gif. :21 ' ' _ . . PERSONALS Mb arm rum " row.“- :1“ the a“??? (te,, "'"r"""'"l WATERLOO CHRONICLE conurouozms ' $5.90. $6.90 to tttt.Stt BOYS' sUITS Made trom good wearing mater, ial. in auraclive boyish patterns, Well tailored and all made with two pair or Bloomers. More value at either price $7.95. $12 to $17.00. BOYS' CAPS TSc., two to 8atttt Soft neecy weaves, in light and dark shades of Brown and Gray. BOYS' SWEATERS $1.50 and " Jersey-knit sport style. All wool. Suit: of such I cttaraiter that gay man will be happy to own and he proud to wear. BOYS' OVERC0ATt) Warm double breasted styk’s, sizes 10 to 18 years at $7.95. $12.50 to $15 BOYS' UNION SUITS Medium and heavy weight in ecru aova' STOCKINGS 50c. PAIR . Bluuk ribbed Stockings. good weight. QUALITY FURNISHONGS FOR MEN NEW FALL SHIRTS $1.95 New patterns and coloring, in no quality Pereales. Very dressy Shirts;, low priced. When lt comes to ttrieethere's really very little dttters one: on the cost of a good Coal and an inferior --hrrtt oh JUVENILE OVERCOATS Chinchilla and Novelty Overcoat tnateriatts. Ages 2 to 10 years at what a difference in style, in fabric and in work-hir-- Good Worsted; Fine Tweak, Novelty Waves. 8mm, Chocks and other small patterns in all the newâ€! models for men and young SHIRTS OR DRAWERS 65c. Shirts or Drawers, heavy fleece lined in Ecru, perfect mung, ex- tremely low. WOOL HOSE, 50c. PAIR Buy u good Oman beam the quality in high on. Ethan-teeisbw. Bde-overeatautuorem'tietas mu trgrriee,tratt-setritmoftrrue forum-n whowearsone. Warm Wearing Apparel for Boys and Children UNION SUITS $2.89 Worst,d mixtures, natural shade. medium Weight perfect I1tting gar menus. _ Overcoats All Wool Hose. warm. home knit style. gray shade; LIGHT - - - FLUFFY - - FLAKEY - - - DELICIOUS - - 1nli)l,lN)lilli - PERFECT - - Very Good Suits as low as $16, Better Grades to $50 Let our stock and price tell their story. featured nt To make improvement a: pay off present mortgage or for other purposes? I am making loans to farmers almost every day. Pdrhaps you want to borrow, to buy a farm? See or write to me. Does Your Farm E. J. Payson " FRANCIS NORTH, KI TCHENER. Tel. 1105w MEN'S SUITS. 826, 836, $40. $25 $30 $40 OTHERS $15 to $50 .-".""‘:' l "-,m Need Money? The newest and best shape: in all the colors that are popular this svason and quality banter than ts usually obtainable at thehe prices. Women's Black Catt Bai. Oxfol‘dl. round toes. 1% Inch walking been STREET GLOVES. $1.05 Men's ttnts Cape Gloves, Cordovan shade. a very popular Glove tor both street and dress wear. All sizes. MEN’S SHOES This department often Men’s Black or Brown Calf, Welt soles. comfortable last, wen made. awr- Hceahle.. solid leather Shoes or ox- lords at PYJAMAS $2.30 Jyjamas, tailored from tine qual, ity dornet Flannel, military style, cut fall size, neat patterns. MEN'S FELT HATS, $3.50 a $5.00 Women‘s Patent. one-tttrap Pumps, cut out sides, military heels $4.95 Women's Grey Suede Lace Ox- tords, military heels ..t.m.P. $6.96 Women's Black Kid Lace Oxfords, Cuban heels................ $4.60 NEW SHOES Appeal on the Field of Fashion for the Winter Seuon. Women's Black Satin one-strap Pumps, military heels m..... $3.95 BOYS’ SHOES School or Dress Shoes, strongly made, but dressy in appearance, toot form last, solid leather, [ Boys' small size 82.75 to $3.95 Boyer large size. $3.45 to $4.50 $3.95, $4.95. 3535, $6.95 WORK SHOEB $3.50. $4.50 Two extra strong good wearing Shows. Insurance. Loans And Investments idiilti' ____ Thanksgiving my wu obnorved In “noun won here. The majority attended the Mertttottite Sandi! School convention which wan held In Latthar's Church The aplendld mu, addresses Ind sermons were brimml M Christian thought. The meeting was helpful tor young and old. The Mannheim School. B. S. No. 9 Wilmot, propose holding a concert and Box Social on Thursday even- ing, Dec. 6th. Funds go to library. More details later. By talking little, thinking much and Working hard. nucceu Chill tnttely follow. Harvey Hellman. son of Joe Hill- man, returned tram the West last week. Harvey has a farm an Al, berm. Mr. Wesley Bergny shall take hold of his father" farm in the near future. Gordon is the present man- agar. Next Sunday, November 18th, the' seventy-ttttts anniversary ot the' Evangelical Lutheran church will be: mungly celebrated. All expect good, unions. good congregtions and good; oiterintps. Services in the foreman.