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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Sep 1923, p. 8

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e" '_'Peu"r"re"0.'e"Pis-tsamqtr." mun-Nun‘s”; 1'"C2.'g,'1"J',ttf"" 'rhoM_rorsrtgM8ttja.ltas'rettmrgtq" '0%as. qer0mrrrtsai.to.at.tttet 4st.--ttts',rutt-qosgw, may. run a an. n- any, -r--uuataii 7 - " In“ H I m I“. It . LI. I LA‘A A. “-4 - “K 'ee munummld. any. m Cornell. Pat. [mun-ace s.---.-........-) Herbert Johnston. plan for a. Section No. 0 ..............83.00 {Kuhn Job-non. pin for Speed-ville and". ............$30.00 38.00 nuuror of “and". $5ch ot gr.dltte town tin. .'.'..rrrrrrtr 7.80 LrmitCuter.-tamoarsumstoiu4d.......................... 8.00 Goo. Khopter. gravel 'o""""'.".'-.-.'...................... 66.20 Illa shunts. gravel 'e"""."""'-'...-...................... 19.50 Goo. 'Mttetl. [fuel m""""""""'-'.-.'...................... 33.40 Mn Solder, work on Woohrtch " "no, our" V. to Woolwlch 0.00 W. B. Retrstt'trt,eravel 'u""""""'""""'.""""'.'-....... 18.00 Minimum. gnu! m""'"""""'."""".................... 12.00 A. B, Campbell. mm "".'."""'m'm'...".................. 5.10 “can Noah, in"! _""""-"-.-...'.......................... 5.60 ”018mm. Moro-culvert "'_""'ss_mr.s.w.w.,.s.e.m...... 10.10 L. In. gnu! w--.-...-.-.--......'.,...,.............. 7.30 “Do-huh. "tr'tuNrr.....-............................... 0.00 “Immatur- mm r..--.......................,..,"." P. A. W. "Itsteeel in». unha- uu “an q.6q....m. 'ta' Wight-MIG. loco-Id Bptr.tr.NM.rttatttt. -r!e._.Ptto-t-smt-rt.s't-ts.." A... "tteh. N. Moved by Jrrin C. Hallman. seconded by R. J. Vellch that Brtaw No. 152A u [0' Allen m with u rue ot 40 cents on the hundred be mud a third time and ptomsd.-Carried. loved by Allen attorstntstrrrr, seconded by M. B,. Snyder that By Law No. 168A by rend n third time And planed. loved by Irvin Hum“. ”candied by Allen Shoemuer that a (an! at 060.00 be nude to the Waterloo Tp. Flour-man Aasocurtion.---Carrted love:- by M. s. Snyder. seconded by, R. J. Valtch that the lollowlng loved by Rom. J. Voltch. seconded by Allen Shoemaker that By- 1..- No. 131A " now Blted in with a rate of $1.00 per hundred for county pupa-en and 60 cents per hundred tor To. purpom be read a third time and -d.--Carrted. Moved try Irvin C. Halimtn. seconded by Allen Shoemaker that - No. 163A to provide (or the levying of a locnl rate on the supporters at the several Public and Separate school sections tor the nu 1923 be lend a ttrat and lacond time.--<htrried. Moved by R. J. Veilch, seconded by Irvin C. Hallman that By-hor No. 151A to levy Ind assess the rateable property ot the Tp. of Waterloo tar County purposes and tor Township purposes for 1923 be read a tlpst and second tiate.--Carried. The Council met at the Tp. Hull on Saturday, August 25th, pursuant to nmurnment. Members I" present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes ot the previous session w'ere read and approved. . Comtttanications were read and considered. _ V Banding ihe closing ot the Blair Station as proposed by the Can- adhn National Railway, the Clerk was Instructed to motlly the Railway Band that Waterloo I'p. ls opposed to the said application. Hand by Allen Shoennker. seconded by M. s. Snyder that Bylaw No. 152A. to provide for the lovylng ot a general rate on all the rumble property at the lupporlem ot Public Schools In the Tp. at Waterloo tor tho you 1923 be rend I tVtrt and second time.--Ctrried. No. 6. 