k:- {a w mm‘mtsuut Well by Lydia E. Pinkha I Vogetnble Compound Joe Hennig and his 6aug break in and threaten Gilchrist. 3 my Mar- mot, tt little cripple, repeats the Mrd's Prayer. She rises trom her knees and walks to Gilchrist, cured of her lameness. The gang believes it a Sign from above. Chm Jewett, in love with the; Reverend DanJel Gilchrist, marries; Jerry Gopdkind for his money. Daniel is dismissed iron: the lash-1 iambic Church ot the Nativity in, New York because of his radical lemon 1 "overcoat Hall," a refuge tor the unemployed, is established by Gil- chrilt. Clare comes in and says she has left Jerry and Daniel sends her back to him. " wish I could," Daniel rejoined. Mary Margaret turned Goodkind halted her, “Oh, yes," she answered cheer- fully. "You seem to walk all right," he said. "Had a doctor look her over?" he asked of Gilchrist. "Three of them," he "replied. _ "Any opinion'." "Three opinions," he answered. smiling. _ " "They all say she saitered trom) "Ure 20 servants--" hylterical paraplegia." he said. “Hys-' "Don't tell me you enjoy that!" terical paralysis, One says she was And, what's most important ot cured by shock-you know, the riot, all." said Goodkind etttpbatieally, Another says it was suggestion-be-l, "I'm a success." "eving--wh'.ch is another way i/ Daniel fixed peneratir1g eyes upon saying faith. isn't it? The important} him. thing is that she's cured." ( "Arts you?" he asked earnestly. Daniel held a warning finger to. ward her. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "They say he didn't do spoke up Mary Margaret. "You him." Wonk and Nervous. Made Well, by Lrtlia_E. Pinkhyrh "God did ii." the girl said, firmly "God and Mr. Gilchrist." He halted ber. again, thun sent her on her way with an armloud of packages. The two men had pauh'- ed, each wailing for the other to speak. It was Goodkiml who broke the silence. “How are things with 41):)?" Goodklnd asked at length. “Find" came thr, answer. mm more than a mere emphasis of en- thusiasm. 1llllllillllitllmiiliill filll MONTHS Wm Oi...." I In: in a very not Ind rurt.dowtt mon- condition, 12t'r,trt'tot'thatt'g lgotup I wont to bod. Shep did not re†" all. Mr m recommended . Philnm'l Vegetable Com. bmmd othemtold me shout but It" from Ind that'- advice that I but R. It d not take tr, and I Mt Mm, headaches left I. may amm- cum back to me. I an a {can wifo and have many that hdo which the, house, such an jYtiiieeei"e,,tiett F. F511;)? w Hun:- Wm M he“ _ het Bron, Iffei..--"r tfered. th to do c milk looH M fIryft.q', §W§r§mfl ',f,t8rl,'t Irq k%'ll 9.5.333: riraTiaa.' l _ In an m up W.- _ " to. f him i'iii'iiiiliri'ih'tl"h'1'eii't o "Happy?" asked Goodkind, a though feeling his way. "Yes." The reply bore assurancr "And you?" T "No," said Goodkind. gravely. “Everything's all wrong." he con- tessed. "My boy's wry m. Clare's wonderful to him. I can't explain it, She's like a different woman. And she seem's happy. But Jerry's had to give up work. and therl more trouble in Black River-thates what brought 'me." "You don't want my advice," said Daniel quietly. "I want you," said Goodkimr-"as A08 for a trial pack-‘0 todny. Dellcloml Economical I i"iji,ii,"?,r!iiiiii,ii') FiaUrGEFrhi. n tight-ill team HERE rboae Igeneral manager. These strikes tbre ‘e .lewen1 in love with mejsuch utter d-d wane. We land a end Dude! Gilchrist, marrimsi working compromise on your urea Goodkind for his money. menu