‘l twr.ttrt-titgi-t.-r'0, , unbound“. Bonus-m. 'tB.-Wttett..er.Wr"e. â€a! am MHtnta. M ii] W at I Pe-thee'" but in a. d, I 1 hm†“dun-un- "metrroqr_etrtF4trt"tsl, mailman-mum thommmdnCLmu- “uncutsuammloructmqu _ tuixim-ttoor.oetastttgto ur, Gene Worm“. uh: Inn "hum““mw N ~lo and urn ' e um.†ia.auutsutoe-mt-,l'..hllr'ff. ._. . “when van in Vlad“. the “on M' 'h“. rho to w. trtak'su ot Mia. Florence luau" u no. In “and“! lobed to our You): W ' can. Able. compon- nnd unso- ' . in; u a datum-I. Bolu- I." had Mrs. C. w. Snidot, Mm Ada su- the “or and conscience at n Chi. der and Mr. Clarence Sane: were an: plum Candi, and 'rBtN5ew m Montreal this week attending the - MI mun Mammal. mar “to marriage at Mr. Melvin Snider to eternal pride In but“; than to AIL! Mary Irving, daughter ot Mrs. the wire such a .tsrgTMgt. His mm; ot St. Lambert, Qua, which "tmattta were placed in Weatmllw- max place last Monday. The many ter Amy. King Geortre being more-l hi nds ot this happy young couple named a the funeral! by His lwyn' ts-ll unite in wishing them much Higtsrsesa. the Prince of Wales, who .M lliihas and pmsper.ty. On their “a the Principal pail bearer 5mm: trom their wedding trip, Mr, and Mrs, Snider will take up their The Mines MacKendrick ot Gan-i rmidvnce in their mm new home on were the guests of the Misses Val- George St. The Mines MacKendrick ot Galt were the guests of the Misses Val- entino ll “Blink Bonnie" Ittat Satur- Mr. um Mrs. Edward Seagram of “Button House" Waterloo. have mt out Invitations to a dance to be held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. on fi'tiday evening. Nov- ember 16, at nine o'clock In honor ot Elisa Eleanor Seagram. their debu- unle daughter, Mrs. R. Forrest Ogllvie ot Hamil- ton was a weekend visitor at the home ot her father. Mr. L. Bricker. Allan Bt., Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lain; of Brantford were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Collins for a couple of days this week when she had the pleasure of renewingyuany old acquaintances in the Twin City. Miss Charlotte Valentine of 'Fur- onto University and Mr. Calvin Val- amine of St. Andrew’s College. Tor- onto, spent their Thanksgiving hol. idays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Valentino, Churhss St. Lord Bing of Vlmy, Governor General of Canada was a distin- guished guest at the opening in an St. John, at the largest dry dock in the world Thousands of Interested spectators lined the route trom the city to the dry dock while a procession formedof the Police, Firemen and many handsome floats. marched to the accompaniment of Federal bands. After Lord Byng had declared the dock opened, a beautiful gold cup in commemoration ot the event was presented to Lord Byng by Mrs. George McAvlty. Mrs. A. B. McBride was the hos- tesa of a very successful meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Church ot the Holy Saviour, at her home last Thursday. The Presidvnl. Mrs. C, W. Wells. presided at the business session, when it was decided to hold another sale of fancy work and home-made broking shortly. due no- tice of which will be given. Mr. and Mrs. Derwent Kinton until son. Clare of Toronto were visitors; In Waterloo tor Thanksgiving at the; homo of Mrs. J. B, Hughes. Georg", Street. I It was with an overwhelming sense of sorrow that our citizens; learned of the death of Mrs. A. E. Rude", beloved wife ot Dr. A. K. Randell of Kitchener. at the K. and W. Roman on the 5th last. as a result of blood poisoning after an illness of only a few weeks. not- withstanding tho fact that "very" thing that modiwl‘ science could suggest was done for her roliof. hut without avail. Mrs. Rude" was an active and devoted member of St. Andrew‘s Church, where she was well known and beloved thy all tho, members and adherents of the congregation. Tho decayed Was possessed of