" LWYOGK roman-its.“ wt... sr-rat-mit. “wanna-nuan- munuwunmm â€wrung-ammo -tettt.to'.rtutattmr-u't'. manna“ can I." wanna“. “on“! spasm-nonthoatuow m hmtmmnolduudyu “.10 to 01.5. Inch-n and mtveo-'at.ooivta, m. M. In dull with can. [on our; top Noun 't; and medium - " Mae- mum, Loo. Price- nunly 26c. but" " " led and wound. - and inrnu--R-ipta, 584. One load of vestem lamb: topped the III-riot at .1516; maven Iold It 814 to £15.35; load 1ittht sheep were strong " " to " Quotations: Heavy beet use" ...7 50 a " 36 Butcher one", good to choice m........... 6 so o T " do., air to good....e 00 q 6 50 do., common to mini 60 a ' 00 Butcher heifers, good to cholce Fr.......... 6266 700' 6o.,tttirtottood .....5 600 625' do., common to ttur...4 50 0 5 00' Butcher cows, good to I etsotee.......'.....t00gt 660i, do., tairto sood....3 60@ CI'; Gunners and cutters..l 50 0 2 60 Butcher bulls, good .4 00 a 5 on} do.,tnir ..q....... 3500 400 do., bologna ....... 3 00 © 3 Mr Feeding steers, good 6 00 © 7 00 do.,tMr.......... 5500 600 Rockers, good .......500@ 550 do.,tair.-...... 460@ 500 Calves, choice ......10 oo o 11 M do., medium ......8 00 © 10 00 do..gmssers...... 350@ poo Mllch cows. choice .90 00 @110 00 swingers, choice ..100 00 @120 00 Bugs. select. bacon: .8 60 @ 8 80 do., thick smottthtc7 75 @ 8 00 do., lights .........7 00@ 730 do.,hearies....... TOOO 730 _do..sows.........550@ 680 Sheep. good light .... 8 00 © 9 00 do., heavy and bucks 5 00 © 7 50 do., culls tww..... 2 50 @ 4 50 Lambs, ewes, good ..14 00 2t 15 25 Mr. A. B. McKenzie is spending a week with friends in Buffalo and Mlddlaport, N.Y. Mr. Ed. Grundeaberger attended, the hammer' and disposed of the the funeral ot the late Lorne c-Vonsicnmerit at good prices. The Lloyd at Mitchell on Friday last. )horses were shipped from the ranch Miss Alice Bishop ot Kitchener visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brodrecht, here on Sam day. l Mr. Irvine Grott and Miss Olive Wilmer of New Dundee were guests at the home ot the former's uncle, Mr. Moses Gran on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Witmer left on Monday for their home in Alberta after spending three months with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Winner. A very pleasant evening Wis spent' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zoeller and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Zoeller on Tuesday night when about eighty friends and acquaintances from New Hamburg and neighbors ot the community gathered at a farewell party where dancing, card playing and singing were all in order until the wee small hours of the morning. when' all returned home well pleased with the even- lng‘s enjoyment and wishing their hosts and hostesses success in their new home. Mr. Leslie Binkle spent Sunday ht the home ot Mr. Urias Nahrgang at Hayeville. NEW HAMBURG 5 on} HAY AND 8YRAW 4 00 Toronto, March 3.--Har-- Baled, 3 50Ion track, Toronto, In canola. per 7 00 ton extra No. 2 timothy, 314.50 to 6 00 $15; No. 2 timothy, $14.50; No. 2 5 50 timothy, $12.50 to 813; mixed, $12.60. 5 00 Straw-iso a ton. .1 00 EGGS .0 00 Toronto-Weak; extras, jobblng. poo 360: firsts Me, seconds 30c. ---lto. I CAF., B8%e :No. ' C.W., 61560; â€baud. "lie; and, “Me; tuck. "Se. N..A0616e.; Mtt,0MHt$6x6. any; so. I. In“; W Mo; than. 80%e; and. 'uo. o.t.