on-ts-Sao-q-rt-'""."" "rt-sts-rats..--'.-'-""., . Ndtwithtstandintt the. dull business con- ditions panning during the yen and the re- duction in deposit' experienced? by_: large number of companies, The Wsterloo Trust and Sayings Company not only maintained its position but made encouraging gains in all departments of its business in the yen just closed. The statement for the twelve months represented the flrtrt complete yearly report of the company in its operations " a Trust oom- pnny, it being re-ineorporated on June lst, 1922, with a change of name from The Water- loo County Loan and Savings Company to The Waterloo Trust and 1bvinga Company. As a ‘result of its steady, consistent progress from . . . . blwuwrs 01 walnuts»: UL use plvvllnuc - my? in? (11:43:03 swarms: £1122: other business organizations. to discuss the sl 1 in the front rank of the T I Com- matter of greater economy in public expendi- ponies of the province. The Waterloo Trust tures. ' and Savings Company showed the third largest The movement is one that is deserving of increase in business for the year of any'Trust general support. There is no question but that Company in Ontario and occupies fifth place taxation has become burdensome and while among the Trust Companies of the province citizens recognize the necessity of a good many in point of size and importance. Its steady of the taxation charges there are no doubt growth furnishes convincing evidence of the ways and means of lightening the burden by increasing confidence of the public in the adjustments so that it will not bear so heavily strength and soundness of this wen-managed on the business of the country. financial institution. l THE WATER]!!! IPe, AND SAVINGS I The rofit on the car’s business were ---rV----'-------.--'--_ wdll'.'so',' an sincrease gr $2,954. The esti- I PROBLEM OF MARITIME RIGHTS l mated accruals of commissions and profits i SUBJECT OF CONFERENCE-DIS l from the company's Estates Department were J SATISFACTION IN MARITIMES L not taken into profits, it being deemed advis- .. _ . able not to include them until they ar tually During the conference the other day at received. The substantial amount Tiii?,?, Ottawa between Canada's Premier, Mackenzie was transferred. to the Reserve Fun ' as well King, and Premier Armstrong of Nova Scotia, as the sum of '5,000 to the Contingent Fund, the dissatisfaction which exists in the Mari- further tstrentrthertitWthe company’s position. time Provinces with reference to the problem The assets also showed the substantial increase of Maritime rights and the need of a clearer of over '700,000 at' compared with the definition and understanding of those rights previous year and have now reached a total of as well as suggestions for implementing the nearly '4,000,000. . 8 promises made under them in the past, were The Trust Deposits and General Guaran- discussed. It is understood that the Premier of teed Investment Receipts showed the large in- Nova Scotia urged that 66 years of experience crease of t282,000, while the Savings Deposits with Confederation have apparently not satis- increased by over $141,000, fied the natural hopes and ambitions of the ' when“ in...“ -e a... mummy. people down by the sea. A gratifying feature of the company's business referred to by the managing-director, is the growth bf the Estates Department, the company receiving a large number ofatppoinb. ments as Executor and Administrator of Es- tates. It was noted that many new laws which relate in some measure to a man's estate, governing income and inheritance taxes. a wider range of investments which frequently calls for probate in a number of provinces, The Trust Deposits and General Guaran- teed Investment Receipts showed the large in- crease of $282,000, while the Savings Deposits increased by over $141,000. n BlahllJllls swan-n... v- u..