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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Nov 1924, p. 10

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¢ water in kitchen; bank barn with straw shod attached, with henâ€"house and stable room betow, cement silo. driving sahed. ‘There is also a runâ€" ning spring on farm. Apply James > Kellssy, R. R. %, Petersburg. Phone AGENTS WANTED District Agent for our Trees and Shrubs. Liberal pay,. Free Rquip ment. Write now. Welland Nursery + _ Co., Welland, Ont.. 46â€"4t. i+ Farm of 100 acres near Wilmot Centre,‘ 8 acres in bush, 8 acres in pasture, 10 acres in wheat, 7 acres rye, 25 acres grass, 2 acres orchard, reomed brick house, hard and sott balance in good state of cultivation. A good strong, honest boy to asâ€" simt in delivering milk. Yearly en‘ gagement desired. Good wages paid to the right boy. Write or phone WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. State cash price, and full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, An Auto Knitter in first class shape. Price $15.00. Also ladies‘ fur coat, size 38. Price $5.00. Apply 30 William St., Waterloo. 47â€"1t. The farm consisting of 55 acres more or less on which is a comâ€" fortable brick house with woodshed atached, large bank barn with straw shed attached, driving shed, etc.; abundance of hard and soft water; also a good fruitâ€"bearing orchard. There are 3 acres of fall wheat, 6 acres of newâ€"seeded meadow, 10 acres of bush and pasture; the rest is plowed ready for spring crop. The ‘ farm is well fenced and in good chtel of cultivation. This is a very deâ€" sirable property, beautifully located, being 1 mile north of Hawkesville, wonvenient to school, etc. Terms:â€"10% of purchase price on day of sale, balance on the 1st day of March, 1925, when possession will be given. Further particulars may be ascertained by applying to the undersigned. . 8OLOMON B. MARTIN, Prop. GEO. G. CLASS8, Auctioneer, There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion at the Fire Hall, Wimira, on SATURDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1924 At 10.30 a.m. steers, with two at~§8; butchers sold from $3 to $5.65, ‘The cattle supply was heavy. Canâ€" ners and cutters numerous, Gooé cows brought $2.50 to $4.35, with this kind at $1.50 to $3. Bulls reâ€" mained steady. ‘Three loads of store cattle were taken at $3 to $5.00 a 25¢ up at $11.50 to $11.75 per hun. dred, choice, with heavies downward to $10. Sheep steady at $6 to $8 for the best. Quotations: Mediuwm ......+..., ‘Grausere ..%..:...; Milch cows, choice.... Springers, choice..... Hogsâ€"Receipts, 2,300. Select bacon....... ‘Thick smooths ... Light s.izsrrrsrer.. Heavies ........... Good to choice . Fair to good ... Common to fair Butcher hbeifers, Butcher cows, Good to choice .... Fair to good ...... Canmers and cutters. Butcher bulls, good . Fair ... Calves, Sheepâ€"Receipts, 2,736. Good light sheep.... Heavies and bucks.. Good to choice ......3 50 Fair to good ....... 3 00 Canmers and cutters.. 1 50 Butcher bulls, good .. 3 75 Wair l.silsrucrivses ,/00 Stockers, good ....... 4 00 PFalp ............... $‘00 WCTCCE MEVUTDC eA a +c k + ‘Thick smooths .... Light s:isssrrsre.s Heavies ..:.....«..« 1eepâ€"Receipts, 2,736. PUBLIC SALE FARM FOR SALE Valuable Farm FOR SALE WANTED .10 00 T0 00 .830 00 .