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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Apr 1924, p. 3

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I liming. st an ”than -tmnrh-d for our I'D-dot. There are very few people who do not need a tonic at this season ot the year. The reason tor this is that whether in the home. the once or the factory, people have been living throughout the long winter months in an atmosphere more or less v'.tiated, and as a result tind themselves not up to their summer- time health. Through the tone months of winter our blood has been growing thin and poor. Closer con- tinement and lack ot exercise have used it up and exhausted it. You are not as energetic as you could wish. Your work tires you and wt bans your digestion is none too good. Your nerves may be shaky and Four appetite poor. All these things point to poverty ot the blood. It is a tseietttifle hm that if the. blood of the strongest is tested in the spring there is less ot it and it is poorer than, it was in Septem. her. The spring medicines of our grandmother-sulphur nod molass- es, salts and the like--rseogaimrd the necessity tor aid at this season. but were an unscientific attempt to cleanse the blood. Modern medical science has found a better way. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, rich blood at the itrst dose and at every dose afterwards. Thus they streng- then every organ of the body and give new vitality to the jaded sys- tem. Here is proof. Miss Clara Cheslock. High Falls. Que. BtwB:-- "‘I was in a much run-down condition and my blood was thin and poor. 1 took Dr. wniiamsamfe Pills. and l must thank you tor the good they did me. I never enjoyed better health than I. have since I took them." _ C You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box trom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. _ A Condition Following Indoor Confinement of Winter. ALL£G¢D TONE? CAUGHT Chief O’Neal on Wetland” " ternoon “rolled Cttar1mt Weir. a married man with two ehHdrett, chuged with hon-emu” and numerous than: which have occurr- ed in Kitchener the pit tow months. Accumd wu suspected tor some time and when the police vi.- ited his home he attempted to ob- cdpe trom an upstair window but found a countable waiting for him.‘ He admitted to Chief O'Neill the theft ot sum: ot money from lev-‘ oral homeu but denied akin; Jewelry: which was found at his home. He was taken to Galt where he will be faced with similar Charges I All uvonl 6thor bum In. no trip um m. Mr the m or discus-m the cumb- tCa m nation at Quota St. tr. Th. nun: ome'au prom-9d to {and a I" m- tion as won u u nit-Mo an. could be purchased. wan-tuna»! I mm... ”Without“- "-r_Ar.t.at+o m .. um. 1%"rtf"fa,trtge"M',',t SS2NlttN'l'tdr1'l2t'2I'et “but ..-. ummummmmuuu cm. T, “In”. M -- locum [ and 'tquttt.amtoetHamadWm. M-...---- Rathrny that!) mum» on Wot “can.” Immune. l Christie’s Biscuits LOWERED VITALI'I'Y Ohm: a Christie Biscuit Show,“ For The Children GIVE your children all the Chris“. Biscuits tg can eat. Chrutleht Biscuits are not only del ciously any but entirely whole-one, owing to the absolute path, of their ingredients, combined with humanly clan methods of manufacture. afoer mum have been "Incl in. - " WI Am - ' FRANK SOBIGCH An aged and highly esteemed r6Nb- ldent of Waterloo in the person or, Frank Sobisch passed away at the home ot his daughter, Mrs. John Vogel, Bridgeport toad on Friday night, aged 70 years. The (unenl was held on Monday mornln; to the SI. Louis R.C. church and cemetery for service and burned. " The late Mr. soblsch was born in. Germany and came to Canada 60 years ttgo. There survive his and mother, a centurion, at Waterloex, and tour brothers, Martin and Joseph' at Waterloo, August ot Bunchton and John ttf Buffalo. also ”veal children, Mrs. john Vogel of Water- loo, Albert of Kitchener, Simon ot Waterloo, Leo ot Knchener. Mrs. E. Mummy of Kltchener, Sister M. Gulllanne