I“: ', Agents CALL To VIRGINIA NE Friends In the Twin City and dis- " kr will be Interested In the tut. F'cc/itmrseemmtt that Rev. Vernon L. 'k,iris,istta formerly or Kitchener but Ei, summed a can tofhe First Baptist fir.' *Church at Buckley. West Virginia, E‘ than he will act as ttaBiatant pas- wa f, Mant,ers of the Wilmot Township1 it' Council and otneertt were royally" 'A, 'hnnquoted by Warden George Lama (‘51. J iollowlns the tiuat meeting of the “a council, at Bteitetrrteyer'ts Hotel, {2%, Men. Following an excellent "i'it maggot provlded by Mr. Mullins. ",'t')"tc'rerermerer, toasts were proposed “HQ, qhttt Clerk Chas. Helpel acting as iiia'fri'iiLiiiiii"r. The timst of the eve- 'et, run; to Warden Lantz was proposed Is', “no a Y. A. 47": “My light unwind-l police “in.†Humid ruler and Harry p, “I? of Nay Hamburg on the N "'9tqbatasr neu- Nov lumbar: both Etna] with having liquor for sate. 'sly "(m $AtURT NOTE. T tttCarta-r pouco court. on Fri- 'grrdiamrt-t lull-r at Baden “a E .m t“ and com for violat- 8h , MIMI-6’: Linlment for Sprain. and :_ Ural-u. tj.iiiir - “and In the car of Brad- tee, the cutter ot Porter. Both _ p irate â€leaned on bail. hr humming his new duties with all new year. Mr. Shaun who is a Who: ot Messrs. Roy and Ivan Shunt: of Kitchener has been the Immfm raster ot the Central Baptist Church at Williamsport, m, for the past the years. Fon'rmzmwr BELOW ZERO F " REGISTERED IN NEVADA The temperature registered 48 degrees below zero on Dec. 25th at Elke and nut the air mail radio nation out ot commission. The pump and radio arc were frozen, Reno air mail otrieials said. WARDEN LANTZ OF WILMOT TP. BANQUETS MEMBERS OF COUNCIL by inked K. Bean, who expressei' the appreciation of the members for the kindly cooperation extended by the Warden. especially to himself as junior member ot the council. When Warden Lantz arose to reply he wasl unseat] by the guests singing "Furl He Is a Jolly Good Fellow? Hel _mted that he regretted retiring as' ' member ot the council but (all! that there were other men who) would make excellent counciuotts.) â€He briefly reviewed the history ot the good roads movement in the _ county and was pleased, that the seursetl stayed well within 1ts esti- LIinteI tor road work done in 1924. â€In concluding the speaker said his _ mutton: with the members of the gtttMtttil and oilicinls had been most. plot-Int during his tenure ot ottice. . We teach I complete course In1 mums. Pitting and Finishing on ' col-u. Skim. Walsu, Sleevea. Chir . dnn'l Dresses. etc. Every woman.: ', Will! or old. should know how to me her own simulate. No accom- ' Wont she can acquire will prove {I}!!! ot Inch every day llfe Iona! “I. " a practieat knowledge ot it'll-Inns. We luvs taught over up an method. You wlll never new money invented in an: km Two weeks lesson! cost you " 4tt'I'ff Charts given free. Next H, - Jun. ttth. For full in. y‘gmuln all " '" Albert meal _i'itttar, Mo mm, Kitchener. , , Dru-until: School. 51-â€. Learn Dressmaking F inTvvoVVeeks â€an: own an» 3 _ra"P1' L... - 'baia-at.tasasurel-t'i" ummmummu Aa. uoqmm “no. - â€.mwmm It Which mu am mm W glimmmlm‘h! 0! III Iliad mom... _ 'rsC9.,' trice') etstrte..ttth-ae-tt6rr$tt" It “In manhunt m. - I." w. a. Mot Wet. kdoyoubumu . noun- :1 - you; All _ run Inca has: - the mum. WEN-I mu. '1: "mm wining on» eoerttrRtet986dtrr TiiiriMiiFaBiiati-rme totutth.