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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Dec 1923, p. 6

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AChartered Trust ‘l Wettlaufer‘s e " _ PAYABLE HALFâ€"YEARLY ”uuo’mc cHoIr _ Conâ€" t . certs. he Phitharmonic Choir announâ€" ;‘}'0 concerts for this season to given on March 13th and 19th :' Collegiate Auditorium. There | _be a different program each left with the Company for five ernment supervisionâ€" ing and the assisting artists be the Toronto String Quarâ€" 3f‘ld Pearl Burford, pianist, tâ€" pupil of Ernest Hutcheson, York. Subscribers‘ lists will opâ€" arly in the New Year. KITCHENER â€" 73 King St. W. WATERLOO â€" 7 King St. N. A. J. PREST, Manager We operate under strict govâ€" TMAS ~ENTERTAINMENT . ers â€"of the Sunday School e Presbyterian Church Town Hall on Monday evâ€" presented the pageant, "Herâ€" the King" and.all took their nost creditably. Reeve Henâ€" supt. of the Sunday school, & while Kev. McKeracher Creamery Butter, lb.......45¢., XMAS CAN LAimburger Cheese, brick 29c., Creams, mixed, .. Fancy Rice, ...... 3 Ibs. m{ Chocolate Creams, Old Dutch Cleanser, .2 tins 22¢ Gum Drops, ...... Clover Leaf Salmon, talls..39c. Christmas Mixed, 24 " halfs. .. uc! Cocoa Burrs, ... Tiger Salmon, taMs ...... 2%c.| Cream Dates, ... of $100.00 and upwards i :* " _ > halfs. Olipper Saimon, talls Clipper Salmon, halfs Oatmeal, 6% ibs. .... Matches, large boxes, 3 for 27¢ Jelly Powders, ..... : 3 for 200 Luk,........~. 2 boxes for 20c. Hoap Chips, white, 2 ibs. for 25¢. Seedlioas Raisins, ......!b. 13¢. Blue Ra‘sins with seeds, ib. 136. emon or Orange Peel, jb. ::: Currants, ... . .Jb. ;’.W. Helét 10.1, R. PYM cizmmmcetcczncacc cce ?u'; ;- P’°9:; 88 J HAMELS AWARDED $300 i i yer 9i. : DAMAGES A(:;A;NST 3. 1O ~ _ luuenuy _ MARTIN AS RESULT OF & EXECUTOR Co. ash and Carry Grocery Special Every Day Prices ducks and geese. a «11 Cheer CORNRAVISS . SMZ . T RAL TT CBH den. ant A~ hagn c uT working. overtime in completâ€"| can will turn out. A beautiful QPTICALCO. g arrangements for the kiddâ€" Christmas Tree will also lend EpeRick st. ies, large and small, at â€" the| attractiveness to the occasion. hone 666 same time not forgetting those A grateful word of appreciaâ€" phone ‘to whom a hamper of appeétizâ€")‘ti is:ln_onh:eoth«owho On Amounts ASSETS $8,100,078.39 he result® 9AÂ¥ (| / "ivo him a rousing weleome.| of 1 shooting match Saturday aftetâ€" was the fourth To should interest ing viandsâ€" for W will| are Uy. . CORCASC CAE be more attractive. : the m aid necessary to The parade,will be the finest wz::fhah this‘ good â€" work. ever held in Waterloo and will| Sh you have been oxerâ€" start from the Alexander looked by the canvassers conâ€" House. _ It will be headed by| tribution boxes‘ will be found two heralds and The Waterloo| in the various stores throughâ€" Boys‘ Band followed by Santa out the town where all sub Claus himse}f and the school scaiptions or donations will be children. After arriving at the extremely welcome. ing via At the Kitchener county court on ‘Thursday the jury awarded Harry Ernst Hamel and Ella Hamél damâ€" ages of $300 against Jesse Martin of Waterloo township in their acâ€" tion for damages as a result of a fatal accident to their six year old son. The lad was hit by the car driven by Mr. Martin at 11.30 a‘elock on the morning of Sunday, June 4, 9c. at the corner of Ontario and King Sts.. Kitchener, the wheels passing over the lad resulting in his death at the hospftal half an hour later. | The presiding judge granted a ltl’k‘ of fifteen days in case defendant de-l sired to appeal the case. | It was brought out in the evlâ€"l wence that Mr. Martin had paid the‘ funeral expenses of the boy who in turn was reimbursed by members of | ihls congregation for . about $90.