many ad- mimble qualities. tb good wire and mother of the lovely children. Her kindness. cheertulness and thought- mlneps tor the feelings and comfort of others not only endeared her in her home but made her a general favorite with a large circle of friends and gained the esteem and warm friendship ot all who knew her; hence her passing away in tho very prime of her young woman» hood will be deeply regretted and much sympathy will be extended to Mr â€rely bereaved husband and “mil! u well " her aged mother and other members of her mnny circle. ---4ii,ig,ri,,E,y, WAVERLEY "gggvpngth can“ T. Idol Whack, In -tbtr the mort dealt-hie Hotel In Toronto he ma. Inn e roo---Cnte nul- nl no“ nodu- an eat» “I out Ideal Non mite a eo_tion dllcllt " mu. - - only one Illa-{l walk (can Haul. Qâ€. - - in treart of Raul. Write [or Illa-(nu! MOTORISTS DRIVING To TORO NTO I ll. POWELL. Inn-m. Wu. My. '.--P+e w. I. â€and. I’ll: h m to it turn to - on no out)“: it "y a Na. Yuk. out»; on Bun- Toner-ow W m on It the honorary m o! 0.0!. (not tor or civil Ht) Ur. Geno mam. Iliad In. Nnonr Ind MrJ-l. I mm: m week-and whiten in wmnoo. tttq mot. ol Mug Florence Hudson " Your): W. Mrs C, E. Robertson and family are spending Thanksgiving week with Tamale friends. Mr. H. J, I’ugsiey of School of Science, Toronto and Mr. Ernest Bowman ot Los Angeles, Cal., a: LoliiJuy visitors at the home ot M" E. Pugtuey. s Ahrens E., Kitchener. Mr. Stuart Snyder and Mr. Freder- ick Hughes ot Toronto University bpt'nl Thanksgiving at their homes in Waterloo. Cards have been insuml tor the “A! Hump" or Mrs. R. Y. Copeland and Mrs. C. Lurimor Maison, nee Miss Tera Gies, which is being held on \leursday afternoon. November Hm. trout 4 to 6 o'clock. The well known hospitality of Mrs. M, S. Halltttun was greatly enjoyed at " lug)! Icct fulluwod by bridge at hr: huma- just 'Imursday evening in ho iftr or hwr sister, Mrs. Harry Simp- ‘021. Thu "t1'orrtuinutertt was pun tirulur"ty upmvriabuh .15 it gave the: gusls an opportunity of a.visit with the guvsc of honor before re- turning lo hu- home; in Montreal, IF'.' 2r Thanksgiving Cuiss ('unnnn. the Canadian poet wl.o has receivcd world-wide 111:0g» 1:: Ion, is rlvlivt-ring a series oi humus in Ontario this month. Mr and Mrs. Goo. c. H. Lang en- ‘orlalnvd a Jolly housv party ovvr Thanksgiving consisting ot Mr. and Mpc. w. J. Son: and son "Billy" ot Toronto. Mia Alien Gomlea of Turontn University and several m‘mrs visitors in lhe Twin City. Miss Mable F'tik ot Toronto spent "to hoiiday at ht-r home an Abram Street. Miss Marjorie Hi0iard of Victorm University. Toronto, spent the holl- day with hnr parents, Dr. W. d. and Mm. Hilliard, Altmrt Shem, Water. Mr. Norlrert Muvllcr of St. And- rvw's Co11egts, Toronto and Mr. Wal- tvr Mue11rsr ot McGill University. Montreal, as)?!" Thanksgiving at their home in Waterloo. The Mart-(all nympmhy ot my old friends And â€new†van (on- loo. {he Uuke and Duchess of Dlw. "tire pun-named the nonunion JIM: Ministers and their wives at Vusturlh. their muntry home, on a reient wm-k»r-nli. Thvre Miss M. Fivzgurahl of Toronto was , put-‘1 of Hits Helen Snynlvr Mr, dr. King Opens Canadian Club London, Nov. wk Fri-min Mar'- n.-:1-- King yvsh-rduy formally ro- cratl the nvmcrJvs ot' the newly .ahlz'shml Canadian Hub at their A lum- m. Spring Gardvns. Lon- L Then: was (I lurgl- attvndaruv the opening. tiny M gm rt Brown of the iv of Toronto, was [or of her school Vâ€"r --""'-WT - 7‘, w» .1“ --'NB' ’“V‘TWâ€WW Fi, Mumwznqhwhdw J, “gs: '4 . . pug Imp-nu . -iite.t'ei-tarfa" n" mummy~~ummwmu [.er meemy.nmmm Wag-um.- iiilirii were mummy hul- the - 'htlimF-taettHBt-rse b plot, We hot humid. Ir. Ah:- Mr, m In. W - I." at!†, under Millar, KAI., who moaned the I“... an. a W. _ m onl- her reveal you: 1.0- ' Bunion Lulu - m w‘" d .n an In... Mr. ..m Mess C u an“... hi. it Albert WWII. II at UMâ€. Ti% In. t A. Wins! In “Ishtar. mu Hahn Wits-l. in. "and to Kitchencr In." a 'Pe" whit with loam»! Mandi. Mr. and In. C. M. Bot-II do uh- In. WWI â€a...