and everything was all right, I lg'dlamlssed tron: the lash-1"“l we began fuariatr We could 0 Church ot the Nativity in make more Iuoney- and the men York because ot his radicall ,im"sd out and flooded the mines. M i I'd Ike you to take charge. Daniel." ercoat Hall," a refuge tor od Gilchrist did not hesitate. ployed, is established by cu-l "You're not going to turn down . Clare comes in and Bars she‘ 5100.000 it year.'" tft Jerry and Daniel sends her. "What can I buy with it tha' I to him. haven’t got'.'" Gilchrist smiled taint. Henniz and bin 2312 break) ly. BEE FFiiKtiiy_Pit a??? aim-Emu» __ te, may - no nag: that my Daniel earnestly do it,"' You seen), to go Ito "What can you buy with $100,000" Goodklnd blusuered, bewildered. "What have you bought?" Gilchist challenged. Success and Peace Goodkiud. master ot millions. was when back by the bland query. Outside Illa-re waited tor him a mot- or cur with more upholstery than this whole room contained. He had Just drlvvn from one ot New York's resideatial show places. He owned mules that went deep into the ground and anyscrapers that tower- ml lulu the air. With one flourish he cuultl write a check in seven tig- an“. And this man had asked him “but wealth had bought tor him. "I've one ot the finest houses hi New York." he said at last. "it isn't more comfortable than this?" Hamid challenged. "he got half a dozen cars," went on Goodkind. "I've two legs, and I walk, and mutter "Arc you." Daniel queriéd again. “What is success? Money'. . Yes. That in “lull our civ.lUat'ton tells us. Money! But whore has that Monghl us? Only to the elevation of it": antit--the merely shrewd and' pn-ilzuury. All around us we see "it'll ot wraith who have nothing else -.rrithrr health. nor happiness. not love, riot' respect. Men who can get no joy out of books, or plunge or mush: or own themselves. #ed, worried men" who are afraid lo qnil immune they have no resource except to make nmneywnunn'y with which in buy vulgar exciternv.et tor their own debased souls." "Why, Mr. Goodkind, I have an inrome that you wouldn't suggest in your bookkeeper. Hut. I have plat“. and health and friends. and lime t6 road, and think, and dream, and help, Which of 1111 is the rich man?" "mm It everybody lived that way." Unmlkiml protested teehly, "what would heeomn of the world's work?" "Living that way is my conirllm~ tin to the world's work." salt! Dan- iel, “Another man's might be sell- ing shows, or writing plays. or digg- lug ditches. Doing his Jolt doestt't prevent any man from doing his bit. "F'ront every man nu‘onllng to his ahillw, lo every man according to his neods.’ And every man who gives hm In“ must tind happiness." "rm nrrafd there wouidn't be mum progress-living your way," mm the other. unconvinced. Daniel turned on him. "That'g the second time you’ve spoken of my way. It isn't my way. It's the sum total of all that hm! been Iearttod and taught. You and Jerry and the othvrrn have called me nmwnlrin, and a fool, because I'm trying to walk a path trod hard by mum!â€- feet." Ho rose and drew closer. "Was Ohm eccenlrlc? Wu Con- !urlun u fool? And how about Buddha and Mnhammed? What of M. Mum], and Bt. Teresa. and ac.‘ Franck of Asllsl~of Plato, anal Zeno. and Llncoln. and Monoml and Flor-moo Nlghtinttlr, Ind Full? er Damien ,nnrl Octavia mu. and nil the n'nu and qteitytttuttr. Ind MI and philosophers, who have lived and died In comma landmine.