ot Chicago and WInthrod ot Kitchener. Hia wire died tour years ago. _ mere survive three mum and one brother, Mrs. Alex. Enemy and Robert ot Waterloo, Mrs. Audrey Pettigrew. Caledonia and Mrs. Ed. Stemmfer ot Dorking. CHARLES H. SKYLER The death took place " Wswrloo early on Monday, April T, of Charles H. Seyler in Ms 52nd yur at the home or his brother, Haber! Beyer, following a seven week! illness. Deceased had conducted a bicycle and general repair shop in Waterloo tor many years maul his health ttls health failed A low you: Mo. The funeral took place from the titel residence on Wednesdny mom; m the St. Louls R.C. church for yer-l vice, thence to Mount Hope came-1 tery tor Interment. The funeral wn hold on Tuesday afternoon from the Incidence to the Lutheran cemetery for Inter-mom. PEARL A. YATER The death occult“ on Honky morning of Pearl Aloha Yuan " months old daughter ot Mr.jad Mrs, Christopher Yawn ot Kitch- ener. mend. J. A. Dunn. A. I. Mil. (rt Wilson, H, J. sun- tan! A. J, Cundlck. _ WWW“. Min-nonmetal“ at: chum” - v.10. teotoeinart an " Wadin- hswhiehtoo.tMnrdtMrtaaaatd method of ttporation of do [our mart. Add"... you the (m- by OBITUAIY. m pollen com on may DIM' ltd-Id mud am tt Go. Mt Mith ert"r5"ttt""'it"rrtrb, ch chm [MI aad " m mu to or put with “I " Incl-unto wer (a; ' am a 3M cum tn I haul .-- Hamburg .r... 4,000.00 Machinery and ”our: ...... 3,000.00 Salaries & ollce expenditure .. 4,000.00 Kltchener Subur- ban not .'... 15,000.00 6.000.00 Galt Suburban are: ..r.r...._ 6,000.00 11,000.00 t. That tendon be and tor m light mderl. .. .. ..'. Construction Maintenance Township of Bh. terloo m...... $M,000.00 810,000.00 Towmmip ot Wil. mot m......... ",000.00 $10,000.00 Townnhlp of Wei. lesley ..rrr... ',000.00 10,000.00 Township of Wool- wlch ..v...... 70,000.00 ",000.00 Township of N. Dummes .... 10,000.00 10,000.00 Grant- to Town. and 1firt+ Town of Water loo ............60.000.00 Town ot Preston Mr,000.00 Town of Hoa- paler .rpprr... 10.000.00 Town ot Elmira .10,000.00 1r5llatre of New 4. That the communication re the accident at Bola bridge be laid over untll the Imago an be In. mdod hy both the anloo and Wellington road and bridge count ttem nnd that the county to“ up -rttttmtdrsttt mute " appointment for the tune. 6.That this committee moot u the Wuhan“: vbridn to Inna the "m., the county to“ -rut" tandem to nuke nu “monument. I. That lust-I. We, 0mm. Dolm- ttttd the to“ “permanent be d.legated to “and the Donia- lou Good Roul- conmuon In Non Scot]. In Jana. 2. That the following be the esti- mated expenditure for the current year? _ A report was submitted by Reeve John Reidel for the road and bridge committee and adopted as follows: 1. That the following account be paid County ot Welllnmn. Mince. boundary line road $32.34. Two New Member: The county council by a vote ot thirteen to two with two members not voting. decided to remove Anz- nsc Janna and Adam Little, ex- reeves ot Waterloo and North Dum- rrfes as member: at the Kitchen"- Galt Suburban Good Road. Otmunis. Mon, Ind unpainted Samuel E. Shanta and erWu-don Walter Oliver to ml the vacancies. The council heard the dtttqtrenee. between the two old mombem and road moorin- tendent menu. When the you In: taken Room Sam Rohr ot North Dunn-Ze- and deputy move Knight or Wolloniey townnhip uid that an action or the council should not be considered a rqfttretion noun the two ex~members. . Road and Bridge Committee's Report Twain.) Fly. .10.” After sonsiderat,id dimmion tn which the Woolwlch representatives failed to have the council you n N- soluuon that there should be an " jnetmem between the mummy. every ttre you: ot the gran. than the provincial government on roads ln the county, Reeve J."H. Woods turned over to the county nee-um a cheque for $16,000. Woolwich'l stare of the county road coat in 1983. new um the 1mm bang and. " tho Institution would in would“ in about " to“: when it was “My u 1::va would be extended to tho - public to Inspect tho homo. An aural In: given by hum: Irvin ot the <19than or huh!"