†Akron Went, Kaela-It h a: - menu-n. The tun-hen and Miser- ot It. Pun Maintain: Saw-m School were pleasantly entertain“! it “Boa Acuord." the the new lune at the Superintendent. Mr. William Hen- derson last Friday evening. when a wry happy and tpeotttotrle evening waning was spent in the interest: ot the school. Miss Margaret Henderson. second daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hen- dmsun has returned to Toronto Un- .‘ursily after spending Thankulv‘ mg at her home In Waterloo, Who's Who and Mann What - ll was a Thanksgiving. a, day when vvrtvbody who could get away back to the old home where memories peculiar lo that sacred sanctum value in as a t1ood of mental and mom] solace and satiMactiott. These dreamy Indian summer days tarte, xlw soul io " lender sadness, and a sort of melancholy glory hovers around us everywhere and :Paturo has robed herself in tints of anally amber light that makes one rqaxiw in tire joy ot being alive. itev. J..(‘. and Mrs. Morlock spent sun-ml days this week with their daughter in Stratford. Hisx Clara Iloerheckvr of Kitch, "lir't' spent the weck-crtd with IvLulvr-s in town. Mrs. J. H. Webb is spending a in; days with Mr. and Mrs. t H. Hall and Family in Toronto. Wtordering Wiliirs Med ott to the Dutch dunes tor safety tive years 1:0. but he ventured back to the F'ah-rl,tmdrott Armistice day and we L'ru' uniting for the fire-works. 1Ur. and Mrs. Ralph Brubacher and family at Waterloo spent Armitr vo~ Day with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. 1trluar. Miss Fitrkbeitter, teacher, received a will from Crmlilon to hasten home all amount of the illness ot her mother. The scholastic contingent from Toronto and Montreal were home sr,i/ittp,' Thanksgiving for pulmlum unknown to the rate-torus of the halls of vrudition. " In}! from ('rmlimn to hasten home Mr. Wilfred Howling has left for an acroupt of ihe illness of her DMmil where lw has accepted a mother. :osirion. Mr, and Mrs. l. E Filsinger spent The rvporIers also took a trip out '1'Lateksgivirtg with rulaxivea in New or town, Dave going to Allislon and Hamburg. Herman to Woodstock In both Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner and mum those trips were ot a business manly attended the wedding ot nature. ittviy nivrn- in St. Saviour's church, Miss May Oppertshauser spent a \\'.'Ilvx'100 on Saturday lasts, fww days last week with friends at Grant and Ruth Richmond of WW Hamburg, Grant and Ruth Richmond ot Toronto wm-v home tor Thanksgiv- ing Day. Building operations have com- menced in the warehouse at the rear of the mill and the (XXII. swicvh is being relaid to be more convenient for unloading. Care of Home and Children Often Causes a Breakdown. Andrew Clemens. attriculturalisi, lmrsejorkny; politician. optimist and dispenser of His Majesty}: mail along the local 'rustie route is rule- "ating his 80thlrthday on Thurs- day the 15th inst.. and his many friends hope he may be as gritty twenty wars hence. The woman at home, deep in housv'hold duties and the cans ot motherhood, needs; occasional help lo keep her in good health. The demands upon a mother's health arc mnnynml severe. Her own lmnllh trials and her chiMren's wel- l.m- oxm-t heavy tolls. white burr? ted meals, broken rest and nun-l- indoor living tend to weaken her. No wonder tho woman at home is urn-n indisposod throtttrtt weakness. lwmlm‘hvs. Garkais and hem/our, new. Too many women meow thmre visitations as a part ot tttp lot of motherhood. But many and varivd as rm hvalth lroublea are. the cause is simple and relief at hand When well, n In the woman's good Mood that keeps her well; when ill she mum mule her Mood rich to renew her health. The nur- slnx mother