- of neltt Were they took. ttp.qrqN may who men 9nd women who had found who - to when m Mp)- no"? Won law (that or - tbe an. noon-'- of.“ Tho “I "Arr you?" he asked earnestly. Uoodkinll's answer was a scornhl ell, CHAPTER XXI†re l urued Daniel VNMNWI "tsm-tte-tMott, Dam-Momma“ 'rshud-glylidtBescrmdgqgB" “Yeah but who #1! d u ha.“ I. " “My. “all. h u- It that. “What. in. but. you!" "Mr. ouclrbt.’ Jon: - - to an - that an. mud in. "How an POB. Jerry?" M Gilchrist checrlly. "Not no “and well." an! the other. can!“ I bit. “But I'll be all right In the IM any. look- ms after no: Chre'l . good no". What I mod not". a run down to Palm Beach" He looked Brotutd the mom ptronhinzly. “So you're reduced to this, no you?" "YeC' said Daniel smiling. "Going to take my Job?" who with am. " in -qtttttroeoaer.etnt_Mrtr "Your tuber understands," sold Gilchrist. "Yi-Bo do 1." Jerry labored. “Didn't I always IR you were u nut. That's it, a. nut. And his de- risive laughter turmd into a parox- ysm of coughing Oat almost topp- led him. "Come, Jerry.' add his father, starting for the door. It opened be- tore he reached it and Mary Margar- et came in. Jerry scrutinized her closely with a leer. "Who's the girl?" he asked of Gilchrist. “Your tather's waiting,†saufoan- iel. evading the question. "A' right." said Jerry. good nat- uredly enough. He hobbled toward the door, but not without turning tor a final fling. “Some failure you've made out ot Ute," he said contemptuously. He lined an un- steady hand, described a circle or two about his head. "Wheels-by God. Wheels'." Goodkind looked sadly at Git. christ. “I wonder whether you're the (MI- ure after all." he said softly, as he took Daniel's hand. Then he follow- ed his son through the door.. Gilchrist took his pipe from his pocket, mled it leisurely. and the flash of a match revealed his clear cut tace in the darkening shadows. From law away in a church spire pointing heavenward there came the sound of chimes. Daniel walked to the window and threw It open. He) looked up at the sky. Mary Margaret‘ watched him womierintrlr. ss/ huddled and drew: her new furs lightly about. her, as though taking refuge in them. Gilchrist's gaze fell to the great, jagged skyline silhouetted before him. Chimneys poured no murky smoke into the world now. All was qu'et. all was calm, all was peace. W33 the day coming when men's! souls would he as quiet, as calm, 35' peaceful as this dusk--thetse eve of shepherds, a manger, a child. I The girl came toward him slowly) She found his arm akimho, and ishe; lacked her head beneath it andi noslll-d to him. Her eyes looked above the skyline to a gleam ot sheer lfght in the blue. "Mr. Gilchrist," she said softly. "ls that the Siar ot Bethlehem?" I He looked up at it. _ "I wonder," he said. i But he didn't. He knew. "; THE END. l The report of Manager Schledel prr-svnted at the recent meeting ot the Waterloo Water. and Light Com- mission allowed that the highest leak load on record was In January at 2,037 horse power. The report follows: Water Dept. Water pumped in Jam, 14.5g0.000 pallourt. an increase over Doc. of W0,000 gallons, or an average daily pumping of 170,322 gallons, Highest murmur of gallons pumped in cm- rluy was on Jan. 21ert, 580,000. Low. "st number of gallons pumped in one day was on January 6th, 320,000 gallons. Current consumed for pumping 33,000 KW. Time of oper- ating No. 1 Turbine pump, 6 hrs.,' 16 