--N= I G'.. "F', M.. O on. “no; can. In. 1 (an. “to; No. 1 toad, “is: No. a tad. "v, rejected. 3136c: track. "Se. Pux--No. l N.W.C., â€.9; No. I C.W., $8.M%; No a C.W., â€Vii; "mud. 83.01%; track. “.39“. Rye-tlo. I C.W. "Ike. TORONTO GRAIN Toronto. March 8. - Board ot Trade quotations 10-day were: Mutton- wheat-No. 1 northern. 81.13. Human oaue-No. ' C.W.. up; No. I teed, Me. American eo-No. a yellow, '81hat Ontario oat-No. , white, no. to Me, Ontario wheat-No. 2 winter, 98c. to $1.02. Psats---No. 2, $1.46 to 31.50. Barley-Matting, 66e. to TOC. Buckwheat-No .2, 780. to 88e. Rye-No. 2 Tire. to Tbe. Mlllteed _--- in earlou, delivered, Montreal heights. bags included, per ton; bran, $28: shorts. $30; midd- Hugs. $36; good teed flour, per bag, $2.10. Creamery, wholesale. 40 0 40 Creamery, retail ... 50 o 62 Dairy. cracks, w'sale .42 0 42 Dairy, crocks, retail. 43 0 44 Dairy, prints. w'sale .43 © " Dairy, prints retail ...48 o 50 Montreal-Weak; prices irregular extras quoted wholesale prices lung- ing from 340. to 41c. A few atorage extras, jabbing, 31c. to 32c. Butter of Mr. Josiah Hallman In Alberta. Mr. Hallman was 'present at the sale and had the pleasure of meet- ing many old friends. Miss Beatrice Walton spent Sun day at her home in Haysvnle. A large crowd of people attended the sale at Western horses held here last Monday. Mr. I. H. Tomlin. auctioneer, of New Dundee, wielded the hammer' and disposed of the oonsicnmerit at good prices. The Mr. and Mrs. David Reibling re- ceived the news this week that their son. Mr. Jacob Reihllng, of Regina, Sask., underwent an operation tor appendicitis, but is doing as well as can be expected. _ Miss A, Golorth spent the week and at her home in Mitchell. The members ot the Sunday school of the Evangelical Grail pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs.1 Harman Williams at the Library Hall, following their marriage. They were presented with pieces ot cut glass. An address was read try Mr. L. Hostetler, white Mrs. Blngaman made the presentation. Mr. Williams replied in a fitting manner. A pro- gram was rendered consisting ot several song's. an address by the pastor. Rev. S. R. Knechtel, a solo by Mr. L. Hostetler, a reading by Miss Marion Bingeman, several musical selections try Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hathaway, a reading by Mrs. S. B, Hathaway, and a duet by Méssrs. Kruspe and Hostetler. Tug m ........u..u' will ..... "ore"" w ........ 0.0.11†Willi?“ “All 'OWS.; i; was: a Ila-plot. on ii; WIDNIIOAY. IAIGN tA 1- ' At " “I. M the following a Tenant-lbw“ moummummx Fir-MIMI!- 'MNtdmV.--1 my ion. " "In “.1400.“ thymine- old, 1400 an; 1 brood m I you- old, "" thu.; 1 My In" 10 you. old. 1860 ttm.; 1 Percheron any. ' yen: old; 1 Clyde colt 1 you old by can. CArrLW--1 Holstein cow fro-h In Doe.; 1.3M. Stubborn cow. due Mar. 88; 1 Brads abortion: cow, due Mun. 14; 1 undo 8|th cow, due Feb. M; 1 Grade Holman: halter tn can; 1 Brads Shot-thorn cow, 4 steer. 1 you old, Int; 1 halter 1 you old, m; 4 ileum 1 your old, 2 canâ€. at. 1Noter-'rtttt - Ire a choice lot of cattle). PIGS. SHEEP AND BOWL:-- 11 9110314 about 125 In. , In! 1103'. 14 choice Oxford ewe: named to be In lamb, 30 Plymouth rock fowl. , 2 toulonse “out GRAIN, HAY & P0TA'r0ritB:-- 12 bags early Irish Cobbler pou- toes, 100 bush. No. 21 need barley. 100 bush. need oats, Banner; 300 bum. teed oats, 6 tons mum. hay, 3 tons mlxed hay. IMPLEMENTS, HARNESS; Kte.