more than any other Hyman need. rich Mood and plenty of it, There Is one way to gel um Rood blood so neceuary to health. and that In through the. on ot Dr. Wlllkma' Pink PM". Them enrlrh the bland: arm through their me many ,rrssrtt..tsttitttt mothers have been Manned. ll mu are nlllnc. eaMly tired or deprr-d, it is u duly you owe yourself and your fntrtlty to (In Dr. Wmum‘ Pink nu- I Mr ' You (an [at Dr, WtttHgttI' Pink Pill: (limb any Mar II meal s-rt/uit/tsee-ttas 110 W. Wink-1' I“ Ox, m m WORK-WORN WOMEN ST. JACO‘BS Unit-1‘ ism tbrventgors " Shem duh. to pat not to!" 8.7. M. D. “I. Mr. A, “than. Mr. W. m It. And Rev C. W. B.etttaatHtttq In“. Ada 'umi'era"'"errMtb'm. daughter and nu- In»: - tho week-ad with m at Welland- port. lenvick and other will". The Mino- M. Nichol Ind you. Mamet upon! Thanh-giving day at their nspecuve homes " [nation and Bayfleid. Miss H. Badwin ‘0! Toronto MF uewed old acquaintance In the Til. lage for a tew days last week. 'nd. [ Donnions to Mutual “any [ The N. D. Musical Society band acknowledges with wants the foil-, wwina donations towards the new banal hail. Simon Weber " m7 Sam: ts, Henry Bauer " C. H. Beckman , days' labour; M. Knarr , days' labour, August Kavelman 2 days labour. H. Waterman, building chimney; Amos unborn electric lighting. New Dundee Community PM!) $25. Mrs. John Hamcher of Peters- ‘AIrg and Mr. Sam Toman or Pneu- ton were visitors at the home or Mr. and Mm. I. H. Tomau on Sat- tummy. Norman of Kitchener visited with Miss Marie, Schmidt over the week. The proclamation as given out by His Maksty. the King, was duly observpd in the churches on Bun- day morning. An impressive sermon on Armhe tice was given in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening. Among those who attended Con- vocation which was held in St. Maithie, Lutheran church. Kitch- nnvr, on Thanksgiving Day were Law. and Mrs. F. Howald. Mr. A. C. Parkman. and Mrs, F'. Heifers, Mr." H. Kavrslman, Mrs. Wm. Kavelman, \liss Laura Knesel, MISS Olive (:reulh‘h. Messrs. Earl and Harvey Einwechter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koehler and family spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Millbrandt at Philipsburg. This agency of the Hart. ford Fire Insurance Com.. pany will help you estimate values and will so plan your fire insurance that. if loss should come, it would be made good. I From time to time you have made improvements on your house. You have , also bought now things in- to your home. Does your, ' insurance cover ALL ( these things? If fire came l tonight would you be paid enough to replace with goods of like kind and character. Mr. For an and an Mam-m, on" . Has your insurance kept pace with new purchases? _ 0. A. 80mm a m». cc. may. Wm?!“ Mm tetmui attended the Provin- cial Humour)! Convention In 1hr onto but week. Mr. and Mrs. w. D. Bock of Lind- Bay, Mrs. Stunner and son. Ward, Manllh. Mr. D. R. Keaton. Toronto; were visiting at the home of Dr. A. R, Bock over the holiday. Quite a number ot. you; people trom the local B.Y.P.U. “landed the rally held in Guelph on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dinner and family of Kltcherter mat the week end at the home of Mr. and In. Fred mendlK†Miss Warner and Mr. man Hess of Toronto were guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs Howald. Mrs. Dixon and Mr. B. Doctor: at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Measner and family of Kitchener spent ttte holiday with Mrs. Mayer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowman and son, Mrs. W. Spaetzel and family and Roy Spawn] of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spaetzal on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Knmpean or Flint, Mien. are visiting relatives herd at present Mr, and Mrs. A. (Hummer of Hvspelor visited at the home ot Mr. Angus! Lautenslager