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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Sep 1924, p. 8

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mmuumnnm -., Toronto, Sept. 15.-Mi1teed; Bran, $27 per ton; shorts. $29 per ton; middling, $35 per ton; (owl flour. $2.06 a bag. Bauer. delivemd, Toronto: Crea- mery, special, 33190 to Me; No. l, Me to 331he; No. 2, 3116e to "c. Toronto, Sept. 15.--Buttor to retail trade: Creamery, No. l, Mc to 39e; No. 2. 'sc to '.Mir, dairy, 33c to 346. 1ratr-0ntario, No. 3, white, 480 to 60c. Toronto. Sept. r5.--Har--No. 2 track, Toronto, $14; No. 3, $12.50. Btraw--CaNots, $9.60. Montreal, Sept. Ili-There was no change in the condition ot baled hay prices belng steady with a fair trade. Chicago. Sept. 15.--CaBh "lose-- Wheat-No. 3 red $1.30'A to 51.32%; No. 4, rod, 31.28% to 31.30%; No. 2 hard, 8t.20 to $1.34; No. 3 hard, ".'27%totL28%; No. 1 mixed, 31.30%. Manitoba oattr--No. 2 cw., 64%e; No. 3 cw., 63%c; extra No. 1 teed, 63h'c; No. 1 feed, 62%c; No. 2 feed, 60%e. Ontario wheat-No. 2 winter, per car at $1.17 to $121. t.o.b.; No. 3, SL15 to $1.19; No. L commercial, $1.12 to $1.16; shipping points ac- cording to heights. - tuo,iradirr'Nronto." - Peas-No. 2, not quoted. Barley-Malting, 78c to 8le, Rye-No. 2, 89c to Me. Toronto, Sept. 15--Board of Trade quotations: Manitoba wheat-No. 1 northern, bay ports, tur, No. 2 northern, $1.47%; No. 3, $1.15; all, bay ports. Standard recleaned screenings, t. o.lr., bay hurts, per ton, $22.50. Att., mediun ...... 500 do., common ...... I " Cows. ht. choice t... 4 " Cannon and cutters 1 " Bulls. butcher. good 3 " do.. medium ...... 300 do., common ...... 2 25 Feeding steers. good 5 60 Feeders. tair .....q.. 4 M) Smelter; m........... 4 " Western uockers ... 8 50 Calves, choice ......10 00 do.. medium ...... 6 00 do., grassers ...... 3 50 Swingers. choice ....W 00 Milken. choice .....70 00 Lambs, choice ......11 00 Buck lambs """'C'" g 50 Sheep. choice ..r.w.. 6 50 do., heavy ........ 4 50 do., yenriings ..... 8 00 Hogs ted and watered 9 60 do., thick smooth. 1.0.1). .r.trm...T.. 9 00 do.. on cars . Seiects, oft cars Call a“. m lbw all - " 310 to tu, tool- _ Vow to." run at but» all up to: u later. [ an“. - on but. at $0, bob; m the name price “(In Wt was; 0mm» 77 - _ J Buvy'eipb'rt' 310*,“ " 0 " I', -4_“_ A M I on "iriaii%Ti"iuGVti6 V FiGiiiiG"aGraGuiiiirii7Tiiiii -a--e-rttetVt. - trtth. ','N'll"'lti, :: mun-nun.” "tmmet8eH66Orirqtto8" In no “a nah- m m m and“), th- unk. Pot'ttrr9t-.-gutt" 11 “or but". that I. - Chick‘s. our 1". ........ u _ magnet-”human...” ",Nt.0trues.,....".. a .1. “an“. Indiana-icon.- 'bo-ttl".-.--." we». nun-nanny,“ H.h.,ov.r6nq............. u A undamwjmm 1,.wa 'tytt'_'!'.tr-'- " Pk: American corn .-- No. ft 11-me HAY AND STRAW TORONTO GRAIN CHICAGO GRAIN, MILLFEED BUTTER ll 00 , 50 " 00 70 00 11 00 9 50 6 50 4 50 8 00 9 60 Blob. 100 00 It " 10 25 1000 11 00 8 50 535 475 950 850 350 275 I did nothing to excite the bar's I-nsilily he would never dream of harming me." Sure enough. when the two were a few paces apart, Bruin looked up, saw Mia Bradley quietly disputing the right at war, gave 5 snort. and, turning ott into the bush by the side of the traft, vanished amId the rustling uhrubu