81%e; No. 5 “use; No. 6, 70%é; rusted. 7295c; teed, 81.02%. INtttr-No. 2 CAF., M%e; No. 3 CAV., 45%e; extra No. l teed, 4615c; No. l teed “v.0; No. , feed, "lie; rejected. “we; truck. 45km mrter-No. 3 C.W.. 58%e; No. 4 C.W., 4916c; rejected and teed, 47%; tuck; 627.11. Put-No. I N.W.C. 32.01%: No. ' C.W.. 81.94%; No. 3 C.W. and re- Cures. choice veal do.. medum ..... do., common 'tPP mach can, cholce Syringe". choice . Sheep. ewes t.WF.eq Lambs, good ..... do., bucks ...... do., common ....t PIT WATERLOO TP. COUNCIL MEETS common . .. . . select bacon. . thick smooth- “Ibis PFW.... hauls: ' . . . . . .1036 Hogs-Receipts, 40,000; mostly 10c ..7.35 0 9.35 to Mu, higher; spots on good light ,.9.35 show more advance; bulk good And ..G.36 O 7.35 choice 150 to 240 pound average, , 19M:--<htqh $9.10 0 ".40; top. ”.50: desirable _ 250 to 301$de butchers mostly 2serss, thart. $3.50 0 09; packing sows largely t1.06%; No. t $7.50 0 87.60; few good strong- rusted, "Se, weight pigs, $7.75 0 88.26; estlmat- .peclal mated, ed holdover. 11,000. No. ' epoch] EAST BUFFALO 61%c; trick. Eu: Bututo, N.Y.. Sept. IO.- Cattitr--Receiitta, 3,300; market slow M%e; No. 3 and generally steady; shlpplng lteed, 4695c; steers, $10.00 qt $12.60; yearlings. , feed, "lie; $10 0 $12.50; heifers. " a 88.25; 45km cowa. tair to cho‘ce. $3.50 0 86.50: 58%e; No. 4 cannen and mum-s. $1.50 0 33.50: mt teed,4T%; bulls. " 0 86.50; stockers and (cedars. " 0 86.50; fresh cows and 32.04%; No. a trtrrirttrers, very active and strong, 3.50 . $45 6 $120 per head “V“! Chicago. Sent. ".-43attltr- RF Church coma. 21,000; [on “our! and yen!- )ublloo 4 lap noun. unruly steady; I” It. I tern macr- oompriu about one- mu a." third of the mix-u; kind of “he _ 1“th tn an " 81.75 and below Mow; visitor-V loan at "e. to Me; others “only; and at l may Ian-old at noon; bulk venom were Mig to meter. at " o $8; few local I. Gnyxm up to 8916; numeronl locu- to ot KtiU1 ‘teeder buy»: up to 88; top matured Toronto Gleam. $11.00: but long yearling; Bora- tlr, killing quality generally - Mn. Rm inn to good; she stock uneven Mn. C trrotmd Inlay; kosher ms. " 0 the weal $7.50; western urn-am. cows and F. Cooht heifers, " o $8.50 mostly; bull M. m cannon and eutterm $2.50 0 '3; vacation bulls strong to 16c. higher; bulk Mr. D bologna. 83.75 o 84.65; valor: the wee} steady to strong; bulk to, packers Dr. Ch around $11.50; outsiders paylng up spent tMM to $12.50; slackers and leaders sister. ht needy to Me. higher; native kind to thir I show advance; built. 86.76 q " Mr , ate-NX QM n. an Iiiuzag _ lem. 11.200; muting nun; [In "e. W; on." - to tte. this“ Davy "" O “.13: In“. 010 O mu: yorlnl, no.“ 0 am: "an. m; up. 910: Mile. I” . tt; “It. " _Mtv---R.+ 1.060; nuke! " the, in. Milan " q 'u. The school reopened on Tum-y. an“ air-omen, In“ Brown. “In Wulton uni Mun aotorth hnve ro- tunod to mung their dino- “tor spending the holidays It melt re- nnet!" him”. Mr. Fox. ttto - High School windy-l “to arrived to mm. M: chm. Twenty-tour now - cum in no mall“- atittq an... Mingling the total qrW, i A (as day under the auspices ot ‘tho Women'l institute and Freeport Auxiliary will be held on Fair Dar, 'ttere. Inn. tor the trmteftt ot the Sanitarium and Cumin National 'institute for the Blind, The indie- hope the public will manna unnu- - as last your. The with with the tags will nuts I house to home 'eatrrair, 0::th Ito-opal“. Dr. Wilson of Plattsvnle and Miss Sarah Roth of Baden will have charge of the grand baby show at the