- -v..-r.._-, __ business referred to by the managing-director, Among the questions which the people of passes in splendor and beauty even is the growth of the Estates Department, the the Maritimes want considered are whether the previous magnifleent treasures company receiving a large number ofatppoinb. progress there is being retarded by their con- l,)',,, 1:33:23“ am tomb have merits as Executor and Administrator of Es- stitutional relations with the rest of Canada; Th: mum; ease is perteetlr'in- tates. It was noted that many new is the present fiscal policy suitable to the Mar- tact It Is described as one of the laws which relate in some measure to a man's itimes, or does it tend to sacrifice their inter- most wonderful things ot in: kind estate, governing income and inheritance taxes. eats? Are the great fisheries there being de- that h" ever been found. a wider range of investments which frequently veloped 83 they should be? And, finally, was When the lld {was “he" the calls for probate in a number of provinces, the transfer of the Intercolonial Railway man- s',)',',,'":,':',',",,,',,"),',,,',:,',',',',,',,,',,',' sl,',",,',',',',',," and other important features, now enter into agement to the Canadian National in the beat browned With MP. the administration of estates to an extent un- interests of the people whom it principally ===x========z======z==e=z= known some years ago. As a consequence served? A many private executors, rather than assume Every effort towards removing the evi- KIDNEYS NEED the responsibility of taking over estate work, dent feeling of dissatisfaction which prevails place it in the hands of a Trust company in the Maritimes should be made. We believe LOT OF WATER which is thoroughly acquainted with all the that there can be no question as to the loyalty _ d;mplexities and requirements of the law with of the people of that part of the Dominion to -- regard to the administration of estates. Canadian interests but that they feel that they Drink Freely and Often, Also . The excellence of the year's statement and have grounds for dissatisfaction is indicated in Take "RSP" Back the increasingly strong position which the com- the above questions. The whole situation should My occupies reflect progressive yet conserv. be considered in a friendly spirit and with the When You Mttktt up with baetrtyehe -u..- "Huang... ood the RM"! of Directors desire to serve the interests of the provinces and dull misery in the kidney reg- . The excellence of the year's statement and have grounds for dissatisfaction is indicated m the increasingly strong position thch the com- the above questions. The whole situation should puny occupies reflect progressive yet congerv- be considered in a friendly spirit and with the ative management and the Board of Directors desire to serve the interests of the provinces and those associated with them in the conduct down by the 388 in the fullest meamue possible of the eompany'ts new; are to be commended consistent with the interests of Canada as a on the highly satisfactory nature of the re- whole. Only by the cordial and whole-hearted ports presented at the eleventh annual meeting cooperation of all the provinces can this try0W- of the company. ing young nation realize the' highest hopes of its citizens who desire to see it rise to the great . _..-...-.----------.