-1, Massey-Harris binder T ft. out new,‘ Deering mower 6 ft. cut, Massey- Harrie rake 10 tt., Massey-Harrie llahoe seed drill nearly new, Mass- ey-Harris disc, 16 plate new; Maw, ey-Harris z-row corn cultivator. 1 roller, 2 Tolton plows, 1 460ctioni iron ttarrows, l 2-turrow "Imperiat"l gang plow, 1 Hamilton single view} 1 Perrin plow. 1peuirler, Massey- Harris 17-toottt cultivator, Peter) Hamilton Iii-tooth ealtfrator, 1 side delivery rake, 1 stock rack, 1 turn-, ber wagon. 1 Branttord lumber wagon, complete. with {box naval l wagon box, set sleighs. 2 hay) racks. 1 6-H.P. Gileon engine, good; condition, 1 Joliette chopper, blow-, er cutting box, set scales 2,000 lbs. capacity, Chatham tanning mill; with bagger. Massey-Harris root pulper, new; John Deer manure? spreader. 1 democrat, 1 stone boat, 1 Magnet cream separator 600 lbs.,! 1 Grim evaporator 120 tree size, 200) sap buckets and apnea. 2 wooden'; gathering tanks, 1 sunny tank, 3l, teed barrels. 150 ft. 114 inch mp0,] 500 cedar posts, quantity cedar‘ poles, quantity pine and elm lumber 1 & 2 in., 1 bag truck, 1 cutter. 1‘ 20-tt. ladder, 2 sets gravel planke.‘ 30 grain bags, 12 apple barrels, 1i cross-cut saw, 1 bushel seed cot on cob, 1 pig crate, 2 steel ou) drums, 2 sets double breeching bar-1 ness. 1 eet plow harness, chains,) I forks, etc. FURNITURE, ETC; -- 1 Happy Thought range, large size, new; 1 extension table, 1 corner cupboard, l couch. 1 Daisy churn, 1 flour chest, 4 w'ooden beds. 1 dresser and washstand, 1 bedroom stand. 6 din- ing chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, 2 rock- ere. quantity rag carpet, fruit jars, milk pans. etc. etc. - Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. ' A medal contest will be held in the Evangelical Church on the evening of March 19th. under the nunpims of the Women's Missionary Society. An interesting program is being prepared, TERMtV.--Alt sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 percent. on for cash. Fat cattle, fat hogs and fowl cash. Lunch at noon. Remember the date, March 19. A. R. LINN. Auctioneer, 21 York Place, Gait. Phone 963F. evening was spent In games, after which a dainty lunch was served. litters Irene Phelps of Waterloo spent the week end at her home here. Miss Ruth Banger and Miss 00- lightly. who spent the week end with relatives and friends here, re- turned to their home In Monk'ton. The local auxiliary of the Free- port Samarium w“ hostess to two enjoy-Me evenings last week. which were spent ht purtntt progresahe the hundred. Mr. Alvin Heler ot Waterloo spent Saturday at hue home ot Mr. David Relhling. “In Bounce Gardner of Kitch- ener - the week and at her home here. The New Hamburg hockey tum phyed in Nils-n on Monday night and the score wag " in ("or of (No Nils-n tum. The Mun gums In. phyod In Kitchener on Wed. need-y night. Mr. Num ot Station! upon! Mon- day "can. wan Mond- In mu. mu Inn Bount- am! the was): and with mud- In min. Hm I“! Galina. who - MIR new“! month with hot numb not Ion. mind to Dunn II. ml. or! In. In“ In! Ib- lchwdllu VII an m - uau-ll. theme.' WWI-ammu- 10% . ' 1]" V _ a I. 'e. roam -. w ' V f, '/ . .' ' . .3.- M u t%gtt P... In" " (Twink-Ibo “- u r 0° "h u, thmimtb ' Bu. M W“. m and _ t T . ‘ If ' o-i---.- hmmuthoA-a "rmr--t.-'t-r'ttt-W.%- . lew.ham B. Ind". “Mm-“Om ~‘.m - .u my. , _4 if}. luau m â€In“. by at an“ - /c'j' II. DAVID . Jmu um I.