Agrlcnltural Hall at 3 o'clock on Friday. Sept. 14th. Thls pleu- lng event has grown in popularity and this your iammlsec to be ot grater interest than ever. Miss Clara Craft and Master Teddy Gratt went I few days In Toronto ml: week. Tag Day. Dr. and Mrs. o. H. Boullee and Miss Bernice Boullee of Cleveland. Ohio. Mr. and Mm. B. Baehr ot Erie, Pt., motored here on Thursday on route to Toronto Exhlbltlon. Mitm Henna Boullee accompanied them to Toronto. Mr. David Reihllng was able to be out for the tirsft time on Tuesday after his recent illness. His many friends are glad tn see that be Is rOritttr good programs towards re- "OYery. Miss Grace Wolfe returned home from Kitchener after a week's visit with friends. , Mr. Werner Brodrecht of Spokane, Wash. spent a few days In town renowlng old acquaintances and his many friends were glad to see him. He left on Thumday tor Waterloo to visit friends there before return- lng home. Mr. J. H. Messner moved his house hold enacts to Kitchener last Friday and Mr. Cornell ot Kitchener has taken up his residence In Mr. Mettty- nerh house here. Mr. W. C. McClure of the Stand- ard Bank Matt has been translerred to tyne Durham branch ot the bank and left for that place on Monday; Mrs. E A. Caimcross returned to her home here on Tuesday after a month’s visit with her niece, Miss Mlme Brown. at Shakespeare. Miss Lynne Goat: ot Sebrlngville who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs Simpson Memer, returned to Vet home on Tuesday. . Dr. Chas. Bell and Mrs. Boll‘whu spent several days with the ttrrttter's sister. Mrs. Hut-old Appel, returned to thir home in Merlin on Monday. Mr. J. Baird and Miss Baird ot Miss [Arena Lightheart ot Water. loo spent the week end with her parents. T Mr. Wilfrid House of. Stratford spent the week and with his parents, Mr. and Mm John Hesse. In. Gar-on ot Parry Sound spent the week and It the home of In. F. Cannon. Plattsvllle spent Sunday with friends m town. lumwum'hveummm ”mum-aquam- 'In. - mm a w Walnut-chum te.d1'Gtu;;'7lrl';s';7'lT, ltnllnMulhuMuo-u. Mr. an In. n. W; aePmreetitrtu.tr-qrttt Mr.! Mr.W%.rt-rhnaeqt-dt.), and In. I mm. {Dow-v. N.Y.. - a M an vtsetl Mr. a»... Won. '02 Law-a and n th- in. a It. War. and; I Mr. an In. John on.) new-nu. Mr. an In. J. J. “an. mama“ pun! sunny with Mr. ad In. W. to Detroit on load” and not: aim _ Inner. Convention debuts. 3nd who" who mind our the we“ and at the home otlr.Wm. Mani: were um I: Inhale of Rodney. Hill I. Gunner ot London. like. A. an: ot mum» and Mr. W. 0. Echo] of Mr. Ihrt ster ot Wuterloo spent the week end at his home‘ here. M. Harold Pot-let is spending his vacation at his home here. Sunday In Bt. turn lather” Church In Hanna-I tor the “In mm” ot that convention. 'er..'.'-'-',..-- mu trip to Toronto this week. l. Gunner or London. In. A. Gets In an Oxmrbwstertoo In“. ot Kuhn» and Mr. w. 0. Beta! of nine pllyed " Tuition on Thun- Toronto. .dny the local bush)! tum to“ to Borrt--oa Sept. Ist, to Mr. and the home team by the more of 5 to Mn. Roy E. Luckhart. 0. (humor. p. I". K. n. In“; mum t,'r.rta-tttHt--a'-s ':"TT"re-t-T-rrrT'-Oey"""em_tt. In.“ h m “I around. mmuumm luminawmqm we. l“..mhunu|vbhhn lumhmmr own. mm. in - I we mm: with Human.) ' It.mch.D._lIaIndlr.A-u; win; In... Mun-uh In the mama'- woods t.egt2N'gta t " your nonun- no cloned and your head Itnled boo-use of enigma or a cold, get Mtr's Ore-n Bum at any drug “are. Apply B mm of thU pure. “anemic, germ slutroylu ‘creun Into your no-lrlln Ind lot It penetrate through every Air pu- lse ot your hull and manhunt. [taunt ram. . How good " hall. Your haul Is euar. , lr nostril- ". om. You mm as”. No non MINI-c or mulling. Hand cold. Ind an"! yield “I. nude. mm't nu on!