------. opportunities which lie before it. With an increase in business in force of over '2,600,000 and ,an Idvunce in assets of $102,124. The North Waterloo Farmem' Mutual Fire Insurance Company has just concluded Another successful year and continues to main- tain its leadership anon: the Farm Mutual: of Ontario. Despite losses of $58,000 sustain- ed durlng the year which were the huvlelt in fifty yen-I, there remains the substantial sun- plus of $80,000 for the protection of Trtrlidy- of two-cent GT; pounce again. The pooh] hdden, in addition to over $1,000,000 in real- revenue showed receipts of $18,000,000 for the due of premium notes. The W m of the M you to November 80thp while an et.. company It! now 'I,t$06,li6T.96, Io that the penditum were $12,214,893. In M, of this “my is in . 'm position. The business It is felt in me qua-tux that the deprtment infoemhaano-ttedthe1-rtrnmtrf in new In . puma: when two-cent 1ettee â€397.558 and the number of Ttttlid" covered ht. M be safely ndoptnd again. The Butt. Mandel-WK -titsetonrthroteetaaiamtitnt. Aehm We"! tOtt-est-ttur-l-teste-er-tPre. e ,u'TJJ,l"d'll'lld.' genie-lb. -etqmd MMMhebhnnkeIpm-he “ï¬tmlmmwymumhmuw my“ I". “ n, h m .......... t u o..........)...... 0‘. 5 NORTH WATERLOO FARMERS I MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE y COMPANY I I "I . a.†o..............- In uh I- - Mammy! WIRTIOII. - ........o...9..e.... 2iiii'i"Gi'iGit an. an. W" may he“ in an an. _ _ atndaruttouso-tut-dodtrtt- 'ttHitt'. vacation to m tlm law to force of The superior quality of Canadian hard wt! of spring wheat is recognimed by the United J Mutual States miners. Even st the high rate of duty oncluded imposed by the Fordney tariff, large gun. to main- tities of Canadian wheat continue to pass over Mutual: the border It Duluth to be used in improving Iquin- the quality of America flour. 3: by representatives of banks, insurance cour- m panics, mortgage corporations, trust companies and and also of other organizations. It was decided its to urge on the Dominion, Provincial and all Municipal authorities the necessity of the in" greatest economy. It was pointed out that nths taxation " the present time is unduly burden- rt of some on business, out of line with that of the com- United States and is causing the migration of lst, Canadians to that country. It was felt that ster- the expenditures could be reduced in such a The way as to simplify the problems of adjusting As a taxation. The meeting decided to petition for from a general meeting of the Boards of Trade and tare. Chambers of Commerce of the province and now other business organizations to discuss the Zom- matter of greater economy in public expendi- '-" tures. . . . 'rhetmrdenoftaxatioesi-irtg-m H itstnuineaamtsithsanriaieirdeBandtutrb Ilmoesteeoesomritsbein-dinthottnaét . of public “hire. An economy conference was .._ held at Toronto recently which we: “tended Mackinaw of (to mag-4 t-asi-tsuarmarts.tntr--itullttt'e nudymmmmmmunmm aeaatiataetioettoitamarsrrottes6iartd m1 irsdieat-ttuarsdrxt-trta-tdrtt. a... Some newspapers m advoeatintt . return of two-cent letter postage again. The posts! revenue showed receipts of $18,000,000 for the tueal your to November 30th; while the ex- penditures were $12,214,898. In - of this it is felt in status quertsn tint the deperttnent â€DEN or TAXA‘HON CAUSiNG l com IN BUSINESS CIRCLE I EDITORIAL COMMENT iGGnaiuUGiiGaiil -n Mgygttaaqttveer-tto-tdtt" “W's out qt',feeeeeee.rfef, "iruGrGGuauGalGc'-ir-_td-tr ubmmmm» A. I. . sum; mu "mu _ one? or MAN»: I A. I. a. I!!!) ot low “but. w cloud pm of M 0-m- Io mum at has and - bmo- lor "It. It. ma - 100 in". In "Who county. and In nanny-mm" of an WI!