†aim" ---m- =a=tlgl8==l===-g-l-atBm-g-tggt-t-l.trlrl- ' V to all try - can“ “but; duct. min-ants. m ann. , wlthout â€continuum on... "In“ to Jon†Both-R. B td "def _"' 55 an. out. o! Wino: Cont“ on nun-M 1 all. not": and 1 an. 2t Erb St. " e $5 VII“. the mom'- md um magma; wt ot 31. Latin. - . - TUWAV. “man. â€at. Bob to "If! " 1 o' an. out P108 & POULTV.--4 moth 125 lbs. each. 90 noon. hem ond pull- ell. 4 geese, , undo", I trio duck; . HARNMBW.--2 not heavy breech- lag harness, 1 set sing-lo lumen. 1 pair but bands, odd colhn, bridlel. 1 pr. new bone blankets; chlmes and sleigh shells. 'Ati-tte-ttmA-. dsumnm.6-eM,rretmatek .d,wetabemtAl00tbsTtti.t.at '-tr.treseat-.tmrdrivi" mm " 1.1.0“. cunt. CAWh= Ir.-" tghtthhttm can. Mmelbluoowtnlhl Inch, 1 “than cow trash 4 weeks, , cowl M 3 months 1 Sherman: hello: an In Juno. 1 black halter duo in March. a Hputqigs halter: 1 year old, , In with , PRODUCE:--' ton mixed by. tr ton sweet clover, 2 ton Alta-1m, 125 bus. silver mine seed one, " bun. mixed grain, quantity early fortune and planet seed potatoes, timothy seed, sweet clover need, 10 tt. allege. some turnips. IMPLEMliiN'rir.-- F. a W, 6 tt. binder in good order, M.-H. 6 ft. grass mower, dump rake new, Cockshutt manure spreader, F. a W. 11 disc seed drill, broad cast cult!“ valor. disc. cutting box. Peter Ham- ilton: 10 has. Tuerk gas engine on truck, tseutrler, 1 single Ayr plow, 2 furrow plow, 4 sec. iron narrows.1 fanning mill, 2,000 lb. scales. may Dumper, l w‘agon with double box, 1 set 3000 m. wagon springs, top buggy, 1 net bean hob sieighs, hay rack, gravel plan _ mood rack wheel barrow doutmnrees, neckyokes. forks, hoes, shovels. chains. crow- bars, grain bags, sap pan, 40 sap pails, " gal. galvanized water- trough new, 1 coal heater, milk cans, milk pails and many other ar- ticles too numerous for detail. . TERMS: -Produee, Poultry, $15 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given by turnishlng approved security or 5% discount for cash on all amounts en- titled to credit. Fat cattle and shoals 3 months' credit or 5% per annum on for cash. Dated at Waterloo mm Itrt day ot March, 1924. JOHN s. KOEHLER, ttt. Agatha. CHARLES D. KOEHLER, Wells-Icy Everything will go to the highest bidder without ~reserve. The farm is sold.. Anyone wanting a first class young team of blacks. (Here'they are). _ I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer. DAVID B. JANTZI, Proprietor. E. B. HALLMAN, Clerk. In the Matter of the Entate of CHARLES KOEHLER, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of Charles Koehler, late ot the village of Wellesley, township of Wellesley in the County of Wat. erloo; gentleman. who died on or about the 5th day ot October, 1922, are required to forward their claims duly [woven to the undersigned ex- ecutors on or before April 15th, 1924. _ And notice is further given that atter said date the undnrsigned executors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to such claims as they then have had notice. GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS Spring milllnery openings In Tor. onto. ' Commencing on Sunday the ser- vices in St. George's Church win be held at 3 pm. tum] July lat. To guard the baby asylum cola nothing (an anal Bohr- Own M In. The Table“ are a mild lau- iive that will keep the little and. stomach and bowel. working rogu- lnly n is I mailed he: that when the normal And bowels no in good order and cold- will not exist; that the helm ot tho mile Executore ot Brute of Chas. Koehler. 