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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Aug 1923, p. 1

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slats-r in .mx'cx Rock, Mr. Roy Brenner or Linwood spent a tow hours w'tit his grandfather, Mr. Peter Dre-mum Misses Tillie. Irone and Barbara Busch of Kitchonvr spent the hall- 'Ho' wit ' t'mir pun-ms. Miss I.oretto Welter of Waterloo spent S M C.' with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weber. Mrs. bro Weber returned home After would mg a tew days. with her Mr. Joseph Schumann was l hlminoss visitor in Hamilton last Friday. He will resunw his position as salesman tor Giuous Wholesale tr.rc r? .'m alter spnnd’ng hm weeks tumult!“ wlth his parents. Miss (Yu-ilia Pormm of 7.111141: itt' scemliug a few days wth Mr. and Mrs John B. leyer and other rela- Messrs. Htwnnl McGrath and Barney Booze! spént Sunday undor tho nurvntal root In Dublin. Men‘s [Ju'briggan Shirts or Draw- ' r: mod quality and perfect mung. sizes 32 to, 43. Saturday. BALDR'GGAN UNDERWEAR knee. cletla Aft the choice" wash material. suitable for little - sum. novelty stripes, Chambrays and ottter lab- ries ln mlddy. Balkan and Oliver Twist styles. Sizes 3 to 8. BOYS' STRAW HATS 49c. Straws in black. green and brown and combination color: Ml the any on’- but shapes now in one group at this low price. BOYS' STOCKINGS 50c. Hon 1- I "that. from the when "ttet-trt Ryan's [not Mm an. a can ha been - uric. .rllt Mon you: ambition- Suits that In made from an. weavn that will give oxunlonnl wear and ullohd In a cumrlor runner, nyli'h Norfolk model. In gray and brown mixtures. at». 8 to " yum, each gull with two pair b:oomers nuuru longer “who. BOYS’ WASH SUITS 25% OFF FORMER PRICES The price I. of In." 1W without a full annotation of ttte quality " the mm ttte Mr " the tailoring Ind the anal-(nus 04 the styl‘ " will any you to buy new. In “out and Mum would. for m and In tho Ian. Then an "In" that m an um “Omani Mary" In - -et--men and young men who alto... awfully mm as. the mid-d than.“ in pur- :huhu for later no“. am if a um in not nauind just at thiq $7.95; $16.86; $12.95 MEN'S SUITS BOVI' EXTRA ILOOMER. ‘MEN'S SHOES pl; ribbed ltockings. double heel and toe, the: up to 10, quality. . COTTON HOSE So, new mum VrkiGGG; GGToiir'""'"""' Annual Clearance ST. CLEMENTS $17.80, $22.50, $33.75 - , Misses’ Patent Leathcr Odom. "'rorv,t, and Grey douoielwah white kid trimming, wMt-stt.es I,» 'r,:eptional value on,"es " and 13. ttpeMat $2 0: I .0.) 59c One (had Ttoo Trouser Suit: 19e dlr,'tta"dtg,t,,- er menu): ' Pl :iDfpmiht (ir)! wheat "r-is,, c/'ulde'. mother. Mrs. B. Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. .hu'oh Kuntz and Mr. and Mrs, George Volt mounted to Mlldmny last Sunday, Mrs. Anthony Weber of Formula swim a short time pith Mrs. D. DUNN. Kiln-sang. Lon Stumpf and Ed. gynllmr of Waterloo spent the trust week with trivnds huru. Thvy t'X- 1mm to Lune shortly fur the Can- adian West. Mr. Louis Hrvnnpr of Kitc1teuer went a few days in our burg. Miss Catherine Yeiroshi spout Ur" holiday with hor mother. . " Alvx ttronaer from um Twin- City spout Inst Manda; with his Mr. John Hlnslu-rger or Bamberg paid a short visit an relatives on Sunday. ME. and Mrs, [.00 Eshaug‘u ot Hanover. :alwn' bun-Lu wi I: [Mauls uni I'vialivns here, . Quite u numhur [mm hm auvnd- ml Um Elmira Old "oys' Its-union last Monday. Miss Lavina Ila-Inn spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Diel- rich Master t"taromt, Guise] sistPr Ruth urn spending a with their uncle and aunt, Mrs. Paul] Cressman. Chiidren's Brown Call Play Bart. dalr. with stitched down soles, sine. Sto 7. Special 'm"...... 