“ afternoon and evening. I The aefvlces in the U. B. Church lust Sabbath was conducted by Rev. Woodhead of Thromo, assisted by Rev. 8. H. Swarlz ot Kitchener. The sermon was taken trom Palm 103. The preacher Spoke impressively on David’s life as ll) Sinking; (2) Saved; (3) Singing: (4) Shining: 15) Serving. A number ot nimrods were hunt- ing on Thanksgiving Day. Two ot our local sports, Alvin and Ike shot at a rabbit on the run. There was only a few seconds between the shots. Alvin said he shot its tail on. lke said a rabbit has no tail. Alvin said it was a cotton-tail rate bit, Tom tells the tale which can- not be verified as the momentum or the missiles only bonded to acceler- ate the speed of the flying creature. All rub to mud the “Watquoo Chronhlef It given the Important new. in brief. Mr. Herbert Kaster is attending the U. B. Sunday School convention at Shirkton. nee-r Niagara. Matty people enjoyed the beauti. ful Thanksgiving Day visiting friends. Mrisg Clara Kurt enjoyed the com- pany of her old Kitchener friend, Miss May Hillier, recently. Mr. and In. Abram Burma-d [In Ills-both Siam mm. Thinking " M. G. Weber‘s. w. Bechtel um Mlly‘wen mu- ing at Mr. bulls Klie'l on Sunday lnu. It. and Mm. W Weds.“ Mr. and In. - Ma and may in. Sand†vino" at It“. Weber's. Brief earnest talks were given by Samuel Schmidt. Orlas Cressman. Leslie Wltmer, JOB. Cressman and Henry Gingerirrh. Isiah Witiner led the singing. Bishop Manasseh Ham, man presided. Mr. and Mm, Henry Feick vittited a: the home at Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Nick ot Kitchener. Mr. and Mn. Adm Cressman ot cur burg spent Sundny at the home ot Rev. Samuel Bowman ot Centre- vslle. _ Mr, and Mrs. John Snyder spent Thanksmvlhg at Mannheim. Mina Hild- Moror of Tut-took Sand-wad at Mr, Mammal Snyder; Mr. Ind Mn. thet anyder of Wu- erloo "and In our burl. Kenn-rd Snyder of “Tum-loo vim- ed undu the â€rental roof. Mr, and Mrs. Uri-s 31mm .ttmrt Sunday It Waterloo. Okra Cream": of Kitchener w the we“ and under the par- ents} roof. q rm. _ Mr. mm mm out!“ a. In mm M. nun-u of our mm tn an Jd'i'l','A,1t'd “truth-km It," WaratsgMd4or-tetatMr. Incl-mm tittrMD_,qhttrbeqAqhtsergrt up. - - a Kim'mmhbwm‘mk. mmu-‘ no!!! Kalb of Brad-u visited with tn. cousin, Mr. boo-am Ghana. It. and Mn. I’m-um Shah ot It lunch mad " no he of Int- - QTRAOBURG IANNHIIU l The play mulled "An old-fashion- .91! Ladies“ Aid Bushman meeting." Iwhich was held In the Opera hall , hare was a great succeu and when I rho ladies appeared wlth old manicu- l, rd costumes they mere greeted lwlth roars of laughter. Mr. ard Mrs. Jacob U. Grody and I(sunny ot Kitchener spam the holl- ‘day at the home of the farmer‘s (parents, Mr. ma Mrs. John Grody. Miss Vlolw Hess and M13: Sarah Siebert of Tavistock are vitsttitttr at Mr. Valentine Hofstetler. Wedding bells are ringing loudly. Sunday visitors tit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Schmldt were Mr. and Mrs. Danie) Gaucho and you. Mr. and Mrs. Elam Ax: and (anally. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bender. Mr. A. Hauck. foreman of the C. N. R. gang and his staff ot men, M. J. Gross and Mr. A. Hildehmnd, have been busy putting in siding Mos the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. John E. R. Schwart- rentruher, Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Bchwartzmtruber and Mr .aud Mrs. John Roth were Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. Dan Schwanzen- truber. Mr. ad Mm .A, L. Munro of Lat den spent the week and at the home at the Intelâ€. wean. Mr. and Mm. J. R. Livinntom Mm. Valentine Holstetter In con- Med to her bed through Illness. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Henry Kmipfel has bought a Sine bunch of slackers (mm Mr. Dave Himschtrergee. Miss Olive Hirttrchbertref has Be Comet! a position In Kitchener alter working tor Mr. H. B. Hauck tor the past year. Mr. and Mrs, Christ. Yantzie and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Yantzie were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. C. E. Sehwartrentrotter. Messrs. Rob. and Ill Kinchel of Kitchener made 1 business trip to Baden last Monday. 