10at. one will b. pod and (but no will thrive and in up". The m an!†a: will not men-Io m who of Dan'- on Mu. - his company any. the as. You on um ow: on - ml gay nought-3 -r., " It can: ' in. orrrtetaa,-t-,ttmrohettr. mun-r I“. m, mug. NOTICE TO CREDHORS 10-21.. gymmmmuo- mums-mun.- â€aluminum-numx t.iHettqt4teWtttrMtt63-tt.tAq mm u add. . luck so 1Thtrr_r--evo uh ot than stock. mm etc. belonging to Goon. lumen-r. situated tg tulle out at New Dul- an. Positively no reserve. "cry- thlng mm Bo. Much " t'Neadar)-- hm. en- tire um mock. humane-tax m duos 1nd hon-chain elect belong- ln. to In. San Taxman. situated 1 mile south ot Petttmburtr. No ro- verve. Mar. 11 (Tuesdny) --rtrm stock, 'mplemenla, feed and homhold et- tectl belonging to John Hertz. Mt. unted li mile was! ot Josepluburg. March " It5aturdary-Reat sumo consisting of ten acres, with good buiidftupr, livestock, Implements, feed, and household elects. belong- ing to E. Playiord at thm. April 23 (Wednesday) - Farm stock, Implements. teed and house- hold euects belonging to George Fahrenkopt, 'one'half mile north of St. Clement's. March' 7 WrMay)-Auctiott sale of farm stock. implements and teed, 1 mile west. ot New Hamburg tor David Heubach. March 12 (Wednesday)-- Auction sale ot 125 acre farm stock, imple- ments and teed at Lot 8, concession 14, Blandford. 1% miles northwest of Itauto for Wm. Bleak. 14,Blandtord.1% miles northwest ot'! Mrs. Oliver Snyder of Heaveler Itauto for Wm. Bleak. I visited with her parents here tor a. March 14 1Friday)-Auetitrn we! white. of tarm stock, implements “up Miss Vera Liam! and Mr. Moses teed at Lot 22, concession u.luchti ot Cmsshill and Wellesley Blenhheim, 2'ls miles northwest ot, visited under the parental root. Plattsville belonging to Halllngl For the tirgt time this year crows Bros. 1 were seen on Tuesday, Feb. Mth. March 18 (Tuesday)-Auction sale: ot tarm stock, implements and freed, at Lot 30, concession 1 nay†2555 miles west ot Shlkespeare tor Sun! Hanks". _ ' l . March 19 1Wedneaday)---Auetion sale ot tarm stock. Implement: and fied at lot 13, concession I, N.E.H., 1% miles east of Shakespeare, tor P. Frytogel. March 21 (F'ridayy--Clearlng auc- tio sale ot 50 head of cattle, mock. implements, teed and furniture at 'lot 12, concession 3 western section Wellesley, 2 miles south ot Cross- hill, 2 miles north ot Wellesley to? Roth Bros.. sale at 10 am. March 25 (Tuesday)-Auetion sale ot tarm stock, implements and feed at Lot 32, Concession 3, S.E.H., 5 miles northwest of Tavistock for Wm, Otto. March 28 (Friday)-tAuetion sale of dairy cows and young cattle and hogs at not 42, Concession 3, S.E.H. 2 miles east of Stratford tor J. J. Wilker. March 29 (Saturday) - Auction sale of household enacts in the town of New Hamburg for E. Bunn- len. April 2 (Wednesday)- The tlrst spring horse sale will be held at the the Arlington Hotel yards. Tawls- took Parties having horses for sale l'st them early with the auc- tioneer so they can be well advertis- ed. March 8 C3atarday)--vahtable house and lot with stable. garage. homehold etteets, etc, ot William Stump! at Mondale. Iva. 