01 se Misses' Elk one strap Pumps, Goodyear welt sole. Sizes tt to toy'a. Special . , $1.75 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S IFOOT. . WEAR. Children’s Patent Léather one strap pump. with stitched down sales. 31:" tt to 13 special $1.95 Brown or Black Call Oxnard. or high shoes, welt DOIGI. A urea-y ur- viccable the. for boys. Extra valu- Saturday. Sizes 1 to 5!/a. s 2.95 Dark Irown and Black Call val! sole. A variety at man style. In both hitth and low Uh“! at tul- upocial price. 'BOVS’ SHOES AND OXFORDS $2.95 I. 1.00 Slump? and Ed. at Waterloo spam the past th Iricvmls hito. They "x- lame shortly fur the Can- m-e Gattsehtute spending a WW AND oxroremi .. Mr. and days and nmxmnmn-huu. (Minimums-nun...“ -teatterm. ”than“ “use by Join a mum. mu- ,amumou any. - a... qmoo. n: It. m. a K. The [M0 " “My Saturday VII tho ope-II. dar, tho nut-noo- but); lurked " I We to the mama. m wile. no While lien-m for the evont‘, alone In charge war. not mum of the lad. who Ind laid down that lives In the gnu WIT. To them on Sand-y was Mic-ml n lam-am nonunion! to commemorate than who and and an during “I. 'll’. the "on: “the when in Honor!“ Park. The unsung 1n. mum‘ with [mun ceremony. I But events and major attractions featured the' days of the Reunlon. the ttttrttettottt, bell; ot unulml ex- whence. The the band. otuttets ener, Waterloo and Elmln provided tstirring mule, while anon; the] features were the horse "can and‘ such Me attrtetiotm u the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Oeylor 'di'; Garlor of Detroit, In bud end held balancing. and the {amou- Doric quertetle of Toronto. The Hide-JI- Elmlrl 12rhthtttoet we: Alec at (inverter excellence end highly ered- itahte ta the exllbltm. The main thoroughfare was a riot or color, flags, hunting and ever- green. gracing the building; and residences whlle a handsome arch hearing in large letters, words of woleome marked the entnnce to tho town and made one ice) immediately at home. The decoration were un- usually handsome and the emails outdld themselves In making ""t {homes attractive. The town wad} truly in gal; attire. I .rtmilP.q to the countenance and help- ul to brighten the hours spent in tho old home town. Nothing was ten undone that would contribute to the comfort‘and wellbelng of the pttr'sts who sincerely appreciated the whole-soul-d hospitality extend- "d. t The warmth ofthe ,ttoatrittultr ex- ‘tended retyoeted the character ot Its “yearn who threw open the?! doors ‘wide to the visitors anirrmutr I f‘mil:.' (We): was again complete and the Events ot earner years as they were recounted brought - Former Elmira Boy Who HII At- tained Prominence In Public Lin. Having BeGn Recently Ended to the Provincial Home Right royally did Ills-inn. the enterprising and progressive tom, to the north of anrloo, onions!- " thou-undo of - dull; the tire days a! the nu! Reunion ttd meow no" no one am- de that thriving oenlre which conduct“ on Wednesday. " In ”my. a. not: auspicious oven: in it Huang“ only markingtho gathering 1.0300" in the old home town of in m rand daughter: but of the incorpor- iati-on ot the municipality on a town. {the Joy ot good fellowship to: ‘everywhere in evidence which. M‘oupled with rare aluminium. combined to make the Renown one ot special delight 1nd plasma to the old boys and girls, may of whom travelled hundred. of miles to be present. The occasion is now but a memory bat we venture to my a very happy one. if?! The Big Reunion The Most Ann-piano. mm In In mt-atm- (Re-Vidal} The on Town While maavmm Amanda ThePestivitiee--Addr- By Mayor Stumpf, W. D. Euler