'Mr. Aaron Yanzle and Mr. Dan Lela ot Wellesley were business (allots in Patel-shuts last Monday. Mr. John R. Livingston who has been mmatted to his bed with La gripper in Male to be up again. Mrs. Summons and Miss Wahl spent the week ’end at Mr. P, Schaefer's. Mr. Chas. Kniptel and Mitrs Mable Hildebrand spent Sunday in MIN-h- en . Me, Frank Dickson of Maura spent a few days " "t home of Mr, and Mrs. D, T'ler. Misses and: and Franco. eon-tan dine at Toronto Ind _Mr. Arthur Constantine ot mar Wuhlllcton spent the week and " Mrs. Henry Smurfs. Mr. C. Felling" or Toronto spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. H. Doelle. and with MI†mu Ha: " Bruin» Milo Katie Both ot Illa-Anne: spent. the week and ma Ml- Sgt-1h Roth. Mr. Gordon Nader “rived u hi- home last week, after minding I few monma harm-ting out Won. Out of town dummy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ft. Bur on Bunduy were Mr. Anon Good, Mm Mark, Good. Mr. cud Mn. Otntgr Rudy um Mr. Edwin Slants. Misses an add Ruby Cree-nun spun Bum!†vbnlng Mandi In the vfclnny of Waterhto. Mr.ogegtgt$t-trr%rttnqb-t cummmbvvu-uw manque-MAW. daughter at DIM“ - an ttttlk duu It no ham ot Mr. and In A. Hummer. In“ on" Butte! - the was! Mr. and Mn boob Rudy enter- lunod the foibvlnl - In! Sunny: Mr, and Mrs, W. Rudy. Mr. And In. H. Thaw. Mr. Abner Rudy Ind Mtrm Orkney mm. Mann. Leann-d Rom. luau-uh Bur 1nd m.- lua "out and MI“ Lily Bur vim friend: new ll- min on load-y. man on -, "I. Amanda Danna of at. an)!» " the We of he! PETERBBURU BREBLAU The funeral. whlch' we: - _ attended by relative. Ind Mont. xurtioularly those who m been . so former residents ot this vtlhge. but now reside in Kitchener. Wit- erloo and other nearby to“: and village». and who came to pay a last tribute ot repeat to the depart- ul, took place on Saturday after- inoon. A abort service was held up the late home ht Kitchener, after which the remains were conveyed . to the Lutheran church here where :the service was hold, the sermon the“); preached by her pastor. Rev. '; J. Schmelder ot St. Matthews Luth- ‘oran Church, Kitchener, white Rev. , C. Zamke had charge or the service fat the altar. The renuim were then 'paten to the adjoining cemetery where they were laid to rust in the (tawny plot. The many floral tri- [hut-es that surrounded the casket .bore testimony to the high esteem J in which she was held by her many J friends. The bereaved husband and homily have a host of friend:- who isympathize with them ht their loan l sustained through the death of their [beloved Wife and mother. . l a. do! an: In . In - In. I out of Mn. (our. l Dull; the gut I“ the†not "d any that I 1m “In. " ‘M bone tn mocha". Ina-I17! t1P":'rtht"te'er"r- iThe demand. In" Mr mam-u no .hsr now bound banana, bad 'o. Iided In this village lot that " [yearn prior to About not. who: tho _ - remand to Kitchener ml durum these 40 year- In Ind than? me ot our most rammed MI“: held high ht esteem by . line '""'"t her ot trlttttts. an. M “to boon a taithtul attertdaat ad mam-m: member ot the Luther“ church "l (In; her stay here. Our loeai house butcher has com. meuoed on the season's work and many a grunler will be put in appet- mm: shape under hits hands ere the mason is over. The friends here of Mr. pychte ive address on the ext-tin: misery oner of Toronto will be interestedt and depression in Germany. The to learn that he has been named speaker said the misery was inde- as one of the judges ot artists who scrihnble and had to he see‘n in are to select paintings, etc., workforder to realize and that unless oi Canada's best artists, tor the Do speedy relief is obtained there will minim: Government. who will send? be starvation by the thousands in these to England. Mr. f.itt1,1ts.y.:lt,.t,t netir future. He related various together with his daughters, Mlssesl instance: of his own experiences Elizabeth and Catharine spent Snn- , which showed the seriousness ot the day with friends here. q C',it"2"t'd,'l'." He said that during his Mrs. Charles Ludwig ot Klich-. stay ot seven weeks the vslue of cner spent Sunday at the home orl the German money sank so rapidly Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bauman. . l that the price of the tteeeturttrtett