'HANT& Auctlomor. March " (Wedneodny) - Finn stock. implements and grain belong- ing to Rennie Rier. aim-ted 04 mile. we". of Kitchener. and 1% miles an ot Petertstmrtt on the mun mud between Kitchener and Potenburx. March 10 (Monday) -- Mortgage sale ot two valuable forms in Wool- wich Township; Parcel No. 1 con- slslg ot 91 acres; Parcel No. , con- sists of " ncres with bulldlngl on both. formerly occupled by Albert Rodgers, to be sold at the Steddlck Home. Elmira. Mardh 22 (Btytttrday)--ValuaNe [val estate, consisting of house and lot, and household enacts, 0110.. In longing to the estate of the late Mrs. Good " St. Jacobs. March 27 (Thursday) --6ran stock. including regulated Bobtail: cattle. implements, em. M One-r Schmidt adjoining 51mm. JOHN (IMMIRMAN. Auction". Avril I (Wodnuday)-Valublo " new farm with good bundling- Ind cum. bun wool. Implements» produce and household clock bo- Iopm to m ' 'e-ttrt, aim!“ " m with†ttt m and 8% III m " M W. w. FRICKIV. Amlonur Phone “W. Waterloo M. R. ROTH,_Auctloneer GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. "th (My) - - I I‘ll-I1". 00â€.. u Us home in Wow-Icy. m to 'nntnsrrerotnidatr-intu- taunts. No. ". mum- In; to Walled†" you" In in conducted I uncut-ml hm hot. tor shout " your ml wit. pu- mice-19d him over 7 you! Mo. but†In" lot-mil. and". lid 'r-ta-hoe-str- "rssetttoutog.i6n-tttere Won-shy. I. ton-or m at ttth Mr. and Mrs. Eda: Wm of Hamilton mud Mr. uni Mm. Jou- than Helm ot Wells-10y vUttod ro- cenuy with Mr. ma Mn. Wm. Hammer. Personal; Mr. Philip Wan-r and MI" cum Wagner visited on Sundly am- noon with Mr. and Mrs. David Ham- mer in Wane-lay. _ Mr. and Mrs. Allin Knocbm, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Behmitt 3nd Mr. Val. Schmitt were visiting friends and relatives recently. Mr. Daniel Wagner went several days last week In Kitchener. A goodly number guarded the Leap Year skating party and Carni- val held last Thursday night in the Wellesley rink. All enjoyed - selves immensely. Last Sunday the toeat young people cleared the ice on the river and enjoyed a delightful afternoon's skating. . On Monday Mr. Ephraim [Joint lett with a number ot his friends far Clarence and other points in New York State. For the tirgt time this year crows were seen on Tuesday, Feb. Mth. A good crop of ice was harvested in this district. With the exception of a lot ot wood cutting which has been somewhat delayed, we eagerly await for the signs at Spring. A number ot young people from Tavistock were guests with Mr. Ind Mrs. David Kropt one any Inst weak. Mr. Benjamin Snyder 19 spending it few days with his son, Mr. Allan Snyder at Toronto. Miss Violet Latsch of Plumes spent Sunday with Min Susie Wanner. F News Notes Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wanner 1nd son, Clarence ot Strassbnrg visited at S. Rohr'tr on Sunday Mr. Norman Cress of New Dun. dee visited with Rae Marshall on Sunday. Miss In“: holler left for New Germany after unending a few weeks here. Miss Taylor ot Ayr ppem the woulrend with Miss Irene Bricker. Miss Lillian Blckle of Kitchener- spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Pete Lantz ot Toronto was renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity last week. _ Mr. Gilbert Main of Dundee Vis- itEud at the homes of E. G. Hallman and B. Rohr on Sunday. Mrs. A. Schweitzer her sister. Mrs. Levi week. Mr. and Mm. Eph. Hume and daughter. Helen of Ayr viliwd with Mr. and Mrs. A. Poll