$6 00 to §7 50 10 68 9 T6 8 15 8 15 5 75 6 50 4 50 for hes 100 .00 45â€"38t. 11 00 5 To 7 50 6 50 4 50 9 25 6 15 2l WINNIPEG GRAiN Household Effects â€" Parlor cook heater in good shape, cook stove, box stove, 3 large tables, 2 leat tables, kitchen tables, 2 small tables, |12 kitchen chairs, cupboard, wash ‘sink, sewing machine, bureau, meat vat, cider barrei, dishes and cooking 'utensflu. lamps, mats, clocks, some bedding, pictures, and â€" numerous ‘other articles. ! Chattelsâ€"Top buggy, cutter, 2 ‘sets single harness (1 new), forks, " shovels, hoes, tools, etc. About 200 bus. oats, some buckwheat, 2 tons |hay, 28 white leghorn hens. _ Bring the success you are looking for by breeding Dairy Cattle that combine quality, quantity and econâ€" omy of production with size. We have some nice heifers carrying second caif to offer for sale. Apply Woebefs Sales Stables, Kitchener, Termsâ€"On farm, 10 per cent. of the purchase price on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Chattelsâ€"cash. No reserve. Winding up the es tate. The Farm' consists ~of 25â€" acresâ€"of good working land, of which there is 1% acres bush; bank barn, drivâ€" ing shed, good house, orchard. The farm is in good state of cultivaâ€" tion and anyone looking for a small farm should not miss this one. There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of the late Peter Hergott, situated % mile east of St. Agatha, on _ ~ SATURDAY, NOV. 22, 1924 Commencing at 3 o‘clock p.m. $1.78%; No. 2, $1.72% ; No. 3, $1.66% No. 4, $1.56%. s Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 C.W., 67%¢; No. 3 C.W., 64%c¢; extra No. 1 feed, 65%¢; No. 1 feed, §3%¢; No. 2 feed, 60%c. 0. t.‘ bay ports, $26 per ton. American corn â€"No. 2 yellow, $1.32, on track, Toronto. MILLFEED Toronto, Nov. 17.â€"Millfeed: Car lotsâ€"Bran, $38.25; shorts, $32.2%5; middlings, $38 per ton; good feed flour, $2.25 per bag. No. 2 feed, 48%¢; rejected, 44%¢; track, §9%c. Barleyâ€"No. 3C. W., 81%c; No. 4 Ontario oatsâ€"No.,3 white, 50c to 5%c. HAY AND STRAW Taronto, Nov. 17. â€"Hay~â€"No. 2 timothy, $14.50; No. 3 timothy, $12.50. Strawâ€"$9, Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 winter, $1.33 to $1.35; No. 3 winter, $1.31 to $1.33; No. 1 commercial, $1.29 to $1.31. Barleyâ€"Maiting, 88¢ to 93c. l Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 82¢ to 85¢. Ryeâ€"No. 2, $1.10 to $1.12. EGGS Torontoâ€"Market firmer; jobbing specials, 68¢; fresh extras, 64c. % Cholte ............. 9 50 ~10 * of Farm of 25 acres, Chattels, Household Effects, Hay and Grain GEORGE F. HAHN and MRS. MAGDALENA HERGOTT W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone 592w, Waterieo. ‘Toronto, Nov. 17.â€"Board of Trade Whestâ€"No. 1 northern. 41.49%4; |Iteome on bls farm slinatet on Ahe [ _ S W COs . 2. $163%; No. 3, $157%; No.| bighway 1 mile east of Centreville,|#hape, singl PUBLIC SALE BROWN SWIS8 CATTLE L A0% ; No. 6, $1.85%; No. 6, %; feed, $1.01%; track $1.05%. tsâ€"No. 2 CW., 5§9%c; No. 3 + eA n a n o w0 n Executors. ; No, g,|Of * mnos cans of AZchO ‘l Household Effectsâ€" Lighter Day ‘lmchon range like new, kitchen co0k ‘ntove, furnace kettle (cap. 45 gals.), \uum grinder, lard press, goed sideboard, writing desk and book case combined, corner cupboard, glass door cupboard, Berlin éâ€"octay organ in good tune, Toctay low case piano, drophead Raymond sewing machine in o.k. shape, 2 lounges, 2 good extension tables, several other kitchen and small tables, 2 bedroom suites complete with springs and mattress, 2 bureaus, Vacuum sweepâ€" er, Medolian, 4 rockers, toilet set, couch, cane rocker, set dining chairs, 1 doz. kitchen chairs, arm chair, hanging lamp, small lamps, 3 new lanterns, Alladin lamp, parior lamp, 8â€"day mantel clock, kitchen clock, Melotte cream separator, 600 lbs. cap., in o.k,. shape, scalding trough, 60 egg Buckeye incubator, sink, fron kottlo,pmpo and tackle, washing machine, wringer, Daisy churn, tubs, 20 gals. cider vinegar, empty sealers, meat barrel, » host of dishes and all the granite and kitâ€" chen utensils. Everything must bo“ sold. No reserve. The proprietor is retiring from the farm. Auctioneer‘s decision final. Saie 9 o‘clock sharp, November 36th. racks, ope® bugEy, Portiahd â€"cutter, 2â€"seated carriage, set heavy bob sleighs like new, gravel planks, pig crate, manure sleigh, wheelbarrow. 