| Friends later raised $105 which was | ’Xpaid to Mr. Martin. The defendant a‘so offered five cords of wood and {three bags of potatcoes which Mr. | Hamel refused. Later Mr. Martin * delivered three bags of potatoes Iwhlch Mrs. Hamel seemed grateful | for. Counsel for defendant said ofâ€" | car at the rate of eight miles an \hour when the accident hpppened. He had no reason to believe that | the .J2g would_run out from the curb | making it impossible for him . to 1avoid striking him. Mr. Martin had fer was made out of good spir.. entirely votuntarily and did not mit liability. D. S. Bowlby, counsel for Mr. Nartin, said that the evidence showâ€" ed that défendant had exercised evâ€" ery precaution and was driving his driven a car for five years MMIUUC® a mishap. & i D. G. Mcintosh claimed that the car was on the wrong side of the road but the measurement showed that the left wheels were slightly over the centre of theâ€" road. Judge Hearn in addressing the jury stated that some of the eviâ€" dence given favored the driver and pointed out that the coroner‘s jury had not found the deféndant guilty of negligence. | Wainute, ............. lb. 226. yTe""‘ Almonds,...... !b. 17¢. |Filberts, \............. _ Ib.. 156. ‘Rouud Peanuts, ......Ib. 196. tMixod Nuts, ......... Ib. 196. *Ve have other lines of choice Candies and Nuts. Shredded Cocoanut, ...!b. 25¢. . . XMAS FRUITTS § â€" Waterioo Grapefruit, &\ vxailhs +R t you. Give us a call. FATAL ACCIDENT A XMAS CANDIES XMAS NUTS for five years without is in readiness | led Oranges at per â€"., ©9, 89 and 49¢. Ib. Ib. Ib. .lb. 1b. th. 19c. 32c. 37c. adâ€" nmunity Christmas Cheer Celebrati FiNAL SESSION â€" OF COUNCHL Mayor â€" Weichel of l lesidents of Park Ave. presented . a petition objecting to the renaming of the street Arthur Street and if | it was impracticable to let the name "Pack Ave. stand. They suggested | the nams Highland Ave. which was approved. It wil be referred to inext year‘s council for further conâ€" | sideration. .. Deputy Reeve. Foster isaid it was unfair to name _tho‘ ‘stroet Arthur againgt the ratepayers‘ | wishes which should be respected in the matter. * ‘The Waterloo Town Council at its final gession on Saturday evening unâ€" animously approved the resolution submitted by Dr. Hilliard, chairman of the Town Planning Committee which requests the provincial govâ€" ervment to pass a private bill by which the powers of the. municipalâ€" ity would be extended so that the Toxn Planning ‘Commission could iay out the various wards in zones with the consent of the council. Taxes Paid Up. The report of tax collector Uflel-l men showed ‘ that the taxes were: well paid up there being only $2464.60 / cu‘standing out of a total of 3191,-] 000. _ 0d From Municipal Field.â€" orariums Voted. By January 151h\this amount wik be reduced by $1500. In order to realize on about $500 of the arâ€" recrs it will be necessary to sell some lots. . _ Chief McEllistrum Praised l Chairman Henderson of the Police: Committee reported that the flnes‘ and collections for the year amount-! ed to $2500 as compared with $1700 last year. He took occasion to comâ€" pliment the Chief on his splendid work during the year and said the town could go a Iohg way before a better and more efficient chief [oonld be found. The work of night fconstable Reuben Clarke had greatâ€" Ily improved the past year, declared Mr. Henderson. Mayor Weiche! Speaks ‘eUQTICE LENNOX HEARS TWO / Before the meeting adjourned . CASES. Mayor Weichel announced his retireâ€"‘ 4 ment from the municipal field statâ€" Justice Lennex in the Supreme ing that he would not be a candiâ€" court session at Kitchener on Tuesâ€" date. He appreciated the splendid day heard the action for $5000 dam~ | a coâ€"operation of the members the 'ngo. against Ch‘"l”. ‘Brut:'elr ':: 1 past two years and regretted that":vr::m Hl:::er‘ 0:‘::;-" the : he would not be in the council next‘ faintHe, Fred Kempol, an em'.byee. year, he having been chosen to :avlu & fallen down the elevator : serve in a larger capacity as a *®" / shaft taining serious injuries. presentative of the people in the Ontario législature. He stated um‘. ncfm":‘l bolupd ":'""‘“ ': :: : the various chairmen had done good ‘Tropical Food and Chemical Co: ; work. As a result of the excellent against the C. P. R dwing to a | work of chairman L. F, Dietrich of shipment of having been the Board of Works, Wateri0o toâ€"| i egen to M°°°°‘“", i4 in Latck. day had some fine paved roads. One . k ‘o( the bright Vights of the council pmmpmmmmmmmmmmnmmeen eampnraeaemnen> was Arthur Foster, chairman of the Necessary qualifications, experience Finance committee. The . Mayor and, plenty of back bone, said the hoped that great care would be exâ€", Mayor. | ercised in the selection Of