on Sunday. Mr. Amen Hallman has accepted a Marion with his brother-in-law, Mr. Raha in Preston. Reeve John Reidel and Mt. m. Boppre attended the Good Roads convention in Tor-om during the past week. Mr. August Willie rammed hi- former petition a toaster with H. E. Rat, sawmill “tor spending two weeks with Ida mm» In Tomato. Mr. John Namel- lot! for " home In North Dalton that spend- ing the put month wtth Ml nephew Rev. Willhm Becker. Mr. Jack Carri. - In“ at» day In the YwtnANtr. Mr. Thomas Marina}! Is on the sick list. Mr. B. Rohr attended the Good Roads convention last. week. Mr. 100. b. Way open I thy In thet put v.91 In Now Gel-may. IT. CLEMENT. ROSEVILLE vlnited with Saran“ last 'gli-er" m oelkT=.,"=T-t..= 1 MN qrtgooorI0Ool l with f ' I! last EFARMS i's t=x=====e--" 9 and E - r] with i.i $6500 dtsy. 2 acres hard, canted F, wells, bank in-law, 'i chicken hu 1% situated m 15 from G.T,R - . , class in ex g tlvauon. . uo)i-,-; $5600 mu.’ ' house. goo. g the? pen, chicke I? and Bott u d Maj In 2 acre "Nah H. 5 excellent I I; two t wm Bell l Into. g menu: com' ' Now i separate pa ween ' _----------- t MON " " ti----------- 1hlhy.1tttilt, 9utfiii'i'ii, Mr. Schill spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. Conrad V. mos. Mr. Louis Heimler ot Linwood spent Sunday in our burg. Mr. Wm. Bender ot the Twin-Oily returned to his home utter spending the past week" under the parental root. Mr. Wilfred Hergon had the mite fortune of dislocating his hip when a sleigh ht which he. was riding up- Bet, throwing him out. His many triem1g wish him a optimal-y. Painful Accident. Mr. Jos. Karley was a business visitor in St. Clements on Monday. Broke Hip m Full. Mrs. Jos. Z. Koebel met with a painful accident when she tell from a chair at her home. breaking sever- al ribs. Her numerous friends wish her an early recovery. - "muvvlvv'nl'vh I Inc- Echarteted Trust i-ilk Executor no. Trusses For Ruptures Made and fitted for nay RUPTURED PERSON The Moyer Trusses which are giving splendid satisfaction are light and simple and need no underatrap. Easy to put on, or to take on. ottice:-No. 55 King St. East, Room 1, over Potter's Hardware store, Bear the Kitchener Post 'Ottice. Oitiee open from 9 an. to 6.30 pam Charges reason- able $5600-,',! acre farm nou- Preston, ' roamed house. good barn 40160. pig pen, chicken sable, etc. Hard and soft velar. running "(or In 2 acre pasture, 40 were: in excellent state ot cultlnllon. wm sell crop. stock. Imple- ments complete for $6600 or In separate parcels. FARMS FOR SALE S6500-,,e, acre farm, all cultivated except 5 WUW cultivated except 6 acres hardwood bush, 2 good wells. bank barn, straw shed. chicken house, T room house, altualed near Breslau. 1 mile from 0.111. The land h tirgt class in excellent state of cul- llvauon, Phone no luldonco I“. WATERLOO Ind-at “in. It Ltt't " tgttnett.','ttg,g,t.",tdg â€Mutt-mm heme!» "omooooooor-"u.nermrm '"o""'"'"f luosum my been“ the public In: luau! that this and every New: â€duct can be trusted. Ptsrit Miner-l on is will] and in the treatment a! co.- 'ar3teseB.assramro Evin item the best 11137551] and conscience can produce. itliaie. It at: u I moo-hi!- tating lubricant. Tasteless, od- orura, colorless -eMr to “to. One of 200 Planes: repul- docs for human mien, A. G. HAEH NEL Waterloo, ( "ivTfiUrilftjit MONEY TodA.rAN mum ' atqvtqttP'.rrPrHqrtqq' Ont.