1921 Ford Touring Car with new tires and self statter, all in o.k. head young cattle rising 2 years old. 5 calves rising 1 year old. _ Pigs and Pouitryâ€"2 York brood sows bred 2 months, Yorkshire boar, ‘registered, 16 months old, 19 shoats 100 ts. each, 60 mixed poultry. _ MHarnessâ€"Brand mnew set heavy double harness, brass mounted; good set breeching harness, set plow harâ€" ness, set carriage harness, 3 brand tension ladder, work bench with vice, 75â€"ft. good garden hose, logâ€" ging chains, quantity cedar posts, doubletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovâ€" els, chains, and a host of other useâ€" ful articles to numerous for detail. ‘ ~‘Vehiclesâ€"Good Petrolia® wagon with box and shelving, 2 wide tire wagons, 1 low wagon, 2 new flat Implements â€" M.â€"H. 7â€"ft. binder, practically new, Deering 5â€"ft. mower nearly new, M..H. hay loader, like new, M.H. side delivery, Iike new, MoCormick spreader, nearly new, McCormick 124t. dump rake, M.H. 13 disc seed drill, spring tooth culâ€" tivator, M.â€"H. 2â€"row corn cultivator, Blizzard corn blower, 16â€"inch mouth on truck with inside and outside pipes, if not previously sold, (this machine is like new), 3â€"drum steel sale to start atâ€"9 o‘clock sharp on| â€" Poultryâ€"1% R. L Red pullets, ford heiter due Mar;1; Shorthoru cow â€"due March 14, black Polled | kettle, # meat barrels, bedstead, Augus cow due April 2, Shorthorn|ciderâ€"barrel, 6â€"gallon jugs, crocks. cow due Mar,. %%, Hereford heifer|Cream cans and many other articles bred Sept. 16, Pollied Angus heifer|to numerous to mention. mm“.mm Termsâ€"Grain, poultry, and all collars, bridles, pair horse blankets, string bells, sleigh bells, etc. Produceâ€"20 tons fresh unbleached clover hay, 800 bus. heavy feed oats, plow, Ayr 21 plow, 4section iron harrows, M.H. single scuffler, harâ€" row cart, fanning mill with bagger, platform stock scales cap. 3000 lbs., 240â€"1b. counter scates, hay fork, rope and pulleys, feed truck, bag truck, International 2â€"furrow plow, 2 M.â€"H. No. 7 single plows, Wilkinson sod Termsâ€"Produce, poultry, $20 and WEDNESDAY, NOV. sell Aby : L* under, casif; over that antount 12 months‘ credit will be given by furâ€" nishing approved security or 5% discount for cash. Shoats 3 months‘ credit or 4%, per annum off for cash. Ford car cash. FARM OF 100 ACRES will be ofâ€" fered, subject to reserve bid and to previous sale. TERMS8:â€"Poultry, hay grain, and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with bona fide property owners as security; or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum will e allowâ€" ed for cash on all credit accounts. H. H. DAVI8, 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont., ‘ Trustee for Owner. £ | M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer, | ~~About 2 mlles from Piattsvilte and same from Bright, formerly known as the Oliver Ellis farm, on , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1924, at 12.30 o‘clock, P.M. 4 cows, 3 calves, 5 horses, 25 chickens, binder, wagon, scuffler, harness, new cream separator, quanâ€" tity of good household furniture, quantity of feed turnips and manâ€" gels, about 25 tons of hay, quantity of mixed grain and rilscellaneous articles. I Lot 17, Concession 10, Townâ€" ship of Blenheim. heater in good order, washing mach writing desk, & kitchen chairs, 2 mmm:m«n-.m‘ tub, handâ€"sleigh, baby carriago, tron: Termsâ€"Grain, poultry, and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over Termsâ€"6 months‘ credit will be given by furnishing approved joint ngtes, or 6% per annum off for R. L Red 1 year old