jmob'l ditttrtet - out "I. but mam he“ a! It. My} day morning. February 33rd. 1925, Waterloo has lost one at its most worthy citiiens.- Mr. Bricker. al- though of retiring (imposition and modest demeanor, enjoyed the at- tuetiottate regard'ot alt who knew him. and endeared himsell to his more intimate acquaintances by Wednesday afternoon, February 18th, about 200 Russian immigrants who have spent the winter in Wat- erloo and vicinity boarded the C. N. R. train at Kitchener enroute to their new homes in the Canadian north-west. The baggage and per- sonal belongings of the Russians tilled two cars. Lyon their arrival in Winnipeg Friday morning the newcomers broke up into different small parties and wended their way to their new western homes near Winnipeg and further west to Wint- ler, Dominion City and other smaller towns. The Russians appeared to be quite content and eager to get to their new homes in the west. Another indication ot the support which the Waterloo farmers are giv- ing the Waterloo County Hog 1m- pmvement Campaign was the crowd of men that attended the Two Day Swine Course. that want held at St Jtu'otm, February 17th and 18th, 200 RUSSIANS MENNONITES HAVE LEFT FOR THEIR NEW HOMES IN THE WEST Seventy~tlve men crowded the hall the first day and listened to addresses given by Mr. Fennel. Sun- ervlsor ot Ontario Hog Graders and Mr. Geo. Foster. Government Hog Grader of Kitchener. Breed types and bacon conformation in breeding stock wee fully discussed. The farm'. era were very Interested In the de- mottgtrtttiott ot grades and the outt- In: dernorttrtttiott. Over eighty men were out the second day. A mdlng demonntn- “on was given In the morning, for lowed by a dllcusalon on hog mu Rating prnhhms‘ In the afternoon. Mr. R. G. Knox. of the Animal Husbandry Dterutt' 0.A.C., Guelph. ducal-ed breeda‘nnd tweed. Ing. the growing an! finishing ot select bacon hon. And the feeding tor economy In pork oMucnon. WATERLOO COUNTY HOG IMPROVEMENT CAMPAIGN Mrs. Relnhdld hang ot of It. and In. tittqq to tht. O'Illlll'l 'ers-d smut Ava-no. "lowed lulu! to ho n In. aunt} very happy ‘Ith- H" 8mm and. In Mums».i skim from "pesal from m we handy ol “0 non In. Cook lovdly long "an“ m I not Tho.†. but M ttrdttttttttuti and thId?14 '9lutt an. - M In“. M IUD} a. lanthanum won no I.†and urin- so rarely board We.†of their unnam- dimcuhy. Sur voice wu especially elm and sweet on her high tonal. tstr Im- in; Min; Butt ell-noted“ by pertect intonation. She an; the moat' ditnettit passages in I register high above the ordinary Iopnno. with astonishing ease. revealing un- usually line artistry. Her natal... magnetic Inge presence and "(eel trracioututesst' also added to the charm ot her numbers. Boug- ot sum-IN bounty to the The Hart House String Quanette‘ was also heard In a series ot de, lishtiul numbers. Each member of the 'Quartetie showed himself to be a true virtuoso, disclosing musician- ship ot the highest. order. It is all too rarely that one hears such ap- pealing chamber music, the Quar- tette securing especially the en- semble effects. Their playing was exceedingly satisfying. The Quar- tette was composed of Gaza De Kresz and Harry Aduskin. ttrst and second violin, Milton Blackstone, viola. and Boris Hambourg. violin. cello. . . Carlo Bemer again showed him- self to be a highly adeompiistted artist and those present were proud to own him as a son ot the Twin- City. He saw a stirring rendition to his numbers and was heard to splendid advantage. Mrs. P, A. Samson, who in former years acted as accompanist for Mrs. Macalpine. again acted in that capacity with her usual tine judg- ment. Mr. H. L‘Staebler accom- panied Mr. Bemer with much ac- cepiance. FORESTRY DEPARTMENT To PLANT TREES AT l SEWER FARM,; The Waterloo Sewer Commission.' ers have accepted the otter of ttel forestry department of the govern- ment to plant trees on two acres of idle land at the sewer tarm tree of cost. Chairman Wat, Toletzkl ls pleased with _the offer of the fores- try department as the planting ot the trees will not only prove a valu- able asset to the town but will also“ greatly improve the surroundings. Following the Music Club Recital on Thursday evening, Mr. and' Mri P. A. Samson most hospitably enter. mined at their home when those present had the privilege ot meet- ing Mrs. Maralpine and the mem- bers' ot the Hart House String Quartette. "1115.; Tara "smegma; W40 severing her connection with the Dominion Life Assurance Co. stall last week was presented with an electric iron by the members ot the Actuarial staff and a gold fountain pen with penal to match by the Dominion Club ot that (mice. PRESENTATIONS MADE TO Mlss VERA BRUEGEMAN allowed on deposits of $1.00 and over. Our records show that a large number of the best farmers of this County tunsact their business with us Trust and Savings wnmtwo GALT E. s Purtord, autumn“. P, V. mm. Inn-cl»: Dim ' We also act as Executor, Administrator or Trustee of Estates. 4% The Waterloo Inn-m LET US setter You company Ion-w nun-s "ttTILT"" Iron PARKER. AND _ aAnozulng gunman; um Wedge 9232:} ty amen an atain Swift’s Rut - human d1rqct m n Wat. "hrtt County “out. The Khulna†Maroon“. 