Mt, W. G. Wekhel KER, Dr. AS. Voat ind Others-Elmira in Gala Attire For The Omaha-Pruitt Ferguson Visits Town W. G. WEICHEL, M.P.P. MUNICIPAUTY IS FORMALLY INCORPORATED AS A TOWN Mayor stumpt again extended lheartieet greetings to the old boys and girls and noted the tact that "prosperity is the reward ot Indus- try." Now, he raid, they hed arrived at the stage where they could cele- brate the change from a village to e town. He pointed out that the the present thriving town at Elmira wee not the reeult ot a boom but ot steady and nub-tanner growth, due to the industry ot in clams. The uses-merit. he we: plead to "r/ we: now over $1,000,000 as cornered with $300,000 eighteen teen Mo. He referred with pride to the but that Elmira bed it. own weter works end electric lighting enteln. and held tribute to the men who bed been In. etrurnental in menu; them e. euc- ceeg He noted met the water work- had never “Red for I dollar Ind now were in the heavy position of having A credit ot 810.000 on their boob. The blunt Commleelon else had a eurpIue at from $1600 to "Will to its credit. He also referred to the line paved roads In coma-red with those ot name yearn m. the run ot ”2.000 hull; been spent on them. Ot thle "utmtt 830.000 and been received from the en- edtee Government. the teen .- euned to per cent end thrhelenee ,wee being new on e from” been. '7*. debenture debt we- only $8R,- ‘000. In the hem be!" other covered by ttoatt-urr teen to II- deetrtee. In cow-ete- he and e anti-nee. or the - ce-eper- l It». whieh we. In evidence at the i Rennie- " thi. would - the teeth-ed pro-verity at the to". W. D. latter. me. In. “If - that m I. wee let e mm of have. b vie Oil'- h an M «be. or can. an. lie with“ the It huh. Ce - et the any. Addresses of a compllmentnry and congratulatory nature yore given following several 'reltMtiotts by the Elmira Band. The crowds then proceeded to the Exhibition building. headed by the band, when the Made-Irs-Elmira Ex- hibition Inn Kormany opened. P. A. Reyes. President ot the Bond ot, Trade. acting as chairman. . I “has Maroc P. P. stump! of Elmira topped forth and delivered a nu.. " speech of welcome in the course t which he stand that Elmira w“ mud cl her sons, many ot whom had gone forth and ochieved (amt ad hcnors throughout Cumin um Jilted States. Those. howov‘cr. who Id remained at home had also their )art to, perform and tho evidences t prosperity Indicated that ' abuts had been attended with a ibernl measure at success. He hought it the beat town in Cam-do 'ttd Elmira was ready to give a very earty'welicome to an the old tsorts; and girls who had returned home 'cl participate in the great event. girls when the tom-I ot the old .- am: In be! In - evening up woven o'clock wu the signal to! tht formal opening of the Reunion. which was the second to be held In meaty yearn. Arthur Street "I wronged with visitors and email! Emira'u Fiist Mayor Foltowing It: incorporation a. a Town. . was vim-nod . novel inning Ill. have" but“: and limit. lucr- mediate thcmhmucol h ("or at Etmira. l, The days ot long an were ml) The Ru] 090nm. Mayor Stump! P. F. STUMPF Old Woolwich Boy and North Wat. erloo'l Peder“ Retrrorrrttative, Who "aretetpattttd in tho Raunlon Fonlvmu. the IOIUIII‘ icing M to a. old boy. and girls; mi third. tho Exhibition. which was I pnctical newton-mum: of the importance ot innit. industrially. The event wu I combination or the practical and ”lament-l. There was something more in life than the making at dolinu. Sentiment formed the, sound-Mon ot the home, the com- munity and nation. " was therefor. mm; “C proper to combing than things in n calebniion such " Was