hens, 12 Black approved joint notes. . JOSEPH ‘BAST, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, There will be sold by public auc tion at the City Hotel, Waterloo, ome carload of choice Dairy Cows, Anybody wishing to buy a cow should be sure and attend this sale and buy at their own price. Those purchasing cattle at this sale will make no mistake, as Messrs. Quickfall & Good are exâ€" perts at buying and have an unâ€" usual choice offering at this sale. SATURDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1924 Commencing at 9.30 a.m. ‘This lot consists of all the various types of dairy cows and are all in first class condition. ‘They are all either fresh or soon to freshen. 5 Graduate Auctioneer, New Dundee, Phone 28â€"12. O. 8. KOLB, Clerk 46â€" ALMOND LEWI18, Proprietor, L H. TOMAN, MESSRS. QUICKFALL & GOOD, Proprietors. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone 592w, Waterioo 47â€"1t » ' k v @ «C [5. ‘v.‘,\“_ c i e NN e te . T NALH " "-'r'u,'pl'- t â€" â€" of carioad of CHOICE DAIRY COWS PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE 47â€"1t O vese ov Iwrv Faxsrums Bemct, Int.. Gast Brins rights o.« Dec. 18, (Thursday)â€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Feed, at Lot 30, the 10th line of East Zorra, 4â€" miles southâ€"west of Tavistock, for the late Peter Rosenâ€" Dec. 11, (Thursday) â€" Auction sale of 70 acre farm, stock, impleâ€" mentsâ€"and feed at Lot 7, north halt of Con. 7, Blandford, 1% miles north of Innerkip, for Andrew McClean. Dec. 16, (Tuesday)â€"Auction sale of 30 head of registered and high grade Holsteins, of cows, heifers and bulls, at Lot 21, Con. 8, Blenheim at the Willow Grove Stock Farm, midâ€" way between Drumbo and Bright, 3 milea each way, for R. B. Fry. at Lot 24, 15th line of East Zorra, 3 miles north east of Hickson, for the late Jos, S. Zehr estate. _ â€"â€"Nov. 25, (Tuesday)â€"Auction sale of Household Effects, on the farm known as the Noah Helmuth farm, situated 3 miles southâ€"west of New Hamburg, for. Sam Schwartzentrubâ€" er. at Lot 35, $th line of West Zorra, 4% miles west of Tavistock for H. E. Schafer. This is a grand offerâ€" ing. Dec. 4 (Thursday)â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements and feed Nov. 28, (Friday)â€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Feed. at Lot 17, conmcession 10, Blenheim, 2 miles south of Plattsville, on the farm known as the Ellis Farm, for H. H. Davis. December 2 (Tuesday) â€" Auction sale of high grade Shorthorn cattle Nov. 27 (Thursday)â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 29, 15th line of East Zorra, 4%4 miles southeast of Tavistock, for Joseph Ruby. Dec. 10th, (Wednesday) â€"Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Houseâ€" hold Effects belonging to Mrs. Isaac G. Martin, situated 11% miles south of Conestogo and 2 miles north of Nov. 21, (Friday)â€"Auction sale of 25 choice dairy cows at the Arlingâ€" ton Hotel yards, Tavistock, for Geo. Mlmâ€"-mhd“ and household effects of the late Good, at 9.30 a.m. Nov. 22%, (Saturday)â€"Public Saie Nov. 26, (Wednesday)â€"9.30 a.m. sharp. Entire sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain and houseâ€" hold effects belonging to Alvin Louis, situated 1 mile east of Centreâ€" ville on the highway. No Reserve as Dec. 8, (Monday)â€"12.30 sharp.â€" 74 acre Farm, entire Farm Stock, Implements, Produce and Household Rffects belonging to Jacob Ringler, 2 miles west and 1 mile south of Mosborough near the overhead bridge at Shants‘s station. No Reâ€" Jan. 8 (Thursday) â€"Farm stock. implements, feed and househoid effects belonging to ° Wm. Rieck, situated 3% miles west of Kitchener and 3 miles southeaat of Petersburg, known as the Stoltz Farm. Nov. 22 (Saturday) â€" Valuable householdâ€" effects belonging to. Mr. Jacob Richter, situated in the villâ€" age of Baden. This is a fine offerâ€" ing. No reserve. Nov. 20, (Thursday)â€"Farm stock and implements belonging to George Hussey, situated 1 mile eaSt of â€"Roseâ€" ville, on the Galt road. No Reserve. 