of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Dahmer and F mo rose 290 and 300 per cent. and family of Oshawa were visitors here the depreciation in the money was cver Sunday. )equaily as much. The speaker also Mr. Peter Kireh ot Kingsley,‘ reported on the Lutheran World Clipping Season is Here. Clip your horses and Cattle with one of our Slewart Horse Clippers Protect your Coop and Poultry. Try one of our Choice Padlocks TSet ca Horses Clipped are cleaned/easier and in less than half the time. Healthy Horse, give Longer and Better Service. Clip . for Health. q Less Veterinary Bills when Horses are Clipped. Feed does Horses more good when Clipped. Clipped Horses are Worth More, Do More, Earn More. Price complete $14.75 PADLOCKS (W‘éeaï¬mm, "s" a . M. Weichel & Son, Limited "Tho Big Hardware Store" Wnterloo, . Ontario. Made of Heavy Galvanized Iron with Side Rest. Brass Top at bottom and Large Screw Opening at Top, " Price . - . . _ _ S2AS Rev. J. Detweller ot Kitchener occupied the pulpit In the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon in the absence ot the pastor, Rev. Mr. Cole. Toâ€: ot 'hrnttltions in Gummy. The Lutheran chunk we. com. lortably filled on Sunday evening with an attentive audience whom Rev. Prof. E. Holman. D.D., ot Wat. erloo. held spell bound for over an hour while he gave I very immen- ive Iddresn on the ext-tins winery and depression in Germany. The fIttetr_raid the misery wan inde- scribable and had to he tech in order to realize and that unless speedy relief is obtained there will be starvation by the thousands in the pair future. He related various instances or his own experiences which showed the seriousness ot the situation. He said that during his stay ot seven weeks the nine of the German money sank so rapidly that the price of the tteeeturttrtett of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shelley spent Tbnnklglvln‘ Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haroht Traum- of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heck!“ of Mb min called on Mend: here on 831- urday anal-noon and evening. Mr. Nelson and!" at Toronto was a visitor " the home of In men". on Sandâ€. Mr. and Mn. Gear Hush: had Thtnhglvlnz dinner " the homo of the luller'l pal-ems It Brunch. Mr. and Mr; Geo. Schnauzer ot Kitchener. and Mrs. John Zinger of Detroit, Mich,, men! Sunday among relnlves in our burg. Mich.. spent tho new." with bl. â€rents Ind onâ€: relative. 1nd lriendl. FIVE GALLON GALVANIZED OIL OR See Page} for the Big News Big Dollar , I "'""'i_'- Day Event : Candies Limited KITCHEN“! PROFIT SHARING STORE For All Out-ofTown Customers At GASOLINE CANS Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Dahmer and family were in Kanhvm-r and Waterloo on Sunday where they visited with the farmer's mother, who Is lying ill, and with their slr tenth-law. who has gang through an operation. the pas! week. Tho aim-d Indy passed away on Monday morn- tug. That Christmas in again no! rm- nit-um h noticeable by Lhu prepttr- ntlons being made by the various Sunday schools tor their programs to be rendered during the happy Chrhtanas season. Dr. and airs. A. Hahn ot Kin-h- ener on Sunday visited tho latter's mun. Mr. and Mes, Byron Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs. Abram 1t9scmtrerrrer of Kitchener were Sunday vlnltors at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Clayton Scheltele. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dreisituwr ot Elmira were visitors over Thanki- givlng at the home of O/ir dung!» ter, Mrs. Hart). Fruehn. Convention held at Ikenbach. to which he had been appointed a dele- gate and " such he men! about two month: lbw-d. Mr. Vernon Good of Toronto was a visitor at the home ot' his [ma-ma over Sunday Th annual meeting at the local t) P. o. club wilt be held in the town ship hull next Saturday afternoon when a good reirretsettt:rtiott of mem hen " requested. Mrs, Smith ot Newmarket has been visiting tor a Week with her cousins, Mr. Allan Good and. Mrs. Sol. Schell'elo. where Mr. Allen Schelfele ot Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Oman Suhltvle also spem sun day and the holiday. q Mr. and Mrs. Allan Good and tam- ily were Manors with HIM-lull Mum!» on Thanksgiving Day. "E5? 51%]