minutes. Time of operating No. 2 Turbine pump. 348.17 hours. Coal consumed during Jan. 17.109 Itrs., or an average of MS ihl. per HIGHEST PEAK LOAD IN RECORD DURING JAN- â€13.. day Fire alarm on Jan. 213! at 12.21 noon, trom box M, water manure " ma. Another alarm on the Mme day from box 21 at 1.48 p.m.. water presuum 75 lbs. 0“ 00m. Thora is nothing of special im- portance to moon, itt m. deparb ment. Electric Dope. Strut light: were tmrntngt . total ot 37117 hourn, or In “on†at 12.006 hon" per night. The“ were two power interrup- tiortB, "rt. 2nd at 8 MIL. l minmu, Ind Jon. mm, " 11.31 In. (or ' mlnutu. Graphic not" 4 minute pout land "I "an KW., or 1,087 n... on an. mum um m Mounting. " Nq," V?" Gilchrht. VARY (in Humbug It: 1ttdtdlit IMt fun hidt suievrasu {that fryit when; and waist HOW ABSENT‘MINDED He was always kicking. One dgy his wife took him to a restaurant and he immediately proceeded to embarrass her by washing the 511- ver. It was clean, as 'she assured him. but be washed knife and moon in his ghssss ot water. "No germs tor me," he announc- ed loudly. "LONG ED'S†OUTFIT When It was noised about Sey- mouth that "Long Ed" Ames was going to marry Cora Black, one of the' summer residents thought to have some tua with him. Ed '." " Ho. 1, M. on. a; itt,1N use? 'AT, 'ge. I mu: a mu . M21111! ttie'. h"ldt'XI I muted t'e2t2'S'g', i-tim". Thanks to their 'riiauotioo,1 III in normal had": Ink". Mn. THOMAS EVANS " Pruitw a": " Alone on give well In!†5nd awful result: because " rteit-a-ttieq" l the humus medi. A minute later he drank the water. "Long Ed" did not balk at the unusual word, as was expected. "Yep," Ile, returned. "Aunt Lime. she bound my Sunday coat and put a new collar on't, and I've had my shoes tapped." V -"irditm.uvu" iiplear,ant to take And will than restore the health when taken regularly u dimmed. "Tha's what Cora says." "Well, I suppose you’ve made all the preparations "w" got your trous- seau ready?" IN NO DANGER As the philanthropic tourist pur- sued his course he saw many.th1ngs which he felt needed sympathetic attention. One day he stopped to gaze at a bareheaded man, who was turning a Windlass which clumsily hoisted a bucket fined with sand. "My friend," said the philanthro pist, as the man paused to mop his forehead, "why do you mit cover your head? This hot sun is likely to affect the brain." at?" "Brain is ut?" said the man, star, ing at him. "D'ye think it I had any brain I'd ho here h'lsting this buck. "Been out ot work for a month?" said the merchant. "What Is your occupation?" 500. a box, 6 for 82.50, trial line 251:. A t dealers or from Fruit-mine limited. Ottawa, Ont. q COULD NOT PASS THE EXAMIN- ATION A dilapidated specimen ot a man stopped a city merchant on the street one morning and asked tor a cash donation. "Mi/stem" he said. In a plaintive voice. "I hain't had any work to do lor'more'n a month, an' I'm powerful hard up.' "I work In the packing house when I can get anything to do." "In the killing department?" "No. air; In the cutting-room." "Then you can telt me, perhaps, how many teeth a cow has on her upper jaw." ed "That's too bad," mid the merch- ant, putting his hand In his pocket. "The dime I am going to give you would havn been a dollar it you hadn't failed in your examination." “He’s a bit ahkward. surely?“ amid Brown. He's older than our! and ours can talk aplvndldly.†and he.