Fa _ q' _ I., V} Ci' it: BEGIN HERE TODAY Glare aewett, in love with the Rdreretut Daniel Gilchrlst, marries Jerry Goodkind tor his moqey. Daniel is dismissed trom the lush- 1onnhle Church ot the Nativity in New York because ot his radical lemons. Gilchr'st is seat to the coal mines by Guodkiml senior and wires that a big strike is settled. A delegation ot strikers comes north to interview the president and directors. Daniel gives the mag: miles IN hours in which to sign ait, agreement which Gilchirst had made“ tentatively with the miners. Daniel establishes "Overcoat Hail.' a re- Inge tor the unempioyud and maim tains aparttuemts with baths tor. poor people. ; NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "What are you reading?' h; asked. “Something about 'Helter Babies.†"Are you- going into the baby business," the mun ash-ll, smiling. "No I was a lunmm driver. Hacks-- man and boy- 4-) yours. Then taxis come in-and I wcrtt out." "weiat'd you do then?" the visi- tor Was inquisilive. "Took to drink," said (hubby blandly. "Yeh. (hon drink went out," ob. servud Mack. "What's your job?" It was'Gmb by's turn to question. “Well, I was in the movies,' "What's your job?" It wa/Grub. by's turn to question. “Well, I was in the movies,]' Mack replied. "That is. I was going to be but [Glow that was going to put up the money. his ~molhel‘ didn't die after all. Before that, I sold bricks3--books, too. And lite insurance. Never hy1 any luck. Who wrote that, ‘Luck is ,work.’ insurance. Never hyl any mug Who qute that, iuck is ,work.’ Mr. Gilchrist". "Well, it isn't. I've worked mat) th'ings and look at me. I flgure the world owes me a living, and here I am waiting for a him of grub and an overcoat." _ "e "He Win ii come and F, things over. every night mans on W mans on \\'--lma::l "PreachinV" mm "I’ll (nnw hark " Gruhlw Nun x't-ys Mary Mar;r,artl on: mere wisp. gild'm: patheticaily prt'tty. and smirm’s on a herself with 1mm Found Relief by Taking Lydii E.' Nathan's Vegetable Compound Pinkham’l V able Com nd for I run-down comm: that E: birth of my baby boy. I had terrible pains and backache, Ind 1n- tired and weak, not _ fit to do mywotk and are for my three Hui-swarm ott?.tHrireeivtid P"." l BACK Jltllfill Chathun, one--", took Lydia E. Pinkhun’l Vegehblo Compound for g "iiiiii 133079.53 md laid] mu. book Ind road l ind gm np'tak lag the medlfha I Ind gm akin} Oh- V-nf‘h A Miami“! I (“I "“11- "Don't he My to rvfm'm you?†queried Muyk of Gruiroy almptiz‘any. He hadn't noticed the girl. _ "Saw." said (Hubby. “The way he talks you'd think you was as good as him. He says: he's going to start Inc- up in the taxi business." "What's [hafnium There must be some Kraft in it somewhere." "It you ask mu. I think the poor that's not a few nuts R, his nosm 3 -vuiaiiru Compound. I feel macs better lbw um! am not ashamed to tell whit It In: that ft mo. I recommend tt ht a'tr..eP'e junk teleyutf do. " WFiiGiidU, io'n-out leelingi 2ttfpg,efamatt,"S. ninund “by and: km a In. ll5'll'lll,'l,'l afrttr_ unwell uh] mm (piling att TD.- "I. know, sad - h " Mun“ It did for M: “at. tt - worth gt,tg9,t,,tgtm',',tdrirrae, ' minute." "trPk8rtqt, cc to ' i 1- r .. aunt; 'til.""'"' In any 1M.i.;‘â€m.i‘:l12, “5:3? ot,',C,dli",e,t""li',', ' Murnvd to (:nmlklnd, "Won't you Tem. l. Pullman 0 Vegetable Com. I and. mamma- nd “h‘ih: [sit down?" "If, 'g1tgtrtr.tt,','git , Mark iwowled at Daninl‘s back. WWW“. t',l'stltt'ltt'J,%t'.'i,2 1 "Thanks?" he mlmernd scornmlly _-,.VV__ -""V ï¬rvnï¬ W ihitisl iodd taeeterg?.tt urine-It WI,",',',,'; be some graft in it "It you atrk m". I goat's got a few ttul bag." (hubby (use over his ttmul' with little Jrit batty. That bag." (hubby (It‘St-l'iln-d a rin'lo over his hontl’ with his hand. "A little Jrit batty. That's what I say." "And that's what you got no right to say. Gruhhy." Mary Mars garet roproached the two with a In the purest and - .etiorst1ficat" prop-rod (on. sold today. - Try H. 