hery. Minnrd'u Linlmem (or Oprah». and I'm-u. The trail lay through a section ot, the woods, and after she had gone a short distance along it she looked up and saw a big black bear trotting along toward her. For a moment the thought of flight, but not for long. The bear had a peace- tul expression on his face, which gave her confidence, and lhe calmly ('nnlinued her walk to meet it, " didn't feel a hit afraid," she mam. "I wu quite confident that It "it evidently takes more than a bear to scare Mim, Thelma Bradley from the path ot duty. she had just tome to the district to take charge ot No. 1 School, In Pardee Town- ship, and one of her early expert- nm-es was an encounter with a bear as she was walking from her board. lng {place to the school-house. The death rate was 12 to 21 Der cent. as compared with 40 per cent. at the cases in former epidemics. number ot cases in England and Wales amounted to more than 4,000, the exact number registered be- tween Ftb. 2 and Aug. 9 being 4,024. WHEN TEACHER MEETS BEAR BRUIN GALLANTLY GIVES WAY The epidemic of sleeping sickness which began in England and Wales at the beginning of the year shows little sign ot abating; and its seri- busness has been brought home to everybody by the deaths of several well-known persons, among whom was one ot England's crack toot. bailers. The epidemic has extended with- out a break trom the beginning ot February until now, the redeeming feature being the comparatively low After serving in the Legislature tor a term, from 1895 to 1900, he was elected in the Conservative in- terests to the Commons in 1900 for Kiirtos County. He was returned tor King's Albert in 1906, but was de- feated in 1908. He was again elected in the general election in 1911 and proceeded overseas in command. “an. Ms....-.... a “SI-“h. "sat. a 9. a. a IBC........ ’u “MODS- ............ u der..6tq6t" .--.r.... u dis, ands-41h. 'm'.""". " Old gooatqgn our I In. '.... ‘1. Drill; duels .'...e...r..,... " Duck], over 5 lb. .......... " Goon.ovar101bu. .......... 8 am mm‘Mch .9. Bprtttehic_ -i.-.c........'.' (Dachau. over a ho. ... do., , to sin. ....... do.,ovor1% " ..... Hens, over 5 lbs. ...... do., 4 to 51k. ....... SENATOR FOWLEI OF NEW BRUNSWICK. DEAD q Jd",',',,'.", Hon. George W. Fowler. Senator m New Emmerich, died last week after an lllneu ot nine months. He was in his sixty-tttth year, and had been a' member of the Senate since 1917. He was born at Hammondvnle, King's County, N.B., the son of Mr. end Mrs. Weedon Fowler. He was educated In New Brunswick schools and was gradu- ated In law at Harvard. He prac- Heed law at Sussex, N.B. Old hon- ...... Yrtrur. ....... EPIDEMIC OF SLEEPING SICKNESS IN LONDON, ENG, Pttuttry--Who_ore-d Poultry-tt_-Ft or l Valuable Household Elects " " 14 LITTLE JIMMIE St. Jacobs. Sept. 20 Watttrtur)--Auctlott lulu of Valuable household etNHetig for Isaac In Fllalnger. In the Vin-n of Sept. 27 fBaturdar)--At 1.30 Fm., Household Elect: belonging to Ch-rles Ram. 21 Knut St., in the City ot Kitchener. . Sept. 27 (Bat)--va1uat6s real estate and househé‘ld effects belong- ing to the estate ot the late Mrs. Henry Einwechter, situated In the village of New Dundee. No reserve. Sept. 30, fTumsdayr--A quantity of pine boards, planks and scanning also large quantity of pine slam belonxlng to Gordon Ilnllmm. 