a lq-oco: Voteg Monorarium. ‘ chairman next year which was a * | very important position. In concludâ€" Mayor Woichel was voted an honâ€" ing the speaker urged the coâ€"oper orarium of $500 an «Increase of $50 ovâ€" ation of nest year‘s council in the‘ ef last year. Town Engineer cn-.' construction of the proposed pnd‘ Moogk received a bonus of $200 for | | roads between Bridgeport and Watâ€"| extra servibes,. which brings his. | erioo to Philipsburg. He pointed out | salary to $1700 for the year. Assoesâ€" | | that this road would bring my‘.orooornw'u_vfilti::' C oo en y Ct 6. people to Waterloo including the (armers from Wilmot township. The mayor endorsed Reeve Honderson tor the mayoralty. He had all the To The Shoe REEVE HENDERSON, A CANDIâ€" DATE FOR MAYOR OF TOWN OF WATERLOO Definite announcement was mode‘ ty Reeve Henderson at the â€" final meeting of the Waterloo Town Oonn-l cil Saturday night that he would be a candidateâ€"for Mayor for 1m.! He declared that he had always done his duty to the best of his ' ability and never "sat on the fence" when an important item came up )l’or discussion. In concluding he \ stated that he had not intended to Ames HoldenTire & Rubber Co. Eis run for Mayor until Deputy Reeve Foster announced his. retirement from the municipal field. Councillor Louis F. Dietrich, who announced his intention to contest the deputy reeveship some time ago, stated that he would likely run for reeve instead. ng'tq against â€" Charles Bruder of "Waterioo, former ownrer of the | American House at Kitchemer," the Councillor John Bauman announcâ€" ed his retirement and said he would not be a candidate for 1924. It is likely that either Councillor Bauer or Brill will stand for the position of reeve or deputy reeve while Councilliors Snyder and Weilâ€" er will allow their mames to stand for the council for 1924. ‘ action for damages brought by the ‘Tropical Food and ©hemical Co: against the C. P. R dwing to a | shipment of cocoanuts having been i alleged to have frozen in transit. of Waterloo County and Vicinity Town tax collector UMé recaived a bonus of $50. P. Y. Smiley, _ Factory Manager Our Wellzknbwn Highâ€"grade Rubber Footwear will in future be sold direct by us to you undér the New Name of We have discontinued selling* and will hereaftet"’;ive those Retailers Who If you want further particulars regarding our attractive proposition write us at once (or telephone Kitchener 1684). DO IHIS T ODAY, or you may lose the opportunity to secure this valuable Agency ARZ NOW SELECTING THESE DEALERS, %e wo â€" Tets his Solicitors for the City of Kitchener. C pecas CA Sb 4 savam by the said Trust and to .mpovoq . the said Corporations to accept and , hold same and to operate and mainâ€" , tain same as & gemeral hospital. | (b) To empower the Corporations of the City of Kitchener and the | Town of Waterlco to appotnt a . commission to operate and manage ,. the affairs of the said hospital. & SIMS, BRAY & MceINTOSH, APPLICATION TO NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the Legâ€" islature of the province of Ontario at the next session thereof on beâ€" half of the Municipal Corporations of the City of Kitchener and the ‘Town of Waterloo for an Act: {a) To enable the Kitchener and Waterioo Hospital Trust to convey to the Corporations of the City of Kitehener and the Town of Waterâ€" loo all the real and personal estate amd property belonging to or held Hockey Shoes and Skates + §1â€"6t. Joycycles * for the Kiddies King St., Waterloo . Phone 191 Dobbin‘s Accessories for the Car. (Almways open in the evening) W. B. Wiegand, . t 3 : V. P. & Gen‘ Manager .« KITCHENER, ONT. 2 o e ># Square, 3 p.m. at d selling ‘our product through Jobbers e a "Directâ€"From.Factory" Servigce to ) Qualify As Our Exclusive Dealers PARLIAMENT Santa Cl Monday, Dec. 24th, 19 at 3 o‘clock p.m. He will be accompanied by the Watefi Boys‘ Band and will unload Hundreds of Wellâ€"Filled Stockings For the Kiddies of Waterloo _ Parade, headed by Heralds, from Alexander . House to Market Square. M CE Beautiful Community Christmas Tree o on Square. * Community Singing and Address a by Santa Claus. * Everybody is Invited To Meet Santa Claus_ Will Arrive in Waterloo * and Join in Welcoming Him #‘¢6.

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