'diiii W301"; l "nu ttfad you drama In â€nun." my." 0 Dam on“. "may, rn Man In- and su .lmna'lay he's got mm. You just y youfsvlf. and talk (WIT e and sandwiches -und supper and ber- aid Mark, rising, tomorrow.' TERRIBLY uNnx him' wl; red. Sly. was tl Im crutches, 15 She found raps 'hclt' and busied TEA She “oak. "He's been good to you‘ ain't he?" ' i “That’s why we think he's nutty." ‘said Grubby uncomprehendingly. i "God knows!" mockett Mary Mar-1 1 garet. She hobbled to the table and) {began to set it. It's after 7 now,") ‘she sighed, "aud the meeting hall inn hour away and he ain't had a jo, to eat since morning." She “unused. "He wvnt to see a man [who killed himsrlt." Mice laughed. 38119 looked at him curiously. " inteau-trieO to. It was in the waver.- and he read it and says: “L want to talk to that man." She was Sim looking at Mack and not; shv recalled his words. I “Graft." she said witheringly. 13mm n» didn't even have rent Mummy yesterday and he was des- l [drivel]. Ile ain’t had monoy to get lhfmwlf " pair or" shoes, and nobody [helps him. or comes near him, but Ivor, bums that roast him behind his back Th Good Goodkind "walked to the table. Crabby busied himself in his mag. mi»- in“ Mack walked toward the platform. Goodkiml sat down, but with an air that indicated he didn't "Mr. Gin-mist?" Glmglkind asked, stepping in. “He‘ll lrp here any minute." ans- vmrell Mary Margaret. "Wou't you- come in?" platform. Goodkiml sat down, bum with an air that indicated he didn‘t} “an! to. _ ' v l "Take a magazine," the' girl said. "I got to make the coffee." She turned topubby.. "You can come and carry it up in about 15 min-1 uh-s," she said. She looked towarq the Sim†in time to SCH, Matic. tileh-' in: a 1oat of sags-r. "Graft," she ttrtttreyrul. "You ought to know." And sliis hobbled off singing. "‘Think she'll toll him?" Muck qvvrivd of Grubby. ' _ "Naw,' wlwvzcd Grubby. "Any- way. he don't care, He any? we're rutr--bro1heps in God-and Jimmy minim“. "Yeh--" continued Grub- 1'y. "thats what he told Jimmy Cur- mu orrrohurs, in God†and Jimmy gnu! up from pinchin‘ a mly's pants. Jimmy (ay)," ho's than lmu. Guess “Tennis. And handful] gumos for kink And. in the other No houses. he's got flats, with bznhluhs, and rho nulls aia't what thwy ask now fur stallin' a harsh. Why wouldn't I say hp was crazy? liwrybndy says :4) but Mary Margaret. The suhjm-t of the conversation r~ntororl on the hvuls of 'hc 'scoiting. Appan-ntly he had no! lward. He ruhhml his, hands from lhe cold. m' at Appan-ntly he had no! lward. Hel, ruhhml his, hands from lhe cold. He wacn't warmly Jresssul--in fact, he looked a little threadbare. 1 "Hello, Stubby," he greelml.‘ lmnulng his mat on an old rack over' an umbrella that almost tell as tho framework swayed. “You're early--- and you've brought a friend with vou." Ho advanced and shook Mack's hand "You're welcome.“ Now he xvr'ognlzed his other visitor. "Well, Mr. Gondkiml, You‘re welcome, too. Have you come down to look us "l'w come down on personal bus- inoss.