“ up. choked Ind nimblo. Rollo! II can. . the ho: mums. END a'l'hfllllll WITH THIS HEALING CREAM Clogged Air Passages Open at 0nee--Notrtrih, Cleared Mrs. R. Dopp, Miss Minetu Dow and Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Dopp of Toronto spent the week-emi with re- latives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Trundle and children ot Cleveland. Ohio, motored here and spent a law days it this home of Mrs. J. dratt. here Mrs. pm. Nielsen and Mrs. Albert Sitter and children of Detroit Frtrited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lennox. Mr. Henry Schmidt ot the Gravel Road spent a week with friends The pastor of the Bapust church has returned from holidays spent at Chettenham, Durham. Keaton! and Toronto, and preached in the church here on Sunday. He travelled about 600 miles by auto and round no place where crops are better than here. , Mr. Carl Wolfe has returned home after spending his holiday- in Wall- Miss Florence Loehr ot Waterloo spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Jirs. Harry Goebel of Buffalo are spending their vacation with the tormer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goehel. Miss Jean Vance or the Union Bank stat! spent part of her vacation with Miss Martha Kalttf1ehel, here. Mr. and Mrs. Val. Damn and mm- lly of Ayton were guests at the home of Mr. Aron Eidt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geiger of Wallace spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wolfe. Mrs. Henry Reader and son Lloyd of Hamilton and Mrs. C. Schnoller ot Mannheim spent this week and It the home ot Mr. Aaron Elm. Mri. J. W. Mounts! repurned to her home In Welland after a month'- viau with her parents, Mr. and Mn. John I". Schmidt. Mr. Mountai- apent the week end here and re- turned with her. . Mr. and Mrs. Philip Henrieh and children ot Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DenBtead at Slrattord and Mr. Win. Schaemr of Woodstock were Sunday vlutors with Mr. and Mrs Black. F Mr. and Mm. marl Milne um (un- ily of Ham-x, who motored our to visit friends spent the 'week and It Mr. dd In. Henry locker 3M dam!" May mm the bonds: with Mr. and In. N. Nnbh In Hummus. Mr. and In, Henry - and (unam- o! hvluock ”on: Monday In the home of Mr an In. but: Ruthie. ' Mr,andMm.J.3.eartr.mttttpe" to Detroit on loudly and "one an any with Mr. and In. W. K. Count. "h. Shun-o- lgrur h ”than; two week with hot liner. In. W. J. Ward, In Sarah. ot Mr. and Unfami- Mr. Louis C. Roseublan returned. home trtter spending two weelu’ Flt- cation in Detroit with relatives. Mr. August milemang has during the past week repainted hls store. This makes a big improvement to the am), . Menu. Jacob Lorentz. Jno. Bowel, Jr., Matt Schnmmer and Alex. Hart. man lauded the K. C. picnic: at Lexington. Mum. Barney Bowel um Kd- wud Medium were out town vial- tom on Sundny. Miss Helen Lorlmer ot St. Colum- bou resumed duties as teacher tm another” term In Wellesley School Section No. IO. Mr. Ind Mrs. Ed. Naval: moved his household enacts ta St. Clem- ants. Mr. Novak has. inautgarated the M. Mementtr-tqtetrenrsr bus service making two trips each day, Min Rita Lang who has In the past week commenced talcum; at the local genuine School was a Hallow tor a few noun