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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Nov 1923, p. 5

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'a A great profusion ot beautiful floral tributes bore silent testimony to the esteem ot beam of friends ot the departed. The funeral ot Jessie Mildred Hay, beloved wife at Dr. A. E. Rudeli, whose death occurred with such tragic suddenness on Monday even~ ins, Nov. tith, took place trom the family residence, 21 Irvin St., on Wednesday anemone. The simple hut impressive services at the house were attended by a large number of relatives and friends, among them large presentations from the Water loo County Medical Club and Grand River Lodge A.F'.&A.M. gathered to pay their last tribute ot respect to one who commanded in such high degree their atreetion and esteem as: mother, neighbor and friend. The services at both the house and the} grave were in charge of Rev G. Di McLennan, pastor of St. Audrew's) Presbyterian church. i Mrs. S. Shape gave a. ladies' chorus. The accompanists were Miss A. R. Bean. Mrs. Paul Samson and Mr, J, A. Yule. 0. J. A. Ronny. Miss Wells. Mr. L. MoNock and Mr. E. 0. Clement while the Mine. P. Ranch. 2; Broil- haunt. M. Ruby. o. Hagen, E. Hen- derson, G. woeifie, P. Ahrens and FUNERAL OF MR8. A. E. RUOELL tton mm members at the Kitchener- Waterloo Mulls: Club contributed I delightful program at the new of the ortpuitiort held In the Cousc- late Auditorium on Tuesday, Nov. 0th. The vocalists who mndored numbers wore Mrs. FM Stroll, Mrs. DILIGHTFUL HUNG CLUB RE- CITAL Mints Margaret Brown ot Toronto, a [med young pianist. In conjuncv $4850 - 7 roomed solldl brick house, an conveniences. In excellent con- dition throughout. lot 80xt37, leaving room tor one or two) housps on lot, good location nas/ ear line and school, Waterloo, 1 $5500 --6 lroomed brick, home on Allan 3t., Waterloo, all conveniences; thte, home on very desirable lot. ', $4900--,trt"yrd, solid red brick home on John Bt., Waterloo. all conveniences. m good repair, small frontage, small garden, excellent location near Separate school, three blocks from car line. Chartered Trust Co. ”VVVV brick house . in Waterloo on Elmira Highway-- all conveniences. stationary tubs, oak floors. hardwood home. tubs. oak floors. hardwood trim, French doors, sun room, etc. on a large lot. An excell- ent buy and most desirable $5000 LC. gammmumw- " "'iuaehies-e-ainetu At The Chaney Trust ' Executor a. Khehcner Toronto Waterloo Phone 131 Phone no Telephone: Waterloo ss. " Br!) St. West. We (“tic-er - an a! yum- Havo your eyes a Real Estate Department Examined gun: u the [not Arnold Jansen ME Seagram F awcett ioal Company, Ltd. Wholesale and Retail Outlet: In Goat, Wood and Bulldoro' Supplioo. New summed (Successors to N. D. Sch-n) We regret to announce this week the death of Mr. John R. Callahan. which occurred at the family home in Haysville. on Mondny afternoon, Nov. 5th. after a brief illness. He took seriously ill here about a week before his death and was removed to his home in Hmysville. His death came an a shock to his wide circle or iriends. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Than. Gull- anan and was born at Haysville 56 years ago. About tony years ago ho came to New Hamburg and enter, ed into the employ ,of Rieder and Ruby as clerk in the store. Later he Marked in the store of D. and C. Becker for many years and tor the past few years he wns connected with his brother Andrew in the im- plement business. The deceased was ot a genial disposition ma was well and favorably known ihmh- out this district He was unmarried but is survived try three brothers and one sister. June: of Woodstock, Thomas ot Platinum, and Andrew and Mia: Margaret Cull-mun of Haynviile. The funeral book place on Wednesde from the may reli- dance to Christ's Church. mysville. for service. thence to Pine Hill cemetery. The obsequiea Were con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Mitchell and were attended by nanny minim Ind friends. Died.-The death of Annie Elim- beth. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kerr of the Huron Road took place very unexpectedly last Friday after an illness of only two weekg' duration. The little girl was in her seventh year. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon to St, James church and cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and tamlly have the sympathy of their many friends in their and loss . Death of John R. Clllanan. Mr. Arthur Foster who entered the service or the cmpany in 1913 as Inspector ot Agencies AM who since 1915 has been the minim: manager, was appointed to the addr tional once of momma. a position which Mr. Shun relinquishes be- came ot his election to the rice. presidency, Prior to becoming a member of the Waterloo Mutual stat! of which he in a highly valued member, Mr. Pastor was successive- ly the capable principal of CounIand Avenue and Suddaby Schools In the city of Kitchener. Mr. Janu- H. Roe: v“ elected to the vacancy on the Bond of Dime. tors. He wht make I nimble mem. ber of the Bond beam of his Att- anclu experience. baring tar you: b en the honored and amour ed treasure: of the Mutual Lite Aa- surance Company Mayor W. G. Welchel, North Wat- tyrtoo's popular member in tho ontar. io 1asetsatattte, who In. been a di. rector of the company tor a number of years. was added to the Execu- l'va Committee. dmtt. Inuummmm Hood with the coups-y, m In Berrrieetn [alum-Md” Jun Funk Hunt In I)" ”We Hunger and mu of an out“ ‘ my ot which he run musty been the Will! my. Ho vu elected to the am ot mo‘ Waterloo Hutu! In "17. With his ‘ppointmont' to the deem-ul- tiouer on Sgt-Inky the may but (armor sunithrd It. ettgtmtmtee In , managing all-actor. mmch-u- tttoi'otrtrtmt-dbvt- oeth_.B.-r.nr-. Mr. Lou an“. In.“ a: mammnmmwu‘ election wmmooofmly Th luneml took placer here “.mdmmdm r0otoeBttetBoWhtsettt-trtm norm-5d “WM Mrrtatnihmh-ma-ta. NEW HAMBURG mm my. 54011th pretty radium 593309 on Monday morning. Nov. 11. 'when Carte luv, only daughter ot um. and Mm. Martin Kielvotbr, " Bamborx, became the bride or It Edwin H. Arnold of Kitchen“, Ion ot Mn. Catherine Arnold and the late Henry Arnold. ture. Fuller Denier enabled. The bride in (in any by tterr Mother, tir. Jon- 'opb Kieamrtter ot Watcrioo. an. km “landed try Ilia: Hula Hart. bib of Strauord. new]: ot the groom. Mr. William J. Kit-rotten brother of the bride. acted u be.“ man. The bride carried n bouquet} of Ophelia roses and lily of the m- ley. while the bridesmaid carried n bouquet ot (when. tones. The bride theiled in 0. Jury tricotlne suit with hat to match and tax fur. Mr. ‘nnd Mm. Arnold loin for n hotter- .moon trip to Twain and points cut. After their return they will reside in the city. Miss Hilda Braendle and Miss Ruth Schmidt of Kitchener spent the holiday with the farmer's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Huehn and 1mm ity spent the holiday with friends in New Hamburg. Mrs, Heinel and two children ot Baden are spending a few days with Mrs. J. Sinner. A very pretty church wedding took place on Wednesday. Nor. T, at the Untheran church here. when Miss Sylea Hoerle, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoerle. was united In marriage to Mr. Charles Sellers. principal of our public school. We wish the young couple a prosperous and happy wedded life. Miss M. Engelter is spending a tew days with friends In Waterloo. iam.mmoawwnm ’11:”. ,.. It“... ivu “by now. than“ I In». A. cam - the «a jeuummuuuuml. . Mr. Erle A. Stews of Toronto Uni- versity spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. stem. Amottt4+ttr. _ --""'""'""'""""""'""m'"-.+l.._ “WHMU-¢&.“~MI~ nam'nmmmumwbmw at"rhD.v-rtt.t.,attt-iueasae ,lomw ot-aadtgnarto. at hwmmmm. In.