‘ said Goodhind abruptly. "Oh, yos," said Daniel. He turn- cd to Gruhhy. “There's a box ot hooky in the hall, Gmbhy. How would you and your friend like to--" Grubby squirmcd a hit. "I've got to help with the coffee." he sai. _ "I sen," said Daniel. He turned tr, Mack. “And you?" Mark made no move to help, but advanced smiling "f Just wanted to speak to you a Mark wowed ht Daniel‘s back. "Thanks!" he muttered mentally and tdttrtehed town"! the door. He paused as he reached it ttttd logked vnvion-ly at. Gilchrist: overcoat hanging on the met. He looked hark. mum. . Then. mmmny. he roachod for tt, chum the Inn of " And wllod it tow-I'd Mm. h Dune] Ind Gout!“ m m- earned with act ttttter, not lock. mac». "Yeh--" continued Gr "thais what he told Jimmy C 1 imam-rs in God-- and Jim t, up from pinchin‘ a guy's par nmy <a)‘.~: 110‘s than lino. Gu ms hr?"., got in the inn-k yard What?' Tcmtis kind didn' dour owned and George). ind iooked in rather curiously. idn't was: him. I Just said he mzcy," Grubby dismissed the t. Llwn looked at the intruder. . Gilchrist?" Glmglkind asked, It tomtrd him. Jud 3.1:- II lingual": am! can!!!“ we m- Itotre And an" I delightful oa- alch Minor. not that. one“! "clown" detga. tty " in am In Wt.†- In. your sim- cumin. 'mmmummummum. E BOO ietvtattu-t_ Mud tt cmbm mnmumr “96‘â€..an venom-ooh It 'e-o- v... calm, his but at 'tndtetsa= My diurnal m an. Mo W the cost In sum-dot. II!“ In: do- guugehtiom Wu. Incl. N knew not In†t3tietrt.t and. no move wind hill. (New I none-I. even up! “l mount you'd nu.†Duh! sald " but. The thief had tied uttartr-- but the man was "All more. "No-a-r-Fd--" ho altered. "You wanted my out: aid 01]- christ calmly, _ Mack smiled at the simple ex- planallon. He In. relieved And somehow he tell very ram. "Yes-that'.---.' what I Int.- ed to ask you," he said. "l'ttt so glad you said so." laid Gikhrist without a. trace ot Irony. Mack looked up, surprised. "Be- cause.' went on Daniel, "it you hadn‘t, and I hada't understood, you might have been tempted to “the it without askiug-- and than you'll have been sorry and autumn- ed." Mack wanted to lower his haul. but he couldn't. The other’s was livid him. "A man couldn't mum into another man‘s house and 1w welcomed, and then take the other man‘s coat without loosing " self-respect-could he?" Mack only stared. "Andof course, if we‘re so» ing to pull ourselves together and y,tt out of a hole, we must keep unl‘ self-respect." "i wouldn't steal-' started Mack npologeticatir. "You couldn't." said Daniel oom- placently. He stooped and picked it up, “It's your coat. You asked for it. and I gave it to you. When you've. HAVE KlDNEYS 1 EXAMINED BY “mm it into a good Job-come back anu help me give" another to some- one who needs it as you do." He hold up the coat tor Mack to don. "I will," said the man, pushing ttrl arm through a sleeve, still be- wildvrod beyond whrds. "0f wurse you will," said Gil- christ, slumping him on the back. "Good night." Muck hesitated. Gilchrist had xurgml back to Goodklnd. Mack looked at him as though he had been convinced ot his madnesé. Thrm shrugging his shoulders, he strode out. ;The slum br the door touched a spark to the silent Goodkind. "Well, I'll be damned," he er plmlvd. Gilchrist laughed. "He won't_totnty back." Goodktnd contin- ued halt-angry. "Not one in ten How came back," "All right," said Daniel genially. "Thar coat cost $20. lt one in ten dogs come back, we've made a man tor $200. Isaft it worth the price?" "Maybe." said Goodkind. without conviction, "it a man's got the price. 