at her' home In Hespeler last Saturday. Miss Agnes Curtain of Dublin has taken the position as teacher in Separate School section No. 5. Mr. Simon Bin-penal- ot the Twm City spent Sunday with friends. Mr. Lincoln Meyer wig a wetness visitor In Kitchener last Saturday. an: m. In. nil In. I may". an on My lot York a no In? ". In. Duh at Detroit want t day in the put west with her brother. Mr. Robert Gunman. Mus Dorothy Schmuck spent Sunday tn Column. g leun. Chm We and Jerome You": tatt (at Kitchener In the put week when they will commence HUI School studies at 31. Jerome’- \oupyu-umimm' ‘mnmmm.w. hone-WMyhrNo-York Milton-lawle- loll-y. “amt-muons» till... tfret'""-'."."'. Messrs. Simon and George Rosa: am.t-rt-rrrt-urr " OLII INTO ' Elt3tjEii5l3RcyrHERs TOURING CAR REE The body is exceptionally trim and graceful. Swung low to the road. with long, straight hood-and-cowl effect and tasteful' appointments, the car reveals new value and sound workmanship in every detail. The engine-which remains essen- tially the same-needs no eulogy. It has proved its power and econ- omy to nearly a million owners. The price In 81360 Co. b. Wnlerloo The comfort and beauty of this new touring car are instantly apparent. Long underslung springs, deeper seats and greater body length have resulted in an unusual degree of riding ease. Quite a number ot Kitchmat:rtttrs were picnlcking at Masai Creek on Sunday. Born-To Mr. and Mrs, Otto K. Meyer .a son. Mr. Jos. Isley and Mr. Wilfred Hanley were visitors in town. " Messrs. Wm. and John Bender ot the Twin£ny visited under the parental root. Messrs. Eugene Reldel and his staff ot "ty are bunny engaged in ‘mlntlug the Blair bridge. Mr. Koesig and son. Mm. Louis Huber and daughter. Irene, Mrs. 1110. Meyer and daughter. Cecilia. all of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. K. forms". Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reide! and family visited the tormer's brother, Mr. Jno. Reldel. but: motored to Teeswater and Rivarsdale on busheu. summing part ot the time in ftshtrttr. A number of friends and relatives or Kitchener spent Sunday wllh Mrs. Theo. Kroetch, I can on“ it (or you on 'tret) an. mark...” In murmu- proporty. Inter“! paid half. ynrv, W295 E. J. IHANTZ Real Estate " Fredorlck at. Kitchener Have You Money To Loan 2i Ertr St. Bohlender's mum and we tutlg4Pearots tt 24 lb. Batrttttttmir .'-.' " Ir gr J-.' 'A_"'tt%errtr-et.arue.r.r,0ha-- umurmr. Yummou My '" - upon; 1 gm coupon. without-yak out or our. Whoa you In. '" wow. you on the Flow. "w 3.0.:st; Vmé‘otm 'iii! Sept. " and Dec. 1 . 1 We. 200 acre farm. rich mind loam and good houu and barn, [and bush of maple. elm and oak. TM. I: a prowoutittt, ' $16,000 . Apply to I. H. Toma. Nun Dundee, for full particular- on then (arms and a hm of other: not listed. Any size prowective buyers m-y require. -- 110 acre- undy loam tor ...r.m.r good buildings .w. ”0’0““ 150 acres. good buildings, " acres bush ..m.... $9,000 166 an": near Hannah": with good banding: , and IS acres bunk S15,500 100 acres extra good farm land with good barn and hon“: 2 cement snot. WIN all quick far ..t_rr._._r.._ any EM 121 urn. ttood bulldlngo, 1 an” house; plenty of mm, good water; very nicely that“ on the River Nith, 2 rune. from PI-tuvllle. farm and crop Included S10,000 100 are: good sandy loam. good building» 3 mm hardwood huh $8,000 l, H. Toman Auctioneer, and Real Estate with _.... $7,500 $5,500 FM jar:

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