-" Here he was interrupted try the exasperated Gray. Brown and Grey are both fathers “How's your baby getting on?" asked Brown. "Can he talk yet?" "No, he's only just heglnnlng to," replied Grey. "Well, our: can walk Aero" the room without beitttt held," countered the other, " In,†his exclaimed, "does your: use In "utr rsEor or m or dietary one?" "Are you going to get married, why-er-no, sir. I never notits FORWARD CHILD. 'b' Inn's-“madam DMD-1 J. mung-cum“ Tr" WATIILOO DYING. “m INC AND PRIWN. PAM-OI.- on": and Top lug-doc. PH.- 'tati C. R. GIES " an: at. w. MAN! Iâ€... m". u Km. St. N. Watt l 1lliilEflTluififl8 Auntie Floral Desai-, Wedd- ing Bouquet], Cut Fewer- Btore: IN King st. ' Kitch- ener, Phone 1410. Greenhouse: 89 Caroline St. Phone 939. THE MERGANTILE FIRE INSURANCE , Gordon Peterson / , Ascot Rear ot Pequexnat Block. Fred- erick a, Kitchener. Phone 1781 CUT FOWERS AND PLANTs Artistic Floral Designs c Specialty. A. BOND Florist Kiteheuer-17 Mary St. Phone 1597K Waterloo--122 King St. Phons 563. Say it with Flowers We e‘xcel in the art ot tlower arrangement from the simplest tribute to the moat elaborate creation. Satlofactlon guaranteed Call. trom all part: of the county promptly attended to. Waterloo, Ottt. 38 Queen s. . “amnion In!" 96 Church St UNUERTAKER8 AND FUNERAL DIHECTORS Watarloo Phonl so. Main Phone 207W Paid For churning cream Farm Implements First " so. have your want. nup- plled Mu. We nlw-yl keep on hand choice Beef, Lamb. Pork and Home-Made Sausage It will pay producer: to 'et In touch with no. Write, phone or call. Why not buy your mom in" and get the he“? ' EDGAR FISCHER Plum. 248 Wm.“ iubrorlbed Capital ,szsomo Assets . _ . . . . .. $700,000 LURE A DREISINGEB M--Harris Implant. .L r. subl- Inuktitut Ontario Hind mu- wm Fencing sud Twin. Al'red Wright. Secretary. G. A. BOEHM, DIST. AGT. MENTS AND TWINE mum Prices W. C. MEAD, Florist All policies guaranteed by the London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Ltd. with Mt- cunty of $50,250,000. Do You Appreciate ARMSTRONG, FLORIST Successor to J. B. Flnohu "iCttrtPoRATFiIt 1871 Class leST COMPANY Kitchener Meats Phone 249 Phone " erlu (?uilllmmr, â€my: on anon] I" we... Waterloo my [on A. L mum. B.A.. SUGCIB‘OB to Count! Blunt, Barrister, who not. Noun Public. ole. Iona: to D. B. BOWLBY. B.A,, LLB.. Bar mm. Solicitor, Hour, Public ma Convennoar 0111c. larch- nnl’l Bunk Building. Telephone MT, Knchoner. out. 206 Weber Chambers. Phone 1906. Kltchonar. tmEsiuiutF'ItgLD Suites and odd pieces re-upholstered and repaired Mating“?! remade. Auto Cushions remade. Call or write J. L. Chase. 90 John East. Waterloo. Mercantile Agency No Colleetioa-No Charge. 2% Weber Chambon, Kitchener Phone 1905. MOVING, TRUCKING and ICE Accountant: and Auditors, Author. 1294 Trustees, Awgnéu. no. .... FOELL BROS. Carling and Moving, local and long distance trucking. and baggage transfer. Dealers in ice. Phones: Ottiee 232. Res. M. Waterloo. GUARANTEED repairs of broken metal parts and auto radiators. Broken frames ot cars, broken rantings. em. welded, straighten- ed and made good a. new. Wreck od radiators a specialty. Twin City Welding and Auto Radiator Repair Co., 246 King St. E., Kit. chener. Phone 1656. Minn Bowman, Prawn“. Preston Lovl Ohms, Vlca Fr". Want-loo P. R. than. Pro-ton J. Howard â€mp-tn. Guam». â€than! Eastman. Kltohonor w. 0. WoIcMI. wnnm Aloyn laud. t)"teritttt Mp» Ito-M". a.