'Have you?" Play copyrighted, 1922, In the Un- Moll States and England. Novellzed \vrsinn by special permission of the author, and or Brentano'e, publishers ot the play. Think Water Freely and Often If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also take salts oscasiotfafty, says a noted an- thority. who tells us that too mach rioh food forms acids which almost' paralyze tho kidneys in their et- l'erts: to expel it from the blood. The; become sluggish and weaken; when you may nutter with n dull {misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache. "lgzinoss, Four awmlch noun. tongue ls coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment. the chnnneis often get sore and irritated, obiiglng you no ("wk relief two or three times [during the night. To help neutralize there Irritating adds; to help cleanse the kidneys and (lush " the bodr'a urlnoul waste, get tour ounces ot Jud Salts from any pharmacy here. his I tablpspoontul in a glu- ot water bo- tore hronkfut tor a tew anâ€. and your kidneys In†then ac! line. This lamoul ttttite h made trom the Add ot grapes .nd lemon juice. combin- ed with “thin, Ind he been not! tor yearn to help mm: 1nd cumu- late sluggish “heâ€; . [In to “may†the new. In the Dylan: so may no - Innate, um of. {In vellum. Madder walnut. (Continued in our next issue.) YOUR DOCTOR CHM“ XVI. "mu, madame 15 ill." said the French maid, as reported by the Boston "Transcript," "but we doc- talre halt pronounce it something very trining. very small." Friend-- Oh, I am so relieved, tor I was really anxious about her. What does the doctor say the "cable is?†"Let me think. It was something leelle. Ah, I hat it now. 29 doc- taire any madame has Be smallpox.†Harbor, ll. . In. tuWotm an. “It: ml to a tire-dbl suhitiftqrx0outlr- ttmo-da-SiO-li- we in - way. "amt! the In, of medicine waned yo help me. Then t Med " rrttitwtirw' ud tho otfeest In sum-did ; And we: Ming only one x. 1 'III pompletoly relieved uni now (be! like I m Pele".. -. hm“. , ... SOMETHING UNUSUAL Hewitt--iuet is a very uncon- ventional fellow.†Jewett-"What has he done. now? Hewitt-- “He was sick and was taken to a hospital, and now that he has come out he shows no in- cliuation to marry the nurse who took care ot him." A DISTINCTION Ashlem--"What was the cause ot the Finders' separation?" Arnsdale- "A misunderstanding before their marriage. He told her he was earning thirty dollars a week and she thought he meant he was getting that amounu" Babster--"Well, he has never ow. erworked his sawhorse." A MERCIFUL MAN Smoper--"rs Mr. Schirker a hu- mane man?" "5687. in», Mor $2.50, mu m. Ma. At dealers or from Pruit-ytire Limited. Ottawa, tmt. POINTS ON THE NATIONAL GAME “If you want to make a hit, you must strike out for yourself, my "You're mixed in your baseball talk, Pa; it you strike out you can't make a hit." Mrs. Doyle-"Yoa ought to con- sult an oculist it you have a cat- aract in your eye." _ FRIENDLY ADVICE _ Mrs. Hoy1e--"Although it is years since I visited Niagara I can still see the magnificent falls." THE BARGAIN SALE Mahel-'"I'hese bargain sales are going to be the death dt me yet. I wont into a store the other day where they were having a sale on preserves." Maude--"We11, let's know the Worst and have it over. Did you preserve our presence of mind?" Matrei-"l almost got crushed in the Jam." HE WOULD DO “Have you had any experience as a chauffeur?" “Won, I can show you the re, ceipts tor the fines I have paid." A VERY TRIFLING ILLNESS THE TIME To ACT Balmsr- "There comes Perkins. Why don't you make him pay that NU?" ' BahbB--"Didtt't you know his un- cle just left him ten thousand?" Grabbs (pulling " his coat and rolling up his tsleeves)--') has? Well, it the Lord's made Perkins able, I'll make him willing!" Grabbs-"He hasn't anything to pay with." HIS CHILDHOOD BROUGHT BACK The defeated pugillat. sun unner- ing trom the knockout blow. at length managed to siand. “I want to shake hands with you," he laid faintly to " victorious adversary. "you remind me so much ot my dear mother." Naturally, the winner of the be" asked that he explain. The vanquished man sighed and his team of lentlment and defeat tell together an he explained. ELECTED REEVE FOR 20th TIMI Thom. Hughes In. been and“ Reeve ot Oliver towttMtlp for the meaty-sixth you. not. In neeâ€.