1 mile' can of New Dundee in the o. Latch bush. Sept. 20 tsaturday)---" 1.30 pm, rhatte1tspnd Household Effects of the late Mrs. Hannah Snyder, 1 mile Mei or Bloomingdale, on the (arm of Jacob Snyder. Sept. 20 fsaturdar)--At 1 pam, sharp, real estate belonging to the assume of the late Mrs. Casper (Hebe, 374 WellingTon St., Kitchener. Sept. 13 (Saturday)---At 10 o'clock a.m.. at the City Hall, Kitchener, a farm ot 177 acres, now occupied by Albert Brenner, near Linwood. I. H. TOMAN, (Br-dune Audion". Gurney Oxford mnge (wood or Loan. Quebec heater, 3Ouruer on {stove (with oven). coal oil heater, " wash stands. 4 rockers, t'toiiet "sets, 2 bureaus, t dresser (new). ‘whne Iron bed with sprlngs and 'mattress, upright piano, couch (new). secretary and book use (new). 3-pleety parlor Buit (new), cupboard (new), kitchen cabinet, 'dining room table, parlor table, wash machine and wringer "New Century," boiler, wash tub, lawn mower, home-made carpet, union car- pet, clock. paper rack, trunk, lamps, rug 3 yards Ir 3% yards; kitchen table. 4 kitchen chairs, 2 wooden chests, glassware and. dishes, fruit Jars. garden tools, and other articles too numerous to mention. _Mr. George Class has received in- slmcuons trom the undersigned proprietor to sell by public auction In the village of St. Jacobs, the to]- lowing: . Auaml*m.r W.~3"33 Punk an an Sen-tug. m "tttt__., _. MUM-amnug tridirttrsaheetirtg.hnmnmm- commeclng at 1 o'clock, pan. well that, and In very - In have on land for numerous cum-puma. ”auxin“;- " ', wisp“. am. as. an I GEO. CLASS, Auctioneer. 87dt. ISAAC E. FILSINGER, Prop., GIG. a. can, Aucttonoor. GORDON HALLMAN, pert, L R. TOMAN, Auctioneer, W. W. FRIGKIV, Auction“! Phone 592W. Waterloo K. B. ounmo, “can." Aliction Sale List - PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th 5“: b. ', (Y 0 0 a G I}. In! Estate-Term, mlde known on day of ”In. At the same lime and place there will he altered for sale the real "state, consisting of 1 village lot with a 2 story double lining white brick house with a room: to each halt. Plan to buy thin property. -rdTi,-tTirrmTr ttune, semi-13E? mantle clock, 3 tapestry table cloths. l dog. burialo horn handle knives and forks. plain knives. lurks, deer sert spoons, tea spoons, " piece dinner set, pink rose design. 1 China tea set. 2 fruit sets. quarter cut oak bedroom suite with (springs and mattress (like new); feather mat- tress, feather tick. pillows, quilts, 2- toitet sets, knit spread, (new); comforters. and a lot of other bed- ding. pillow slips. a lot of carpet strips; quarter cut oak dresser and wash hand, wooden bed with springs and mattress, 6 kitchen chairs, large chest, trunk, black travelling _ grip, hand washer. riothes wringer, 2 galvanized tubs, 2 wash boards. bake board, ironing‘ board, small table, wall brush, 5 “Li atone crooks, canned fruit, granite dish pan. i-pannel door, jugs, crockl.‘ 3 tons or more of chestnut cool. a quantity of short sawed wood, coal scuttle, copper boiler, garden tooll. pots, puns. l-gai oil can, lamps. mir- mm, small rugs. books. fist irons, clothes hasket, and many other art. ides too numerous for detail." 