new; hold. I Mr. Euler paid tributa to the un- annuy complete and tr:eemified ex- hibit tit the Madedn-mmh‘n Bxttile ltlon. an ot winch were ot high ex- txrttettrce. in fact he was amused u the Shawna He was of the opinion that not another town ot its lite teuuu about the tmhrbration, with Mr. m. m then In the tn- up. the new tug-My which it in. man-u and Mayor Stump! on an - which was In. at but“ the In: liner. (l0iltllllilh1'fi0 air. IRON, hi GAUGE A complete stock of Sheets in S', 8 and 10 ft, length. Mere in a RARE BARGAIN. Look u this Gauge Coirited Iron, Price $7.00 par Sq., " our store. ' . . O M. Welchel & Son, Limited " MAedwaee M WAN an. Buy GOLD MEDAL GILT-EDGE Twine (Continued on P3583.) W. D. EULER, M. P. and "SAVE MONEY" Our Twine is of the highest quality. Every Ball guaranteed to be full length of 650 feet to the pound. K BINDER TWINE told Medal-uit. Edge 650 “t. to the pound I . All These Drone: _ Following the playing ot "O Can-laud tribute to m. noble in" ada" Chairmnn' A. Winger ot the they had plum! In the m: Memorial Commitwe. Adam-Bed the met, gathering. Mr. Winger Expressed Mayor Stump! who spoke his regrets that the statue had not but ot tho mmtteipaitty thw arrived in time. the appropriations fitting that the lurk in whi for the purpose not having been monument hid been "GEM made early enough to secure the be known " Memorial PM statue trom "My in time tor the "ated that it was the intern occasion. It had, however, been keep it beautiful with tttrms thought advisable: In View of the nhrubbery " tt coma-z trtt presence ot so may old boy. had ttVH, to proceed _with the-unveiling (“named on Pun l.) The War Memorial commemorat- ing the young men of Elmira 1nd Woolwich township who {elf In the Oren World Wu wan unveiled with impressive cannon)! on Sunday " tcrnoon, in Memorial Perk. Elmlra. ivring the Reunion. Several mou-~ ml prople witnused the the are? my 'tt which Brind'ler General Km"; at London ottielated. The mm mira and the Waterloo Boys' that); urnlshed the mule. I About titty veteran: mad I worn or Boy Beottta " well " u':')',') "mu-2d old boys and visiting Odd- lelluws took [an in the made to Aicuosiai Park. which Wu headed by the two bands. Erected to Commemorate Brave Young Lab of Elmira and Woolwich Township who fell in the Great War - An Impressive Ceremony. WAR MEMORIAL Ins. _ UNVEILED ON SUNDAY " an End atHuirst&r8te-attb_ ,-'_r:.jae's, It. " b I M 312’, 'N1hsoarieuaoh-,atormrtrtsr., :'i:.i:C"',""i','r u- that an: Price he candy-name Du.- (."'C, F, sue-31.14 yeast-white “and“ Val- "'e's1i':, n- I) to "" In 31.5.. _ tsr? / di o' " d _", Cou es Liinite _ _ ACth.rr-'ooa-etu:si.m-i" umm- , A. Winger, Chairman IrtrareMit'y EUR" SHARING STORE M RO0FS 0llt SIDINGS Mayor Stump! who spoke " bo. ttatt ot the mnnlclpullty though! It than; that the purl in which tho monument had been cream Ihould be known as Memorial Put. He stated that it was the intention to keep it mum“: with tto-tra Ind shrubbery as a coastal! "but. to sumac-ed their the. tn tile m an and mum. to the noble Part which they had played In the mat con- ma. cum» nun. 6mm Consul Km Ipoko very many on new! ot the poor condition cl hits voice. Ho toot my”: to con- ptimmst the community a: ti. on- durlu way In which they‘ll-d lo- memory of tho have ad hm young men of the town ot [Iain tttrd the forming of Woolwlch who gave up their [Ives in the - Int. After the chm-man'- “an. tttq monument Wu otltteHltr unwound ll or the lamina". It In: amo lull; that they should not be (emu-l at (M. time at the have lad- vho Ind Md down their, 1m. to: than tr? if; , "KL

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