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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Feb 1923, p. 7

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_ by careful washing with PETER G. WEBER One of the earliest pioneers of the young district passed away Jan. 17, in Peter G. Weber, aged 77 years. Me was born near Kitchener. In Jan. 1909 he moved from Chepstéwe with his family to Young, Sask., where he gettied on a homestead three miles wast of the village. In 1918 he sold out and moved to Allan where hbe purchased a larger farm operating it unil two years ago when he disâ€" posed of his farm and stock and reâ€" tired. He lived with his sons one mile south of Young, Sask., until his @eath. He leaves to mourn his loss, un . aged. widow, (nee Catharine Pile#f) and a grown up family ofâ€" two sons, Frank and Oliver, and four step sous, George, Charlie and Joseph at Young, Sask. He. also ghurch and cemetery and was largeâ€" ‘ly attended. Friends in Kitchener have receivâ€" ed word of the death in Cleveland, of Mrs. Mark Jomini, formerly a resident of Kitchener. Deceased had lived here for a number of years, movâ€" ing to Cleveland a few years ago. Surviving her are one daughter and one son, Mrs. Chism of Cleveland, with whom the deceased lived and Alfred Jomini of Plainfield, N. J. The husband, who was janitor at Suddaby school for a number of years predeceased his wife about seven years ago. The funeral was beld on Sunday afternoon from Schreiter‘s undertaking parlors at 2.30 o‘clock to Mount Hope cemetery. ARLEY TERRY The sad intelligence was recelved on Sunday by Mr. Al. A. Mcintyre of the death of his cousin, Arley Terry, which had occurred at Clarkson Om the morning of January, 28. The young man had been ili only a few days, having come to ‘Toronto on Tuesday last with a slight cold, but otherwise in apparently good health. On his return to his home later ib the week pneumonia set in and death resulted soon after. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mre. C. Terry, who are well known in the northern part of this county, where much sympathy is felt for them in their sad bereavement. The funeral was held on Tuesday from Clarkson to Park Lawn Cemetery, Teronto, for interment. leaves a sister, Margaret at San Francisco, Cal. ‘The funeral was held Wriday morning, Jan. 1# at R. C. MRS. VERONICA CASSEL An aged resident, Mrs. Veronica Cassel,. relict of Jesse Cassel, passâ€" ed away. at 60 North Cameron St., Kitchener, on Monday evening. Deâ€" ceased who was born in Strassburs was 80 years of age and came to Kitchener 18 years ago. She is survived by three sisters and three brotbhers, Christian Biehn of Listoâ€" wel, Aaron S. and Abraham Biechn of Guermey, Sask. Mre. George Hisâ€" tand and Mrs. Josiah Weber of Kitchener and Mrs. Aaron Shants of Haysville. Mre. Cassel was a member of the East End Mennonite ¢hurch. p monia, Otto Oscar Qit, aged 32 years :::memm passed away at his home 120 Raward e i Street, Kitchaner, late Monday even | ummm)nh"l- f MRS8, JOHN THAL . ; wich on April 3,1890, came| ‘The death occurred at the family to Kitchener abodt 17 years ago. He | residence on Sunday morning of uu-uu,guumnu:munmmm, parents gud three brothers, Emmanâ€") gtaerk,. The deceased was a native nel of/Toronto, John or Detroit and|of Germany but,came to this counâ€" Alfred ot this city. The funeral . was\try when still a small child and has held on Thursday sfternoon at tWo\resided in Kitchener. sincé that O‘clock .from. the house to Mount|time. 4 f | Hope .cometery, She was a member of St. Peter‘s watch well for chafing and irritations of the skin. â€" Many skin troubles will be avoided _. _ _ELIZNBETHN OTreRsEin â€" |her death will be heard with deep â€" Wiizabeth â€" Otterben, an old and|"©BY¢ respected resident of Hay Tp. then| Bésides the sorrowing husband owumamuflm’â€"cui_-m.wm tew ~at Heénsall, died in her|YOAte, Mrs. Heary Lanz. of Toronto, mm,mm...wmmuu C. Â¥. Rietkootter to Zurich on Monday taterwont be. #f this city, Mrs. A. Baldwin . of Ing made_in the. Mennonite cemeâ€"| Toronto and one brother, Mr. Chas. tery. .. One son, Hzrs, of Dashwood)LAD# 0f Waterloo. The funeral was and Merino of Alberts survive. held Thursday at 2 o‘clock p. m. If Baby is Fatâ€" MRS. MARK JOMINI OTTO OsCAR oTT ow mesis an q2 MRS. DAN STECKLE Kitchemer. In JADâ€"| raying Detweller, relict Of the Jate m ChepstGwe With| ranie) Stecile, passed away at the ¢, Sask. where B8\ nome of her som, John Steckle, Stanâ€" stead three Mil®®|joy rownship on Saturday, January e. In 1918 he s0l4|iqin in her $4th year. She was . Allan where B°] porn in Waterloo County and Was r farm Op@rAtiNE| marrieq to her busband on Decâ€" ago when he 419|\ ompner 16th, 1861 after which they and stock AM4.T9"| moved to Stanley and lived there ith his @0B% O00| since, _ Her husband predeceased g, Saak., until BM#\ nor in 1900. _ Nine children were o mourn his 108%| porn to this happy union, seven. of (nee CatharID®] whom survive. They are as follOWws: : up family Of #W0\ Mary, Mrs. A. Rittenhouse, Zurich. Oliver, and 109| gusanna, Mrs. (Martin !Bowmnan, ge, Charlie @00| waterioo; Lavina, Mres Hy. Bowâ€" _SBask. He @990 /man, Himira; Hannah, Mrs. Ehnes Margaret at S8D)ingorch, Himira; Henry, John and denth beipg | clty 44 years ago The Jlate Mr. Btugrt is survived by his wife (nee Cecelia Seitz) of this city, who is at present seriâ€" ously i11 in the General Hospital, Mrs. J. Sauerberg of Forest Park, IIL., and two sisters Mrs. E. F. Waters of Brantford and Mrs. A.