- Iol, but altogether. He has hot! man only one. " (in mum“ pom. and on by on â€to. a. b one of the but no" - h â€She put me to Ileep. too." Mil-random - "t Inland-.60.!“- I I.n:lDKh.I.l.KI-b- â€I"! cut. 'ttmt-tot. mun-.1“. 60? FOWIRI A. Iona - Kttett---trrmrret. Plano "WP. Wat-ttttr-l" In. It. PM†Say it with Flowers We excel in the an. of no- lrrlngement from the elmplelt tribute to the mat elaborate creation. ‘UN_DERTAKER$ AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Wlurloo . Ptttttte I). mum Phone W ARMSTRONG, FLORIIT " Queen It. Phono " 'atMagttlort guannmd Call. from all part- of th eourttr.promtrtV “and“! to. THE MERGANTILE FIRE INSURANCE Don't throw 'away your old In- grain, Tapestry or Brussel Gar pets. Bring them to us. We make them into beautiful new reversible Fluff Rugs for you. Art Craft Rug Works. 226 Mary' St. Waterloo. Phone 4813. Agent Rear ot Pequegnat Block, Fred- erick St., Kitchener. Phone 178g FLUFF RUG WEAVING COMPANY INCORPORATED 1874 luburlbed Capital ..$!50.000 Assets ........ '700,000 All policies guaranteed by the London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Ltd. with se- curity of $50,260,00tk Alfred Wright, Mercury. G. A. IOEHM. DIST. A07. Waterloo, Ortt. Phone 240 Farm Implements LETTER I: DIEISIHGEI " Bo, luv. your wants lup- plled here. We alwayo “up on hand choice Beef, Lamb, Pork and Home-Made Sausage UNBERTAKERS Why an buy your no“. be" And an "I. be." - “on Human PM» " WM Highest Prlou Paid For churning cream It Gordon Peterson Masser-Harr.'s Implements. B. t Stable Equipment. Ontario Mind Mills Wire Fencing and Twine no You Appreciate Hrst Queen-or to J. B. Ft.tther in touch with u Write, phone or call. shunt-vi um will pay producer: tow Class Kitchener Meats .0 Clutch 3t taiiVatiaTttigi, magyrrm-um hwmwmcmuu We“: “so!†i L; 3mm. 3A.. women to Conn! In". W. lotto ttor, Noun Public. OW new to D. B. BOWLBY. B.A., LLB.. "t Hitch mm. New, Pam! and Convemcor one. - uv- nnx Building. hunch MT, KitettmMtr, on. 206 Weber chamborl. Phono 1906. Knchonor. Accountants and Auditors, Author. land Truth... Antigua. no. .... INCOME TAX COUNSEL DETWILER a DETWILER More-Milo Agency No Coueetion-No Clings. 206 Weber Chambers, Klicnonar Phone 1905. CLEANING AND PRESSING Menu and Ladlet' Sum, Dyed. Dry cleaned and Pressed. Latest unitary steam preulng. THE WATERLOO DVING, CLEAN. INC. AND PRESSING PARLOR8. G MAHN BR08.. Proprietors. " King St. N., Wan inmonlouyhmm Micki-luv.†AUDITORS & ASSIGNEES CHESTERFIELD Suites and odd pieces rss-upholstered and repaired Mattresses remade. Auto Cushions remade. Call or write J. L. Chase. M John mat, Waterloo. MOVING, TRUCKING and ICE WALTER D. INRMr& CO. Pang-at Block. mt I. Hutu. trader!“ BL. Kiwi-m. FOELL BROS. _ Cartlng and Moving, local and ion; distance trucking. and baggage translar. Dealers In ice. Phones: Cities 232. Res. 46. Watorloo. AUTO RADIATORS GUARANTEED repairs ot broken metal parts and auto radiators. Broken frames ot can. broken castings, em. welded, trtrrsftrtttert- ed and made good no new. Wreck- ‘ed radiators I specialty. Twin City Welding and Auto Radiator Repair Co., 245 King St. E., Kit- chener. Phone 1566. BRUNNER~Shoes made to order for deformed feet. All shoe repair! also handled. 