“ ham-IIIII-‘rhoku. Ill “climb Prte'"e"tA'ettetusl-s-UtiL.Tiuri'Giii In book form “The Fool" ran through ll: editions in three months. More than three hun- dred clergyman have made It the text of germane, The truth. or has been asked to discuss it before more than 800 universi- ties. schools. clubs and church- en. Do not mi. rsatnrttt It. Begin with the opening chap ter in this tune. TheGolden Rule --D0es It Pay? to the and o! the In! chapter. who leaves you towswer the above question yourself. Having read it, probably you will say It depends on the man. To Daniel Gilchrist, who Bacreced riches. lore, safety. everything material to a spiritual ideal. the Golden Rule did par. But to Jerry Goodkind--woridrnur, cynic, 1rbertirte--4wcttrist seem- ed TH E FOOL Be sure to read the Chron- icle's sum-mg and dramatic new serial story which com-. memes with this issue entit- led THE FOOL - co. III-n- at Ian-M _ din: HEIDELBERG IAIIIIC _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Chapter 121 ot the Re v'srsd Statues ot Ontario. 1914. that ttll creditor: and other: harms chime agninnt or entitled to shut; in the Estate of JOSIAH MUMAN. Hate of the Township ot Waterloo. 1 in the County ot Waterloo. Farmer, ‘dmeuéd. who died on or About the thirteenth day of October. 1m. ere ‘rtqutred to deliver. by post prepaid or otherwise. on or More the " teenth any of December. an. to Ephraim Martin, KR. No. I. Wat. erloo, Onurlo. one of the executor- ot the Wm or the nu deemed, their namee in Nit, with their at dresses and detention. full uh mum-e of their culm- or Interest... And mtement. at the security, It, my. held by than; I“ tilt. than the use Aft-ttth a, of mum 1923, the aid Ire-anon mu pro-1 ceed to (Immune the - " the nld dome-ed "Mtrlt& the with. en- titled thereto, having read only he chum or tum oe which they am: the- hve - Moe Ill will not be thus for the an - to any when at when out. or In. temttheyelnllmthnhmn- Executors' Notice To Creditors and Others Miss Florence Thomas ot Toronto spent the holiday at her home In Waterloo. Mrs. B. E. Bechtel left Tuscany to spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. Glen Eby. Tara. In the Estate of JOSIAH BAUMAN, Deceased: Court of Revision was held here on Friday. Nov, 9th by Judge Helm. Miss Catherine Foster who is at- tending Toronto University was home tor the holiday. Miss Carmel Graybm of Wood- mock spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mm, Arthur Foster. Mr. David Gibbons of Guelph spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Farrell. _ Mr. and Mrs, R. Gordon and daugh- ter Betty visited at Guelph during the past week. The St. Mary's Club held its meet. ing at the home ot Mr. and Mm. F. Schummer. The evening was spent in progressive euchre and dancing. Miss Minnie Flynn of Peterboto spent Thanksgiving at the home ot hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Flynn. Young st. Miss Nancy Adams had the lucky number tor the beautiful bedspread. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lutz spent Thanksgiving at Elmira. Mr. Nation Amy of “nun: spent tho week end wiht Vernon Hosea. Miss Beatrice Schumann or Lor- etto Academy, Humilwn. spent the week end at her home here. The Lutheran Church bazaar on Saturday was well attended. The new water tank which Is un- der construction at the C.P.R depot u nearly completnd. Mr. and Mrs. he]: Patch moved to Kitchener dun-In; the past week. Maine Kathleen Koabel of St. Annes School, Kitchener, spent Thanks- giving at her home here. . Miss Ruby Spears ot Atwood spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Paebles. Mr. Clement Friedman, vim In. spout the last two yet" In 6“ knuchewnn. arrived home on 9mm day trnd intends staying here tot. the winter. Mrs. Harriet Bean is spending some thne in Barrie with (Hands, Mm C. Masher at the Separate school an! spent the put week and at her home in Dublin. the hm but than I “apt-oil dinner In and. and. '0'. preaettt hum thbo. at. Chum-t- MINIMAL Mulch. Hammo- ad Hum. The huwy‘oonue m the recipients of any mom and uln- "st gnu. Thu have the but will“ of their may Mend. Mr 3 prosper- oua and happy married um. XIII Morley, the public school teacher. spent Thanksgiving at her home in Mllvermn. mm mm m. ms. JAN" o. ”New. wan-mo, one... Mm. 8mm. of Hamilton spent the out week with hor .uur, In. Voll. tmumhmunu-d; 4taerueebmmoesd-,tets. Humans-mam“ In It. “loam-Una! the m.vmmm arm-Numqrrumn od-ti-dt-ii-xterm'. manna