â€"Allemang of this city also survive. Much symâ€" pathy is felt for the bereaved family. CHESTER E. STUART Chester E. Stuart of Kitchener died in the General Hospital, Torâ€" onto, early on Thursday morning last. ‘The deceased was a native of Rockâ€" land, Ont., and to Kitchener in 1913, where her resided since. great _ grandchildren â€" survive to mourn the loss of a kind and lovâ€" ing mother, grandmother and groat grandmother. ‘The funoral was held Jeramiah Dauman, Annaniss Mertin and Rndy Shants. The relatives and trienda from a distance who attendâ€" ed the funoral wére:â€"Mr, and Mrs. um-.“; Mr. and Mrs, R. Gingeâ€" vich, of ira; : Miss Lona Detâ€" + WM. SATTLER The death occurred at the family residence in Kitchener, on the afternoon of Tuesday Jan, 30th, of William Sattler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sattler of Hespeler, The deâ€" ceased : was born at Greenfield on Eeptember 24th, 1892 Mr. Sattler was employed at the Canadian Conâ€" solidated Rubber Co., where he was well known and highly respected. In he was married to Miss Louise Domâ€" broski of this city, who, with one daughter are left to mourn his lose. His parents at Hespeler, one ‘h-‘ ter, Miss Grace, and two brothers, Arthur of this city and Jack of Hel-] peler also survive. The deceased wu\ a member of First English Lutheran Church, and will be greatly missed by a large cirele of friends. ‘The funeral was held on Thursday afterâ€" moon at 3.15 o‘clock and interment was made at Mount Hope cemetery.| Mennic }Steckle of Staniey Townâ€" ship. Also 41 grandchldren and two on Saturday, January 13th to the Amish church and cemetery, on the Bronson Line for service and intor» ment. An jmpressive service was of St. Jacobs being assisted by Rov. the departed, as follows: Ivan Steok= is, Dan Steckls, Menno Martin, German language. ‘The pail bearers The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon with services at the resiâ€" dence at 2 o‘clock, St., Poter‘s cnurch at 230 o‘clock and interâ€" ment was made in the Lutheran cemetery. * s She is survived by her husband, two sons and two daughters, Oscar Thal, assistant superintendent of the light commission, Herman, Ida and Aima, all of the city. She is also survived by a step brother and two siep sisters, Frank, Lydia and Minnie all residing in the old counâ€" Bhe was a member of St. Peter‘s Lutheran church and of many of. the ‘church organizations and the news of her death will be heard: i(th_dmnnotbyuhmclrch of friends in this city. services, und from thence to Bt. Peâ€" ter‘s: Lutheran cemetery for interâ€" ber of Bt. Peter‘s man, Jeremiah Bowman, Mr. Harvey ® Bowman, Miss Eileen and m' Bowman, Miés Abie Detweiler, Mrs. in hes Residence, Phone 171 DOMINION LIFE m â€"Assurance Company â€" || Waterloo Insurance in force.:................$59,607,578 Increase $6,431.748 Totalâ€"Income.... ................ ... 23867693 Increase ° 314,991 Payments to Poli¢cyholders ... ‘.. .. 617,133 Increase §$4.9934 Policyholders Surplus......... ... 793,777 Increase 106.850 Total Reserves......".......‘ ....... 6,979,305 Increase â€" 1,024.527 The funds of the Company are invested in gilt edged Securities and the average rate of Interest earned during the year was 7.07%, an exceedingly satisfactory figure. These Securities are taken into the Assets at book value only, though their actual market value is more than $75,000 greater. : New Business....... Insurance in Force ... Income.......... ... .: FIECHERâ€"WALLNER ~ Miss Frances Wallner of Kitchâ€" ener and Valentine Fischer of Carisâ€" ‘ruhe, were quiotly married at St. lnrr. church, Rev. A. L. Zinger, C.R.. performed the ceremony. ~SUBSTANTIAL GAINS Growth in Five Home Office Representative Made in 1922 by The 1. ROOS B&r. IV.â€"Martha Strebel 887, E+ vin @cehmidt $16, Idella Schmidt 7938, Ada Wismer 780, Alico Wismer T18, «Daniel _ Schmidt 664, Lillian Withelm 606. For the Month of January <:~...~....â€" $ 4974.170 _ $13,804,742 g.clc.c..... _ 22271,831 59,607,578 c.....>.>>~>~__â€"_ 1,000,071 2,987,693 OF 8. 8. 18 WILMOT Office, 40% King East, Phone 445 __â€" Kitchener 1917 Kitchener‘s Fire Chief last week fesued an emphatic warning to users of soft coml in the city to take evâ€" ery precaution to keep their pipes and chimneys clean as fires are very often occasioned from accumuâ€" lated soot in the chimneys and owâ€" ing to the high winds.of February and March even & sinall fire might be the cause of a serious blaze. ATTENDED MEETiNG i8s8UEs WARrNiNG Wilson ot gor‘ Doherty, Premier Drury, Professor J. H. Faull, and Sir Réamund Ons ler. A Child‘s Need # and its ready acceptance o 1 Scott‘s Emulsion There is something mmh.mmu: Jeotion of fats on its plate £4 2P

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