-Mitastothqtrastot Mn nanny. um nn tint mm M: question one up during the you and that - money Ind been went on construction work. Ill mill! at pavement having been laid and ' miles of rand grinned. Mr but: said he would retire trom municipll "to " the and ot the year but would continue to tnke I keen Interest in mnnlclpal slat-n. I 'fit? lemurs ot the council paid tri. bute to Warden hunts for the ex- cellent work done during the year. Deputy wave Harbor of Wilmot To. saw he had always found Mr. Lam: honorable and fair. Mn. CPI-rh- Mueller The death took place on Batter. da Dec. 20th. of Mrs. Rosa Mueller, mlict ot the late Charles Mueller, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. I. Schultz, at Woodstock, aged 76 years. Deceased was a tormer resi- dent ot Kitchener. The remains 'were brought to Kitchener for burial ‘which was' made at Mount Hope cemetery on Tuesday morning. Min 'Norn Bierman The sad death took place near Erbsvllle on Saturday Dee. 20, ot Miss Nora Bierman at the home of her parents in her 16th year. Ihr) ceased had been ill for the past tour months and her passing will be learned with deep regret by her many friends.. Besides her sorrow ing parents there survlve, seven. Bis. ters, ldella ot London. Mrs. Charles Cole ot Waterloo, Hénnah of Petere 1burg, Florence of Waterloo. Alice ‘Stella and Gladys at home. The tan. eral took place on Tuesday after- noon trom the residence to the Erbs» ville church and cemetery tor ser- vice and interment. EXECUTIVE CohtarCT5rCE" H OF C.N.R. BOARD APPOINTED The following statement was is- sued during the weekend from the headquarters of the Canadian Na- tional Railways here: "In View of the considerable dis tances which separates many of the directors of the company trom heart quarters. and their consequent inac cessibility on short notice, it has been decided to appoint an Execu- tive Committee ot the board, consist- ing of the td11owiug direcwrs. and including the chairman: D. J. Mac. Dougald, J. Gill Gardner. G. A. Bell, Gerard G. Ruel, J. Stuart Rayside. Tom Moore, E. R. Deoary. The directors named on the Ex- ecutive Committee will deal with such matters currently as may re- quire attention. Meetings of the full board will be held at regular inter- vals, as usual. Red Pepper Heat . Stops Backache The heat ot red peppers take: the "ouch" from u sore. lune beck. It can not mm. you, and it certainly and. the torture at once. When you no suturing so you an hardly get around, just. try Red Pep per Rub, and you will have (he quicken relief known. Nothing has such mmemrtrated, penetrating hen! u red peppers. Just u noon " you apply ma Pepper Rub you will feel the ting) heat. In three minus- tt nun: an sore not through 3nd hunch. Pain and sorenes- nm lone. Ask any drugs!“ for u in of Rowla- Rod Popper Rub. B. an no gut tho (amino. with the In. Rowla- on out who. r""'" Rump)!†Tracy am can you that in km m I. ttt m - lat-ml"- nu ma. uni-u at att prom Don't Take Our Word OBITUARY. the JM' m - I m. Mammoth-cum†~00 " spam up; u m a th- Georg-1m but. of an» mien. Thou won routed It a. value mm and mum: and for eo-itiiii,'" h 'tWoe" "Mtteu The" wound-p a,11 an mm was uni, esyr1i.pttstkorAt_te3etrrd. - 7:. Int "ieiiitirt-t of my bore " now Incl-sud to ninety, tort! um boil mom: can tho out shout two months up. The mun u. Mmil ll hilly “a the boys - Bil in“ slush: ot some nor! and they hue mum- cntvoontlng to sharpen their :91» me- It that were â€canary. The children no music-l and on Tuesday evening, Doe. M, gave an mien-ting and unique concert m the Town mu. There was also a phyla produced In mum to the thumb: ot the large audience. Du- crlblng their slinging, the Toronto Star says: “In rythm and shading. mass at- tack and all the nuances ot choral