“ Ante-min: Society. For " you- Gunman! of man. and In 1014 “I can! to Alberta to dotte.r nurluothotnm. Hal-club» In of (he “limbo lather: Allow- ances bond and active In community HUNG ITUDINT MURDIRID. BOUND RAND AND FOOT “he [who Lawson . you; mu- lc student (tom Tun. “I loud murdered [an wool 11: an Imb- toully turnhhod apartment one oc- cupied alone’ It " Wool Trttt â€not. a step from Comm! Pire West, New York. she had been the victim of one ot the most Inn's crime! ot recent yesam--trouetd hand and loot and then left to ultimate to death. She was stretched twee downwerd on I mahogany beauty“! in the dainty bedroom ot the three-room lune. her hands twisted behind her tied with pieces ot grey gill clock- ing, he? ankles lubed together by torn towels and “ceilings. and over her nice a Turkish towel. held air. tight by blunt of adhesive tape. When you Wake up with beckeche' and dull misery In the kidney rng ion it any new you heve au, tsttthte food- which create eddl, eeys‘ a well-known “thorny. An excess} of each 'acids overworke the kidneye‘ in their allot! to tum " from the; blood end they become eon. ot per- elyud end leggy. When your kid: neye [at elncgieh and clog you In“! relieve than, like you relieve 70m bowels. unwound All the body'e uri inoul wuie. eke you he" backache; elekohoedmhe. dizzy epelle; your elem-ch were. tongue In coeted. end when the venom: la hed you he" rhenmeiJc wing“. The urine in cloudy. full of eedlmeet, chennele 0nd: [at eore. we!" eedde end we are obliged to eeek reliet'ewo or three timee during the mm. When the lid was raised the mummy case was found to be cov- ered with three thicknesses or linen browned wlth age. MUMMY CASE COVERED WITH- GOLD IN KING TUT'8 To“ The greatest discovery In the ble- tory Mngptology. even. as many claim. in archaeology, was made Feb. 12th, In the sepulchral cham- ber of Tumnkhamen in the Valley ot the Kluge. In the presence ot a gathering reprelentlng 1mg aim; ot Etymology. the lid of T'utinkhamen'e greet pink sarcophagne Ins mined and a “up endously tnngnitiemtt, mummy case, covered with piston ot solid gold, was brought to light. The mummy use is perfectly‘ln- tam. It " described u one ot the most wonderful things ot its kind that has ever been found. The moment was the most draini- tic In the history of the dramatic discovery of Tutanehaenqsn'g tomb. By general consent ot those meant the mummy toim case. which un- doubtedly encloses the king's moral remains, tmtneaauraNy unr- msee In splendor and beauty even the previous matptiftmsnt treasures the excavators In this tomb have brought to light. lather commit a good. vellum-I prune!“ It once or get from your purulent “on! four ounce! tte ha an; an . ablupwnful In t [In of “In! W bmkhlt for . M am no you â€they! mu the Bet In. his tumou- ulu i? "ad.ttomttternetdrte-e" In“ M with“ with lull-.1 Lra"iiiiiiiriiGGtowil, clan na and.“ - “and mo to â€may at. h m up} an. no they no lunar I'm-u. (In on:- m - gut-II. 1 {nox'mmhvuwu 4.0!;th â€album-and ttsretnss.-temraurttstatttdo.. 'Ioutmuuuovlumhiu mmmmm- morph-lam, Hamp- um. than LVWJVW to equal Baby's Own Tablets In re- lieving this trouble. They have proved of benent in thou-Ludo ot lhomes Concerning them Mrs. Jon. l Lunene, Immaculate Conception, Que., writes: "My baby was a great /'utterer from ind-heathen. but the i'l'ablets noon set her right, and now I would not be without them." Baby's Own friable“ are acid by medicine dealers or by mail at Me " box from The Dr. Wl'llhuna‘ Medl- ‘clne Co., Brockville, Ont. I Nothing in more common in child- hood than tndttretstion. Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the mutilation or more likely to pave the way to l, dangerous disease. Fully nine tenths ot all the minor ills of child- hood have their root In indigestion. There is no medicine for little one: TARIO MOUSE m - by the "Manchu" from the ruling of the -xor--t" am tn mu than u (loads- "e Hon oi want a! counting in m Pursua- government. try Hon. lun- nlly Douay; u motion by the null membor that m in elect a “all". upon the premier, and Pmmhr Fur- (“DOM qceumttion of "matrtarrfi' levelled III“!!! Mr. Dot-tr-an nervod to provide a hectic sitting ot the legislature but tweet. _ 'noonuuvn APPEAL "Ion noun or â€an“ m on. As Wu predictpd. Mr.'Doherty Wu tripped up on a technicality when, rising t 03 question of prte- ilege, he attempted to voice the protest at human and his. followers against Premier Ferguson's decision to recognise the Liberal group as the otrieitu opponit!on. Mr. Ferguson took the ground that a member was entitled to arige on a question ot privilege when " personal honor was concerned, and by no stretch of Imaginatfon. he said, could the at- fairs and status ot a group be con- sidored under that head. CHILDHOOD INDIGBSTION When Mr. Speaker was called - on for a ruling he held that the clearly defined rules governing par llamantary procedure upheld the premilsr. mam“ La.- DEALER 'iiiiiri'ii l j FORD . CARb-TILUCKS . IRAC . BR. IV.-ittrit G1tmesriett, ‘OIlver Good, ‘Mubel Ggrdner. Mabel Hus. Dorothy Butler, miner Cresunan. JR. 1V.-.Waie Bowman. “like! Gingerlch. Adeline Kennel. Florence Kufske, ‘lvan Gingerich. Vernon Shanta. F" _ " (), _ DR ECO , DR // 5/ i I The Wonder Kidney dd Liver i. Stomach rorr,r 'ers asNatxonallyAdvmt:,»1 ' "iiiig t, A. " Michael. Vital-loo, and by I LIT: ‘ good draught ova-whom. REPORT OF 8. 8. NO. IO, WILMOT BR. m.-.P1orenee latte, Almeda Gingerlch. 'Edith Gardner, ,Violet Honderieh, Sara GIngerlch. Cecil Kellsey. F JR. 1U.-Ma Gerber, Iva Witzel, Reuben Schwartzentruber (absent). SR. II.--r'attnie Kennel. Aaron Good, Roy Butler. Raymond Wit. mer, 'Gertrude Lou. JR, Ir..-- Elmer Boahart, Raft" mm. Henry Boener, Reuben Kennel. Edna Gintreriett, fancy Schneldor. 'Cecil Gardner, Elam Roth, Verm- anel. Leonnrd Witmer. I. - 'Chrisuan GIngerlch. llen Haas, Rachel Gerber. Melinda Gin- gerlch, ‘Verdellu Battier. 'Edeu Good, Stanton Bowman, Violet Wit- mer, Wayne Shaun, Almon Roth. PRIMWb--Eileen Kennel, Rudy Gingerich. Leona Jutni, Esther Roth, ‘Burton Bowman, Morgan Wluel. Austin Zoeller, Dalton 30mm. Helen Boshan (absent). Fannie Kennel obtained highest marks in the room, Elsie Bowman being second and Aaron Good third. Those marked . have had. perfect attendance for December and Jana. ary. B. J. LIVINGSTON, Teacher. i."riau-rrir'iqiieoE may hmdcyd any“. autumn Mail-I. 2ufuttt gtverttqaPetnaatreeoe of WWMtwmyoup-y- mentstrerondqt-tioes. Our local manager willhoglad to talk out your much! mat- tenwithyou. . . ', Caeteat, “MM Adcpotht-mqulfb “:0th bchMth-rordtkrvsrrthat-t. 6:.me Each I- named by with“, ("ind Ford archaic- Mid]: every ever- cbnMw It“ youFord Euhtrtu-_c1e0hmasrte Frmtt'ue.whichar-mrrd-0, Wwixh the minimal at and thunder-mm pad-ah Mariya-pan. Em Foedt-deverrrmd-rvtes -rartmt in shamed for u a sand-rd by I. You and not burgh. I» - you will am tie ov.rched Mnmmwh‘mbuyyour M on dial you - u. that in " "e"oedtkrve"tmgmsrtme1rvemd, o‘wmmudh-nhm SEE ANY AUTHORIZED Then an Moo authorized Ford See ndirec0'nkt-stheFmd-d Service Every- where At Low Rates THC LBANIGFTORONTO _, WATIILOO KITOH “I! KIN" [III (MRI: Ward) CREAM WILL CLEAR h STUFF- Instantly Opéns Every Air Paasage--Ciears Throat Too If your nostrils are 010qu uni your head in united bee-me “may charm or a cold, .tutp1ra1rttlespttrm antiseptic cream into your untrue. It penetrates through every Air pl!- sage. soothing and healing swollen, itttlamed membranes Ind you [at ll- etant relief. Try this. Get a. mull bottle ot Ely's Cream Balm at my drug atom. Your clogged nostril. open nth: up: your he'nd ls clear; no more Mum or sunning. Count ttttr. All the istttttinmsis, dryness, Itruulln; hr breath In gone. You feel ttrm.' _ Rom â€MM IiNJFlgihN-.i g't 171 «maï¬a