1 peninsular rook stove. wood or coal, (an extra good baker); parlor coal heater like new, on heater, 1 new sideboard, extension able. I drop leaf kitchen table. bureau, sink. wash stand. quarfet tttt oak dining room suit. new; quarter cut oak centre table, new; leather conga, 2 parlor lamps, upholstered parlor sale to start at 1.30 pan. sharp on time. l. H. Tainan, Auctioneer, has been favored with instructions by the undersigned executors to sell by public auction without reserve, the chattels belonging to the estate of the late Mrs, Henry Etnwachter, in the village ot New Dundee, on , _ urn-0M1 an. I... "It can“! "'"saurtat_t.'0-.ars."' qitta- t Book"; burying _ 0W! m: ' tE91tttat!rs m ‘éE-ui. "our: -etiifry-u'atrVemt nun cloaks any dock. um Ina-lino. parlor tutor; can! all wave, in" chest, vindov inch. wash tub. eabttarer out". and! on» bond, bum tray, old fashion spinning wheel, small bran koala. urge has: kettle. m wheel. butter bowl. churn, bod Iprinn, jun. huh", emu tub, 1am. some dish“. leather ttch, , [use frog. yam“. 8 "al. will. but” Ill- MmIMomM-hu. 1an. menu. a beam 3m - mun-u. tub-tut an; and many other chem! cruel.- not mgntmned. . -- Til-ms: Call; c. H. TOMAN, Aueuémor. New Dundeo. Phone 2btt A. C. CLEME ' E. B. MALI-MAN Execute". “It Term: of Slit-SCI“. SATURDAY, SEPT. 2?th, 1924 ALBERT SNYDER, JACOB SNYDER, Exclaim". W. w. FRICKEY. Auctioneer. Phone 592-W, Waterloo. Valuable Real Estate and Household Etteetg PUBLIC SALE (Like new) huma- "'" JtuhetliiG' 'et's'ir't '" t. ttlr, . FOR GALE 2 pure-bred young Holmln Built, Ii month. old; good we mm High Record Biro; one of then In Iron a cow that. 'ida milked u ml: " " m. a any. Prlcu museums. AddreuA. B. manor, KR, 1, Elmira. rum 16 north at mm“. 87M. STRAYED Black heifer, welsh: about 700 lbn., short straight horns. Flnder notify owner. Reward. Alvin Schult- ele, R. ECHO. 4, Kitchener, phone '72 ring 2, Waterloo. 87.8t. Farm ot the late Leander Snyder, consisting ot 144 acres. lmile trom city limits or Kitchener on paved road. Nine roamed brick house with turmce, cement eslUr, plenty ot hard tind qrtrtt water- Bank them 80 X 100 ft., cement mhlel, driving house and garage 40 X 26 ft. Cem- ent lilo, Hydro electric. Here is en opportunity to produce milk tor Kitchener', leading dairy. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP It you have any machine shop work to be done bring It to Zapte Machine and Repair Shop at 4 Cedar Bt. w., Phdne 684w, Waterloo. CHOICE DAIRY FARM FOR SALE Allen Kraft, Executor, RR., No. 2, Phone Mares Waterloo, Onurlo. Mat. condition; tire good the: and auras. Price reamnable for quick sale. Ap ply Chronicle. HORSE. FOR SALE Will, have two uric-d: choice Percheron, Belgian:- und Clyde: Homes tor "to about September and. P. K. Weber t1altsir:trttitmsis, 161 King m. Emu, Kitchener. ' norm In my div-x. In“ all} to “do; u at th- m‘ Act (a. a. o. 1014, Gupta 181) and mumm- mm that were“. om'trtdotAerstt_utrttaord- was -'irtat the an“ ot tin said Jacob Balkan. who and an or shout the third by of Ocular, 1028. to and by you unpaid, or have! to Hanna ls In: And Joseph "trrstd, ot the My at Walla-lay” In and County, om. or the an! deceased, on or We an eighth (law of October, 1924. their Christian names and surnamea, “dresses-And description and full panning at that: claims. a. “tenant of their account: and the nature ot the - curiles (it any) held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that inner such lest-mentioned am, the and Trustees and Executor: will pro- ceed In distribute the assets of the said deceased among the Daniel on- tilled hereto, having regard only to the chime of which they mu then have notice, and that the all! Tru., 993 will not be lieble tor the said assets or any part thereof to my; [union or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received' by them at the time or such ‘distri-l tuition. " ' T DATED at Millbank. Ontario, this 6th day ot September. 1924. MENNO L. ER! and JOSEPH LEBOLD, Executon ot Jacob Boshart, Deco-00d. JACOB BoahAttr, he a the Town-Mp of, Wound", In tho R. R. 1, Mlllhlnk, Ontario. 37at " FOR SALE Tr, 3". - e"2 37-4t. I have chem: with Ontario Ftbrtgtgg and Revenue Producing City Prop ery to exchange, for Western Lead or City Property. Satisfactory re- sults named by ten you: of specialized experience. Scores of tustlBtled local enema, to whom we can refer you tor rererenoe. What have you to offer? Phone “9. $100 a, week is nothing unusual tor salesmen and agents, gelling the Kelly Sanitary Indoor Closet. It is a new, patented household article, easily self-to every home without sewer. There is no plumbing, water- work or cesspool needed. Easier to install than a. stove. Low price and long time service makes " demand. Write Kelly Manuthcturimt Company, Blrkl Building, Ottawa. Agent; and Salesman. Spore or whole time. Complete tree equip- ment. Liberal was!” pay. _ A bui- neu ob your own. Applied!!!“ M. vlted. Walnut: Nunery Co., Welland Out. (28 years experience). M-4t. KITCHENER me. and mud hr any ‘RUPTURID PIIOON The Mont m which In giving splendid mun-cum: In light and simply All! In.“ no under-trap. boy to put on, or to (the oil. ommzm, " King " list. Room I, over Potter‘s Bardqmm awn. neu- thc Manor-Pout Ottiett. Oitiee open tron ' mm. to 5.30 pan. Chiral renou- this. Trusses For Rupt u red Agent for - Cate'Power Fnrm1ng Machlnory And John Deere Farm Implements Dealer In “could hand Engines and Threshing Machine..- PW _éeli1¢y lg place in A'WMMY Grouch-ill“ BARGAINS Mn ml 11am For A Good, “and w Wanner See or “one BRESLAU GARAGE AGENTS WANTED CLAYTON B. EBY AGENTS WANTED tat King Street Werst, HMSU‘. FOR EXCHANGE n. Mussel!!!“ General Repairing J. R U D Y Proprietor 247 . WI " Until: 8t. 'ds H. B. DUERING, for 'iiii' //I _ ','lltiigir' I we?“ 4t jhll "Now. i Yoo A25." tir,, 28-1 o N T. tbtt. Tmnnum-n-Im NUROERY OTOO‘K atone and Walllnuon'u Fruit and Ornamental Tron and Shrubs spacial price. [or Fl". Frem out-don Product. WIOMIR'O GRIINHOUOE i " Elgin “not. PHONE 6861. WATERLOO‘ Smog 6%%payablehaif- '. lyatmrotNe., M If younre lboking for a gobd city or farm home don't fail to call on above. Advise me if you have any money for invest. h. IL,,,!?!!.?,?,? "T, ' Erwin 1teuetritta" _-. ii. J. Shantz We buy all surplus apples from customers only. New Oak barrels for sale. will be open every Tues- day, Wednesday an d Thursday for cooking arid pressing. Real Estate Agent and nations" til/2% I? ‘ Res. Phone 7341-25 Mill Phone 2065-w. The Kitchener SM:

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