1. H. TOMAN, Graduate Auctioneer. Nov. 22 (Saturday) â€"Public sale Auction Sale List . M. R. ROTH, Auctioncer fi( ,,! L620 NB ho seuie to Joseph Bast, Nov. 20 (Thursday)â€"Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., of Mrs. ! Stmeon Good, 1 mile southwest of St. Jacobs. | Nov. 22 (Saturday)â€"Valuable real estate consisting of 50 acres of godd farm land in Wellesley Township, 1 mile north of Hawkesville, to be ,.wld at the Fire Hall, Elmira. 111 acre Farm, situated 2 miles west of Town of Waterloo. Solid brick house, bank barn 50 x 75 ft. with strawshed 37 x 40 ft. Also has henhouse and pig stable underneath. Cement silo, driving shed 25 x 45fit. Everything run by Hydro electric Power. On the farm there is also 23 acres of bush. For further informâ€" ation apply to Uriasâ€"8. Suider, RR. No. 3, Waterloo. 46â€"4t Dec. 18 (Thursday)â€"Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household effects, etc., of John Kittel, on East half of Lot 11, Con. 1., Peel â€"Tp., near Macton. * _ Jan. § (Thursday)â€"Rest estate consisting of 100 acres of land, turm{ stock, implements, hay, grain, house. hold effects of Mrs. Wllomeanal Friedman, adjoining Linwood. Jan. 13 (Tuesday)â€"Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., of Pem Hosea, 1 mile east of Linwood. FOR SALE Cotton Seed Meal. Highest protein. Apply M. W. Stager, New Dundee. 46â€"3t B1 Erb 51. The Moyer Trusses which are giving splendid satisfaction are light and simple and need no understrap. Hasy to put on, or to take off. Office:â€"No. 55 King St. Hast, Room 1, over Potter‘s Hardware store, near the Kitchener Post Office. Office open from 0 a.m. Trusses For Ruw ptures Made and fitted for any RUPTURED PERSON able. Prompt delivery any place in ue Twir Caty NURSERY SsTOoCK Stone and Wellington‘s Fruit and â€" Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Special prices for Fall. Fresh Garden Produce. WISMER‘S GREENHOUSE §0 Elgin Street, PHONE 585J, WATERLOO 3 mos. A SPECIAL EVERY DAY Groceries and Meats BARGAINS GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. Tuesdays and Thursdays Por A Geod, Reliable and See or Phone #Â¥1°# 4 # 244 King 3t N., H. Musseiman 247 W 16 Uniqn St. FOR SALE 90 Acres near New Dundes, good buildings, between 15 ~and 20 acres bush, balance of land is workable, and in good state of cuitivation. Price for a quick sale reâ€" duced to ........ $65w I require amounts snp $2,000 to $5,000 for ~< 6% % payable halfâ€"yearâ€" 3 ly at my office. Advise me if you havel . _ any money for investâ€" 7 A.K.Wl- Case Power Farming Machinery John Deere Farm implements Dealer x second ‘hand Engines and Threshing Machines. J. RUDY #=/3 125 Acres near New Dunâ€" dee, 10 acres bush, 15 acres pasture, 2 acres of goo§ orâ€" chard, balance of farm under the plow. 8 roomed house, bank barn with straw shed, driving house and other building®; lots of good water supplied by a well at buildâ€" Ings, also running spring on farm; 14 acres sown in wheat, 28 acres in grass. This farm can be bought with $1500 cash, balance on mortâ€" gage at 5%. This is a good chance for some one. Do not delay. Price .... COFAA perty. What have you to offer? If that is what you are looking for 1 can put you on the right track, and can save you _ dollars by _ buying through this office. FAR M Real Estate and Auctioncer . $4 Frederick 8t., Kitchener. 62 % E. J. Shantz AÂ¥ Good consider an exâ€" GARAGE w hal Â¥4 55 Â¥4 £4, Te 4 4

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