an the boys were astonhhlnly pro- Bciettt and reflected great credit on their choir master, H. R. Minus. ot Georgetown. In can year ot Canada they have 'become "a real glee ciub. They receive a religious training, not a cadet training. but have a real military discipline. In their qpenlng chorale they marched on the stage in rows ot perfect align- ment. As one boy with one joy they sang "Welcome Beautiful Christmas Day, Happiest Day of All the Year." To the forty newcomers this is the only Christmas on which "Peace on earth. good will to men" was any thing more than an empty phrase. They had known more ot Turkish masters ot massacres than of Cana- dian masters of revels." The orphanage ig a department of the Armenian Relief Association ot Canada, and is by all odds the most interesting branch of their work. The boys at Georgetown are going to be a splendid asset to this coun- try. so rich in agricultural possibili-i ties but so sparsely populated. _ The institution is supported en- tirely by voluntary contributions tind any friends wishing to do so may remit through any of the local oir1ryte-rA1sNlii6-bs Lss_Syt_ctetotra', it: A. J.'Cundick, the Treasurer. ‘while the President and Vice- I President are Mety.5 B. W. N. Grigg and. E. D. Lang. KRUPPS SEEKING LOAN OF â€5.000.000 IN us. 'The Krupps, owners of the Krupp Iron Works at Essen, most famous of the German munitlon plants dur- ing the" war, are seeking a loan trom' American investors. Reports wen: current last week that a banking group had ,promised a loan ot $r5,000.000, but this could not be cortltrmed. although definite confirm- ation was obtained in a number of banks ot the fact that the Krupps were trying to obtain such a loan. SHIP ARRIVES IN LONDON WITH 1,100 TONS OF POTATOES The London Trade Commissioner reports that the B.S. Browton has reached London from Charlottetown with a cargo of some 1,100 tons of "Green Mountain" and “Irish Coto- Mer" potatoes, consigned to the dit. ferent London tirmis " potato Bales. men Resulting from heavy arrivals ot Tt continental potatoes the London Re market is becoming overstocked. and Rf? with prices inclined to iall, London ph importers generally recommend that further consignments ot potatoes. N which Canadian shippers are now of- M faring, could more advantageously " be sent to such ports " Liverpool. Prtutcttmtter and Glasgow, where our . Minoan are more favorable. I Some Importers, however, mink that better opportunities for Can- ndlun potatoes are llkely to develops In London by thuuy next, provid- lng tttat they can be delivered tree trom dun-5e from frost. Importers, moreover, strongly emphasize thttt Cnmdhn-nhlmn "otaid mom. tor an. Ill-net no ttMb. bus. which, being In animal use. rumo- ttutr at prices. New" Maulmrut Nona-will!» my to loan: of no cannula. Btatr, “hail". ttr.mntr,t.u-ottM4Hu mm Ohm. been.“ m mun-gamma»: In. . - mum-um†'rAr1etetr'ett1ttPryt1t..t to! 7.77.. 7'“... nort W’W‘MnflmmCM;¢WWWï¬ I mwdvuwbm’% 'ttst-rite- has - do mmmumumw, .m mr enwuwdnneuundmm- moyLLm-na‘apu tor, an. c. an. theirâ€! - by c. r. and: turn- qu Harlan trMorettaor, and not than: ho W to an“ danced and an _ Mr. n; nan-ammmcmctm uni. C. WW. who wen the 't N100 “ll-u a "he-et.-- oiplentl of than“ am. ' 4Meeeda -_ _ um tho 'TrrteFreE'iririiaiti_ " KIM by It. and In: but new!“ an on}, the I'm.“ spend never-l math. in thq W] South. (on on Christan my tot " thigh"; Will. that the, it]! Mr. Old In. Hubert Dunne of Detroit no unending . with mn- init at the ham or the tttet-" parents, Mr. and In. Henry D. Dubai" Ind other relatives and friends In the viittstm and vicinity. Mr. John Snack ot Brannon! and Mus Annie Struck of Toronto ware uniting over the holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. cuties Struck. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Ruth and daughter Punch ot Blair: were holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. Ruth's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hone. Mr. Nelson Shelley of Toronto and Miss Luella Shelley ot Kitcte ener spent Christmas at the home ot their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shelley. Santa Claus made it quite inter- esting for the village youngsters on his usual rounds on Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ctendetutan and baby girl ot Toronto were holiday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Allan Good. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. A. Schweitzer} and son Walter of Toronto, Mrs] Noah Cress and daughter, Miss Marion of Kitchener. Miss Phyllis Schweitzer ot Waterloo and Mr Chas. Schweitzer of the Bricker- Germann Co., Waterloo. all had Christmas dinner at the Schweitzer home. . Mr. Emerson Snider of Detrot spent over Christmas at the home of his father, Mr. Reuben Snider. Mr. Edler Schinbein ot Detroit was a Christmas visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Meg. Gen. Schiubein. Mr. and Mrs. Michael _Dreisinger of Elmira spent Christmas at the terIevtt-lVt ,,,agd_,_tw1,rs., Herhert Huehn. Miss Hilda Kelterbom is spend- ing the holidays with her parents at St. Jacobs. A A New Year's Day service was held in the Lutheran church Thurs day torenoon. The Township nominations were held here on Monday afternoon. A list at the candidates nominates. also the report ot the nomination will be found in another column ot this issue. Mrs. Neuteldl'and children ot New Dundee were visiting at the home of the farmer's mother-ln-law, Mrs. Nellefeld. in this village during tho past week. Mr. Boldt, Br.. left recently for Freeport where he is taking treat- ment. Miss Roxie Schwartz was visiting over the Christmas holidays at " home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Schwartz. A pretty Russian wedding,took place on Sunday (at the farm o: Mr. Andrew Freeman) the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elms, when a daugh- ter of the family was married to Mr. Jacob Braun ot near Waterloo. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. Cressman ot Kitchener assisted by Rev. Friesen of this place. _ " The report ot the Police Village Nominations which were .held on Monday evénlng, will be [mud tn “other column. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bahama And you ot Lisbon spent Christan.- with Mr; nnd Mn. Duncan Down. Brleh. We wish all the readers a HIM): New Yur. In" M. Men-w In -tdtssa the bondâ€! at her homo In Pain». Mr. Illd In. (300. Atchlm and daughter ot (haw-mm. amt a. bond-n It It. In. B. minnows. “on - no conic. tn lion church on My. Rn. A. mm m: oonAed to m to... gut. I m Mr. Paw; Jun! LI ham-m at an ion. of In. grind-other, In. COM. KINGWOOD -.agsrmearuukaNt-tr,a-d" by -Allu "oaattaue an the muuetstrottertr.rrettf"t .oHr.--43arred. loved by Baht. J. Voitch unaud- bum-rm. tseeotustd he paid I. J. strong. (revel, 814.10; Jo:- Woller. gavel. 5.80; View Hud- were -ctx, iron. ar, Sims. my e Eel-tech, retulner and em, 61...; I Noun Dippol, allowance on drain. I 19.44; c. D. Bowman. loeo on drain. , 51.00; Irvin Gimbel, work on ma. 1 23.5)); Henry Senna-r. work on near 15.10; H. I. Hui. lumber, us: , halal: Cresmnn, equalizing 8. See. ': " end I, 4.00; Allen R. Barman. work on bridge, 30.40; John Welsh. j treasurer Pauline): Tp., % cost Tp. ' line, 88.42; W. uldlny. Treuurer , ot Guelph To. % cost. Tp. Line, I 255.49; John C. Cornell, bonus for wire fence. 