- who rovlevod the new numb to the bunny- act which that both the county nnd township conn- etia. One ot the Important. “um i. that After the mum of the [1.0ng about by In nothing win bk pad on township “and. by the Ile- nutment to autnicipalitie. which an” have stunts Inbor. He may strongly that the town-Mp- do "fr with It nnd nine 1990113! (0th mad superintendent; Public mm‘ mp will he held shortly at which} the townshlp represent-uni mu bt lumen mm the chnuol autumn! mmmmymu- autumn-Wouldn’t“ '-t-aVtounrt-et" mama-ammu- mnmummtth-u xluu and In." ohm-Ion oei bauwuu-utnm .- l 1tl11dthdii.rtru hunky-nu!” PAID m FIN. --utiueaa...iu.aaaiJ, It din-uranium» l account». lb. In. M at m .....t............,.... " I " " n. ulc- u b in to mend from the tor-com. homo. and the Mm un- upluorl and mm tts.root and extract of ”not. mm“ momma. comma: m; emu- " but. button», milk AMALOAMATED VETERAN. GIVE FINE PROGRAM A mont enjoy-hie prom-1m we: given Wedneodny night by the unit ttamated war veteran ot Kitchener to celebrate Vinny Day. Capt, Apple yard at Woodnock was [)an end ave e viviq word picture ot the the, lemon lnule ot Vinny Ridge at which the Canadian Irmy won fame. A most excellent proxrem was given by heel and ouuide went in- cluding vaudeville and musical numbers. Spraying machines, fruit or vegeta- bloc. graathtq machines. pruning ttookts,trrtotntt "esara........... 10 . a 15 10 n is proposed to remove the mules tax from the foregoing Items and Illa from mouth. lulphate Ind Ipraying preparations. Materials which enter into the cost of the aforementioned items and other implements on which the duty is to be reduced will be en- titled to entry at 2% per cent. under all tariffs. it in proposed tto grant a drawback ot M per cent. on materials ttttd mm ot implement: on hand Imported prior to this date, which will have exacted into the coat of all agricultural implements on which the duty is to be reduced. Incubator. for hitching om. bmd- _:.), In for raring you“ fowl...... 10 ' " 10 'ii' It in mm to my. tho ale. tax from the" items, " well u Eé we Also proposed to exempt trom the sales tax an the articles and material- to In need In the manufacture of these agricultural Imple- ments. u well u goods coman in the process at manufacture. ind - m "and In Knot...» Inn rock to not her huh-4H» be. no In who m paid In: an tron was: m old enough to he "rtuuteraatdstxeroetwto-, him. no now unatten- to have bar deported and IhO reported the mat- tor to Chief O'Neill who my and the girl to Winnipeg when she hu 1 - living. It is proposed to give the manufacturers of agricultural implements "free entry" on pig Iron. bar Iron and bar steels when used in the manu- facture pt mowers, binders and reapxrs. in lieu of a drawback ot " per cent. The "tree entry" Is also extended to these raw materials when used In the manufacture of cultivate“, hanows, horse rakes, need drills. manure spreadera and weeders. Mowing machines. harvdsters, bind. R0BERTs-wTTZEL-- At Ham'lton, or: and raapers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Free 10 6 April 6, Cecil P. Roberts of Ham.. Cultivatormhurromr, horse rakes, _ ilton to Violet B. Witzel of Kitete seed driller manure spreader!) and f e l ener. weedérn .......t..-.w... ....... lit Free 12% 2% tSCHMtDT--REacK --At Kossnth. Plexiglas, thresh'ng machines and i April 9, John S. Schmidt of Elmira complete parts thereof .....W.... 10 f 5 15 10 to Melinda Reich ot Kossuth. Farm or field rollers, post-hole ditp I . ---A-----------. gen, hay loaders. stumping mich. _ o . inea, grain crushers, potato dig. ger; hay tenders and other agri- Il DEATH‘ _ i cultural implements . . . . . .. . . . . . . 10 5 15 10 ' . F'arm wagons, preferential tum... no 5 17% 10 i"e,it, Abarl'r"eg'iee',,rlls"tlt; Ptsttil'.Bers.i...... ..'