on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Toman. Tor- onto spent a few J. ys at the home ot" the tormer's parents, Mr. and i/' Moses Toman. The regular monthly dividend of' one and one-halt per cent. has been declared to shareholders or ttus' Imperial Roalty Company of record Nov. 25th, 1923. This is the 38th monthly dividend and makes a totall of 77 per cent. paid to WWI since the vommny's organization in! April, 1920. ; 'gllPGWmrm8MrMiBPa8MiJilMM'.1lmBrilMllBlltMllMi IaitaBiwa'MrgMgIr/MliMillwrlliii'ilillGWc Imperial Royalties DIVIDEND NOTICE NO. 38 The Store with the Stock Handsome Styles In IMloo' Nem‘Ooou. mad» In choice quality of Mum“: and Bolivia Clothl. many of them "Mont-way Man" tn be- coming wrlppy nylon. Buntmmy trimmed loo-o Par Concrs. vtrry moth] ot â€N. “I“. town, " mm Wonderfully Smart Styles iiiit {ï¬n} In Ladies and A"ec'/ A Misses New Coats Smart styles In Ludlea' New Coma. made in pretty Marvell: 1od Bolivh Clothl. straight line wrap-around coats, side clotting, ornaments and lien. collars of Australian Opes-um and Fitch, 811k Lined. Very week! or. .40.“. “7.50 to "MO. Many pretty Coats in Ladies' and Misses" sizes In all wool Velour and Duvmyne (Toma with shawl and Mutrler Collars of French Braver. nicely embroidered straight line and Flaw Skirt. very speck“! ’23.â€. W00 to $37.50. N V LADIES’ Mile COATS IN buss GOODS, my. cousins, BOYB’ sum an runny . 'rrrtts.c-trondtaeott-dsouthet'ale_ _ Briiokeruthyrmann th, JOHN E. HORN.' Trustee $25 to $37.50 rifési’EEIALS 5 I .FOR SATURDAY At $48 lo $78 to $65 (it Victory Bonds maturing? I't', Nov. lst. 1923, may be re- g 1% deemed for cash at any =l, g branch of this Bank with- ii" LIE; out charge. To prevent de- , lglays, bonds should be do; I .'.2'. Iivered to the Bank at leastii ii four days prior to Novem-g ‘g her Ist for examination; li and listing. _ if ‘5 Deposit the proceeds in?) , 'g' our Savings Department on g , ‘2 November lst and k ptr, 1't'i; your money earning in ei-F-,..', g est. a i iiratimr.mrmtsemrmrsrrrtsuatttmrrmc'erimtm'.teu 'iii,' ROYALBANK Il.-,,!-.. OF CANADA t l New Coats direct from the makers come to LJ us weekly, representing the best productions of good sensible garments and it is a pleasure to us I to show them to all who are interested in these mnrww garments. CASH FOR VICTORY BONDS WATERLOO, ONT. At the Store with the Stock Ladies" Pin: ("unsu- the finest choice of worthy carmeets are here for inspection of jad- ics who are pactieukw about siyie and quality as we" THE HS prrce. IrtBt0tttrtMettrSt8tt Styles for oldnr girls In Burberry and other styles in MINI te, " and to. It $8.50, $8.90, $10 Pretty Girls' Fonts In 1rurr"trryfst.vms, or cellenl all IDOL and tum: clown a [nod Girls' very smart Coats, trimmed with Fur Collar and Cutts, made in all wool millet-ids I and In 'btttttrt nlyn-s. Sin-s 4, 6. If and 10 years. Very special prices at , Hlnk'l‘ of styl1 a {nragos 10, 12 and M. Spm‘ial g Ladies' and Msus‘ Coats, made in WI» ported Velour Cloths lined throughout. French Beaver Muttler Collar, mauy trimm~ ed, an lilel. Very special pr‘ces $10.00 “M $12.50 $16.50 and $18.00 “Mull!“lll‘nlillm‘Illilil'lllilimfllli|||INN“mlllllllllrllmll|llil!i§i(l!|l|ll!ill2fllg A T JUNKOR COATS' GIRLS†COATS Minard's Liniment for Coughs. 0. E. Seegmiller, nan This week you will tiud on exhibition in our more prac- tically the entire line of our 1923 Christmas gm goods. Those goods can he purchas- ed new it you desire. Gifts reserved and delivered later. " you wish to make selection now and leave a small deposit The most of the beat for the least Phone 1603 Exposition of Christmas Gifts EASY PRICES $17.50 White Ivory Cameras All kind: of Brushes Perfumes and Toilet Article. Candies Cigars Vacuum Sets Flashlights Stationery Fountain Pens thittery Toilet Sets Kitchener, Ontario THIS WEEK “" $11.50 30 Queen 8. ,NU5ik it“