18 Benton Strut. hue "cured. the Bnritt agency And In now wound to supply Waterloo County lumen with their wring requirement]. Swan Red atâ€: tor. mulno tor various sou: put: nourish- ment into the [Ind giving back to it than qualities ot (utility of which it was exhausted by previous crops. The securing ot the agency by the' Winner Nutter!“ brings thou‘ unperlor ("tuners immediately to' the hand ot farmers in Waterloo County. Composed ot nitrogen. phoe- porus and potassh'uu in porportions treMettincally indicated tor rariouq sous. Switt's Red Steer Fertiliser makes the land prodiice capacity crops. Use our fertilizers this spring and see the difference. Make Swift's Red Steer Fertilizer earn more money from your farm. See our Id in this issue and order now. CONSIDERABLE ROAD WORK To BE DONE m COUNTY THIS YEAR At the inaugural meeting of the Waterroo County Council Warden Reidel noted the fact that the road and bridge committee has several improvements on its bands which have 1beett started. [ Referring to these improvements he said: “There is the Baden to Wellasle)v Road about tour miles long which must be paved with concrete. This will be expensive but remember it is the only kind ot mad satisfactorv tor heavy traffic. The road runnin} out of Heweler which is still under construction must be finished with concrete this year and Spragues Road in North Dumtries must be widened and straightened. After the work that has been dorm by the councils of previous years the coun- ty ot Waterloo now should not neg» THIS Srogtlr " ONE OF THE alwr IN THE ovum .-r> While in here we “My“ to eee a New Material called VICTORIAN FABRICS. It is " in. wide and a shown in JO “In?!“ pagans, sell tbeepardat - " - - ( .. - Mer _ Ladies' o . ' i r W Brickei-Geinmann Cd. I/r,",?,',',-- Flannel Dresses Ladies' and .Mimses' Broadcloth ttttish Flannel Dresses In plum Ind fancy amps Ind check patterns, newest tailored styles. toms models featuring the "Eton" Collar and Cults. pretty new Spring thanâ€; very special price. as follows LadieP and Minor Drones In novelty stripes nnd check, huh- doth, morocun crop", (mam-n cord- una Cttttrrttmtes, puny straight line funk: and ensemble nylon. Iome mowing I‘ve". stripe. forming lower skirt Long. short Ind nhgvelou costume. " Kuhn Cloth and Crepes (lpae Wmcv 633% l $6.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $15.00 $10.75. $21.00 to $27.00 Pictorial Review Patterns Ues' Newest , SNrim,g sizes. all 6eing marked astonishingly low, prices models. A most choice lot of dainty Dresses In Ladies' and Misses' Comprising the latest In I Property. Hollinm, another no iruttma". _ ( -dtttettattrr.rtnt" we I" udwntnhnlol'u.†uettuwoeeosrmtrtsto..PoRMtymMttyor ."t running 9999mm were up pointed for the you on W: ‘ mm. “In about", Zol- lor. Brill. Knight. [anon Ind “Incl. FLANNEL, KASHA CLOTH. CREPES AND SILKS Just received from the fashion centre, including many New York Harrier, mm. (mum. metric}: ind Wood. and Doha. Rapreunmuvu on Home of Re. tuge Board, Run Gillian. WM. aoirrmEtt GWEN JAIL camera: or THREE MONTHS $6.50. $8.50, $10.00, $15.00, $21.00, $27.00 to $11.00 _ On Tueldny in police court at Kit. cheucr magistrate Weir sentenced William Gottfried to three months imprisonment in the county jail with from labor he being found guilty or having mnrked ballot; tnudently at the municipal election: January IM. Lawyer Dowdnll on behalf ot Gottfried announced that the case would be “mauled and the court snowed Gottfried his freedom on furnishing bail. Ask tour Optician If he will guarantee your frame against breakage for a year. If not, call and see F. Steele, Optometrist, where you get satisfactory Glasses with guaranteed frames. Examination free. Kitchener's Leading Optometrist 2 doors West of Capitol Theatre Kitchener F. STEELE New Spring Suitings In Tricollne, Point Twins. Cttarttqitte, Berna. etc., 64 to 56 tn. wide, In Navy Blue. Brown, and, Buck, em, price ranging from ' $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.50 to $4.50 New Spring Dress Goods Snort Munch In all the lending colors, Sand. Toast. Hanna, Rune", Powder Blue, Rod, Orchid. Jude. etc. In plaltt or tnnoy strip". chub. plums. tacit. mnglng from Dresses New Dress Materials and Coatings, Silks, Wash Goods and Gotta; Fabrics _ $1.00, $1.75. $2.50 to $3.00 thing which bring- health aid char tort to their little otbeb--0tV tttqdi. cine that will make how well not keep him well will always romivc hearty reoommeadation [rem the mother. That ii why 81be Own Tablets are no popular. 'l'houende ot mothers, throughout the country. trot only nee them for their own little ones but are always delighted to be able to recommend them to other mothers. Thousands ot mother] have proved Baby'a Own Tablets to be without an equal in relieving their little ones of any minor ailments which arlee out ot derenxemeht "'irt the stomach dead bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are a real laxative---mwy to take but thorough in action. They bani-h constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple revere; expel worms and make the teething period easy. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25. cents a box trom The Dr. williams' Co., moekville, Ont. YOUNG CHILDREN 312m If!!!