121 Chestnut St. or Phone 1253W, Kitchener. TOTAL AUDIT. OVII .1.“ Once" “Kl Director- the logs, the am the am. In. But . the lower digestive organs. muslin A"... lawman. Pr-tt, PrqqUgt tumor: and once". Appendiciti- Letrt 'tttatt, We. Pre WM“ cured In one ttt Bret treatment; so. P. I. "an“. "on" me baton mowing " opernttem. l J. â€m“ “mm, Guelph. t,'2"t'.%" to cure. Dr. ttt a tMrert, " King at. w., Kits In. nun-u mum". KW" It " ' W. B. Webb", w...“ one: o Hospital, no“ I Alon. In". Vina-‘0. ' an» than». an INSURANCE J.n.mwm _--------------------- LIV! “UN. "an... P. c. mama“ - u". . I. â€TIL. Imam Ptm, Mn! “I Autonomic h- AI‘NOUI MOI. Ad. I†-eo, " You; at W. Wane cxmnmw tetqerrt-mn.rrt-'r. ' ' R E P A I R I N G 3001's, snozs and RUBBERB REPAIRED SKATES sHARPENEo E. NIERGARTH 27 Erb St. - Waterloo Promptly and neatly done.Satln- faction guaranteed. " King an N., Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Harness and Shoes SHOEMAKING. UPHOLSTERIN G COLLECTIONS H. M. WILHELM Immmed In "" Repairing Waterloo. Wake rloo 38-6 mot Chiropractic Oped-mt Chronic, nervous and function: disorders. onice Room 11, over Bank at To. ronto, Kitchener. Phones: Dulce. 1504W; House, 22337M. Palmer Graduate Chiroprmor 194 King St. West, Kitchener Phones: Office 11234, Home 606w. National Graduate, The Golden Rule Chiropractor. Commutation and exatrtittatittrt free. Office 29 Ahrens at. W., Kitchen" Phone 580M. DR. S. ECKEL. L.D.S.. D.D.S., Graduate Chicago College of Den- tal Surgeons and Royal College ot Dental Surgeons of Toronto, Dental ottice in new Molten! Bank Building, Waterloo. Den. natty practiced in all m branches. “duo-2.1km DR. F. G. HUGHES, Dentist, Hack nel’s Block, King St. s., Waterloo. Phones-Ott'.) 3941, Rtm.idetuxr, 259.1. DR. J. A. HILLIARD, DENTIST. L.D.S., Royal College Dental Surgeons, D.D.S., Toronto Univer- sity. All branches ot dentistry practised. Otrityy Weber Chum hers, King W., Kitchener, Ont. DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist. Room 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W. Kitchener. Telephone connections. Kitchener. DR, L. DOERJNG. Dentist. succes- sor to Dr. J. Schmidt. 69 King St. East, over Dominion Bank. two doors trom Postottite, Kitchener, phones: Office 454; residence, 2092W. DR, H. M. KATZENMEIER. Den- tist, office 93 King St. W., Kitch- ener. Phone 305W. U. B. SHANTZ, , D.D.S.. D.M.D., 1.118., M.D.S.. . Preventive and Health Dentistry Special attention paid to Orthodon- tia (estrtrightenintt teeth). Phonon: Ollie. 466 Res. 2029M " King tr. West, Kitchener B Helm Apartments. Von-g a Phenom Otriee t828J. N-‘IISW. DR. E. W. HARDING, D.C. Pa. C. - Palmar Graduau Chiropractor " Klng tr. Want, Kitchener Phone: otrke 2381. R... 1323W. The original Ntsturrtologut "mun alone cum." Treats every VI! sclentlncally. All (“noun Inch " rhonmnlsm by electric bath "our. cum." Give treatments that In treatments all over the body, uncl- Illy the spine, to lower and of urine; toll bone, the In John mm bottom up food- the (out. the 8nd thd lap. ther trd the hip, an 4th the lower due-tho org-no. eta-la. minor. and cancers. Appondlclm cured In one to "tt trout-Iona. so. me tutor. nllowln; on opal-nun. t do'not (all to cure. Dr. 000. 0. Swat. " Inn. Bt. W.. which opposite Hoopltol. not. m. Ottiee M William St., Water- loo. Phone 64111. R. G. E. HARPER, DENTIST. Ottiee in oddtellows Block, " King St, s., Waterloo, Phone 349. Osteopath PM“ qeitirq pt. I, Knob-u" DR, N. A. MARSHALL ELECTROTHIRAPIUTIIT DR. F. WAECHTER, D.C., Ph. C. ' E. L. HANfiEVMAN, D.c., DR. A. noun, D.C. CMtrtoPttAGYOR CHIROPRACI'IC WATER: HEALTHATORIUM Chiropractor DENTAL 86tF.