.....er..... tr Free 10 Free . _ . - . Axes. scythes. sickle: or reaping 22idJA?"i'pt1rcf,r,Kitt:r't hooks, by or straw knives, hoes, _ . F ' ' rakes and pronged forks '."""' 15 10 22% 20 2e, " esley Morrish, aged " l e'............. 10 32 2 . trhore1e amt toades 20 Sh o NAViN-- At K..w. hospital. Helen It is proposed to remove the sales tax from all the foregoing itema Margaret Navln aged 10 years grouped under the heading of farming industry and also from binder X C01A9MBO--At Kitchener, April 14. twine. Fertilizers are already exempt ' Charles Colombo infant son ot MATERIAL FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. John L. Colombo, aged 3 months. It is proposed to give the manufacturers of agricultural implements NOWAK- At Kitchener, April 13, "free entry" on pig iron. bar iron and bar steels when used in the manu- I Mrs. Joseph Nowak, aged " years future pt mowers. binders and reapxrs, in lieu of a drawback ot " per _ KUAEHN---At Kitchener, April 14, cent. The "tree entry" is also extended to these raw materials when1 infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. Her- used in the manufacture of cultivate“, barrows, horse rakes, need l bert Klnehn. i at $24 000,000--General Sales Tax Reduced i WEBER-m Woolwich, Aprtl 8nd, - . 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Weber, 8 _ from Six to Five Per Cent. _ l son A ------ ZINGRR-- At Elmira, April 9, to LIST) OF CUSTOMsTARIFF AND SALES TAX Mr. and Mrs. Jam Zinger, a REDUCTIONS I 1 daughter. .7 MILLER~At Kitchener, April 10 to Acting Finance Minister Robb introduced the foliowlng taxauon ' (22:83:: Mrs. George Miller, a II - . ' 2,'lr'" In his Budget on Thursday, April 19th, in the Dominion Par 3 WISMER--At Kitchener. April I IO, . ' w I to Mr. and Mrs. A. Winner. u ”wanton" tar"! and also tax reductions: l , daughter. oxmnmmvuum} “"8100“th Ir.nulum~.mh-a} ”Mathema- Budget Provides for Reduction in Taxation Estimated at $21 000,000--General Sales Tax Reduced from Six to Five Per Cent. _ REDUCTION IN DUTIES (Ili IMPLEMENTSfAND SALES TM REMOVED ENTIRELY UNNAPPY ”HANG! A Gulch- 31!! that and: horn.- FRUIT-GROWING INDUSTRV (mu-Id (I PC. I.) DAORVIM lNDUOTlV POULTRY INDUSTRY FARMING INDUSTRY Preferential tar“! General taritt Old Proposed Old Prop'ed Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Prelonntkl hril 06ml um Old Mpoud Old Prop'od Rate. Ram. mu. m. Preferential tar"! Canon] tam! Old Proposed Old Prop'ed Rate. Rate. Rate. Rule. Fit Preter%tiat tara, General mm Old Proposed Old Prop'd Rate.. Rate Rate. Rate. Ames Holden Tired & T "COMPARE THE WEAR" Book your order now for delivery in April or May. Present prices will be guaranteed for Spring delivery if you place your order at once. Aut, R0BERTs-WTTZEL-- At Ham'lton, April 6, Cecil P. Roberts of Ham- "ton to Violet B. wiuel of Kitele erter. SCHMtDT--REaCK - At Kossuth. April 9, John S. Schmidt of Elmira to Melinda Reiek ot Kossuth. GRUENEWALD - At Kltchenor, April Itth, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Greenewald, a son. LAPP--At Waterloo. April b, to Mr. and Mm. Carl Lapp, a Ion. BAUMXN--rtt Woolwlch, April 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Justus Bauinan, a. MARRIAGE' BIRTH! We teach you new to cut, m and put together All uylee of union. cone. “moms. skim children'e ere-ace. ou, In two week. Cher-u are given nee; full course ot instruction cost you only 810.00, to be paid when course in commend, not In ad. vance; a few days trial given free. Next clue Item on April 29th. For lull Information cell at residence, 250 Albert at. 8.. or phone 1832m. . ELLISON DRE8tVCUTTiNa SCHOOL cur POWERS AND PLANTS Artistic Floral Dealt“ I Specluty. _ A. BOND Florld Kitehemsr-17 Mary St. Phone 1597K .. Wateriotr--t2g King Bt. Phone 563. Say it with Flowers We excel in the In of no- arrangement from the Illnplnt tribute to the moat unborn. creation. ARMSTRONG. FLORIST " Queen B. PM». I. oreatGGirinte W. C. MEAD, Florist FLORIST K Itch-"er Kitchoner ting 16-2C LI,

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