“ J. M. no... Wand†LIV! ONUH, Vanua- _ B. I “TIL. "and†ARTHUR “In. A... â€In." C. A. MINI, Btetrtet AM other: and Dirooton TOTAL AOOETB OVIR $1.000.“ AUDITORS & ASSIGNEES WALTER D. INRIG ' co. dry mu Phone " “MIC-ll â€mm-um. Paganini Block. next, to lulu. Frederick BL. Kitchener. INCOME TAX COUNSEL Don't throw away your old In- gra’n. Tapestry or Bmsael Car- pets. Bring them to us. We make them into beautiful new reversible Flutl Rugs tor you. Art Craft Rug Works; 226 Mary St. Waterloo. Phone 481.1. Prpmptly and neatly doneSaUs- faction guaranteed. H. M. W'iLHELM 13 King St. N., Watt R E P A I R I N G BOOTS, BHOES and RUBBER8 REPAIRED SKATES SHARPENED E. NIERGARTH 27 Erb St. - Waterloo FLUFF RUG WEAVING Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company DETWILER & DETWILER Harness and Shoes UPHOLSTERING SHOEMAKIN G. Incorporated In "" AUTO RADIATORS COLLECTIONS Repairing Waterloo. Wank». 32-6 mom DR. S. ICKEL. L.DS.. 00.8.. Graduate Chicago College ot Dett- tal Surgeons and Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Toronto. Dental oaice in new Monon- Bank Building. Waterloo. Don- uatry practiced In all m bunched. DR. J. A. HILLIARD. DENTIST. L.D.S., Royal Colleie Dental Surgeons. D.D.S,. Toronto Unner am. All branches ot denllntu practised. Ollce Weber Chum hers. King w., Kitchener. ON. Chiropractic Specialist Chronic, nervous and We“! disorders. Office Room ll, over Bank ot To. ronto, Kitchener. Phonon: 0.100. 1504W; Homo. 22337l. National Graduate, The Golden Rule Chiropractor. Conant-lion and examination tree. Office 29 Ahrens 8t. W. Kltchenor Phone WM. DR, G. E. HARPER, .DENTIS’I Palmer Graduate chlroprmr 194 King ttt. Wat, Kitchomr Phones: Otritttt It23d,, Home 600w. DR. F. G. HUGHES, Dentist, Hash- nel's Block, King St. s., Waterloo. Phones-ie 394J, Reunion“. TMO. DR. J. W. HAGEY, Donn-t. Room 110 Weber (Numbers, KIntr. St. W. Kitchener, Telephone connection, Kitchener. DR. H. M. KATZENmR. DOI- list. office " King St. W., Kitch- ener. Phone 305W. _ DR. L. DOERiNG, Dena-t, um.- sor to Dr. J. Schmidt, " Kins M. East, over Dominion Bank, two _ door. trom Potrtotnett; Kitchen“. phones: Office tiii; "liduu. 2092W. U. B. SHANTZ D.D.S., DMD" L.D.‘s.. M.D.s.. Special attention paid to orthodox tia (straightening teeth) and pain- losa extraction with early Im- pressions for was. Phones: Office “I, Rel. 20W. " King at. Welt, Kitchen». The original Naturoolomlt "Nam Alone enrol." Trut- oury VI] 'eirtntiBeaitr. All dlnuu no]: u rheumltism by electric bath "In" cure." Give trauma“ that m trmtmcnu all our the body. - nlly the wine. to Iowa. and at Ipine; (all trons, the Mt Mhtt from bottom up tend- the to“. no Id the log, the trd the hip, no 6tt the lower dlgmlva organ. - tumorl and cancers Annual!!- curod in one to I!" trauma“. In me before allowing an annual. I do not fail to cure. Dr. 000. G. Sum. "I King Bt. W.. mount. opp-Ito Hospital, Photge .15. _ Office In Oddfellowa Block. " King St, B., WateNoo. Phone at. I Bonn Again-om Young " Phonon, ounce "ag. PMâ€. DR. E. w. gimme. no. Palmer Grade-u Chiropractor 5 Helm Apartments, Young at. Kitchen". Phone: Office 1323.]. Rea. t828W Cities " William St., Water. loo. Phone “In. PIN, m: and Alto-obl- . um... u You. IL w. mm- on» qtl0t m "tr. DR. N. A. MARSHALL [magnum Dun-Mm OKIuU-LKM DR. F. WAECHTER, D.C., Ph. C. E. L. HANSELMAN, D.C., Ph. C. ELECTROTHIRAPIUTIUT DR. A. HOLE, n.c. cameraman HEALTHATORIUM CHIROPRACI'IC INSURANCE Chlropraour DENTAL (I?