Ivor. It. I. “I! Ill Mr. Janna Hour. AM than; may All in. Mad- puuM om PERSONALS. Mr. Clayton Reiat left tor Ocean Pans, Vancouver, after apending a few months at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rout, and other relatives and friends. Miss Myra Rein! of Butralo spent a week at her home prior to her 2rtxrther leaving for Vancouver. Mr and Mrs. E; K. Bowman ot Kitchener called on the Muses Mary Mary and and A’bble Beans. The following item should have appeared in the oaper a few weeks ago but was inadvertently omitted: Pe non: II. Men's Natural Shirt and Drawers, wool mixture, good weight, just the gar- ment for outside work, size shirts 8trand M, drawers 34 and M. Per garment 98e I LADIES VESTS _ REFUNDS In white or natural, size 88 69e Please do not ask for refunds on only.......... '.r...r...r.. zoodsonspecialsale. M I I I 32 QUEEN BT. B. KITCHEN“ Men's heavy rib Shirts and Drawers, good material, but soiled. Very special per garment .'.r........e... $1.00 Heavy Bulldog, in Black or Blue striped .... ......r...e. S2.19 . Gray Overalls, good weight, worth to-day $2.75, On sale ........ $2 00 A few White Overalls and Smocks, very special each ............t. 85e or Executor The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company Left Overs from last week’s list of lines on Sale "e.'orh4'tato-e.t.tutrwatrgt.-e-et-e-. mmt'ml 'rA"'tur0%tUtrrantwrtitt-aroha.taoh.ce.. 1"'tr"P"1bru"-qebtutrtste.u. tum-u: m atm- and“. "e""nt-estnseatraa-uaut-e..-..a.tim-. mice-adults "-rrv-eamttat-rG--tra-etsmuaauis-r. titrldueur-rtustrtree-ttueee Directors. _ """_""-. "e-""""""'"'?"'")"" hint. My a"'tttti'-obat-.ae--t.t- ""d"a-'orad-msttro-a-t-eeartai-- a""""'""""""'---.---- 'here-tti-d-e-s-r-seeth-. BLOOMINGDALE WORK SHIRTS Values up to $1.50. On sale Boys' Selling Out Sale Ford S. Kumpf, Waterloo, J. H. Candy. Toronto, H. J. Sims, K.C., Kitchener, Louis L Lang, Kitchnmr, Thus. Hilliard, Pres.. Waterloo, E. F. Seagnm, Viagra" UNDERWEAR Bloomingdale is now listed among the villages which are lighted by Hydro power. With the exception ot a very tew, every house is now Mr. 1nd Mrs. Ferdinand Hot. steuer and children and Mr. Wm. Knee and son Earl of Kitchener Sundayed at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Joe Helmumm. Mr. and Mrs. Herr of Brenna visited Mr. and Mrs. 8am Wilkle. Mr. Elijah Thomas In. a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Thmnaa a: Sunday. "Mr. 1nd Mrs. Prod BNI And them ny of Kitchener caUed on Mrs. Wow ton and Mrs. Kan: on Sunday. . Miss M. w. Meyer spent the week end with mend: at Kitchener. DIRECTORS $1.15 Adminis trator Some of our customers whose credit is good are making use of the privilege of buying on time. A few ends yet to be sold out. You will know the prices are right. Giants' Shetland Floss in Emerald. Mauve and Saxe, a good opportunity for amateur knitters. Reg. 2 for 25c. On sale at 3 for ...................... 25e CLOTH COUNTER Chikiren's Fine Ribbed Wm my. Hose in black, sizes B to 10. Per pair 55c. 2 pair for .....e....m._..s ..m..... $1.00 Ladies' and Girls' Slipovels, each ........ ......9.e...... Brought Into The 7V“ List LINEN GOODS Brushed wool, honeyeomls tussle caps, your choice ."....r.r.rt...... 55e Boys' Wbrsted Hose in sizes 5 'r, 6V2, 7, TV, and 9. Per pair .... New Lin es EVE. Hilliard: #33”?me Geo. D. Forbes; Hdirieii/r,- ' J. W'. Colyttptr, i7itriGi7,' '5'..er Kitchener Henry Knell, Kitchener Mun-sink DEER}. KNITTED CAPS Quite a few attended the Confer ence held at Hagen Church on Mott- day. Miss Mary Farrell spent Thanks~ giving at her home in Ripley. Mr. Kenneth McAllister spent the week and with friends at Ripley. wired and the power was turned on on Thursday, October 25th. A few houses were wired after that date and the farmers who are having their wiring done. now are nearly. tinttshed which will make the line completed. We hope It will be possible to have the street lights too in the near future. . Mr. H. L. Sturgis spent tho holi days at his home in London. HOSE $1.00 45ie 5 V: Vg, sid

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