2.80; Urine Snider, _ bonus for wire fence. 4.00; I. W. Shoemaker, bonus for wire fence.- roo; Henry Dedels. burying dog, 1.00; David Milroy, (labor on road, 4.00; John Mihm, repairing plow, 5.80; Joules Taylor, work on roed. 6.30; Ed. Siebert, work on bridge. 6.00; A, L. Shanta, work in Kitch- ‘ener Tts, Line, 17.10; Gregor Meyer. gravel and extra labor, 16.80; C. T. Groh. for second poll booth No. 4, 8.00; Simon Kinzie, service as reeve 233.00; Simon Kinsie. telephone on. 3.00; Rom. J. Vietch, service as let den. reeve, 149.00; Allen Shoemaker service as 2nd den. reeve, 168.00; Allan Shoemaker, telephone account 2.00; l. C. Hellman. services as councillor. 150.00; I. C. Hellman. telephone ac.; 2.00; c. T. Grok, ser- vices as councillor, 138.00; G. M. Shirk, services as treasurer, 350.00; P. A. Snider, stationary mr, postage 6.00, telephone $1.35; P. A. Snider. ditch award, 5.50; extra on voters’ list, 30.00; P. A. Snider, six months salary, 3.25, $368.60; Wm. Lutt, Bet" vice and equipment as school atten- ‘dam-e officer. 47.80; Henry Ill",; [tist-are-i-el-,','-, -tstattttsr-dahor,-- new Abram Hunsberger, refund statute The Waterloo Chronicle I Then be sure to insert your announcement, together with full details of the sale, in the County's most widely circulated weekly newspaper;- Everyone interested in Auction Sales or hunts for Sale in this district naturally turns to the Chronlde because Use The Waterloo Chronicle and GetSure Results The Chronicle is indisputably the Ruling Auction Sale Manual in this territory as the hunch-ob of “NW“ it carries from yen to your convincingly demon-true. It Carries Practically Every Sale Held in the District Equitable m Block - Waterido, Ontario, I dog ax. 8.00; Noah B. WM, re fund do; tax, 3.00; Fred V0033, re- fund do. tax. 3.00; - nun. to (and atltuu labor, Lott; “iii 1 Yuma, "hand school an. 8.16; Allen B. shun, labor on told. 4.00; Merino Shh-y. m lumen u eouector.‘too.oo: John Ann, pey- ment as (once viewer. 3.00; David Linton, payment u (one. View. 3.00; Henry Becker. payment as fence viewer, 8.00. Moved by I. C. mum" wounded tr Allen Shoemaker. that um coun- cil beg leave to convey their lin- cere thanks to the rears, the clerk and the treasurer tor the courteous and ancient manner in which they have discharged their several duties during the yatrr.--Carrusd. Moved by I. C. Hallman seconded by Robt. J. vénch am this council now tsdtourn.-carrur4. KExszm- oLTVKR--At Khdmner,‘ Dec. M, by Rev. W. B. Paganini Mary Josephine Oliver to Wilbur‘ William Kenszle. _ THOMAS - MAReli-At Drumbo. Dec. 23, Gladys Irene Marne to' Wilfred A. L. Thomas ot Stony Creek, son of Mr. ttttd Mrs. Fred W. Thomas ot Waterloo. GILLErbNOLV--At Kitchener, Doc. M, Catharine Noll to Henry Glllerr. For Envy llF-Mlnard’. Linlmcnt“ ru,iiiitttia2!,'tteli', uuotaGtd'""k-"' “BANE P. A. Snider. Tp. Clerk Do You Want to Make Your Auction l ', Sale a Real Success? MARRIAG“ WAT†moan KITCHEN“ ("at Wall) Mr. Farmer I. “Md Wi- 1l,.tl*r)', , iii?, "How ira REE“ 7&0“? cm?""" "trot Chile on the ndlo napkin." ., -. OUT POWER. Aâ€. m. A. noun no“ 'tttoh-r-iM-St. M WWW-III In; " M Say it with . Flowers w-tint-en.- menmmm Arman Floral may; - I... W cm For." C am: 170 Km OK In “M can. Prion-14:0. Gnu-noun: a Caulk" ARHOTRONG. FLOM.T I - . "I.“ Cold via Radio myâ€. .. yrroeate-- _ Til if iii :3